CMRP Mumbai May 2022
CMRP Mumbai May 2022
CMRP Mumbai May 2022
An initiative by
LIVE FACE - FACE United Global Business Events
Quality Value Assurance
Trainings | Conferences | Exhibition | Webinar
Course Based on Bok, SMRP, USA
09th to 13th May 2022, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
U BE IND : +91 7624949679
US : +1 8054646439
[email protected]
United Global Business Events
Quality Value Assurance
UGB Events stands for United Global Business Events, we are an organiza on build
by team of passionate individuals with diverse domain exper se and having served
under responsible posi ons with collec ve experience of more than 10+ years.
Bringing the best out of our team, our mentors, board of advisors and our overall
journey with mo o to impart the latest skills, new learning and perpetual development
of knowledge to all industries, enabling personal & professional growth to each and
every member in the field of learning and development.
With Quality, Value and Assurance at our core of business, we thrive to help, influence
and create individuals to become future leaders. Making this society and world a
be er place to live for coming genera ons.
Our clear vision, objec ve and mission is to bring out the leader in oneself,
create leaders, followed by the leaders
Quality at UGBE is never an accident; it is
always the result of high inten on, sincere
effort, intelligent direc on and skillful
execu on; it represents the wise choice of
many alterna ves.
At UGBE we under promise and over
deliver. Our approach is focused
on value persec ve, value crea on &
value delivery
Assurance is the fruit that grows out of the root
of faith, at UGBE every effort and commitment we
make is oriented towards ins lling faith and
assurance. Thereby delivering assured
Quality, assured Value and Assured sa sfac on.
CMRP, CRE (ASQ Fellow)
Exec. Manager, Sr. Consultant,
Khalil has directed, managed and assessed global SME, Trainer & Facilitator
projects for large organiza ons. Strong insight on over 25 years Global exper se
business strategies, process management, opera ons
improvement, asset management and integra on,
opera on system integra on, opera ons due
diligence, training-coaching and mentoring clients.
He has extensive experience in lean principals
and six sigma, project management, opera ons TM
These mes also look for cer fied professionals to lead the efforts. This highly mo va onal &
informa ve course is designed to provide an immersive training environment that maximizes
the interac on between a endees and instructor and a endees and their peers.. The course
delivers a combina on of individual and group exercises to heighten the learning experience.
A endees will complete and review daily prac ce examina ons designed specifically to help
you pass professional cer fica on requirements. You will learn how to take mul ple choice
exams as well as reviewing the technical informa on of the pillars and areas
of Core Competence necessary to become cer fied.
Virtual lectures with Prac ce The CMRP Study Workshop
Exams and Study guides and course is planned for a total of
interac ve discussions. 40 Virtual hours (5 days).
The CMRP is ideal for any maintenance
The one of best cer ca on for skills, abili es and reliability professional, regardless of
& knowledge of reliability, maintenance and educa on background such as
physical asset management is Cer fied
Maintenance & Reliability Professional (CMRP). Reliability Manager
The CMRP accredited by the American Na onal Maintenance Manager
Standards Ins tute (ANSI) and is the only Asset Manager
cer fica on exam of is kind. It is globally
recognized ISO standard accredita on. Maintenance Engineer
The CMRP exam provides broad scope of Maintenance Superintendent
becoming exper se against universal standard Maintenance Planner
and a proof to boost your pro le along with your
career. It was developed to assess your underst- Reliability Engineer
anding of the SMRP Body of Knowledge (BoK), Plant Manager
which include: Equipment Reliability, Business
Manufacture Manager
& Management, Organiza on & Leadership,
Manufacturing Process Reliability, and Opera on Manager
Work Management Produc on Manager
APPLY! Get the real ROI by achieving Start: 9:00 A.M
the highest implementa on rate Coffee Break: 10:30 A.M
of your learning
Lunch Break: 01:00 P.
CUSTOMIZE! Enjoy the benefits of
Coffee Break: 04:30 P.M
a fully tailor-made training in the
privacy of your organiza on End: 05:00 P.M
Cer ficate
Par cipants will receive a cer ficate of a endance for the course
If a endees choose the op on to be registered for a Cer fied Maintenance and Reliability
Prac oner, Cer fied Maintenance and Reliability Technician examina ons, they will get
further instruc ons and support to register to take the exam at any of the hundreds of
available Pearson Vue test centers approved by the Society of Maintenance and Reliability
The CMRP cer fica on program is the only ANSI (American Na onal Standards Ins tute)
accredited cer fica on program for Reliability and Maintenance prac ces and is aimed at
people managing processes within the field, as well as Maintenance and Reliability Engineers
Self Sponsored Company Sponsored
Delegate Details
Name: Name:
Phone: Phone:
Email: Email:
Name: Name:
Job Title: Job Title:
Phone: Phone:
Email: Email: