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Mineral Processing Technologies in The Bauxite and Alumina Industry

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Mineral Processing technologies in the Bauxite and Alumina Industry

Conference Paper · January 2008


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1 author:

Stephan Buntenbach
TRIMIN Consulting


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8th International Alumina Quality Workshop 2008,

Darwin, Australia

Mineral Processing Technologies in the

Bauxite and Alumina Industry
Dr. Stephan Buntenbach AKW Apparate+Verfahren


Bauxite ore with a current output of around 200 mill. t/a is the most
important non-ferrous ore. The most common use of bauxite in terms
of quantity is the production of aluminium.
Around 90–95 % of all mined bauxite ores are further processed to
alumina. The largest part of this alumina is used for the production of
Only around 10 % are used in the production of alumina that, however,
is not intended for metal production, but for special applications, e.g.
as an additive for paints, washing powder or as a flame retardant.
The remaining 5–10 % of the extracted bauxite is used for the
production of abrasives, refractories, ceramics or as cement additives.

Dr. Stephan Buntenbach

8 th AQW September 2008, Darwin Australia
www.akwauv.com [email protected]
Metallurgical Bauxite - Quality Criteria
Recoverable Al2O3:
indicates the alumina-content that can be made available by the
Bayer-Process with respect to geochemistry and mineralogy of the ore.
Reactive silica (R.SiO2) and TiO2-content:
strictly influences negatively the consumption of energy and reagents
used in the Bayer-Process
Bauxite/Al2O3-ratio and Red mud/Al2O3-ratio:
provides information on the amount of bauxite needed to produce a given
amount of aluminium oxide.
Moisture content:
has a negative effect on ore processing and transportation
These characteristics influences the amount of bauxite, energy and
chemical substances needed to produce one ton of alumina.

Dr. Stephan Buntenbach

8 th AQW September 2008, Darwin Australia
www.akwauv.com [email protected]
Why thinking about Bauxite Processing?
Direct and Induced Mass

High Variation
3,5 - 6,5 t
11,9 - 31,2 GJ Flows per Ton of
Energy (Fuel)
Bayer 2-4t
Primary Aluminium show
300 - 600 kg NaOH
50 - 100kg CaCO3
Process Red Mud significant variations.
The high variation of
2,89 t Al(OH)3
waste material produced
in the Bayer Process can

Medium to Low Variation

6,6 - 9,6 GJ 1t H2O
Energy (Fuel)
1 - 2 kg Dust
be reduced by
processing of Bauxite.
1,89 t
The processing of
12,5 - 18,6 MWh
electrical Energy
Aluminium 1.500 - 1.600 kg Gases Bauxite can make mining
0,25 - 1,7 kg Dust
15 -35 kg
10 - 20 kg Spent Potlining
of Low grade ore
Cryolit, Al F3
425 - 460 kg economic feasable and
Electrodes 1t
Aluminium additionally reduce the
environmental impact of
mining or transport.
Dr. Stephan Buntenbach
8 th AQW September 2008, Darwin Australia
www.akwauv.com [email protected]
Bauxite – Quality Trends
While on a long term basis the ore
quality has risen, a reverse trend
has come up for a mid term period.
This trend is mainly a result of the
limited amount of high quality
bauxite that is available.
As a con-sequence, the average
ore quality of mined reserves has
undergone a continuous decrease.
This trend is most likely to continue
in the future.

Dr. Stephan Buntenbach

8 th AQW September 2008, Darwin Australia
www.akwauv.com [email protected]
Principal Technologies for Bauxite Processing

Among the used and tested processes for Beneficiation of Bauxite

ores are:
• Crushing and Milling
• Screening
• Elutriation (Scrubbing)
• Cycloning (in combination with Dewatering screens)
• Dewatering of fine ground ore (for pipeline transportation)
New developments are:
• Flotation
Future trends will probably be:
• Gravity Separation (Jig, Spiral, Hydroseparator)
• Magnetic Separation (WHIMS, LIMS)

Dr. Stephan Buntenbach

8 th AQW September 2008, Darwin Australia
www.akwauv.com [email protected]
What can be learned from the Non-metal. Sector

The bauxite extracted for non-metallurgical applications must meet

different (higher) specifications with regard to its Al2O3 content and
remaining accessory minerals than those for metallurgical bauxite.
For the production of abrasives (corundum) and refractory products
commercially available grades contain 85–90 % Al2O3 and 1.5–2.5 %
Fe2O3 .
For this application, the lion‘s share of the traded bauxite comes from
China, where around 300 bauxite mines are in operation, particularly
in the provinces of Shanxi and Guizhou. In response to the rising
prices for Chinese bauxite in recent years, the South American plant
operators have become active again and have even re-started some
already shut-down operations.

Dr. Stephan Buntenbach

8 th AQW September 2008, Darwin Australia
www.akwauv.com [email protected]
Beneficiation Plant of Non-Metallurgical Bauxite

Dr. Stephan Buntenbach

8 th AQW September 2008, Darwin Australia
www.akwauv.com [email protected]
First Step after Mining and Crushing
For the bauxite used in metallurgical applications, a study of the
beneficiation process for this ”speciality division“ is probably like
looking into the future. For this reason a beneficiation plant with
gravity separation is described.
Typical is the washing of the extracted and crushed ROM bauxite, to
elutriate the containing clay (mainly kaolin).

Dr. Stephan Buntenbach

8 th AQW September 2008, Darwin Australia
www.akwauv.com [email protected]
Beneficiation Plant of Non-Metallurgical Bauxite

Dr. Stephan Buntenbach

8 th AQW September 2008, Darwin Australia
www.akwauv.com [email protected]
Gravity Separation
After being washed, the material is sized in various ranges to supply
the downstream processes with feed of appropriate size.
Gravity separation processes are suitable for the separation of the
iron-rich components from the ROM bauxite. In this plant a Dense-
Media Separator is used. The feed size is 8 – 1 mm

Dr. Stephan Buntenbach

8 th AQW September 2008, Darwin Australia
www.akwauv.com [email protected]
Beneficiation Plant of Non-Metallurgical Bauxite

Dr. Stephan Buntenbach

8 th AQW September 2008, Darwin Australia
www.akwauv.com [email protected]
Products of Gravity Separation
The products can be differentiated based on their colour.
The darker, reddish fraction contains the iron-rich components removed
in the high-gravity product (heavy fraction).
The Al2O3 - rich lighter fraction is nearly white.

Heavy Product Light Product

Dr. Stephan Buntenbach

8 th AQW September 2008, Darwin Australia
www.akwauv.com [email protected]
State of the Art in Bauxite Processing

Among the Bauxite deposits which are mined today,

• the Trombetas site in Brazil and
• the Awaso site of the Ghana Bauxite Company in Ghana
do have a preparation plant for the ROM Bauxite to improve the
quality of the Bauxite ore.
The process in use is Crushing, Elutriation (Washing) and
Separation of Fines.

China is also reporting of Bauxite Beneficiation Plants, which

uses Flotation Technology.

To allow the transportation of Bauxite by pipeline, the Bauxite

has to be prepared as well. (Paragominas)

Dr. Stephan Buntenbach

8 th AQW September 2008, Darwin Australia
www.akwauv.com [email protected]
Investigations of AKW Apparate+Verfahren

Different investigations of AKW Apparate+Verfahren in close

cooperation with bauxite mine operations in South America and Africa
have shown, that it is possible to upgrade the quality of the Run of
Mine (ROM) Bauxite by proven Mineral Processing Technologies.
These relatively low cost treatment methods can improve the technical
as well as the economical conditions of the Bayer process.
This also effects the mining costs and environmental impact of the
mine site, because more bauxite ore can be exploited out of one mine

Dr. Stephan Buntenbach

8 th AQW September 2008, Darwin Australia
www.akwauv.com [email protected]
General Plant Lay-Out

Dr. Stephan Buntenbach

8 th AQW September 2008, Darwin Australia
www.akwauv.com [email protected]
Separation of Reactive Silica (Kaolin)
To improve the quality of ROM Bauxite from a south american mine
site, which was not mined in recent years, due to the high content of
reactive silica (mainly kaolinitic impurities), AKW A+V has developed
in close co-operation with the client a concept for a semi-mobile
washing plant which can be operated nearby the old mine sites. This
plant was commissioned successfully in late 2007.

Dr. Stephan Buntenbach

8 th AQW September 2008, Darwin Australia
www.akwauv.com [email protected]
Beneficiation plant for Separation of Kaolin

Box Feeder + Wobbler Washing Drum Hydrocyclone

Dr. Stephan Buntenbach

8 th AQW September 2008, Darwin Australia
www.akwauv.com [email protected]
Future Processes

Separation Process Particle Size




Magnetic Separator


0,01 0,02 0,05 0,1 0,2 0,5 1,0 2 5 10,0


Dr. Stephan Buntenbach

8 th AQW September 2008, Darwin Australia
www.akwauv.com [email protected]

Screens for Cut Sizes of 0,3 – 30 mm

Dr. Stephan Buntenbach

8 th AQW September 2008, Darwin Australia
www.akwauv.com [email protected]
Classification with Hydrosizer
Hydrosizers for Cut Sizes of 0,1 – 0,5 mm

Dr. Stephan Buntenbach

8 th AQW September 2008, Darwin Australia
www.akwauv.com [email protected]
Classification with Hydrocyclones
Hydrocyclones for Cut Sizes of 0,01 – 0,2 mm

Dr. Stephan Buntenbach

8 th AQW September 2008, Darwin Australia
www.akwauv.com [email protected]
Gravity Separation

Gravity Separation can be used to lower the Iron content of the

ROM Bauxite. Depending on the grain size, which has to be
processed, the Jig or the Spiral is an appropriate type of

Jig Spiral

Coarse Separation Fine Separation

Dr. Stephan Buntenbach

8 th AQW September 2008, Darwin Australia
www.akwauv.com [email protected]
Gravity Separation

Jigs are used in the beneficiation of iron ore, to increase the

content of Fe and to decrease the content o Al2O3 of the product.

Jigging Plant for Iron ore, Australia

Lump Ore ( 30 – 8.0mm )

Wt % Fetot Si02 Al203

Feed 100 60.3 8.1 2.38
Concentrate 72.2 63.5 5.1 1.40
Rejects 27.8 55.45 12.56 3.89

Fine Ore ( 0 – 8.0 mm )

Wt % Fetot Si02 Al203

Feed 100 60.5 7.7 2.43
Concentrate 66 63.4 5.1 1.51
Rejects 34 55 12.65 4.20

Dr. Stephan Buntenbach

8 th AQW September 2008, Darwin Australia
www.akwauv.com [email protected]
Gravity Separation
Jig plant for iron ore, Brazil
Lump Ore ( 32 – 8.8 )
Wt % Fetot Si02 Al203
Feed 100 63.03 6.66 1.4
Concentrate 70 66 4.6 0.86
Rejects 30 56.3 11.4 2.56

Fine Ore ( 8.0 – 0.15 mm )

Wt % Fetot Si02 Al203
Feed 100 63 6.24 1.38
Concentrate 66.3 66 3.89 0.82
Rejects 33.7 57.2 10.86 2.47

Jig plant for iron ore, South Africa

Lump Ore ( 32 – 8.0 mm )
Wt % Fetot Si02 Al203
Feed 100 62.9 4.0 2.48
Concentrate 78 65.1 3.05 1.85
Rejects 22 55.1 7.36 4.71
Fine Ore ( 8 – 0.5 mm )

Wt % Fetot Si02 Al203

Feed 100 58.1 8.3 2.8
Concentrate 55 64.6 3.3 1.75
Rejects 45 50.15 12.6 4.08
Dr. Stephan Buntenbach
8 th AQW September 2008, Darwin Australia
www.akwauv.com [email protected]
Gravity Separation – Jig Plants

Dr. Stephan Buntenbach

8 th AQW September 2008, Darwin Australia
www.akwauv.com [email protected]
Gravity Separation – Spiral Plants

Dr. Stephan Buntenbach

8 th AQW September 2008, Darwin Australia
www.akwauv.com [email protected]
Magnetic Separation

Magnetic Separation can be used to lower the Iron content of the

ROM Bauxite. Depending on the grain size and the iron containing
mineral, which has to be processed, the Drum Separator or the
Wet High Intensity Magnetic Separator (WHIMS) is an appropriate
type of equipment.


Coarse Separation Fine Separation

Dr. Stephan Buntenbach

8 th AQW September 2008, Darwin Australia
www.akwauv.com [email protected]

• For the Non metallurgical site of the Bauxite industry, there

are some examples of a complex processing of ore.
• The use of flotation in China is an example, that one of the
most complex technologies of Mineral Processing has already
been introduced to the Metallurgical Bauxite industry.
• More and more Bauxite will be processed in the future to
improve the performance of mining as well as of the refinery.
• The Technology which can be used is State of the Art and
proven in other sectors of the mining industry.

Dr. Stephan Buntenbach

8 th AQW September 2008, Darwin Australia
www.akwauv.com [email protected]
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For any questions or comments,

please contact
Dr. Stephan Buntenbach, AKW A+V
[email protected]
+49 – (0)9622 – 70 39 419

Dr. Stephan Buntenbach

www.akwauv.com Metal Bulletin Events 13th Bauxite & Alumina Seminar March 2007, Greece [email protected]

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