How Did Everything Begin?: English Pedagogical Module 1

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English How did everything begin?

Pedagogical Module 1
Curricular Threads: Communication and Cultural Awareness,
Oral Communication, Reading, Writing, Language Through the Arts

First Course BGU

Simple past and

past of to be 5

Life evolution and

6 environmental awareness
Zero and first conditional 4


History of our planet
Future tense 3




Vocabulary related


to Science, History, 2 8 Academic reading

and Ecology

of Our World
Writing process ge
for paragraphs 1

Rigorous Community Environmental

11 academic approach 10 actions 9 conservation

The Universe Is Extensive and Mysterious

Humans look at the sky and wonder how it was a couple of thousands of years. We have shared
created and what is out there. Somewhere in the land and water with animals and plants that were
universe there is a small blue planet; we live there. here long before the first humans appeared.
It is a wonderful place, full of life and beauty.
However, our intelligence has helped us create
Humans are always trying to discover what and develop wonderful tools and technology
happened before their existence. Scientists try that have taken us to where we are now.
to find clues about the Earth’s past and some Sometimes it seems people forget that some
wonderful past inhabitants, and some answers of our resources are limited, and that we should
that can tell us about the future too. Humans take care of our beautiful home which gives
know that they have lived on the planet just us food, water, and shelter.
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What do we know about our planet’s past? How can we protect it for future generations?

Lesson A

Communication and Cultural Awareness

What do you know about the origin of the universe and our planet?

Origin of the Universe and the Planet

Some cultures believe
in creation from chaos
and a cosmic egg, like the
Babylonian, Greek, and
Hindu cultures. Others

believe in creation out
of body parts of gods, like What is the universe? It consists of everything we call matter, stars, galaxies and others,
but surprisingly only 10% of it is matter and 90% is dark space.
the Egyptians and Nordic
cultures. There is also the
idea of creation through The most accepted theory that explains the origin of the universe
alternate universes, as some states that it all started 14 billion years ago. Back then, there was a tiny
North American people particle, like an atom, which was very hot and dense. This particle
believed. And other cultures exploded causing the universe to form; matter started to expand and
believe in mythical animals created millions of galaxies. The galaxy we live in is called the Milky Way.
that came from water Our planet is approximately 4.5 billion (4,567,000,000) years old.
and created everything, Its origin is still a mystery today, but some theories exist. The “Core
believed by the Japanese Accron Theory” states that at the beginning, our solar system was
and Cherokee. rotating dust and gases. Then, the primitive sun’s gravity attracted these
materials and they all started spinning around it. Some clouds formed
and became solids. Our planet was formed by a solid metal core, a liquid
mantle and a thin but hard crust.
Source: | |

Many cultures have different views about the creation of the
universe and the Earth. For instance, China has a legend about

a bored giant who shook the universe causing a huge explosion

that created lots of stars and planets. Ancient Egyptians believed
the god Ra created the universe with his body fluids.

tiny. very small

matter. the thing that Talk to your classmates about the different views about the origin
forms physical objects of the universe.
and occupies space
• What does your community say about the origin of the universe?
dust. fine powder made from
a particular substance

spin. to turn around

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• How did our planet form?
mantle. the middle layer of the
Earth that is between the top
crust and the inner core

Oral Communication
Social Studies

How do we know about the past of our planet?

What life forms existed

on the planet before humans?



A paleontologist looking for a fossil The geologic time scale

is divided into eons, eras,
periods, epochs, and ages.
Listen to a group of students talking about what they learned in today’s The four major eras are
class. Circle the characteristics about the living things they mention. Precambrian, Paleozoic,
Mesozoic, and Cenozoic,
and they are subdivided
a. large c. released oxygen into shorter periods.
b. tiny d. inhabited planet millions of years

a. were the first land beings c. were like mosses
b. had flowers d. appeared 470 million years ago inhabit. to live in a place

ground / land. the solid part

Amphibians of the Earth’s surface;
a geological space
a. first on land c. were fish descendants
b. they stayed on land d. all of them evolved into reptiles remains. the dead body
of a person or animal
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Reptiles evolve. to change or develop

slowly often into a more
a. all of them were very similar c. dinosaurs were not reptiles
advanced state; to develop
b. all of them were giant d. many species still survive by a process of evolution


How did life appear?

Origin and Evolution of Life

Interesting Facts
What do you know about the beginning of our planet?
Oxygen was not always Discuss your ideas in small groups or as a class.
present on our planet as
it is now. In the beginning,
toxic gases were all around Everything began. Pre- Cambrian: It started about 4.6 billion years
and some primitive bacteria ago. The Earth was formed in the beginning of this era. The air was
lived and developed in very toxic. The first one-celled living beings appeared, and then multi-
that environment. Ancient celled and more complex beings. They lived in water.
cyanobacteria appeared
and released oxygen into Paleozoic: It was a time of great changes in the planet and it is subdivided
the environment for in six periods:
so long and formed the • Cambrian: First shellfish, primitive fish, corals, algae and mollusks
atmosphere. This caused were dominant in the oceans.
other primitive bacteria
to die. It was the beginning • Ordovician: First land plants and initial fish appeared.
of photosynthesis. • Silurian: First insects emerged and more plants were on land.
• Devonian: The first sharks appeared, as well as bony fish.
Amphibians and spiders and the first terrestrial forests started
colonizing land.
• Carboniferous: The first reptiles and insects with wings appeared
release. to allow on land.
(a substance) to enter
the air, water, soil, etc. • Permian: Diverse animal and plant life appeared, reptiles
diversified. Then there was a mass extinction.
bony. Resembling bone.
Hard substance. Full of bones

Answer True (T) or False (F) according to the information in the reading.
If the sentence is false, correct it to make it true.
What did you learn about the
• The environment in the Pre-Cambrian Era had oxygen
origins of life on our planet?
at the beginning.

• The first living things that appeared were cyanobacteria.

• Amphibians appeared before fish.

• Plants first emerged in water.

• The first fish appeared during the Devonian period.

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How did water appear on Earth?

The Origin of Water

1. Complete the following passage using the verbs from the boxes in the
past tense. There will be one extra verb.

arrive help learn think hit appear

Water is an essential part of our planet. Without water, no life would

be possible. We all about the water formula and its cycle

in nature. We have also seen how much water there is in the oceans

on maps, but... do we know how water on our planet?

One of the most known theories says that water in our

planet because asteroids and comets have water in them in the form

of ice. In the Pre-Cambrian era, thousands of meteorites Water in Young Earth
the surface of Earth, causing great destruction. The water stayed

on our surface and create life. Grammar Note

Another theory claims that water existed on Earth from the beginning. The simple past is used when
Scientists have discovered some asteroids as old as our planet and an action was completed
found evidence of water in them. According to some experts, water
in past.
could have appeared before we even . It means that an action
started and finished at a
Source: |
specific point in the past.
Past time expressions:
2. After reading the text, answer the following questions
in complete sentences.
last, ago, yesterday.

• Which theory do you think is true about the origin of water Simple past
on our planet?
Animals appeared
millions of years ago.
Animals didn’t appear
some years ago.
• Discuss this topic with your teacher and classmates. Did animals appear
Do you think water existed on other planets too? some years ago?
Write your conclusion. Use the past tense.
Past of TO BE
Was (I, he, she, it) /
were (you, we, they)
The Earth was a hot planet
• Find three or four words from the passage that you did not understand.
Write them here and find their meaning in a dictionary.
at the beginning.
The Earth wasn’t cold
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at the beginning.
Was the Earth hot
at the beginning?

Language Through the Arts

What are some ways I can tell a story?

Comic and Role-Play

Use your creativity
Create a comic about the first two eras. Draw a 6-panel comic and tell your
classmates about any topic from the unit. Use the simple past and complete
Drawings do not have
sentences. Be prepared to act it out with your classmates. Be creative!
to be perfect. Remember
we all can be artists.
All you need is to be 1 Once upon a time 2
creative. Try to use colors.

3 Some time later 4

5 Finally 6


Grammar Note
Remember that most
verbs in the simple past
end in -ed, but that many
verbs are irregular and
have different forms, like What did you learn about the origins of life on our planet?
eat-ate, sleep-slept, and
many more. To learn
these, it is best to see
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them in context and

not simply memorize
them in a list.

Lesson B

Communication and Cultural Awareness

What do you know about dinosaurs?

Interesting Facts About Dinosaurs

Make a list of facts you know about dinosaurs as a class. Try to answer
questions like: When did they live? Where? What did they eat? How
big were they?

• Dinosaurs inhabited the earth for over 165 million years.

• “Dinosaur” means “terrifying lizard”.
• Eoraptor is the oldest known dinosaur, a carnivore that lived
228 million years ago.

• Dinosaurs hatched from eggs.

Meat-eater dinosaur

• Dinosaurs were a class of reptiles, but they were different from

those we see today.
Interesting Facts
• Most paleontologists believe that birds are the only
The geological eras were
surviving dinosaurs.
proposed based on studies
done by scientists that have • The most enormous dinosaurs were as long as a blue whale and
researched the topic for much taller than a giraffe. The smallest dinosaurs were as a small
decades. On the other hand, as a chicken.
various religions around
the world propose different • Some dinosaurs were carnivores, meat-eaters, and walked on two
approaches about the origin legs; while some were herbivores, plant-eaters, and walked on all
of the universe and life. four legs.

What we learn is what Source:

science says. What you think

about it depends on your
beliefs and world view. Answer the questions based on what you read.

• Are there any surviving dinosaurs?


hatch. to cause (a young bird, • How long did dinosaurs roam the Earth?
insect, fish, etc.) to come out
of an egg — usually used as
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(be) hatched • Write 2 facts that you find very interesting about dinosaurs.
roam. to go to different places
without having a particular
purpose or plan

Language Value: Rigorous Academic Approach

What happened to animals that lived long ago?

Mass Extinction
Interesting Fact Mass extinction is the disappearance of a large number of the
Periodically, every 50 Earth’s species. The most devastating extinction was at the end of the
to 100 million years or so, Permian period; an estimated 95% of marine species and 60% of insects
the Earth has experienced disappeared about 245 million years ago. Huge volcanic eruptions
mass extinctions. There continued for thousands of years and caused destruction and dust that
have been at least ten blocked the sun. It caused global cooling that froze the water’s surface.
extinction events in the past. The most famous mass extinction was in the end of the Cretaceous
Generally, scientists think period, when the dinosaurs and many other plants and animals
that the extinctions resulted disappeared and up to 75% of all marine life died. It occurred 65 million
from drastic environmental years ago. A theory says that a big asteroid with a diameter of 10km
changes that followed hit the planet and created a giant cloud of rocks, dust, and sulfur in the
events such as meteorites, air that blocked the sunlight. Catastrophic climate change did not let
comet impacts, or massive dinosaurs survive.
volcanic eruptions.

Circle the correct answer.

1. What was the most

devastating mass
extinction that our
planet faced?

b. Permian extinction

c. Jurassic extinction

d. Cretaceous extinction

2. What caused the


dinosaurs’ extinction?

c. volcanic eruptions Meteorite falling to Earth

d. cold weather

e. a meteorite
Find three words you do not know, look for their definition and write
3. When did dinosaurs it down. Choose one and use it to write a sentence.
go extinct? Answer
in a complete sentence. 1.


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What did I learn about the ancient history of our planet?


Writing process
Do this in your notebook.
Brainstorming: Write ideas
and words on the topic.

Organization: Organize the
information. Here it makes
sense to use chronological
order, the order in which
the events happened.
First draft: Write a first
version of your paragraph.
Self-check and peer review:
Check your paragraph’s
punctuation, capitalization,
and grammar. Make any
necessary changes. Let a
classmate read it. He or she
can comment on anything
that may need to be fixed.
Write a paragraph about the history of the planet or evolution. Check the Final product: Write the
writing process in the margin. paragraph in the space given
To express sequence you can use some words like: first, then, next, and with all changes and suggestions.
finally. Use the past tense. Write 60-70 words. Present it.

Graphic organizer




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Graded activities

Achievement Level - Reading

Individual activity

1 Natural History Museum L.A: Schedule

Open every day from 9h30 am to 5 pm.
School field trips available every morning from 9am to 2pm.
Dinosaur Encounters Hall: Open only for school field trips on Mondays
from 9am to 10am.
Fossil Detectives Hall: Open only for school field trips on Mondays
from 9am to 12pm.
Circle the correct statements.
1. Everybody can visit all museum’s halls on Mondays from 9am to 5pm.
2. Schools can visit the museum every day at any hour.
3. Dinosaur Encounters Hall opens only for schools on Monday mornings.

Achievement Level - Reading

Individual activity

2 Different Kinds of Museums

Match the person with the kind of museum they are looking for.
A. Art Institute
B. Museum of Ancient and Modern Times
C. Museum of famous figures
1. Martha is looking for a museum where she can learn about the history
of the country.

2. Louis is looking for a museum where he can learn about the origins of life
and animals that inhabited the planet in the past.

3. Santiago is looking for a museum where he can learn about art, history,
and famous people of the country.
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Assessment How did everything begin?

Achievement Level - Writing

Individual activity

3 Write a story telling about a visit to a museum or historic site. Use the
past tense when necessary. Say when you went and who went with you.
Write 100 - 120 words.
I visited

Achievement Level - Vocabulary / Grammar

Individual activity

4 Complete the following sentences with a few words that express the same
as the given.
My friends were in London a week ago.
My friends last week.
Students talk about their visit to many museums in New York.
Students in New York.
When I studied History I found it boring, but now I love it.
I got but now I love it.

I’m completing this self-evaluation based on what I learned in the module.

Self-evaluation I check the box that most applies to me

I do it I can’t do it
Topics I do it very well I can improve
somewhat well without help

Use the past tense to talk about things

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that happened

Talk about prehistoric times

Listen to formal conversations and answer

questions about them

Lesson C

Communication and Cultural Awareness

What is the origin of humans?

Origin of Humans Through

Different Worldviews
Different cultures in the world have various theories about the origin
Culture of humans. Most of them are related to their religious beliefs.
There are many theories a. Hindu:
about human origin in Inca
culture; the most known Lord Brahma created the universe,
says the god Viracocha human beings, and all forms of life.
made Earth dark without Different species came from Brahma’s

sun, moon, or stars. He also body and he first created humans from F

created some giant beings his soul as the strongest of all. Lord Brahma

and some humans. His rules

were broken, so he sent 60
b. Mayas:
days and 60 nights of rain.

/ Leonard G.
He kept two humans with The Creators, Heart of Sky, and a Feathered
him and brought eternal Serpent created humans “who could talk and

light, sun, moon, and the

keep the days”, out of white and yellow corn.

stars from Lake Titicaca.
Hun Ixim, Mayan god
He then created other living
things and human beings. c. Chinese:
Pangu kept earth and heaven separated.

/ Wang Qi
When he died, his body became parts
of our planet, his eyes became the sun

soul. the spiritual part of and moon, and a lot of insects turned

a person that is believed into human beings to inhabit earth.
to give life to the body and Pangu, The Creator
in many religions is believed
to live forever d. Sumerians:
feathered. covered The gods came to make earth a beautiful place
by feathers
/ Rama

and created men to help them with the labor.

“keep the days”. to be aware The first man was created out of a death god’s

of time blood and clay in a place called Eden.


clay. a heavy, sticky material Marduck, The King of Gods

from the earth that is made
into different shapes and
that becomes hard when
it is baked or dried Discuss what your community says about human origin.
Is it similar to any of the stories you just read? How?
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Oral Communication

How did humans appear on Earth?

Human Development
A Visit to the Natural History Museum
What made human beings
become what we are today?


1. Listen to a recording about the history of humans and complete the

missing information.

a. Scientists say humans originated .

b. Our early ancestors were such as

, , and chimpanzees.

c. Two groups of primates similar to lived in Africa.

d. Some near resources and the other

did in fields.
e. One group became and the other
resource. a supply
remained apes. of something that someone
has and can use when
f. The first humans developed a that
it is needed
allowed them to build , ,
field. an open area of land
and walking helped them without trees or buildings

allow. to permit (someone)

2. Listen again and write True (T) or False (F) in the circle. to have or do something

upright. positioned to be
a. There is one single theory about the origin of humans. straight up. vertical

b. Humans, monkeys, gorillas, and chimpanzees are primates. figure out. to understand
or find (something, such
as a reason or a solution),
c. Evolution helps species survive.
by thinking

d. Humans come from ancient apes that lived near all resources. evolution. it is the process
in which animals change
e. Living in open fields made early humans walk on four feet. over time in order to adapt
and survive
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f. Walking upright helped humans become faster. genetics. the study of our
genes and how we develop
g. Early humans had body protection. as a species

Communication and Cultural Awareness

How do we humans affect our planet, positively and negatively?

Both Sides of Human Intervention

Vocabulary Read the following passage and consider our positive and negative effect
on our planet.
disease. an illness that affects
a person, animal, or plant: Humans have inhabited the planet for about 2 million years, and
a condition that prevents during this time many events have occurred. Human intelligence has
the body or mind from created several things; many of them have helped humanity face diseases
working normally and threats.
threat. something that can
Discoveries and inventions such as vaccines and antibiotics have
put you in danger
saved thousands of lives. The printing press has allowed us to share
vaccine. a substance that is more knowledge and transportation has helped us move around the
usually injected into a person world and trade with other countries. Technology has shortened
or animal to protect against
a particular disease distance in communication and informs us in seconds of events all
around the world.
trade. the activity or process
of buying, selling, However, not all inventions are positive. Other discoveries, like
or exchanging goods technology used for war and mass destruction, as well as nuclear,
or services chemical, or biological bombs are extremely dangerous and might lead
dump. to put (something) humans to extinction.
somewhere in a quick and
careless way Industry causes high levels of pollution and releases carbon dioxide
into the atmosphere, and lots of toxic chemicals are dumped into
commute. to travel regularly
rivers and seas. Global warming is a reality. Everyday activities such
to and from a place and
especially between where as producing our food, commuting, using plastic, large-scale fishing,
you live and where you work monoculture plantations, among others; are destroying our planet little
by little. We hear about hundreds of plant and animal species that are
endangered. used to describe
a type of animal or plant that
endangered or even extinct. We need to take responsibility for our
has become very rare and that actions that affect our planet.
could die out completely
Make a list of all positive and negative effects of humans found in the text.
Interesting Fact
1 Positive 2 Negative
Many countries are really
worried about the future
of our planet and try
to implement policies
and regulations to stop the
accelerated destruction of
nature. In order to do this,
states around the world have
signed agreements that help
stop destruction.
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Do you think humans have a positive or negative impact on the planet?

Persuasive Writing
What is persuasive writing? What is its purpose? Tip

The purpose of a persuasive essay is to persuade readers to adopt Topic Sentence: States the idea
the writer’s point of view on an issue and/or agree with a suggested you want to support.
course of action. To accomplish this, you need to develop logical and Supporting details: Include some
reasonable arguments that support your opinions. facts and details that will make
You are going to write a persuasive paragraph of 60-70 words readers believe in your ideas.
about what you think the impact of humans has been on the planet. Conclusion: End your
First, decide if you think humans have had a more positive or negative paragraph with a strong idea
impact. Then, think of ideas to support your opinion, and finally related to the topic sentence.
a concluding sentence. Write your ideas in the graphic organizer below. Never include new ideas in
the concluding sentence.

Main idea (topic sentence)

Supporting Detail 1 Supporting Detail 2 Supporting Detail 3




persuade. to cause (someone)

Paragraph to believe something: convince

agree. to have the same opinion

accomplish. to succeed
in doing (something)

argument. statement
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or series of statements
for or against something

supporting. one that supports:

to defend as valid or right

Oral Communication

What is the world doing to avoid environmental destruction?

Value: Environmental conservation

Protecting Nature

Listen to a person talk about international

agreements to protect the environment.
Fill in the timeline to show the important events.

Wikipedia / GabboT
Leonardo Dicaprio’s speech in the United Nations

1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020

“Now must be our moment for action” Vocabulary

In 2014, the famous actor Leonardo DiCaprio gave a speech in front agreement. a situation in which
people share the same opinion
of the largest group of government, business, and civil society leaders
in history at the United Nations Climate Summit. treaty. an official agreement
that is made between two
His speech had 1.6 million views on the United Nations channel or more countries or groups
and appeared in over 45,000 news articles across the globe. He asked
concern. a feeling of worry
nations to consider the possibility of using alternative energy sources usually shared by many people
and reducing CO2 (carbon dioxide) emissions.
subscribe. to belong
The UN Secretary-General named Leonardo as a United Nations to or support something
Messenger of Peace for Climate. (such as an organization)

spill. to cause or allow

(something) to fall, flow, or run
Do you know what is happening with CO₂ emissions? over the edge of a container
usually in an accidental way
• Discuss the effects of CO₂ emissions as a class. Write down two
of them. whaling. the job or business
of hunting whales

reinforce. to encourage
or give support to (an idea,
behavior, feeling, etc.)
• What can you do to decrease the effects of gas emissions?
speech. a spoken expression
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of ideas, opinions, etc., that

is made by someone who
is speaking in front of
a group of people

Lesson D

Communication and Cultural Awareness

What are other people doing to help the environment?

Invisible but Powerful Actions

Sea Shepherd

Culture There are many non-government organizations that fight every

day to protect nature. Sea Shepherd is a movement that takes action
Indigenous people are
directly to defend, conserve, and protect the oceans of the world from
only 5% of the world’s
illegal profiteering and environmental destruction. Some famous TV
population. Their territories
nature show stars such as Steve Irwin supported this organization for
cover 22% of the planet
a long time. His help was so appreciated that the biggest ship vessel
and make up 80% of the
of the movement had his name and operated defending sea life for
biodiversity of the world.
many years.
They are the guardians
of nature and protect it by

keeping old traditions like

growing food. They only From Dump to Nest
grow plants that are part
The beach of Versova in Mombay, India recovered its beauty after
of the environment. They
two years of people cleaning up trash. Afroz Shah went back to his town
hunt only what they need
and saw his favorite beach covered with garbage. At the beginning
to eat or make clothes.
he was all alone cleaning, and then a group of volunteers joined him.
Indigenous peoples adapt
He collected 13,000 kg of debris during the time of the campaign. Now,
to their environment
marine turtles nest and hatch there.
and respect it.

profiteering. the act of making
money by selling things at
very high prices at a time
when they are hard to get
Flickr / Greg Bishop

support. to give help Flickr / Nat Parra

or assistance to someone
or something

ship/vessel. a large boat Sea Shepherd ship Baby sea turtles hatching from eggs
used for traveling long
distances by sea

dump. a place where waste

is taken and left • Do you and your classmates at school do something in order to help
the environment?
nest. a place where an
animal or insect lives and
usually lays eggs or takes
care of its young

debris. things (such as broken • What can you do at home to start helping nature?
pieces and old objects)
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that are lying where they

fell or that have been left
somewhere because they
are not wanted

Oral Communication

Can we prevent climate change? How?

Let's Do Our Part!

Value: Community actions

Alternative energy sources

Interesting Facts

Listen to someone talk about plans to help the Earth recover and avoid Many countries in the
great destruction in the coming years. Underline the correct statement world have banned single
according to what you hear. use plastic bags, bottles,
1. What will happen to water in the future? containers, and forks,
There will be a lot.
knives, and spoons in order
to reduce plastic pollution.
There will be a little.
France was the first country
2. What will help reduce energy consumption? to ban plastic.
Growing your own food.
Using solar panels.
3. What will happen to the ocean in the future?
shortage. a state in which
Plastic items will be more numerous than fish. there is not enough of
Large-scale fisheries will be all over the world. something that is needed

4. What are some positive effects of growing your own food? ban. prohibit something
It may reduce monocultures. village. a small town
It will save marine life. in the countryside

5. What are some people going to do? due to. because of

Take shorter showers.
take-out. to-go, take home
Use solar panels.
reusable. something that
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can be used again

greenhouse. a building that

has glass walls and a glass
roof, used for growing plants


What if we do not change habits with the environment?

What If...?
Grammar Note Read the following. Observe the use of zero and first conditionals.
The zero and first Scientists all around the world have warned about the terrible
conditionals are used consequences for our survival if we do not start changing the way
in English to describe we use natural resources.
situations that do happen
or will happen in the future. a. If population growth continues this fast, there will not be enough
food for everybody in the future.
Zero Conditional:
b. If we have high CO2 concentration levels, the sun’s heat does not
Facts, scientific laws, habits, go back into space and stays on the planet.
instructions, and rules.
c. If the sun’s heat stays, it produces a greenhouse effect and
If the sun’s heat stays, global warming.
it produces a greenhouse
effect and global warming. d. If humans destroy ecosystems, many species lose their homes
forever. Now, two in five amphibian species are at risk of extinction.
First Conditional:
e. If farmers do not stop using toxic chemicals on crops, many
Probable result in the future pollinator insects will disappear. In some regions, one in ten insect
for actions in present. species are in danger of extinction.
If the temperature f. If we do not reduce plastic use, our oceans will have more plastic
in the world increases, items in them than animals.
ice from the poles will
melt and disappear. g. If the temperature of the planet increases, ice from the poles will
melt and disappear.
h. If the ice at the poles disappears, many cities on the coasts will
be flooded.
i. If we start doing something now, we will avoid a sad future.
Reese, 2009; Watts, 2019.
growth. an increase in the
number, amount, or size
of something
From the list presented above, choose four possible consequences
go back. to return of actual human habits on the environment. Write a possible solution for
each of them.
crop. a plant or plant product
that is grown by farmers a.

increase. to become larger

or greater in size, amount,
number, etc. b.

melt. to change or to cause

(something) to change from
a solid to a liquid usually
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because of heat

avoid. to prevent the d.

occurrence of something


What will the future bring?

Cause and Effect

Step 1. In the graphic organizer, brainstorm ideas about an environmental

problem that already exists or that might exist in the future. Think Tip
of the cause or causes of the problem, and also the effects it has.
Write them in the boxes. Connector words
Step 2. Take your ideas from the graphic organizer and develop them into
for cause and effect:
a paragraph of 60-70 words in your notebook. Be sure to use because of, in fact,
zero and first conditionals as well as connector words of cause in order to, due to,
and effect. as a result, as a consequence,
Step 3. Read what you have written and see if you need to change anything. for this reason,
consequently, therefore.
Step 4. Exchange your paragraph with a partner. Read your partner’s
paragraph. Discuss these questions about your paragraphs with
each other:
• Can you easily see cause and effects?
Grammar Note
• Is the paragraph well-organized?
• Are there any grammar, spelling, or punctuation mistakes? Future tense:
• Did the writer use the correct words? To be going to/ Present
Step 5. Consider the comments from your partner and make any necessary
Continuous + future
changes. Then turn in a clean copy to your teacher. expression: Plans and
I am going to start taking
Cause Effect
shorter showers.
I am starting today.
Will: Decisions made at the
moment, predictions, offers,
and first conditional.
Scientists say by 2030 there
will be more plastic than fish
in the oceans.
Simple present:
Scheduled events:
transportation, conferences,
classes, etc.
I am visiting a museum next
week. It opens at 9 am.

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scheduled. a plan of things

that will be done and the
times when they will be done

Language Through the Arts

What does it cost to buy new clothes?

Interesting Fact Making clothes has a real negative impact on nature. “Fast Fashion”
It takes 2700 liters of water to is causing lots of pollution in the world. It is said that the clothing
make a t-shirt. That industry releases 8% of all greenhouse gases. What can we do? We can
is what one person drinks recycle. Let’s learn to make interesting things with our old clothes.
in two and a half years. Source:

Any old piece of clothing

Convert an old
can be recycled. We can
shirt into a bag
make shopping bags.


• Old t-shirts

• Needle and different

color thread

• Materials you can find

in your community for
decoration 1 Get an old t-shirt. 2 Draw a circle 3 Cut the neck where
around the neck. the circle is.
• Scissors

4 Cut off the 5 Turn it inside

sleeves. out and sew
the bottom


Answer the question. Use your creativity!! Can you recycle other pieces
of clothing? How? What can you make?

Bags made of recycled materials.

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Oral Communication

What is happening with pollution in our country?

Galapagos Islands

Pacific Ocean
Garbage Patch
It is a gigantic floating
island of plastic garbage
in the north of the Pacific
Ocean. It is located between
California and Hawaii.
It is approximately
1,600,000 km2 large
(Ecuador is 283,560 km2)
and is mostly composed
of big pieces of plastic.
Researchers say that some
of that garbage came from
the 2011 tsunami in Japan.
Pixabay / Pen Ash

Besides the Pacific Ocean

Garbage Patch, there are
thousands of little plastic
Galapagos Islands islands floating in the ocean.
Most of them are mainly
fishing nets and debris
from rivers. It is important
Listen to a marine biologist talk about plastic pollution. Decide if each
sentence is True (T) or False (F). If the sentence is false, correct it to
to start reducing plastic use.
make it true. We all can help!

1. Plastic is normal in animals’ lives now. The Ocean Cleanup, 2019

2. Plastic garbage comes from Europe.

3. Plastic decomposes. Vocabulary

remote. far away, distant

4. There are many little plastic islands in the ocean. tiny. very small

single-use. used to describe a

product that is designed to be
5. A solution can be reducing single-use plastic. used only once
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reusable. something that can

be used again
6. We do not have to use reusable items to help save the planet.
patch. a small spot or area
that is different from the rest

Graded activities

Achievement Level - Reading

Individual activity

1 Read the text about robots and answer the questions that follow.


Will we have robots at home? There it will drive itself. You will take a nap
already are many kinds of robots! Big or read while the car drives itself
factories use a variety of robots that to your destination.
help put pieces together and do things
that are dangerous for people. There are some companies in the
world that are going to build robot
Some countries have robots that pets, and many of them will be in
do things for people at home; for homes around the world. The Sony
example, there is a robot that can cut Company built a dog called Aibo
the grass while you relax with a glass that can sit and do lots of tricks.
of lemonade! Also, there are robotic Some people are going to buy one
vacuum cleaners. They clean the floor of those dogs so they have a good
by themselves. robotic friend at home. Aibo is also
a great guard dog. He can patrol the
Now, many cars have GPS (Global yard and take pictures of anything
Positioning Systems) in them. A car suspicious with a built-in camera.
with a GPS system can give you As you can see, we will probably have
directions on how to go somewhere, lots of robots around us in the future.
tell you where the closest gas station
is, and, some day in the future,

Write True (T) or False (F). If it is false, correct the statement to make it true.

a. There are no robots in homes at this moment.

b. It is necessary for a person to control a robotic vacuum cleaner.

c. Big factories still have people doing everything.

d. There is a robot that can help you to have nice grass.

e. Robot pet dogs could stop people from getting into your house.
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Assessment How did everything begin?

Achievement Level - Writing/Grammar

Individual activity

2 Complete the following sentences to say the same as the one given.
Use only a few words with the future tense.
a. My friends are planning to travel to Egypt next year.
My friends to Egypt next year.
b. Some people predict the use of flying cars in the future.
Some people say in the future.
c. It´s almost 3 pm! My train leaves in half an hour.
My train .
d. I have trouble with my Math homework.
My friend tonight.

Achievement Level - Vocabulary

Individual activity

3 Use each of the following words in an original sentence to show that you
understand what they mean.
a. Soul
b. Threat
c. Accomplish
d. Support
e. Due to

I’m completing this self-evaluation based on what I learned in the module.

Self-evaluation I check the box that most applies to me

I do it I can’t do it
Topics I do it very well I can improve
somewhat well without help
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Talk about the environment

Write a cause-effect paragraph

Use zero and first conditional

Project 2

Let’s Make Our Own Art

You are going to make your own individual art

project. Your goal is to make your community aware
of the importance of reusing material and recycling
through your art.

Step 1. Determine a material that is most

commonly thrown away in my community.

How long does it take to decompose in nature? Present your project to the class.

• List all materials you used.

Step 2. Think of something you can make with • Tell where you found all materials.
that item.
• Say if anyone helped you with the project.

• Explain all the steps you followed to create your

Step 3. Decide what other items you will use work of art. Use words like: first, then, next, and
to make your art. finally. Use the past tense.

• Explain why it is so important to reuse material

Step 4. Create your art! like what you used in your work of art.

Paste a picture or draw your piece of art. Notes

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English How much have
Pedagogical Module 2 we advanced?
Curricular Threads: Communication and Cultural Awareness,
Oral Communication, Reading, Writing, Language Through the Arts

First Course BGU

Past perfect 5
Scientific inventions and
6 their impact on humanity
Present perfect 4

History of


Simple past




Analyzing short
Past and present
2 Technology 8 non-fiction pieces

perfect expressions
and Beyond
Vocabulary about
technology and 1

10 Healthcare 9 of immunization

Incredible Inventions

Have you ever imagined a world without we have created powerful devices that allow
cars or television? Imagine waiting for months us see the vast universe.
to hear from your loved ones. Imagine getting
sick and having no medicine. We are going Nowadays it is possible to video chat with
to travel through history and observe human’s anyone anywhere for free. We have access
infinite curiosity and inventions that have to infinite amounts of information and we can post
changed the world. Discover creations that our own thoughts and opinions. Technology
have shaped culture and lifestyle. Our brains has developed a lot during the last hundred years
have even taken our people to the moon and and will continue to develop in the future.
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What positive and negative impacts have human inventions had?

Lesson A

Communication and Cultural Awareness

Social Studies

How have humans’ creations changed the world?

Discoveries from Ancient Cultures

Interesting Facts Believe it or not, people that lived many years

ago invented things that are still used nowadays.
Mayan and Incan creations

Concrete: About 2,100 years ago, Romans created
The Mayas used cacao a really hard material by mixing rocks with volcanic Concrete
beans to make a special ash. It was used to build the famous Coliseum
beverage with cornmeal and in Rome.
pepper. They had a writing

Wikimedia / Kowloonese
system called glyphs and Earthquake detector: The Chinese invented
most of these symbols are the first seismograph 2,000 years ago. It was made
still understood. The Incas of bronze and was very accurate in detecting
performed brain surgery, earth movements. Earthquake Detector
which was first used to
Paper: Around 3,000 BC, Egyptians made the
reduce inflammation. They
first paper from the fiber of the papyrus plant and
used coca as an anesthetic.
also invented a special pen to write on it. The quality
They also built rope bridges
was so good that Egyptian papyrus remains intact.
and huge highway systems.

Telescope: The Assyrians could see the stars and
Egiptian Papyrus
the sky 3,000 years ago because they created a special
Vocabulary lens that could have been the first telescope.
beverage. a liquid you The number zero: This number is somewhat

Wikimedia / Geni
can drink, like coffee, soda,
or juice
new in human history. Both the Mayans and the
Babylonians had the idea of zero; not as a number,
cornmeal. flour made from but as a replacement for other numbers. The Egiptian Papyrus
crushed corn
Mayans used it to make their calendars. A Hindu
rope. a strong, thick string astronomer introduced the concept of zero as an

Wikimedia / Alvaro qc
that is made by twisting many independent number.
thin strings or fibers together
nowadays. at the
Mayans zero
present time

ash. the soft gray powder

that remains after burning
something Discuss the following questions in groups. Then write your answers
on the lines below.
seismograph. a device that
measures and records the • Which of the inventions is the most important in your opinion? Why?
movement of the earth during
an earthquake

accurate. free from mistakes

or errors
• Do you think you could have invented one of the items above?
What does someone need to be a good inventor?
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somewhat. a litte, relatively

replacement. something
that takes the place
of something else

Oral Communication

How have human inventions and discoveries changed the world?

Have you ever thought about the things we use daily? Where do they Interesting Facts
come from? Who invented them? When were they invented? Listen to the
following news reports and complete the activities. Gasoline
It is a transparent liquid
derived from petroleum
that powers cars. It was
discovered by accident.
It was thrown away at
first, but its potential was
recognized by the end
of the XIX century. Since
then it has been essential

to our transportation.
The wheel Fire Steam engine train

Mark the incorrect statements with an X and write the correct ones
on the line below.

a. Humanity has been shaped by inventions and discoveries.

b. Most inventions have a single creator.

c. The first humans discovered fire but could not control it.

d. Fire was the first great discovery.


e. The steam engine was not useful and did not improve people’s lives.
Petrol pump

• List 4 inventions that you consider important for everyday life. steam. the hot gas that is
created when water is boiled

engine. a machine that

changes energy (such
as heat from burning fuel)
into mechanical motion

figure out. to understand

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• Compare your list with your classmates and talk about the importance or find (something, such
of each one. Do you agree? as a reason or a solution)
by thinking


What inventions have improved humans’ health?

Interesting Facts

Ants use “social

immunization”. If one ant
in the colony is infected
with a fungus, the other
ants wash the infected insect

to transmit the infection

to the colony. This makes
all ants in the colony Edward Jenner inoculating babies Vaccine

immune to the fungus.


One of the greatest inventions that has impacted human health

is vaccination. It has saved millions of lives worldwide and has caused
many diseases to disappear. Vaccines immunize people by mobilizing
antibodies (defenses) that fight the disease so that defenses learn to fight
if the body is exposed to illnesses in the future.
This first happened in 1796 when Edward Jenner prevented
a child from getting smallpox. A century before, the Chinese had
tried to use an infected skin tear to immunize against it. The vaccine
for smallpox was first developed in 1798 and by 1979 it was globally

eradicated. Before vaccines, smallpox had killed millions of people.

Most vaccines we still use today were created in the early XX century
and eliminated several terrible illnesses. Vaccines are older than
Vocabulary antibiotics or anesthesia.
vaccination (vaccine). Source:
a substance that is usually
injected into a person
or animal to protect against
a particular disease Circle the correct answer
worldwide. happening • What is not true about vaccination?
or existing in all parts
a. It has not had any impact on people.
of the world
b. It has eliminated illnesses.
disease/illness. a condition
c. Antibiotics were developed before vaccines.
that prevents the body or
mind from working normally • What is true about vaccines? Mark all that apply.
immunize. to give (someone) a. They prepare the body to defend itself.
a vaccine to prevent infection b. They are antibodies.
by a disease
c. They enter the body and fight against diseases.
smallpox. a serious disease
• Are humans the only species that immunize?
that causes fever and a rash
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and often death a. Yes, only people immunize against illnesses.

b. No, there are other species that fight against illnesses
eradicate. eliminate or destroy
by preparing their defenses.
(something harmful)


What inventions have impacted the development of humanity?

Read the following text about printing presses. Choose the correct verb Grammar Note
from the box and conjugate it in the present perfect or the past perfect,
depending on the context. Present perfect
Have / has +
become work be able have write buy study past participle of verb

Printing Press Uses:

Printed materials are part of our daily life; newspapers, magazines, and a. Actions started in the
books are just some examples. The printing press is a machine used for past and continuing
mass production of these printed elements. in the present
This machine one of the most significant inventions. b. Unfinished period
Before it appeared, monks books by hand so just a few of time
people to access information. Only very rich families were c. Unspecified period
lucky enough to have a book, which was usually the Bible. of time
The ancient Chinese used pieces of wood with symbols and drawings to
make books. Around the beginning of 1440, a German man called Gutenberg,
d. Experiences.

who in basic forms of printing, started experimenting with Gasoline has been
improving the process and finally discovered that using metal instead of essential to our
wood and blocks with many words could allow people to reproduce texts transportation.
in great quantity. The printing press is one of the inventions that Many diseases have not
great impact in the world. After books could be printed in mass quantities,
knowledge became available for most people and the first libraries were been eradicated yet.

founded. Since then we all a book. Have vaccinations

impacted human health?
Past perfect
Had + past participle
a. Actions finished before
other actions in past
Wikimedia / Blades, W.

Wikimedia / Londinos

Before the invention of

vaccines, smallpox had

killed millions of people.

Monk writing by hand Early printing press Modern printer
Scientists thought
previous cultures had not
immunized themselves
mass. a large number or amount of something against illnesses.
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monk. a member of a religious community of men Had ancient cultures

instead of. in place of someone or something eaten meat before they
discovered fire?

Language Through the Arts

How do inventions start?

Interesting Facts

A young African boy How does an artist create a new masterpiece?

invented a windmill Do you think there is a process? Discuss this as a class.
to give electricity and
water to his extremely
Leonardo Da Vinci
poor town. This shows
that anyone can Leonardo DaVinci was a famous artist. His works of art have
be creative and invent impressed the world for centuries because of their beauty and unique
something necessary. techniques. Works such as The Mona Lisa and The Last Supper are the
most famous portraits of all time. However, did you know that DaVinci
was also a scientist, engineer, inventor, anatomist, architect, botanist,
musician, and writer? For some people, he is the most talented person
windmill. a type of tall that has ever lived. Besides his famous paintings, his notebooks with
structure that has vanes that drawings and diagrams have been a treasure for all generations.
are powered by the wind

portrait. a painting, drawing,

His drawings show ideas such as a helicopter, a parachute, and a flying
or photograph of a person machine. He also drew some weapons like an armored car that later
that usually only includes the became tanks, and the first car that moved by itself and a transportable
person’s head and shoulders bridge. We would not know about his great ideas without his sketches.
parachute. a piece
of equipment usually made
of cloth that is fastened
to people or things and that
allows them to fall slowly
and land safely

weapons. something that

is used for fighting

Wikipedia / Leonardo da Vinci

or attacking someone
or for defending yourself
when someone is attacking you

armored. covered in flat

pieces of metal, protected
by armor
Leonardo Da Vinci’s sketch
tanks. a military vehicle
that moves on two large
metal belts with wheels
inside them and that is Have you ever imagined creating something that can help your
covered in heavy armor community? Let’s start now!
sketch. a quick, rough
1. Identify a necessity in your town or community.
drawing that shows the main
features of an object or scene 2. Think of an invention that can help with this need.

3. List the materials you need. Are they available around you?

4. Draw a sketch of your invention. You may need some colors.

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5. Label the parts of your invention.

6. Present your drawing to a partner and explain how it is used.

Oral Communication
Social Studies

What inventions have made the world what it is now?

Useful Inventions
Wikimedia / Marbregal

The first complete The Chinese created it first for

alphabet with consonants fireworks in 904 A.D., but then
and vowels appeared they realized it would make

around 1050 B.C. weapons more powerful.

Alphabet Gunpowder

Communication Warfare

Compass Navigation Inventions Communication Telephone

Invented 2,000 years First designed by Meucci

ago in China. It was in 1849 and finally patented
used to guide sailors. by Graham Bell in 1876.
Telephones have helped
Construction Media the world communicate
for a long time.

Nails Radio

The first wireless radio was

You have used one of them
presented by Nikola Tesla
to put a painting or photo
but a fire destroyed his laboratory
on the wall. They were

in 1895. Later Marconi presented

invented by Egyptians

a radio and is credited for

about 3400 B.C.
its creation.


B.C.. before Christ - used

Which of the inventions from the graphic do you think has been the to refer to the years that came
most useful? Discuss it with a partner. before the birth of Jesus Christ
I think the most useful invention is A.D.. used to refer to the
years since the birth of Christ
patent. the exclusive right
granted by a government
to an inventor to manufacture,
What inventions are the most common in your community?
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use, or sell an invention

wireless. not using wires
to send and receive
electronic signals

Lesson B

Communication and Cultural Awareness


What can we find in outer space?

Latin American civilizations
like the Mayas had vast
knowledge about the stars
and planets. They created
a special accessory to help
observe the sky and develop
the calendar. The Incas,
on the other hand, were
a horizon-based culture.

Their temples pointed to
specific astronomical points. View of the Milky Way
This was very important
for Incan agriculture. Beyond Our World
From our planet, outer space starts about 100 km above the surface.
Farther away, there are only isolated particles of gas and dust in the
emptiness of the universe. Some regions have planets and galaxies.
Some scientists say that there is radiation all around space, but we
cannot see it. Now, we have some powerful devices that help us see
what is out there. Humans have been curious about outer space since
they noticed there was something beyond our Earth.
Pixabay / PublicDomainImages

The study of the stars was the foundation of past cultures and
civilizations. Since the sky was always changing, it caused fascination
and curiosity. People noticed patterns in the sun and moon, also in
the stars and planets. Astronomy shaped their beliefs and mindsets.
Mayan calendar The Babylonians were one of the first civilizations to register the
movements of the moon and sun. A brilliant Persian astronomer
Vocabulary invented a giant device that accurately calculated the Earth’s axis.
isolated. separate from others Source:

emptiness. containing nothing

device. an object, machine,

or piece of equipment that • Talk to your classmates and teacher about the beliefs in your
has been made for some community related to the sun, moon, and stars. Do you have any
special purpose special celebrations related to them? Write them here.

shaped. a definite form

or arrangement of something

mindsets. a particular way • Investigate another culture’s relationship with the stars, planets, sun,
of thinking, a person’s attitude and moon. Write two interesting facts. Use your own words and
or set of opinions about
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complete sentences.

accurately. done in a way that

is free from mistakes or errors

Oral Communication

How do we know what is in the universe?

Do you know what we can use to see what is in outer space? Listen to the Interesting Facts
teacher’s lecture and complete the following activities.
Hubble Telescope
This telescope was named
in honor of Edward Hubble
who discovered thousands
of galaxies from an
observatory in California.
It is located 547 km from
the planet’s surface and can
travel the complete orbit
in 95 minutes. Since 1990,

Hubble has made more than
The Butterfly Nebula Hubble Space Telescope 1.3 million observations.

Answer True (T) or False (F). If it is false, correct it to make it true.

a. Humans have always been interested in learning

about the sky.

b. The telescope has always been the same.

c. The first patented telescope in 1608 was used

to see the sky.

d. Galileo Galilei was the first person to see the moon

and its craters.

e. The first telescope was invented in 1694 by Christian Hygens.


Home Telescope
f. Isaac Newton invented a smaller, portable telescope.

g. M51 is a star. What did you learn

about telescopes?
Write an interesting fact.
h. Giant telescopes were built in the XVIII century.

i. Radio telescopes were invented before giant telescopes.

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j. Space telescopes are the most powerful telescopes.

Social Studies

How did we start visiting outer space?

Interesting Facts
Space Race
It began in 1955 with the
USA and USSR after World
War II. It was the Cold War,

which meant competition
in every area, including Laika, Russian cosmonaut dog, 1957
space. Soviets launched
the first artificial satellite,
Sputnik I in 1957, Sputnik What do you know about the first astronaut?
II with the first living thing
in space, and then Sputnik
III. Even though the US Laika
was trying to send a rocket
During the era of the Space Race between the USA and USSR, the
with a man to orbit the
Soviet Union launched the first living thing into space. It was a dog
planet quickly, the Soviets
named Laika. The objective of the trip was to prove that space travel
had already done it in 1961,
for humans was safe but technology hadn’t advanced enough to bring
sending Yuri Gagarin,
ships back yet. Laika was a street dog that became an astronaut because
the first man to enter
of her size and calmness. After some training, she was ready to go into
the Earth’s orbit.
space. Her ship called Sputnik 2 was launched on November 3, 1957. Laika was supposed to orbit the planet some days and the first reports
from Russian space programs said so. However, in 1993, some Russian
space program scientists revealed that Laika died soon after leaving the
Vocabulary planet’s atmosphere because of stress and overheating. Many people
race. a contest or competition in the world were in great sorrow because of her death. Since then, her
in which different people story has spread around the world and has inspired many tales, songs,
or teams try to win something and poems. Some of them say that Laika became a star in the sky.
or to do something first
launch. to send or shoot
(something, such as a rocket)
into the air or water or into
outer space Answer the following questions based on what you read.
overheating. to cause • Why has Laika’s story been so famous around the world?
(something) to become
too hot
• Why did the Soviet Union and the United States want to get
sorrow. a feeling of sadness to space first?
or grief caused especially
by the loss of someone
or something • How many ships had the Soviets sent to space before the first
man went?
tale. an exciting story that
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may not be completely true

• What really happened to Laika?


What have we learned?


• Choose any of the topics we have studied during lessons A and B
and summarize it.
Writing Process
• Work on the writing process in your notebook and write the final
product here. Summarizing is analyzing
information and determining
what is important to mention
First and what is not.
Main idea It reduces the original
text to a few sentences
Next or a short paragraph
Four important details in your own words.
Steps to summarize:
1. Read the passage.
Finally 2. Determine the most
important idea
of the passage.
3. Highlight important
4. Find keywords and
use them to write
the topic sentence.
It is also a good idea
to answer some questions
in order to complete
the idea:
“Who did what, where,
and when?”
“What is the main idea
of the text?”
Answer the following questions “What are the
supporting points?”
1. Why did you choose that topic? I chose that topic because...
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2. What is summarizing?

Language Through the Arts

Can we do art through writing?

People write poems to express their feelings about an experience, Vocabulary
to communicate to the reader, and to get an emotional response.
utter. to say something
Language used in poems is a bit different from the language we use or make a sound, usually
with difficulty
to talk about facts and scientific information.
no matter. short form
of “it doesn’t matter”,
it’s not important

perish. die
Analyze the phrases of the poem and discuss their meanings with
your class. In this poem, there may be a lot of words you don’t
recognize. Underline them. First, try to use context to help you
understand them. If the context doesn’t help, use a dictionary.
Write down their meaning in the margin.

by: Adnana Zeljkovic

Never have I seen in space,

sadder eyes than Laika’s, how insane!
never so lost a look! After in her mind, Answer the following
like a prayer, questions in groups of three.
Paddling with her soft paws
in inimical vacuum, wishing farewell 1. What words and
expressions does the writer
(nothing to draw you to stray dogs and stray cats
use to describe Laika’s
to your bosom of Moscow streets, possible feelings?
like Mother Earth’s gravitation) to her beloved four
herself soft snowflake, leg fellow,
opening her soundless mouth she probably thought
trying to utter either I shall surely perish,
cry or sigh, but my spirit will bellow
just a tiny, tiniest cry, of man’s cruelty - 2. What do you think the
no matter if no one hears… Vast universe will echo… writer expresses? Is she
happy, is she sad, is she
But as in a dream, Never, never have I seen upset? What makes you
her efforts were in vain. sadder eyes than Laika’s. think this?
To send a dog up there Retrieved from:
to be first living creature
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Assessment How much have we advanced?

3 Answer the following questions based on the reading.

1. What is TRUE about Ohio astronauts?
Circle or highlight the correct answer.
a. NASA has 355 astronauts from Ohio.
b. 38 astronauts are on space missions now.
c. A great number of astronauts come from Ohio.
2. What is NOT true about Ohio astronauts?
Circle or highlight all possible answers.
a. John Glenn was the first man who stepped on the moon.
b. Apollo 13 had a small explosion in space.
c. Challenger came back to Earth safely.
3. What did the Wright Brothers do? Answer in complete sentences.

Achievement Level - Writing

Individual activity

4 Use the following words to write a complete sentence.

a. Nowadays
b. Sorrow
c. Concern
d. Acquire

I’m completing this self-evaluation based on what I learned in the module.

Self-evaluation I check (√) the box that most applies to me

I do it I can’t do it
Topics I do it very well I can improve
somewhat well without help
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Read and understand scientific information

Identify and use present, past, and present perfect

Write a short opinion paragraph

Lesson C

Communication and Cultural Awareness

Social Studies

Do you know how our ancestors communicated?

Communication in Ancient Cultures

Culture Language has shaped cultures around the world. Since spoken
messages do not stay the same when they are transmitted through many
Many ancient civilizations
people, written language was created so that messages arrived the way
such as Egypt, Assyria,
they were sent.
Persia, Rome, and China
had postal systems that were Written language also served as a means to transport messages
used to deliver messages in an easy way. As we know, Egyptians first created papyrus which
to part of their empires; was light, so messages could travel much faster. The Persian Empire
and Incas used special had a successful mail system which permitted them to take messages
roads to deliver packages as far as 3,200 km in only ten days.
and information. Ancient
written communications At the beginning, the speed of communication only depended
found by archeologists on the speed of people. Some animals were used to help speed
allowed us to know a lot up communication such as horses and then domesticated pigeons
about those times. in the 11th century.
Source: |
Adapted from:

Vocabulary Freepik

deliver. to take (something)

to a person or place
roads. a hard, flat surface
for vehicles, people, and
animals to travel on
Answer the following questions.
means. through the
use of (something) 1. How did people communicate in the past?
successful. having the
correct or desired result,
ending in success 2. Ask your parents, grandparents or any elder in your community
how they communicated long-distance in the past.
pigeons. a gray bird that
is common in cities and that
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has a fat body and short legs

elder. a person who has

authority because of age
and experience


How did people communicate across long distances?

Interesting Facts

The U.S. postal service Have you ever heard about letters and post cards?
delivers more that 44% What do you know about them?
of the world’s cards
and letters. The service
Evolution of the Postal Service and Courier
delivers about 212 billion
(212,000,000,000) pieces The postal service has made the exchange of letters possible
of mail each year. There for years. It has helped people communicate around the world.
are over 40,000 post
offices in the country and The history of postal service goes back to the invention of writing
its territories. The postal and the need for communication. Some evidence shows that an
service delivers the mail organized postal service existed in Egypt with papyrus from 255 B.C.
rain or shine, using different It seems that pharaohs had used some kind of courier system to send
methods of transport from a decree throughout the empire by 2400 B.C. Some ancient cultures
planes to mules. such as Persia, China, India, and Rome had created postal systems
before we thought.
The letters we know are sent in an envelope, but at the beginning
there were no envelopes at all to protect the letters. Paper envelopes
were first invented in China, but before then Babylonians had already
invented something to protect messages: hollow, clay spheres.
Stamps have been an important part of the postal service; they were
created in 1837 by an English man named Rowland Hill. They established
the first systematic prices based on weight. Now we continue to use the
system, but the prices have definitely increased!
pharaoh. a ruler
of ancient Egypt

decree. an official order For each of the sentences below, decide which happened first and
given by a person with which happened second. Write “first” and “second”. Pay attention
power or by a government to the verb forms to help you.
throughout. in or to every 1. Ancient cultures had invented writing before the first postal service.
part of (something)
a.  The postal system was invented.
hollow. having nothing
inside, not solid b.  Ancient cultures invented writing.

clay. a heavy, sticky material 2. Before Egyptians had an organized postal system, pharaohs had
from the earth that is made used a kind of courier system.
into different shapes and
a.  Pharaohs used a kind of courier.
that becomes hard when
it is baked or dried b.  Egyptians had an organized postal service.
spheres. a round, 3D object 3. Persia, China, and Rome had created a postal system. We started
using a more modern postal system.
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stamps. a small piece of paper

that you buy and then stick a.  Persia, China, and Rome created a postal system.
to an envelope or package
to pay the cost of mailing it b.  We started using a more modern postal system.


What inventions made communications faster?

Informational Paragraph

Grammar Note
Rewrite the following sentences to form one sentence using past Past perfect
perfect and simple past. Use words such as after or before.
The past perfect is used
1. Samuel F.B. Morse transmitted his first message in 1844. to talk about an action that
2. Long before transmission, people used signal systems such happened in the past before
as flags or lights.
another action that
• is normally expressed using
the simple past.

3. Morse created the system of dots and dashes (Morse Code) in 1835. Some inventors had created
4. Morse first demonstrated the use of telegraph to his friends in 1837. visual telegraphs before
Morse invented the
• electrical telegraph.
Some inventors
5. In 1849, Reuters started using a telegraphic press service. had not (hadn’t) created
6. In 1856, Western Union became the dominant telegraph company visual telegraphs before
in the United States. Morse invented the
• electrical telegraph.
Had some inventors created
visual telegraphs before
Morse invented the
electrical telegraph?
Step 1.  Ask your parents, grandparents, or an older person how they
communicated before. Take notes on what they say.

Step 2.  Write a paragraph (50-60 words) about how things were
different before compared to now. Be sure to use at least three
different verbs in the past perfect.

Ex. My grandmother had sent letters before e-mail was invented.


Morse Telegraph (1837)


dot. a small round mark

dash. a punctuation mark —

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that is used especially to show

a break in thought or in the
structure of a sentence

Language Through the Arts

How can we use codes to communicate?

Morse Code
Vocabulary Samuel Morse invented the Morse Code. It is a code that has dashes
complex. not easy and dots. Letters commonly used such as “E” have a simple code, and
to understand or explain, those that were not frequently used, for example “Q”, have longer and
not simple more complex codes. |

Morse code letters

and numbers Is it easy to communicate using codes? Discuss your opinions
as a class.
D Let’s have some fun sending messages using Morse Code.
Write a message to your teacher, family, and classmates using Morse
Code. Then, show them to your classmates and teacher. Do the
G same with your family. First write the message in your notebook and
H check grammar and spelling. Be sure to write nice messages and not
I something offensive.
1. To my teacher:
2. To my family:

3. To my classmates:
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Oral Communication
Social Studies

How did people start communicating faster?

The Invention that Rings

Talk about the images below. Which ones have you seen?

Interesting Facts
The New York Telephone
Company had 6,000 female
telephone operators by 1910.
When Alexander Graham
Bell died in 1922, all
telephones stopped ringing
for one full minute

as a tribute to the creator.
Telephone’s evolution. The first transatlantic
telephone cable was used
in 1956. The cable runs
across the Atlantic Ocean
Listen to the story about the invention of the telephone. Decide if each
from Canada to Scotland.
sentence is True (T) or False (F). If it is false, correct it to make it true.

1. Alexander Graham Bell did not invent the telephone. There are about 150 million
telephone lines in the world
and the number increases
2. The telephone had been invented before the telegraph. by thousands daily.
The phone continues
3. The telephone turns electricity into voice.
to evolve today. Now we
have much more advanced
features like caller ID,
4. The first phone call was from Graham Bell to the Queen. texting, mobile video, safe
caller ID, internet, and
many more features. Phones
5. Most operators were young boys. connect people, facilitate
business, and even save lives.

6. Telephone calls have always been automatic.

features. an interesting
or important part, quality,
Ask your classmates how they communicate. Do they use a landline ability, etc.
phone? Talk to at least three classmates and write their answers here.
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Communcation and Cultural Awareness

How has technology changed our culture?

Technology Changes Cultures Worldwide

Interesting Facts Culture is always evolving; each time a new material item appears,
Sociologist William F. nonmaterial culture modifies. It changes when something new adjusts
Ogburn created the term ways of living. Adopting new ways of facing everyday situations
“culture lag” to define by using new inventions can change cultural values. In addition, people
the time that passes need new norms for new situations. When society changes quickly
by between the introduction and culture is influenced by new inventions, it can cause generation
of a new item or device gaps. Sometimes a new device can take only months to become part
and its recognition as of a group of young people but it might take long time to be accepted
a part of everyday life. It can by older generations.
cause misunderstandings One clear example of cultural change is the process of globalization.
between generations. It has brought international cultures to all homes through the television
or internet. It has caused changes in values and lifestyles, and it shows
how ideas from one culture are introduced into another and reshape it.

nonmaterial. not physical

values. a strong belief about

what is valuable, important,
or acceptable

gap. a space between two

people or things

lifestyle. a particular way

of living, the way a person
or a group of people live

shape. to influence the

development of something Freepik

Two different generations using technology

Discuss in class.

• Do you think technology Circle the correct answer.

affects culture positively 1. Cultural lag is:
or negatively? Explain.
a. Difference in age of people
b. The time it takes for people to accept new items
c. Older people that cannot use new devices

2. The fact that we find McDonald’s in our country is an example of:

• Are there any examples a. Culture lag
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of cultural lag in your life?

b. Globalization
c. Generation gap

Oral Communication
Social Studies

How would society be different without television?


Think about movies or sitcoms, TV shows and

other programs. Which ones are your favorite?
Have you ever imagined life without all the
images we watch on TV?

Young girl watching TV
Listen again and circle or highlight all the correct
statements according to the story.
Invention of Television • The first televisions were mechanical.
Listen to the conversation between a teenager and • The first TV transmission was the image of the
an elder who talks about the invention of television. dollar sign.
For each year you see, write what happened.
• WRGB TV station has been operating
continuously since 1926.
• At the beginning, programs were commercial-free.
1926 • Remote controls were invented before color TVs.
• By the time color TVs were sold, all programs
were recorded in color, too.
• The first 3D flat screen appeared in 2005.

Have you ever seen a very old TV? Does your family
1941 have a TV? Do you think TVs are common in most
homes in your country? Discuss these questions
in groups of three and take notes on what it is said.



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What is the most important contribution to technology?

Interesting Facts
Bardeen, Brattain, and Do you know what a transistor is? Have you ever heard about its use?
Shockley won the Nobel Discuss it as a class.
Prize for Chemistry in 1956
for inventing the transistor.
The Transistor: A New Era
A transistor is like a
The transistor is an underappreciated invention that changed
miniature on-off switch
the world forever. Believe it or not, it is the crucial component of an
that allows a computer
electronic device. Our televisions, radios, cell phones, and computers
to process information.
work with them. Televisions used to work with some tubes that were
A computer can’t operate slow and used a lot of energy before transistors were used.
without an integrated
Three people invented the transistor: William Shockley, John
circuit (chip), and a chip
Bardeen and Walter Brattain. Shockley started working in 1936
can’t operate without
on the transistor. Although he could successfully work out the
a transistor.
theory, he could not build a working model in eight years. Bardeen
The first Intel computer and Brattain helped him develop the model. Sometime later, Texas
chip had 2,300 transistors, Instruments of Dallas first started commercial production of some
while the latest one has transistors for portable radios in 1954. The Sony Company of Japan
820 million. soon acquired the right to produce transistors and dominated the
market. In the 1960’s, Sony began to manufacture television sets using
transistors instead of tubes. Afterwards, vacuum tube technology
became obsolete.

Decide if each sentence is True (T) or False (F). If it is false, correct

it to make it true.

1. Televisions have always worked with transistors.


2. Transistors are the key piece in every single electronic device.

underappreciated. not 3. William Shockley invented a working transistor.
appreciated or valued enough

work out. to achieve 4. Transistors were first used in portable radios.

by resolving difficulties

acquired. to get (something):

to come to own (something) 5. The first company that created a device using transistors
was Sony.
afterwards. at a later time,
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after something has happened

vacuum. an empty space

in which there is no air
or other gas


How has our life changed due to technology?

Cause and Effect Paragraph

How has our society changed due to the inventions that we Tip
have studied?
A cause and effect paragraph
explains the consequences
You are going to write a cause and effect paragraph about the effects of an action, event, decision,
technology has had on society. These can be positive and negative effects.
etc. A cause and effect
First, brainstorm some ideas. In what aspects of society has technology paragraph can be organized
changed the way we do things? in different ways. It can be
Next, write some ideas in the graphic organizer below. Determine what the organized chronologically
cause is and what effect is the result. or based on the importance
of the events. It is useful
Then, put your paragraph together. Start with a topic sentence to introduce the
main idea. Then present your information from the graphic organizer. to complete the entire writing
process in order to write
Finally, finish with a concluding sentence that is similar to your topic sentence. a correct paragraph.
Your paragraph should be 50-60 words.

Cause Effect
Grammar Note

Some useful expressions

for cause and effect are:
Because of …
As a result of …
As a consequence of …
…resulting from ….
… is due to …
… is because of …
Some useful expressions
to express effect are:
The first effect of … is …
Another result of … is …
As a result, …
As a consequence, …
Consequently …
Therefore, …
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… is the reason for …

Language Through the Arts

Are all programs appropriate for all ages?

Let’s Make a Television Set!


• Carboard boxes any sizes, a little one

if you want to make a remote control

• Any useful material you find in your community

• Paintings

• Scissors or box cutter

• Carboard of many different colors

Modern television


• Cut the carboard box in the shape • Describe the television according to its
you want your television to have. characteristics. (flat screen, old television, etc.)

• Add any decorations you would like

to have on a TV set.

• Paint it with any color you want.

• List the kinds of programs children and

adolescents should watch and share
it with classmates.

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cutter. a tool that cuts something


Cardboard televisions

Oral Communication

What has technology brought us?

Computers and Cellphones

What do you think about the latest electronic devices? • Discuss the positive and
Are they useful? Do you like them? negative aspects of the use
of technology with the class.
Is it affecting you? How?
Dr. Lisa P. Wayne is going to tell some students about changes
due to technological advances and how they have affected our society
positively and negatively. Listen to the class and complete the activities.

• Discuss the use of social

networks. Are they
appropriate for every
person? Is it good that little
kids have access to social
networks? Why or why not?

Teenagers using electronic devices

Circle or highlight the statements expressed in the audio.

1. Technology has changed the world in a very profound way.

2. Technology is very important in our daily activities.

3. Life was easier before the invention of cellphones and computers.

4. Cellphones help us stay away from society. Vocabulary

5. We cannot find all information on the internet. appropriate. right or suited for
6. Technology helps people to be around others. some purpose or situation
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7. Kids and adolescents are always expecting the approval

of others on social networks.

8. It is good to be contacted by strange people.

Assessment How much¿Xxxxxxx?
have we advanced?

Achievement Level - Reading

Individual activity

4 Read the following article and complete the activities as indicated.

Social networking is a topic that divides opinion - some people think it’s an
amazing tool but others are worried about the impact it has on people’s lives.
Some people decided to find out the benefits - and potential risks - of using
social networks. Here are some of their conclusions as to the main benefits
and drawbacks of social media.
Not everyone may think about the negative effects of having social
networking accounts - but simple things like not setting your privacy properly
or liking someone’s photo can have bad results.
Social networking has a lot of good points. You can express yourself, post
your favorite songs or your latest picture with friends. It is a lot easier to do it
over the internet than in person. You can keep in touch with your friends and
relatives around the world.
Taken and adapted from:

5 Answer the following questions:

a. What do you think is the most important negative aspect about
social networks?

b. Why should we be careful with strangers on social networks?

c. List the positive points that you consider the most important
about social networks.

I’m completing this self-evaluation based on what I learned in the module.

Self-evaluation I check the box that most applies to me

I do it I can’t do it
Topics I do it very well I can improve
somewhat well without help
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Use simple past and past perfect correctly

Understand conversations and identify details

Write a cause and effect paragraph


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