Professional Education: St. Louis Review Center, Inc
Professional Education: St. Louis Review Center, Inc
Professional Education: St. Louis Review Center, Inc
St. Louis Review Center, Inc-San Pablo City Tel. no (049) 562-22239 or 0929-688-4348 2
32. With the number of senses to be stimulated to despite teacher’s excellent performance. Which
criterion, which one should be first in the list? trait is illustrated by student B’s behavior?
a. Audio aid c. Visual aid a. Rationalism c. Personalism
b. Audio-visual aid d. Multi-sensory aid b. Impersonalism d. Particularism
33. Which refers to the Filipino trait of practicing 42. In her desire to help the children build their
conflicting values in different venues with vocabulary, she maintains a small board at the
different social groups? corner of her classroom for the Word of Day to
a. crab mentality teach the children one new word each day.
b. “kanya-kanya” mentality Which method of vocabulary- building does she
c. Procrastination employ?
d. Split personality a. Incidental attention to building meaning
34. Richard excels in classifying different types of b. All of these d. Wide reading
leaves and rocks. He loves to collect specimens c. Direct vocabulary instruction
and catalogs them. His strength is 43. Conducting follow up studies of graduates and
a. naturalistic intelligence c. spatial drop out is guidance service that falls under
intelligence a. individual inventory service
b. intrapersonal intelligence d. existential b. research service
intelligence c. counseling service
35. Students C says “ bahala na” and braves the d. placement service
storm for a test. In this situation which is 44. Teacher F helps pupils determine the
expressed by the students “ bahala na”? pronunciation and meanings of words by
a. lack of self-reliance c. Lack of foresight analyzing roots, affixes, and derived forms. This
b. Willingness to take risks d. Indolence process is called
36. It is easy for children to learn language because a. contextual attack c. blending sounds
each person as a Language Acquisition Device b. phonetic analysis d. structural analysis
that predisposes one to acquire language. This 45. Researches conducted show that teachers
theory is espoused by________. expectancies of students often become self-
a. Watson b. Gardener c. Chomsky d. fulfilling prophecies. What is this phenomenon
Piaget called?
37. Miss Cortez is teaching a three-year-old boy a. Ripple effect c. Pygmalion effect
how to put on his shirt. She might first reward b. Hawthorne effect d. Halo effect
him for placing his right arm in the right sleeve, 46. Age two (2) is usually described as the “ terrible
then the left arm in the left sleeve, then 2’s” because, according to Erikson, at this stage
buttoning the front of the shirt, then tucking the the child tends to be
shirt into his pants. This technique is called. a. Inquisitive c. playful
a. conditioning c. chaining b. Sickly d. assertive in words and in actions
b. fading d. reinforcement 47. Peter is able to gain a lot of friends. He is well-
38. According to Erikson’s theory, the child aged linked and popular among other students. He
three to five is largely has a natural flare for making people laugh and is
a. Mischievous c. lazy almost always ready to help them. He possesses
b. ego-centric d. altruistic what is called:
39. Teacher S wants to show to the class a a. naturalistic intelligence
magnified picture of Mayon Volcano mounted b. spatial intelligence
on a bond paper. Which one will she use? c. intra personal intelligence
a. Overhead projector c. Slide d. interpersonal intelligence
b. Opaque projector d. Filmstrip 48. Jones, age 7, was removed from her class
40. Teacher V wants to check prior knowledge of his frequent fights with other children. She refused
pupils about water pollution. She writes the to be disciplined and was to focus in class only
main topic water pollution in the center of the for very short time. She also has frequent
chalkboard and encircles it. Then she asks the tantrums. She is suffering from
pupils to provide information that can be a. mental retardation
clustered around the main topic. Which b. down syndrome d. learning disability
technique did the teacher employ? c. attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder
a. Deductive teaching c. Semantic mapping 49. Which ones are two-dimensional
b. Demonstration d. Vocabulary building representations of earth’s geographic and /or
41. After having been humiliated by his teacher, political features?
student B evaluates that teacher very poorly a. Mock ups b. Models c. Globes d. Maps
St. Louis Review Center, Inc-San Pablo City Tel. no (049) 562-22239 or 0929-688-4348 3
50. Studies in the area of neurosciences disclosed b. idealists d. realists
that the human brain has limitless capacity. 58. The following are four levels of computer use.
What does this imply? You are able to use the computer as a tool for
a. Pupils can possibly reach a point where they particular purposes. In what level are you?
have learned everything a. computer hacker
b. Every child is a potential genius b. computer expertise
c. Every pupil has his own native ability and his c. Computer literacy
learning is limited to this native ability d. computer competency
d. Some pupils are admittedly not capable of 59. A teacher who equates authority with power
learning usually does the following, Except:
51. Through the enactment of republic Act 7836, a. shames
the regulation and licensing of teachers is now b. retaliates
with the: c. develops self respect in every pupil
a. Professional regulation commission d. intimidates
b. Commission on Higher education 60. Which type of test is least useful in educational
c. Department of education, Culture and Sport diagnosis?
d. Civil Service Commission a. Multiple choice item c. Matching item
52. Which characterizes the perfections type of b. True-false item d. Short answer item
student? 61. In a microcomputer system the actual machine
a. Often anxious, fearful, or frustrated about itself is called the:
quality of work a. CPU c. hardware
b. Does not volunteer or initiate b. software d. peripheral
c. Gives up easily 62. Which interactive teaching should be AVOIDED?
d. rarely completes tasks a. using multiple-response strategy
53. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE b. using “ put-down” strategy
with respect to physical force or violence? c. asking more divergent questions
a. Scold a hungry student for his lack of d. asking more evaluative questions
attention 63. Teacher C wants to develop in his pupils the skill
b. Believe in their students to organizes ideas. Which activity will fit?
c. Criticize the misbehavior not the student a. simulation c. Brainstroming
who misbehaves b. Game d. concept mapping
d. Structure the classroom environment to 64. The process whereby a culture is transmitted
make it supportive from members of one society to another is
54. Which of the following group activities provides called:
an open environment in which group members a. integration c. acculturation
can discuss their opinions without being judged b. assimilation d. enculturation
as wrong? 65. One aim of La Liga Filipina, i.e., to encourage
a. Panel c. Buzz session popular education is in line with the present Phil.
b. Forum d. Philips 66 Government in education to promote
55. Results in NEAT and NSAT for the past years a. lifelong and quality
show that achievement has highest in: b. effectiveness & efficiency
a. Science c. relevance and quality
b. Heograpiya, Kasaysayan at Sibika d. access and equity
c. English 66. Teacher T wants group members to give their
d. Filipino full attention to what one individual wants to
56. Which is the least authentic mode of express. This is done by the whole group seated
assessment? in a circle while 2 chairs are placed in the center
a. experiments in science to assess skill in the of the circle for two members to converse while
use of scientific method the others listen. What is this technique called?
b. oral performance to assess student’s a. Round table c. Forum
spoken communication skills b. Symposium d. Fish bowl technique
c. paper-and-pencil test in vocabulary 67. Confucius asserted that in teaching there should
d. artistic production for music or art subject be no distinction of classes. Confucius’ teaching
57. The Philosophers that maintain that “ Truth is in support of
exists in an objective order that is independent a. Moral recovery program
of the knower are the: b. Back-to –the-basics
a. pragmatists c. existentialists c. Education for all (EFA)
St. Louis Review Center, Inc-San Pablo City Tel. no (049) 562-22239 or 0929-688-4348 4
d. Values Education 77. Students non-verbal behavior affects student-
68. The first American teachers in the Philippines teacher interaction. An example is a student’s
were choice of seat at the beginning of the year
a. Elementary graduates influences the teacher’s impression of how
b. Graduates of the normal school responsive the student is. Under which category
c. Missionaries of non-verbal communication does the example
d. Soldiers fall?
69. Which instructional aid requires pupils to a. Attentiveness c. Timing
perform? b. Location/proximity d. Disruptive behavior
a. mock up c. pantomime 78. In instructional planning, which among these
b. film d. comic books three; unit plan, course plan, lesson plan is (are)
70. Which among the following objectives in the most specific? _______ plans.
psychomotor domain is highest in level? a. Course
a. To contract a muscle b. Unit c. Lesson d. Course and lesson
b. To run a 100 meter dash 79. If a student thinks about thinking, he is involved
c. To distinguish distant and close sounds in the process called:
d. To dance the basic steps of the waltz a. creative thinking c. higher-order thinking
71. The project method is considered valuable for b. metacognition d. critical thinking
the following reasons EXCEPT one: 80. The following are some drill techniques EXCEPT:
a. Pupils develop alertness, open-mindedness a. Assigning exercises from a workbook
and tolerance b. Challenging students to be above the level of
b. Pupils are trained to be responsible the class
c. Motive for learning is developed c. Giving short quiz and having students grade
d. Movement among pupils is not free and free papers
discussion is almost nil d. Asking papers to repeat answers
72. The use of drills in the classroom is rooted on 81. For instructions to be effective it must be
Thorndike’s law of interactive. Which then should be avoided by
a. Belongingness c. Exercise teachers?
b. Readiness d. Effect a. Teacher episode c. Non-verbal
73. For wholistic learning, it is urgent to utilize both cues
sides of the brain; the effective as well as the b. Teacher asking questions d. Teacher
cognitive, the logical along with the monologue
a. Behavioral c. Musical 82. Which is NOT a basic component of a lesson
b. Intuitive d. Rational plan?
74. Which instructional aid requires pupils to a. Evaluation b. Assignment c. Resources d.
verbalize? Content
a. Diorama c. Sociodrama 83. To improve students’ attentive behavior, which
b. Brainstorming d. Graph should be vigilant about?
75. Education during the revolutionary period in the a. Raising a hand to volunteer a response
Philippines then was focused on the b. Turning around to listen to a student who is
a. Mastery of the Spanish language speaking
b. Strengthening of the moral fiber of the c. Maintaining eye contact with the teacher
people d. Doodling with a pencil
c. Mastery of the basic skills 84. One criterion for content to be developed in a
d. Establishment of nationhood lesson is LEARNABILITY. What does the
76. Gagne delineates 9 external events in sequential capitalized letter word mean?
instructional planning. Which are the first and a. The content should be worthwhile
the last in the sequence? b. The content should be within the capacity of
a. Informing students of the lesson objectives- the students to learn
enhancing the retention and transfer of c. Resources and materials for the development
learning of the content are available
b. Informing students of the lesson objectives- d. The content should be useful or practical in
assessing student performance some situation
c. Gaining attention- enhancing the retention 85. Learning is enhanced when
and transfer of learning a. the learner competes with his classmates
d. Stimulating recall of previous learning- b. the teacher expresses his enlargement with
assessing student performance low scores
St. Louis Review Center, Inc-San Pablo City Tel. no (049) 562-22239 or 0929-688-4348 5
c. the expectation of success is high 93. Which one can help the student develop the
d. the expectations is under stress and is habit of critical thinking?
challenged a. asking low level questions
86. Teacher V teaches the pupils to find the main b. a willingness to suspend judgment until
idea, sequence events, find the details and read sufficient evidence id presented
creatively and critically. What skills does Teacher c. Asking convergent questions
V teach? d. Blind obedience to authority
a. Utilization skills c. Comprehension skills 94. Which materials consists of instructional units
b. Study skills d. Word recognition skill that cater to the different needs and the varying
87. Vygotsky claimed that social interaction is mental levels pupils?
important for learning. What does this imply? a. Minimum learning competencies
a. Children are independent problem solvers b. Multi-level materials
b. Children learn from adults and other children c. Plantilia
c. Since they are not capable of interaction, d. Multi-grade materials
children in the crib has no learning yet 95. Which is a teaching approach for kindergartens
d. Children learn well by passive presentation of that makes the real world experiences of the
information child the focal point of educational stimulation?
88. Teacher Z has a variety of instructional materials a. Montessori approach
at her disposal for a lesson on marine life. Which b. Traditional approach
one should she consider first and foremost? c. Eclectic approach
a. Pupil’s ability c. Pupil’s interest d. Situation approach
b. lesson objective d. Topic 96. Gray defines reading a four-step process. In
89. Which were features of Educational Decree of which order do the fur steps come?
1863? I. Integration II. reaction
I. The church’s active involvement in the public II. Perception IV. Comprehension
educational system a. I-II-III-I b. II-III-IV-I c. III-IV-I-II d. II-IV-III-I
II. Segregation of boys and girls in the school 97. Teacher M wants to develop in her pupils
III. Few benefits and privileges for teachers comprehension skills. What order of skills will
IV.Absence of a system of teacher promotion she develop?
a. II,III b. I,II c. I,IV d. I,III I. literal comprehension
90. Which one explains curriculum alignment II. interpretation
correctly? III. critical evaluation
a. Teachers emphasize different learning IV. integration
experiences based upon their skills and a.II-III-IV-I b. IV-III-II-I c. III-IV-I-II d. I-II-III-IV
interests. 98. An integrative, conceptual approach introduced
b. Teachers plan activities considering learner’s by Roldan has as its highest level is the
multiple intelligences and varied learning development of _______ thinking skills
styles a. Interpretative c. Creative
c. Objectives match with assessment b. Literal d. Critical
d. Objectives match instruction and assessments 99. The use of mnemonics helps a pupil _______
91. Positive interdependence as an element of information
collaborative learning means that the students a. Analyze c. Apply
must b. Understand d. Remember
a. help one another in the individual test for 100. which schools are subjects to supervision,
everyone to pass regulation and control by the state?
b. depend on the diligent student a. public, private sectarian and non-sectarian
c. be grouped heterogeneously schools
d. learn to depend on each other to achieve a b. public schools
goal c. private schools
92. Teacher E wants to encourage collaborative d. sectarian and non-sectarian schools
learning in her class. Which one should do to 101. Which graphic organizers are used to show
heighten positive interdependence event in chronological order?
a. Emphasize the idea that the success of the a. Series of events chart and story map
group depends on the diligent student b. Time line and cycle
b. Works for homogeneous grouping c. Time line and series of events chart
c. Provide each student with one set of d. Time line and story map
St. Louis Review Center, Inc-San Pablo City Tel. no (049) 562-22239 or 0929-688-4348 6
102. Which program was adopted to provide and may learn from one another. What is the
universal access to basic education to eradicate teacher preparing the class for?
illiteracy? a. Buzz grouping c. Peer tutoring
a. “ Paaralan –sa-bawat-Barangay” b. Remedial instructions d. Ability grouping
b. Education for all 111. Teacher asked the pupils these questions
c. Values Education Framework after reading A New Home for Ruben. “ What
d. Science and Education Development Plan glimpses of rural life of rural life did you get
103. Teacher M instructs her class to refer to the from the story? How do you compare them with
dictionary in correcting their spelled words. yours?”
Which practice is exemplified? a. Critical evaluation c. Interpretation
a. curriculum idigenization b. Application d. Literal comprehension
b. computed-assisted instruction 112. In the K-W-L technique K stands for what the
c. multi-level instruction pupil already knows what he really wants to
d. self-evaluation know and L for what he
104. Which note-taking technique includes the a. failed to learn c. needs to learn
use of various sizes of circle to indicate the b. he likes to learn d. learned
degree of the importance and connectedness of 113. Teacher Z shows a histogram on Filipino
ideas? population growth form 1990 to 2001. Seeing
a. Venn diagram c. Comparison matrix the pattern of growth, pupil is asked to tell what
b. Fishbone diagram d. Webbing will happen in the next two years. What skill is
105. The free public elementary and secondary the pupil asked to display?
education in the country is in line with the a. Inferring c. Extrapolating
government effort to address educational b. Predicting d. Drawing conclusion
problems of 114. Which theory stresses the importance of
a. effectiveness and efficiency c. productivity using a pre-reading strategy that encourages
b. relevance and quality d. access and equity students to use their own experiences to predict
106. Classroom discussion should end with a final and evaluate the problems an action of
summary also known as characters in the stories they read?
a. internal summaries c. organizers a. Metacognition theory
b. medial summaries d. postorganizers b. Text structure theory
107. Teacher wants his pupils to master the skill in c. Vocabulary theory
adding unlike fractions. Which method should he d. Scheme theory
use? 115. Which questioning technique would be
a. Unit method c. Laboratory method appropriate for inductive lessons?
b. Drill method d. Discovery method a. Use questions requiring only memory
108. Which is correct statement about teaching responses
method? b. Expect participation only among the more
a. There is one best method for teaching motivated students
b. Indirect instructional method is teacher- c. Involve students actively in the questioning
centered process
c. There is a best method of teaching d. As teacher, you ask no questions
d. No one teaching method can accomplish 116. The Philippine Constipation directs the
every goal teaching of religion in public schools on the
109. Science Teacher C introduces a topic on following conditions EXCEPT
earthquakes, then help her students determine a. option is expressed in writing
what they need to know about earthquakes, b. without cost to the government
then help her students determine what they c. with cost shouldered by the parents or
need to know about earthquakes and the guardians d. given only at the option
activities and resources which will help them 117. What type of lesson takes place when
learn. Which technique does Teacher C employ? teacher dwells on the same lesson but present it
a. Individualized instruction in a different way?
b. Computer assisted instructions a. Developmental c. Review
c. Self-directed learning b. Deductive d. Inductive
d. Collaborative learning 118. Marvin has had difficulty getting right
110. Teacher X assesses her pupil’s needs then solution to a problem in algebra. Suddenly he
cerates that everyone has something to share “saw” how to solve the problem. Which of the
following explains this situation?
St. Louis Review Center, Inc-San Pablo City Tel. no (049) 562-22239 or 0929-688-4348 7
a. Revelation b. Insight c. Retention d. in class discussion and seemed to have no
Memory interest in what was being discussed. This was
119. Which one will likely contribute to the very unusual, for he has always been eager to
effectiveness of small discussion? participate and often monopolized the
a. repeating directions over and over discussion time.” What Teacher A wrote is an
b. Developing a plan for getting non-volunteers example of a (an)
to respond a. incidence report c. personality report
c. Threatening atmosphere b. anecdotal report d. observation report
d. Volunteerism is the rule of contributing to 128. What is a simple frequency distribution? A
the discussion graphic representation of
120. Which one is benefit derived from the use of a. Means
performance objectives? b. standard deviations
a. A panacea to class management problems c. lowest and highest
b. Makes it easier to measure student d. score raw scores
achievement 129. About what percent of the cases falls
c. Makes possible value integration between +2 and –1 in a normal curve?
d. Makes selection of instructional materials a. 43.1% b. 95.4 % c. 99.8% d. 68.2 %
easier 130. Which error do teachers commit when they
121. In research, the definition of key terms used tend to overrate the achievement student
is identified by aptitude tests as gifted because
a. Literal c. operational they expect achievement and giftedness to go
b. Conceptual d. figurative together?
122. After a lesson AIDS, the students are asked a. Generosity error c. Severity error
to summarize the lesson in one long sentence by b. Central tendency error d. Logical error
answering : Who?; Does what or whom?; 131. What is the mean of this score distribution:
When?; Where?; How?; Why?; This assessment 4,5,6,7,8,9,10?
technique evaluates students ability to a. 8.5 b. 6 c. 7.5 d. 7
a. Evaluate c. synthesize 132. Which statement correctly applies to a
b. Analyze d. recall student who got score of 72 in the test?
123. On the first day of class after initial a. He surpassed the score of 72 students
introductions, the teacher administered a b. He correctly answered 72% of the items in
Misconception/ Preconception check. She the test
explained that she wanted to know what the c. He obtained a raw score of 72 items in the
class as a whole already knew about the test
Philippines before the Spaniards came. This d. He answered only 72 items in the test
misconception/Preconception check is a form of 133. Which measure (s) of central tendency can
a. diagnostic test c. criterion-referenced test be determine by inspection?
b. placement test d. achievement test a. Median b. Mode c. Mead d. Mode &
124. In research which is the dependent variable? Median
a. Stimulus c. attribute 134. When a significantly greater number form
b. Input d. predictor the lower group gets a test item correctly, this
125. Which types of statistics give (s) information implies that the test items
about the sample being studied? a. is very valid
a. Inferential and correlational b. is not very valid
b. Inferential c. is not highly reliable
c. Descriptive d. is highly reliable
d. Correlational 135. Teacher C adds the number of cases 1 over 2
126. Which happens when score distribution is obtain
positively skewed? a. Mode c. median and mode
a. The median will be higher than the mean b. Median d. mean
and the mode 136. Like a typewriter, a computer has a
b. The mode corresponds to a low value a. desk drive c. screen
c. The mean will have a high value b. keyboard d. cursor
d. The mode corresponds to a high value 137. The following demand criterion –referenced
127. Teacher A wrote of Henry: “ When Henry tests, EXCEPT
come to the class this morning, he seemed very a. Personalized System of Instruction
tired and slouched into his seat. He took no part b. Outcome –based education
St. Louis Review Center, Inc-San Pablo City Tel. no (049) 562-22239 or 0929-688-4348 8
c. Collaborative learning 145. Which refers to a single word or phrase that
d. Mastery learning tells the computer to do something with a
138. Read this test item then answer the program or file?
questions below, WHAT IS THE END a. computer program
SENTENCE? c. password
a. Quotation marks d. Semicolon d. Computer language
b. Comma 146. To determine student’s entry knowledge and
c. Exclamation point e. Questions marks skills which test should be given?
139. It is not wise to laugh at a two-year-old child a. Aptitude c. diagnostic
when he utters bad word because in his stage he b. standard d. placement
is learning to 147. Which is (are) signs of the student with
a. consider other views Attention deficit Disorder?
b. distinguish right and wrong a. Cares for his/personal things
c. socialize d. distinguish sex differences b. Impatient while waiting for his/her turn
140. In which subjects can learning outcomes be during games
best evaluated by criterion-reference tests? c. Completes work before shifting to another
a. In subjects where speed and accuracy of d. Excessively quite
learner’s response are emphasized 148. After scoring , Teacher G got the difference
b. In all subjects of the highest and the lowest scores in each
c. In subjects where the acquisition of class. What did she compute?
cognitive and psychomotor abilities are a. range of the lowest fourth
emphasized b. standard deviation d. external range
d. In subjects where objects are hierarchically c. range of the middle 50%
arranged 149. After scoring, teacher G got the difference of
141. In a Science class test, one group had a range the highest and the lowest scores in each class.
within the top quarter of 15 points and another What did she compute?
group on the same measurement had a range of a. Porfolio assessment is dynamic assessment
30 points. Which statement applies? b. Assessment should stress the reproduction
a. The first group has variability twice as great of knowledge
as the second group within the top quarter c. An individual learner is inadequately
b. The first group is more varied than the characterized by a test score
second group d. An individual learner is adequately
c. The second group has a variability twice as characterized by a test score
a great as the first group within the top 150. What is the mode in the following score
quarter distribution: 96,97,98,97,93,90,89,97,81,80?
d. the second group does not differ from the a. 96 b. 98 c. 97 d. 83
first group of variability 151. If a teacher is concerned with the
142. Which applies when all high frequencies are development of students’ higher order thinking
not adjacent? skills, his lesson objectives must go beyond.
a. The score distribution will neither be a. Analysis c. comprehension
bimodal nor multimodal b. recall d. application
b. There is no point of score concentration 152. Which statement about guidanc4 is FALSE?
c. The score distribution will be concentrated a. A guidance program is inherent in every
d. There will only be one point of score school
concentration b. Guidance is a function of the entire school
143. Mothers who demand their 3 to 5 children to c. The classroom teacher is not part of the
spend their time in serious academic stud forget school guidance program since she/he is
that early childhood is the. not trained to be a guidance counselor
a. Questioning age c. initiative age d. Guidance embraces curriculum, teaching,
b. Pre-school age d. Toy age supervision and all other activities of the
144. Teacher A wants to make use of the most school guidance
stable measure of variability? Which one(s) 153. Which statement on the counseling is FALSE?
should you recommend? a. The ultimate goal of counseling is greater
a. external range and quartile range happiness on the part of counselee.
b. standard deviation
c. quartile range d. external range
St. Louis Review Center, Inc-San Pablo City Tel. no (049) 562-22239 or 0929-688-4348 9
b. For counseling to be successful, the a. Determining the percentage equivalent of
counselee is willing to participate in the the cut off score
process b. Identifying the highest score
c. The school counselor is primarily responsible c. Determining the cut off score
for counseling d. Determining the effectiveness of distracters
d. Counseling is the program that includes 163. Teacher Z wants to check whether or not his
guidance students learned what he intended to teach and
154. A test item has a difficulty index of .81 and so formulated a quiz that should be based on his
discrimination index of.13. What should the test a. topic(s) c. students ability
constructor do? b. extra readings d. instructional objectives
a. Retain the item c. Revise the item 164. If teacher wants to test student’s ability to
b. Make it a bonus a item d. Reject the item organize ideas, which type of test should she
155. Continuous evaluation of the guidance formulate?
program in one service of guidance programs. a. technical problem type c. Short answer
Under which guidance service does it fall? b. Essay d. Multiple-choice type
a. Individual inventory service 165. Teacher should not be a slave of his lesson
b. Research service plan. This means that
c. Placement service d. Educational service a. a teacher must be ready to depart from her
156. Shown a picture of children in sweaters lesson plan, if she remembers something
inside the classroom, the students were asked more interesting than what she earlier
this question: “ In what kind of climate of this planned
children live?” This is a thought question on b. teacher is the best lesson plan designer
a. Creating c. predicting c. a lesson plan must be followed by a teacher
b. Interfering d. applying no matter what
157. Which is the final, indispensable component d. a teacher must be willing other than her
of a lesson plan? intended lesson
a. Assignment c. Activity 166. The first thing to do in constructing a periodic
b. References d. Evaluation test is for a teacher to
158. Which multiple choice type of test has a. decide on the type of test to construct
options that are based on a graphical b. go back to her instructional objective
presentation of data or on a paragraph or picture c. decide on the number of items for the test
? d. study the content
a. setting and options test 167. The criterion for success in Teacher D’s
b. structured –response test objective is that “ the pupils must be able to spell
c. contained options test 90% of the words correctly” Ana and 19 others
d. stem and options test correctly spelled 40 words only out of 50. This
159. For mastery learning which type of testing means that Teacher D
will be most fit? a. attained his objective because of her
a. Formative testing effective spelling drill
b. Criterion-reference testing b. attained his lesson objective
c. Aptitude testing c. failed to attain his lesson objective as far as
d. Norm reference testing the twenty pupils are concerned
160. Which is a characteristics of an imperfect d. did not attain his lesson objective because of
type of matching test? the pupil’s lack of attention
a. An item may have no answer at all 168. A positive discrimination index means that
b. The items in the right and left columns are a. the test item could not discriminate
equal in number between the lower and upper groups
c. An answer maybe repeated b. more from the upper group got to he item
d. There are two or more distracters correctly
161. The following are necessary for successful c. more from the lower group of the item
counseling ECEPT: correctly
a. counselee willingness to participate d. the test item has low reliability
b. atmosphere of confidentiality 169. Why are test norms established? To have a
c. professionalism basis for
d. buddy-buddy relation between counselor a. computing grades
and counselee b. establishing learning goals
162. Which is included in item analysis? c. identifying pupil’s difficulties
St. Louis Review Center, Inc-San Pablo City Tel. no (049) 562-22239 or 0929-688-4348 10
d. interpreting test results 179. The inclusion of Logic the curriculum is
170. When points in the scattergram are spread perhaps an influence of the importance of logic
evenly in all directions this means that that _______ stressed
a. the correlation between twp variables is a. St. Augustine c. The hedonists
positive b. The humanists d. The scholastics
b. the correlation between two variables is low 180. You observe that pupils answer even when
c. the correlation between two variables is not called, shout MA’AM to get your attention,
high and laugh when someone commits mistakes.
d. there is no correlation between two What should you do?
variables a. Send the misbehaving pupils to the guidance
171. The more the learner feels what he is counselor
learning the better the learning. Therefore the b. Involve the whole class in setting rules of
teachers should take up lessons that conduct for the whole class
a. are easy to comprehend c. Make a report to the parents about their
b. appeal to the learner’s imagination children’s misbehavior
c. portray complex ideas d. Set the rules for the for the class to observe
d. have significance for the learner 181. A political boss builds a school in a distant
172. The whole child of education is contrary to barrio in order to get the votes for an unworthy
the and corrupt candidate. Is the action of the
a. focus on the disadvantaged approach to political boss moral?
education a. No, the candidate is undeserving
b. the mental discipline approach to education b. Yes, the votes were in exchange for the
c. progressivist approach to education whole class.
d. academic essentials approach to education c. Yes, it was his duty to strategize for his
173. The strengthening of liberal education which candidate to win
includes classical literature in the curriculum is d. No, his motive was not meant for a good
based on the thought of the effect
a. Rationalist c. humanists 182. Can an insane person be blamed for killing a
b. Hedonists d. stoics stranger?
174. Which one is rejected by communism but is a. Yes, because an insane person possesses a
accepted by fascism? little degree of voluntariness
a. Dictatorship c. No opposition b. No, because the one killed is a stranger, not
b. Private ownership d. Personal liberty in any way related to hi.
175. To provide for individual differences how is c. Yes, because an insane person because is
curriculum designed? not totally ignorant
a. Some degree of flexibility is provided d. No, because of his ignorance and lack
b. Realistic and meaningful experiences are voluntariness
provided 183. My right ends where the right of the other
c. Minimum learning competencies are begins. What does this mean?
included d. Social skills are emphasized a. Rights are absolute
176. The emphasizes given on respect and care b. Rights are inalienable
for the aged of Values Education classes goes c. Rights are alienable
along with the teachings of an Oriental d. Rights are not absolute
philosopher by the name of _______. 184. The teacher’s first task in the selection of
a. Hsun tsu c. Kung-fu-tsu media in teaching is to determine the
b. Mo Tsu d., Lao tsu a. availability of the media
177. Which philiosphy approves of a teacher b. technique to be used
whole lectures most of the time and requires his c. objectives of the lesson
students to memorize the rules of grammar? d. choice of the students
a. Pragmantism c. Realism 185. which criterion should guide a teacher in the
b. Existentialism d. Idealism choice of instructional devices?
178. The current emphasizes on the development a. Attrcativeness c. Appropriateness
of critical thinking by the use of philosophic b. Novelty d. Cost
methods that emphasize debate and discussion 186. Which one does NOT illustrate the principle
began with that rights and duties are correlative?
a. Confucius c. Aristotle a. The right a living wage involves the duty of
b. Socrates d. Plato the employer to give the salary agreed upon
St. Louis Review Center, Inc-San Pablo City Tel. no (049) 562-22239 or 0929-688-4348 11
and the duty of the employee to give a fair d. change the culture of the community
amount of work 194. Which one should teacher AVOID to produce
b. The right of the state to compel citizens to an environment conducive for learning?
military service is reciprocated by the duty a. Tests c. Individual competition
of the state to protect the citizens b. Seat plan d. Games
c. The right of an unmarried pregnant woman 195. In a study conducted, the pupils were asked
to abort her baby in relation to hr duty to which nationality they preferred if given a
protect her name choice. Majority of the pupils wanted to be
d. The right to life on the part of one person Americans. In this case, in which obligation
corresponds to the obligation on the part of relative to the state are schools seemed to be
other persons to respect such a right failing? In their obligation to
187. Which economic system upholds the a. promote obedience to the to the laws of
unlimited right to private property and pursuit of the state
profit to the exclusion of other considerations? b. instill allegiance to the Consultation
a. Moderate capitalism c. respect for all duly constituted authorities
b. Moderate capitalism d. promote national pride
c. Exaggerated capitalism d. Communism 196. Which skills should be taught if teacher
188. Which statement on human rights is wants to equip his students with the skill to
CORRECT? organize information gathered?
a. Human rights are unlimited a. Note taking, outlining, using library
b. Human right is a moral power not a physical b. Summarizing note taking using the library
power c. Note taking, outlining, summarizing
c. All human rights are inalienable d. Outlining, summarizing, using the card
d. Human right is might catalogue
189. Which is TRUE foundation of the social 197. Which practice negates teacher’s role as
order? facilitator of learning?
a. Equitable distribution of health a. Teacher does more talk so learners talk less
b. The reciprocation of rights and duties b. Teacher make use of interactive teaching
c. Obedient citizenry strategies
d. Strong political leadership c. Teacher caters to multiple intelligences in
190. Which is an example of an alienable right? the classroom
a. Right to possess a house through d. Teacher does less talk for learners to talk
inheritance more
b. Right to life 198. Annual medical check up required of
c. Right to alms teachers is done in the interest of
d. Right to marry a. parents
191. The worker’s right to form unions or to strike b. school administrators
can be suppressed in times of national c. Filipino medical doctors
emergency. On what norm is this based? d. The state and of every teacher
a. Clearer title- the certain before the little 199. Which activity is most fit if teacher his
b. Higher law-inalienable rights before students to appreciate the value of teamwork?
alienable a. Brainstorming c. Field trip
c. Wider social order- the family before the b. Group game d. Buzz group
individual 200. The information processing psychology
d. Nobler person person-God before man asserts that
192. with which is true authority equated? a. the learner is a passive receiver of stimuli
a. Power c. Coercion b. the learner is totally conditioned by
b. Suppression d. Service environment
193. Why should the teacher take the obligation c. learning is purely a conditioning process
upon himself to study and understand the d. learning is an interactive process between
custom and traditions of the community where the learner and the environment
he works? In order to
a. identify the weaknesses of the culture of the “It is not because that things are difficult that we
community do not dare; it is because we do not dare that they
b. have a sympathetic attitude for the people are difficult.”
of the community
c. please the people of the community
St. Louis Review Center, Inc-San Pablo City Tel. no (049) 562-22239 or 0929-688-4348 12
St. Louis Review Center, Inc-San Pablo City Tel. no (049) 562-22239 or 0929-688-4348 13
1. A 52. A 103. D 154. C
2. A 53. A 104. A 155. B
3. B 54. C 105. D 156. B
4. A 55. D 106. C 157. A
5. C 56. C 107. B 158. B
6. C 57. B 108. C 159. B
7. B 58. C 109. D 160. D
8. D 59. C 110. A 161. D
9. B 60. B 111. B 162. D
10. D 61. C 112. D 163. D
11. B 62. B 113. C 164. B
12. C 63. D 114. D 165. A
13. B 64. C 115. C 166. B
14. C 65. A 116. B 167. C
15. B 66. D 117. C 168. B
16. C 67. C 118. B 169. D
17. C 68. D 119. B 170. D
18. B 69. C 120. B 171. D
19. B 70. D 121. C 172. C
20. D 71. D 122. C 173. B
21. B 72. C 123. A 174. B
22. C 73. B 124. A 175. D
23. A 74. B 125. C 176. D
24. B 75. B 126. B 177. B
25. C 76. C 127. D 178. D
26. C 77. B 128. D 179. D
27. C 78. C 129. B 180. D
28. B 79. D 130. D 181. D
29. D 80. C 131. D 182. C
30. B 81. D 132. C 183. D
31. C 82. C 133. B 184. C
32. B 83. D 134. C 185. C
33. C 84. B 135. D 186. C
34. B 85. C 136. B 187. D
35. A 86. D 137. C 188. C
36. B 87. B 138. E 189. B
37. A 88. B 139. B 190. A
38. B 89. B 140. D 191. C
39. B 90. D 141. C 192. A
40. A 91. D 142. B 193. B
41. C 92. C 143. D 194. B
42. D 93. B 144. B 195. D
43. A 94. B 145. B 196. C
44. D 95. A 146. C 197. A
45. C 96. D 147. B 198. D
46. C 97. D 148. D 199. B
47. C 98. D 149. – 200. D
48. C 99. D 150. C
49. D 100. B 151. B
50. B 101. C 152. C
51. A 102. B 153. C
St. Louis Review Center, Inc-San Pablo City Tel. no (049) 562-22239 or 0929-688-4348 14
St. Louis Review Center, Inc-San Pablo City Tel. no (049) 562-22239 or 0929-688-4348 15