Solid Materials: Accessories, Footwear & Jewellery

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Healing stones, sustainability, and digital design will be important drivers. Materials like amethyst, crystals, bamboo will be prominent.

Healing stones like amethyst and crystals will be used for their perceived positive effects. Sustainably sourced materials like bamboo will replace synthetics. Antimicrobial metals will also be important.

Themes of nostalgia and escapism will underpin materials, with a focus on familiar and transformative designs. Staycation and beach trends will accelerate.

Forecast S/S 22

Solid Materials
Accessories, Footwear
& Jewellery

As the world shifts post-pandemic, healing materials,

sustainability and digital design will be key drivers for
S/S 22's solid materials. Tap into an escapist mindset
and focus on transformative stones, Mexican fire
opals and coloured pearls to revive collections

Gir l Wit h Pear ls

In a post-pandemic world amid growing economic and
environmental uncertainty, material trends will have a vital
role to play in our everyday lives.
Safety and reassurance will be paramount for consumers,
and metals such as copper and silver, with their proven
antimicrobial properties, will have the ability to transform
design, as wellbeing becomes a trading differential.
Healing stones and the effects surrounding positive-energy
talisman materials will also be fundamental for design. Pink
amethyst offers protection and freedom from anxiety, while
semi-precious stones, geodes and calming crystals have the
ability to soothe and heal the mind, working in tandem with
restorative and energising colours.
Environmental concerns will continue to drive sustainable
innovations, and a shift towards more responsible natural
materials is imperative for future product strategies.
Materials derived from raw sources, including wood and
glass, answer to a growing desire for creative and artisanal
crafts. A transseasonal aesthetic also goes hand-in-hand
with sustainability, as we favour perennial materials.
Themes around nostalgia and escapism will also underpin
material directions for S/S 22. Products that are reassuring
and eyecatching will be essential, as consumers explore the
pleasure in the familiar and transformative digital design.

Br o o ke Gr egso n


Fashio n Week S t r eet s

Bo no cle E phy r e Par is

The concept: As awareness around sustainability heightens and the demand for
crafted items continues to grow, sustainably cultivated bamboo emerges as a key
material, ideal for replacing synthetic structures and enhancing contemporary
Surface & materials: Embrace #handcrafted elements, taking inspiration from shoe
designer Marcela B, who uses natural materials to transform the perception of rustic
materials from her native Brazil.
How to implement: Use to create structures that can be combined with transseasonal
contrast materials, or incorporate into designs referencing the work of Japanese
brand Siri Siri, which adopts natural technologies to encapsulate bamboo in resin.
Relevant for: women's and men's accessories, jewellery and footwear categories Mar cela B S ir i S ir i

Lo r en S t ewar t

S icky Magazine

Gir l Wit h Pear ls @shr imps

The concept: Feeding into a desire for nostalgia and escapism, burgeoning
#staycation and #beyondthebeach trends will accelerate, as consumers prioritise
local, restorative holidays amid economic uncertainty and environmental concern.
Surface & materials: Introduce washed-up natural materials including shells and
seaglass, made from discarded bottles and glass tumbled by waves. Organic pearls
remain an important unisex material working across categories. Traceability is a key
factor – make sure that natural components are from a responsible source.
How to implement: Use this an opportunity to transition, repurpose and update
natural materials from previous seasons, including #shells, abalone and opalescent
Relevant for: women's and men's jewellery, bags, belts, eyewear, hair accessories @malf o t o 8 4 Ar e S t ud io
Coloured Pearl

@t uzat uzat uza

Beepy Bella

Gir l Wit h Pear ls @r o sant ica_ o f f icial

The concept: Transitioning from A/W 21/22, pearl leads as one of the most
important solid materials to take us into the S/S 22 season. Updates come in the
form of colour, where familiar retro-influenced offbeat brights and pastel shades are
used to enhance the growing importance of digital design.
Surface & materials: Profiles have a childlike, escapist quality that moves on the
classic connotations of traditional pearl styles. Inspiration comes via brands such
as Beepy Bella and Girl With Pearls, which both focus on whimsical, fun designs.
How to implement: Focus on using repurposed vintage components or glass pearls,
moving production away from cheaper plastic iterations that are unsustainable.
Relevant for: women's jewellery, hair accessories, bags, belts, eyewear, footwear
Vanina @shr imps

Alice Mad e T his

The concept: In a post-pandemic world, consumers

@alicemad et his
will seek out materials that have antimicrobial and
protective properties. Essential to our health in its
@abbo t t lyo n mineral form, copper is responsible, warm, and
natural. It has a rich pink tone that symbolises
tranquillity, nurturing, warmth, love and survival.
Surface & materials: Focus on raw copper and rose
gold plating to update ranges, taking inspiration
from unisex jewellery brand Alice Made This.
How to implement: Introduce across collections as
a solid or hardware detail, highlighting its benefits
from both a mineral and psychological
perspective. Investigate the health-defending
properties of using this for face masks.
Relevant for: women's and men's accessories,
Fast Co mpany jewellery and footwear categories
Vint age Alexand er McQ ueen
Mexican Fire Opal

@ir eneneuwir t h

Br o o ke Gr egso n

Alex S epkus @planet gemst o nes

The concept: Spotted at the recent edition of the AGTA GemFair in Arizona, Mexican
fire opal gains traction into the S/S 22 season, up-trending in line with the hypnotic
and otherworldly surfaces we are starting to see build, as consumers look to escapist
and psychedelic themes and colours to enhance pleasure.
Surface & materials: Colours range from a brilliant light orange to an intense dark
red, in faceted, cabochon or spectral play-of-colour variations.
How to implement: Use ethically sourced single-statement stones for maximum
impact, or combine with other gemstones, as seen in the designs of Irene Neuwirth.
For costume collections, work with crystal variations including Swarovski's Fire Opal.
Relevant for: women's and men's jewellery
@silviaf ur mano vich @br o o kegr egso n
Glass Beads

T he Ro w

@m2 mallet ier

@nst _ _ st ud io Gillian Fuller

The concept: Advancing A/W's seed bead surfaces and updating the glass
componentry we continue to see infiltrating the market, glass beads inspire a
growing super-craft aesthetic, which sits hand-in-hand with the rise in creative co-
Innovation: Reference Miami-based accessories brand NST Studio, which creates
made-to-order handcrafted products using original, nuanced glass materials.
How to implement: Use to create structures or apply as surface embellishments. Work
with artisan communities to shine a light on untapped treasures from both home
and abroad. South African designer Gillian Fuller incorporates the use of local
beading techniques and high-quality Czech seed beads to create truly authentic
Ulla Jo hnso n Gir l Wit h Pear ls
Relevant for: women's and men's jewellery, accessories and footwear categories
Healing Stones

@gray mat t er snyc

Gabr iela H ear st

Br o o ke Gr egso n @mehr y mu

The concept: A desire to connect with healing materials will amplify post-pandemic.
Surface & materials: Adorn collections with natural semi-precious stones, geodes and
calming crystals such as quartz, to soothe and provide positive energy for the
wearer. Look at Mehrymu's artisanal handbags; their sumptuous velvet Agatha
wristlet launching for pre-fall 20 features a healing agate stone custom cut to be
mounted on to a gold-dipped tray made by artisans of the Grand Bazaar in Istanbul.
How to implement: Select responsibly sourced stones that have internal beauty and
are set with positive intentions. Create as solid structures, or add to feature settings
and use as embellishments. Enhance with hand-engraved patterns, enamel or
Relevant for: women's and men's jewellery, accessories and footwear categories Car o line Per ino Wales Bo nner

E leano r Lo nd o n

Fent y

Leat her & Luxur y

Invict a Magazine

The concept: Transformative, dynamic and euphoric colours help tap into an
escapist mindset for S/S 22, as consumers look to reduce stress and anxiety by
retreating into digital worlds.
Innovation: Look at jewellery designer Anabela Chan's Rainbow Acid Bloom earrings,
which are handcrafted in recycled aluminium from soda cans, with psychedelic
iridescent colours achieved through physical vapour deposition – a similar process
used to colour car bodies in the automobile industry.
How to implement: Iridescent finishes can be used across categories and are ideal for
making a maximalist statement online. Think sustainably by using waste materials.
Relevant for: women's and men's jewellery, accessories and footwear categories
Anabela Chan @r o yaho jat i
Pink Amethyst

@at ho ney ho use

The concept: Healing gemstones will attract

Ind ulgems
consumers seeking to connect with positive-energy
materials and protective talismans.
Surface & materials: Highlighted as an up-and-
coming stone to watch at the Tuscon Gem, Mineral &
Fossil showcase earlier this year, pink amethyst is a
softer, more feminine version of darker purple
amethyst. It is said to be full of powerful effects,
offering strong protection against negative energies
and freedom from anxieties.
How to implement: Adapt this gemstone in its raw
state or work into fine jewellery collections. More
expensive than regular amethyst, opt for light lilac
tones as an alternative.
Relevant for: women's jewellery, gifting categories

S he's Lo st Co nt r o l Cr y st alo gica

Retro Resort Synthetics

@hvisk S icky Magazine

@ver sace_ o f f icial

The concept: Post-pandemic, consumers will take comfort from familiarity, and

nostalgia for vacations will drive new narratives around retro resort styling.
Surface & materials: Use this as an opportunity to continue reframing plastics,
as we look to new ways of working with materials, which are not harmful to the
environment. Repurpose vintage components, taking inspiration from Gucci's
limited-edition glasses, which are characterised by detachable 'earrings' that
offer an easy design route for waste and deadstock materials.
How to implement: Work with recycled and biodegradable materials, including
eco-acetate for sunglasses. Floral embellishments are key.
Relevant for: women's and men's accessories, jewellery and footwear categories
Clair Gr een Vint age


Pho ebe E nglish

The concept: This key metal from previous S/S and

@vanina_ wo r ld
A/W seasons continues to uptrend due to its anti-
microbial hygiene and soothing wellness benefits.
@bo nser gent st ud io Surface & materials: Increase the use of recycled
silver in collections, taking inspiration from
sustainable fashion champion Phoebe English.
The designer uses melted-down waste silver to
create ear cuffs that are crafted by hand, to avoid
the use of any chemicals or processes that could
be harmful to the environment.
How to implement: Market the healing properties of
this metal across jewellery, accessories and
footwear collections. Introduce crafted texture for
surface decoration.
Relevant for: women's and men's jewellery,
E yevan watches, hair accessories, eyewear, bags, footwear
Mae Cassid y hardware
Textured Metal

@meekzco nt empo rar y jeweller y

Alighier i

@vint agebagsmo sco w H ear t mad e

The concept: Building upon A/W 21/22's timeworn metals and ribbed and coiled
structures, textured metal continues to infiltrate the market and is relevant for
conveying the season's Incised Opulence materials theme, which looks to primitive
materials and traditional craft processes to offer reassurance in times of uncertainty.
Innovation: Look to the forthcoming collaboration between SpiltMilk Eyewear x
Natalia Fedner, which sees the sustainable designer's 100% metal textile spun into
textured gold and applied to frames.
How to implement: A mixture of surface finishes including hammered, sandblasted,
satin and matte are all key here, and vintage styles provide structural inspiration.
Relevant for: women's and men's jewellery, accessories, heel units, hardware
S pilt Milk E yewear @d ebbied igsd allas
Transformative Stones

AXD Magazine


Jam Inc Jewelr y Dako t a Deller

The concept: A need for escapism and products with digital appeal sees stones take
on transformative qualities for the S/S 22 season.
Surface & materials: Look to vintage designs for inspiration, paying attention to
classic rivoli rhinestones. Gemstones with natural glow-in-the-dark qualities continue
to be important and update S/S 21's fluorescent diamonds. For more inspiration,
look at Rare Earth Mining Co's tugtupite stones, which change colour when heat is
How to implement: Update opalescent surfaces and ethically source interesting cuts
and shapes. Psychedelic colours are key and help convey the season's escapist
message. Repurpose vintage stones and give a second life to deadstock.
Relevant for: women's and men's jewellery, accessories and footwear hardware @br inkerand eliza Rar e E ar t h Mining Co
Twisted-Vine Metal Structures

Anna-Kar in Kar lsso n

Alexand er McQ ueen

Mahnaz Co llect io n @f ar isjewelr y

The concept: Twisted structures inspired by plant vines are key for updating A/W
21/22's twisted & coiled metals, and reflect the continued desire for crafted
Innovation: Reference Faris's Tangled collection, which takes inspiration from vine
leaves to weave elegant imperfection into everyday looks.
How to implement: Worn metals with imperfect marks can be used to create
structures, ideal for introducing recycled metals and finishing processes that avoid
harmful chemicals. Keep structures simple, or embellish with floral details and
combine with printed textiles.
Relevant for: women's jewellery, watches, belts, eyewear, hair accessories, bag
hardware, footwear heel units Bea Bo ngiasca @ralphand r usso
Decorative Wood

@silviaf ur mano vich

@cr isbar r o so f f icial

Wo yo yo @eliur pi

The concept: Highlighting the importance of artisanal product, S/S 22 sees wood
move in a new direction as styles take on a decorative element.
Innovation: Forward-thinking Spanish brand Eliurpi uses locally sourced, natural and
sustainable materials to create #handcrafted wood millinery designs, which are
renowned for being both an accessory and a work of art.
How to implement: Use marquetry techniques, hand-painting and worked carvings to
enhance the beauty of sustainably grown and ethically sourced wood. Add as solid
details to bag straps and heel units, or introduce as an embellishment, as seen at
Tbilisi brand Woyoyo, which uses sustainable woodcraft technology for its designs.
Relevant for: women's jewellery, hair accessories, heel units, bag straps and handles
@f ashiio n-go ne-r o uge Mar t inez
Textured Transparency

Kubo raum

@cr isbar r o so f f icial

S usan Fang Vand a Jacint ho

The concept: Calming and tactile surfaces will be key for the S/S 22 season and
appeal to consumers seeking a restful lifestyle, post-pandemic.
Surface & materials: For a fresh take on transparency, add texture, taking inspiration
from Brazilian brand Vanda Jacintho. Inspired by elements of nature, the brand's
designs are created using raw sustainable materials, including resin and mahogany
wood, to create dramatic sculptural and organic shapes, enhanced through texture.
How to implement: Work with reclaimed or natural materials including resin, acetate,
glass beads, quartz and cat's-eye stones, and texturise through frosted, milky,
marbled and matte finishes. Use glass/stone cutting techniques to achieve textured
Tr ust Yo ur Blo o d
Relevant for: women's and men's jewellery, eyewear, hair accessories, bags, footwear Tumblr Jacq uemus
WGSN Future Strategies 2022
The report timeline for WGSN's 2022 trends

November 2019

The global macro- Seasonal A/W 21/22:

Annual Oct 2019 – Feb 2020
economic drivers that

November 2019 Annual
will shape 2022, and Seasonal S/S 22:

strategies for success January 2020
The 12 areas of Apr 2020 – Aug 2020

innovation that will lead Future Drivers and
transformation across Future Innovations Trend Forecasts present
industries in 2022, and contextualised for the the seasonal design
their implications for Fashion, Beauty, and directions for each

Annual business and culture department, with more

Lifestyle & Interiors
January 2020 than 40 reports
published twice a year
The key consumer
sentiments and
profiles that will Fashion / Beauty / Lifestyle
disrupt industries in Fashion / Beauty / Lifestyle & Interiors only
2022 Insight / Fashion / & Interiors only
Lifestyle & Interiors only
Insight only

Business Strategy Product Design

WGSN Future Strategies 2022
The trend matrix, from Future Drivers to Trend Forecasts

The Fear Factor Climate Urgency Degrowth for Good Balancing Age Mass to Micro Global Power Shift Migratory Patterns

Digital Identities Digital Identities The Pleasure


Principle Digital Identities

The Pleasure Principle Made in Nature

The Pleasure Principle

Creating Intimacy The Tactile Internet
Survival Mode The Tactile Internet Decolonisation
Time Affluence Pre-Futures
The Horror De-Materialisation

Tech-Celleration Design Resolution Leverage

the Local
Selling Survival Pleasure With Purpose

New Mythologies A/W 21/22 Conscious Clarity A/W 21/22 Phantasmagoria A/W 21/22

Connected S/S 22 Resourceful S/S 22 Euphoric S/S 22

Business Strategy Product Design

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