Physics by Resnick Halliday Krane - Part 1
Physics by Resnick Halliday Krane - Part 1
Physics by Resnick Halliday Krane - Part 1
Professor of Physics Professor of Physics
Rensselaer Polytechnic In,.it.ute University of Pittsburgh
Fosl Edition.
Second Edition. l9o2
Resised Printing. I966
F11t-Fifth Nc Age Intersi.iitssnal Reprint. September 1996
Fully Revised Edition— 2005
%whoriscd reprint of It: edition published h'
ohtu \\&N & Sons lute Ne York, Cliichestcr. Brisbane and Toronto
Cop' riehi 9u2. 1966.
John \Vilc & Sons. hic,
All rights rcscrscd. No part of this book ma be reproduced in an y torni
siIhiouut the riucr permission of WiIe-hincrscuciice. hitc.
ISBN (1-8226-760-6
Published b' H S Puplau for Ness Age hiitcrti;iitouial (P) Limited. 4$3'2. Ansari Road.
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J)viu 1I.tI.Lmt) \•.•
Ja, 1966
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The time lag between developments in basic science and their appIi.c
to eng.neering practice hasshrunk enormousl y in the past few decades.
The base of engineering, once largel y empirical, is now largely scientife.
Today the need is to stress principles rather than specific procedures, to
select areas of contemporary interest rather than of past interest, .d to
condition the student to the atmosphere of change he will eli:ounter during
his ca'eer. These developments require a revision of the ti- ditional
course in general physics for engineers and scientists.
Tne n-ios frequent criticisms made in varying degrees of textbooks usci
in such a cour:e are these: (a) the content is encyclopedic in t'at topics are
not treated with sufficient depth, the discussions are largely descriptive
rather than explanatory and analytical. and too man y topics are surveyed;
(b) the content is not sufficiently 'modern," and applications are drs'rn
mostly from past engineering practice rather than from contemporary
physics: (c) the organization of the material is too compartmentalized to
reveal the essential unit y of ph ysics and its principles; (d) the approach is
highly deductive and does not stress sufficiently the connection between
theory and experiment. Of course, it is unlikely that a textbook will ever
he written that is not criticized on one ground or another.
In writing this textbook we have been cognizant of these criticisms and given much thought to wa ys of meeting them. We h,.--e considered
the possibility of reorganizing the subject matter. The adoption of an
atomic approach from the beginning or a structure built around enegy Jin
its varinu asp ect s suggest them selves. We have concluded that our goals
vfli PREFACa
1. Many topics are treated in greater depth than has been customary
heretofore, and much contemporary material has been woven into the body
of the text. For example, gravitation, kinetic theory, electromagnetic
waves, and physical optics, among others, are treated in greater depth.
Contemporary topics, such as atomic standards, collision cross section,
intermolecular forces, mass-energy conversion, isotope separation, the Hail
effect, the free-electron model of conductivity, nuclear stability, nuclear
resonance, and neutron diffraction, are discussed where they are pertinent.
To permit this greater depth and inclusion of contemporary material, we
have omitted entirely or treated only indirectly much traditional material,
such as simple machines, surface tension, viscosity, calorimetry, change of
state, humidity, pumps, practical engines, musical scales, architectural
acoustics, electrochemistry, thermoelectricity. motors, alternating-current
circuits, electronics, lens aberrations, color, photometry, and others.
2. We have tried to reveal the unity of physics in many ways. Through-
out the book we stress the general nature of key ideas common to all area's of
physics. For example, the conservation laws of energy, linear momentum,
angular momentum, and charge are used repeatedly. Wave concepts and
properties of vibrating systems, such as resonance, are used in mechanics,
sound, electromagnetism, optics, atomic physics, and nuclear physics.
The field concept is applied to gravitation, fluid flow, electromagnetism,
and nuclear physics.
The interrelation of the various disciplines of physics is emphasized by
the use of physical and mathematical analogies and by similarity of method.
For example, the correspondences between the mass-spring system and the
LC circuit or between the acoustic tube and the electromagnetic cavity
are emphasized, and the interweaving of microscopic and macroscopic
approaches is noted in heat phenomena and electrical and magnetic
phenomena. We have tried to make a smooth transition between particle
mechanics and kinetic theory, stressing that, in their classical aspects,
both belong to the Newtonian synthesis. We have also sought a smooth
tr ansition between electromagnetism and wave optics, j'ointing frequently
to the Maxwellian synthesis.
We discussed the limitationi of classical ideas and the domain of their
validity, and we emphasize the gen.r'lising nature of contemporary idess
applicabie in a broader domain. Throughout we aim to show the relation
of theory to experiment and to develop an awareness of the nature and
uses of theory.
3. Our approach to quantum physics is not the traditional descriptive
one. Rather we seek to develop the contemporary concepts fairly rigor-
ously, at a length and depth appropriate to an introductory course. In the
early chapters we pave the way by pointing to the limitations of classical
theory, by stressing the aspects of classical physics that bear on contem-
porary ph y sics, and by choosing illustrative examples that have a modern
flavor. Thus we stress fields rather than circuits, particles rather than
extended bodies, and wave optics rather than geometrical optics. Among
the illustrative examples are molecular potential energy curves, binding
energy of a deuteron, nuclear collisions, the nuclear model of the atom, the
Thomson atom model, molecular dipoles, drift speed of electrons, stability
of betatron orbits, nuclear magnetic resonance, the red shift, and others
too numerous to mention.
The point of view is that of developing the fundamental ideas of quantum
physics. The customary descriptive chapter on nuclear physics is, for
example, not present. Instead, the wave-particle duality, the uncertainty
principle, the complementarity principle, and the correspondence principle
are stressed.
4. The mathematical level of our book assumes a concurrent course in
calculus. The derivative is introduced in Chapter 3 and the integral in
Chapter 7. The related physical concepts of slope and area under a curve
are developed steadily. Calculus is used freely in the latter half of the
book. Simple differential equations are not avoided, although. no formal
procedures are needed or given for solving them. Vector notation and
vector algebra, including scalar and vector products, are used throughout.
Displacement is taken as the prototype vector, and the idea of invariance
of vector relations is developed.
5. The number of problems is unusually large, but few are "plug-in"
problems. Many involve extensions of the text material, contemporary
applications, or derivations. The questions at the end of each chapter are
intended to be thought-orovokjng; they may serve as the basis for class
discussion, for essay papers, or for self-study. Only rarely can the
questions be answered by direct quotation from the text.
6. The book contains an unusually large number of worked-out examples,
with the "plug-in" variety used only to emphasize a numerical magnitude.
Algebraic, rather than numerical, solutions are stressed. Examples some-
times extend the text treatment or discuss the fine points, but usually they
are applications of the principles, often of contemporary physics.
7. The textbook has been designed to fit physics courses of various
len g ths. In small print there is a great deal of supplementary material
of an advanced, historical, or philosophical character, to be omitted or
included to varying degrees depending on interest and course length. In
addition, many chapters may be regarded as optional. Each teacher will
make his own choice. At our institutions Chapter 14 (statics of rigid
bodies) and Chapters 41 and 42 (geometrical optics) are omitted. Other
possibilities suggested, depending on emphasis or depth desired, or the
nature of succeeding courses, are Chapter 12 (rotational dynamics), Chap-
ters 17 and 18 (fluids), Chapter 24 (kinetic theory—I!), Chapter 32 (emf
and circuits), Chapter 46 (polarization) and Chapters 47 and 48 (quantum
S. We have adopted the mks system of units throughout, although the
British engineering system is also used in mechanics. Having observed the
gradual exclusion, year by year, of the cgs system from advanced textbooks.
we have seen fit to limit ourselves to the bare definition of the basic cgs
quantities; An extensive list of conversion factors appears in Appendix H.
- We wish to thank the engineering and science students at both Rensselaer
Polytechnic Institute and the University of Pittsburgh who have borne
with us through two successive preliminary editions. Constructive
criticisms from our colleagues at each institution and from some eight
reviewers have resulted in many changes. Benjamin Chi of R.P.I. has
been of major service in all aspects of the preparation of the manuscript.
Finally, we express our deep appreciation to our wives, not only for aid in
typing and proofreading but for the patience and encouragement wiiout
which this book might never have been written.
January .1960
i'iusburgh, Pennsylvania ...
Troy, New York
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'1--i Measurement I
1-2 Physical Quantities, Standards, and Unite 2
1-3 Reference barnes 3
1-4 Standard of Length 5
1-5 Standard of Time 7
1-6 Systems of Units ii
4-1 Displacement, Velocity, and Acceleration 57
4-2 Motion in a Plane with Constant Acceleration 58
4-3 Projectile Motion 59
4-4 Uniform Circular Motion 64
4--5 Tangential Acceleration in Circular Motiop 69
4-6 Relative Velocity and Acceleration 71
5-I Classical Mechanics 79
5-2 Newton's First Law 81
5-3 Force 83
5-4 Mass; Newton's Second Law 85
5-5 Newton's Third Law of Motion 87
5-6 S ystems of Mechanical Units 90
5-7 The Force Laws 92
5-8 Weight and Mass 93
5-9 -'Static Procedure for Measuring Forces 95
5-10 Some Applications of Newton's Laws of Motion 96
10-1 What is a Collision? 210
10-2 Impulse and Momentum 212
10-3 Conservation of Momentum during Collisions 213
10-4 Collisions in One Dimension 215
10-5 The "True" Measure of a Force 222
10-6 Collisions in Two and Three Dimensions 223
10-7 Cross Section 227 -
10-8 Reactions and Decay Processes 231
15-1 Oscillation s 342
15-2 The Simple Harmonic Oscillator .345
15-3 Simple Harmonic Motion 348
15-4 Energy Considerations in Simple Harmonic Motion 353
15-5 Applications of Simple Harmonic Motion 357
15-6 Relation between Simple Harmonic Motion and Uniform
Circular Motion 363
15-7 Combinations of Harmonic Motions 366
15-8 Two-Body oscillations 368
15-9 Damped Harmonic Motion 370
15-10 Forced Oscillations and Resonance 372
16-1 Historical Introduction 382
16-2 The Law of Universal Gravitatio n 387
16-3 The Constant of Universal Gravitation, 7 388
16-4 Inertial and Gravitational Mass 391
16-5 Variations in Acceleration Due to Gravity 393
16-6 Gravitational Effect of a Spherical Distribution of Mass 397
16-7 The Motions of Planets and Satellites 401
16-8 The Gravitational Field 404
16-9 Gravitational Potential Energy 406
16-10 Potential Energy for Many-Particle Systems 410
16-11 Energy Considerations in the Motions of Planets and Satellites 412
16-12 The Earth as an Inertial Reference Frame 413
16-13 The Principle of Equivalence 414
I Relation between Linear and Angular Kinematics for a Particle
Moving in a Plane 1
II Polar Vectors and Axial Vectors 5
III The Wave Equation for a Stretched String 8
IV Derivation of Maxwell's Speed Distribution Law 11
A Definition of Standards and Fundamental and Derived Physical
Constants 15
B Miscellaneous Terrestrial Data 18
C The Solar System 20
D Periodic Table of the Elements 22
E The Particles of Physics 23
F Symbols, Dimensions, and Units for Physical Quantities 25
G Conversion Factors 27
H Mathematical Symbols and the Greek Alphabet 35
I Mathematical Formulas 36
J Values of Trigonometric Functions 39
K Nobel Prize Winners in Physics 41
L The Gaussian S ystem of Units 44
Physics , -PART I