The Economics of Commodity Trading Firms
The Economics of Commodity Trading Firms
The Economics of Commodity Trading Firms
Professor of Finance
Bauer College of Business
University of Houston
This section examines risk management systems and processes in one company to develop
a more granular picture.
Risk management at Trafigura is highly centralized. A Chief Risk Officer has overall
responsibility. A Risk Committee and a Derivatives Trading Committee assess risk
concentrations and set limits.
Trading desks operate within centrally determined parameters. Outright market price Asset heavy firms are
risks are almost always hedged via futures or swaps. Basis risks are managed in financial
markets. Hedges are executed through an internal broker and overall risk is consolidated usually less highly
at Group level. leveraged
Trafigura has invested $550 million over the last three years in risk management and
measurement systems.
• The company’s Value-at-Risk (VaR) model combines 5,000 risk factors to assess net
exposure. It uses Monte-Carlo simulations to predict P&L outcomes in multiple
scenarios. Its VaR target is 95% confidence that its maximum one-day loss is less
than 1% of Group equity.
• Trafigura augments its VaR data with stress tests and analysis that estimate P&L
outcomes in extreme scenarios.
• Trafigura’s enhanced VaR analysis addresses many, but not all, of VaR’s deficiencies.
The company therefore supplements this analysis with qualitative assessment.
Trafigura has experienced a low rate of credit losses in its history. A formal process
assigns a credit limit for each counterparty. It typically bears less than 20% of trading
counterparty credit risk and transfers the remainder to financial institutions.
The company manages liquidity risk by diversifying types of funding and providers of funding.
Trafigura manages freight risk using Forward Freight Agreements and fuel swaps.
The company and its subsidiary Galena Asset Management also engage in speculative
paper trading. This takes advantage of Trafigura’s industry knowledge. Traders deal
in calendar and intra-market spreads; they have very little exposure to flat price risk.
Trading firms have always been at the forefront of the management of commodity price risk.
This fact was recognized by one of the first great scholars of futures markets, Holbrook
Working. Working noted that open interest in futures markets (the number of outstanding
contracts) varied with the amount of a crop that was in the hands of merchandisers. Open
interest was bigger for commodities like wheat that was largely marketed, rather than held
by farmers to feed livestock, than it was for corn, which was held by farmers as a feed grain
in far larger proportion. Similarly, Working noted that the seasonal patterns in open interest
matched crop marketing patterns, with open interest reaching its maximum some time after
the harvest, and hence after farmers had sold the crop to merchandisers. From these facts,
Working concluded that commodity merchants who transformed wheat, corn, and cotton
in space and time were the primary users of futures contracts, and that they used these
contracts to hedge their risk.
Commodity trading firms remain major users of futures contracts, and other derivatives
contracts, as a centerpiece of their risk management programs. Viewing logistics, storage,
and other transformations as their core businesses, they do not have a comparative
advantage in bearing flat price risks. As a result, they hedge most price risks using exchange
traded (“listed”) or over-the-counter derivatives.
Although as a general rule commodity trading firms are hedgers, firms have different risk Trafigura’s risk
management policies, pursue different risk management strategies, and have different management is
risk management procedures in place. Moreover, although commodity price risk is arguably
the largest risk for most trading firms, other risks, notably credit and operational risks, representative
are also material and involve their own company-specific policies, procedures, and strategies. of the industry
Therefore, it is impractical to characterize in detail risk management by commodity traders
generally, and I focus on Trafigura as a representative example of how commodity traders
manage risk. A review of the disclosures of some publicly traded commodity trading firms
suggests that Trafigura’s approach to risk management is broadly representative of major
commodity firms generally.
Trafigura also has a Derivatives Trading Committee that is responsible for implementing the
company’s risk management policies. It evaluates risk limits and concentrations, and monitors
markets to identify emerging risks and opportunities.
This process is highly dependent on the collection, analysis, and distribution of information Quantitative data
regarding risks. Some of this information is “hard” data on positions in both physical is critical
commodities and derivatives contracts. Other “hard” information includes data on current
and historical prices of the commodities that Trafigura trades, and models to analyze this
data: I discuss risk measurement and risk modeling in more detail below. Using these data and
analytics, the firm produces quantitative measures of overall risk exposure, and the risks of
individual trading books. The company establishes limits on these quantitative risk measures,
both on a firm-wide basis and for each individual trading team. A team is notified when its
measured risk approaches its assigned limit.
Given the number of commodities that Trafigura trades, and the large number of prices
(e.g., spot prices of various varieties of oil at various locations, futures prices for different
maturities) collecting, storing, distributing, and analyzing this hard information is an
extremely computationally and information technology intensive process. Largely as a result
of the computational demands of the risk management process, Trafigura has spent $550
million on information technology hardware and software in the past three years. This is
an overhead expense, and from the perspective of the industry overall, expenditures on risk
management information technology creates a scale and scope economy that tends to favor
consolidation of the industry into a smaller group of large firms, and which makes it more
difficult for smaller and more specialized firms to compete. The increasing data and analytical
intensity of trading and risk measurement modeling is tending to increase the degree of these
scale and scope economies.
Other information is “softer”, more qualitative information about market conditions and market Qualitative
dynamics. Trading desks constantly active in the market obtain this information, and provide it information is
to the CRO, the Risk Committee and the Derivatives Trading Committee. The CRO, the Risk
Committee, the Derivatives Trading Committee and the Trading Desks collaborate to integrate, also important
interpret, and analyze this information. They then utilize this analysis to assess and manage risks.
At present, however, Trafigura (and other larger traders) do not utilize this TPA mechanism,
as it is operationally and administratively cumbersome. Instead, although the bank lending
against a physical position has a security interest against that inventory, and adjusts the
financing on a weekly basis (or perhaps more frequently under volatile conditions), it has
no interest in, or even view of, the futures or swap position used to hedge. Instead, Trafigura
and other traders operating in this way endeavor to hedge all the risk via futures or swaps,
self-finance the initial margins (mainly out of corporate lines), and also finance any
mismatches in variation margin payments: mismatches arise because futures (and some
swaps) are marked to market daily, which results in daily variation margin payments, but
as just noted normally the bank lending against inventory only marks its value to market
on a weekly basis.
In addition to hedging inventories, Trafigura also routinely hedges future physical Future physical
transactions. For instance, it may enter into an agreement to purchase crude from West transactions are
Africa for delivery in two months at the Brent price plus/minus a differential, and enter into
another contract to sell that cargo to a US refiner at the West Texas Intermediate price plus/ routinely hedged
minus a differential. This set of transactions exposes the company to fluctuations in the
Brent-WTI differential, which it can, and routinely does, hedge by buying Brent futures and
selling WTI futures.
This type of transaction receives different accounting treatment than a hedge of a physical
inventory. Whereas the derivatives position associated with the physical inventory
is accounted for as a hedge, the derivatives used to hedge the forward floating price
transactions are put in the trading book. These positions can represent a substantial fraction Hedges are executed
of Trafigura’s total net notional derivatives positions. For instance, as of September 30, 2011, centrally through an
the notional value of derivatives held for trading purposes represented approximately 45%
of the total notional amount of Trafigura’s derivatives.1 Although as discussed later some internal broker
of the derivatives held for trading purposes are fairly characterized as speculative (though
mainly involving speculation on price differentials rather than flat prices), most are entered
for the purpose of managing price risks.
The hedging process is rather mechanical and centralized. When the price on a physical trade
(e.g., the purchase of a physical oil cargo) is fixed, the Deals Desk initiates a hedge. The hedge
is executed through a broker by the central execution desk of Trafigura Derivatives Limited (TDL):
all hedges are also centrally booked through TDL, which acts as an internal broker for the group.
There is thus a separation of the execution of physical trades from the management of the
market price risk associated with those trades, and the risk management function is centralized.
Trafigura primarily utilizes futures and swaps to manage its risks. For instance, it typically hedges Trafigura mainly uses
the purchase of a cargo of crude oil by selling oil futures or an oil swap. Options can be used to futures and swaps to
manage risk as well, but Trafigura does not use them extensively in its hedging program.2
manage risk
Due to differences between the characteristics of the commodity being hedged, and the
hedging instruments, no hedge is perfect, and Trafigura bears some residual risk. For instance,
hedging a cargo of Nigerian crude with Brent crude futures or WTI crude futures involves
a mismatch in quality, location, and timing. Since these factors influence price, mismatches
cause the prices of the hedge instrument and the commodity being hedged not to move
in lockstep. Trafigura is at risk to changes in the difference between the price of the hedged
commodity and the hedge instrument. This difference—the basis—is variable, due to this
differential movement in prices arising from the mismatches. Thus, a hedger like Trafigura
is exposed to basis risk, and hedging involves the substitution of basis risk for flat price risk.
Since the prices of hedging instruments and the commodities hedged are correlated, however,
basis risk is typically substantially less than flat price risk.
The amount of basis risk differs by commodity. For instance, whereas copper cathodes stored
in an LME warehouse can be hedged quite effectively using LME copper futures, copper
concentrates can be hedged less effectively. The copper content in the concentrate can be
hedged, because many contracts for the sale of concentrates specify that one component
of the price will be based on copper content and the LME price: the LME price risk can be
hedged. But the other components of the price, notably treatment and refining charges,
cannot be hedged, and are a source of basis risk.
Basis risk can also vary over time. For instance, the basis tends to be more volatile when
inventories are low. Changes in the severity of constraints can also affect the variability
of the basis. For instance, the basis tends to be more variable when transportation capacity
is tightly constrained than when it is not. As an extreme example, the basis between WTI
at Cushing, Oklahoma and the prices of crude oil at the Gulf of Mexico exhibited relatively
little variability when the main flow of oil was from the Gulf to the Midcontinent and there
was abundant pipeline transport capacity. When oil went into surplus at Cushing, and there
was no pipeline capacity to ship it to the Gulf, the basis became more variable.
Trafigura manages basis risk using its knowledge of the relationships between prices of related It uses its market
but different commodities. Moreover, just as Holbrook Working described in his writing on knowledge
hedging by commodity traders in the 1950s, the traders use their marketplace knowledge
to try to predict future basis movements, and place their hedges to earn a profit from a to manage basis
favorable movements in the basis. Thus, to the extent that Trafigura speculates, most of its relationships
speculation is on basis relationships.
The underlying physical transactions and the hedges associated therewith are included in the
company’s centralized risk measurement system (described below). The basis risk on a trading
book’s position contributes to the overall risk of the firm. Moreover, the risk measurement
system calculates the risk associated with a trading desk’s positions, and the trading desk is
subject to risk limits: its measured risk cannot exceed the assigned limit. Furthermore, trades
are marked to market on a daily basis based on proprietary forward curves produced by the
Risk Control Group, and exception reports are generated when a position incurs a change in value
in excess of $50,000. Traders have to explain the reason for the exception to senior management.
Although traders attempt to manage basis risk through judicious design of hedges, this risk Trafigura’s
cannot be eliminated. However, to the extent that basis movements are uncorrelated across overall risk is
different transactions, this risk can be reduced through diversification. In particular, given
that basis movements in different commodities (e.g., oil and copper) are driven by different reduced through
fundamentals, they are likely to exhibit little correlation, and hence a firm that trades a diversification
diversified portfolio of commodities can reduce risk exposure. This provides an advantage
to larger firms that participate in a variety of different commodities, engage in a variety
of transformations, and trade in many geographic markets.
With respect to market price risks, a trading company such as Trafigura can be viewed as a
portfolio of positions in a myriad of physical commodities and financial derivatives contracts It monitors
(including futures contracts and swaps). Given information about the variability of the prices Value-at-Risk
associated with individual positions, and the covariation between these prices, it is possible
to compute various measures of the risk of the overall portfolio.
Consistent with standard industry practice for trading generally (not just commodity trading),
Trafigura employs Value-at-Risk (“VaR”) as its measure of the overall price risk of its portfolio
of physical and derivatives trading positions. Value-at-Risk is defined as the amount of money,
or more, that can be lost over a given time horizon with a given probability.
Implementation of VaR requires the user to choose a probability level, and a time horizon.
Consistent with standard industry practice, Trafigura uses a one-day time horizon, and a 95%
probability (“confidence”) level. As of 30 September, 2013, Trafigura reported its VaR as $11.3
million. This means that on 95% of trading days, the company would be expected to suffer
losses of less than $11.3 million. Put differently, on 5% of trading days, the firm could expect
to lose more than $11.3 million.
As noted above, the company has established a VaR target. Specifically, the firm attempts
to maintain VaR at less than 1% of group equity. Using equity to set the target reflects the
fact that capital represents loss bearing capacity. Thus, the company compares the risk of
loss, as measured by VaR, to its risk bearing capacity.
Again consistent with standard industry practice, Trafigura uses a simulation (“Monte Carlo”) Its risk analysis
method to calculate VaR. In particular, it uses a variant on the industry standard historical
simulation VaR method. That is, it randomly draws changes in the prices of instruments in
examines extreme
its portfolio from historical data. The company’s VaR system currently takes into account scenarios
over 5,000 risk factors. These include the forward prices for the commodities the firm trades,
interest rates, foreign exchange rates, and equity prices. Based on these simulated price
movements, the profits/losses on each position in the portfolio are calculated and then added
to determine the simulated profit/loss on the entire portfolio. It makes many such random
draws: there is one portfolio profit per simulation.
The standard approach in the industry is to rank the many simulated profit/loss outcomes,
and to set and the 5% VaR equal to the level of loss such that 95% of the simulations have
a smaller loss (bigger profit), and 5% of the simulations have a bigger loss: the approach can
be applied to other confidence levels.
This is acceptable for calculating VaR, but as will be discussed in more detail below, it is
important for trading companies to understand the likelihood of outcomes that are more
extreme than the VaR. That is, it is important to understand what happens in the left tail
of the probability distribution of possible outcomes. Due to the relative rarity of such extreme
outcomes, historical simulations will produce few observations, making it difficult to achieve
such an understanding based on historical simulation alone.
Therefore, Trafigura adds another step. It uses the simulated profit-and-loss outcomes
to fit “heavy-tailed” probability distributions for portfolio P&L. Heavy-tailed distributions
(such as Generalized Hyperbolic Distributions) take into account that extreme outcomes—
which are of central importance to determining the risk of a trading operation—occur more
frequently than under the Gaussian (Normal) distribution (the standard bell-curve widely
used in statistics, and which is the basis of standard derivatives pricing models such as the
Black-Scholes equation). Trafigura uses the heavy-tailed distribution fitted to the portfolio
profit and loss simulation outcomes to calculate VaR, and to calculate other measures of risk
that focus on extreme losses (i.e., losses in excess of VaR): these measures are discussed below.
This historical methodology has decided advantages over alternative methods, most notably Historical simulation
“parametric” methods that require the choice of particular probability distributions (like the has advantages over
normal distribution) that may fail to capture salient features of price behavior. If large price
moves are more common in the data than the standard probability distributions would imply, theoretical models…
the historical method will capture that behavior, especially if the method is augmented by
using the simulated outcomes to fit heavy-tailed probability distributions. Moreover, the
historical simulation captures dependencies between the changes in different prices (of which
there are many: recall that Trafigura’s VaR is based on 5,000 different risk factors) that are
not well-characterized by standard probability distributions, and which would be daunting
to estimate parametrically in any event.3
The company regularly re-calibrates and back-tests its VaR model. Risks that perform poorly
in back-tests are subjected to thorough review involving extensive discussions with traders
operating that market.
The most problematic feature of historical VaR simulations is that the user is a prisoner …but the future
of the historical data: current conditions may not be well characterized by past conditions. may be different
Moreover, since conditions change over time, not all historical data is equally informative
about current risk conditions, and it is a non-trivial problem to determine which data is most from the past
representative of current circumstances. This is particularly true inasmuch as Trafigura trades
so many markets, and it is likely that current conditions in market A may match time period
X well, but conditions in market B may match another period Y better. Trafigura has devoted
considerable resources to developing analytic techniques to choose the historical data that is
most representative of current conditions, but even the best techniques are imperfect, and
what’s more, major economic shocks can render current circumstances completely different
than anything in the historical record. For example, price movements during the 2007-2008
Financial Crisis were far outside anything experienced in the historical data used by firms to
calculate VaR at that time.
In part for this reason, VaR is increasingly being augmented by stress tests that estimate
possible losses under extreme scenarios that may not be present in the historical data. Stress
tests are useful in identifying vulnerabilities, and stress scenarios can be constructed that
match current conditions and current risks. Pursuant to US regulatory requirements, Trafigura
does perform stress tests on the funds of its subsidiary, Galena Asset Management. It does
not perform stress tests on the entire Trafigura portfolio due to its diversity and complexity,
and due to the difficulty of establishing realistic stress scenarios.
Instead, to achieve a better understanding of its downside risk exposure under extreme Conditional
outcomes, Trafigura and many other companies in commodity and financial trading augment Value-at-Risk
VaR with other methods: in particular, methods that quantify how large might be the losses
quantifies large
3 Parametric methods face two difficult problems. The first is the sheer number of correlations that need to be estimated.
For a large portfolio with 5,000 risk factors, it is necessary to estimate almost 12.5 million correlations, or find a way of
reducing the dimensionality of the problem, knowing that any such reduction inherently suppresses information.
The second is estimating these parameters accurately, especially since they can change dramatically over time.
a firm could incur, if the loss is bigger than its VaR. An increasingly common measure is
“Conditional VaR” (“CVaR”, also referred to as “excess loss”, “expected shortfall”, and “tail VaR”).
This measure takes the average of losses in excess of VaR. It therefore takes into account all
large losses, and presents a more complete measure of downside risks in a trading book.
Trafigura estimates CVaR using the heavy-tailed probability distributions fitted to the profits
and losses generated by the historical simulations.
Although these methods represent a substantial improvement on VaR, they are still The cost of
dependent on the historical data used to calculate these additional risk measures. implementing risk
Risk relates to the future, but every known measure of risk relies on what happened
in the past. As a consequence, any and all risk metrics are themselves a source of risk.5 measurement gives
large trading firms
All of these methods are very computationally and data intensive, especially for a large
trading firm such as Trafigura that operates in many markets. The cost of implementing
economies of scale
a state-of-the-art risk measurement system is another source of scale economies that tend
to favor the survival of large firms, and it undermines undermine the economic viability of
small-to-medium sized firms.
VaR is by far the most widely employed measure of market price risk, but years of experience
and research (much undertaken by academics) have identified various deficiencies in VaR
as a risk measure over and above the problem inherent in relying on historical data: some of
these deficiencies also plague other measures such as CVaR.
One problem is that the short-time horizon conventionally employed (e.g., the one-day
horizon that Trafigura and many others utilize) does not permit the estimation of losses over
longer time horizons.
This is especially relevant because of another factor not well captured by VaR: the liquidity Liquidity risk is
of positions in the trading book, where by liquidity I mean the ease and cost of exiting
positions, with illiquid positions being more costly and time-consuming to offset. The fact
not well captured
that a firm like Trafigura may hold positions in illiquid instruments that may take some time by Value-at-Risk
to reduce or eliminate means that such longer time periods are relevant in assessing overall
risk, and the adequacy of capital to absorb these risks: simple time scaling rules are typically
subject to considerable inaccuracy.
One other issue relating to the use of VaR deserves comment. Specifically, when many
firms in a sector utilize VaR and weight recent data more heavily, another problem arises:
“Procyclicality.”6 This is best illustrated by an example. If oil prices become more volatile,
firms using VaR to measure risk will calculate that their risk exposures have increased. This When multiple firms
is likely to induce some, and perhaps all, of these firms to try to reduce their risk exposures
by offsetting positions. The attempt of a large number of firms to do this simultaneously can
use similar models it
cause prices to move yet more, increasing measured volatility, increasing VaR, causing further reinforces trends
reductions in position, and so on. Such feedback loops can be destabilizing, and are often
observed during periods of market turbulence: working through the VaR channel, turbulence
begets position changes that beget more turbulence.
In sum, Trafigura uses a heavily augmented version of the Value-at-Risk approach that is
the standard way to measure risk in commodity and financial trading. The enhancements
implemented by Trafigura address many of the well-known deficiencies of VaR, but some
deficiencies remain, and there are no readily available remedies for them, despite concerted
efforts in industry and academia to develop them. It will likely never be possible to quantify Quantitative risk
future risk exactly, especially since risk quantification inherently relies on historical data. modeling has to be
Thus, quantitative risk modeling must be supplemented by more qualitative judgments about
risk, and model risk should be backed by capital just like price or credit risks. supplemented
4 See, for instance, Rolf-Dieter Reiss and Michael Thomas, Statistical Analysis of Extreme Values (2007).
5 Risk measurement is also substantially more complicated for portfolios that include a large number of non-linear
exposures, such as those that arise from options. Non-linear exposures are more difficult and computationally
expensive to value accurately. Moreover, non-linear exposures depend on risk factors such as volatilities, so the
number of risk factors in portfolios with options is substantially greater than is the case with portfolios that do not
have options. Since Trafigura trades relatively few options, this is not a major consideration for the firm.
6 Tobias Adrian and Hyun Song Shin, Procyclical Leverage and Value-at-Risk, 27 Review of Financial Studies (2014) 373.
Jon Danielsson and Hyun Song Shin, Endogenous Risk, Working Paper (2002).
Trafigura uses a variety of methods to manage the credit risk that arises from transacting
with these diverse counterparties.
Specifically, it implements a formal credit process. Based on financial information, it establishes Trafigura has a
credit limits for each counterparty. This information includes historic payment performance formal credit process
information and creditor financial statements, as well as “soft” information about the creditor’s
business. Tafigura also uses a system (based on the well-known Moody’s KMV methodology)
that creates a credit risk rating for its counterparties. This system takes into account country
and industry factors as well as counterparty-specific financial information.
Credit evaluations are made by teams that specialize based on commodity and geographic
region. The firm has credit officers located in crucial markets throughout the world; these
individuals can utilize local knowledge and contacts to make more accurate evaluations of
counterparty credit risk.
Trafigura historically has experienced a very low rate of credit losses. The firm has suffered
ten final credit losses since its inception in 1993.
This transfer creates another counterparty risk: the risk that the provider of the guarantee will
not perform. Trafigura manages this risk exposure through a credit review process employing
a variety of types of information about the guarantee counterparties, and the establishment
of exposure limits with them based on this review process.
Trafigura is also concerned about credit risk concentration by individual counterparty, It monitors credit
industry, and geographic region. It monitors these concentrations on a continuous basis.
risk concentrations
With respect to derivatives counterparties, approximately 70% of the company’s trading centrally
is in “listed” exchange-traded products that are centrally cleared. Another 15% are centrally
cleared over-the-counter transactions: these deals are cleared through the CME Group’s
Clearport system.
Central clearing dramatically reduces counterparty credit risk. Therefore, hedge counterparty
credit risk primarily arises from the 15% of its transactions that are uncleared OTC trades.
These trades are executed with a large number of counterparties, consisting primarily of
prime financial institutions and large physical market participants. Based on a credit review
process, Trafigura assigns credit limits to each counterparty, and requires the counterparty
to post collateral when the limit is exceeded. Credit limits and collateral control credit
exposure to an individual counterparty, and by trading with a large number of counterparties
Trafigura can obtain the hedge transactions it needs without taking on a large exposure to
any counterparty, or counterparties from any region. The use of standardized contracts (ISDA
Master Agreements or long-form Confirmation Agreements) with derivatives counterparties
also facilitates the management of credit risk, most importantly by establishing procedures
to address a credit event (such as a default or downgrade) suffered by a counterparty.
The use of cleared instruments requires Trafigura to post initial margins: margins (a form trading firms have
of collateral) mitigate credit risk, and just as the use of cleared transactions reduces the
credit risk faces from derivatives counterparties, clearing also reduces the losses that its significant cashflow
counterparties would suffer in the event of a Trafigura default. The use of margins—which requirements
must be posted in cash or liquid securities—to control credit risk means that achieving this
objective creates demands on the liquidity of the company, and creates liquidity risk. In an
important sense, margining substitutes liquidity risk for credit risk.
The company’s initial margins routinely total in the $700 million-$1 billion range. Trafigura
funds these out of its corporate lines. Moreover, cleared derivatives positions (and some
uncleared positions) are marked to market regularly (usually on a daily basis), and Trafigura
must make variation margin payments on positions that suffer a mark-to-market loss. These
derivatives trades are often hedges of inventory positions that are also marked to market
under financing arrangements, but on a weekly (rather than daily) frequency. This mismatch
in timing of marks and associated cash flows can create an additional funding need: a hedge
position may suffer a loss that requires an immediate posting of margin, and although the
inventory has likely realized a gain, the firm will not receive the cash payment from the bank
for a period as long as a week. The firm uses its corporate lines to manage these mismatches
in cash flows.
Liquidity risks tend to be positively related to the prices of the commodities that Trafigura
trades. (This is true generally for commodity trading firms.) In low price environments,
funding needs are reduced. Moreover, since commodity prices often drop precipitously during
financial crises (e.g., the Asian Financial Crisis of 1997-1998, or the recent 2008-2009
Financial Crisis), the secured, low-risk, and self-liquidating nature of transactional financing
means that banks are willing to enter into bilateral financing arrangements even when they
are sharply reducing their supply of other forms of credit.
The financial consequences of some risks can be transferred via insurance. The company Operational
purchases marine cargo open cover, charterers’ legal liability oil, charterers’ legal liability
metals, and general liability insurance policies. These policies insure against product liability,
risks are managed
bodily injury, and pollution. through insurance,
Other risks cannot be insured. Some of these must be controlled through the establishment
best practice, and
of policies and procedures, training employees in these policies and procedures, and the close compliance
monitoring of compliance with them. Trafigura has such procedures for, inter alia, contracts,
charterparties and clauses, environmental policies and legislation, insurance declarations,
claims, and demurrage handling.
Since environmental risks associated with transportation and storage are a particularly acute
concern (due to the potentially large liability costs that a spill or other accident can cause)
the firm mitigates risks by restricting its chartering of ships, railcars, trucks, and barges based
on the conveyance age and design (e.g., using only double-hull tankers). Similarly, the firm
inspects all storage locations. To control the risk of theft and contamination, the company
routinely inspects the stocks of commodities it holds.
In 2012, the company implemented a Group-wide initiative to manage health, safety, There is a Group-wide
environment, and community (“HSEC”) risks. This creates a set of policies regarding these framework for HSEC
issues. Managers are accountable for implementing these policies, by, inter alia, providing
resources, training employees, and measuring and reporting HSEC performance. Moreover,
even prior to the formal launch of the framework, Trafigura’s Management Board established
an HSEC Steering Group with a mandate to: oversee HSEC compliance; revise the HSEC
policies and principles based on changes in the company’s operations and the market
environment; analyze and measure HSEC performance; develop and oversee reporting
and assurance processes; report to the Management Board on HSEC performance; and
coordinate external reporting of the company’s HSEC performance. The Steering Group
meets bi-monthly.
Although Trafigura primarily uses derivatives contracts to hedge the price risks, it also
engages in limited speculative trading using these instruments. For instance, the crude oil
team has 21 traders, four of whom engage in proprietary “paper” trading. This trading is
subject to risk limits established by the Risk Committee.
Moreover, this trading exploits the information advantages that Trafigura has as the result Trafigura sometimes
of its physical trading. That is, rather than taking positions that expose the firm to flat price risk, speculates on
the paper trading focuses on calendar spreads (e.g., buying January Brent crude and selling
March Brent crude) and inter-market spreads (e.g., Brent vs. WTI). Spreads are driven by the intra-market and
economics of transformations that commodity trading firms specialize in understanding and calendar spreads
implementing. Knowledge of the economics of transformation can be employed to trade
spreads profitably.
Trafigura also engages in speculative paper trading through its Galena Asset Management
arm. Galena traders have access to Trafigura’s physical traders, and their information, which
they can use to devise trading strategies. The information flow is one way: information flows
from Trafigura traders to Galena, but Trafigura traders do not obtain information on Galena
trades and positions. Nor do Galena traders know Trafigura trades and positions. Galena uses
this information primarily to trade calendar and inter-market spreads, and for the same
reason that Trafigura’s proprietary traders do: this information is most relevant to the
economics of transformations that drive spreads.