Marine Macroalgae A Host For Epiphytic Microalgae at Bhavnagar District, Gujarat, India

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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)

Volume 6 Issue 1, November-December 2021 Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470

Marine Macroalgae: A Host for Epiphytic

Microalgae at Bhavnagar District, Gujarat, India
Nirali Mehta, Shailesh Mehta
Botany Department, Sir P. P. Institute of Science, M.K. Bhavnagar University, Bhavnagar, Gujarat, India

ABSTRACT How to cite this paper: Nirali Mehta |

Algae are class of autotrophic organism grows in both fresh and Shailesh Mehta "Marine Macroalgae: A
marine environment. Marine macro algae especially seaweed being Host for Epiphytic Microalgae at
exploited as a food, animal feed, chemical, biofuels, bio oils even in Bhavnagar District, Gujarat, India"
cosmetics for their bioactive components. In marine habitat some Published in
seaweed act as a civil engineer and microalgae build complex
Journal of Trend in
community on their host seaweed or macro algae. This association Scientific Research
sometimes becomes fruitful by maintaining food chain and increase and Development
the rate of productivity of ecosystem and sometimes it affects the (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-
growth of host organism. Investigation on association of epiphytic 6470, Volume-6 | IJTSRD49104
microalgae with seaweed is rare in Bhavnagar district coast, Gujarat, Issue-1, December
India. Thus, this investigation carried out for forming a checklist of 2021, pp.1664-1669, URL:
epiphytic microalgae at Coast of Gopnath, Bhavnagar district,
Gujarat, India. During this study 7 species of epiphytic microalgae
were recorded on 3 different host macro algae Gelidium crinale, Copyright © 2021 by author (s) and
Chaetomorpha crassa, Cladophora glomerata. This research was International Journal of Trend in
Scientific Research and Development
makes check list of epiphytic algae in Gopnath coast and focused on
Journal. This is an
the need of extensive investigation about relationship between Open Access article
benthic flora and fauna with seaweed and their effect on seaweed distributed under the
growth, phytochemical productivity rate. terms of the Creative Commons
Attribution License (CC BY 4.0) (http:
KEYWORDS: Epiphytes microalgae, Host Macroalgae, Gopnath //
coast, Effect

Marine life such as marine animal, coral reefs, and adjust to the chemical and physical characteristic
mangrove, seaweeds, sea grasses play important role of their host’s environment (Burns and zotz 2010).
to support and maintain the marine ecosystem and
Epiphytes play an important ecological role in
marine food chain. In marine life seaweed or macro
primary production (Brock 1970, D’Antonio 1985).
algae was functioning high productive organism in
They act as a major food source for various
food chain. Healthy food chain sustains survival of
organisms, such as snails, fish and other invertebrates
marine animal as well as small scale fisherman’s
(Reyes-Vasques 1970, D’Antonio 1985).
income sources. The commercial production of
Phytoplankton, Diatoms, Dionoflagellates and
seaweed has expanded greatly over the past century
Cyanobecteria consider as a epiphytic microalgae.
with various beneficial application in field of food,
They are minute in size and sessile microscopic
fodders, chemical production, medicines, dietary
organism associated with macroscopic macroalgae,
supplements, biofuels (Tiwari& troy, 2015). Seaweed
which are presenting abundant in intertidal zone.
or macro algae play a marine civil engineer role by
Primarily they grow near-shore coastal body water
providing themselves as a host or substratum for
with suitable substrates [15].The thalli of macroalgae
building epiphyton, epiphytes or epiphytic micro
provide ample space for colonization and house
algal development.
minuscule epiphytic algal communities (Orthuno-
The microalgae associate to other plants known as Aguirre and Riosmena-Rodriguez 2007).
epiphyton, epiphytes or epiphytic microalgae [18].
In aquatic environment seaweed does not require
Epiphytic microalgae not easily observed by naked
fertilizer or arable land for their development. Their
eye as it is microscopic organism. Epiphytes
growth maintains healthy nutrient rich food chain,
diminutive species must rely on a host for survival
ecosystem, and give chance to other epiphytic

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD49104 | Volume – 6 | Issue – 1 | Nov-Dec 2021 Page 1664
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
microalgae for their development and productivity like temperature, salinity, current of water, light, and
increment. The structure and texture of blades and water quality may influence the diversity, abundance
thallus is suitable substrate for attachment of and community structure of epiphytic algae.
microalgae [16].Biotic and abiotic components of
Sometimes over development of epiphytic algae
environment affect the distribution of epiphytic affect the seaweed varieties especially for cultivated
microalgae on host macroalgae. Biotic factor like
seaweed by decreasing in biomass due to competition
seasonal cycle of host, surface characteristic, gazing in space and nutrient with the host (Buschmann and
activity of herbivores in food chain and abiotic factors
Gomez 1993).
Study area

Fig: 1 study site

Study carried out at Gopnath coast part of Bhavnagar district, Gujarat, INDIA. It is come between N 21° 14'
52.4436", E 72° 4' 20.8272", 75 km far from Bhavnagar city. Majority of the coast is rocky.
Sampling and sample analysis
During the survey at study site, random sampling method selected with the help of 1m2 quadrate. The species
present in quadrate ware collected in polythene bags and brought at laboratory. In laboratory sample washed
with seawater as well as with regular water for removing debris. Then carefully epiphytic algae separated from
their host and observed under the light microscope. Species identified with the help of some monograph,
reference book and articles. Monthly physichochemical parameter taken by multi parameter kit. (Due to covid
infection in December month, data was not taken)
This study carried out during September 2020 to march 2021 month. In random sampling method epiphytic
microalgae associated with three host marine macroalgae.

Fig: 2 Gelidium crinale cover with epiphytic microalgae Erythotrichia carnea

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD49104 | Volume – 6 | Issue – 1 | Nov-Dec 2021 Page 1665
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
Total seven epiphytic microalgae reported in this study. Host macroalgae belongs to Chlorophyta group and
Rhodophyta division. This host species are found more and less abundant in every season except chaetomorpha
crassa. Variation in biotic components, lifespan of the host, variation in seasonal distribution of macro algae
species form different habitats for epiphytic microalgae. Freshwater input, high currents, rainfall and other
various physic chemical process take place which change the water quality, water nutrient that directly affect the
health of marine ecosystem (Nirali Mehta and Shailesh Mehta 2021) and diversity of algae.

Fig: 3 Epiphytic microalgae: A-B)Melosira sp., C) Licmophora sp , D)Achnanthes sp. , E) Erythrotrichia

carnea (Dillwyn 1807) J. Agardh 1883., F) Hydrolithon farinosum(J.V.Lamouroux), G) Biddulphia
A-B) Melosira sp.
Kingdome: Chromista
Subkingdome: Harosa
Division: Ochrophyta
Class: Bacillariophyceae
Order: Melosirales

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD49104 | Volume – 6 | Issue – 1 | Nov-Dec 2021 Page 1666
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
Family: Melosiraceae
Genus: Melosira
Association: This epiphytic microalgae make association with the marine green macroalgae Cladophora
glomerata and Gelidium crinale belongs to chlorophyta, rhodophyta division.
C) Licmophora sp.
Kingdome: Chromista
Subkingdome: Harosa
Division: Ochrophyta
Class: Bacillariophyceae
Order: Licmophorales
Family: Licmophoraceae
Genus: Licmophora
Association: This epiphytic microalgae make association with the marine green macroalgae Cladophora
glomerata belongs to chlorophyta, division.
D) Achnanthes sp.
Kingdome: Chromista
Subkingdome: Harosa
Division: Ochrophyta
Class: Bacillariophyceae
Order: Achnanthales
Family: Achnanthaceae
Genus: Achnanthes
Association: This epiphytic microalgae make association with the marine green macroalgae Cladophora
glomerata belongs to chlorophyta, division.
E) Erythrotrichia carnea (Dillwyn 1807) J. Agardh 1883
Kingdome: Plantae
Subkingdome: Biliphhyta
Division: Rhodophyta
Class: Compsopogonophyceae
Order: Erythopeltales
Family: Erythotrichiaceae
Genus: Erythrotrichia
Species: Erythrotrichia carnea (Dillwyn 1807) J. Agardh 1883
Association: This epiphytic microalgae associate with the marine red macroalgae Gelidium crinale. This
macroalgae is member of rhodophyta division.
F) Hydrolithon farinosum (J.V.Lamouroux) Penrose &Y.M.Chamberlain, 1993
Kingdome: Plantae
Subkingdome: Biliphhyta
Division: Rhodophyta
Class: Florideophyceae
Order: Corollinales
Family: Hydrolithaceae
Genus: Hydrolithon
Species: Hydrolithon farinosum (J.V.Lamouroux) Penrose &Y.M.Chamberlain
Association: This epiphytic microalgae make association with the marine green macroalgae Chaetomorpha
crassa. This macroalgae is member of Chlorophyta division.

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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
G) Biddulphia reticulate
Kingdome: Plantae
Subkingdome: Biliphhyta
Division: Ochrophyta
Class: Bacillariophyceae
Order: Biddulphiales
Family: Biddulphiaceae
Genus: Biddulphia
Species: Biddulphiareticulata
Association: This epiphytic microalgae make association with the marine green macroalgae Cladophora
glomerata belongs to chlorophyta, division.
Table: 1 Presence and Absence of epiphytic micro algal associate with macroalageat study site.
Host Macroalgae
Sr. No. Epiphytic Microalgae
Gelidium crinale Chaetomorpha crassa Cladophora glomerata
1. Melosira sp. √ - √
2. Licmophora sp - - √
3. Achnanthes sp. - - √
4. Erythrotrichia carnea √ - -
5. Hydrolithon farinosum - √ -
6. Biddulphia reticulate - - √
Table: 2 Month vise occurrence of Epiphytic Microalgae.
September October November December January February
Melosira sp. - √ √ √ √ √
Licmophora sp. √ - √ - √ -
Achnanthes sp. √ - - √ - -
Erythrotrichia carnea - √ √ - √ -
Hydrolithon farinosum - √ √ - - √
Biddulphia reticulate - - √ - √ √
Table: 3 Physicochemical parameter of seawater at Gopnath site.
Month Temperature (°C) pH EC. (mS) TDS (ppt) Salt (ppt) D.O. (mg/l)
September 36 8.54 38.7 27.1 19 8.3
October 36.8 8.35 36.5 24 17.8 5.45
November 31.3 9.07 26.6 17.6 13.3 9.0
January 27.8 8.36 44.7 29.5 22.4 7.91
February 27.8 8.42 45.7 28.9 23.6 6.8
Epiphytic microalgae like diatoms were dominant epiphytes due to their high fucoxanthin content which have
most efficient photosynthetic carotenoids that absorb maximum light and thus it is more abundantly dominant on
host marine macroalgae species.
CONCLUSION: of epiphytic algae in Gopnath coast and focused on
During this study 6 distinct morphotaxa of epiphytic the need of extensive investigation about relationship
algae identified from the thalli of 3 different seaweed. between benthic flora and fauna with seaweed and
Epiphytic algae maximum recorded in November their effect on seaweed growth , phytochemical
month and less recorded in September and December. productivity rate.
These study revealed important source for future
explanation of marine epiphytes and their host
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