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In the Reading test , you will read a variety of texts and answer several different types of
reading comprehension questions. The entire Reading test will last 75 minutes. There are
three parts , and directions are given for each part. You are encouraged to answer as many
questions as possible within the time allowed.

You must mark your answers on the separate answer sheet. Do not write your answers
in the test book.


Directions: A word or phrase is missing in each of the sentences below. Four answer
choices are given below each sentence. Select the best answer to complete the sentence.
Then mark the letler (셰, (8) , (C), or (미 on your answer sheet.

101. Children who are two years old and younger 104. The teachers ' association has announced
are ------- free of charge to most concerts that the food and drinks ------- supplied at
and films. the annual conference will not be provided
this year.
(A) admit
(8) admits (A) usually
(C) admitted (8) hugely
(0) admitting (C) evenly
(0) strictly

102. After discussing the terms of the new

health-benefits contract , ------- 105. AII passengers should present their -------
management and employees were satisfied. documents at the check-in counter.

(A) both (A) boarded

(8) also (8) boarding
(C) either (C) to board
(0) too (0) boards

103. Although we have ------- not to offer you a 106. Mayor Williams proudly described the city
position at this time , we will keep your as a place where the citizens are ------- for
résumé on file for future openings. their hospitality.

(A) decided (A) returned

(8) deciding (8) known
(C) decision (C) taken
(0) decidedly (0) held

107. There is now increased competition among 113. Once the berries are harvested , Green
motor-vehicle manufacturers ------- has Fields Farms washes and packages the fruit
resulted in better cars at lower prices. for ------- to retail stores.

(A) those (A) distribute

(8) what (8) distributed
(C) that (C) distribution
(0) where (0) distributional

108. Comco , Inc. , became the leading supplier of 114. Although measures have been introduced to
computer ------- last year, less than ten discourage the use of mobile telephones
years after it was founded. inside the opera house , ------- effectiveness
remains limited.
(A) amounts
(8) types (A) they
(C) kinds (8) their
(0) parts (C) them
(0) theirs

109. The recent increase in tourism has done less

to improve the business of small retailers in 115. When their first tests failed , the engineers at
this area than we ------- predicted. OKM Corporation agreed it was ------- to try
using different materials.
(A) original
(8) originally (A) time
(C) originated (8) end
(0) originality (C) moment
(0) turn

110. The cost of repairing the water damage to

the museum after the storm ------- to be 116. Topics at the business communication
more than one million dollars. workshop ------- defending an argument ,
synthesizing information , and writing
(A) expects
precisely and concisely.
(8) is expecting
(C) expected (A) include
(0) is expected (8) includes
(C) including
(0) inclusion
111. Atlantis 80ftware Company ------- its clients
complete satisfaction with all its products.
117. ------- most job seekers are looking for a
(A) requests
permanent job , a temporary position may
(8) admits
serve as a bridge to full-time employmen t.
(C) agrees
(0) guarantees (A) How
(8) While
(C) That
112. The sales representative from Correct
(0) 80
Copies , Lt d ., returned Mr. Yoshida ’ s call
while he was --

(A) through
(8) along
(C) out
(0) aside

Go on to the next page.

118. Or. Marsha Herbert ’ s illustrations were clear 124. Since many people want to attend the
enough to make her presentation ------- awards ceremony on Friday , extra buses will
understandable. be made ------- to the public.

(A) easily (A) additional

(B) easier (B) frequent
(C) easy (C) available
(0) ease (0) employable

119. The apartments on the lower floors cost less 125. The guest speaker highlighted some ideas
because they are more exposed ------- dust for ------- introducing change in the
and the noise of traftic. workplace.

(A) to (A) success

(B) without (B) succeed
(C) from (C) succeeding
(0) against (0) successfully

120. By registering for our online payment plan , 126. Conference participants interested in
customers are authorizing the bank to ------- industrial development should -------
automatic withdrawals on the first day of schedule a visit to Bridgeville ’ s factories.
every month.
(A) practically
(A) consent (B) definitely
(B) see (C) recently
(C) make (0) fortunately
(0) trust

127. The gift shop in the hotel lobby specializes

121. Speaking ------- behalf of the vice president , in handcrafted gift items , each one of them
Alan Lee thanked the employees for their unique and -------.
contributions to the fund-raising projec t.
(A) memory
(A) at (B) memorize
(B) on (C) memories
(C) by (0) memorable
(0) for

128. Training for our new processors will take

122. Next Thursday the Lambert Historical place ------- a three-day period in July.
Society will present ------- methods for
(A) amorig
learning more about the history of your
(B) over
(C) beyond
(A) specify (0) behind
(B) specifying
(C) specific
129. The forethought and planning ------- at each
(0) specifications
step of writing a proposal will have a direct
impact on the chances of its acceptance.
123. Although Oliver Rodriguez ’ books have
(A) invest
shaped the way that businesses handle staft
(B) invested
relations , he does not consider ------- an
expe야 on the subjec t.
(C) investor
(0) investing
(깨 he
(B) him
(C) his
(0) himself

130. Insofar as the company is liable for -------, 136. Or. Johnson is offering a three-hour
the dissatisfied customer will be workshop during ------- she will share some
compensated for any damage. perspectives on effective time management.

(A) negligence (A) whose

(8) slight (8) while
(c) disregard (C) whatever
(0) overlook (0) which

131. One reason that the economy of the country 137. Performing a series of trial runs before
is doing so well is that people now have launching large-scale production of any new
more discretionary funds at their -------. product is common ------- at Juvo , Inc.

(A) dispose (A) usage

(8) disposing (8) ground
(c) disposal (C) practice
(0) disposes (0) manner

132. In order for you to receive the early 138. Yesterday the officers voted ------- to offer
registration rate , your application form must large bonuses to high-performing
be postmarked ------ Friday , October 28. employees.

(A) in advance (A) commonly

(8) beforehand (8) increasingly
(C) previously (C) critically
(0) no later than (0) unanimously

133. A new system ------- the latest data-analysis 139. The minimum term of your contract with us
methods was implemented this week. will be ------- a period of two years , with the
option to renew.
(A) is incorporating
(8) that incorporates (A) for
(c) incorporation of (8) of
(0) had incorporated (C) past
(0) when
134. ------- in the late 1800’ s , many of the
coastline ’ s lighthouses remain standing 140. Antique cars are seen very ------- these days
today , having withstood the forces of nature because they are extremely expensive to
for decades. maintain.

(A) 8uilt (A) hardly

(8) 8uilding (8) uneasily
(C) 8een built (C) weakly
(0) Having built (0) infrequently

135. The results of the study ------- the

hypothesis that had been proposed by
researchers at the National Medical

(A) confirmed
(8) submitted
(C) certified
(0) depended

Go on to the next page.


Directions: Read the texts that follow. A word or phrase is missing in some of the sentences.
For answer choices are given below each of the sentences. Select the best answer to
complete the text. Then mark the letter (A) , (B) , (C), or (D) on your answer sheet.

Questions 141-143 refer to the following memo.

To: M. Brown From: K. Ikeda

Subject: New Work Assignment Date: July 11

I want to congratulate you on your work on the revised Essex project.

141. (A) outstanding
(8) expressive
(c) chief
(0) restrained

I think your timeline will allow us to keep the project moving while giving us enough time
to work through the technical problems. Dividing the work the four teams
142. (A) above
(8) through
(c) among
(0) before

is a much more efficient approach , and as you saw at today ’s meeting , it addresses the
needs of all parties involved.

Because you ’ ve become so familiar with the project , I’ d like you to the
143. (A) imagine
(8) supervise
(C) transfer
(0) exchange

progress in the technical area. I know that this will be your first managerial role , but your
efforts on the timeline and other projects indicate to me that you are capable of it.

Let me know how you feel about this.

Questions 144 -146 refer to the following newspaper article.

Critics of a proposed department store in Wintertown ’s historical district have won their
battle to block its development. They have prompted M&S , Ltd. , the property developer,
its plans for the area near the waterfront where an old grain warehouse
144. (A) withdrawn
(8) to withdraw
(C) withdrawing
(0) have withdrawn

collapsed last yeaι M&S , Lt d. , has failed to convince the local government planning
authority that the development would be in keeping with the style of
145. (A) such
(8) like
(C) so what
(0) some

a sensitive location.

The site is not in the center of the historical district. , the store would be
146. (A) Unless
(8) Moreover
(C) Although
(0) However

visible from Butler’s Wharf and the cobbled streets that form the heart of old Wintertown.
This area attracts thousands of visitors annually.

Go on to the next page.

Questions 147-149 refer to the following advertisement.


Douglas Marketing Company is offering a new series of seminars that can help you find
the markets you need to reach. We offer customized to help you develop
147. (A) authority
(8) significance
(C) expectations
(0) assistance

the plan that works for your company.

How does it work? Our initial two-day class you an overview of marketing
148. (A) will give
(8) is giving
(c) has given
(0) to give

basics. After that , we ’ 11 arrange a series of meetings between you and one of our expert
advisors. Your advisor will visit your workplace to learn firsthand about your business and
to discuss your vision for future growth. Together you ’ 11 select key strategies that will help
you reach new customers. We ’ 11 help you focus on finding those customers whose needs
the products and services you provide.
149. (A) repeat
(8) match
(c) accumulate
(0) evaluate

Call us at 555-9947 to arrange a meeting today. Your new customers will thank you.

Questions 150-152 refer to the following letter.

Dear Business Owner:

I am thrilled to tell you about an exciting magazine that will change the way you do
business! $010 Business is a weekly magazine devoted to the
150. (A) receiving
(8) serving
(C) approving
(미 recommending

small-business owner. It is packed with useful tips such as hiring on a budget , networking
with larger businesses , and advertising effectively. In addition , each issue includes
motivational stories about small-business owners like you.

As an introductory offer, you can now receive $010 Business for the yearly subscription
cost of $100. That ’s less than $2 an issue!
151. (A) yet
(8) all
(C) just
(D) quite

Don ’t miss out on all the valuable information waiting to be delivered to your office every
week. Plus , if you before January 1 , you will receive a complimentary
152. (셰 order
(8) to order
(C) orders
(D) ordering

diary, engraved with your company name. Call us at 1-800-555-2987 to start your
subscription today!



Business Publications

Go on to the next page.


Directions: In this part you will read a selection of texts , such as magazine and newspaper
articles, letters , and advertisements. Each text is followed by several questions. Select the
best answer for each question and mark the letter (A) , (8) , (C), or (0) on your answer sheet.

Questions 153-154 refer to the f이 lowing schedule.

New Administrative Employee Training

Monday, August 7

Tour of Packaging Facility

9:00-9:30 A.M. Meet ín cafetería; contínental breakfa5t wíll be províded.

9:30 A.M. Shuttle bU5 leave5 for packagíng facílíty.

10:00-10:20 A. M. Tom Míller, Více Pre5ídent of Operatíon5, di5CU55e5 facílíty

goal5 and recent ímprovement5.

10:20-10:30 A. M. Meet wíth tour guíde5 (all guide5 are experíenced facílíty
employee5) .

10:30-11:15 A.M. Group A: Ví5ít publí5híng area.

Group B: Ví5ít dí5tríbutíon center.
Group C: Ví5ít packagíng area (protectíve gear requíred).

11:15 A.M.-12:00 noon Group A: Ví5ít dí5tríbutíon center.

Group B: Ví5ít packagíng area (protectíve gear requíred).
Group C: Vi5ít publí5híng area.

12:00 noon-1:00 P.M. Lunch wíth Anna Tower5 , Coordínator of Packagíng Actívítíe5.

1:00-1:45 P.M. Group A: Ví5ít packagíng area (protectíve gear required).

Group B: Ví5ít publí5híng area.
Group C: Vi5it d í5tribution center.

1:45-2:30 P.M. F김 nel dí5cu55íon wíth dírector5 of packagíng , publí5híng ,

and dí5tríbutíon.

2:30 P.M. Shuttle bU5 return5 to admíní5tratíve offíce5.

153. What are new admínístratíve employees 154. When will group A go to the distribution
scheduled to do? area?

(A) Oístribute maíl to the admínistrative (A) From 10:20 A.M. to 10:30 A.M.
offices (8) From 10:30 A. M. to 11 :15 A.M.
(8) Visit a company facility (c) From 11 :15 A. M. to 12:00 noon
(c) Oiscuss their jobs with Mr. Miller (0) From 1 :00 P.M. to 1 :45 P.M.
(0) Guide customers around the company

Go on to the next page.

Questions 155-157 refer to the f이 lowing e-mail message.

From: Lettore Books Online [[email protected]]

To: Andrea Polokov [apolokov@amai l. com]
Subject: Order Confirmation

Dear Andrea Polokov:

This is to inform you that we are in receipt of your order placed on December 2.

Your order confirmation number is YB-145970. Should you have any questions regarding
your order, you will be asked to refer to this number.

Two of the titles you requested are currently in stock; these materials should ship within 1-3
days. However, the video title is on backorder. We expect that it should be available and
shipped to you within the next 3 weeks. When your order is shipped , you will receive an
e-mail detailing the date and method of shipment as well as the estimated delivery date.

For your convenience , you can track the status of your order online by visiting your account
link at http://www.lettorebooks.com/acctinfo/login. There you can track shipment status ,
review estimated delivery dates, cancel unshipped items , and contact customer service
24 hours a day.

You can also call our customer service number at 1-800-555-2346. Service representatives
are available Monday through Friday from 8:00 A.M. until 5:00 P.M.

Thank you once again for shopping with us.

Lettore Books Online

155. What does this e-mail confirm? 157. What is NOT listed as a service available
through the account link?
(A) An order is being processed.
(8) A delivery method has been changed. (A) Stopping shipment of an item
(C) An item has been discontinued. (8) Returning merchandise
(D) A shipment has been sent. (C) Tracking delivery status
(미 Contacting customer service

156. What information are customers asked to

have available if they have questions
about their orders?

(A) A delivery address

(8) A confirmation number
(C) Shipping details
(D) A credit card number

Questions 158-160 refer to the following information.



G이den Valley University is committed to the person외 growth of all faculty , staff, and students through
discussion and debate in a scholarly communiψ. We hope that this year's Campanale Distinguished
Lecturer Series , named in honor of G이den Valley’ s former president Jackie Campanale , will stimulate
and energize the G이den Valley communiψ.

Tuesday, February 15
Dr. Ada N. Chamberlain
Professor of art history

Dr. Ada N. Chamberlain willlecture about the commercial art market in seventeenth-
century Holland. Author of the prize- Winning book Rembrandt and the Art oJ Portraiture ,
Dr. Chamberlain is a professor of art history at Packard University.

Tuesday, April 18
Mr. Alvin Hewing
Poetand Author

M r. Alvin HeWing will read from one of his latest collections , Someday: New and
Se!ected Poems. M r. HeWin g is the author of ten books of poetry. He holds a master's
degree in comparative literature from a major universiψ in France.

Tuesday, May 2
Dr. Charles Kenyon
Professor of astronomy

Amazing new developments in astronomy have begun to show us the origins of the
universe 없ld what may be its fate. Dr. Kenyon , who earned his Ph.D. from Stewart
University, is a professor of astronomy at Roget College.

158. What is the main purpose of the lecture 160. Which topic will NOT be addressed in the
series? lecture series?

(A) To aid in the personal development of (A) Contemporary poetry

members of the university community (8) French literature
(8) To explore current issues in a particular (c) The history of Outch art
field of study (0) The beginning of the universe
(C) To generate interest in the university
with residents in surrounding areas
(0) To settle an ongoing debate among
university scholars

159. Who will read aloud selections from a book?

(A) Jackie Campanale

(8) Ada Chamberlain
(C) Alvin Hewing
(0) Charles Kenyon

Go on to the next page.

Questions 161-162 refer to the following advertisemen t.


ECI Printing , Inc.

Specializing in printing for small businesses for over 40 years

D Letterheads C Labels
EJ Envelopes El Folders
C Fl yers 디 Brochures
C Bu siness cards C Signs & posters
El Bu siness form s 디 Newsletters

We offer a full range of promotional products:

때 hats 갑 T-shirts C sweatshirts 띠 key chains 랩 magnets Ci and much more

A lIow our graphic-design specialists to develop a logo for you!

Black &: white and color copying at the lowest prices, guaranteed ... next-day service available

Two convenient locations to serve you:

빼 찌…


O nql

Levering Hill


E K f ’ n

116 S. Klein Rd.


5 5 6

(754) 555-3352

Monday-Friday 8:00 A.M.- 6:00 P.M.

e-mail: eci@vortex .com

띠 Visit our Web site at www.eci.com

활훌뼈앓훌Q생때찌휠궐뿔 훌j;i훌때iZ궐&냥까~I쩨훌싫훌솥짧싫훌&휘훌솥찌$옳ji&i;μ삐훌;혜I슐훌~;찌싸‘

161. Who are the main customers of ECI 162. What service is NOT otfered by ECI
Printing? Printing?

(A) Chain stores (A) Photograph developing

(8) Private individuals (8) Newsletter printing
(C) Universities (c) Graphic design
(D) Small businesses (D) Photocopying

Questions 163-165 refer to the following e-mail message.

From: Julia Chen [email protected]

To: Sanderson Staff-Lakewood
Subject: Fitness-at-work program

You ’ ve probably heard about the new fitness-at-work program initiated by the head
office to encourage us to incorporate some exercise into our daily work routine. Sandra
Maxwell of personnel has taken on responsibility for the fitness-at-work program at the
Lakewood facility. She has nominated me to set up a walking group , to be known as
Walk at Work. We are lucky to work in a beautiful area surrounded by parks , so what
better place to take a walk?

Walk at Work will meet during the lunch break , beginning next Monday. The aim is to
walk together along the footpaths for at least twenty minutes. There will be two walks
each day , one at • 2:30 P.M. , led by me , and the second at 1:00 P.M. , led by Jim Dixon.

This program is fully supported by Sanderson Associates , which has arranged for all
staff who enroll in Walk at Work to receive a ten percent discount on membership at
Lakewood Fitness Center , a state-of-the-art fitness complex with gyms , a swimming
pool , and exercise classes.

We think this is a great idea , and we hope you will too , so why not join us? You can
e-mail me or just meet us at the main entrance on Monday at • 2:30 P.M. or • :00 P.M.

Happy walking!
Julia Chen

163. Who asked Ms. Chen to organize the 165. Who is Jim Oixon?
walking group?
(A) He is a representative of Lakewood
(A) Lakewood Recreation Oepartment Fitness Center.
(8) Sandra Maxwell (8) He is one of the leaders of Walk at
(c) Jim Oixon Work.
(미 The management of Lakewood Fitness (c) He is head of the personnel department.
Center (0) He is a gardener at Lakewood Parks.

164. What benefit is offered to employees who

join Walk at Work?

(A) They can attend swimming classes free

of charge.
(8) They will receive a bonus at the end of
the year.
(c) They will be able to take a longer lunch
(0) They can save money at a local exercise

Go on to the next page.

Questions 166-169 refer to the following letteι

June 8 마
F 따

m 1i

Dl m“. L
DU S Om c3


UU M G 1 ·nv
“ 띠뼈
”m m%





Dear Ms. Cha:

I very much enjoyed your talk at the International Conference on Public Architecture in Mumbai
I especially appreciated your assessment of the competing demands of function , budget , and public
expectations on municipal projects.

Our firm has recently been awarded the contract for the design of a large public swimming facility here
in Singapore , and I think that our staff would be most interested in your remarks. It would provide useful
discussion points

Would it be possible to obtain a copy of your speech and reproduce twenty copies for our internal use
only ? We would not distribute any part of it outside the company without first obtaining permission from
you , nor would we include any part of it in any of our presentations to external bodies without your
permission and without acknowledgement of you as the author.

It might be that you have plans to publish the material in some form in a journal or trade magazine.
If that is the case , I understand that you would not want to release it to us. In that event , would you please
inform me when and where it wilI be published?

Thank you very much for your consideration and for a superb presentation.


Z싸tιi 1fJ(Jκg

David Wong
Wong Architecture , Pty. Ltd.

166. What can be inferred about Mr. Wong? 168. What is Mr. Wong requesting?

(A) He attended a presentation given by (A) The opportunity to bid on a contract

Ms. Cha. (8) Copies of published project design
(8) He is seeking employees for his plans
architecture firm. (C) Permission to distribute information to
(c) He would like to submit an article for his colleagues
publication. (0) A review of a municipal annual budget
(0) He wants to purchase a subscription to
a trade journal.
169. The word “ trade" in paragraph 4 , line 1 , is
closest in meaning to
167. What is Mr. Wong ’ s company working on?
(A) exchange
(A) Giving a public presentation (8) diligence
(8) Planning an awards ceremony (C) industry
(C) The construction of a new conference (0) substitute
(0) The design of a swimming pool

Go on to the next page.

Questions 170-173 refer to the following documen t.

Unadilla Fence and Supply, Inc.

3220 Rt. 7 East, Unadilla, NY 13849

Sales - Installation - Repairs

Residential - Industrial
All Types of Fencing
Landscape Supplies - Sheds - Outdoor Furniture

Proposal submitted to Home Phone

Manesh Goyal 607-555-1327
Street ]ob Location
78 Chippewa Trail West on R t. 7 to County Line Rd. Left after one
City and State mile to Arapaho Trail. Left onto Chippewa Trail.
Unadilla , NY

We hereby submit specifications and estimates for the furnishing and

installation of the following:

Take down and remove 20 sections of 3-rail fence with attached wire mesh. Install
approximately 205 feet of 4-foot-high fence with regular posts. 26 fence sections,
2 4-foot gates. Top of fence to be as level as possible.

Customer responsible for determining property lines and location of fence ,

clearing fence line , and obtaining permits.

We hereby propose to furnish labor and materials in accordance with the

above specifications for the sum of Three Thousand Eight Hundred and Ninety
dollars ($3,890). 50 percent deposit required. Balance due upon completion.

This proposal may be withdrawn by Unadilla Fence and Supply if not

accepted within 30 days.

170. What type of document is this? 172. What is NOT stated in the document?

(A) An advertisement (A) The terms may no longer apply after 30

(8) A proposal days.
(c) A work schedule (8) The total amount must be paid in
(0) An order form advance.
(C) The customer must get permits for the
171. What kind of work is being discussed?
(0) The materials are included in the price.
(A) Replacement of a fence
(8) Installation of a patio 173. The word “ balance" in paragraph 4 , line 3 is
(C) Lawn maintenance closest in meaning to
(0) Furniture repair
(A) deficit
(8) remainder
(c) resource
(0) supply

Go on to the next page.

Questions 174- 176 refer to the following letter.

Kingston , Ontario

October 22

Ms. Susa n Newman

320 Victoria Street
Toronto , Ontario M5H 3N2

Dear Ms. Newman :

This is to confirm that the completed fO l' ms from your pre-employment health assessment
have now been received. Therefore , 1 confirm that you w ill be able to start employment with
INTELICOM as an interim administrative assistant in the research department on October 30.

The te rms and conditions of your appointment are as follows:

SalaηT: Actual salaly $22 ,000 per year Cbased on $44 ,000 a year full time)

Wo rking Patte rn: Working commitment is 50 percent of full time. This equates to 128 days
to be scheduled as agreed w ith the head of the research department and is inclusive of
6 days of annual leave

Duration of Service : One year‘

Paym e nt of Salary: Please complete a bank authorizatio n form Cenclosed) and bring it ,
together w ith proof of identity , to the payroll o ffice Cfourth fl oor, Conna llg ht Building) as
soon as possible.

Please sign and date the duplicate copy of this agreement and ma il it back to me by October
25. Only when the signed docume nt is received in this offi ce will a contract exist between
you and INTELICOM according to the conditions set Ollt above

We look forward to having you with us at INTELICOM.

Yours sincerely ,

/lf s. R. Aι Paterηzα

Ms. R. A. Palermo
Director of Human Resource Management


1 have received the o riginal of this letter dated October 22 and accept the appointme nt on
the terms and conditio ns specified

Signa ture: Date:

(Ms . Susa n Newman)

174. According to the letter, what has Ms. 176. What is NOT indicated in the letter?
Newman already done?
(A) A part-time position is being offered to
(A) She has visited the payroll office. Ms. Newman.
(8) She has had a health checkup. (8) The contract will take effect as soon as
(C) She has signed a contract. Ms. Newman signs it.
(0) She has submitted some research. (C) Ms. Newman will be entitled to six days
of vacation each year.
(0) Ms. Newman ’ s appointment will be for a
175. When will Ms. Newman start work?
limited period.
(A) On October 10
(8) On October 22
(C) On October 25
(0) On October 30

Go on to the next page.

Questions 177-180 refer to the following article.


In past years retailers in North Am erica have sounded a consistent

theme: Bigger is better. Superstores increased in number and spread
rapidly , often at the expense of smaller , family-owned retail stores.
Today these superstores are more than 50 percent larger than in the
1980’ s and can be over 30 ,000 square meters in size.

But small retail stores are now making a comebac k. Many of the
largest retailers have begun experimenting with small-store formats.
Rather than operating the small stores as separate outlets , though , the
companies are managing all the stores in an area together as a closely
knit network. By distributing small outlets throughout an area , a
retailer can guarantee that one of them will almost always be closer to a
given shopper than the superstore at the edge of town. Moreover , small
stores are often located within walking distance of public transportation ,
and , once inside , customers can easily find the products they are
looking fo r.

One advantage of the big stores has been the variety of products
they are able to carry because they are so large. One way that has been
found to increase variety in small stores is to use electronic kiosks for
online shopping. Al though the number of products in the stores is
small , there are enough actual items to inform customers about the
range 하ld quality of products. Customers are then offered computer
access to a Web site that provides the full product line .

With regard to costs , small stores that are managed as networks

have become as inexpensive to operate as superstores. By combining
the orders of these stores , for instance , retailers can take advantage of
the full- truckload delivery price rather than incur the higher cost of
partial truckload deliveries .

177. What is implied about the kind of stores 179. What is NOT stated in the article about
preferred by customers in North stores with an electronic kiosk?
(A) They offer a large number of products to
(A) They have many products made by the the consumer.
same manufacturer. (8) They provide information about the
(8) They have many sales during the year. quality of products.
(c) They carry many different kinds of (C) They have a limited inventory on
products. display.
(0) They sell famous brands of electronics (0) They offer good prices on the newest
equipment. computer models.

178. What does the author indicate about 180. According to the article , what would cause
superstores in the 1980’ s? costs to rise for small retailers?

(A) They were more expensive than smaller (A) 8eing managed in a network
retail stores. (8) Receiving deliveries only on the
(8) There were 30 ,000 of them in the weekends
country. (C) Using delivery trucks that are only partly
(c) They were not very profitable. full
(0) They were much smaller than they are (0) Combining their orders with those of
now. superstores

Go on to the next page.

Questions 181-185 refer to the following recipe and Iette r.


100ml mayonnaise
50g chopped fresh cilantro leaves
50ml fresh lemon juice
8 celery stalks
6 crisp red apples

14 m n ce n

U‘ ‘
Whisk together mayonnaise , cilantro ,

F t e


a small bowl until combined . Add salt •

Cut celery and apple into pieces . Toss
mq} 14e

apple , and dressing .


m time: 5 minutes

Ti Pr
a e


‘-ι--......,...-"'---. --_._---- t썩일

To: Editors of Eat Ríght Magazíne

As a long-time subscriber to Eat Ríght M쟁azíne, 1 have frequently sampled your recipes and
must credit you with some excellent results. Your recent April-May issue was, as always,
packed with health y, delicious meals, many of which 1 have already prepared at home.

Several days ago, however, 1 attempted to make the apple and celery salad from the recipe
on page 57 of the magazine in the Healthy, Quick, and Easy section. While the salad was
fla、Torful, 1 was not satisfied with the recipe for two reasons. First, it should be noted that
a salad containing 100ml of mayonnaise, to be divided among eight servings, is not
particularly healthy. 1 was surprised to find a recipe with so much mayonnaise in an Eat
Ríght recipe. Second, while the directions suggested that five minutes' preparation time was
sufficient, 1 found the time to be underestimated by quite a bi t. Finely slicing so much celery
and so many apples was quite time consuming and certainly took longer than five minutes
You might a이ust this assessment when you publish this recipe in the future.

1 look forward to receiving the next issue of Eat Right Magazíne , and 1 hope that it will
contain more of the simple, nutritious recipes that 1 have come to expect


Francesca 8ertolini

Francesca Bertolini

181. According to the recipe , what should be 184. What surprised Ms. Bertolini about the salad
done first? recipe?

(A) The apples should be peeled. (A) Its directions were difficult to follow .
(B) The mayonnaise , cilantro , and lemon (B) It did not taste good.
juice should be mixed. (C) It was to be divided among eight
(C) The celery should be chopped. people.
(0) The salt and pepper should be (0) It contained too much mayonnaise.

185. What does Ms. Bertolini suggest?

182. How many servings does this recipe make?
(A) Printing an apology in the next issue of
(A) Four the magazine
(B) Five (B) Omitting mayonnaise from the recipe
(C) Six (C) Modifying the stated preparation time of
(0) Eight the recipe
(0) Verifying ingredients with an editor
before publication
183. Who is Francesca Bertolini?

(A) A subscriber to Eat Right Magazine

(B) A magazine editor
(C) A restaurant chef
(이 A writer at Eat Right Magazine

Go on to the next page.

Questions 186-190 refer to the following notice and billing statement.

Estimated B iII s
Although we try to read your gas meter every month , there are times when we simply
cannot. We may not be able to access it if there is no one at your home to let us in.
Weather conditions sometimes make it unsafe for meter readers to do their job. And
meters do occasionally malfunction , making an accurate reading impossible.

When your meter is not actually read , you will receive an estimated bill. The estimate is
based on weather trends and how much energy you have used in the past. When we
are unable to get an actual meter reading , you will see the word “ estimated" printed
next to the meter reading on your bill.

Estimates can be avoided if you send us a reading that you have taken yourself.
Here are two ways to help prevent an estimated bill.

Call us with your meter reading at 1-800-555-1991. The best time to call is one day
before your scheduled meter-reading day. (Your meter-reading date appears on page
one of your Newtown Gas Company bill.)

Go to our Web site at www.newtowngasco.com/meter to send us your meter

reading. Send your reading at least one day before your scheduled meter-reading day.

If you use either of these two methods to provide us with your reading , you will see the
words “ customer reading" next to the reading on your bill. If your meter readings have
been estimated for four straight months , you must call us with your meter reading.


Monthly statement - May 80 Mount Street
Account number 52 526 70 Vancouver, Canada

Usage - Meter 1546774 Account Summary

Actual reading April 20 133 therms payment received April 30 $145.76
Customer reading May 19 49 therms Total amount due June 7 $ 57.74

Average daily gas use (in therms)

- nu




May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May

Pleasemail your payment to Newtown Natural Gas Company, P.O. Box 388 , Vancouver, Canada.
Your next meter reading is scheduled for June 18.

186. What is NOT mentioned as a reason for an 189. What did Mr. Khan do in May?
estimated bill?
(A) He made an appointment for an actual
(A) No one was at home to answer the reading.
door. (B) He provided Newtown Gas with his
(B) Bad weather prevented a meter reading. meter reading.
(c) No appointment was made for a meter (C) He stayed at home on the scheduled
to be read. meter-reading day.
(0) The meter was not working properly. (0) He paid a bill based on an actual

187. According to the notice , how does Newtown

Gas estimate the amount of gas used? 190. When is Mr. Khan ’ s next meter reading?

(A) By checking records of a customer's (A) On April 20

prevlous gas usage (B) On May 19
(B) By taking the average home usage for (C) On June 7
the month (0) On June 18
(C) By adding a fixed amount to the past
month ’ s usage
(0) By determining gas usage at
neighboring homes

188. When did a Newtown Gas employee last

read Saurabh Khan ’ s meter?

(A) In February
(B) In March
(C) In April
(0) In May

Go on to the next page.

Questions 191-195 refer to the f이 lowing letter and documen t.

96 Rumbold Street
Hampshire W13 1PW
May 19
Jetline Claims Office
Jetline UK Limited
35 Manchester Road
London EC2 3HD

Dear Sir or Madam:

1 am writing with regard to damage to my suitcase incurred during a recent trip to ltaly. 1 was traveling
from Milan to Gatwick Airport on Jetline flight JT23 on May 14 , and on picking up my suitcase from
the baggage claim at Gatwick , 1 found that the latch was badly damaged and the handle had become
detached from the suitcase on one side. 1 reported this to the Jetline office at Gatwick and completed
a property-irregularity form.

1 have had thε suitcase lookεd at by a localluggagε retailer , Simpsons Limited , to see if they could repair
it. They feel that they can only partially repair it (enclosed is a copy of their estimate) , and they would
suggest a replacemen t. 1 would therefore be pleased if you could reimburse me for the cost of a new
suitcase as indicated in Simpsons ’ estimate. Due to the amount of damage to the suitcase , 1 was unable
to travel from the airport by public transport as planned and had to take a taxi. 1 would also ask you to
reimburse me for the taxi fare , which was f45.00.

Yours sincerely ,


Richard Turner

Simpsons Limited: Retailers of Quality Luggage

43 High Street, Ayresford W4 8RT
7능1: 01203431796

Estimate of Repair

Date: May 17

Item to be repaired: Large dark green cloth suitcase manufactured by Crossleys , Ltd.

Nature 01 repair: Replace damaged latch , reattach handle

Estimated cost: t20.00 (but see note below)

Notes: Although the latch can be replaced , it will not be possible to reattach the handle
securely (damage to handle attachment on suitcase body). The cost to replace it with a
similar model is t105.00 (Dixons executive suitcase , model X23).

191. What is the purpose of the letter? 194. Which company made the damaged
(A) To report some lost property
(8) To claim some expenses (A) Oixons
(C) To complain about a flight (8) Jetline
(0) To request a copy of a form (C) Simpsons
(0) Crossleys

192. Why did Mr. Turner take a taxi from the

airport? 195. Why has Mr. Turner enclosed a document
with his letter?
(A) He had missed the last train.
(8) He was late for an appointment. (A) To provide an example of a form
(c) He was not feeling wel l. (8) To show that a suitcase has been
(미 He could not easily carry his luggage. repaired
(C) To support a request for reimbursement
(0) To suggest a store for Jetline to use
193. Why did Mr. Turner go to the Simpsons

(A) To buy a suitcase

(8) To ask for a refund
(c) To inquire about repair costs
(0) To pay an outstanding bill

Go on to the next page.

Questions 196-200 refer to the following news report and memo.

News Report

Randolph Chemical announced earlier today the selection of Michelle Brown as its new
chief executive officer. Willard Strong , Chairman of the Board of Randolph Chemical, said ,
“ We are de lighte d to have found someone of Michelle ’ 5 caliber to lead our organization."

Michelle Brown brings to the table a re putation as a strict cost cutte r. Prior to joining
Randolph , D r. Brown was CEO of Popovich Materials , where she reduced expenses by
almost a third in her four-year te nure. Dr. Brown has a bachelor's degree in chemistry
from Wyler College and a Ph.D. in analytical chemistry from Porter University.

Industry analysts remain skeptical that she can turn around the company’5 ailing fortunes
After her selection was announced , company stock dropped 1. 2 percent in one afternoon.

Ra ndolph Chemical is a global technology-based company that manufactures and

distributes plastics , chemicals , and agricultural products . Their search , w hich took eleven
months , was conducted with the aid of Darren Consulting

터펠히하 펌따 냐
Memorandum from : Miche11e Brown
TO : A11 Rando1ph Chemica1 emp10yees

As you have probab1y heard , I wi11 be assuming responsibi1ity

for 1eadin g Rando1ph Chemica1 effective Monday morning. I want
to take a moment to reaffirm the commitme nt of Rando1ph
Ch emica 1 and of myse1f as its new head to treating every sing1e
emp10yee with the fairness and dignity that he or she deserves . 시

In the months to come I wi11 be initiating steps to se11 off

those portions of our business in which we do not have the
potentia1 to become industry 1eaders , 1eaving us to focus on
what we do best . Due to t~니ne constraints , we wi11 not be
commissioning a new study of a11 of our ho1dings . Instead ,
we wi11 base decisions on current in - house performance figures
derived from our ongoing review process .

This is the beginning of a 10ng journey for a11 of us , one I am

proud to say we wi11 make together . I hope to meet as many of
you as possib1e persona11y , and I urge you to b ecome fu11y l'
engaged in the process and to contribute your own ideas 댐

주 앓μ양

196. What was the subject of the news release by 199. Why is Or. 8rown not planning a new study
Randolph Chemical? of all of Randolph Chemical holdings?

(A) The selection of a new chief executive (A) It would be very expensive.
officer (8) It would take too much time.
(8) The announcement of a new chairman (C) There are not enough employees
of the board available to help.
(c) The merger of Randolph Chemical and (0) Oarren Consulting has already
Popovich Materials completed the study.
(0) Recent trends in stock prices for
chemical companies
200. What was Or. 8rown known for in her
previous job that she will probably continue
197. What is suggested about Randolph in her new position?
(A) Moving into new markets
(A) It is planning to move its main office. (8) Introducing new products for
(8) It is searching for additional board agricultural use
members. (C) Consulting with experts outside the
(C) It is experiencing financial problems. company
(미 It is looking for new products to market. (0) Reducing operating costs

198. What is implied in the memorandum?

(A) The company will be doing more work

(8) Or. 8rown has met many of the
employees at Randolph Chemical.
(C) Some positions in the company may be
(0) Temporary employees will be offered
permanent jobs.

Stop! This is the end of the test. If you finish before time is called , you may go back to Parts 5 , 6 ,
and 7 and check your work.


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