Advanced Level Physics Teaching Schemes
Advanced Level Physics Teaching Schemes
Advanced Level Physics Teaching Schemes
2.4 Turning Effects - moments (i) Define the moment of a force, a couple
5 of Forces - couples (ii) Calculate moments and torques
- torques (iii) State and apply the principle of
- static and dynamic equilibrium moments
- coplanar forces (iv) State and use the conditions of static and
- conditions for equilibrium dynamic equilibrium of a body
(v) Explain the use of couples and torques in
everyday life
2.5 - Newton’s first law and inertia (i) State Newton’s laws of motion
2.0 Newton’s Laws - Newton’s second law and (ii) State the application of each law in
of Motion and momentum everyday life
Momentum - Newton’s third law and reaction (iii) Define momentum and state its units
pairs (iv) Use the expression F = m a as a special
- momentum case of Newton’s second law
- conservation of linear (v) Do appropriate calculations using F= ma
MECHANICS momentum (vi) Define the newton
- elastic and inelastic collisions (vii) State and apply the principle of
conservation of linear momentum
(viii) Distinguish between elastic and
inelastic collisions
(i) Define work, power and energy, stating
- work their units.
2.6 (ii) State that whenever work is done on a
7. - power body it gains energy.
Work, (iii) Calculate the different forms of
2.0 - kinetic energy mechanical energy from: EP = ½ k x2
P.E. = m g h K.E. = ½ m v2
Energy - potential energy (iv) State and apply the law of conservation
of energy
- gravitational potential energy (v) Use the work – energy equation in
And solving problems
MECHANICS - elastic potential energy (vi) Apply the Einstein’s mass – energy
equation: E = m c2
Power - law of conservation of energy (vii) State the different applications of
energy in the home
- conservative forces (viii) Explain the relationship between
power, work and energy
3.1 - Periodic Motion (i) State the characteristics of a periodic
SIMPLE motion, giving everyday examples e.g. heart
- definition of SHM beat, change of tides and rotation of the earth
HARMONIC (ii) Explain what is meant by an oscillation
Simple 2
- the equation of SHM: a = - ω r (iii) Define Simple Harmonic Motion
MOTION (iv) Define amplitude, period, frequency and
- definition of terms associated pulsatance
Harmonic Motion with SHM (v) Express the period in terms of frequency
AND WAVES or pulsatance
- Simple Harmonic Equations and (vi) Recall and use the defining equation of
Graphs; x = xosinωt, SHM: a = - ω2r
v = vocosωt = xoωcosωt (vii) Draw graphs to illustrate the variation
a = - xo ω2sinωt of displacement, velocity and acceleration of
a SHO with time.
- Simple Harmonic Oscillators :
3.1 a) the simple pendulum (viii) Give examples of SHO
Simple b) mass-spring system (ix) Analyze the motion of SHO
8 Harmonic Motion - Energy of a Simple Harmonic (x) Describe the interchange of energy
Oscillator: between K.E. and P.E. for a SHO.
Ep = ½ m ω2 ao2 cos2ωt
3.0 Ek = ½ m ω2ao2 sin2 ω t
ET = ½ m ω2ao2
3.2 - mechanical waves on water, (i) Distinguish, giving examples, between:
HARMONIC along strings and in air a) mechanical and e.m. waves,
- progressive waves b) longitudinal and transverse waves
MOTION Mechanical - graphical interpretation of c) progressive and stationary waves
Waves amplitude, speed, wavelength, (ii) Draw displacement – time and
period and phase displacement – distance graphs
AND WAVES - longitudinal waves and (iii) Interpret such graphs
transverse waves (iv) Define amplitude, period, frequency,
- wave fronts wavelength
- reflection and refraction of (v) Define and describe wave fronts
waves (vi) Draw diagrams to explain reflection and
Factors affecting the speed of refraction of waves using wave fronts.
transverse waves on taut strings (vii) Describe the factors that affect the
speed of transverse waves
10 The Doppler - meaning of Doppler effect (i) Describe the term ‘Doppler effect’
Effect In Sound - moving source (ii) Derive the associated equations
- moving observer (iii) Use these equations to solve exercises
4.2 - Forms of energy (i) Name and explain the different forms of
- Concepts of energy transfer and energy
energy conversion (ii) Apply the principle of conservation of
Energy Transfer - Conservation of energy energy to the forms of energy.
4.3 - Meaning of latent heat and (iii) Define SLHF and SLHV
Heating specific latent heat (iv) Explain using the kinetic theory, why
a) melting and vaporization take place at
18 - Measurement of: constant temperature
SLHF of ice b) the SLHV is higher than SLHF
SLHV of water c) a cooling effect accompanies
9.3 - Statement of the law (i) State the second law of thermodynamics
21 - Degrees of disorder in a system (ii) Explain what is meant by entropy
The Second Law - Reversible and irreversible (iii) State that entropy is a more natural state
processes than order.
- Entropy change (iv) Name and explain some reversible and
irreversible processes
4.0 (i) Describe the simple kinetic model for
solids, liquids and gases.
ENERGETICS - The kinetic theory of matter (ii) Distinguish between the states of matter
- Solids: density in terms of spacing ordering and motion
forces/separation of molecules
potential energy/ separation (iii) Distinguish between the structure of
4.5 crystalline, polymeric and amorphous
Solids and - Stresses and Strains (iv) Explain tensile stress and compressive
Liquids - Elasticity and hysteresis stress
- Hooke’s Law and elastic limit (v) Describe the behavior of springs in terms
of load, extension, elastic limit, Hooke’s
law and spring constant
(vi) Sketch force-extension graphs for
ductile, brittle and polymeric materials.
(i) Define and use the terms stress, strain and
- Young’s Modulus of elasticity Young’s Modulus
- Surface tension (ii) Describe an experiment to determine
4.5 Young’s modulus in the form of a wire.
22 Solids and - Pressure difference in fluids: (iii) Distinguish between elastic and plastic
Liquids P = hρg, deformation of a material
manometers, (iv) Deduce the strain energy in a deformed
hydrostatic force material from the area under the force –
extension graph
(v) Derive and use the equation P = hρg
(vi) Define surface tension
(vii) Determine the pressure difference
across a spherical interface.
(viii) Describe exp’ts to measure surface
7.1 - Electric current (i) Express electric current as the rate of flow
- Potential Difference of charged particles
ELECTRICAL - Electromotive Force (ii) Define e.m.f. in terms of energy
Current - Current – Potential difference (iii) Distinguish between e.m.f. and p.d. in
ENERGY relationships terms of energy considerations
Electricity - Ohm’s Law (iv) Sketch and explain the I – V
characteristics of conductors, semi-
conductor diodes and filament lamp
(v) State Ohm’s law and use the relationship
V = IR
27 5.0
- The bipolar transistor (i) Explain what is meant by a transistor;
ATOMIC n – p - n and p-n-p types.
- Transistor characteristics (ii) Describe the action of a bipolar n-p-n
AND 5.4 - The transistor as a switch in the transistor.
Common – Emitter mode (iii) Explain transistor action
NUCLEAR Electronic - The transistor as an LDR switch (iv) State the functions of a transistor as an
Devices - The transistor as an alarm amplifier and as a switch.
PHYSICS switch (v) Explain the use of a bipolar transistor in
switching circuits.
28 5.0
ATOMIC 5.4 - The Common- Emitter class a.c. (i) Calculate current gain
AND amplifier (ii) Describe the: a) C- E amplifier
NUCLEAR -The transistor as an amplifier: b) load line
PHYSICS + the quiescent state c) thermal runaway
Devices + applying the input d) coupling
+ voltage amplification (iii) State in words and in truth table form,
+ load lines the action of logic gates.
- Integrated circuits (iv) State the symbols of the various logic
- Logic Gates; OR, AND, NOT, gates.
5.0 5.5 (i) Describe and explain the results of the
- Evidence for the existence of alpha – particle scattering exp’t.
ATOMIC atomic nuclei (ii) Describe a simple model for the nuclear
The Nucleus
AND - The nuclear atom (iii) Distinguish between nucleon number
and atomic number.
NUCLEAR - Nuclear binding energy (iv) Explain the existence of isotopes
(v) Use the notation for atomic nuclides.
PHYSICS (vi) Define nuclear binding energy and use it
to explain the mass-energy equivalence
30 5.0 - Natural and artificial (i) Distinguish between natural and artificial
radioactivity radioactivity
ATOMIC (ii) Explain the spontaneous and random
5.6 - Properties of nuclear radiation nature of nuclear decay
AND (iii) Describe nuclear reactions using nuclear
Radioactive - Radioactivity as a random equations.
NUCLEAR Decay process (iv)List the properties of α, ß and λ particles
(v) State the mass-energy equation
PHYSICS - Stable and unstable nuclei E = c2 Δm and use it to solve problems
(vi) Sketch the variation of binding energy
per nucleon with nucleon number
(vii) Explain the relevance of binding energy
per nucleon to nuclear fusion and fission.
(viii) Define the terms activity and decay
(ix) Solve problem using A = λN
(x) Plot exponential decay curves and
analyze the equation N = No ℓ-λt to solve
(xi) Define half – life
(xii) Solve exercises using the relation:
λt½ = ln 2
FIRST TERM week 1 to week 15 FIRST TERM week 1 to week 15 FIRST TERM week 1 to week 15
- Measurement of charge
6.2 - Electrostatic phenomena and (i) State that electric charge is a fundamental
electric charge property of matter
Electric Fields (ii) Describe how the two types of charges can
2 6.0 - Current as rate of flow of charge be obtained.
- Coulomb’s Law (iii) Apply the qualitative laws of electrostatics.
- Electric fields (iv) Use Coulomb’s law in the form
FIELDS and use it to solve problems
- Electric field strength and
(v) Define electric field strength
Gauss’s law
(vi) Represent an electric field by field lines
- Electric Potential
(vii) Apply E = V/d
- Magnets and magnetic materials (i) Explain the origin of the magnetic field
6.4 - Magnetization and hysteresis (ii) Distinguish between magnetic, paramagnetic,
diamagnetic and non magnetic materials
Magnetic fields - Magnetic flux density; the tesla (iii) Describe the processes of magnetization
- Force on a current-carrying (iv) State that magnetic hysteresis results from
conductor in a uniform magnetic the fact that magnetic dipoles are not exactly
field elastic
(v) Define magnetic flux density and the tesla
- Force between parallel current- (vi) Solve problems using F = BIL sinθ and
carrying conductors; definition determine the direction of the force from
of the ampere and permeability Fleming’s left hand rule
μo (vii) Demonstrate that the force on a current-
- Magnetic effect of steady carrying conductor can be used to measure
currents; Biot - Savart law the flux density of a magnetic field using a
current balance
(viii) Sketch field patterns due to a long straight
wire, flat circular coil and a long solenoid
(ix) Determine the nature and direction of the
forces between current-carrying conductors
(x) Define the ampere and explain permeability
(xi) State the Bio- Savart law for a short length
of conductor.
(xii) State that the Bio – Savart law can be used
to derive expressions for the flux density of
real conductors
6.4 - Force on a moving charge (i) Predict the direction of the force on a charge
- Measurement of charge–to-mass moving in a magnetic field
FIELDS ratio; e/m (ii) Apply the formula F = B Q v sinθ to solve
Magnetic fields
problems involving a moving charge
- Couple on a rectangular coil (iii) Describe an exp’t to determine the e/m of an
- Magnetic flux density within a electron
5 long solenoid (iv) Prove that =
- Effects of iron core in solenoid
(v) Derive the expression for the torque on a
rectangular coil in a magnetic field Ʈ = NIBA
- Electromagnets
(vi) Apply the torque to simple dc motors and
- Magnetic shielding, Lorentz
(vii) Draw and describe the magnetic field within
- Earth’s magnetic field
a long solenoid
(viii) State the different applications of
(ix) Describe the Earth’s magnetic field
(i) Define magnetic flux and the weber
(ii) Solve problems using Φ = BA cosθ
- Magnetic flux and flux linkage (iii) Distinguish between magnetic flux and
- Electromagnetic induction magnetic flux linkage
- Laws of electromagnetic (iv) Describe how the following can cause an
induction emf to be induced in a circuit
6 11.0 11.1 - changing magnetic flux
- relative movement of a magnet and a coil
ELECTRO- - Induced e.m.f. in a straight (v) State that the direction of the induced emf
Magnetic Flux
conductor opposes the change causing it
- Mutual inductance (vi) State the factors that affect the magnitude of
MAGNETIC - Self inductance the induced emf
(vii) Solve problems involving Faraday’s and
Len’s laws of electromagnetic induction
INDUCTION (viii) Name common applications of electro-
magnetic induction
(ix) Explain what is mutual inductance
(x) Describe how mutual induction can be
(xi) Explain the self inductance and back emf
9 12.0 12.1 - Conservation of energy for (i) Explain that the energy of a wave is
Photons and waves in free space conserved in vacuum but it gradually
QUANTUM - Inverse square law degrades when travelling through a medium
Energy Levels
- Wave – particle duality (ii) Define intensity and use it to explain the
PHYSICS inverse square law
(iii) Explain the dual nature of light
(iv) Give evidences to both the particle theory
and wave theory of light
- The photoelectric effect (v) State that all physical entities can be
- The Quantum Theory of described as waves or particles and that these
Radiation aspects are linked by E = hf, λ =
(vi) Explain what is meant by the photoelectric
(vii) State the results of the photoelectric effect
(viii) Explain how the classical theory fails to
12.1 explain the photoelectric effect
- Einstein’s photoelectric equation
(ix) Explain the quantum theory of radiation
- Stopping Potential
(x) Explain the photoelectric effect in terms of
Photons and photon energy and work function
(xi) Use Einstein’s photoelectric equation
Energy Levels E = Φ+ K.E to solve problems
(xii) State the significance of the threshold
(xiii) Sketch and interpret graphs of how the
kinetic energies of emitted electrons vary
with frequency of the incident radiation
(xiv) describe and interpret qualitatively the
evidence provided by electron diffraction for
wave nature of particles
(xv) Use the relation for the de Broglie
wavelength λ =
- Radiation hazard and its (i) Explain the radiation hazard between
consequences to human health humans and their natural environment
and the environment (ii) Describe the destruction of the ionosphere
15 - Geophysical hazard and its its consequences
consequences to human and the (iii) Appreciate the energy waste in the
Climate Change environment destruction of the forest
(iv) Appreciate and advise on detection and
- Global warming prevention of destruction caused by
- Greenhouse effect: efforts to seismic waves (tsunami and volcanoes)
reduce greenhouse effect or
mitigation method
- Simple A.M. radio transmitter (i) Draw block diagrams for a simple radio
OPTION 2: and Receiver transmitter and receiver.
17 - Differences between FM and (ii) Use tuning circuit to explain the principle
Radio Systems AM transmissions of a radio receiver.
COMMUNICATION - Sidebands and bandwidth (iii) Describe super heterodyne system
- Attenuation (iv) Distinguish between AM and FM
(v) Explain the term modulation and use it to
- Tuning circuits distinguish between FM and AM
- Parallel-tuned LC circuits and (vi) Give the relative advantages of AM and
the dependence of fr on LC FM
- Principles of modulation (vii) Explain that a carrier wave amplitude
modulated by a single audio frequency is
- Different modes of transmission equivalent to the carrier wave frequency
together with two sideband frequencies
(viii) Define the term bandwidth
(ix) State the advantages of the transmission of
data in digital form
(x) Explain that the digital transmission of
speech or music involves analogue- to –
digital conversion (ADC) on transmission
and digital – to- analogue conversion
(DAC) on reception
- Thermistor and LDR (i) Describe the action of heat and light
14 - Relay dependent resistors and describe use as
Heat and Light
- Reed switch input sensors
ELECCTRONICS Sensors (ii) Describe and explain the use of reed / relays
in switching circuits
Relays and Reed (iii) Explain the use of reed / relays in switching
switches circuits
Binary Systems - Bistable and astable