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Portable Kashaya Making Machine

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Volume 7, Issue 5, May – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Portable Kashaya Making Machine

G.Sreeja1, V.Neha*2, M.Neha3, K.Keerthi Reddy4,V.Shamita5
Computer Science and Engineering,
Anurag University

Abstract:- In today's business world, it's all about employed a web camera to record the image of the money
streamlining processes to save time, effort, and money. note, which was then compared to a database on the
Combining software and machines makes this simple. computer. For quality selection based on client preference,
This project entails the design and installation of they employed a switch. Milk is sold based on the amount of
decoction vending machines that may vend Kashaya via rupees placed and the quality chosen by the buyer. A 4°C
a mobile application. Ayurvedic decoctions are often refrigeration temperature is maintained throughout the
produced by hand, which is a time-consuming process. system.
This project aids in the effective and portable
preparation of kashaya. Why not make controlling your P.Pradeepa,et, all [2]
Kashaya as simple as controlling your smart devices? To When a coin is inserted, vending machines dispense
make your mornings easier, the Smart Kashaya Machine little amounts of various things. Microcontroller and FPGA
(SKM) combines these features. boards can be used to implement these machines in a variety
of ways. In this research, we present an efficient technique
Keywords:- IoT, KASHAYA, ARDUINO UNO, HX711, HC- for vending machine implementation using an FPGA board.
05, Heating coil. FPGA-based vending machines respond quickly and
consume less power than microcontroller-based vending
I. INTRODUCTION machines. Four goods and three coins are supported by the
FPGA-based vending machine. The vending machine
The emerging "Internet of Things" movement is accepts coins in any order as inputs and provides products
connecting an increasing number of home devices to the when the required amount is placed. If the entered amount is
Internet. Smart light bulbs, smart thermostats, and smart larger than the price of the product, the change is returned.It
door locks are just a few examples. With just a few taps on a also has a cancellation feature, which allows the user to
smartphone, users may check their status and manage their cancel the request at any time and have the money refunded
settings. Furthermore, the introduction of sophisticated to them without any merchandise. The proposed algorithm is
personal voice assistants like Amazon Alexa changed the written in Verilog HDL and tested with the Xilinx ISE
way people interact with smart equipment. Users can now simulator. On the Xilinx Spartan-3A FPGA development
operate these smart devices just by-passing voice board, the design is implemented.
instructions. In recent years, vending machines have grown
in popularity, and consumers are gradually accepting them. Kwangsoo Kim, et, all [3]
These machines are more dependable, accessible, and In this paper the author mainly focuses on how
convenient than traditional methods of buying.The goal of technologies contribute to make our daily life more
this project is to create a vending machine for herbal convenient. Many individuals buy coffee from vending
decoctions (Kashaya) that can be controlled by a mobile machines without understanding whether or not they are
application. This project's contribution aims to create a clean. They created a sensor and actuator network and
portable Kashaya machine that brews kashaya with a installed it inside a vending machine to track their cleaning
selected plant and delivers it. This project's purpose is to state. The network keeps track of the machine's indoor
develop a portable Kashaya machine that can be usedand environment and adapts the coffee's flavour to the
carried anywhere while also keeping the user informed customer's preferences. A consumer uses a smartphone to
about the temperature and amount level. view environmental data and regulate the amount of coffee,
sugar, and powdered coffee creamer added to a cup of
II. LITERATURE SURVEY coffee. The phone and the machine communicate via
SuthagarS,K.S.Tamilselvan, et, all[1] Bluetooth. Better tailored service is supported by the
In this Paper the author provided a RFID tag to each established system.
Farmer, which has a unique code. The code is shown on the Aditya Parulekar, et, all [4]
RFID card reader LCD when the RFID tag is punched. The The goal of this project is to meet the specific needs of
milk is dumped in the tank, which determines its quality and the consumer, particularly in the small-scale sector, by
quantity. A pH sensor was used to assess the quality of the giving them the option of selecting the types of tea/coffee
milk, and an ultrasonic sensor was used to calculate its they want, as well as a suitable reservoir of water, such as a
quantity. According to its quality, milk is divided into three 1 litre mineral water bottle, thereby going one step beyond
categories: first quality, second quality, and rejection. To the machines currently available in the market for small
separate the components, three solenoid valves are used. scale organizations/industries/offices.
Based on its quality, milk is segregated into different tanks.
PC receives data about the price, quality, and quantity of
milk.The cash note is deposited by the consumer.They

IJISRT22MAY1562 www.ijisrt.com 1659

Volume 7, Issue 5, May – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Ana Monga, Balwinder Singh [5] C. Ultrasonic Sensor
A new technique to designing an FSM-based vending
machine [3] with auto-billing functionalities is proposed in
this study. The machine also has a cancel feature, which
allows the user to cancel the request and have the money
returned to them. The user will receive a bill detailing the
total quantity of products delivered as well as the overall
cost. This equipment is suitable for usage in hotels,
restaurants, and food markets. This saves time and money.


A. Arduino UNO
Fig. 3: Ultrasonic Sensor

An ultrasonic sensor is a device that uses ultrasonic

sound waves to determine the distance to an item. A
transducer is used in an ultrasonic sensor to emit and receive
ultrasonic pulses that relay information about the proximity
of an item. High-frequency sound waves bounce off walls
and create different echo patterns.

D. DHT 11 Sensor

Fig. 1: Arduino UNO

Arduino is a free and open-source prototyping tool

using simple software and hardware. It consists of a
programmable circuit board and ready-to-use software
known as the Arduino IDE, this is used to write and upload Fig. 4: DHT 11 Sensor
computer code to the physical board.
The DHT11 sensor is offered as a standalone sensor as
B. Bluetooth well as a module. In either case, the sensor's performance is
the same. The sensor will be packaged in a 4-pin package
with only three pins, while the module will have three pins
as shown above. The module includes a filtering capacitor
and a pull-up resistor, whereas the sensor requires these to
be purchased separately.

E. WiFi Module

Fig. 2: Bluetooth

The HC-05 module is a straightforward Bluetooth SPP

(Serial Port Protocol) module for establishing a wireless
serial connection.Bluetooth V2.0+EDR (3Mbps Modulation) Fig. 5: WiFi Module
serial port Bluetooth module with 2.4GHz radio transceiver
WiFi (wireless fidelity) modules, also known as
and baseband. It only contains one chip. External Bluetooth
WLAN (wireless local area network) modules, are electronic
system with CMOS and AFH technology from CSR
components that enable a wireless internet connection in a
Bluecore 04. Its footprint is 12.7mmx27mm, which is quite
variety of goods. WiFi modules for IoT fall into two
categories: A "single" approach in which the MCU serves as

IJISRT22MAY1562 www.ijisrt.com 1660

Volume 7, Issue 5, May – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
both the WiFi stack and the host application. A "host  When the temperature is achieved, the decoction is
processor Plus WiFi module" solution, in which the WiFi dispensed.
stack is contained in the wireless connectivity solution,
while the host application is executed by a separate V. ARCHITECTURE
A. Block Diagram
F. Relay

Fig. 6: Relay

A relay is a device that controls the operation of other

devices in an electric circuit by changing its electrical or
physical state. A protective relay is a relay with the primary
purpose of protecting service from interruption or
Fig. 8: Block diagram –I
preventing or limiting damage to apparatus. A protective
relay is an electrical device that is meant to trip a circuit
breaker when a malfunction is detected.

G. Connecting Wires

Fig. 7: Connecting Wires

A wire is a metal strand that is flexible and cylindrical Fig. 9: Block Diagram – II
in shape. Electrical conductivity is established between two
devices in an electrical circuit using wires. B. ActivityDiagram


This project produces a three-slot ayurveda decoction

vending machine with three distinct therapeutic plants like
ginger, tulasi, and mint. These herbs are placed in heaters 1,
2, and 3 in that order. The mobile application transmits a
signal whenever the user selects the decoction for their
needs, and the sensing unit passes the pulse fluctuation to
the microcontroller. The heater and solenoid valve are
actuated by the relays in response to the pulse input to the
microcontroller. The status of the dispensed substance will
be displayed on the LCD and via the App.

 Asks to select decoction.
 Indicate the type of decoction selected
 Decoction 1 - Mint
 Decoction 2 - Ginger Fig. 10: Activity Diagram
 Decoction 3 - Tulasi
 Indicates increasing Temperature range in degree C.

IJISRT22MAY1562 www.ijisrt.com 1661

Volume 7, Issue 5, May – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
C. Overview of kit

Fig. 14: User inputs Tulasion the Bluetooth app

Fig. 11: Overview of kit


Fig. 12: User inputs Mint on the Bluetooth app

Fig. 15: User selects the Tulasi decoction

Fig. 16: User inputs Gingeron the Bluetooth app

Fig. 13: User selects the Mint decoction

IJISRT22MAY1562 www.ijisrt.com 1662

Volume 7, Issue 5, May – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

Fig. 20: User checks the temperature and decoction level

Fig. 17: User selects the Ginger decoction

Fig. 18: User inputs Okon the Bluetooth app

Fig. 21: Readings of temperature and decoction level

Fig. 19: User types Ok System responds

IJISRT22MAY1562 www.ijisrt.com 1663

Volume 7, Issue 5, May – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

The SKM was able to be operated via the Android

smartphone application we designed after all of the
debugging we did during the process of merging everything
together. The Android smartphone application's notification
system could alert the user when a kashaya was being
brewed and when it was finished. To protect the circuitry
from short circuits or inadvertent damage, the entire
hardware of the project is housed in an enclosure. A few
things would need to be done to turn this project into a
viable product that could be sold. To begin, the SKM would
need to be able to communicate from anyplace with an
internet connection. This would require the SKM to be
connected to a cloud service and capable of receiving a
command from the Android app to make a cup of kashaya
from anywhere there is an internet connection. The second
approach would be to hide all of the wiring inside the
computer to give it a more professional appearance.


The prototype could be refined and evolved into a

practical system. The Portable Kashaya Making Machine
can also help future societies save time, eliminate physical
labour, and even live a healthier lifestyle. Future systems
will have more slots and faster processing speeds.


[1.] Suthagar S, K. S. Tamilselvan, G. Mageshkumar, S.

Muthupandian,Vibin Mammenvinod - Automated Milk
Quantity and Quality Checking and Vending
[2.] P. Pradeepa, T. Sudhalavanya, K.Suganthi, N.
Suganthi, M. Menagadevi Design and Implementation
of Vending Machine Using VERILOG HDL
[3.] Kwangsoo Kim1, Dong-Hwan Park, Hyochan Bang,
Geonsoo Hong and Seong-il Jin - Smart Coffee
Vending Machine Using Sensor and Actuator
[4.] Aditya Parulekar, Akshay Shinde, Swaroop Rath,
Priyank Shriyan, Tushar Raut, A.V. Bhonsale
Design and Developmentof Mini Tea and Coffee
[5.] Billing Ana Monga, Balwinder Singh Finite State
Machine based Vending Machine Controller with

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