Land Administration System in Pakistan

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Zahir ALI and Abdul NASIR, Pakistan

Key words: land administration system, cadastral data, institutional issues, technical issues,
stakeholders’ perception.


The current land administration system in Pakistan aims at land revenue assessment and tax
collection for the fiscal purposes. This system is organised or structured on the traditional
land registers and cadastral maps in paper formats, and their maintenance is mainly dependent
on the hard works of the local land administrator so called “Patwari” at the grass-root level
within his jurisdiction. Although, the local administrator reports all changes on land rights and
boundaries of land parcels to the higher level of government authorities, the maintenance and
quality of the land registers and cadastral maps kept at national level are always questionable.
The experience shows that limited accessibility and reliability to these records have restricted
the operational and legal usefulness for securing land ownership as well as for carrying out
the reliable planning and development activities. This paper presents the critical reviews of
the land ownership structure, legal framework, organizational/administrative framework, and
land administration processes for the land record preparation and maintenance from the
stakeholders’ point of view. Institutional and technical issues are discussed in terms of
strength and weakness of the current system situation in the North-West Frontier Province
(NWFP) of Pakistan.

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Zahir Ali and Abdul Nasir
Land Administration System in Pakistan – Current Situation and Stakeholders’ Perception

FIG Congress 2010

Facing the Challenges – Building the Capacity
Sydney, Australia, 11-16 April 2010

Zahir ALI and Abdul NASIR, Pakistan


Land administration is “the regulatory framework, institutional arrangements, systems and

processes that encompass the determination, allocation, administration and information
concerning land. It includes the determination and conditions of approved uses of land, the
adjudication of rights and their registration via titling, the recording of land transaction and
the estimation of value and taxes based on land and property. There are three components of
land administration i.e. the land rights registration and management, the land use allocation
and management, and the land valuation and taxation (Lyons and Satish, 2001). It is also
defined as “the processes of determining, recording and disseminating information about the
ownership, value and use of land when implementing land management policies”(UN-ECE,
1996; 2005). A land administration system is comprised of textual records that define rights
and/or information and spatial records that define the extent over which these rights and/or
information apply. In most jurisdictions land administration has evolved from separate
systems to manage private rights in land and manage public land (Burns and Dalrymple,
2006). In this way, land administration is a system implemented by the State to record and
manage rights in land for carrying out land related activities.

Land Administration System (LAS) is concerned with social, legal, economic and technical
framework within which land managers and planners operate. Since LAS has the ability to
influence societal and institutional behaviour (including that of individuals), professional
competence and human resource development are an important component of LAS (Enemark
and van der Molen, 2008). The World Bank (2001) indicates that land administration systems
are usually operated within distinct social/cultural norms and values. Therefore, it is important
to develop a framework that takes into account both institutional (including organizational)
and technical aspects for implementing land administration systems in the context of land
policy development.

It is generally accepted that there is no standard cadastre for any country since the social,
cultural, economic, legal and institutional needs of all countries are different. It is also
essential to gain a detailed understanding of the existing conditions and then make
comparisons with other systems to gain a full understanding of the system and its strengths
and weaknesses and options for improvement, prior to recommending solutions (Williamson
and Fourie, 1998).

The intention of this paper is to discuss the current situation of land administration system in
Pakistan discuss the institutional and technical issues of the system through stakeholders
perspective. This will provide a critical understanding of the present situation of land
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Land Administration System in Pakistan – Current Situation and Stakeholders’ Perception

FIG Congress 2010

Facing the Challenges – Building the Capacity
Sydney, Australia, 11-16 April 2010
administration system in the country. This paper uses an exploratory case study approach in
which qualitative and quantitative data are collected in the urban and rural areas in Swabi,
Chitral and Peshawar districts of the North-West Frontier Province (NWFP) in Pakistan. It
focuses mainly on analyzing the present situation of LAS in the country and the stakeholders’
perception concerning to issues that are institutional and technical nature.


For this study, the land administration organization called Board of Revenue (BOR), in the
North-West Frontier Province (NWFP) was chosen for detailed analysis. The BOR offices at
Peshawar, Chitral and Swabi districts in the NWFP were visited in this case study.

During the data collection process, a variety of techniques, including snowball concept, and
individual/group, interviews were applied to collect the data from the stakeholders in all the
three districts. The units of analysis were stakeholders/clients who were concerned with
tenure rights on land, and organizations that operate the land administration system in the
study area.

The qualitative data were collected from open interviews with stakeholders including the land
administration agency officials, land owners, and law professionals. The quantitative data
were collected through structured questionnaires. On the analysis of transcribed qualitative
data, appropriate questionnaires were designed for further quantitative data collection from
the stakeholders in these districts. These questionnaires were designed on the basis of the
LAS issues to analyze the present situation of the land administration system in the study
area. These questionnaires were distributed among the stakeholders including the clients (law
professionals and land owners) and land administration officials (high officials and field

While conducting the case study, three main data sources including interviews with the
stakeholders, collection/analysis of archival documents and investigator’s observations were
used. Data were collected through the structured and semi-structured interviews with the
stakeholders during different offices visits at the Board of Revenue (BOR) which is the main
land administration agency in the province. To understand the actual practices carried out by
the land administration agency officials, field visits were also carried out while visiting
Chitral district. Furthermore, information was collected through literature review and
interviews with stakeholders in the study area.

Once data was collected, a thorough review of the historical documents, official documents,
reports, news articles and interviews with stakeholders was carried out to cover a major part
of the qualitative data to understand the present situation of LAS and its concerned issues.
The detailed findings from this exploratory case study are presented in the next section.

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Land Administration System in Pakistan – Current Situation and Stakeholders’ Perception

FIG Congress 2010

Facing the Challenges – Building the Capacity
Sydney, Australia, 11-16 April 2010

The land administration system in the Indo-Pak sub-continent is very old. The Arthsastra is
supposed to be the first Indian work to mention the village officers known as Gopa that were
responsible for preparation of various registers for the village fields, transfers, and due taxes
but that was at a very rudimentary level. Attempt to reform the system was first made by Sher
Shah Soori (1534-1545) whereby land was categorized, measured and a schedule of crop rates
fixed. The system was reformed during the Mughal King Akbar reign (1556-1605). Todar
Mal as an adviser to King Akbar, initiated the regularization of land record management for
the first time and devised elaborate method for agricultural tax assessment on rational basis.
The subsequent colonial rule by the British then implemented the system on scientific lines
whereby large scale cadastral surveys were conducted to demarcate the boundaries and extent
of each individual landholding. Soil fertility was also classified to formulate and rationalize
the levy and collection of land revenue from landholders of each and every village. The
British set up a proper administrative hierarchy as shown in Figure 1, and deputed relevant
administrator on each administrative zone (Raza et al., 2005).

Figure 1: Administrative hierarchy set by the British

3.1 Description of LAS in Pakistan

The Land Administration System (LAS) in Pakistan is organized on the traditional system of
land registers and maps. The Board of Revenue (BOR) at provincial level is mandated with all
matters connected with administration of the land, collection of land revenue, preparation of
land records and other matters. The BOR is also the highest court of appeal and revision in
revenue cases within the Province.

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Facing the Challenges – Building the Capacity
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The organizational structure of BOR at provincial level in the NWFP as shown in the Figure 2
has three highest members, namely the Chief Land Commissioner (Senior Member Board of
Revenue), Chief Settlement Commissioner (Member-I) and Provincial Relief Commissioner
(Member-II) under the Provincial Revenue Minister.

Board of Revenue (BOR)


Senior Member BOR Member–I Member-II

Chief Land Commissioner Chief Settlement Commissioner Provincial Relief Commissioner

Secretary -I Secretary -II

Asstt. Secretary

Deputy Secretary Asstt. Secretary Relief Commissioner
(Revenue) (Admin)

Asstt. Secretary Asstt. Secretary

Asstt. Secretary Asstt. Secretary Director (Admin & Accounts) (Relief)
(Stamps) (Litigation-I) Land Records

Asstt. Secretary Distt Registrar Sub-Registrar Asstt. Secretary

(Litigation-II) Disstt.Officer (R&E) (Planning & Pro)

Figure 2: Organizational structure of Board of Revenue at NWFP

The Chief Land Commissioner is responsible for recovery of government dues/ agricultural
income tax, land revenue, water rate, ushr (religious tax), mutation fees, stamp duty,
registration fee, copying fee, and arrears relating to banks, Agricultural Development Bank of
Pakistan and cooperative societies. He frames the laws/rules/policies relating to the revenue
matters and also provides guidelines for maintenance of record-of-rights, periodical record for
use of the right-holders and revenue department. He also supervises revenue work of
Commissioners, Deputy Commissioners, Assistant Commissioners and other officers/courts
in the province. He notifies new administrative units such as divisions, districts, sub-divisions,
Kanungo, and Patwar Circles. Finally, he deals with all service matters relating to revenue

The Chief Settlement Commissioner is responsible for preparation and execution of policies
for disposal of state land for different purposes such as agriculture purpose in rural areas,
residential purpose in rural/urban areas, commercial, industrial, charitable and religious
purposes. He is also the appellate/revisional authority for revenue cases.

The Provincial Relief Commissioner is appointed under the Prevention and Relief Act 1958.
He has the responsibility for laying down policies and plans for disaster management in the
province. He provides maintenance and restoration of law & order situation in areas affected
by calamities for extending relief to the affected population.
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In this paper, the functions of the Director Land Records (DLR) are considered for detailed
analysis. The DLR under the direct supervision of the Chief Land Commissioner is in charge
of all districts in the NWFP. In each district, the staff under the DLR includes the Chief
Settlement Officer, Settlement Officer, Tehsildar, Naib Tehsildar, Kanungo and Patwari. The
DLR supervises both the Patwari and Kanungo Agencies and inspects the compiled record-of-
rights and statistical records. He makes the posting of settlement Kanungos and Mappers. He
checks the record of crops, price/weather reports, rain gauges, cattle census, crop experiments,
and return of wages and of agricultural statistics carried out by the District Officers. He has
control of certain charges such as mutation fees, copying and inspection fees of Patwaris
records and all expenditures related to any work carried out by Kanungo and Patwari.

At tehsil level, a ‘Tehsildar’ is the name given to an officer in charge of a tehsil. Tehsildar is
primarily a revenue officer and is responsible for the collection of land revenue and other dues
payable to the government. He is constantly on tour to keep in touch with subordinate revenue
officials to observe the seasonal conditions and condition of crops to take note of the
difficulties of the cultivators. He draws up reports and recommends remission or suspension
of revenue, brings the land records up to date, sits in court to settle disputes regarding
tenancy, arrears of rent, ejectment of tenants, and entries in account books. The duties of the
Tehsildar and Naib Tehsildar do not substantially differ except that a Tehsildar is vested with
the powers of an Assistant Collector 1st grade, where as a Naib-Tehsildar is vested with the
powers of an Assistant Collector 2nd grade.

The Kanungo supervises the work of Patwaris. He is the only link between the Tehsil Officer
and Patwari. Each Tehsildar is assisted by an Office Kanungo whose main duty is to
consolidate information on the performance of Patwaries. Patwari is the lowest functionary of
the revenue department. He maintains and updates the record pertaining to his Patwar Circle
(revenue area). Patwari carries out field survey/crop inspection twice a year in the months of
March (Rabi) and October (Kharif).

3.1.1 Legislative Framework

There are several Laws and Acts that deal with the land, relationship between landlord and
tenants, mortgagor and mortgagee, assessment and collection of land tax, agriculture income
tax, local rates, and land acquisition for public purposes. The main acts administered by the
BOR as follows:

- Land Revenue Act 1967: This Act was passed during the one-unit times but has been
adopted and amended by all of the provinces together with the necessary changes. It deals
with the issues of record of rights and land revenue. The Land Revenue Act was revised in
1967 having XV Chapters and 184 Sections.

- NWFP Tenancy Act 1887: All the provinces have adopted this Act. It deals with the
relationship of landlord and tenants regarding produce of land and ejection of tenants due
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to non-payment of rent or produce by the tenant to the landlords. It is the only legislation
which deals with various aspects of tenancy rights in Pakistan.

- Pre-Emption Act: This law has become operative by revenue department after
promulgation of para-25 of the Martial law Regulation (MLR-115) in 1972 which has
given the first right of pre-emption to a tenant. Normal cases of pre-emption of land are
dealt with by the civil courts. The revenue courts entertain only those cases in which a
tenant brings a pre-emption suit. Pre-emption laws give certain preferential rights to
neighbours in matters of sale of land.

- Land Acquisition Act: This act deals with acquisition of land needed for public purpose
and determining the amount of compensation to be paid on account of such acquisition.
Whenever any land is acquired by the government for any public purpose or by a
company, the proceedings are undertaken by the District Collector under the jurisdiction
of this Act.

- Registration Act 1908: This act deals with the registration of various documents
(including those relating to land) with registration authorities. Normally revenue officers
(as detailed in Land Revenue Act 1967) are declared as registration authorities. Under this
act various documents are executed and registered in the office of Sub-Registrar like sale
deeds, mortgage deeds, lease deeds, power of attorneys, partnership deeds, and other
deeds. Deeds are entered in the relevant registers after the documents are properly
stamped, checked and duly witnessed.

- Land Consolidation Act 1960: In order to achieve better agriculture yields, the
government has passed a law known as Land Consolidation Act 1960. The purpose of this
act is that with the consent of the land owners, exchange of land takes place in a
consolidated shape. It provides law relating to consolidation of holdings and the matter
incidental thereto.

- Transfer of Property Act 1982: This act deals with the transfer, sale/mortgages charges,
leases exchanges, and actionable claims in respect of property. This is very important
piece of legislation in terms of disputes, but is normally ignored in land matters.

- Land Reforms Act: The Land Reforms Laws have been introduced at various stages
including the MLR-64 on 7.2.1959, MLR-115 on 12.3.1972 and Land Reforms Act: II on
5.1.1977. The main aim of these land reforms was to determine the individual holdings to
a manageable size for improving the lot of peasantry. This act gives rights to ‘tenant-in-
possession’ of a certain property.

Several rules and manuals are also available in order to implement above acts. These include:

- Land Revenue Rules

- Settlement Manual Rules
- Land Record Manual
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- Land Administration Manual

3.1.2 Land Administration Processes

Different land processes are carried out by the BOR in the provincial at local level (Patwar
Circle). The most common processes include as follows:

- Fard Malkiyat (Ownership Document) Process: The document showing ownership of

land is called the "Fard Malkiyat". It is prepared by the Patwari concerned or district
office on payment of fee as prescribed in schedule of ‘copies of extract charges’. It is
created from the Haqdaran Zamin (Jammabandi) Register and the incorporations made
through any mutation (Intiqal). It is essentially just a copy of a particular part of the
Haqdaran Zamin Register.
- Register Haqdaran Zamin (Land Registration) Process: Haqdaran Zamin formerly known
as the Jammabandi Register is one of the most important documents of the record-of-
rights as well as the periodic record in the rural areas. It primarily shows the right holders
of land including details on owner, cultivator, land, soil, and rent. It is created every four
years for incorporating recent mutations (Intiqal) that have taken place since the last
document was created from the previous Haqdaran Zamin (land owners) register.

- Fard Badar (Error Correction) Process: Whenever a clerical mistake is detected in

current Jammabandi after it has been finally attested and filed, whether that mistake was
originally made in that or any previous Jammabandi, the Patwari makes the necessary
entries about it in the columns of the Fard Badar. The Fard Badar process is used for the
purpose of avoiding the entry of a further mutation of inheritance in cases where in
entering the original mutation some of the holdings of the deceased were inadvertently

- Gardawari (Binomial Inspection) Process: Before every harvest season, Patwari makes a
survey in his Patwar Circle called Gardawari. The purpose of Gardawari is to collect
information about the matured cropped area under different crops sown by farmers in a
Patwar Circle. Gardawari provides information about the date on which inspection of each
harvest should begin, the kind of soil (Qism Zamin), type of crop (Jins) sown, and the area
sown (Raqba Kashta) with reference to the Khasra number (parcel identification number).
- Mutation Process: A mutation is a change in the agricultural land records. There are
various types of mutations with different transaction characteristics. The mutation process
is a process with many checks and balances. In mutation process, an oral report or
application for mutation in writing is made to the Patwari. The key persons involved in
mutation process are Patwari, Gardawar / Kanungo, and Teshildar or Naib Tehsildar
(Revenue Officer). Changes in the recorded rights and interest are managed at the Patwar
level. There are various types of mutations such as sale, gift, mortgaging, lease, and sub-
division, and devolution of land.

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3.1.3 Types of Land Records

The land record data is maintained at Tehsil offices whereby record sets are developed at the
time of settlement. For maintenance of records, the Patwari has to maintain the following
maps and registers:

- Field Map: A cadastral map of a village called ‘Mussavi’ is shown in Figure 3. It shows
all the fields, duly measured and numbered in a village. This is basically a surveyed paper
map at different scales depending upon village area, normally at a scale of 1″=40 Karam
(about 1:2500 scale or so according to parcel sizes in the village). The yard-stick of
measuring a field is called Karam which is 5.5 feet in length. Land parcels are labeled
with their Khasra Number (parcel identification number) and dimension of each side.
Each Khasra Number is owned by an owner. Mussavi is developed at the time of
settlement. No changes can be made in this record-set till next settlement which is
normally carried out after every 30-35 years. Subdivision lines break up an irregular land
parcel in different regular geometrical shapes. The subdivision lines are generally
represented with dotted line and defined for the area calculation on the map.

Figure 3: A sample cadastral map ‘Mussavi’

- Field Book: This contains the details of measurement of each field e.g. its length, breadth,
diagonal detail, and worked out total area.

- Shajra Kishtwar: All the Mussavis of a village are drawn up conjointly on a cloth (Lattha)
for day-to-day use by the Patwari which is called Shajra Kishtwar.

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FIG Congress 2010

Facing the Challenges – Building the Capacity
Sydney, Australia, 11-16 April 2010
- Register Haqdaran-e-Zamin (Jammabandi): This is the most important register containing
necessary particulars about ownership, tenancy, khasra number and its classification,
source of irrigation, land revenue, and Rent (Lagan).

- Register of Mutations: It contains particulars of all transactions which are entered by the
Patwari and decided by the Revenue Officer.

- Register Khasra Girdawari: This register contains details of the inspection of crop grown
in each field in each harvest and all changes of ownership and tenancy. It is a track record
of the possession of a particular patch of land which helps to resolve issues relating to
ownership of that patch.

- Lal Kitab (Village Note Book): This book has details about statistics of a village lands e.g.
total area, area sown, assessment of land revenue, number of entered and attested
mutations, notes about changes in cultivation, and ownership for the last four years. It also
shows the population of a village and the approximate number of livestock. It is a
statistical book of a village.

- Fard Bach: It contains the details of the demand of land revenue and cesses thereon
recoverable from each land owner in a village.

- Roznamcha Waqiati: All the happenings about land affairs are recorded in this diary. For
instance, hailstorm, severe rains, the reports of all transactions of land, encroachments on
State Land, tours conducted by various revenue officers, and all other matters connected
with land are entered in it.

In addition, there are another nineteen registers which are maintained by a Patwari but are not
of much significance.


Although the LAS in Pakistan is time tested and has remained functional for more than two
hundred years, presently there are several concerns due to changes in societal needs
particularly the LAS users views (Gauhar, 2004; Qazi, 2006; Raza et al., 2005; World Bank,
2005). Since this study is exploratory in nature, only a limited field questionnaire was used at
this stage. Having studies on present organizational mandates, supporting laws, and processes
and record (see above), field visits were conducted. During the fieldwork, many issues were
raised verbally and a number of responses were also collected in writing.

Meetings and interviews were arranged with the BOR officials at Peshawar office as it is the
headquarters for all BOR offices at provincial level. The topics of meetings were mostly about
policy and management issues with the higher authorities of BOR including Member Board
of Revenue (MBR), Director Land Records (DLR), and Secretary. At Chitral, the settlement
Officer (SO) and land administration agency officials (i.e. Tehsildar, Naib Tehsildar and
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Sydney, Australia, 11-16 April 2010
Patwaris) at operational level were interviewed. In the Chitral and Swabi districts, field visits
were also carried out for interviews and meetings with clients including law professionals and
land owners. Major findings are organized in the following section under the institutional and
technical issues of the present LAS in the country.

3.2.1 Institutional Issues

Open interviews from six officers of BOR at headquarters and three at district offices show
that the present LAS is fiscal in nature. It is mainly used for tax collection and is used as a
means of generating revenue. The land records show information on who the tax payer is,
how much the tax value is, how much the land (cost and size) is and where the location is. It
doest not clearly define the nature of rights in land for land owners. This means that legal
security on land rights is not guaranteed.

Responses from the clients, including fifteen law professionals and thirteen land owners,
show that they are not satisfied with the performance of the present LAS. As 93% of the
clients indicated that there is room for corruption and unofficial changes in the land records
due to heavy dependency on Patwaris for land transaction and other processes which affect
the efficiency and effectiveness of the present LAS. 87% of the clients were not satisfied with
the processes in the present LAS such as mutation. These results are in agreement with the
literature and reports accessed in this fieldwork (Qazi, 2006; Qazi, 2005; World Bank, 2005).

All clients said that inaccuracy and complex nature of the present LAS exacerbates land-
related disputes. This creates doubts about tenure security in land owner’s minds due to which
they can not use their property for any mortgage and loan from banks. Moreover, land
transactions are relatively expensive and disputes about the correctness of land rights are
caused among others by an inefficient and dispersed land record system (Qazi, 2005). 46% of
the BOR officials (thirteen officials including Patwaris and Naib Tehsildars) pointed out that
the government does not provide any funds to Patwaris for stationary which affects their

87% of the clients accepted that official procedures in the present LAS are so complicated that
these always lead to delays in court decisions that affects the land market directly or indirectly
both at local and national level. 87% of the clients also admitted that the lack of credible
information and insufficient cooperation of land administration officials during land disputes
generate considerable delays in resolving pending cases in courts. Mumtaz and Nosherwani
(2006) also mentioned that the legal procedures in land cases are complex and the duration of
a land case may go beyond the litigant’s lifetime. Moreover, 62% of the clients were not in
agreement with the court procedures in the present LAS.

Although a Patwari is obligated to appear in court in all land-related inquiries as responded by

92% of the thirteen land administration officials during the fieldwork study, 87% of the
clients pointed out that land administration officials do not provide in-time cooperation during
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Sydney, Australia, 11-16 April 2010
land related disputes. However, as pointed out by 92% of the land administration officials, the
workload on a Patwari makes it impossible for him to perform his duties in a better way.

Moreover, land record maintenance takes place through an intricate system which involves
several levels of administration as mentioned by 46% of the land administration officials. For
example, all changes of ownership, use or other dealing with land is recorded by the Patwari
but the records have to be checked and forwarded by the Kanungo and approved by the Naib
Tehsildar or Tehsildar. These make the process time consuming and always lead to delays at
the user end.

3.2.2 Technical Issues

It is evident from responses of 100% of the land administration officials that the present land
records are in paper format. These land records are quite outdated and there is a lack of
updated geographical information data. 92% of the BOR respondents said that there is no
latitude/ longitude information on cadastral maps which creates gaps between maps and
registers to present reality on the ground as pointed out by 67% of the clients as well.

Information about the record-of-rights is originally established on the basis of a detailed field
survey and includes a map of each village showing the position and boundary of each parcel.
All these graphical information is intended to be updated every 25-35 years which is not in
accordance with the rapid changes in developmental works in the society. The agricultural
land in many areas is still recorded in the name of a person who passed away long ago and
whose legal successors are the owners but their names are not entered in the land records
(Khalid, 2002). 100% of the BOR officials said that record-of-rights are updated once every
four years which affects the efficiency of the LAS and slows down land transaction business
in the land market. In fact, land records should be maintained at every instant of a land

67% of the clients responded that delays in most of the land disputes are due to insufficient
knowledge and information about the land. Moreover, 87% of the clients argued that a
Patwari does not provide correct and timely information in all land related disputes. 93% of
the clients said that land related disputes can be solved easily in-time if the information on
land is provided correctly by the BOR officials in a timely fashion.

100% of the clients responded that most of people are not aware of the land related
procedures and fees defined by the BOR. 92% of the BOR officials agreed that no effort is
carried out by the BOR to publish any printed information for public awareness about land
related procedures, basic steps, and rules for land transactions. Thus the public is not aware of
who has to be approached for an appeal or who is responsible for what at different levels of
the land administration agency.

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According to 93% of the clients, the land registers and cadastral maps are not in good
condition which restricts their use for producing an efficient land market. 73% of the clients
accepted that ownership information in land registers is not correct, which creates doubt in
people’s mind about their tenure security.

Moreover, the temporal archives (land record rooms) are only stored at district level as
mentioned by all of the BOR officials. There are still occasions when the entire record was
wiped out due to fire or flood in the past. During a field visit in the Chitral district, it was
observed that the methods used for land surveying were quite old and time consuming even
impossible sometimes when there were harsh weather conditions. Due to this reason, no land
records are prepared by the BOR in some remote areas and no settlement surveys have been
carried out in those areas for the last sixty years.

100% of the clients and 92% of the BOR officials also agreed that by introducing newer
technologies in the present LAS, an improvement in its quality and performance will result.


There is always a demand for reliable LAS due to rapid changes in technology and users
needs with changing societal demands. This holds especially in countries where the present
LAS is based on traditional approaches as seen in Pakistan. An analysis of issues concerning
institutional and technical aspects contributes to understand present status of the cadastral data
and LAS. This will further help to model the dynamics of cadastral information infrastructure
and land administration system.


Burns, Tony and Dalrymple, Kate. (2006) "Land Administration Reform: Indicators of
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Zahir Ali and Abdul Nasir
Land Administration System in Pakistan – Current Situation and Stakeholders’ Perception

FIG Congress 2010

Facing the Challenges – Building the Capacity
Sydney, Australia, 11-16 April 2010
Qazi, M. U. (2006) "Computerization of Land Records in Pakistan"LEAD International.
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Mr. Zahir Ali is working as a Manager in the training and R&D department of the Space &
Upper Atmosphere Research Commission of Pakistan (SUPARCO), Pakistan. Currently he is
studying as a PhD student in the Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation
(ITC) at University of Twente, Enschede and Delft University of Technology, Delft, all in the
Netherlands. His research is about analyzing the institutional and technical aspects of land
administration system (in general and especially in Pakistan) and how to consider these
aspects in relation to the design of a framework for improving quality of cadastral data and
land administration systems.

Mr. Abdul Nasir is working as a Deputy Chief Manager (DCM) in the Space & Upper
Atmosphere Research Commission of Pakistan (SUPARCO), Pakistan. Currently he is
actively involved in training and R&D activities of the newly established National Centre for
Remote Sensing and Geo-Informatics (NCRG) at Karachi, Pakistan.


Mr. Zahir Ali

Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation (ITC),
University of Twente, PO Box 6,
7500 AA Enschede

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Zahir Ali and Abdul Nasir
Land Administration System in Pakistan – Current Situation and Stakeholders’ Perception

FIG Congress 2010

Facing the Challenges – Building the Capacity
Sydney, Australia, 11-16 April 2010
Tel. + 31 (0) 53 487 4526
Fax + 31 (0) 53 487 4575
Email: [email protected]
Web site:

Mr. Abdul Nasir

National Centre for Remote Sensing and Geo-Informatics (NCRG)
SUPARCO HQs, P.O. Box 8402
Tel. + 92 (0) 21 346 90781
Fax + 92 (0) 21 346 44928
Email: [email protected]
Web site:

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Zahir Ali and Abdul Nasir
Land Administration System in Pakistan – Current Situation and Stakeholders’ Perception

FIG Congress 2010

Facing the Challenges – Building the Capacity
Sydney, Australia, 11-16 April 2010

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