Product Specification Buttermilk Powder (25kg)
Product Specification Buttermilk Powder (25kg)
Product Specification Buttermilk Powder (25kg)
Sensory Standards
Flavor Clean, bland, sweet
Odor Fresh, no off odors
Color White to light cream
Appearance Powder, free of lumps
All raw milk used in the manufacture of products has been screened and tested “Not Found”
for drug residues according to the FDA Pasteurized Milk Ordinance (PMO) – Appendix
“N” (latest revision)
Quality Assurance
Products are manufactured under strict quality assurance procedures which are enforced at all
times. Manufacturing plants are subject to rules and regulations of the United States Food and
Drug Administration, the United States Department of Agriculture and the Department of Food
and Agriculture. Precautions are taken at all steps during manufacture, storage, and distribution
to ensure product quality and food safety.