Bumax Material Presentation - 04!05!16
Bumax Material Presentation - 04!05!16
Bumax Material Presentation - 04!05!16
Deloitte -
Bufab Group
Offshore/ Marine
Industrial Construction
20152 New name: BUMAX AB
• Made in Sweden and only European material according to our own specification
Austenitic Duplex
Cr 18% Cr 25%
Ni 8% Ni 7%
Fe bal Mo 4%
Fe bal
Martensitic Ferritic
Cr 17%
C 0.2% Fe bal
Cr 13%
Fe bal
BUMAX® begins where standard ends
Pitting Resistance Equvivalent, PRE value, a common and good way of ranking stainless steels
Chamfering of the
screw tip
Threading by rolling
Bumax production
Rolled vs Cut threads
A2 A4 A8 B8 B8M A8
50 70 80 Class 2 Class 1
C Cr Ni Mo
316 0.08 16-18 10-14 2-3 Bumax 88
C Cr Ni Mo
316L 0.03 16-18 10-14 2-3 Bumax 109
C Cr Ni Mo
UNS S31603 0.03 16-18 10-14 2-3
C Cr Ni Mo
UNS S31651 0.08 16-18 10-14 2-3
C Cr Ni Mo
EN 1.4401 0.07 16.5-18.5 10-13 2-2.5
C Cr Ni Mo C Cr Ni Mo
A4 0.08 16-18.5 10-15 2-3 EN 1.4404 0.03 16.5-18.5 10-13 2-2.5
B8M C Cr Ni Mo C Cr Ni Mo
0.08 16-18.5 10-15 2-3 EN 1.4432 0.03 16.5-18.5 10.5-13 2.5-3 Tighter spec
than any
C Cr Ni Mo
EN 1.4435 0.03 17-19 12.5-15 2.5-3 standard. Exact
C Cr Ni Mo
EN 1.4436 0.05 17-19 12.5-15 2.5-3 composition is
C Cr Ni Mo
SS 2343 0.03 17-19 12.5-15 2.5-3
C Cr Ni Mo
SS 2347 0.07 16.5-18.5 10-13 2-2.5
BUMAX® 88/109
Bumax 88 and Bumax 109 are premium A4 fastener offered in two strength
Bumax SDX offer many advantages compared to other Super Duplex fasters
that are available on the market
BUMAX Hyper Duplex
Customer: Country:
Siemens Norway
Fiber optic sub sea cables used for
communication, monitoring and
controlling the oil/gas platform. The
applications should last at least 25 years
Titanium screws has previously been
used but has been substituted by
BUMAX Super Duplex due to:
• Better corrosion resistance
• Much higher strength
• The grade has excellent track record
in oil/gas, offshore applications
• Lower cost than Titanium
BUMAX® SDX Application
BUMAX Super Duplex
Customer: Country:
InApril Norway
InApril manufactures complete and fully
integrated ocean bottom node based
seabed seismic solution systems for oil
exploration. Super Duplex cold headed
fasteners are used for the system. Super
duplex is needed to achieve enough strength
and corrosion resistance. The fasteners are
surface treated to prevent galvanic
corrosion. System is used down to 3000 m.
Marine suspension seats
Customer: Country:
Ullman Sweden
Ullman Dynamics is the World Leader in
Shock Mitigation Seating. Ullman
Dynamics contacted Bufab because of
corrosion problems with their A4
Norsok approved SDX
It has not existed any Fastener standard for Norsok until now
Norsok Super Duplex fasteners has been bar turned from Norsok M-630 MDS
D57 approved bars and machined fasteners from it
Using the bar MDS D57 also for fasteners
Norsok has however recently released two standard specifically for fasteners
M-630 MDS D60, machined fasteners
M-630 MDS D59, strain hardened fasteners
Norsok summary
Type of MDS Bar material Fasteners Fastener
Tensile strength Rm 750 MPa Tested on 750 MPa Tested on 860 MPa Tested on
min bars (steel bars (from fasteners
mill D57
Yield strength Rp0.2 550 MPa 550 MPa 725 MPa
certificate) certificate)
Elongation A min 25% 16% 16%
RA min - 30% 30%
Impact strength 45J average 45J average 45J average
min at -46°C at -50°C at -46°C
Hardness max - 33 HRC 35 HRC
Corrosion test G48 No pitting Tested on No pitting Tested on No pitting Tested on
max 4 g/m2 bars (steel max 4 g/m2 bars (from max 4 g/m2 bars (from
mill D57 D57
Ferrite content 35 - 55% 40 - 60% 40 - 60%
certificate) certificate) certificate)
Microstructure No detrimental No detrimental No detrimental
phases phases phases
BUMAX® Norsok SDX application
Johan Sverdrup
Machined Rm 820 MPa Most common way of producing Super Duplex fasteners
Rp0.2 630 MPa Most competitors do not test the strength on the final product, they are copying
the bar properties into the certificate
Hotforged Rm 900 MPa Super Duplex are very sensitive in the temp range of 600 to 1000 °C
Rp0.2 750 MPa Formation of intermetallic phases and forming delta-ferrite
These defects will drastically reduce the corrosion resistance and ductility of
the fastener
Formation of oxide that will decrease corrosion resistance unless it is
thoroughly removed
Important that the final fastener is thoroughly tested to make sure that the
microstructure is OK
Strain hardened Rm 1220 MPa Unique production method for Bumax
Bumax SDX Rp0.2 1080 MPa Does not add any extra heat during processing so it is completely safe from forming
any type of intermetallic phases
Bumax always test the final product
Bumax Lock is an all-metal lock nut made out of the same steel grade as
Bumax 88
Special designed thread profile that locks when it is tightened
316L high Mo Bumax Lock in stock
Bumax Lock is free spinning with no prevailing torque
Better load distribution and greater gripping strength
Reusable, up to approximately 10 times
Prevents vibration loosening and increased fatigue resistance
NOV uses Bumax Lock
Tightening Torque and Friction
24 kN 35 kN 65 kN 102 kN 181 kN
Tightening torque, Waxed Stainless
Increase torque on
countershunk screws with
Galling is a cold welding phenomena that can occur between male and female thread under
heavy pressure. Stainless steel is generally more sensitive than other metallic materials due to
the passive chromium oxide layer that breaks down under high pressure.