Development of Cookies Using Fenugreek Leaves (Trigonella Foenum-Graecum) As A Functional Ingredient

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Volume 7, Issue 5, May – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Development of Cookies using Fenugreek Leaves

(Trigonella foenum-graecum) as a Functional
Harshita Mishra, 1Tushar Shukla, 1Pushpendra Verma, 1Aashish Mandloi, 2Sarthak Shrivastava, 3Dr. Niharika M. Ganasan
Post Graduate Scholar1, Assistant Professor2, Head of Department3
School of Science (Food Technology),
Renaissance University, Indore (M.P.) India

Abstract:- Fenugreek leaf extract and fenugreek leaf products in the past. (Hooda and S. Jood, 2005; Shrirani and
powder (FLP) were used as a value-added food Ganesharanee, 2009)
component in cookies made with fine wheat flour. The
purpose of this study was to assess the nutritional and Cookies were chosen as a better carrier of Fenugreek
sensory properties of cookies containing fenugreek leaves because of their comparatively pleasant taste, widespread
powder. Fenugreek leaves powder was incorporated into consumption, long shelf life, and acceptable eating quality
the cookies at varied concentrations. The length of time when compared to other similar items. (Tsen CC et al; 1973)
cookies was baked has a direct impact on their taste and Cookies could be a handy way to convey the health-
texture. Cookies were tested via sensory evaluation, using promoting chemicals found in Fenugreek to customers. The
the 9-point hedonic scale (1-extreme dislike, 9-extreme purpose of this study is to investigate the use of Fenugreek
like), by a semi-trained panel of 4 judges evaluating for leaves in the construction of cookies with a variety of health
color, flavor appearance, taste, texture, and overall advantages, as well as the effects of Fenugreek on cookies in
acceptability as per the standards. The cookies terms of physical and sensory properties. When compared to
incorporated with a lower concentration of fenugreek other similar things, cookies were chosen as a better carrier
leaves powder had shown much better organoleptic of Fenugreek because of their fairly pleasant taste,
features, according to the Study. The impact of baking widespread consumption, long shelf life, and the acceptable
temperature on the various response variables varied, but eating quality. (Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary,
in the end, 180°C was acceptable. Cookies incorporated 1999)
with 0.34 % powdered fenugreek leaves, 34 % flour,
20.40 % sugar, and 4.7 % baking soda and baked at 180° The majority of cookies are cooked until crisp or just
C had the best acceptable sensory qualities, according to long enough to retain their softness, while others are not
the study. baked at all. Sugars, chocolate, butter, resin, almonds, and
dried fruits are among the ingredients used to make cookies
Keywords:- cookies, fenugreek, baking temperature, sensory in a variety of styles. The softness of the cookie may be
evaluation. affected by the amount of time it is baked. Cookies can
provide a convenient vehicle for the delivery of health-
I. INTRODUCTION promoting compounds possessed in fenugreek to consumers.
The aim of the present research work involves the use of
Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum) Fenugreek fenugreek leaves for the development of cookies with several
(Fenugreek- graecum), also known as "methi" is an annual health benefits and the study of the effects of fenugreek on
hub of the leguminous family that is primarily planted in cookies in terms of physical and sensory characteristics.
Western Asia and Southeast Asia. (Naidu MM et all; 2011) (Arafat Hossain et al, 2021)
India is the world's greatest fenugreek grower, yet it does not
have a significant proportion of the worldwide fenugreek II. MATERIALS AND METHODOLOGY
trade due to high internal consumption. (Basu,2006; Basu et
al,2014; Basu and Agoramoorthy;2014) or millennia, the A. Collection of raw materials
herb has been employed in Indian ayurvedic treatment, as The fenugreek leaves were inspected and cleaned
well as Tibetan and Chinese traditional medicines. (Acharya manually to remove any foreign materials dirt, stones, grits
S et all; 2006) The Fenugreek plant has huge international weeds, etc. dried in sunlight for about three to four days, then
demand in the associated pharmaceutical, nutraceutical, and stored in an airtight container. All-purpose flour, sugar,
functional food industries. Fenugreek's harsh taste and strong butter, milk, and chocolates were purchased from a local
aroma make it a popular ingredient in the food industry. market. Flour was sieved to get rid of bran and other matter.
(Mehrafarin A et al; 2010) However, adding Fenugreek Sugar was powdered. flour and sugar both were sieved.
leaves powder to wheat flour boosted the amount of lysine,
mineral, protein, and dietary fiber in the flour to the point of B. Cookies ingredients
substitution! Also, baked biscuits, bread, and macron made Flour (34.00 %), sugar (powdered) 20.40%, butter
from wheat-fenugreek mixes at 10%, 15%, and 20% levels 14.06%, baking soda 4.7%, fenugreek leaves (powered)
were shown to be organoleptically acceptable! Fenugreek has 0.34%, chocolates 15.30%, flavor 0.95% (3 to 4 drops),
been utilized in bakery goods like biscuits and extruded sodium chloride 0.05% and sufficient milk to make required
consistency of cookies dough (Table 1 and 2)

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Volume 7, Issue 5, May – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
C. Standardization of different combinations dough was thinly rolled to a consistent thickness (3.5 mm) on
To make fenugreek Chocolate cookies, several amounts a sheeting board and cut to a diameter of 50mm with a round
of ingredients were explored. Standardization was done at cutter. In a microwave set at 180 degrees Celsius, bake the
two concentrations which are shown below in table 2. dough pieces in a greased dish for 8 to 10 minutes. The
fenugreek leaves powder; 0.68% and 0.34%, sugar; 23.80% cookies were made and then allowed to cool for 30 minutes
and 20.40%, and baking soda; 3.00% and 4.7%, These before being stored in airtight containers.
concentrations were chosen to test the cookie's taste, aroma,
softness, and texture at different temperature and time. E. Sensory evaluation of the cookies
Using the 10-point hedonic scale, multiple comparison
D. Preparation of cookies tests were used and the panellists were asked to indicate their
Fine ground sugar, sieved, was creamed with butter and observations and rate the parameters of the sample; color
rubbed in flour before being combined with powdered (dark brown, golden brown, creamish white), appearance
fenugreek leaves, baking soda, and sieved and blended with (shape, size, colour), flavour (foreign flavour, pleasant),
the aforesaid combination. After that, milk was added to mouth feel (branny, no residue in mouth), and initial bite
make the dough of the desired consistency for cookie indicated a significant difference with changes in
preparation. Refrigerate the dough for 10 to 15 minutes. The supplementation level.

Sr. No. Ingredients Quantity (%)

1 All-purpose flour 34.00%
2 Sugar(powdered) 20.40%
3 Butter 14.06%
4 Milk 10.20%
5 Baking soda 4.7%
6 Fenugreek leaves (powdered) 0.34%
7 Chocolates 15.30%
8 Vanilla extract(flavour) 0.95% (4-5 drops)
9 Salt 0.05%
10 All-purpose flour 34.00%
Table 1: Various combinations for Fenugreek Leaf Powder (FLP) cookies preparation

Formulation Ingredient Concentration Temp. Time Colour Texture Appearance Softness Taste
Fenugreek 0.68%
leaves powder Browm Withstands Slightly Flaky, Giving a
Sugar 160 12-15 to very substantial uneven on bitter taste of
1 Baking Soda 23.80% Degree Minutes dark force on surface chewing fenugreek
Chocolate Celsius brown the initial a rough
Flavour 3.00% bite paste is
- formed
2-3 Drops
Fenugreek 0.34%
leaves powder Give Crispy & No A Pleasant taste
Sugar 180 8-10 patches crumbly breakages, crunchy characteristics
2 Chocolate 20.40% Degree Minutes of light regular sound is of cookies
Baking soda 15.30% Celsius & dark shape, heard
Flavour 4.7% brown without
4-5 Drops
Table 2: Different concentrations of ingredients used

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Volume 7, Issue 5, May – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS showed substantial differences: the sample concentration of
0.34% fenugreek leaves powder in 34.0% flour mix had the
A. Sensory Evaluation of FLP Cookies best overall sensory acceptance.
The cookies containing fenugreek leaves yielded the
following results when tested. fenugreek leaves powder was The approximate composition result of the enriched
added to the cookies in varying concentrations, out of which fenugreek leaves in the cookies analyzed in the study is shown
cookies containing 0.68% (Formulation 1, F1) and 0.34% in the Table 5. As per the evaluation of formulation 1(F1) and
(Formulation 2, F2) FLP was found to be optimum. The formulation 2 (F2), F2 cookie appearance is more acceptable.
control sample was made entirely of all-purpose flour. The Because fewer fenugreek leaves powder (FLP) was used as
hedonic values were placed incrementally (1 corresponds to compared to F1, the taste of F2 is also palatable, while the
the hedonic term "disliked," and 10 corresponds to the term overall sensory quality of F1 is not perfect as per the
"liked a lot"), and the mean scores for each formulation about standards. Flavour of F2 is better than F1. F2 performs better
each of the sensory analyses demonstrated satisfactory in organoleptic tests than F1. At the end of all evaluations,
acceptance of cookies for most of the parameters studied, Formulation 2 (F2) is accepted for manufacturing with minor
considering that most of the mean scores are abbreviated modification of flavour value.
(indifferent). (Bertagnolli et al, 2014). The flavour parameters

Parameters Flavour Appearance Aroma Taste Texture

Tester 1 7 8 8 7 7

Tester 2 7 9 8 6 7
Tester 3 6 7 8 5 8
Tester 4 7 7 8 7 8
Table 3: Sensory Evaluation of Formulation1 (F1, FLP 0.68%) Cookies

Parameters Flavour Appearance Aroma Taste Texture

Tester 1 8 8 8 9 8

Tester 2 8 8 8 8 8
Tester 3 8 8 9 9 8
Tester 4 8 7 8 8 7
Table 4: Sensory Evaluation of Formulation2 (F2, FLP 0.34%) Cookies

Parameters Flavour Appearance Aroma Taste Texture

F1 7 7 8 7 8

F2 8 8 8 9 8
Table 5: Sensory Evaluation of F1 and F2 Cookies organoleptic features

Before After

Fig. 1: Cookies baked at 160° C

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Volume 7, Issue 5, May – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

Before After

Fig. 2: Cookies baked at 180° C

IV. CONCLUSION American Journal of Social Issues and Humanities. 2014;

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