Mushrooms From Among the Mushrooms, by Ellen M. Dallas and Caroline A. Burgin
Fungi have existed from early woods, rising out of
geological ages. They flourished in the earth, also the the Carboniferous period, when the Lactarius, which seems to like the enormous beds of coal were formed, shade of trees. The Cortinarius also a space of time that occupied prefers their shelter. The Coprinus many millions of years. Bessey says loves the pastures and fields, near that the oldest known member of houses and barns, and dwells in the order of membrane fungi, groups upon the lawns. The Hymenomycetes, was called by the Hypholoma grows in clusters on the name of “Polyporites Bowmanii.” stumps of trees. Marasmius is found During the Tertiary period members among dead twigs and leaves. The of the genera now known under the white Amanitas flourish in woods and names of Lenzites, Polyporus, and open ground. There are some, like Hydnum were all in existence. It is Pleurotus, that grow in trunks of trees, interesting to know that even before and make their way through the Tertiary period the undergrowth openings in the bark. Every dead consisted of ferns and fleshy fungi. tree or branch in the forest is What a time of delight for the crowded with all species of botanist! But there were no human Polyporus, while carpets, damp beings in those days to roam cellars, plaster walls and sawdust are amongst that luxuriant undergrowth, favorite abodes of many fungi. and only the fossil remains in the deposits of coal and peat are left to Mushrooms consist wholly of cells. tell of their former existence. Fungi These cells do not contain either are either solitary, grow in clusters, in starch or the green coloring-matter, groups, or in rings and arcs of circles. called chlorophyll, which exists in Many mushrooms have distinct odors other plants. They are either and are distinguished by this feature. parasites or scavengers, and sometimes both. The food of fungi It is interesting to observe where must form a part of some animal or different mushrooms love to dwell. plant. When they commence to Some are always found on grow it is by the division of cells, not roadsides, as if seeking the notice of laterally, but in one direction, passers-by. These are the Clitocybes upward. As the mushroom grows the and Stropharia, and many of the stem lengthens, the cap expands cup-fungi, while the Boleti take and bursts the veil that surrounds it, shelter in clay banks and hide in and gradually gains its perfect every cranny and nook that they shape. can find. Russulas are seen in open
Victorian Toadstools and Mushrooms: A Key and Descriptive Notes to 120 Different Gilled Fungi (Family Agaricaceae) , with Remarks on Several Other Families of the Higher Fungi