Voynich (5) : The Life-Cycle in Page f79v of The Voynich Manuscript
Voynich (5) : The Life-Cycle in Page f79v of The Voynich Manuscript
Voynich (5) : The Life-Cycle in Page f79v of The Voynich Manuscript
Voynich Manuscript
Joannes Richter
Fig. 3 A pregnant (?) Nymph 3 Fig. 4 The nymph 4 being swallowed by a big
fish in the green (salt ?) water
In the Voynich manuscript one complicated drawing (on page f79v) seems to describe a standard
life-cycle for the nymphs. In the source “Voynich information browser” this sketch is titled: "The
Mermaid and Big Fish".
Under an umbrella and seated in a sweet water basin the top nymph may receive a brown crucifix
from an invisible celestial entity. A water pipe distributes the downwards flowing water as droplets
which is raining in the face of another resting nymph, who carries a sort ankh-ring. The ankh has a
cross shape but with a teardrop-shaped loop in place of a vertical upper bar.
The downward flowing water now reaches a third pregnant (?) nymph, who holds her hand in the
water. The fourth nymph is swallowed by a big fish in the green water of a large basin.
This drawing sketches the life of the nymphs, who are coming from in the raining water from the
sky, carrying the ankh-symbol of life, the signal for fertility and pregnancy. At the end of the life the
nymphs are swallowed by the big blue-fishes, who are to be doomed as the preys for the other
Overview of the life-cycle on page f79v
In the source “Voynich information browser” the sketch on page f79v is titled: "The Mermaid and
Big Fish", which may be interpreted as the life-cycle of the nymphs. The end of the nymphs' life-
cycle seem to be found in the green water. In contrast to the last stage of the fourth nymph the birth
process and the following 2 stages take place in blue waters. The colored waters of the 4 stages may
be interpreted as the blue color for fertile sweet water and the green color for the infertile bitter sea
water. This story is one of a respectable number of other sketches. The story of page f79v seems to
represent a complete story on one page.
1 THE PORTUGUESE DUCK: A duck once arrived from Portugal, but there were some who said she came from
Spain, which is almost the same thing. At all events, she was called the “Portuguese,” and she laid eggs, was killed,
and cooked, and there was an end of her. → A Man Summarizes His Life in One Sentence, (Im Entenhof,
Andersen, 247)
2 The Portuguese Duck - Hans Christian Andersen
Segment 1 – the nymph with the crux
Only the first and the last segment may be dedicated to an introduction, respectively a summary.
<f79v.P.1;H> p!!!oldShedy.olkory.qotolol.otaldy.otedol.or.olorol-
<f79v.P.2;H> qoteedy.qokchey.qoty.lShey.qokai!n.!!!!!!!Shey.qor!chedy-
<f79v.P.3;H> dol.Sheol.okchy.qokai!n.cseedy.qokShedy.qoke!dy.otaram-
<f79v.P.4;H> qokeedy.qokeedy.qotai!n.sol.chedy.r!chey.qoky.lchedy-
<f79v.P.5;H> qolkeedy.qokedy.qotol.saiin.ory.qokedy.oteedy.lcheam-
<f79v.P.6;H> ychecKhey.r.ai!n.chedy.qokai!n.chedy.olShedy.dar.y!tam-
<f79v.P.7;H> qokShey.qokeedy.qol.kedy.qokeedy.qokai!n.s!ol!chedy-
<f79v.P.8;H> ychedy.qotey.okedy.tedyol.Sheedy.qokeey.qoteedy.lol-
<f79v.P.9;H> sor.ol.Sheey.qokeedy.qokechey.qol=
Segment 2
<f79v.P.10;H> p!!!chedy.lShecKhedy.qokeey.qokaiin.olky.opchedy.pchedy-
<f79v.P.11;H> olcheey.lchedy.qol!keedy.qokai!n.chcKhy.otar.ol.kam=
Segment 3
<f79v.P.12;H> p!!!Shdy.ofchdy.qokedy.qoteedy.qokedy.qol!tedy.qotedy.oky-
<f79v.P.13;H> dain.ar.olShey.dytai!n.qokai!n.checThy.okeedy.qokeedy.ror-
<f79v.P.14;H> qokeey.qokedy.okeey.qokol.Sheedy.qokeedy.r!ol.chey.qokeedy-
<f79v.P.15;H> yteedy.qokeedy.qokai!n.olkeey.cheokain.dy.teey.qokai!n-
<f79v.P.16;H> dol.Sheey.qol.olkShey.qokeedy.olkeedy.qol.okaiin.oly-
<f79v.P.17;H> qol.Sheey.chol.ol.dar.qokaiin.cheekey.qoky.otai!n.oram-
<f79v.P.18;H> qokai!n.Sheey.qokeey.teey.oteey.lSheey.qokeey.olkeedy.r!chey-
<f79v.P.19;H> ykail.Shy.qol!ar.Shey.qokedy.qokedy.qokedy.dar.olkai!n.cham-
<f79v.P.20;H> dchedy.lchey.qety.Shedy.okai!n.ykees.olkey.oty.Shey.qoly-
<f79v.P.21;H> d!Shey.qokal.Sheedy.Sheky.or!ai!n.otShdy.dain.cTher.ar!or-
<f79v.P.22;H> tShey.ykeey.r!a*kai!n.oroiiin=
Segment 4
<f79v.P.23;H> tolkey.okar.ol.okaiin.okylor.qokol.okeedy.dalary-
<f79v.P.24;H> y!cheear.o.oiin.oeedy.qotai!n.chedy.qokeey.oteey.qokchy.lol-
<f79v.P.25;H> qokeey.ol.olShdy.qotai!n.oteedy.olkai!n.otShey.sai!n.ol-
<f79v.P.26;H> ykeedy.okaiin.dykaiin.otedy.dkeey.tar.ol.otol.oiiiny-
<f79v.P.27;H> od!chey.kar.okai!n.opar.otai!n.olkey=
Segment 5
<f79v.P.28;H> p!!!chey.kSheol.qokain.ofchedy.otalShdy.olkair.otaiin.okeedy-
<f79v.P.29;H> dai!n.Shey.keedy.lko.opchedy.qotedy.otey.tal.dain.otchy.oty-
<f79v.P.30;H> qokai!n.Sheeky.okar.okey.qokey.tedy.skai!n.oteedy.qoky-
<f79v.P.31;H> yShees.aiin.o.ykeedy.qokeedy.qokar.oteedy.r!ol.tai!n-
<f79v.P.32;H> olkeey.ol.or.ocheey.ol.ol.o.keeedy.checKhy.ar!or=
Segment 6
<f79v.P.33;H> p!!!or.ar.or.yteey.teey.otar.oShey.qoky.chey.okeey.ldy.orol-
<f79v.P.34;H> ykeeey.qokeey.lShey.qoky.tchedy.or!Sheedy.otai!n.Sheor.oly-
<f79v.P.35;H> qor.cheey.kai!n.chl.ol.otol.dai!n.otai!n.ol.oteedy.qokan-
<f79v.P.36;H> y!Sheey.ol.Shey.oltShsey.SheepShey=
Segment 7 – the nymph swallowed by the big fish
The swallowing of the nymph may be interpreted with the legend of the mermaid.
<f79v.P.37;H> p!!!ol.ol.Shal.kai!n.okeey.lkeey.qokal.otchsdy.okechdy-
<f79v.P.38;H> olkeeey.qokeey.okeedy.Shedy.qokeey.okai!n.ShecKhdy.dag-
<f79v.P.39;H> qokeedy.ykeey.Sheey.or.or.aiin.yefaiin.ch!cThhy.dor.yty-
<f79v.P.40;H> qokees.aiin.okain.ol.oiin.qokoi!n.Sheky.qokeedy.qokar.ol-
<f79v.P.41;H> yShedy.qokeey.okai!n.ol!keey.daldy.chedy.r!aiin.or!ai!n-
<f79v.P.42;H> okchedy.qokai!n.Sheky.chedy.ol!aiin.y!daral=
The derivation of the story's contents from the drawing
The sketch of page f79v allows us to describe the story in the same 7-segmented structure. The
vocabulary of the text in f79v may be based on a vocabulary which in this page seems to be
founded on a singular “water”, which is used as a fundamental root to form a great number of
derived dedicated “water-words”. These words may have been defined in a dictionary, which may
have been validated only and restricted for this manuscript.