NView NNM (V5 - 40) Operation Guide 201208

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NView NNM (V5_40) Operation Guide 201208
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Chapter 1 System Overview ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10
1.1 Overview --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10
1.2 Functions and features ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11
1.2.1 Outstanding architecture ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------11
1.2.2 Strong topology management function ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------11
1.2.3 Perfect fault management function---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------11
1.2.4 Uniform resource management function------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12
1.2.5 Flexible security control strategy ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12
Chapter 2 Quick Start ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14
2.1 System operation --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14
2.1.1 Start NView NNM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14
2.1.2 Check NView NNM operating status------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 15
2.1.3 Start the client ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 16
2.1.4 Change user ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18
2.1.5 Lock system ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 19
2.1.6 Auto-logout -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20
2.1.7 Change password ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 21
2.1.8 Manage license information ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 22
2.1.9 Check database -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 23
2.1.10 View software version and authorization information --------------------------------------------------------------------- 23
2.2 System stop ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 25
2.2.1 Exit the client ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 25
2.2.2 Stop all NNM services ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 26
2.2.3 Stop NMS server ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 26
2.3 Client interface description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 26
2.3.1 Client interface composition ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 26
2.3.2 Common interface elements description------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 30
2.3.3 Common list function ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 30
2.3.4 Common shortcut------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 31
2.3.5 Form management ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 32
2.4 System menu description --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 34
2.4.1 System ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 35
2.4.2 Topology ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 35
2.4.3 Alarm --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 35
2.4.4 Performance ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 36
2.4.5 Inventory ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 36
2.4.6 Configuration ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 37
2.4.7 Template ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 37
2.4.8 Customer ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 37
2.4.9 Report -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 37
2.4.10 Security ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 38
2.4.11 Log ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 38
2.4.12 Service ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 39
2.4.13 Data center -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 39
2.4.14 Forms --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 39
2.4.15 Tool ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 40
2.4.16 Help ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 40
2.5 Common query interface ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 40
2.5.1 General interface description --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 40
2.5.2 Common query panel ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 41
2.5.3 Common query and modify component-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 42
2.5.4 Query template --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 45
2.5.5 Execute query operation --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 45
2.5.6 Customize query result----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 46
Chapter 3 System Monitoring ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 47
3.1 Overview --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 47
3.1.1 NView NNM system monitoring ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 47
3.1.2 Function and feature -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 48
3.1.3 Technical principle ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 48
3.1.4 Installation deployment ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 49
3.2 Services ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 50
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3.2.1 NView NNM platform service --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 50

3.2.2 Database service ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 50
3.2.3 Data center service---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 50
3.2.4 CORBA northbound interface service ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 50
3.2.5 Performance monitoring service ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 51
3.2.6 Service running status ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 51
3.2.7 Service startup mode ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 52
3.3 System monitoring settings ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 52
3.3.1 Start/stop ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 52
3.3.2 Start/stop all network management services ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 54
3.3.3 Set up service refresh cycle ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 54
3.3.4 Set service alarm threshold ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 55
3.3.5 Lock system monitoring client -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 56
3.3.6 Show operation log ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 58
3.3.7 North interface configuration---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 59
3.4 Service management ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 60
3.4.1 Show service status --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 60
3.4.2 Start/stop service ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 61
3.4.3 The dependency detection of services --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 61
3.4.4 Set service startup mode -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 62
3.5 Hard disk management ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 63
3.5.1 Show hard disk information ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 63
3.5.2 Refresh hard disk information -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 64
3.6 Database management ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 64
3.6.1 Show database space usage --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 64
3.6.2 Database expansion -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 65
3.6.3 Show database connection ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 65
3.7 Server monitoring -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 67
3.7.1 Show server information --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 67
3.7.2 Refresh system resource information ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 68
3.8 Show component information---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 68
3.9 License management --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 68
3.9.1 Show License----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 69
3.9.2 Update License -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 70
Chapter 4 Network Topology Management----------------------------------------------------- 71
4.1 Basic concepts ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 71
4.1.1 Main view of topology ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 71
4.1.2 Topology tree ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 72
4.1.3 Topology graph --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 73
4.1.4 Subnet -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 73
4.1.5 Gateway network element subnet --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 73
4.1.6 Network element ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 73
4.1.7 Pre-configured network element ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 74
4.1.8 Virtual network element ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 74
4.1.9 Network management network element ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 74
4.1.10 The representation of topology ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 74
4.1.11 Topology symbol ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 76
4.1.12 User-defined view ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 76
4.1.13 Service view ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 77
4.1.14 Topology graphic symbol -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 77
4.1.15 Topology layout -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 77
4.2 Topology management process ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 77
4.3 Create topology subnet ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 78
4.3.1 Divide subnet structure ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 78
4.3.2 Create subnet ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 78
4.4 Create network element ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 79
4.4.1 Batch auto-discovery of network elements ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 79
4.4.2 Create single network element ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 80
4.4.3 Copy NE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 83
4.4.4 Add cluster device ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 84
4.5 Synchronize NE data ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 85
4.5.1 Synchronize NE data ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 85
4.5.2 Synchronize NE pre-configuration data -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 85
4.6 Create link ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 86
4.6.1 Create physical link --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 86
4.6.2 Create logical link ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 87
4.7 Create symbol ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 88
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4.8 Configure common information of topology object ---------------------------------------------------- 89

4.8.1 Configure network element name --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 89
4.8.2 Configure network elements SNMP management parameters -------------------------------------------------------- 90
4.8.3 Configure network element off-grid detection ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 90
4.8.4 Configure project information --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 90
4.8.5 Configure expansion properties ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 91
4.8.6 Configure the contact information of maintenance staff ----------------------------------------------------------------- 91
4.8.7 Configure link information ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 92
4.8.8 Configure symbol information -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 92
4.9 Delete topology object -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 92
4.9.1 Delete subnet ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 92
4.9.2 Delete network element ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 93
4.9.3 Delete link --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 93
4.10 Common operations of topology management ---------------------------------------------------------- 94
4.10.1 Search subnet and network element ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 94
4.10.2 Refresh the entire network topology ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 95
4.10.3 Adjust topology layout ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 96
4.10.4 Move subnet and network element ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 97
4.10.5 Lock/Unlock topology view ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 98
4.10.6 Lock/Unlock the coordinates of topology object --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 99
4.10.7 Subnet expansion in the same layer ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 99
4.10.8 View related resources ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 99
4.10.9 Configure display layout -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 100
4.10.10 Configure topology setting ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 102
4.10.11 Configure link display aggregation ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 103
4.10.12 Device off-grid rate statistics --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 104
4.10.13 Common button in topology toll bar ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 104
4.10.14 Select multiple topology objects ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 105
4.10.15 Configure background picture ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 105
4.10.16 Common view operations ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 106
4.10.17 Configure view zoom ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 108
4.11 Configure user-defined view---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 109
4.11.1 Add user-defined view----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 110
4.11.2 Add topology objects in user-defined view --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 111
4.11.3 View user-defined view---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 111
4.11.4 Modify user-defined view properties ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 111
4.11.5 View user-defined view properties ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 112
4.11.6 Query user-defined view -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 113
4.12 View topology list ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 116
4.12.1 View subnet list-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 116
4.12.2 View network elements list ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 116
4.12.3 View link list ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 117
Chapter 5 Device Discovery and Polling ------------------------------------------------------- 118
5.1 Overview ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 118
5.2 Function feature--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 119
5.3 Technical principle ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 119
5.4 Basic conceptions------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 120
5.5 Interface description -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 120
5.5.1 Startup interface ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 120
5.5.2 Protocol template ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 121
5.5.3 Scan filter --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 125
5.5.4 Scan task --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 127
5.5.5 Scan report ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 130
5.5.6 Device poll -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 132
5.5.7 Polling configuration ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 133
5.5.8 Polling report----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 134
5.5.9 Polling load ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 135
5.6 Applications and operation steps --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 136
5.6.1 Restriction conditions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 136
5.6.2 Start/Stop device scan and poll function ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 136
5.6.3 Device scan ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 137
5.6.4 Device poll -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 141
Chapter 6 Device Configuration Management ----------------------------------------------- 146
6.1 Overview ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 146
6.2 Commonly-used management tools ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 146
6.2.1 MIB browser ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 147

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6.2.2 Telnet tools ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 147

6.2.3 Ping Tools collection ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 148
6.3 Configuration management using network element module -------------------------------------- 149
6.3.1 The prerequisite of using network element management module --------------------------------------------------- 149
6.3.2 Launch network element module in the topology------------------------------------------------------------------------- 150
6.3.3 View card status in the card list ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 150
6.3.4 View card status in topology view -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 151
6.3.5 Manage devices from other vendors using general device management module ------------------------------- 151
6.3.6 Configure component by EMS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 152
6.4 Device batch configuration ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 152
6.4.1 Version ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 152
6.4.2 Add batch configuration task--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 153
6.4.3 Modify batch configuration task ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 157
6.4.4 View task details ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 157
6.4.5 Enable batch configuration task ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 158
6.4.6 Disable batch configuration task ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 159
6.5 Batch executing commands script ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 159
6.5.1 Overview ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 159
6.5.2 Batch executing commands script ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 159
6.6 OLP route module ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 162
6.6.1 Overview of module -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 162
6.6.2 Function features ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 162
6.6.3 Startup of module ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 163
6.6.4 Interface style ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 164
6.6.5 Function of module --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 166
6.6.6 Create new route ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 166
6.6.7 Open route view ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 166
6.6.8 Appoint relative card for route ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 166
6.6.9 Edit route information ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 170
6.6.10 Delete route ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 171
6.6.11 View route information----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 171
6.6.12 Cards list ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 174
6.7 Device Syslog log management ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 175
6.7.1 Receive Syslog log --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 175
6.7.2 Syslog log query ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 175
Chapter 7 Alarm Event Management ------------------------------------------------------------ 176
7.1 Overview ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 176
7.1.1 Alarm status ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 176
7.1.2 Operation status ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 177
7.1.3 Current alarm ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 177
7.1.4 Historical alarm -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 177
7.1.5 Alarm filtering ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 177
7.1.6 Alarm compressing--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 178
7.1.7 Alarm reversal --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 178
7.1.8 Alarm live period ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 178
7.1.9 Levels of alarms ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 178
7.1.10 Content of alarm event ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 178
7.1.11 Alarm auto-synchronization ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 179
7.2 Current alarm monitoring -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 180
7.2.1 The prerequisites to receive alarm correctly ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 180
7.2.2 Grouped alarm monitoring ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 180
7.2.3 User-defined alarm grouped monitoring rules ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 185
7.2.4 View alarm properties ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 187
7.2.5 Current alarm query -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 188
7.2.6 Configure alarm order ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 189
7.2.7 Set alert sound for alarms ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 191
7.2.8 Acknowledge current alarm ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 192
7.2.9 Confirm alarm cancellation ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 193
7.2.10 Clear a current alarm ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 193
7.3 Topology alarm monitoring ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 195
7.3.1 The displaying of an alarm in the topology view -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 195
7.3.2 Locate an alarm in the topology ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 195
7.3.3 Locate alarm device ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 195
7.3.4 View node alarm ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 196
7.4 Device alarm monitoring --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 196
7.4.1 The displaying of device alarm ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 196
7.4.2 Device alarm operation --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 197

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7.5 Alarm list query --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 197

7.5.1 Customize query condition ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 198
7.6 Current alarm filter ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 201
7.6.1 Alarm filter rule -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 201
7.6.2 Deploy alarm type filter rule ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 202
7.6.3 Deploy device filter rule --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 203
7.6.4 Deploy chassis filter rule -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 204
7.6.5 Deploy card filter rule ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 205
7.6.6 Deploy port filter rule ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 206
7.6.7 Deploy alarm level filter rule --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 207
7.6.8 Deploy alarm time segment filter rule --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 208
7.6.9 Deploy filter rule quickly--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 210
7.6.10 Search filter rule ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 210
7.7 Alarm reversal ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 211
7.7.1 Alarm reversal mode ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 211
7.7.2 Configured alarm reversal ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 212
7.7.3 Configure alarm reversal mode in batch ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 213
7.8 Trap notification --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 214
7.8.1 Set up SMS trap notification service ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 214
7.8.2 Set up E-mail trap notification service --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 214
7.8.3 Set up trap notification rule----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 214
7.9 Historical alarm management -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 216
7.9.1 Historical alarm query ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 216
7.9.2 Delete historical alarm ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 217
7.10 Trap definition management ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 217
7.10.1 Trap definition query ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 217
7.10.2 Redefine alarm level ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 218
7.10.3 Delete trap definition ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 219
7.11 Troubleshooting knowledge management--------------------------------------------------------------- 219
7.11.1 Troubleshooting knowledge management --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 219
7.11.2 Troubleshooting knowledge input -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 220
7.11.3 Query troubleshooting knowledge -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 221
7.12 Alarm Statistics---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 222
7.12.1 Current alarm statistics ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 222
7.12.2 Historical alarm statistic --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 223
Chapter 8 Inventory Management ---------------------------------------------------------------- 224
8.1 Overview ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 224
Function features ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 224
8.2 Main interface of inventory information ------------------------------------------------------------------ 225
8.3 Inventory information classification ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 226
8.3.1 Physical inventory ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 226
8.3.2 Directory ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 227
8.4 Inventory information collection ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 227
8.4.1 Collect by automation ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 227
8.4.2 Input by manual ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 227
8.4.3 Synchronize inventory information ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 227
8.5 Physical inventory management ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 228
8.5.1 Rack --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 228
8.5.2 NE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 230
8.5.3 Chassis ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 233
8.5.4 Slot ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 234
8.5.5 Local card -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 235
8.5.6 Remote device -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 237
8.5.7 ONU ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 239
8.5.8 Port ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 241
8.6 Inventory types ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 242
8.7 Directory management ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 243
8.8 Export inventory information --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 245
8.9 Statistic inventory information ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 245
8.9.1 Device type statistic -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 245
8.9.2 Card type statistic----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 246
8.9.3 Slot idle rate statistic ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 247
Chapter 9 Customer Management ---------------------------------------------------------------- 248
9.1 Overview ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 248
9.1.1 Brief introduction of functions -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 248
9.1.2 Relevant definition ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 248
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9.2 Customer list ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 248

9.2.1 Input customer information ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 249
9.2.2 Import customer information --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 250
9.2.3 Export customer information --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 251
9.3 Attach network resources to customers ----------------------------------------------------------------- 252
9.3.1 Associate network resources to customers -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 252
9.3.2 View customer alarm information --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 254
Chapter 10 System Security Management ------------------------------------------------------ 256
10.1 Overview ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 256
10.1.1 User ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 257
10.1.2 User group ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 258
10.1.3 Operation authority --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 258
10.1.4 Operator set------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 258
10.1.5 Management domain ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 259
10.1.6 Decentralized hierarchy, decentralized authority and decentralized domain -------------------------------------- 259
10.1.7 Access control --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 260
10.1.8 Security policy --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 260
10.1.9 Log policy --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 260
10.1.10 Security management deployment process ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 260
10.2 User management ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 261
10.2.1 System default user -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 261
10.2.2 Create user------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 261
10.2.3 Modify user ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 267
10.2.4 Delete user ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 268
10.2.5 Reset password ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 268
10.2.6 Unlock ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 268
10.3 User group management --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 269
10.3.1 System default user group ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 269
10.3.2 Create user group ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 270
10.3.3 Modify user group ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 274
10.3.4 Delete user group ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 274
10.4 Operator set management ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 274
10.4.1 System default operator set---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 274
10.4.2 Create operator set -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 275
10.4.3 Modify operator set--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 277
10.4.4 Delete operator set --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 277
10.5 Access control management --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 278
10.5.1 Create access control list ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 278
10.5.2 Modify access control list ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 280
10.5.3 Delete access control list ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 280
10.6 Security policy management --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 280
10.6.1 Password policy management ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 280
10.6.2 Account policy management--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 282
10.7 Monitor user operation ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 283
10.8 Online user management -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 284
10.8.1 Online users monitoring--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 284
10.8.2 Force user offline ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 285
10.9 User login mode--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 285
10.10 Log strategy management------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 286
Chapter 11 System Service Management ------------------------------------------------------- 288
11.1 Overview ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 288
11.2 System service management --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 288
11.2.1 Start/Stop system service ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 288
11.2.2 Edit system service properties ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 289
11.3 Schedule service management ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 289
11.3.1 Start/Stop schedule service ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 289
11.3.2 Edit schedule service ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 290
11.4 Trace service operation status ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 291
11.4.1 View system event --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 291
11.4.2 Query system event-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 292
11.5 Common services description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 293
11.5.1 SNMP trap receiving service--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 293
11.5.2 Trap storm defending service-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 294
11.5.3 Alarm mail relay service -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 295
11.5.4 Alarm SMS relay service ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 296
11.5.5 Trap forwarding service --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 298
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11.5.6 Alarm forwarding service ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 299

11.5.7 Resource synchronization service ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 301
11.5.8 Batch configuration service ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 302
11.5.9 Link auto-discovery service ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 302
11.5.10 Syslog receiving service -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 302
11.5.11 Database backup service ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 303
11.5.12 Current alarm auto-clearing service ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 305
11.5.13 Syslog data auto-clear service ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 305
11.5.14 Database auto-repairing service ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 307
Chapter 12 System Maintenance ------------------------------------------------------------------- 308
12.1 Overview ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 308
12.2 Database backup ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 308
12.3 Database recovery ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 308
12.4 Database maintenance------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 310
12.5 System debug information ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 310
Chapter 13 Data Dump --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 313
13.1 Overview ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 313
13.2 Automatic dump -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 313
13.2.1 Configuration interface ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 314
13.2.2 Procedure of automatic dump ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 315
13.2.3 Application -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 315
13.2.4 Configure overflow dump ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 316
13.2.5 Configure periodical dump ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 318
13.2.6 Configure dump file -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 320
13.2.7 Configure FTP upload ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 321
13.3 Manual dump ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 322
13.3.1 Configuration interface ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 322
13.3.2 Procedure of manual dump ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 322
13.3.3 Application -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 323
13.3.4 Configure dump time range ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 324
13.3.5 Dump file by manual ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 325
13.3.6 Manual dump FTP upload ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 325
13.4 Check dump condition ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 325
13.4.1 Check dump file ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 325
13.4.2 View dump log --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 327
Chapter 14 Operation Authority Management ------------------------------------------------- 328
14.1 Operation authority comparison table--------------------------------------------------------------------- 328
14.1.1 Network management application and system menu authority comparison table ------------------------------- 328
14.1.2 Network management application and topology management authority comparison table-------------------- 334
14.1.3 Device operation authority and network element management function comparison table-------------------- 334
14.1.4 Operation authority dependence relationship comparison table ------------------------------------------------------ 335
Appendix A Figure Index -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 341
Appendix B Table Index ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 348
Appendix C Glossary ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 350
Appendix D Acronym ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 352

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About This Manual

This manual introduces primary functions of the configuration management software for RC series

Who Should Read This Manual

This manual is a valuable reference for sales and marketing staff, after service staff and
telecommunication network designers. For those who want to have an overview of the features,
applications, structure and specifications of NView NNM platform, this is also a recommended

This manual is an introduction of the main functions of NView NNM platform. To have a quick
grasp of the using of the NView NNM platform, please read this manual carefully. The manual is
composed of the following chapters

Chapter 1 System Overview

This chapter is a brief description of the structure and function of NView NNM integrated network
node management system.

Chapter 2 Quick Start

This chapter mainly introduces the commom operation to start and login NView NNM and facilitate
user to learn NView NNM usage quickly.

Chapter 3 System Monitoring

This chapter induces the function and operation method of NView NNM system monitoring

Chapter 4 Network Topology Management

This chapter introduces the concepts and management configuration operations of network topology.

Chapter 5 Device Discovery and Polling

This chapter introduces how to use NView NNM provided device discovery and polling function and
the common operations.

Chapter 6 Device Configuration Management

This chapter introduces how to manage devices using NView NNM configuration management

Chapter 7 Alarm Event Management

This chapter mainly introduces the relevant definition and operation concerning alarm event and how
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to manage alarm events using NView NNM system.

Chapter 8 Inventory Management

This chapter mainly introduces the relevant definition and operation concerning inventory
management and how to manage inventory using NView NNM system.

Chapter 9 Customer Management

This chapter mainly introduces the relevant definition and operation concerning network customers
and how to manage information of network customers using NView NNM system.

Chapter 10 System Security Management

This chapter mainly introduces conceptions concerning system security and how to configure
security control policy in NView NNM system to guarantee secure operation of the system.

Chapter 11 System Service Management

This chapter mainly introduces how to manage system service and schedule service, and how to use
system events to trace the operation status of service.

Chapter 12 System Maintenance

This chapter mainly introduces how to maintain the system using tools and services provided by the
system, how to maintain the database, and how to isolate and remove faults using debug information.

Chapter 13 Data Dump

This chapter introduces how to dump system log, historical alarm, performance data by data dump
function and ensure performance of NView NNM database.

Chapter 14 Data Dump

This chapter introduces network management application operation authority and device operation
authority comparison table.

Appendix A Figure Index

Appendix B Table Index

Appendix C Glossary

Appendix D Acronym

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Chapter 1 System Overview

This chapter is a brief description of the structure and function of NView NNM integrated network
node management system.
 Overview
 Functions and features

1.1 Overview
NView NNM (Network Node Management System, NView NNM for short) is a new generation of
integrated network node management system based on SNMP protocol developed by Raisecom
Technology Co. Ltd. NView NNM system aims at access network and emphasizes on centralized
configuration and fault detection of all-series network manageable devices of Raisecom. The current
release of NView NNM system completely presents the following functions:

 Topology Management: NView NNM system displays network topology in graphics. It

organizes and manages all types of network device nodes and the links connecting nodes.
Network deployment can be completed both manually and automatically.
 Configuration Management: Configuration management over Raisecom all-series network
manageable devices is achieved with NView series EMS (Element Management System)
running on the uniform network management platform provided by NView NNM system.
NView NNM also provides a batch configuration component and database management
function that helps reduce the workload generated by network maintenance. Then it realizes
device configuration and software management efficiently.
 Alarm Management: NView NNM system can collect and manage alarm information from
network devices under management and provide functions like query, filtration, statistics
forwarding, alert sound prompt, and etc.
 Performance Management: Information of CPU usage, interface performance, data flow and
bandwidth usage can be monitored by real-time performance monitoring module and can be
presented in the form of lists or graphics on the NView NNM system.
 Resource Management: The resource management function of NView NNM system manages
network resources information, including information of devices, chassis, cards, ports and the
relationship between resources and customers in a centralized style.
 Customer Management: NView NNM system helps network administrator keep the
information of all network access customer. By attaching device, card or port resources to
customers, it is convenient for network administrators to find the customers affected by the
fault from the customer information recorded in alarm information.
 Security Management: NView NNM system allows several administrators to log in the
system at the same time and controls the access of clients by creating “Access Control List”;
“System Automatic Lockup” function will lock up the current client if there isn’t any
operation on client over setting time; “Client Automatic Logoff” function, the system logs
current customer by automation if there isn’t any operation on client over setting time;
“Illegal Login Authentication” function will lock up the customer if log on system by wrong
username and password over system setting times. NView NNM employs multi-authority
multi-domain security control strategy and keeps detailed system/device operation logs,
which facilitate operation authority control.
 Service Management: The application service management frame provided by NView NNM
manages pre-defined system services, like Trap Receiving Service, Alarm Storm Defending
Service, Alarm Mail Relay Service, and etc.
 System Monitoring: NView NNM system monitoring function can automatically manage
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NView NNM function components service, such as network management platform service,
performance monitoring service, northbound interface service and etc. System Monitoring
can monitor the operating status of these services and support to restart the service and report
alarm and record log when the services are abnormal.

1.2 Functions and features

1.2.1 Outstanding architecture
 NView NNM supports all SNMP versions, including SNMP V1, V2c and V3.
 CORBA-based and TMF814 criterion conformed northbound interface is provided to enable
integration to higher-level integrated network management system.
 NView NNM supports multiple clients to access at the same time, access control and other
safe functions, which is in accordance with operation and maintenance working features.
 The system supports internationalization/localization settings. Chinese version and English
version are provided.
 The system supports NView NNM system monitoring function and makes sure various
NView NNM services are operating normally.

1.2.2 Strong topology management function

 Manual topology layout. Users can create all types of topology nodes and links using the
topology components provided by NView NNM to structure a logical topology view caters
for self-management need.
 Automatic topology layout. Device detection function of NNM supports detecting managed
device in assigned network segment or IP segment. User can add manageable device by this
function. Structuring network topology and greatly increase system deployment efficiently.
 Real-time device off-grid detection. NView NNM system monitors the offline status of
devices on different levels and with different grades using the device off-grid detection
service. The offline status of devices is notified by alarms.
 In support of topology tree nodes and topology figure nodes to take real-time linkage
 Quick search and localization of node. Users can search and locate a node under management
quickly using the name or IP address of it.
 Real-time alarm status mapping. The system will highlight alarming node in different colors
to demonstrate the highest alarm level the node is suffering. Detailed information of the
alarm can be examined conveniently and quickly.
 Various automatic layout patterns, such as tree layout, star layout, grid layout, and etc.
 Network topology browsing navigation function. The system provides users with network
topology browsing navigation function along with graphic operations on network topology
like zoom, recover, pre-view, and etc.
 Shortcut operation pattern. The system provides shortcuts for operations like subnet unfold,
nodes move, copy, and etc.

1.2.3 Perfect fault management function

 Uniform alarm receiving and resolving. All alarms from Raisecom devices and other standard
alarms can be resolved.
 Function of monitoring current network fault in groups. Realizing emphasis monitoring on
key-customer and key devices.
 Exact fault locating function. A one-step operation in the alarm list completes a fast locating
to a faulted topology node or a direct locating to a relevant card or port on the device panel.
 Customer information relating function. For the alarm from resources attached to customers,
customer information will be directly included in the alarm information.
 Alarm information compression function. NView NNM compresses the number of pieces of
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alarm information displayed in an alarm list by counting and listing the updated status instead
of listing alarms of the same type and from a same node.
 Fault self-recovery alarm function. NView NNM system will automatically search for
corresponding alarm information after it receives a fault recovery event, and modify the
status of the corresponding alarm event to “Recovered”.
 Alarm live period calculation function. By calculating the time difference between the start
time of the alarm (the time when the alarm is reported for the first time) and the end time of
the alarm (the time when the alarm is automatically restored or cleared), users can easily get
the fault clearance time of the system.
 Alarm filtering function. Alarm filtering strategy can be set up for different alarm types
and/or for alarms from different location (devices, chassis, cards or ports). At the same time,
alarm storm defending service is applicable to effectively prevent alarm storm from
 Alarm reversal function for ports without opening service. Alarm reversal is used to avoid
generating the relevant alarm information and alarm interference.
 Strong alarm query function. Query can be conducted using one or several terms among
alarm type, alarm time period, alarm object status, and alarm resource.
 Alarm alert sound notification function. Different levels of alarms will be notified by
different customized alert sounds.
 Alarm auto-forwarding function. Administrator can be notified with alarm events instantly
via e-mail or mobile phone short message.
 Fault removal experience management function. Users can write down fault description and
the operations took for removing the fault in the system during the fault removal process and
establish a fault removal knowledge base for future reference for the removal of similar
 Alarm statistics function, users can take statistics of the current alarm or history alarm in
different level and from different NE.

1.2.4 Uniform resource management function

 Uniform Resources Collection Interface. Resource information contains information of
chassis, cards, ports, and etc., from all Raisecom broadband access devices (e.g. media
converter, interface converter, PDH multiplexer) can be collected. For devices from other
venders, NView NNM obtains the interface information via standard MIB (RFC1213).
 Customer Information Management Function. By attaching network resources to customers,
NView NNM can query and collect resource usage statistics conveniently.
 Alarm Relating Function. Customer information will be automatically included in alarm
information when alarm occurs on the resources that have been attached to the customer.
 Resource-based Statistics Analysis Function. Statistic information, like device type statistic,
card type statistic and idle slot statistic, are calculated to describe network device distribution

1.2.5 Flexible security control strategy

 Multi-Level, Multi-Authority and Multi-Domain Security Control Strategy. The system
supports differentiate administrative authorization based on device. Tailored to practical need
of network management, the strategy grants different level of authority over different network
devices to different customers.
 Customized Management Domain. The network management tasks for network
administrators can be proportioned according to device functions. The strategy can be applied
to satisfy the internal management policy of an operation and maintenance department of
several people or several dozens of people.
 IP Address-Based “User Access Control List”. Users can not log in the system through hosts
with IP addresses which are not in the “User Access Control List”. The system can also
configure “Login time” restrict, users out of “Login time” cannot login in.
 “Illegal Login Authentication” function will lock up the customer if log on system by wrong
username and password over system setting times.
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 Support “Multi-user login mode” and “Single-user login mode”. In “Single user login mode”,
only the super administrator can login the system so as to manage system in upgrade and
 System/Device Operation Log. Detailed system operation log and device operation log
facilitate the monitoring and tracing of the working status of network administrator.

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Chapter 2 Quick Start

This chapter mainly introduces the commom operation to start and login NView NNM and facilitate
user to learn NView NNM usage quickly.

 System operation
 System stop
 Client interface description
 System menu description
 Common query interface

2.1 System operation

 In Windows Server operation system, please take install, upgrade and start operations and
running as “administrator” operating system super administrator user.
 To use non-“Administrators” group operating system user to install, upgrade, and start the
NMS related procedures, please right-click the executable procedure or shortcut, select “Run
as Administrator” to start the related procedures in shortcut menu. Otherwise the install,
upgrade and NMS platform server start operations will be abnormal.
 To remotely install, upgrade, and start the operation, the user account to login operating
system must belong to “Administrators” group and “Remote Desktop Users” group at the
same time. Othervise, the install, upgrade and start operations may be failed.

2.1.1 Start NView NNM

Double-click “NMS Server” shortcut on desktop to start NView NNM, as shown in figure below.

It will pop up “Command prompt” (CMD command line) windowto perform some automatic
operations, please do not close command prompt window manually.
After NView NNM is started, all NMS servers in “Auto-start” mode will be started at the same time.

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Figure 2-1 Start NMS server

 By default, NView NNM is registered for operating system service “NMSServer”, the startup
mode is Automatic; NView NNM can be started automatically when the operating system is
started. NView NNM used database is registered for operating system service
“Nms_database_engine” service by default, the startup mode is Automatic; NView NNM can
also be started automatically when the operating system is started. User can use the various
NView NNM functions only when database service is started.
 In NView NNM system monitoring functions, NView NNM platform service is started
automatically by default. If modified for manual startup, user needs to login system
monitoring manual start platform service after starting NView NNM, and then the NView
NNM client can use NMS function normally. After platform service is started, the
corresponding operating system procedure is named as “InstanceServer.exe”, which can be
viewed in operating system task manager.
 All NView NNM services support to be configured to start automatically, that is to start
simultaneously with the start of NView NNM. The configuration method is to login
monitoring, right-click the service record, and then click [Set Start Mode/Auto] in the
shortcut menu to configure the service to start automatically with NView NNM.

2.1.2 Check NView NNM operating status

NView NNM provides system monitoring program for monitoring and management to various
functions component services of NView NNM. Monitoring system can be started in correct order and
dependencies in starting the service and it will restart the service and report alarm and record log
when the service is abnormal.

Double-click to perform “System Monitoring Client” shortcut on the desktop, use the super
administrator user password to login and view various services running status of NView NNM.
Note: The super-administrator user name is “administrator”, default password is “raisecom”.

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2.1.3 Start the client

Note: When NView NNM is started, start platform service and then start client program. If the
platform service is auto-start mode (default for auto-start), then it will start automatically when
NView NNM is started. System monitoring program can check whether the status of platform service
is “Run”.

When NView NNM server is started successfully, perform “Client” shortcut on the desktop to start
clicent; when the client starts to connect NView NNM server, the system will provide two modes
“Choose server start” and “Not choose server start”.

For the first running, the super administrator user name is “administrator”, default password is
“raisecom”. Strongly recommended that user modifies the account password immediately after login
so as to ensure system security.
For the first time to run the client, it may prompt that “The client is incomplete, immediate repair?”
Click <OK> to perform repair operation automatically. After successful repair, it will prompt that
“The client resource files have been created, immediately start the client?” Click <Yes> to start the
client again.

Choose server start

NView NNM client is running in “Choose server start” mode by default, perform “Client” shortcut
and the program will run to “Choose server” interface, as shown below. Choose server and then click
<OK> to enter client login interface.

If the server IP address is not listed in the table, please click < > to input server name and IP
address. Click to select a piece of server record, click < > to delete the record.

Figure 2-2 Choose server

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Not choose server start

In “Not choose server start” mode, perform “Client” shortcut and the program will run to “Client
login interface”, as shown below. In this mode, client will use the default server IP address to login

Figure 2-3 Client login interface

Input correct user name and password, wait for client to show topology main view and the client is
started successfully.

Configure server connection mode

The specific setting method to start client and connect server mode: select [System/Preferences] in
system main menu to pop up system settings dialog box, as shown below.
Click “Server Settings” in the left side of dialog box, the right side will show server connection
configuration interface. Select “Prompt to choose the server when client starts” and add
corresponding server in server list, click <Apply> to close the dialog box and complete the settings.

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Figure 2-4 System settings dialog box

2.1.4 Change user

User switching function enables a different user to log in instead of the current user without restart

the system. Click [System/Change User] on the main menu or click < > on the toolbar, the
system will switch to security mode. A “Change User” dialog box will pop up.

Input new user name and password, click <OK>to verify the identification, change user operation is
successful after successful verification. Click <Cancel> to cancel this operation and return to client

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Figure 2-5 Change user

2.1.5 Lock system

“Lock System” function prevents irrelevant individual from operating the system during operation
intermission to ensure the confidentiality of system data. The system will switch to “Security Mode”
under which the main interface is hided. The “Lock System” dialog box will pop up and the system
can only be unlocked by the input of correct user information.

Click [System/Lock System] on the main menu, or click the button < > on the toolbar, the system
will switch to security mode and a profile validation dialog box will pop up (see Figure below).
Input correct password, click <OK> to verify the identification. The system will return to main
interface after unlocking.

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Figure 2-6 Lock system interface

Note: The system can only be unlocked by inputting the correct current user password. The button
<Cancel> is not applicable when the system is locked.

2.1.6 Auto-logout
In the circumstances that the operator may leave the system for a relevant long time, to ensure
system security, users can start up the “System Auto-logout” function provided by NView NNM
system. The client will logout automatically if there is no operation, including click of mouse,
moving or mouse and typing from the keyboard, during a specified time period. Users can set to
enable/disable the function and the waiting time. By default, the auto-logout function is disabled and
users can enable this function according to their own needs.

Click [Security/User Management] in system menu bar, click user name in the left “Security
Manager Object”, the right side will show “Base Info” tab page, as shown below. Uncheck the
“Disable automatic exit”, and can configure “Automatically quit waiting time”, the default waiting
time is 10 minutes.

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Figure 2-7 Auto-logout function parameters setting

2.1.7 Change password

Administrator can modify the password after login. Click [System/Change Password] in the main
menu or click < > in the toolbar to pop up “Change Password” dialog box, as shown below.

Figure 2-8 Change password

Input the old password, new password, and confirmation of the new password in turn; click the
<OK> to start the renewal.

The method above can only modify the password for the current system user. Super administrator or
security administrator user can also cgange the specified user password through “Reset password”
function in security management, please refer to 10.2.5 Reset password for the specific operation.

Note: The password length and complexity ares based on security policy control.

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2.1.8 Manage license information

In system installation, it will prompt to import legal License file, here just simply select the License
file. When the server is started, the system will check the License file automatically.

Under normal circumstances, it doesn’t need to concern about the License information, but if the
License file is illegal or has been damaged, the system will prompt to import new License file. User
just needs to select new License file to import, or else the server will not be started properly. During
system operation, user can update License file through License console dynamic without restarting
the system.

NView NNM supports new version License. The new version is V3, which is not compatible with
older version License.

Double-click “System Monitoring Client” shortcut on the desktop, input administrator user name and
password to open system monitoring client. Click System monitoring client system menu [Help/
License Manager] to pop up License management NView network node registration management
console, as shown below. The interface list shows the device node already registered in the system.

Figure 2-9 License console

Click the menu item [File/Show License Info] to show the content of current License file, as shown

 “License for”: License authorized username.

 “Maximum Terminals” is the maximum number to use NView NNM client for network
management simutaneously.
 “License Type” indicates that License is “Trial version” or “Formal version”.
 Expiration Date: the lifetime of License;
 Component License information: control the right of using NView NNM server components;
 Product Total Units: control the maximum number of registering product units at NView
NNM server;
 Product license information: control using right of different EMS in NView NNM server;
 Registed Total Units: the registered nodes number on NView NNM server.
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Figure 2-10 License information

Click the menu item [File/Update License] to pop up file selection dialog box. Select new License
file and click <Import> to import and validate the new License file.

2.1.9 Check database

Please make sure that the database is operating properly before starting up the system. The service
will start up as Windows starts up by default. For NView NNM database, please check whether the
“Nms_database_engine” service in Windows services is operating properly. Please start up the
service by using the command “net start Nms_database_engine” in Windows command prompt or
starting it in Windows “Control Panel/Management Tools/Services” if the service fails to start up
with Windows.

2.1.10 View software version and authorization information

NView NNM software version and license information include platform version, patching version
and EMS version. The NView NNM version is increased with authorization mechanism. The
functions of authorization mechanism: control using of NView NNM functionality component;
control EMS using integrated in system. The information contains two parts: platform components
and device authorization part.

View software version

Click [Help/About] in the client or click shortcut key <F2> to pop-up dialog box of “About”, which
displays detailed software version information, as shown below. Click <Export Excel> button and
the system will save the module and version information in excel file.

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Figure 2-11 “About” dialog box

View authorization information

Click [Help/Authorization] at client or click shortcut key <F3> to pop-up dialog box of
“Authorization Info.”, which displays detailed software authorization information. The dialog box
is shown as below. The ticked box in “Authorization” row means the selected module is authorized,
the unticked box indicates the module is unauthorized. Click <Export Excel> button can save the
module and authorization information in excel file.

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Figure 2-12 “Authorization Info” dialog box-platform

Figure 2-13 “Authorization Info” dialog box-device

2.2 System stop

2.2.1 Exit the client
Please exit the client before stopping NView NNM service. Click [System/Exit] in system menu or
click < > in the upper right of client main interface to pop up the dialog box below, click <Yes> to

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exit the client.

Figure 2-14 Exit the client

2.2.2 Stop all NNM services

To stop server, please double click “System Monitoring Client” shortcut and use super administrator
user name and password to login, click [System/Stop all NNM Services] to pop up the following
figure and then click <Yes> to stop all services.

Figure 2-15 Stop services prompt

2.2.3 Stop NMS server

User can only stop “NMSServer” service in operation system service to stop NMS server.

In Windows “Control panel/Management tool/Service” to open service management interface,

right-click “NMSServer” service and then click [Stop].

2.3 Client interface description

2.3.1 Client interface composition
NView NNM client is the graphical interface of network management. Login the client and show the
main interface, as shown below.

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Figure 2-16 Client interface

Table 2-1 Interface introduction

1: Systen menu bar 4: Navigation tree area 7: Function area

2: System tool bar 5: Width adjustment bar 8: Function tool bar

3: Form page tab 6: System status bar 9: Function menu bar

System menu bar

System menu bar is for NView NNM client to initiate a variety of network management functions,
including system menu and submenu.

System tool bar

The system tool bar contains client lock, change user, current alarm counter, view help and other
common functions shortcut buttons, put the mouse arrow on button to display the button name. The
button function is shown as follows.

Table 2-2 System tool bar shortcut button

Icon Description

Modify current login user password

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Lock client manually and only input the login password to unlock

Change client user

Configure client system setting

Show the emergency alarm numbers in current alarm list, click to open
alarm grouping monitoring interface and the list will show current
emergency alarm.
Show the major alarm numbers in current alarm list, click to open alarm
grouping monitoring interface and the list will show current major alarm.

Show the minor alarm numbers in current alarm list, click to open alarm
grouping monitoring interface and the list will show current minor alarm.

Show the prompt alarm numbers in current alarm list, click to open alarm
grouping monitoring interface and the list will show current prompt alarm.

Show the unknown alarm numbers in current alarm list, click to open alarm
grouping monitoring interface and the list will show current unknown alarm.

Show the total number of alarms in current alarm list

Refresh alarm counter

Configure to enable/disable alarm prompt sound play

Close all form page tabs and only keep the main interface

Return to default form layout

Configure to lock/unlock form layout

Show NView NNM help

Show version information

Show authorization information

Form page tab

Form refers to various client interfaces, click a menu item or enter a network element management
interface to open a form. Click to select the form page tab to switch between forms.

If the form layout is not locked, click and drag the form page tab to adjust the layout of each form.

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Navigation tree area

The navigation tree area shows the topology tree and classification.

Width adjustment bar

Click and drag the width adjustment bar to change the region size in the form. Click the arrow in the
width adjustment bar to expand/collapse the entire region.

System status bar

System status bar displays the following status information.

Table 2-3 System status bar

Status Description

Login information Show client login user name.

Connection status Show the connection status between client and network management server.
Show Red when the server connection fails.
Login mode Show client login mode.
Multiple user login mode: NView NNM permits multiple clients to login
Single user login mode: NView NNM only permits one super user to login.
NMS information Show NMS information

Function area

The main function display area in form interface. The graphical interface of each function will be
shown in function area.

For example, the main interface of client shows the topology management function area, that is the
topology area. User can initiate a variety of topology management functions in the topology.

Function tool bar

Each function provided shortcut button tool bar.

Function menu bar

Each function provided menu bar.

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2.3.2 Common interface elements description

Common interface elements are shown in the table below.

Table 2-4 Common interface elements

Interface elements Instance


Shortcut button

Radio button

Check box



Dorp-down list box


Dialog box

Prompt box

2.3.3 Common list function

The list display interface is usually divided into multiple pages to display, the common list functions
are shown in the table below.

Interface Description

Show total count of list records

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Interface Description

Configure size page

Show the page count

Show page index

Input page value and click the Enter key to jump to
the corresponding page
Show the first page

Show the previous page

Show the next page

Show the last page

Refresh list records

2.3.4 Common shortcut

The common shortcut is shown in the table below.

Table 2-5 Common shortcut

Shortcut key Description

Alt+A Close all forms and only show main interface

Alt+C Pop up system setting interface

Ctrl+A Check all

Ctrl+F Pop up topology search interface to search subnet, network

element and symbol
ESC Exit the pop-up interface

F1 Pop up “Help” interface and show NView NNM help

F2 Pop up “About” interface and show detailed software version

F3 Pop up “authorization information” interface and show
detailed authorization information
F9 Change user login password

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Shortcut key Description

F10 Open function menu

F11 Lock client

F12 Change client user

2.3.5 Form management

Form style settings

NView NNM provides tile mode form style; the workspace is filled with current active forms; user
can open multiple forms at the same time, but currently only one is active form, by default, the
network topology form is main form.

“Tile mode” supports to limit the number of forms to start. The specific setting method is in “Form
style” dialog box, click to check”Enable form number limit function”, then set the number of related
enabled forms, the system default value is “5”.

Form maximization

The form can be maximized, double-click form tab and the form will fill with the entire work area.
This function is especially suitable for browsing relatively more contents with smaller form.
Double-click the form tab again to return to the original size.

Form re-layout

In NView NNM system, by default, the form layout is locked, user needs to unlock layout at first
before the form re-layout. The operation method to unlock: click the main menu bar [Form/Lock
layout] in system main menu, or click < > in system tool bar. The form layout can be re-layouted
after unlocking: in the form title bar, press the left mouse button and drag, it will appear a gray
rectangle in the interface work area, which changes its position with the mouse. Release the mouse in
a proper position and the form will be in the new position, as shown below.

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Figure 2-17 Form drag

After re-layout, click the main menu bar [Form/Lock Layout] in system main menu or < > in
system tool bar to lock current layout again. To restore the system default layout, user can click
[Form/Restore Layout] in the system main menu or < > in system tool bar.

Form floating and combination

NView NNM also provides advanced form management function, that is to say, any form can be
poped up in the form of independent dialog box. The specific operation is when the form layout has
not been locked, click < > in form title bar, the subform will pop up; click < > to restore the
pop-up subform to main form.

The pop-up forms can be combined in random, for example to pop up forms in the same type
(current alarm/historical alarm form, etc) and show them in the same dialog box so as to facilitate the
forms classification. The specific operation is to click the left mouse button in form title bar, drag the
form to dialog box and then release the mouse, as shown in the figure below.

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Figure 2-18 Form floating

Note: Form floating function is only valid when the window layout has not been locked.

Form lists

The “Form” submenu in system main menu has listed all opened subforms, as shown in the figure

Figure 2-19 Form lists

Click form menu to activate the corresponding form, which is to display current form in the work

2.4 System menu description

System menu can initiate various NView NNM functions. The system menu can be controlled not
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only by License file but also user permission, so maybe some system menus cannot be shown or
cannot take operations.


Menu Function description

Change password Change current user login password

Lock system Lock client

Change user Change client user

Preference Configure server connection, alarm sound, Telnet NE to

automatically input user information, system debuf information
and system login mode.
Data transmission Dump setting: configure automatic dump
Manual dump: configure manual dump
Setting xFTP monitor: configure common xFTP server

Exit Exit client


Menu Function description

Find node Find subnet, NE and symbol in topology

Device find and poll Configure NE automatic find and device poll cycle

Subnet list Show subnet in topology

Node list Show NE and symbol in topology

Link list Show link in topology

User-defined Configure User-defined management view

management view


Menu Function description

Alarm group Show current alarm according to alarm group

Current alarm query Show current alarm list and manage current alarm

Historical alarm Show historical alarm list and manage historical alarm

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Menu Function description

Alarm type Show alarm type list in network management system

Alarm notification Configure e-mail address and mobile terminal numbers to transmit alarm
Alarm notification supports e-mail notification and short message
notification. After configuring contact information, please refer to 7.8 Alarm
forwarding to take related configuration and performe alarm notification
transmitting function.
Alarm filter Configure alarm filter
Troubleshooting Configure troubleshooting experience
setting Configure alarm setting function
Alarm list order: configure alarm list order
Alarm reverse: configure alarm reverse function


Menu Function description

Performance Configure performance monitoring progress

monitoring progress
Template Configure performance template
Metric template group management: configure template group, which supports
to configure performance metric template and metric threshold template
Metric template management: configure metric template and take user-defined
filter to the required metrics
Threshold template management: configure threshold template, which supports
to create and configure multi-level threshold to multiple metrics
Collection task Configure performance collection task
Performance chart Show historical/real-time performance chart and performance data


Menu Function description

Physical inventory Show various resource records of physical inventory

and manage inventory information
Inventory type Show inventory type

Address book Configure address book for maintenance staff

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Menu Function description

Switch Configure switch cluster management

EoC Configure CBAT and CNU

Batch configuration control Configure batch configuration task

General command: Configure SNMP parameters, Trap target address and
other general functions in batch for specified NE
Switch command: take batch configuration for specified switch NE
Batch configuration logs Show batch configuration operation result

Perform command line scripts Configure NE to perform command line scripts

in batch
Input and import command line scripts and take command line operation to
device in Telnet mode, supporting to select multiple devices to execute the
same command line in turns and return to command execution result
OLP route Configure route for optical line protection device

EPON/EPON protection view Show EPON link protection view

EPON/MAC address trace Trace MAC address

EPON/MAC address Rebind ONU MAC address



Menu Function description

EoC template Configure CNU device template


Menu Function description

Customer list Configure customer information

Support to associate NE and customer information so as to
show NE customer and show customer information influenced
by the fault in alarm information


Menu Function description

Current alarm statistics Take current alarm statistics in network management and

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Menu Function description

Historical alarm Take historical alarm statistics in network management

statistics and subnet
Device type statistics Take various types of devices number statistics in
network management and subnet
Card type statistics Take various types of cards number statistics in network
management and subnet
Slot idle rate statistics Take chassis-based device slot idle rate statistics in
network management and subnet
Device off-grid rate Take NE device off-grid rate statistics in network
statistics management and subnet


Menu Function description

Network management Configure network management client login user

user management
Support to configure user group, management domain,
operation permission, access control and online user
management etc. security functions
Monitor user operation Show user operation record

Access control list Configure client to access host IP address control list

Set security policy Configure network management user security policy

Password policy: configure password length, password
combination etc. security policy
Account policy: configure user account length, user account
lock etc. security policy
Set log policy Configure to filter system operation log to record, by default,
take a record to all operations


Menu Function description

Query system event Show NView NNM operation record

Query system Show user operation record through client

Query device operation Show user operation record to NE device through client

Query login log Show user login client record

Security management Show the security management record to add and

log modify network management user
Query Syslog Show NE device reported System record

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Menu Function description

System service Configure NView NNM alarm receiving and alarm

forwarding services
Timed task Configure NView NNM database auto-backup,
auto-recovery and other timed tasks

Data center

Menu Function description

Software library Configure data center NE device/single-board software

management management function
Device operation Configure to perform upgrade and backup etc. data center
function to NE device, show NE device/ single-board data
center operation record, system software version information
Task management Show the current task working status and complete task in
data center
Operation log Show data center log and task operation log

Backup policy Configure NE device backup policy in data center

Backup library Configure NE device/single-board software backup

management management function in data center
Backup log Show data center log and backup task log


Menu Function description

Task manager Show current NView NNM task

Startup manager Show client startup information

Restore layout Configure to restore default client forms style

Lock layout Lock/unlick client forms layout

Forms style Configure client form style and the opened forms number limit

Close all Close all forms and only keep the main topology view

Opened forms name list Show the opened forms name

Each form shows one menu item, click to switch to the selected
form interface

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Menu Function description

ICMP Ping Execute ICMP Ping

Check the connectivity from NView NNM server to
destination IP address
SNMP Ping Execute SNMP Ping
Check the connectivity from NView NNM server to
destination IP address SNMP packets
Web Browser Open built-in Web browser


Menu Function description

Help Show NView NNM help

Version information Show component version information

Authorization information Show component authorization information

2.5 Common query interface

For network management system, the information browse and query operations take a big propotion
in common operations, so it is very important to provide a high-efficiency and convenient
information browse, view, query and modify interface.

NView NNM uses the common query and modify interfaces, which have consistent style. In view,
edit property interface, it also use the view and modify interface with same style, here take inventory
list query interface as an example.

2.5.1 General interface description

Parameter description

Generally, the interfaces in client interface have the following features:

 “*”: required parameter

 If inputing undesirable parameter in the parameter item, it will fail to issue the configuration
and will pop up confirm dialog box and prompt the user parameter is incorrect.
 In parameter length limit, English and digital character take up 1 character, Chinese character
takes up 2 characters.
 Hover mouse and pop up tooltip to display parameter information.
 Click and to shrink and expand parameter interface

Common button description

 Click <Clear> to restore interface parameters to the initial value to open interface.
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 Click <Cancel> to exit the current interface.

 Click <Save> to perform configuration operations.
 Click <Reset> to restore to the last saved configuration.

2.5.2 Common query panel

Click < > to open query panel in function panel area, as shown below.

Figure 2-20 Query panel

Note: The inventory function panel area supports to show query, add, modify, property and
associated customer configuration panels. All these panels can be shown in function panel area.


Query panel provides three subpanels: Query Condition, Customized Query Line and Customized
Ordering Condition.

 Query Condition: in support of choosing query relationship, such as relation of equal to or

not equal to, no query value, “like” relation similar to SQL sentence, “AND” and “OR”
relation among querying attributes. User cannot set query attribute value until select query
relation. According to detailed query attribute, the condition supports fills or select query
attribute value. The queried attribute value is matched accurately, namely, the queried value is
identical to input value (It is not case sensitive.)
 Customized Query Line: it is the detailed query attribute in query condition, in support of
ticking off multiple lines, like name, IP address, etc.
 Customized Ordering Condition: it is the order of querying result, in support of arranging as
“Ascending” or “Descending” according to attribute. Several ordering condition arranged in
accordance with query conditions: following “Type” order and then following “IP Address”
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order to arrange inventory information list. Click the buttons of < > and < > to adjust the

Value type description box

To set query condition without meeting property value requirement will lead to query failure, so the
query condition value supports automatic verification so as to ensure user not to enter incorrect query

User can click < > in panel to open the value type description box, when click “value” text box,
the value type description box will automatically show the property value type and maximum lengh
etc, description information for user reference.

For example, click “Located subnet” “Value ”, the value type description box will show “Type:
character string, the maximum length is 100”.

2.5.3 Common query and modify component

To query or edit property, besides input query value by manual directly, it is also in support of other
four queryand modify components.

Tree interface

Tree interface is mainly used to choose device type and subordinated subnet, etc. For example: click
to choose query condition “Type” and “Value ” input box, click < > to pop up tree interface to
choose. User can tick off multiple device types and then click <OK>, as shown below.

Figure 2-21 Tree interface to choose device type

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Table interface

Table interface is mainly used to choose maintenance staff in address book or choose list record. For
example: click to choose query condition “Maintenance staff” and “Value” input box, click < > to
pop up table interface to choose. User can tick off multiple records and then click <OK>, as shown

Figure 2-22 Table interface to choose maintenance staff

Drop-down list box

Drop-down list box is mainly used to choose fixed options. For example: click to choose query
condition “Online status” and “Value ” input box to pop up drop-down list box and then click to
choose a piece of record, as shown below.

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Figure 2-23 Drop-down list box to choose online status

Data box

Data box is mainly used to set time information. For example: click to choose query condition “Last
Sync time” and “Value” input box to pop up data box, set data and time and then click <OK>, as
shown below.

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Figure 2-24 Data box to choose last sync time

2.5.4 Query template

Save the query condition in query template, then user can query the attention information
conveniently. The template supports public and private types:

 Public template is in support of selection and using by all NView NNM users.
 Private template is just for current login user selection and using.
Inventory management supports to set default template, which is open with default query conditions.
System also save the latest query in a template named “The latest query”. Every time user execute
query and exit from main interface of inventory management, system will save template of “The
latest query” by automation.
Note: Currently, only inventory management supports query template function.

2.5.5 Execute query operation

Click <Query> to execute query operation after setting query conditions. The result will be shown in
arranged order.

Click <Reset> to restore query condition to initial status. If user uses query template for query,
please click <Reset> to restore default status of query template.

Click <Clear> to clear all query conditions and properties. Click < > on the right-top to shutdown
function panel.

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2.5.6 Customize query result

User can set table column displayed in query result. Click < > on the left-top to pop up customize
column interface, as shown below. Select items by tick off the box and then click <Apply>.

Figure 2-25 Customize column

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Chapter 3 System Monitoring

This chapter induces the function and operation method of NView NNM system monitoring
 Overview
 Service introduction
 System monitoring setting
 Service management
 Hard disk management
 Database management
 Server management
 Show component information
 License management

3.1 Overview
3.1.1 NView NNM system monitoring
NView NNM system monitoring is graphical NView NNM network management system
management and monitoring tool. The system monitoring to NView NNM service management can
ensure the stability of network management system operating; concise interaction interface improves
the ease of network management system to run monitoring normally; user authentication mechanism
meets the security of the operation and maintenance work.

The main service management functions of system monitoring to NView NNM network
management system:

 Start and stop all network management services

 Start and stop single network management service
 Set service startup mode
 Set northbound interface service IP address and port information
 Manage products License infrmation
The main monitoring functions of system monitoring to NView NNM network management system:
 Monitor service operating status
 Show network management database information
 Show system resource information
 Show network management component version information
System monitoring supports to take a record of user login information, a variety of management
operations and service exception information to network management system log and supports to
send alarm to NView NNM network management system according to user setting system and
database resource alarm threshold.

Note: NView NNM kernel version V5.4 and above supports system monitoring function, kernel
version below V5.4 needs to upgrade by upgrade package so as to use system monitoring function.

The service management function can take real-time monitoring to the status of NView NNM

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Services (Server service, performance service, database service, northbound interface, etc.), CPU
utilization, memory utilization, hard disk utilization information, and provide a unified start and
close entrance to NView NNM services so as to facilitate the centralized management of services.
Moreover, the service management function can also monitor and manage database space and
database connection, physical disk utilization, network management component version and product
License information, etc.

3.1.2 Function and feature

System monitoring has system management function, including service information, database
information, system resource information, component information, operating log functions and
features, as shown below.

System Hard disk Service Database License Component
function information information information information information

Hard disk Database Component

Start/stop License Server
User login space space version
service information information
information information information

Monitor Expand
Start all NMS service Update
services operating License
status space

Stop all NMS connection
services information



Figure 3-1 System monitoring functions and features

System monitoring has the following features:

 System monitoring server provides message bus service, each network management service
connects message bus through system monitoring server, that is to say, the communication
between system monitoring system and network management service is achieved through
message bus component.
 System monitoring server takes centralized authentication to License and network
management service does not take separate verification any more.
 System monitoring client provides unified startup entrance to each network management
service, which does not show tray and startup window. Startup progress is monitored
unifiedly by system monitoring server.
 NView NNM (including system monitoring service) is system service. Default for manual
startup, after configuring to automatic startup, NView NNM will start automatically with the
startup of server host.

3.1.3 Technical principle

As a separate service, system monitoring system is mainly composed with server and client. When
NView NNM is installed, “network management server” shortcut is NView NNM (including system
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monitoring and other services) server; “system monitoring client” shortcut is system monitoring
Note: System monitoring does not support to manage database service start/stop, but support to
monitor the operating status of database service. NView NNM database service is separately
registered as system service in the operating system, so it is the operating system that manages
database service start/stop stutas according to user configuration.
System monitoring server provides startup function for all NMS services and supports to perform
operation according to user setting in service failure (For example, auto-start service) and at the same
time ensures the dependency and execution order between services.

 If stopping the system service in system monitoring server or NView NNM database service,
users can not login the system monitoring program.
 By default, NView NNM platform service is started automatically with the startup of system
monitoring service. If need to configure the platform service to manual startup mode, please
select “platform service” line in system monitoring server “service monitoring” tab and select
[Set startup mode/Manual] in the context menu to modify the startup mode.
 Currently, when network management server is started, the operating system user will
perform “Logout” operation, NView NNM platform, performance monitoring, data center
and other services will stop and automatically restart, which will leadto a brief interruption of
NView NNM network management system. Please take operation with caution based on the
actual situation.

3.1.4 Installation deployment

NView NNM system monitoring function is installed with NView NNM, V5.4 kernel version and
below can be upgraded to complete system monitoring installation deployment.

Note: Currently, NView NNM is upgraded and installed through network management system
installation program with the upgrade package. After installation is complete, it will show the
following shortcut on the desktop.

Network management server: used to start NView NNM.

System monitoring client: used to start system monitoring client to monitor and configure
startup mode to various services of NView NNM.

Upgrade tool: used to start NView NNM upgrade management tool for backup and upgrade
etc. operations.

Client: used to start NView NNM network management client.

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3.2 Services
3.2.1 NView NNM platform service
NView NNM platform service is the core service of NView NNM, when the platform service is
started, NView NNM client can use platform service provided topology, security, alarm, inventory
and network element configuration management and maintenance functions.

3.2.2 Database service

The database service belongs to the system monitoring server located host operating system service,
which is started with the operating system, and user can not set its startup mode.

3.2.3 Data center service

NView NNM data center service can provide users with a graphical interface of device backup or
upgrade and support the management of transmission file to facilitate the centralized management
and secure storage of files. In addition, the data center supports to check device files so as to prevent
the damage from unmatch device type or wrong version upgrade file.
Data center mainly supports the following functions:

 Backup function: take real-time backup or periodic backup operations to network element
software and configuration data and NView NNM will take a record of the operation log. The
device backup cycle can be set to “monthly”, “weekly” and “daily”. The backup function can
take a maximum of 10 devices for a group for parallel operation.
 Upgrade function: upgrade refers to use the files in software library to upgradeNE software
and configuration file of specified NE and single-board, and NView NNM will take a record
of operation log. Upgrade function support the comparison of two configuration files and the
verification function of file header. The upgrade function can also take a maximum of 10
devices for a group for parallel operation.
Data center service contains two services. Both services need to be started in using various functions
of data center.
 Data center service: provide to distribute device data and device software scheduling tasks.
 Data center EMS service: provide to manage and maintain device data and device software.

3.2.4 CORBA northbound interface service

NView NNM NCIA (North CORBA Interface Agent) north interface supports the butt joint with
OSS (Operation Support System). The operation and maintenance management functions such as
service opening, alarm aoto-report, alary sync, service troubleshooting and routine testing between
OSS and network element device have been achieved through NCIA north interface.
NCIA north interface is used between OSS and NView NNM; OSS communicates with NView
NNM through NCIA north interface, as shown below.

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Figure 3-2 North interface communication diagram

CORBA north interface service consists of three services, which need to start in using CORBA north

 CORBA north interface service: based on CORBA standard to provide the third party with
alarm, topology, inventory, security, performance and configuration services.
 CORBA north interface naming service: based on CORBA standard to provide the third party
with naming service.
 CORBA north interface notification service: based on CORBA standard to provide the third
party with notification service.

3.2.5 Performance monitoring service

NView NNM performance monitoring service can help managers understand the current and past
network load, flow and other operating conditions, provide basis for network failure warning, failure
removeing and network optimization. Performance monitoring service provides unified network
device performance data collection, calculation, summary statements, report and trend chart display
etc. functions.

3.2.6 Service running status

Service running status refers to an important attribute for users to monitor network management
system related services. The service status can be transformed into each other, for example the start
status service will change to stop status after performing stop operation. System monitoring services
contains the following status:

 In service: the service is running.

 Stopped: the service has stopped running.
 Be starting: the service is starting to run.
 Start exception: the service startup is abnormal.

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3.2.7 Service startup mode

System monitoring supporting network management system service is divided into four startup
 Auto start: the service will be started automatically when system monitoring program is
started. The service will keep start status, even if the service is stopped abnormally, the
system monitoring program is still able to restart network management service and take a
record of logs. The service will stop only when user perform stop operation manually.
 Manual start: the manual start service does not start automatically with the startup of system
monitoring program, which requires user to start the service manually in system monitoring
 No starting: system monitoring program and user can not start such services directly; user
must change the service mode to “Auto start” or “Manual start” to perform “Start service”
 External start: such services are started by external program; the system monitoring does not
support to start/stop “External start” service, but support to monitor the operating status of
this type of services. The database services belong to external start mode.
Note: To start/stop system services, user needs to start/stop the pre-dependent service of this service.
Please refer to 3.4.3 Service dependency detection for detailed description of the dependent service
of service.

3.3 System monitoring settings

3.3.1 Start/stop
When NView NNM network management server is started, user can manage and monitor a variety of
network management services through system monitoring program.

Note: In the situation of not starting NView NNM, to start NView NNM client, the system will
automatically pop up [Error] message box that prompts server connection failure. Click <OK> to
pop up confirm dialog box that prompts whether to re-select the connected server.

Start NView NNM network management server

Double-click to perform the “Network management server” shortcut on the desktop to start NView
NNM network management server. The shortcut corresponding program is installed in NView NNM
program folder with path “C:\NMS\PLATFORM\NNM5\selfmserver\NMSServer”.

To configure “NMSServer” service as “Auto start” in operation system, NView NNM will started
automatically when the server hostt is turned on.

In NView NNM provided system monitoring function, NView NNM platform service is default to
start automatically. If change to manual start, user needs to login system monitoring to start platform
service manually when NView NNM is started and then the NView NNM client can use network
management function normally.

Start system monitoring

Double-click to perform the “System monitoring client” shortcut on the desktop to start system

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monitoring client and enter system monitoring client login interface, as shown below. Input user
name and password to login system monitoring and manage various NView NNM services.

Figure 3-3 Start system monitoring program

 User Name: user name of NView NNM network management server, the user must belong to
“Administrators” user group
 Password: NView NNM network management server user corresponding password
 Server: system monitoring client connecting server
 Selectthrough drop-down menu server name;
 Click < > in right side to pop up [Select Server] dialog box and select according to
server name and IP address.

Exit system monitoring

In ystem monitoring client system menu, select [File/Exit] to pop up [Confirm] dialog box, click
<Yes> to exit system monitoring program.

Note: To exit system monitoring program does not affect the normal operating of NView NNM
server program and various related services.

Stop NView NNM network management server

When the network management server is started, user can only stop “NMSServer” service from
operating system service to stop the network management server.
Open service management interface in Windows “Control Panel/Administrative Tools/Services”,
right-click to select “NMSServer” service and then click [Stop].

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3.3.2 Start/stop all network management services

User can start/stop all network management system services through system monitoring and enaure
the sequence of services in the process of start/stop operation.

Start all network management services

To start all network management services refers to the network management services started by
system monitoring program in the network management server with start status “Stop” and start
mode “Auto start” or “Manual start”. Generally, it is used to restart all network management service
with start mode “Auto start” or “Manual start” after performing “Stop all network management
services” operation.

System monitoring server starts the services in accordance with the service priority in descending
order, user can see the service start status in service monitoring interface. When the service is starting,
the service status will be “Be starting”.

Select [System/Start all network management services] in system monitoring system menu to start
all network management services.

Stop all network management services

To stop all network management services refers to stop all network management services with
service status “In service” through system monitoring program in the network management server
computer. Generally, it is only used to stop all network management services rather than exit the
system monitoring program.

System monitoring server stops the services in accordance with the service priority in ascending
order, user can see the service stop status in service monitoring interface. When the service is
stopping, the service status will be “Be stopping”.

Select [System/Stop all network management services] in system monitoring system menu to stop
all network management services.

3.3.3 Set up service refresh cycle

System monitoring supports to refresh the monitoring information periodically; user can set polling
cycle to monitor reasonably to update monitoring information and reduce system load. To refresh
cycle supports to set the refresh interval of system monitoring resource, service, database and etc.

System monitoring function can refresh the following monitoring information:

 Database space refresh interval, the default value is 3600 seconds and the value range is
 Data connection progress refresh interval, the default value is 600 seconds and the value
range is 60~99999.
 System resource refresh interval, the default value is 60 seconds and the value range is
 Hard disk refresh interval, the default value is 3600 seconds and the value range is
 Progress refresh interval, the default value is 60 seconds and the value range is 10~99999.
Select [System/Setting] in system monitoring system menu to pop up [Monitoring Setting] dialog
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box, click “Refresh” tab to show the following tab box. Select hard drive, service, database or system
resources located line, click “Refresh interval” value to modify directly. When the modification is
complete, click <OK> in the lower right corner to issue the configuration.

Figure 3-4 Configure monitoring refresh cycle

The minimum interval to refresh monitoring resources is different, as shown below:
 The minimum interval to refresh database space: 600 seconds
 The minimum interval to refresh data connection service: 60 seconds
 The minimum interval to refresh system resources: 10 seconds
 The minimum interval to refresh hard disk drive: 600 seconds
 The minimum interval to refresh service: 10 seconds

3.3.4 Set service alarm threshold

Set the alarm threshold generated by monitoring information through system monitoring function so
as to know the real-time usage of current system resources.

The alarm threshold is divided into 6 levels: emergency alarm threshold, main alarm threshold,
minor alarm threshold, prompt alarm threshold, unknown alarm, and normal. System monitoring will
send the appropriate level of alarm information according to monitoring setting once exceeding
alarm threshold.

The system monitoring function can set the alarm threshold monitoring information:

 CPU alarm threshold: set CPU utilization alarm threshold, when CPU utilization exceeds the
threshold, the system will send corresponding alarm according to the threshold. The default
value is 80%, the range is 0~100.
 RAM alarm threshold: set RAM utilization alarm threshold, when RAM utilization exceeds
the threshold, the system will send corresponding alarm according to the threshold. The
default value is 95%, the range is 0~100.
 HDD alarm threshold: set HDD utilization alarm threshold, when HDD utilization exceeds
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the threshold, the system will send corresponding alarm according to the threshold. The
default value is 90%, the range is 0~100.
 Database space alarm threshold: set database space utilization alarm threshold, when the
proportion of database usage space and distribution space exceeds the threshold, the system
will send corresponding alarm according to the threshold. The default value is 80%, the range
is 0~100.
In system monitoring system menu, select [System/Settings] to pop up [Monitoring Set] dialog box,
click “threshold” tab and pop up the tab box shown in Figure 3-5. Select CPU, RAM, HDD and
database line, click the the “threshold” or “alarm level” value and modify directly. When the
modification is complete, click <OK> in the lower right corner to issue the configuration.

Figure 3-5 Monitor alarm threshold

3.3.5 Lock system monitoring client

Terminal lock supports to set system monitoring client to experience intervals without any operations,
i.e. lock the terminal.

The function to lock system monitoring client is mainly used to retain the current client interface and
make the client in lock status; only to re-enter user name and password can unlock. There are two
modes to lock system monitoring client: manual lock and automatic lock.

Manual lock

Manually lock function supports to set system monitoring client to lock status and go to login screen.
Only to re-enter user name and password can unlock and restore to the client management interface.

In system monitoring system menu, select [System/Lock Terminal] to pop up system monitoring
login interface, as shown below.

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Figure 3-6 System monitoring login interface

This interface is different from system monitoring client login interface: cannot select the server to
connect; only can click <OK> after entering user name and password; the <Cancel> cannot be used.

Automatic lock

Automatic lock function refers to when the user does not carry out any operation on client interface
for longer than the configured automatic lock time threshold, the system monitoring client interface
will be locked automatically and go to login interface.

In system monitoring system menu, select [System/Settings] to pop up [Monitoring Set] dialog box.
Select “Auto Lock” and enter time threshold in the textbox and then click <OK> to issue the

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Figure 3-7 Set auto lock time threshold

Note: To unlock system monitoring client, user cannot change the user name and lock user A, but
enter the password of user A.

3.3.6 Show operation log

“Operation log” interface in the system monitoring provides client the interface to view and
manageoperation record so as to find problem and locate fault later, as shown below, user can select
the log display number in this interface.

Figure 3-8 Operation log

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Table 3-1 Operation log parameter list

Parameter Description

User name User name to execute the operation

Server Server IP address

Operation name Operation execution name

Operation time Operation execution time

Operation terminal Operation located terminal

Operation result Operation execution result

In Figure 3-8, user can set the interface displayed log information number directly for user to view.
In addition, when the log changes, user can refresh the interface and update the display information
of system monitoring client.

3.3.7 North interface configuration

North interface function module can configure north interface naming service and notify the service
IP address and port.

In system monitoring client system main menu, select [North Interface/North Interface] to pop up
the interface shown in Figure below, the parameters is shown in the following table.

Figure 3-9 North interface

Table 3-2 North interface parameters list

Parameter Description

Naming service IP Naming server IP address

Naming service port Naming service port No.

Notification service IP Notification server IP address

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Parameter Description

Notification service port Notification service port No.

Note: To configure north interface notification service and naming service IP and port No., north
interface naming service, notification service and north interface service need to be in stop status.

3.4 Service management

3.4.1 Show service status
“Service information” interface in system monitoring supports to view server service status
information conveniently and intensively. Users can start, stop and set service startup mode in this
interface according to their needs, as shown below.

Figure 3-10 Service information

Table 3-3 Service information parameters list

Parameter Description

Service name Service name

Service status Current service status

Startup mode Service startup mode:

CPU utilization Current service CPU utilization

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Parameter Description

RAM utilization Current service RAM utilization, unit: kB

Startup time Service startup time

Description Current service description information

Select one or more services in the services list, right-click to select the shortcut menu and perform
the following operations:
 Properties: show service properties.
 Refresh: update various service information, including refresh on conditions and refresh all
the service information.
 Start the service: start the selected unstarted services.
 Stop the service: stop the selected started services.
 Set startup mode: set the startup mode of selected service to the corresponding mode,
including automatic, manual and prohibit.
 Force to close: force to close the selected services with service status “Be starting”, “Be
stopping”, “Start exception” and “Stop exception”.
 Task log: show the task log information of the selected services.

3.4.2 Start/stop service

NView NNM system monitoring server will take real-time communication with the service and show
the service start/stop status and operation in system monitoring client.

Start service

Right-click the service to start, select “Start service” in shortcut menu, the system will start this
service automatically, and the “Service status” will change to “In service” from “Stopped”. If the
start of this service needs to depend on other services, user needs to start the dependent services
according to the pop-up prompts and then start this service.

Stop service

Right-click the service to stop, select “Stop service” in shortcut menu, the system will pop up
confirm dialog box, click <OK> to stop this service, and the “Service status” will change to
“Stopped” from “In service”. If other services are depending on the start of this service, the system
will pop up [Prompt] dialog box to prompt the user to stop the dependent services, and then stop this
Note: If the service starts abnormally, i.e. the "Service status" is displayed as “abnormal stop”, user
needs to collect log and identify the cause of abnormal stop, so the abnormal stopped service does
not start automatically, and user needs to perform manual start.

3.4.3 The dependency detection of services

The dependency of services refers to the service start/stop dependency relationship. Pre-service
refers to this service depending service. Only after the start of pre-service, this service is available to
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start; perform dependency detection before the closure of the service, the detection process is reverse
to the service start, only when the pre-service is closed, this services can be closed.
The dependency detection of services is shown below.

Figure 3-11 Dependency detection of services

3.4.4 Set service startup mode

Service startup mode contains automatic, manual and prohibited. The system will automatically
detect dependencies between services when the services are started.
Note: If the services are shut down unexpectedly, the system will restart the service. If the startup
fails, it will send alarm.

Configure auto startup

When set the service to auto startup mode, to start “network management server”, if the service does
not start, start this service directly.

In system monitoring client “Service monitoring”, right-click the service to start automatically, select
[Set startup mode/Auto] in shortcut menu to change the service startup mode to “Auto”.

Configure manual startup

When set the service to manual startup mode, to start “network management server”, if the service
does not start, the service will not start automatically, user needs to start the service manually in
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system monitoring interface.

In system monitoring client “Service information”, right-click the service to start automatically,
select [Set startup mode/Manual] in shortcut menu to change the service startup mode to

Configure prohibit startup

For prohibit status services, system monitoring client does not provide startup/shutdown functions.
User needs to configure to start the service automatically or manually to start a prohibited service.
In system monitoring client “Service information”, right-click the service to start automatically,
select [Set startup mode/Prohibit] in shortcut menu to change the service startup mode to

3.5 Hard disk management

3.5.1 Show hard disk information
The interface of “Hard disk monitoring” in system monitoring supports to view the status
information of server hard disk conveniently and intensively. User can view the current usage of
server hard disk, as shown below.

Figure 3-12 Hard disk information

Table 3-4 Hard disk information parameters list

Parameter Description

Hard disk partition Various hard disk partition information in server

File system name File system name of hard disk partition

Total space Total space of hard disk partition, unit: MB

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Parameter Description

Used space Used space of hard disk partition, unit: MB

Free space Free space of hard disk partition, unit: MB

Space utilization Space utilization of hard disk partition, unit: %

Data collection time Data collection time of hard disk partition, correct to second

3.5.2 Refresh hard disk information

Right-click the line of hard disk partition information, and select [Refresh All] to take real-time
collection and management to each hard disk partition information of physical server. If the disk
space utilization exceeds the threshold, the system will send alarm; if not exceed the threshold,
refresh the interface.

3.6 Database management

3.6.1 Show database space usage
The interface of “Database monitoring” in system monitoring supports to view the status information
and connection information of database usage conveniently and intensively. Users can refresh the
properties, and take expansion operations in this interface according to their needs, as shown below.

Figure 3-13 Database information

Table 3-5 Database information parameters list

Parameter Description

Database name Database name

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Parameter Description

Server name Database located server name

IP address Database located server IP address

Database space Total space of database, unit: MB

Database free space Free space of database, unit: MB

Database space utilization Space utilization of database

Data collection time Collection time of current data information

Description Database description information

Right-click the line of database information and select [Refresh All] to take real-time collection of
database utilization. If the database utilization exceeds the threshold, the system will send alarm; if
not exceed the threshold, refresh the interface.

3.6.2 Database expansion

If the database space exceeds the alarm threshold, the system will report alarm and prompt user to
take database space expansion. After expansion, the system will monitor and calculate the alarm
threshold in accordance with the sum of the size of the original space and expansion space.

Right-click the database record to expand, select “Database expansion” in shortcut menu to pop up
the following dialog box; fill out the space value to expand and then click <OK>

Figure 3-14 Expand database space

3.6.3 Show database connection

The interface of “Database monitoring” in system monitoring supports to view the database

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connection service, as shown below.

Figure 3-15 Database connection service

Table 3-6 Database connection parameters list

Parameter Description

Index Index value

User Current user, if not root, only show database statement

within limits of authority
Host Access database IP address and port No. to trace error

Database Service connected database name

Command Execution command of current connection:

Time limit The duration of command

Status Database statement status with current connection

Data collection time Current data information collection time

Right-click the line of database service, select [Refresh All], system monitoring server will take
real-time collection of database information and database connection information as well as update
the interface information.

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3.7 Server monitoring

3.7.1 Show server information
The interface of “Server monitoring” in system monitoring supports to view the server CPU and
RAM usage status information conveniently and intensively, as shown below. If the RAM space is
insufficient, it will report alarm.

Figure 3-16 Server system resource information

Table 3-7 Server system resource parameters list

Parameter Description

IP address Server IP address

Server name Server name

Total CPU utilization The total utilization of current CPU

CPU user utilization CPU user utilization

CPU system utilization CPU system utilization

CPU idle rate CPU idle rate

Total RAM utilization The total server RAM utilization, unit: kB

Used RAM utilization Used server RAM utilization, unit: kB

Free RAM utilization Free server RAM utilization, unit: kB

Total exchange area utilization The total server exchange area utilization, unit: kB

Used exchange area utilization Used server exchange area utilization, unit: kB

Free exchange area utilization Free server exchange area utilization, unit: kB

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Parameter Description

Data collection time Current data information collection time

3.7.2 Refresh system resource information

Right-click the line of server information, select [Refresh All], system monitoring server will take
real-time collection and management of all physical server information and update the interface.

3.8 Show component information

The interface of “Component information” in system monitoring supports to view server component
name, version and authorization information conveniently and intensively, as shown below.

Figure 3-17 Component information

Table 3-8 Component information parameters list

Parameter Description

Component name Component name

Component version Component version

In the Figure above, user can set interface display component information numbers directly for user
to view. In addition, when NMS component version is changed, user can refresh the interface to
update the display information in system monitoring client.

3.9 License management

The previous network management service has License authentication mechanism NView NNM
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system monitoring will provide service with unified start entrance; the system only take unified
authorization to License authorization when the monitoring server is started and each service needs
not to take License authorization.

3.9.1 Show License

Select [Help/License Manager] in system monitoring client system menu to pop up the following

Figure 3-18 NView network node registration management

Select [File/ License Infomation] or click <Show> in tool bar to pop up the following interface.

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Figure 3-19 Show License information

This interface can show user name, the maximum terminals, License type, expiration data,
component License information and product type corresponding registed nodes numbers.

3.9.2 Update License

If the product License information needs to be replaced, user needs to update License information.
Select [File/Update License Information] in the menu or click <Update> in tool bar to pop up the
Import License dialog box, select the location of License file to import.

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Chapter 4 Network Topology Management

This chapter introduces the concepts and management configuration operations of network topology.
Network topology management is a core component of NMS, which shows the distribution and
running status of network resources in a global point of view. In NView NNM system, network
topology is also the launching point of various system applications.

 Basic concepts
 Topology management process
 Create topology subnet
 Create network element
 Synchronize NE data
 Create link
 Create symbol
 Configure common information of topology object
 Delete topology object
 Common operations of topology management
 Configure user-defined view
 Show topology list

4.1 Basic concepts

Network topology contains subnet, symbols, network elements, links and other topological objects,
which shows the distribution and running status of network resources. NView NNM network
topology also supports to launch various applications. To grasp the basic concepts of topology
management contributes to perform topology management functions.

4.1.1 Main view of topology

In NView NNM, “topology” is the main interface of all subnets and network elements, which can
achieve the network management network subnet, symbols, network elements, and link topology
management functions. Login NView NNM client and open the main view interface of “topology” at

Topology interface layout is shown in Figure below.

 The left side shows topological objects and hierarchical relationships between them in the
form of topology tree.
 The middle part shows all topology objects on current subnet and the connection relationship
between them in the form of topology graph.
 The right side shows topology objects properties information in the form of property or
graphic symbol panel.
 The bottom part shows subnet or NE alarm information in the form of list.

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Figure 4-1 Main view of topology

Note: The alarm panel is default to display, properties and graphic symbol panel is default not to
display. In topology function menu, click [System/Show/Bottom/Alarm],
[System/Show/Right/Property] or [System/Show/Right/Graphic Symbol] to open/close the
corresponding panel.

4.1.2 Topology tree

Topology tree refers to show subnet, network elements and symbols in the network management
topologyin the form of tree with subnet first and NE later. Topology tree and topology graph are
linked with each other, to select topology objects on topology tree, and also select the objects on
topology graph at the same time.

The topology tree supports order, expand/shrink, and quickly query functions, as shown below.

Table 4-1 Topology tree function button

Icon Description

Ascend/Descend in number and letter orders

Expand/shrink topology tree

Input keyword to find the topology object names in topology tree

+ Expand the topology objects in topology tree

一 Shrink the topology objects in topology tree

Each node in topology tree is composed of icon, text and color. Different icons are used to
distinguish subnet, NE, remote card, chassis and other topology objects and support to display name,
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device name or IP address etc. text information. The color of icon shows the current highest alarm
level, black indicates the offline status of topology object.

4.1.3 Topology graph

The topology graph shows the contents of some a subnet or subgrapg, including various nodes and
the links between nodes. The top of topology graph is the topology operation toolbars and menus; the
bottom part supports to show current alarm list; the right side is properties and graphic symbol,
which lists the selected node properties information and grapgic symbol description.

Each node in topology graph is composed of icon, text and color. Different icons are used to
distinguish subnet, NE, remote card, chassis and other topology objects and support to display name,
host name or IP address etc. text information. The color of icon shows the current highest alarm level,
black indicates the offline status of topology object.

4.1.4 Subnet
Subnet is the logical division of the network topology structure in network management system,
which is helpful to show the topology of network elements clearly in network management system.
The internal structure of subnet contains subnet, NE, symbols, links and other topology objects.
Subnet supports security control; user can plan subnet security policy to control the view, configure,
browse and operate permissions.

Double-click the subnet icon to view the subnet.

4.1.5 Gateway network element subnet

The gateway network element subnet refers to the subnet with remote/centrol office structure
features. The gateway network element subnet contains device network elements and the network
element related other remote device network elements, chassis or subnet.

To create device network element with centrol office/remote structure features (For example
iTN2100, EPON etc.), the system ill create gateway network element subnet automatically,
double-click gateway network element subnet node to view gateway network element subnet.

The gateway network element subnet supports topology expansion function in the same layer to view
the following topology structure.

Note: For gateway network element subnet of EPON OLT devices, each PON port can automatically
create one “PON network” subnet and “PON network” can automatically create optical splitter and
ONU network element.

4.1.6 Network element

The network device is managed as network element in the network. Link connection can be
established between the network elements to represent the actual device connection relationship. The
network device alarm can be shown on network element to prompt the operation and maintenance
staff to view. The network element will show black offline status when the communication between
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network device and network management is interrupted.

Network element supports security control; user can plan network element security policy to control
the view, configure, browse and operate permissions.

Double-click network element topology icon to enter network manager function interface. The
network element subnet supports topology expansion function in the same layer to view the
following topology structure.

4.1.7 Pre-configured network element

The pre-configured network element is a special kind of network element; network management
network element configuration is only saved in the database, but not issued to the actual device. The
configuration will be issued to actual network device when switch pre-configured network element
to non-pre-configured network element.
The role of pre-configuration is to take service configuration without devices so as to issue
configuration quickly in device connection. To batch services opening or batch devices upgrade will
save a lot of configuration time, improve the configuration efficiency. In addition, pre-configuration
can test the configuration correctness in order to reduce configuration errors without device

User can start the pre-configuration function of NView NNM management software in the early
building of the network and take pre-configuration to the nonexistent network element.

4.1.8 Virtual network element

Virtual network element refers to the network element cannot be managed by NView NNM.

Currently it only supports to create virtual OLT network element, apply to access Raisecom ONU to
OLT from other companies and manage ONU network element through NView NNM.

4.1.9 Network management network element

Network management NE is the network management server NE in NMS, which is created by NMS
automatically; the default name is the “Computer name” of server host, and network management
network element does not support to remove. Network management network element can show
network management server alarm so athat user can monitor the operating situation of network
management system.
In distributed deployment of performance management component, the system will create network
management network element respectively to network management server and performance server.

4.1.10 The representation of topology

Each node in the topology graph is composed of four parts:
 Icon: The icon is specified when creating the node.
 Text: Beneath the icon, supporting to display name, device name or IP address.
 Color: For subnet and device, there are five kinds of colors to show alarm status. The colors
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are consistent to system alarm colors for easy recognition.

 For subnet, the color shows the nodes color with highest-level alarm status in all nodes
of the subnet.
 For NE device, the color shows the highest-level alarm event corresponding color in all
current alarm events of NE device.
 The topology node without alarm will show green and black indicates the device is
 Decoration: Above the topology node. Different decoration indicates different status, for
example alarm confirmation status, offline status, management status, and etc.
Note: The kernel version V 5.4 provides topology graphic symbol, which describes the graph and
status of all topology objects. Click topology function menu [System/Show/Right graphic symbol]
to open the grapgic symbol panel, and supportto show the corresponding graphic symbol according
to selected topology objects.
Network management system shows topology object in different ways, as shown below.

Table 4-2 Topology object instance

Node type Color Instance

Subnet Different subnet alarm status corresponds to

different color, the normal status is green

Gateway NE Different subnet alarm status corresponds to

subnet different color, the normal status is green

NE device Different device alarm status corresponds to

different color, the normal status is green

Symbol No change of color

The decoration instance is shown as below.

Table 4-3 Node decoration instance

Decoration Signification

The device or card node is not in the management domain. Operation is not
applicable to the node.

Ping is unsuccessful on this device.

The chassis or card corresponds to the node is lost.

The device corresponding to the node is a member device in the cluster.

The device corresponding to the node is the master device of the cluster.

Unacknowledged current alarm exists on the device or card corresponding to

this node.
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Alarm filter rule has been set up on the device corresponding to the node.

Performance data collection task has been deployed on the corresponding node.

The device corresponding to the node has been attached to customer


The node is performing “synchronization”, NMS is synchronizing device

resource information.

The node performs “synchronization” unsuccessfully; NMS cannot synchronize

device resource information.

Pre-config node. (Only iPN2100 is in support of pre-config now, so this icon is

only available to iPN2100 device.)

The node is performing “Configuration Synchronization”, NMS is

synchronizing device configuration information (it is only available to
pre-configured iPN2100 device node now).

The node performs “Configuration Synchronization” unsuccessfully; NMS

cannot synchronize device configuration information (it is only available to
pre-configured iPN2100 device node now).

Alarm bubble indicates that there is unacknowledged alarm on the node.

Color: the highest-level current alarm, and display the corresponding color
according to the alarm level.
Number: the number of unacknowledged highest-level alarms.
Letter: alarm level C, M, m, W indicate Critical alarm, Major alarm, Minor
alarm and Warn alarm respectively.
+: indicates that besides the highest-level alarm, there are still other levels of
alarm hasn’t been confirmed.

4.1.11 Topology symbol

Topology symbol is schematic symbol, whichcannot 塔克 networkmanagement, but can show
network structure better.

4.1.12 User-defined view

User-defined view is the special view defined by the login user. Usar add subnet, NE or symbol and
other topology objects to user-defined view for centralized monitoring.

User-defined view can display various status information of network element alarm and can also
modify the topology object properties and initiate a variety of network element management

 Topology objects in user-defined view only can be added by right-click the topology object
and then click [Add to User-defined View].
 To remove topology objects in user-defined view only affects the user-defined view, but not
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remove the corresponding topology objects in network management.

 Topology objects in user-defined view don’t involve in the report forms and inventory

4.1.13 Service view

Service view is NView NNM provided network element service topology view. For example, EPON
protection view is a service view. This view shows the protection topology structure between OLT
and ONU, supporting to display the topology of OLT Ethernet ring, ONU Type-D protection.

Currently, service view only contains EPON protection view.

4.1.14 Topology graphic symbol

The topology nodes on topology view are shown as various icons, NView NNM system has
classified these icons and created graphic symbol. To add a node, select the node classify and
specific type in classify and create node, then the node will associate with the device type icon of
corresponding device and show the corresponding icon on topology. User can view the icon and
description in graphic symbol.

4.1.15 Topology layout

When displaying the objects on a topology view, users can adjust the topology layout to arrange the
topology object's position reasonably or arrange them to present their position information. NView
NNM system introduces the following two layout patterns into the topology view management:

 User-defined layout: Users can prescribe positions for symbols and save the self-defined
layout. The layout will keep unchanged until the next layout saving operation.
 Automatic layout: The system provides users with some layouts, like bus layout, tree layout,
random layout, and etc. The layout will self-adapt to the current situation of the view (the
number of symbols, the links that connect the symbols, the viewable area, and etc.). The
automatic layout function will introduces some algorithms to arrange symbols onto
reasonable position. After saving the layout, the topology position will net change until next
time to save layout.

4.2 Topology management process

To plan topology network, in addition to considering the topology relationship of network elements
and the actual position, user still needs to consider subnet and the number of NE in subnet so as to
view and manage. The topology management often needs to take configuration according to the
following process:

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Subnet NE Link

Create subnet Create NE Create link

(Optional) Configure NE Configure link

Delete subnet data information

Modify NE (Optional)
information Delete link


Delete NE

Figure 4-2 Topology management process

4.3 Create topology subnet

4.3.1 Divide subnet structure
Todeploy NE in topology, user needs to design subnet division structure. Network management
topology shall not only reflect actual communication network topology structure, but also facilitate
operation staff to take daily maintenance and operation.
 For easy operation, it is recommended that there are 7 subnet layers at mostin the internal
 For easy browsing, it is recommended that the number of NE and symbols in each subnet is
500 at most.
 For convenient and secure maintenance and management, it is recommended to divide subnet
structure according to some certain rules. For example, to divided subnet in accordance with
the following ways:
 Divide from the geographic location of device
 Divide from the device provided service
 Divide from the device type
 Divide from the device IP address
 Divide from the device maintenance staff

4.3.2 Create subnet

Please perform the following operations to create subnet.

Step 1 Create subnet

 In topology main view, user-defined view or subnet topology, right click the blank space and
click [Add subnet] in shortcut nemu, the mouse will change to “+” status.
 Left click the space to place subnet icon to pop up [Add subnet] dialog box, as shown below.
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 Click <Save> to issue the configuration.

 After the subnet is added, it will pop up [Confirm] dialog box “Continue to add?”, click
<Yes> to create subnet again, click <No> to close the [Add subnet] dialog box.

Figure 4-3 Add subnet dialog box

Table 4-4 Add subnet parameters

Parameter Value Description

Node name 100 characters at most Configure subnet name

Located subnet - Configure subnet located subnet.

Click parameter dialog box and then
click < > to select located subnet or
“Network topology” view.
Description 100 characters at most Configure subnet description

Topology type Click the left subnet type tree Configure subnet type
to select topology type

4.4 Create network element

4.4.1 Batch auto-discovery of network elements
NView NNM device auto-discovery function supports the auto-discovery of network element device
in network segment. For not need to specify the network element device type, it is usually applied to
the auto-discovery of multiple network elements in network.

Step 1 Configure scan task.

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 Click system menu [Topology/Device discovery and polling] to enter device discovery and
polling interface.
 In the left function navigation tree, click [Device discovery/Scan task], click <Add>, the
configuration parameters are shown in the following table.
 Click <OK> to create scan task.
Table 4-5 Configuration parameters description

Parameter Value Description

Auto-discovery IP range Configure auto-discovery mode and range

mode and range
Subnet range Different mode needs to configure different value
Single IP IP range: configure beginning/ending IP address
Subnet range: configure IP subnet and subnet mask
Single IP: configure IP address
Scan IP numbers - Calculate IP numbers to scan automatically

Start status Start Configure to start scan task or not

Select start in batch auto-discovery
Specify subnet - Configure auto-discovery NE subnet to add

Click < > to select the created subnet

Protocol - Configure protocol template to use in suto-discovery

Click < > to select protocol template. The protocol

template contains protocol type, version and
community parameters used in auto-discovery.
Step 2 Start scan task to perform batch auto-discovery of network elements.

 In scan task interface, click <Scan> to enter scan report interface.

 The scan is complete until the progress reaches 100%.
 Batch auto-discovery of network elements is complete after scanning, the auto-discovery NE
will be added to network management topology.
Note: The device auto-discovery function also supports periodic auto-discovery, protocol template,
scanning filter functions; please refer to 5.6.3 Device discovery for the detailed function description
and operation methods.

4.4.2 Create single network element

Please perform the following operatios to create single network element.

Step 1 Create single network element.

 In topology main view, user-defined view or subnet topology, right click the blank space and
click [Add device] in shortcut nemu, the mouse will change to “+” status.
To add NE topology objects, user can initiate [Create topology object] function according to the
following operations.

 In topology toolbar, click < > and select “Add device” shortcut menu.
 In Topology function menu, click [Edit/Add] and select “Add device” shortcut menu.
 Left click the space to place NE icon to pop up [Add device] dialog box, the parameters are
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shown as below. “*” indicated the required parameter. To create single NE, user needs to fill
with “NE name”, “IP address” and “NE model” at least.
 Click <Save> to issue the configuration and create single NE.
 After the operation is complete, it will pop up [Confirm] dialog box “Continue to add?”,
click <Yes> to create NE again, click <No> to close the [Add NE] dialog box.
Table 4-6 Configuration parameters description

Parameter Value Description

Basic properties

Located Created subnet Configure NE located subnet

Click parameter text box and then click < > to select NE
located subnet.
By default, select the subnet to initiate [Add NE] operation.
NE name 100 characters at most Configure NE name
NE name is user-defined name to NE.
IP address Dotted decimal IP address Configure NE IP address
After IP address is configured, click <Verify NE type>, if
the NE type verification is successful, configure device
model automatically, othervise, select device model
Model NView NNMsupported Configure NE device model
device model
In the left device type tree, click to select device type.
Purpose Unspecified Configure NE purpose
Common user access NE purpose is user’s classification to NE purpose for the
easy management of NE.
Major account access
Community aggregation
Central office aggregation
Relay transmission
Supplier 100 characters at most Configure NE supplier information

Remark 100 characters at most Configure NE remark information

Management properties

Read 32 characters at most Configure NE SNMP read community

The read community of device and NE must be the same for
normal network management
Write 32 characters at most Configure NE SNMP read/write community
The read/write community of device and NE must be the
same for normal network management
Retry 1~5 Configure retry times for NE off-grid detection
Unit: times NView NNM judges that the NE is offline over retry times
Overtime 1~30 Configure NE SNMP overtime
Unit: second NView NNM judges that the SNMP management operation
fails over overtime
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Parameter Value Description

SNMP port 1~65535 Configure NE SNMP destination communication port

SNMP destination port and the device actually used SNMP
Rx port must be the same for normal network management
By default, use 161 port and not change
SNMP SNMP V1 Configure NE SNMP protocol version
SNMP V2c The device needs to configure SNMP V3 parameters with
SNMP V3 protocol for normal network management
SNMP V3 - Configure SNMP V3 parameters
Click parameter text box and then click < > toconfigure
(Only display the following parameters:
when SNMP
version is User name: Device SNMP V3 username
“SNMP V3”) Security level: device SNMP security authorization mode,
supporting “noAuth,noPriv”, “Auth,noPriv” and
Authorization protocol: device authorization type,
supporting MD5 and SHA.
Authorization password: SNMP authorization secret key.
Privacy protocol: device encryption type, supporting DES
and AES.
Privacy password: SNMP encryption secret key.
Off-grid detection

Offline status Checked Configure to enable/disable NE off-grid detection.

Unchecked Checked indicates to enable NE off-grid detection, NView
NNM can detect whether the NE is offline automatically
according to polling cycle.
Monitoring ICMP Ping Configure detection mmmode for off-grid detection
Polling 30s Configure off-grid detection cycle
60s When the polling interval is reached, NView NNMwill take
off-grid detection automatically; check whether the device is
offline and generate offline alarm to the offline device.
User can configure a smaller polling interval for important
30min device, but more NE with the same polling intervalwill lead
to off-grid detection delay.Please refer to Chapter 5 Device
discovery and polling for detailed configuration and
Project properties

Subordinated 100 characters at most Configure NE subordinated project information

Subordinated 100 characters at most Configure NE subordinated machineroom information

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Parameter Value Description

Subordinated - Configure NE subordinated rack information

Click parameters text box, select the created rack
indrop-down list (Rack information can be added/deleted in
physical inventory)
Contractor 100 characters at most Configure NE contractor information

Maintenance staff

Contact - Configure NE contact

Click parameters text box and then click < > to select the
contact. (Contact information can be added/deleted in
inventory address book)
Telephone - Configure acconding to the selected telephone information
Address - Configure acconding to the selected address information
 For devices supporting pre-configuration function, such as to create iTN2100 and Gazelle
RP300H network elements, it will show “pre-configuration” parameters. Check
“pre-configuration” to create iTN2100 pre-configuration NE. Please refer to iTN2100
Network Element Management Manual for the specific instructions.
 To create ONU network element, the configuration parameters include ONU registration
information and other parameters, please refer to EPON Network Management Manual for
the specific description.

4.4.3 Copy NE
To copy a NE with the same properties from the present NE can simplify the operation to create NE.

Step 1 Copy NE
 In topology main view or subnet topology, right click the NE icon to copy; click [Edit/Copy
to] in the shortcut menu to pop up [Select subnet] dialog box.
 Select [Copy NE] located subnet, click <Save> to enter [Select subnet] interface
automatically, the mouse will change to “+” status.
 Left click the space to place NE icon to pop up [Add device] dialog box, the parameters are
the same to parameters to create subnet.
 Configure NE IP address and can also change other parameters information.
 Click <Save> to issue the configuration and copy NE.
 After the operation is complete, it will pop up [Confirm] dialog box “Continue to add?”,
click <Yes> to copy NE again, click <No> to close the dialog box.
 For devices supporting pre-configuration function, such as to copy iTN2100 and Gazelle
RP300H pre-configuration network elements by [Edit/Copy to], the created NE is still
pre-configuration NE and cannotcopy the pre-configuration data in pre-configuration NE.
 For devices supporting pre-configuration function, such as iTN2100 and Gazelle RP300H
pre-configuration network elements, if not perform [Cancel pre-configuration] operation,
user can copy and create NE with pre-configuration data. Right click NE icon, click [Copy
NE] to copy and create pre-configuration NE. The created NE will also carry the
pre-configuration data has been completed in the original NE.
 For ONU NE or splitter, use [Edit/Copt to] to copy, please select PON network as the NE
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located subnet to copy and create.

Copy pre-configuration NE with pre-configuration data

For devices supporting pre-configuration function, such as iTN2100 and Gazelle RP300H
pre-configuration NE can take pre-configuration operation, configure to save the data in database and
not issue to actual device. User can copy and create a pre-configuration NE according to the
following steps; however, different to common NE copy, the copied and created NE can carry the
original pre-configuration data.
Note: Only the operation without switching pre-configuration status, i.e. not to issue
pre-configuration data to actual device can copy and create pre-configuration NE with
pre-configuration data.

Step 1 Copy pre-configuration NE with pre-configuration data.

 In topology main view or subnet topology, right click the NE icon to copy; click [Copy NE]
in the shortcut menu to pop up [Select subnet] dialog box.
 Select [Copy NE] located subnet, click <Save> to enter [Select subnet] interface
automatically, the mouse will change to “+” status.
 Left click the space to place NE icon to pop up [Add device] dialog box, the parameters are
the same to parameters to create subnet.
 Configure NE IP address and can also change other parameters information.
 Click <Save> to issue the configuration and copy NE.
 After the operation is complete, it will pop up [Confirm] dialog box “Continue to add?”,
click <Yes> to copy NE again, click <No> to close the dialog box.

4.4.4 Add cluster device

There are such type of devices, the device itself hasn’t Ethernet management port, the SNMP
management is to entrust itself to other device or host with Ethernet management port through
in-band network management or other network management channel (For example serial port
management channel). At this time, the management IP address of this type of device is the same to
the IP address of entrusted management device. Then the entrust device and entrusted device are
called as one cluster; the entrust device is cluster member device and entrusted device is cluster
master device.

In order to ensure the efficiency of the system, the NE IP address is generally different, so to add the
device with repeat IP address, the client will prompt “IP address already exists, please reenter!”.
However, the added cluster device IP address is the same, so user needs to change parameters in
client system configuration file System.properties to start add cluster device function. Use Wordpad
to open System.properties and find cluster.enable parameters, the default property is false, change it
to true and save, then restart client to add cluster device with the same IP address. The
System.properties file is stored in the path C:\NMS\NView\NNM5\client\config.

To add such type of device, create directly managed device or host node in topology at first (cluster
master device), then create entrust management device node (cluster member device). To fill in the
node property, user needs to input IP address same to entrusted device. At this time, the system will
prompt that “The IP address you entered already exists, the device will be added to the cluster as a
member device, continue?”, Select “Yes” to add cluster member device. Thecluster member device
node will show the icon and cluster master device node will show device icon for distinction.

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To add switch cluster device, please use [Configure/Switch/Cluster Management] to add; for the
detailed process, please refer to switch device network element management manual.

 After starting the function to add cluster device, user can modify device IP address to add the
device to a cluster or remove from some cluster. To modify the device IP, the system will
check whether the IP address is existed, if yes, it will prompt the user to add this device to
cluster with specified IP device as main device, if choose “Yes”, the device will become
cluster member, it will show member icon on the node, cluster master device will show
master device icon for distinction.
 To modify a cluster member device IP address so as to make it different from cluster master
device, the device will leave the cluster. Similarly, to modify a cluster member device IP
address to make it the same to the other cluster master device IP, this member will be
switched from one cluster to the other cluster.

4.5 Synchronize NE data

4.5.1 Synchronize NE data
When the NE is created, NView NNM will perform NE syncs operation automatically, the NE will
synchronize device, card, and port resource data. If the device is changed or user needs to
synchronize the NE data manually, please perform sync NE data operation at first.

Step 1 Synchronize NE data

 In topology main view or subnet topology, right click the NE icon to sync and then click
[Resource sync] in shortcut menu.
 Pop up confirmation box to prompt that “The synchronization command has been sent”, click
 Above the NE icon, it will show , which indicates in the process of synchronization.
 When disappears, the operation to sync NE data is complete.
Note: For gateway NE subnet, double-click or click shortcut [Expand] to view sync status icon.

4.5.2 Synchronize NE pre-configuration data

For devices supporting pre-configuration function, such as iTN2100 and Gazelle RP300H
pre-configuration NE supports to synchronize the device configuration data to database as the
configuration data of pre-configuration NE.
Step 1 Synchronize NE pre-configuration data

 In topology main view or subnet topology, right click the pre-configuration NE icon to sync
and then click [Configure sync] in shortcut menu.
 Pop up dialog box to prompt that “Take resource sync before configuration sync?”, click
<Yes> to perform resource sync and then take pre-configuration data sync. Click <No> not to
perform resource sync but take pre-=configuration data sync directly.
 Pop up confirmation box to prompt that “The synchronization command has been sent”, click
 Above the NE icon, it will show , which indicates in the process of synchronization.
 When disappears, the operation to sync NE pre-configuration data is complete.
Note: It is recommanded that user performs resource sync first and pre-configuration data sync later.

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4.6 Create link

Link can better show the connections between network elements.

4.6.1 Create physical link

Step 1 Create physical link

 In topology main view or subnet topology, click to select the link source device NE, press on
Ctrl key and click to select the link destination end device NE.
 Select two network elements, release Ctrl key, right-click on one network element icon and
then click [Add Link] in the shortcut menu to pop up [Add Link] dialog box, the parameters
is shown below.
Note: To create link, user can also click topology function menu [Edit/Add/Add Link], and then
select source node in topology and hold the left mouse button and drag it to the destination end node,
pop up [Add Link] interface for configuration.

 Click <Save> to issue the configuration and create link.

 After the operation is complete, it will pop up [Confirm] dialog box “Continue to add?”,
click <Yes> and then click source node and drag it to destination end node to create link
again, click <No> to close the [Add Link] dialog box.
Table 4-7 Configuration parameters description

Parameter Value Description

Basic properties

Link name 254 characters at most Configure link name

Link name is the user-defined name to the link.
Type Ordinary link Configure physical link type
Optical link In the left link type tree, click to select link type
Ethernet link
E1 link
Source resource type Show link source end NE type

Source resource name - Show link source end NE name

Source port name - Configure link source port

Click parameter text box and then click < > to
select device/card port
Destination resource type - Show link destination end NE type

Destination resource name - Show link destination end NE name

Destination port name - Configure link destination port

Click parameter text box and then click < > to
select device/card port
Direction Unidirection Configure link transmission direction

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Parameter Value Description

Speed - Show speed value according to the selected

source/destination port type
Attenuation (dB) Unit: dB Configure link attenuation value

Length (Km) Unit: Km Configure link physical length value

Protect or not Yes Configure whether the link is protect link

Active status Not support Configure link active status
Remark 200 characters at most Configure link remark information

Maintenance staff

Contact - Configure link contact

Click parameters text box and then click < > to
select the contact. (Contact information can be
added/deleted in inventory address book)
Telephone - Configure acconding to the selected telephone
information automatically
Address - Configure acconding to the selected address
information automatically
 It can only create logical link between subnet and NE or subnet and subnet.
 When the network elements on both ends of the link are not in the same subnet, the link will
show as link from NE to the other subnet.
 Please select the port with the same speed as source/destination port on both ends of link, and
each port can only belong to one link; user cannot select the port which has already created
 To select source/destination port, the created link used port cannot to be select, that is to say,
each port in the same network management can only create one link.
 To create link, user can also click topology function menu [Edit/Add/Add link], and then
click to select source end node in topology and hold the left mouse button and drag it to the
destination end node, pop up [Add Link] interface for configuration.

4.6.2 Create logical link

Step 1 Create logical link

 In topology main view or subnet topology, click to select the link source device NE, press on
Ctrl key and click to select the link destination end device NE.
 Select two network elements, release Ctrl key, right-click on one network element icon and
then click [Add Link] in the shortcut menu to pop up [Add Link] dialog box, the parameters
is shown below.
 Click <Save> to issue the configuration and create link.
 After the operation is complete, it will pop up [Confirm] dialog box “Continue to add?”,
click <Yes> create link again, click <No> to close the [Add Link] dialog box.
Table 4-8 Configuration parameters description
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Parameter Value Description

Basic properties

A end node - Show link source end node

Z end node - Show link destination end node

Link name 254 characters at most Configure link name

Link type Logical link Configure logical link type

In the left link type tree, click to select “Logical link”
Link properties
Link direction Unidirection Configure link transmission direction
Link width 1 Configure link display width
Link style Straight line Configure link display style
Short dash
Chain line
Point line
Wave line
Long dash
Link shape Parallel Configure link tdisplay shape
Inflection point
Horizontal segregation
Vertical separation
Rear right

4.7 Create symbol

The symbol can show the buildings and users in actual environment in topology reasonably.
Step 1 Create symbol
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 In topology main view, user-defined view or subnet topology, right click the blank space and
then click [Add symbol] in the shortcut menu, the mouse will change to “+” status.
 Left click the space to place symbol icon to pop up [Add symbol] dialog box, the parameters
is shown in the following table.
 Click <Save> to issue the configuration and copy symbol.
 After the operation is complete, it will pop up [Confirm] dialog box “Continue to add?”,
click <Yes> to copy symbol again, click <No> to close the dialog box.
Table 4-9 Configuration parameters description

Parameter Value Description

Basic properties

Node name 100 characters at most Configure symbol name

Located Created subnet Configure symbol located subnet

Click parameters text box and then click < > to select
symbol located subnet
By default, select the subnet to initiate [Add symbol]
Description 100 characters at most Configure symbol description

Topology type - Configure symbol type

In the left symbol type tree, click to select “Symbol link”

4.8 Configure common information of topology object

Most information of subnet, NE, link and symbol can be configured in creation, and also modified
after creation. The properties parameters are consistent to the information in creation, and the
properties not allowed to modify will not appear in the modify interface. This section mainly
introduces how to configure the common information of topology object.
Note: Topological object information is only stored in the network management system for topology
management, and not issued to the actual physical device, so the information can not be viewed on
actual device through command line.

4.8.1 Configure network element name

The network element name is the NView NNM network element configuration name. The network
element name can be displayed in the topology view through topology setting function after

Step 1 Configure network element name

 Right-click the network element icon and click [Edit/Edit properties] in shortcut menu to
open the network element properties edit interface.
 Click network element name parameters text box, input network element nam, 100 characters
at most.
 Click <Save> to issue the configuration.
 Pop up prompt confirmation box to display “Edit successfully”, click <OK> to complete the

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4.8.2 Configure network elements SNMP management parameters

When the device SNMP management parameters configuration is changed, foe example, modify the
device community parameters, user needs to configure network element SNMP management
parameters for normal network management.

 Please confirm the device SNMP parameters before configuring network element SNMP
management parameters; the error correction of network element SNMP management
parameters will not take normal network management.
 To modify network element SNMP management parameters will not change the SNMP
management parameters on actual device. If user needs to modify the SNMP management
parameters on actual device, please use the configuration functionprovided in device network
element management.
Step 1 Configure network element SNMP community parameters.

 Right-click the network element icon and click [Edit/Edit properties] in shortcut menu to
open the network element properties edit interface.
 Click read/write community parameters text box to configure network element SNMP
community parameters.
 Click <Save> to issue the configuration.
 Pop up prompt confirmation box to display “Edit successfully”, click <OK> to complete the
Step 2 Configure network element SNMP timeout parameters, mainly used to the situation that the
device needs longer time to process SNMP packets.

 Right-click the network element icon and click [Edit/Edit properties] in shortcut menu to
open the network element properties edit interface.
 Click timeout parameters text box to configure network element timeout parameters.
 Click <Save> to issue the configuration.
 Pop up prompt confirmation box to display “Edit successfully”, click <OK> to complete the

4.8.3 Configure network element off-grid detection

When the device needs to change the polling interval of off-grid detection, please configure the
network element off-grid detection parameters.

Step 1 Configure network element SNMP timeout parameters, mainly used to the situation that the
device needs longer time to process SNMP packets.
 Right-click the network element icon and click [Edit/Edit properties] in shortcut menu to
open the network element properties edit interface.
 Click polling interval parameters text box to configure network element off-grid detection
polling parameters.
 Click <Save> to issue the configuration.
 Pop up prompt confirmation box to display “Edit successfully”, click <OK> to complete the

4.8.4 Configure project information

When user needs to take a record of network element project information in NView NNM, please
configure project information parameters.

Step 1 Configure network element SNMP timeout parameters, mainly used to the situation that the
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device needs longer time to process SNMP packets.

 Right-click the network element icon and click [Edit/Edit properties] in shortcut menu to
open the network element properties edit interface.
 Click project, machineroom, rack and contractor parameters text box to configure network
element project information.
 Click <Save> to issue the configuration.
 Pop up prompt confirmation box to display “Edit successfully”, click <OK> to complete the

4.8.5 Configure expansion properties

When user needs to take a record of some expansion information of network element in NView
NNM, for example VLAN information, office oriented port, uplink circuit information and etc.,
please configure expansion properties.

Step 1 Configure network element SNMP timeout parameters, mainly used to the situation that the
device needs longer time to process SNMP packets.

 Right-click the network element icon and click [Edit/Edit properties] in shortcut menu to
open the network element properties edit interface.
 Click network management VLAN, user VLAN, outer VLAN ID, office oriented switch,
office oriented port and uplink circuit parameters text box to configure network element
expansion properties information.
 Click <Save> to issue the configuration.
 Pop up prompt confirmation box to display “Edit successfully”, click <OK> to complete the

4.8.6 Configure the contact information of maintenance staff

When user needs to take a record of the contact information of maintenance staff in NView NNM,
please configure the contact information of maintenance staff.

Step 1 Create contact information of maintenance staff

 In system menu, click [Inventory/Address Book] to open address book interface.

 Click < > in tool bar to open [Add Panel] interface and fill in the related contact
information. To ensure data consistency, the job number and name of address book are not
allowed to repeat.
 After filling in the information, click <Add> to pop up message confirmation box, click
<OK> to complete the add operation. The newly added address book will be displayed in
Newly Added Data Labels page.
 Right-click the shortcut to select [Refresh/Refresh All], the added address book information
will be transferred to the query results tab page.
Step 2 Configure contact information of network element maintenance staff.

 Right-click the network element icon and click [Edit/Edit properties] in shortcut menu to
open the network element properties edit interface.
 Click “Maintenance staff” parameters text box and then click < > to pop up the
information list of maintenance staff in address book.
 Click to select the maintenance staff records and then click <OK> to fill in the contact
telephone and address of maintenance staff automatically.
 Click <Save> to issue the configuration.
 Pop up prompt confirmation box to display “Edit successfully”, click <OK> to complete the

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4.8.7 Configure link information

When user needs to take a record of link name, link features or needs to modify link port, please
configure link information.
Step 1 Configure link information

 Right-click the link and click [Edit/Edit properties] in shortcut menu to open the link
properties edit interface.
 Click link name, link source/destination port names, speed multiples, attenuation, whether to
protect and other parameters to configure link information.
 Click <Save> to issue the configuration.
 Pop up prompt confirmation box to display “Edit successfully”, click <OK> to complete the

4.8.8 Configure symbol information

When user needs to take a record of symbol node name and description in NView NNM, please
configure symbol information.

Step 1 Configure symbol information

 Right-click the topology symbol and then click [Edit/Edit properties] in shortcut menu to
open the symbol properties edit interface.
 Click node name or description to configure symbol information.
 Click <Save> to issue the configuration.
 Pop up prompt confirmation box to display “Edit successfully”, click <OK> to complete the

4.9 Delete topology object

The network element, subnet and other topology objects can be deleted only when they don’t need to
take NView NNM management.

Note: When the topology objects are deleted, the associated resources, alarm data, will also be
deleted; the deleted data can not be recovered, please use with caution according to the actual

4.9.1 Delete subnet

The subnet can be deleted when the subnet and network element don’t need to take NView NNM
Note: When the subnet is deleted, all topology objects and topology objects associated resources,
alarm data in the subnet will also be deleted; the deleted data can not be recovered, please use with
caution according to the actual situation.
Step 1 Delete subnet
 Right-click the subnet and click [Delete] in the shortcut menu to pop up confirmation dialog
box, as shown below.

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Figure 4-4 Confirm to delete

 Click <Yes> to delete; click <No> not to delete.
 Pop up prompt confirmation box to display “Delete successfully”, click <OK> to complete
the configuration.

4.9.2 Delete network element

The network element or gateway network element subnet can be deleted when they don’t need to
take NView NNM management.

Note: When the network element or gateway network element subnet is deleted, the associated link,
port resources will also be deleted. If the deleted network element is managed directly by NMS and
other devices take management through this network element, then all device chassis, card and port
information taken management through this network element will be deleted. The deleted devices
cannot take management through NMS.

Step 1 Delete network element

 Right-click the network element and click [Delete] in the shortcut menu to pop up
confirmation dialog box, as shown below.

Figure 4-5 Confirm to delete

 Click <Yes> to delete; click <No> not to delete.
 Pop up prompt confirmation box to display “Delete successfully”, click <OK> to complete
the configuration.
User can select the following modes to delete multiple network elements:

 Press on Ctrl and click to select multiple network elements.

 Press and hold the left mouse button and drag to select multiple network elements.
 Press on shortcut keys Ctrl+A to select all the network elements in the current subnet.

4.9.3 Delete link

When the link no longer needs NView NNM management, please delete the link.

Step 1 Delete link

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 Right-click the link and click [Delete] in the shortcut menu to pop up confirmation dialog
box, as shown below.

Figure 4-6 Confirm to delete

 Click <Yes> to delete; click <No> not to delete.
 Pop up prompt confirmation box to display “Delete successfully”, click <OK> to complete
the configuration.

4.10 Common operations of topology management

4.10.1 Search subnet and network element
The complex network environment will make a large number of subnets and network elements exist
in topology and the search in relatively troublesome. Therefore, user can use search function to find
network element quickly.

User can search network element through two ways:

 Search in topology tree

 Sarch in topology graph

Search in topology tree

Input network element display information in the network topology tree at the

left side of NView NNM main interface, click icon to start the search. The searched destination
network element will show in the drop-down node of network topology.

Note: In the topology menu bar, click [System/Topology Settings] to configure topology node
display name as “Name, “Host name” or “IP address”.User needs to search in topology tree
according to the current configuration display information. For example: to configure “IP address”,
user needs to input IP address to search.

Search in topology graph

In the topology graph menu bar of NView NNM main interface, click [System/Search] or click
icon in the toolbar to pop up the following interface, the parameters description is shown in the table

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Figure 4-7 Interface instance

Table 4-10 Configuration parameters description

Parameters Value Description

Find category Name Select find category

Device name
IP address
Find content Name or dotted Input the content of specified find category
decimal IP address
Condition match Perfect match Perfect match indicates the find contect and
input content are exactly the same.
Contain indicates the find contect and input
content are partly the same.
After entering the parameters, click <Find next> to locate network node location in topology graph.
Click <Detail> to show the detailed information of network element node, as shown below.
Right-click a piece of detailed information and click [Topology Locate] in the shortcut menu, or
double-click a piece of detailed information to locate and find topology object quickly in topology

Figure 4-8 Interface instance

4.10.2 Refresh the entire network topology

To refresh the entire network topology will help the user to grasp the real-time network element
information; the function entrance and operation are shown in the following table:

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Table 4-11 Function entrance description

Function entrance Operation

Topology menu bar [System/Refresh Left click

entire network topology]

Topology tool bar < > icon Left click

Pop up the following [Confirm] dialog box, and click <Yes> to refresh the interface.

Figure 4-9 Interface instance

4.10.3 Adjust topology layout

User can adjust the topology onjects layout in topology. To adjust the layout manually, click and
press on the left mouse button to drag the topology onject to specified location; or click < > in
topology tool bar to delay to dragthe button, and then click topology object and drag mouse to select
the specified location, release the left mouse to adjust the topology object location.

The topology view management adopts the following two layouts; when the layout is saved, the
topology object location will not change until next time to save.

 User-defined layout: to use user-defined layout, the operator will drag topology object to
define the specific layout location.
 Automatic layout: to use automatic layout, the system will provide some layout modes, such
as bus layout, tree layout, random layout and etc. These layout modes will place the symbol
to reasonable location automatically according to current view situations (number of symbols,
the connection situation between symbols and the visual area size of the view).
NView NNM provides the following automatic layout modes.

 Tree layout: to show topology layout in the form of tree according to link connection
relationship, the root node and leaf node of tree are layouted from top to bottom.
 Left tree layout: to show topology layout in the form of tree according to link connection
relationship, the root node and leaf node of tree are layouted from left to right.
 Grid layout: the nodes are layouted in the same interval.
 Star layout: to show topology layout in the form of star according to link connection
 Symmetrical layout: to show topology layout according to link connection relationship, the
angle between the links is same.
 Bus layout: the nodes are layouted in the same interval with the shape of bus connection.
Note: The EPON device PON network structure can be shown in tree layout automatically.

To use the system provided automatic layout function, user can select the automatic layout mode
through the following entrance

Table 4-12 Function entrance description

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Function entrance Operation

Topology menu bar [Layout] Left click

Shortcut menu bar [Mofdify Layout] Right click the blank space in topology

Topology tool bar < > icon Left click

After modification, user needs to save the current topology layout. It will show the current layout to
open topology next time; the function entrance and operations are shown as below.

Table 4-13 Function entrance description

Function entrance Operation

Topology menu bar [Layout/Save Layout] Left click

Shortcut menu bar [Save Layout] Right click the blank space in topology

Topology tool bar < > icon Left click

4.10.4 Move subnet and network element

All the network elements discovered through “Device discovery and polling” function are displayed
in network topology; user can use the move function to move one network element or subnet to other
subnet. The function entrance and operations are shown as below.

Table 4-14 Function entrance description

Function entrance Operation

Shortcut menu bar [Edit/Move to] Right click subnet or NE

Topology tool bar < > icon Select and left click subnet or NE

Pop up the following dialog box, select to move to destination subnet, click <Save> to complete the

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Figure 4-10 Interface instance

Note: Gateway network element needs to be moved together with network element subnet, i.e. user
can only move gateway network element subnet to change gateway network element located
topology subnet.

4.10.5 Lock/Unlock topology view

User can lock the current view to retain the current view layout. When the view is locked, user
cannot drag to modify the location of current view layout and subnet lauout, but can select the layout

User can unlock the locked view by unlock function. The function entrance and operations to
lock/unlick view are shown as below.

Table 4-15 Function entrance description

Lock function entrance Unlock function entrance Operation

Topology menu bar Topology menu bar Left click

[Edit/Lock View] [Edit/Unlock View]

Topology tool bar < > icon Left click

Topology tool bar < > icon

Note: When the topology view is locked and all NView NNM users login the client, the topology
view will be in lock status until unlock the view.

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4.10.6 Lock/Unlock the coordinates of topology object

User can lock the coordinates of topology object to retain the current location of subnet or network
element. When the coordinates are locked, it will show the lock icon and user cannot drag to change
the location.

User can unlock the locked coordinates by unlock function. The function entrance and operations to
lock/unlick coordinates are shown as below.

Table 4-16 Function entrance description

Lock function entrance Unlock function entrance Operation

Node right-click shortcut Node right-click shortcut menu Left click in the
menu [Lock Coordinates] [Unlock Coordinates] shortcut menu
Note: When the coordinates of one topology object are locked and all NView NNM users login the
client, the topology object will be in lock status until unlock the view.

4.10.7 Subnet expansion in the same layer

In the network topology, user can double-click to enter the subnet, so the other subnets or network
element in the same layer with this subnet will not be shown, which affects the entire effect. NView
NNM provides same layer subnet expansion function.

Through this function, subnet used border and the network element are shown in the current topology.
The expanded subnet can also be shrinked and recover to the original display interface. The
expand/shrink function entrance and operations are shown as below.

Table 4-17 Function entrance description

Expand function entrance Shrink function entrance Operation

Shortcut menu [Expand] Shortcut menu [Shrink] Right click subnet in topology

Shortcut menu [Expand] Shortcut menu [Shrink] Right click subnet in topology

Gateway network element subnet expansion in the same layer is shown as below.

Note: Only the subnet with network element supports the subnet expansion function in the same
layer, the empty subnet does not support this function.

4.10.8 View related resources

View network element related resources, including:

 Chassis list
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 Central office card list

 Remote device list
 Port list
The function entrance and operations to view network element related resources are shown as below:

Table 4-18 Function entrance description

Function entrance Operation

Shortcut menu [Related resources] Right click NE in topology

Shortcut menu [Related resources] Right click NE in topology

Topology tool bar < > icon Left click NE in topology

When selecting the view object of this network element, it will jump to [Physical Inventory]
interface to show the detailed information of this inventory.

4.10.9 Configure display layout

Users can configure the topology display layout in topology to open the alarm, properties, graphic
symbol panel.

Alarm panel

The alarm panel can show NView NNM current alarm in paging, 2000 pieces at most. Same to the
function of “Current alarm query”, alarm panel supports alarm confirmation, clearance,
troubleshooting experience configuration, topology location and view alarm properties etc. functions
and can configure alarm and topology linkage, show the latest alarm and lock alarm as well as
support alarm sequencing.
In topology function menu, click [System/Show/Bottom/Alarm] to open/close alarm panel. The
alarm panel supports three function options:
 Selected linkage: click topology object in topology graph/tree to show topology object alarm.
 Show the latest report: Checked, the newly generated alarm record will be on the top of alarm
panel. Unchecked, the newly generated alarms will not be on the top of alarm list.
 Lock: Checked, the alarm list will be locked, and newly generated alarm will not enter alarm
Note: The topology tool bar provides alarm panel open/close shortcut buttons and user can click

< > in topology tool bar to open/close alarm panel.

Right-click a piece of alarm record in alarm panel and select various configuration function of
current alarm in shortcut menu. The functions of these menus are the same to the functions in
“Current alarm query”, please refer to Chapter 7 Alarm event management.

The records in alarm panel support order function, including order in accordance with some one
alarm property and order in accordance with multiple alarm properties.
 Order in accordance with some one alarm property: click alarm list header to order alarm
records in ascending according to the list property; click again, order the alarm record in
descending; click another time, cancel the order.

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 Order in accordance with multiple alarm properties: click one alarm list header to order, press
on Ctrl to click the other list header, it will show the order condition ID; the alarm records
will be ordered in accordance with multiple conditions. As shown below, click “Alarm level”
for twice, the alarm records will be ordered from emergency alarm to prompt alarm according
to alarm level; then press on Ctrl and click “the first time report time” for twice, the alarm
records will be ordered from new to old according to “the first time report time” on the basis
of ordering in accordance with alarm level.
 Custom order conditions: click the left top < > of alarm record to open custom table list and
custom order conditions dialog box.
 Select alarm property to show in custom table list
 Custom to order in ascending/descending according to alarm property in custom order

Figure 4-11 Order according to multiple alarm properties

Note: The upward triangle in table header indicates ascending order, downward triangle indicates
descending order. The numbers indicate the order of sort conditions, that is to say, order in
accordance with Condition 1 at first, and then order in accordance with Condition 2.

Properties panel

The properties panel is used to display the properties information of topology object and the
information in the properties panel can only be viewed but not modified.

In topology function menu, click [System/Show/Right/Properties] or click < > and select
“Properties” to open or close properties panel. In topology graph or topology tree, click to select
topology object, it will show the properties information of topology object in properties panel.

Graphic symbol panel

The graphic symbol panel contains all the graphic symbols of topology object.

In topology function menu, click [System/Show/Right/Graphic Symbol], or click < > and
select “Graphic symbol” to open or close graphic symbol panel. In topology graph or topology tree,
click to select topology object, it will show the graphic symbol of topology object in properties panel.
The graphic symbol can be divided into the following categories.

 Status: show the subsidiary small icon of the topology node; the subsidiary small icon is
shown on the top of topology object to distinguish topology object status.
 Alarm: show emergency, major, minor, prompt and unknown alarm levels corresponding
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 Device: show the graphic symbols of all devices in topology graph and topology tree; click to
select the device and at the same time select the graphic symbols corresponding graphs.
 Subnet: show the graphic symbols of all subnets in topology graph and topology tree; click to
select the subnet and at the same time select the graphic symbols corresponding graphs.
 Symbol: show the graphic symbols of all symbols in topology graph and topology tree; click
to select the symbol and at the same time select the graphic symbols corresponding graphs.
 Link: show the graphic symbols of all links in topology graph; click to select the link and at
the same time select the graphic symbols corresponding graphs.

4.10.10 Configure topology setting

In the menu bar at the top of topology graph, click [System/Topology Setting] to pop up the
following dialog box, the parameters are shown as below.

Figure 4-12 Interface instance

Table 4-19 Configuration parameters description

Parameter Value Description

Node display name Name Select the node display name in topology
Host name
IP address
Name length Default value is 15, the maximum Configure the name display length below node.
value is 255
The name will be shown in multiple lines over
this length.
Show link name Checked: show link name Configure whether to show link name
Link display name Name Select link display name in topology
Display name This option can be configured when “Show link
name” is in “Checked” status.
Link name
Show alarm Checked Configure whether to show emergency

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Parameter Value Description

Alarm flickering Checked Configure whether the emergency alarm is

Note: This option can be configured when “Show
alarm” is in “Checked”status. And only the
emergency alarm is flickering according to this
configuration, other levels of alarms are not in
support of the flickering.

4.10.11 Configure link display aggregation

In the actual complex networking application, sometimes two devices need to connect a number of
links, which will be more chaos in topology graph. To show network topology clearly to customers,
NView NNM provides link aggregation function.

Select one link between two devices and double-click it, all links in these two devices will aggregate
to one and the aggregation symbol and number of aggregation links will be shown on the link, as
shown below.

Figure 4-13 Interface instance

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4.10.12 Device off-grid rate statistics

User can open the view interface by the following two modes to view the off-grid device statistics in
some subnet.
Select a subnet in topology graph (Gateway network element subnet does not support to initiate
device off-grid rate statistics function), click the right mouse and select [Report forms/Device
off-grid rate statistics] in shortcut nemu to open device off-grid rate statistics interface.

In system main menu, select [Report forms/Device off-grid rate statistics] to open device off-grid
statistics interface.

The tool bar will show the time to perform statistics operation, and the list will show the off-grid
statistics of selected subnet and the included each subnet. Select a subnet in the subnet list of tool bar,
click <Statistics analysis> to perform statistics analysis operation.

The device off-grid rate statistics interface is shown as below. It will show the statistics result after
the statistics, “Off-grid rate” list uses different colors to show the range: 0%~50% green, 50%~80%
orange, 80%~100% red. Click <Chart> in the tool bar to show statistics result in the form of pie

Figure 4-14 Device off-grid rate statistics

4.10.13 Common button in topology toll bar

To introduce topology operation, besides right-click shortcut menu, the topology interface provides
function menu and tool bar button. The configuration operation to right click shortcut menu, function
menu and tool bar button are the same; the common buttons in topology tool bar is shown as below.
Note: According to whether to select the record or whether to select multiple records, the operation
has some limits and the limited operation menu and button will be grey, indicating unable to take the
corresponding operations. For example, if not to select records, user will not perform modify, query
and other operations.

Table 4-20 Function entrance of common configuration operations

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Configuration Right key shortcut Function menu Tool bar

operation menu button
Show properties [Show Properties] -
Search topology [Search] [System/Search]
Add topology object [Add] [Edit/Add]

Modify topology [Edit/Edit Properties] [Edit/Edit Properties]

object properties
Delete topology object [Delete] [Edit/Delete]

4.10.14 Select multiple topology objects

In topology graph, to select multiple topology objects can delete or move topology object in batch;
user can select multiple topology objects in accordance with the following methods.
 Press and hold the left mouse button and drag to select multiple topology objects.
 Press Ctrl key and click to select multiple topology objects.

4.10.15 Configure background picture

User can modify subnet corresponding topology view background according to the following steps:

Step 1 Open the subnet corresponding topology view and right click the blank space of topology
view or the subnet icon on configuration background picture, and then click [Set background picture]
in the shortcut menuto pop up modify dialog box, the configuration operation is shown as below.

Step 2 After setting, click <OK> to complete the operation and then the background of topology
view will change to the selected bd.
Step 3 (Optional) Click <Restore Default> to restore the background pictureto initial status.

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Figure 4-15 Set background picture

Table 4-21 Set background picture operation

Operation Description

Select subnet Checked: need to set background picture subnet.

Set background picture Click < > to select background picture, supporting
GIF, JPG, PNG and JPEG forms.
Set watermark picture Click < > to select watermark picture, supporting
GIF, JPG, PNG and JPEG forms.
Set background color Click < > to select background color.

Gradient color Click < > to select gradient color. After checked, the
background color and gradient color will appear
gradient display effect.
Preview Preview background picture setting

Note: NView NNM provided default background picture is stored in the path:

4.10.16 Common view operations

Enter into topology broeser, double-click subnet node to show the subnet node corresponding
topology view in current browser. At the same time, topology browser provides view navigation
operation so that user can go forward or backward to browse these subnets.
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To open topology browser, the tool bar on the top of topology browser will provide the common
buttons of navigation operation, as shown below.

Table 4-22 Common view operations

Button Name Description

Return to the toppest Perform this operation and topology browser will show
level subnet toppest level subnet topology view. The operation is
unavailable if the current subnet is toppest level subnet.
Higher level subnet Perform this operation and topology browser will show the
higher level subnet topology view of current subnet. The
operation is unavailable if the current subnet is toppest
level subnet.
Retreat Perform this operation and topology browser will show the
last time browsed subnet topology view.
Advance This operation is valid only performing “Retreat”
operation. Perform this operation and topology browser
will show the next subnet topology view of current subnet
in browse records.
Refresh the entire Perform this operation, reload topology data and refresh to
network topology show topology structure.
Default to select Click this button and click mouse to select topology
objectin topology view.
Move view Click this button and press on the mouse and drag in
topology view.
Delay to move Click this button and then click and press on the left mouse
button to drag subnet or network element in topology view;
user can select the location to place at first and then release
the left mouse button.
Topology output Click and support the following function menus:
Topology output: support to export the entire topology
graph, select export area, only export the area cover
primitive, export topology graph according to topology
node location line and row.
Print preview: show print preview
Print: select printer and print topology graph.
Related resource Click and support the following resource menus:
Chassis list
Centrol office card list
Remote device list
Port list
Full screen browse/Exit Click to show full screen topology view and click again
full screen toexit the full screen browse.
Thumbnail Click to show topology thumbnail

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4.10.17 Configure view zoom

In topology browser, the system provides view zoom operation to amplify or shrink current topology
view for user to browse. Open topology browser, the operation methods can be achieved through tool

View zoom button

Zoom operation button is located in the tool bar on top of topology browser, as shown below.

Table 4-23 Topology view zoom buttons

Button Name Description

Amplify Amplify topology object distance

Shrink Shrink topology object distance

Select area zoom Select this button, click mouse and drag to select the area
to amplify distance in topology, the selected area will be
the displayed central position.

Click < > to exit area aoom status.

magnifier Select this button and the mouse will change to magnifier
status in topology for easy to view.

Click < > to exit magnifier status.

Zoom setting Click and support the following zoom menus:
Restore to original proportion: restore the default distance
of topology object.
Confirm window: show topology graph according to the
size of window
To select “magnifier” function, right click to pop up shortcut menu and configure the display shape
and zoom scale of magnifier, as shown below.

Table 4-24 Magnifier display setting

Classify Value Description

Graph Oval Configure the display shape of magnifier

Zoom scale Big Configure the zoom scale of magnifier


Click < > button in toolbar on top of topology browser to pop up “Thumbnail” window. In

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“Thumbnail” window, user can click to drag the position of viewing frame to browse different areas,
as shown below.

Figure 4-16 Thumbnail

To select “Thumbnail” function, right click the thumbnail to pop up shortcut menu to configure the
displaying setting of thumbnail, as shown below.

Table 4-25 Thumbnail display setting

Classify Value Description

Fill pattern Not fill Configure thumbnail display fill pattern, i.e. configure the
view thumbnail display pattern in small window.
Unilateral fill
For example: “Unilateral fill” is to show the entire view in
Bilateral fill
small window, other spare parts are shown in black.
Update 50 ms Configure thumbnail update display time interval; the
interval thumbnail will update the display automatically in reaching
500 ms
the configured interval.
1000 ms
Display Checked Configure whether to label the parts except the current
label topology view in gray
Not check
Display Checked Configure whether the current topology view in topology to
border display border
Not check
Display title Checked Configure whether to show thumbnail title
Not check

4.11 Configure user-defined view

NView NNM system defaulted view name is “topology”, in this view it shows the various network

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elements, subnets, and the link relationship between them. If there are a large number of network
elements or subnets, and the link relationship is relatively complex, then the view will not be
presented clearly. At this point, user can define new view in the network management system. The
operations in user-defined view are the same to the operations in topology main view, and are subject
to the user's security access control.

Each user can create their own user-defined views, login with the appropriate user account and only
to view and manage their own created user-defined views. In NView NNM main menu, click
[Topology/User-defined view management] and pop up [User-defined view management]
interface. User can perform Add, Delete, Properties, Query, Modify and Refresh operations in this

4.11.1 Add user-defined view

In [User-defined view management] interface, select [Operation/Add] in menu bar or < > in
tool bar, it will show “Add” properties box on the left side of the interface, as shown below. After
configuration, click <Add> to add user-defined view.

Figure 4-17 Interface Instance

Table 4-26 Configuration parameters description

Parameters Value Description

Main view name Entire network view Select main view name
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Parameters Value Description

View name Character string, the Input view name

maximum length is 50
View description Character string, the Input view description
maximum length is 512

4.11.2 Add topology objects in user-defined view

After creating user-defined view, user can add subnets, network elements and other topology objects
in the view. The Add, Delete and Adjust layout topology management operations in user-defined
view can only affect the user-defined view, but not affect topology main view; Except the Delete
operation, the topology management operations in main view will also not affect user-defined view.

Step 1 In the topology main view, right-click the subnet or network element, click [Add to
user-defined view] in shortcut menu to open user-defined view management interface.

Step 2 Click user-defined view record to add in user-defined view management interface, and then
click <OK>.

Step 3 After successful add, it will prompt “The operation is successful”, click <OK>.
Step 4 Click the topology function menu [System/Refresh the entire network topology] to refresh
the topology in user-defined view.

There are the following characteristics to add user-defined view.

 To add subnet: only add the subnet itself, not add the topology objects in subnet.
 To add network element: not shown in accordance with the original subnet and network
element topology level. For example: add a subnet at first, and then add the network element
in subnet, the network element and subnet are shown in the same topology level in
user-defined view.

4.11.3 View user-defined view

Create user-defined view and add subnet and network element, then open to view user-defined view.
Step 1 Click [Topology/User-defined view management] in NView NNM system menu to open the
user-defined view list.

Step 2 Right-click a piece of user-defined record, click [Open user-defined view] in shortcut menu
to open user-defined view interface. User can open to view multiple different user-defined interfaces.
Step 3 Click the topology function menu [System/Refresh the entire network topology] to refresh
the topology in user-defined view.

4.11.4 Modify user-defined view properties

In [User-defined view management] interface, select [Operation/Modify] in menu bar or click
< > in toolbar, it will show “Modify” properties box on the left side of the interface, as shown

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Note: The parameters description in Modify interface is the same to the parameters description in
Add operation interface.

4.11.5 View user-defined view properties

In [User-defined view management] interface, select [Operation/Properties] in menu bar or click
< > in toolbar, it will show “Properties” properties box on the left side of the interface, as shown

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Table 4-27 Configuration parameters description

Parameters Value Description

View ID - Show user-defined view ID, generated by

system automatically in creation
Main view name Character string, the Show user-defined view name
maximum length is 50
View name - Show user-defined view name

View description - Show user-defined view description

User ID - Show user ID to add this user-defined view

4.11.6 Query user-defined view

Query conditions

In [User-defined view management] interface, select [Operation/Query] in menu bar or click

< > in tool bar, it will show “Query” properties box on the left side of the interface, select
“Condition” label, as shown below.

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Table 4-28 Configuration parameters description

Parameters Value Description

View ID - Select view ID query condition and

parameter value
Main view name - Select main view name query
condition and parameter value
View name - Select view name query condition
and parameter value
Condition And Select condition matching principle
Click <Query> to take find operation.

Custom query column

In the left “Query” properties box, select “Custom query column” label, the input keyword is shown
as below. Then click <Apply> to complete the customization.

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Custom order conditions

In the left “Query” properties box, select “Custom order conditions” label to query the records order.
User can click properties ascending/descending to reorder the records. Then click <Apply> to
complete the customization.
This function supports to configure multiple order conditions, and to take multiple ordering
according to the upper/lower sequence of conditions, i.e. order in accordance with the first condition,
and then order in accordance with the second condition to the same results in the first ordering. Click
to select the name of query condition, click < > or < > to adjust the display order of query

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4.12 View topology list

4.12.1 View subnet list
In the system main menu, select [Topology/Subnet list] to open the main view of topology subnet
list, as shown below. The interface will show all or part of subnet information in network topology in
the form of list. User can set the query condition to query, and take topology locate, modify, delete
and export list etc. management operations.

Figure 4-18 Topology subnet list

4.12.2 View network elements list

In the system main menu, select [Topology/Node list] to open the main view of topology node list,
as shown below. The interface will show all or part of device nodes and symbol nodes information in

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network topology in the form of list. User can set the query condition to query, and take topology
locate, modify, delete and export list etc. management operations.

Figure 4-19 Topology node list

4.12.3 View link list

In the system main menu, select [Topology/Link list] to open the main view of topology link list, as
shown below. The interface will show all links information in network topology in the form of list.
User can set the query condition to query, and take modify, delete and export list etc. management

Figure 4-20 Topological link list

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Chapter 5 Device Discovery and Polling

This chapter introduces how to use NView NNM provided device discovery and polling function and
the common operations.

 Overview
 Function features
 Technical principle
 Basic conceptions
 Interface description
 Application and operation steps

5.1 Overview
Device Scan and Poll function of NView NNM system is a sub-module in the five configuration
management of TMN network management functions (fault management, configuration management,
performance management, security and charge management). Device Scan and Poll is based on
SNMP protocol, adopting polling method to monitor device and collect related information and data
from network. It is in support of reporting Trap information by device. Agent in device keeps on
collecting data and record the data into MIB, NView NNM system get the data via MIB and receive
Trap reported from device for the important device information, then it can ensure device under
monitor status.

Device Scan is mainly used at the first stage of network building for carriers. It is used to detect the
manageable devices in assigned network segment or IP segment. Users can quickly add manageable
device through this function to improve network building efficient. This function is in support of
execution in period for detecting new devices in assigned network segment or IP segment.

Device Poll is mainly used in the normal operation period of NMS, to detect the managed device is
online or not, send offline alarm for the offline devices and notify network administrator. Polling is a
kind of asynchronous mechanism; the disadvantage is it cannot confirm real-time information,
especially real-time alarm. Trap cannot take the place of polling since it will expend resource and
influences on both itself and NMS. The setting of polling period is very important: too small period
leads big communication and affects processing capacity of NMS; too big period may cause difficult
in monitor important network condition. Unreasonable polling period will affect the using of NMS
and even monitor result during operation.
NView NNM system hammers at providing powerful operation function to carrier. Device Scan and
Poll function aims to the features of build up device network management in operation fast and
customize polling period for monitor according to real situation, with the purpose of improving
monitor efficient and reduce operation cost: SNMP and other protocol are in template for operating
work in batch; Device Scan by task to realize periodical schedule and operation; Device Poll in
groups to convenient customized monitor operation works for client; recording the result of Device
Scan and Poll in details and generates log and report to satisfy reliability of work.

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5.2 Function feature

As function modules of NView NNM system, Device Scan and Poll function provides below
function features:

 Device Scan
 SNMP V1/V2c/V3 and ICMP protocol template function;
 Adopting multiple protocol template for Device Scan;
 Control Device Scan range according to device type, IPv4 address filter;
 In support of adding the discovered device into subnet by automation according to IPv4
 In support of automatic synchronize with new device type after discovering new device;
 Executing Device Scan function immediately or periodically;
 Display scanning progress and details in real-time;
 Device Scan task management function;
 Device Scan scanning report function;
 Device Scan result log in details.

 Device Poll
 Polling in accordance with protocol template;
 Dense polling in minimal granularity of 30 seconds;
 Time slice polling every 5 minutes;
 Device Poll in groups;
 Calculate polling load by automation;
 Detailed polling report.

5.3 Technical principle

The devices in network automatic discovered by NM system are usually communicating by standard
protocol, like SNMP, ICMP, etc. or private protocol. The result is depended on protocol used by
device. Different protocol in support will get different results.

NView NNM automatic discovery function is in support of scanning device by multiple protocols via
template protocol. It simplified the configuration process of automatic discover protocol for network
maintenance staff and guarantee the accuracy of Device Scan result through scanned by multiple

SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) is based on UPD. SNMP has become an
international general standard. Device Poll and trap mechanism introduced in RFC1157 has been
widely used as SNMP realization method.

Complying with SNMP technic and combining with the actual condition in operation working,
NView NNM Device Poll function realizes polling in groups and time slice algorithm.
Polling in groups classifies devices by customize according to the attentions, the polling groups
perform Device Poll by system schedule. Two classes of polling groups: dense polling with
granularity of 30 seconds, which is used to poll key devices, but it will take lots of NM system
resources; the other class is polling group with granularity of 5 minutes, which adopts time slice
algorithm, available to common devices.
Time slice algorithm is to classify NE devices in polling group by time dimensionality. When system
launches polling, the NE devices in polling group don’t start polling at the same time but polling in
accordance with time slice. The time slices are mutually independent in microcosmic but forming as

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a whole in macrocosmic. This mechanism ensures the reliability of Device Poll and meanwhile
provides accordance for NView NNM system calculates the actual polling load. Maintenance staff
controls polling load by adjusting polling group according to polling load. Then it accomplishes
monitor on key devices and guarantee stable and high-efficient of NMS.

5.4 Basic conceptions

 Device Scan: scanning the manageable devices in assigned IP segment;
 Device Poll: polling the devices in NView NNM system in period;
 Protocol template: the SNMP v1/v2c/v3 or ICMP protocol parameter template used for
scanning devices by Device Scan and Poll function;
 Scanning filter: don’t scan the assigned IP address or device types;
 Scanning task: task of scanning assigned IP segment according to the parameters set in
protocol template, immediate execution or periodic execution;
 Scanning service setting: set the global parameters used by Device Scan, such as scanning
period, whether add the new discovered device into NM system;
 Scanning report: to display the scanning progress and device information;
 Log: record the relevant result in “System Event Management” and “System Operation Log”
for query;
 Polling configuration: start/stop NM system polling, distribute NE devices in different polling
period groups;
 Polling grouping: classify devices with identical polling period in groups;
 Polling report: to view device information and polling details of each polling groups;
 Polling load: the ratio of actual polling time and polling interval, displaying in graphic
interface according to polling groups;
 Offline devices: the ratio of offline devices and device total in polling group, displaying in
graphic interface according to polling groups.

5.5 Interface description

5.5.1 Startup interface
Click [Topology/Device Scan and Poll] to open interface of Device Scan and Poll. The left of
interface is function tree; the right of interface is related function interface of selected function tree.
By default, the interface displays protocol template interface, as figure shows below. The function
tree can be divided into two categories: device scan and device poll, each has their own function

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Figure 5-1 Main Interface of Device Scan and Poll

5.5.2 Protocol template

The protocol used for Device Scan scanning is configured by protocol template.
After device detection and added into NMS, the NMS will record device detection protocol and
configuration parameters, and take the protocol and parameter to perform polling operation.

Note: The parameters configured by manual can help user adding device by manual for executing
device adding and polling.

Click “Device Scan/Protocol Template” in function tree, the right side will open interface of
protocol template that display all configured protocol templates, as figure shows below. By default,
system provides SNMPv2c template that adopts SNMPv2c protocol. The template can neither be
deleted nor edited. User can add, edit and delete protocol template by the buttons at bottom of
interface or through right-key menu.

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Figure 5-2 Protocol Template

Add protocol template

Click <Add> or select [Add] from right-key menu to add protocol template, as figure shows below.
After finish configuring protocol template, user click <OK> to finish adding; click <Cancel> to
cancel adding.

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Figure 5-3 Protocol Template Configuration

By default, protocol configuration interface displays configuration interface of SNMPv2c.

Configuration interface of SNMPv1 is identical to this one. The configuration parameters in the
interface will display in protocol template list:
 Template name: compulsory, user defined the name of template.
 Discovery protocol: compulsory, choose protocol type for Device Scan. ICMP protocol
parameters cannot be configured if choose “SNMP Protocol”; SNMP Parameters
cannot be configured if choose “ICMP Protocol”.
 SNMP protocol version: compulsory, choose SNMP version.
 SNMP parameters: SNMP parameter will display according to the selected version.
Interface of SNMPv1 and v2c shows in Figure above; interface of SNMPv3 parameters
shows as Figure below. The detailed parameters descriptions please refer to SNMP
V1/V2c protocol parameters and SNMP V3 protocol parameters.

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Figure 5-4 SNMP V3 Parameters

 ICMP parameters: compulsory when choose “ICMP Protocol” in “Discovery
Protocol” panel. ICMP parameters including: overtime (1-7 seconds), default is 3s;
tautology times (1-5), by default is 1.
Note: ICMP protocol is usually used to detect and poll devices from other vendors. Raisecom’s
devices usually apply SNMP protocol for device detection and polling.

Edit protocol template

Click <Edit> or select [Edit] from right-key menu to open interface of “Protocol Configuration”.
The interface is identical to the one open by clicking <Add>. After modifying template content, click
<OK> to finish modification; click <Cancel> to cancel modification.

Delete protocol template

Choose a piece of protocol template from protocol template interface, click <Delete> or select
[Delete] from right-key menu to open prompt dialog box, as figure shows below. Click <Yes> to
delete user configured protocol template, click <No> to cancel deletion.

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Figure 5-5 Deletion Confirm

5.5.3 Scan filter

Scanning filter is used when Device Scan executes scanning; the IP address or device types don’t
need to scan won’t be scanned. User can configure scanning filter according to IP address and device
types and then reduce scanning range and improve scanning efficiency.

Click “Device Scan/Scan Filter” in the function tree to open scanning filter interface on the right
side. The interface display all configured filter conditions according to device type filter and IPv4
filter list, as Figure shows below. User can add and delete filter condition by the right-key menu or
buttons at the bottom.

Figure 5-6 Interface of Scan Filter

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Add scan filter based on device type

Click <Add> or select [Add] from right-key menu to open interface of “Filtration Device Type”, as
figure shows below. The interface shows device type and device model in the form of tree, click to
select check boxes to select the device type and device model to filter. After selecting the device type
to filter, click <OK> to complete the operation and click <Cancel> to cancel the operation.

Figure 5-7 Filtration Device Type

Delete scan filter based on device type

After selecting a piece of device type to filter, click <Delete> or select [Delete] from the right-key
menu to open prompt dialog box, as figure shows below. Click <Yes> to delete and click <No> not
to delete.

Add scan filter based on IP address

Click <Add> or select [Add] from right-key menu to open interface of “Filtration IP”, as figure
shows below. The interface is used to add IPv4. Fill in filter IP address and click <OK> to complete
the operation and click <Cancel> to cancel operation.

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Figure 5-8 Filteration IP

Delete scan filter based on IP address

After selecting a piece of IP address to filter, click <Delete> or select [Delete] from the right-key
menu to open prompt dialog box, as figure shows below. Click <Yes> to delete and click <No> not
to delete.

5.5.4 Scan task

Scan Task is in support of periodically execution and immediate execution. By setting scanning
range and enable/disable the scanning range to confirm range of Device Scan; by setting scanning
service to perform periodically or immediate scanning and in support of adding the discovered
device into NView NNM system. More than one scanning range can be configured, then user can
decide the whole scanning range by enable Scan Task, namely “Scan Task” will scan all of the
enabled “Scan Range”.

Figure 5-9 Interface of Scan Task

 Click <Add> or select [Add] from the right-key menu to open interface of “Scan Range
Config”. The interface is used to add IPv4 address range:

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Figure 5-10 IPv4 Scan Range Config

Note: The IPv4 “Subnet Range” in scan range supports auto-calculate subnet mask according to
input “IP Address” by default.

Scan range configuration has following parameters:

 Scan Range: compulsory, to select IP programming way for scanning range and filling
IP range or subnet range or single IP. Scanning range supports up to 65 000 IP.
 IP Count: system automatically calculates in accordance with scanning range.
 Enable status: compulsory, enable by default, indicating the scanning range is enabled
when starting scanning service; the scanning range won’t be used if choose disable here.
 Specified Subnet: compulsory, the subnet when device is added into network topology
after discovered device, choosing “Network Topology” by default.
 Protocol Template: compulsory, click the button < > to open “Protocol Template”
interface for adding protocol template. The interface shows as below. The upper side of
interface display the optional protocol templates list, the down side of interface displays
the selected protocol templates list. By default, SNMPv2c template is selected. User can
click <Add> or <Move Out> to configure protocol template needed. Then click <OK>
to finish configuration.

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Figure 5-11 Scan Task-Select Protocol Templates

After configuring scanning range, click <OK> to finish add and click <Cancel> to cancel adding
operation. User can click <Move Up> or <Move Down> to adjust order of protocol template, and
system follows template order to scan when detecting device.
 Click <Edit> or select [Edit] from the right-key menu to open interface of “Scanning Range
Configuration”. The interface is identical to the one open by clicking <Add>. User modifies
the scanning range and then clicks <OK> to finish modification or click <Cancel> to cancel
 Select a piece of scanning task from the interface and click <Delete> or select [Delete] from
the right-key menu to open prompt dialog box, as figure shows below. Click <Yes> to delete
user configured protocol template or click <No> to cancel deletion.
 Scanning service setting at the down side of scanning task interface supports starting
periodically or immediate execution of enabled scanning task, as figure shows below. Click
<Edit> in scanning service setting panel to modify periodically enable task by user defined;
click <Save> to save setting after modification or click <Scan> to start execution of scanning

Figure 5-12 Scan Service Setting

Detailed configuration of the interface:

 Scanning device IP total: system automatically calculated in accordance with all of the
enabled scanning range.
 Manage on discovered device: enable by default, adding the discovered device into
NView NNM system. If disable this item, the discovered device will just be recorded in
scanning result.
 Number of concurrent (1-10): it is 5 by default, and up to 10. The number of scanning
process will be started when performing device detection scanning. The bigger the
concurrent number is, the more resources of PC were occupied.
 Cycle: user can set period for periodically scanning task by “Daily”, “Weekly” and
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 Date: set detailed date in period.
 Time: set starting time of scanning task.
 Status: set periodically executing scanning task enable/disable.
A prompt dialog box as figure shows below will open when starting scanning.

Figure 5-13 Prompt of Scan Report

5.5.5 Scan report

Scanning report displays the detailed information and scanning progress of scanning task, and
display the result in “Report Details”, as figure shows below. The report details is in support of filter
displaying according to “Result Status” and also supports taxis by clicking fields name of report

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Figure 5-14 Interface of Scan Report

In polling report interface, the upper side is “Scan Result” and the down side is “Report Details”.

Scan result displays the total number of scanned IP, the number of scanned IP, the begin time and the
end time after finish scanning. Meanwhile, the result displays the scanning progress by a progress bar.
Click the button <Stop> to stop current scanning task; click <Scan> to start configured scanning

The report details interface displays scanning result in list. Click the check box, the report details
supports filtering according to four kinds of “Result Status”: “New Discovery”, “TimeOut”,
“Filtration Device” and “Network Exists”. Cancel the selection of check box, the corresponding
result status won’t be displayed in report details.

The four result status of report details:

 New Discovery: the device is discovered by scanning procedure for the first time.
 TimeOut: device scan overtime.
 Filtration Device: the device belongs to “Scan Filter”.
 Network Exists: the device is managed by NView NNM system.
Fields of list in report details:

 Network Management: tick it off means direct adding the discovered device into NView
NNM system; no tick it off means the device hasn’t been added into NView NNM
 IP address: display device IP address.
 Scan Status: result of device scan.
 Scan Protocol: the device is discovered by this protocol.
 Protocol Version: display protocol version.
 Device Name: display device name.
 Device Type: display device type.
 Start time: display the starting time of device performing scanning task.
If user didn’t tick off “Manage on discovered device” in scanning task configuration, when there is
new device discovered by scanning, user has to tick of “Network Management” check box if wants
to add the new device into NView NNM system. Then click the button <Add to Network> or select
[Add to Network] from the right-key menu, as Figure below shows. System pops up a dialog box to
prompt Adding device to NMS successfully, then click <OK>.

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Figure 5-15 “Add To Network” in Scan Report

The <Search> button in report details interface supports user-defined query conditions after
finishing scanning. Click the button to open customized query interface, as figure shows below:

Figure 5-16 Customized Query Conditions

5.5.6 Device poll

Device Poll is to classify NE devices in groups according to the polling interval. Polling of the
different groups: set by “Polling Configuration”; display polling result by “Polling Report”; analyze
and configure polling group load by “Polling Load”.

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5.5.7 Polling configuration

Polling configuration is in support of configuring running status of polling groups and devices in
groups. Click “Device Poll/Poll Config/30 Minutes” in function tree, the right side will open
polling group configuration interface with polling interval of 30 minutes. The interface displays all
devices in the polling group, as figure shows below. Device list of polling configuration groups is in
supports of filter the displayed polling device list by customized query conditions, supporting export
polling report to Excel file by selecting [Export Excel] from the right-key menu.
Configuring running status of polling in any group will affect the polling status of whole NView
NNM system. Polling configuration is in support of configuring NView NNM system polling status
by click buttons of <Start> or <Stop>.

Figure 5-17 Interface of Polling Configuration

Note: The devices added by auto-discovery belongs to “30 Minutes” group by default, polling status
is “Running” by default.

User can adjust Device Poll groups in polling configuration interface. Different polling groups have
different polling period.

 Right-click a piece of device record to open a right-key menu, as figure shows below:

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Figure 5-18 Poll Config-adjust Device Poll Groups

 Choose related polling group according to the device needs polling interval. Click the group
name in the shortcut menu to adjust device to corresponding polling group.
Note: Devices in group of “No Polling” won’t perform polling, but NMS still receive trap from
devices in this group.

5.5.8 Polling report

Polling report list displays the Device Poll condition in different polling groups. Click “Device
Poll/Poll Report/30 Minutes” in the function tree, the right side will open a polling report interface
with polling interval of 30 minutes. The interface displays all devices polling condition belong to this
polling group, as figure shows below. The polling report can be exported to Excel file by selecting
[Export (Excel)] from the right-key menu.

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Figure 5-19 Poll Report-30 Minutes

5.5.9 Polling load

Polling load performs polling load analysis for 30s, 60s and 5 minutes commonly used polling
groups after NView NMM system starts polling. Generally speaking, polling interval over 5 minutes
won’t affect the NMS. Adjusting the device from big polling load group to big polling cycle group
and effectively lower the polling load. Click “Device Poll/Poll Load/5 Minutes” in the function tree,
the right side open a polling load interface with interval of 5 minutes. The interface provides “Poll
Load Meter Panel” and “Dynamic Graph of Device Offline Rate” to show polling load condition,
as figure shows below:

Figure 5-20 Poll Load

Note: By adopting Time slice algorithm, poll load in 5 minutes display all loads polled by device in
the 5 minutes but not only polling the devices in a 5 minute polling group. If poll load in 5 minutes is
too big, user can adjust the 5 minute polling group to group of bigger polling period and reduce poll

 The meter panel of polling load displays condition of polling load:

 0%-80% of the panel is green, indicating the polling device number in this group is
proper; polling load is “light load”.
 80%-100% of the panel is yellow, indicating the polling device number in this group is
nearly saturation; polling load is “heavy load”. NView NNM system generates “Heavy
load alarm”, the alarm level is “Prompt”.
 100%-120% of the panel is red, indicating the polling device number in this group is not
proper; polling load is “overload”. NView NNM system generates “Overload alarm”, the
alarm level is “Critical”.
Note: When device poll is over load, it still performs poll to all devices, but the start time of next poll
will be delayed, namely the polling interval becomes larger. User can confirm detailed polling cost
time of polling group through actual polling time recorded in polling report and then adjust poll
 The polling load details displays details of current group:
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 Start: Start Device Poll or not.

 Poll Cycle: polling period of the group.
 The last begin of polling time: the starting time of system performs last scheduling on
this group.
 The last end of polling time: the ending time of system performs last scheduling on this
 The actual begin time of last polling: the starting time of system performs polling on this
 The actual end time of last polling: the ending time of system performs polling on this
 The cost time of last polling: the time cost by last polling, unit in second.
 The load of device last polling: load ratio of last time group polling
 The begin time of next polling: the starting time of system performs next time schedule
on this group.
 Description: description of details.
 Dynamic graph of device offline ratio displays device offline ratio in polling group:
 Green: device online ratio;
 Red: device offline ratio.
 Dynamic graph of device offline ratio displays details of current group:
 Device number of last polling: the device total in this group at last polling.
 Online devices of last polling: the online device number in this group at last polling.
 Offline devices of last polling: the offline device number in this group at last polling.
 Offline ratio of last polling: the device offline ratio in this group at last polling.

5.6 Applications and operation steps

This chapter introduces the operation steps of Device Scan and Poll function. Please read this chapter
before operating Device Scan and Poll function modules.

5.6.1 Restriction conditions

Confirm the following restriction conditions before using Device Scan and Poll function:

 NView NNM system is in order;

 Subnet configuration is correct;
 Configuration parameters of Device Scan and Poll are correct, refer to 4.6.3 and 4.6.4 for
detailed configuration operation steps;
 “Device Off-grid detection Service” in system service is enabled.

5.6.2 Start/Stop device scan and poll function

 Two methods for starting Device Scan task; please refer to related section for configuring
Device Scan task operation steps.
 Start immediate scanning: click [Topology/Device Scan and Poll] and then click
“Device Scan/Scan Task” on the left Device Scan and Poll function tree; then click
<Scan> button on the right interface of “Scan Service Setting” to start Device Scan;
 Start period scanning: period scanning task is automatic scheduled by system; please
refer to section 4.6.4 for detailed operation steps of configuring period scanning.
 By default, Device Poll function is enabled. If it was disabled, user can click the button
<Start> at each group interface of polling configuration to start it again. Please refer to
section 4.6.4 for detailed operation steps of configuring period scanning.

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 Stop Device Scan: after executing immediate scanning or periodically scanning, the scanning
progress and report details will display in “Device Scan/Scan Result” of the function tree,
click <Stop> to stop Device Scan.
 Stop Device Poll will stop the polling function of the whole NView NNM system, user can
click the button <Stop> in each group interface of polling configuration to realize this
operation. If a certain NE doesn’t need perform polling, please add it to “no polling” group
instead of stop Device Poll. Please refer to section 4.6.5 for detailed operation steps of
configuring Device Poll.

5.6.3 Device scan

Device Scan is mainly used at the first stage of network building for carriers. It is used to detect the
manageable devices in assigned network segment or IP segment. Users can quickly add manageable
device through this function to improve network building efficient. This function is in support of
execution in period for detecting new devices in assigned network segment or IP segment.

Preparation for device scan

Check if the system is performing scanning in “Scan Report” before executing “Immediate
Scanning”. Wait the current scanning stop or click <Stop> to stop current task if there is scanning
task being executed.

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Flow chart for device scan

Figure 5-21 Flow Chart of Device Scan

Configure protocol template

 Click [Topology/Device Scan and Poll] to open interface of Device Scan and Poll;
 Click “Device Scan/Protocol Template” in the Device Scan and Poll function tree on the left
to open protocol template interface;
 Click <Add> to open dialog box of “Protocol Configuration”;
 The following parameters need to be configured in protocol configuration dialog box:
 Template name: like SNMPv1 template;
 Discovery protocol: SNMP or ICMP protocol for optional;
 SNMP protocol version: in support of SNMP V1/V2c/V3 versions, the dialog box will
display relevant protocol parameters after selecting SNMP version;
 SNMP V1/V2c protocol parameters including: port, overtime (second), tautology (times),
read community, write community, as parameters shows in table below;
Table 5-1 SNMP V1/V2c protocol parameters

SNMP V1/V2c Description Range Example

port device SNMP port ID n/a 161

overtime time of overtime for Device Scan 1-8s 3

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tautology times of tautology for Device Scan 1-5 1


read community Agent performs read authorization for NMS n/a public

write community Agent performs write authorization for NMS n/a private

 SNMP V3 protocol parameters including: port, overtime (second), tautology (times),

username, security level, authorization protocol, protocol password, protocol password
confirmation, Privacy password, Privacy password confirmation, shown as table below;
Table 5-2 SNMP V3 protocol parameters

SNMP V3 Description Range Example

port device SNMP port ID n/a 161

overtime (second) time of overtime for Device Scan 1-8s 3

tautology (times) times of tautology for Device Scan 1-5 1

username submit username for Agent authorization n/a n/a

security level transmit/receive security level of SNMP noAuthNoPriv, authPriv

message authorization password encryption authNoPriv
and message content encryption and authPriv
authorization protocol authorize encryption protocol for MD5, SHA MD5
authorizing password
protocol password authorization password n/a n/a

protocol password confirm authorization password n/a n/a

Privacy protocol protocol for encrypting SNMP message DES, AES DES
Privacy password password for encrypting SNMP message n/a n/a
Privacy password confirm password for encrypting SNMP n/a n/a
confirmation message contents
 ICMP parameters including: overtime (1-7 seconds), 3s by default; tautology (1-5 times),
1 time by default;
 Click button <OK> to finish protocol configuration.
 Choose a protocol template from protocol template list and click <Edit> to edit scanning
range, click <Delete> to delete the selected protocol template.

Configure scanning filter

 Click [Topology/Device Scan and Poll] to open Device Scan and Poll interface;
 Click “Device Scan/Scan Filter” in the Device Scan and Poll function tree on the left to
open scanning filter interface;
 Click <Add> to open dialog box of “Filtration Device Type”;
 Select the check box of device type and models from device type tree in “Filtration Device
Type” dialog box, and click <OK>;
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 Click <Add> in “Filter IP Address” box to open dialog box of “Filter IP Setting”;
 Filling IP address to filter in IP address text box in “Filter IP Setting” dialog box and click

Configure scanning task

Two methods for scanning task: immediate scanning and periodically scanning. After configuring
scanning task, immediate scanning task only executes one time. System will execute scanning in
period if configuring periodically scanning task.

 Click [Topology/Device Scan and Poll] to open interface of Device Scan and Poll;
 Click “Device Scan/Scan Task” in the Device Scan and Poll function tree on the left to open
scanning task interface; it is in support of configure scanning task and scanning service
 Click <Add> to add scanning range, the range supports configuration parameters as below:
 Scanning range: supporting IPv4, setting in accordance with IP range, subnet range,
single IP address, shown as table below;
Table 5-3 Parameters description for scanning range IPv4

IPv4 parameters Description Range Example

IP range IP address segment range comply to RFC791
Subnet range IP address and mask, mask can be comply to RFC791
calculated by automation
Single IP IP address comply to RFC791
 Scanning IP number: in support of calculating IP number in the scanning range by
 Startup status: single selection, in support of enable/disable the scanning range;
 Appoint subnet: click button < > to select current subnet, in support of adding
discovered device into assigned subnet;
 Using protocol: click button < > to open dialog box of “Select Protocol”, it is in
support of “Add” or “Remove” protocol template. That is to say, it is in support of using
multiple protocol templates to scan when executing Device Scan. Click <OK> to finish
protocol selection;
 Click <OK> in “Range Configuration” dialog box to finish configuration of a scanning
 Choose a scanning range from the range list and click <Edit> to edit the scanning range,
click <Delete> to delete the selected range;
 Scanning service setting supports the below configuration parameters:
 Scanning IP total: in support of calculate IP total in scanning range by system;
 Manage on discovered device: single selection, in support of management on discovered
 Concurrent number (1-10): 5 by default, configure concurrent executing progress
number according to actual condition;
 Period: in support of scanning by day, by week or by month;
 Date: date in assigned period;
 Time: in support of assigning scanning execution time;
 Management status: enable/disable scanning service.
 Click <Save> to save current configuration;
 Click <Immediate Scanning> to start immediate scanning;
 Click “Device Scan/Scanning Result” in the Device Scan and Poll function tree on the left
to open scanning result interface; the interface supports displaying current scanning graphic
progress and user can also view information of current scanning: scanning IP total, scanned

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IP number, start time, as well as end time after finish scanning.

Note: The periodically scanning and immediate scanning of Device Scan scanning task are mutually
restricted. When performing periodically scanning, <Immediate Scanning> button is unavailable;
when performing immediate scanning, periodically scanning scheduler will cancel current
periodically scanning and wait for the next period schedule.

View scanning result

Scanning result is in support of viewing scanning information, graphic scanning progress and report
details. The report details support displaying list according to “Result Status” and report details can
be exported in Excel file. In “Scanning Result” interface, it is in support of stop current scanning task
and starts the configured scanning task.

 Click [Topology/Device Scan and Poll] to open interface of Device Scan and Poll;
 Click “Device Scan/Scan Result” in the Device Scan and Poll function tree on the left to
open scanning result interface;
 The top of interface shows current scanning information and scanning progress, the bottom is
report details;
 Report details is in support of single selection and multi-selection, displaying by classes of
“New”, “Overtime”, “Filtration Device”. “Existed in NMS”;
 Report details list is in support of taxis by click field name, and can export to Excel file by
clicking button <Export (Excel)>.

Confirmation of discovering device

The scanning task can be confirmed by viewing scanning result. Start and stop of Device Poll
scanning are recorded in “System Event Management” log of NView NNM system at the same time.

5.6.4 Device poll

Device Poll is to classify NE devices in groups according to polling interval. For the polling of each
group: set by “Polling Configuration”; display polling result by “Polling Report”; analyze and
configure polling group load by “Polling Load”.

Preparation for device poll

Users have to make sure the NE devices are assigned to polling groups and the running status of
Device Poll is “Started”. User can view running status through “Running Status” in polling grouping
interface. Polling configuration is in support of configuring NView NNM system polling status by
clicking <Start> or <Stop> button.

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Flow chart for device poll

Figure 5-22 Flow Chart of Device Poll

Configure device poll

Device Poll realizes different polling period by groups:

 Click the groups of “Device Poll/Poll Config” in Device Scan and Poll function tree, the
right side will display polling configuration related to groups;
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 “Running Status” can configure NView NNM system starts/stops polling, click <Start>
button to start polling and click <Stop> to stop polling;
 Polling device list can display the devices in current group, all of these devices should use the
polling period of this group;
 Right-click a device in the list, a shortcut menu will display Device Poll groups. Select a
group from the shortcut menu to remove the device into selected group.
 Press down <Ctrl> and click to choose devices in different list, right-click the selected device,
the shortcut menu will display device poll group. Click the shortcut menu and choose a group
to batch transfer multiple devices to the selected group.

View polling report

Click the groups of “Device Scan/Poll Report” in Device Scan and Poll function tree; the right side
will display corresponding polling report of the groups. The interface list shows all Device Poll
condition and detailed information of the polling groups.

Adjust polling group according to polling load

For the polling group of 30 seconds, 60 seconds and 5 minutes, user can adjust according to poll load.
Usually, to adjust device from high load polling group to bigger polling period group can reduce
polling load. Click the groups of “Device Scan/Polling Load” in Device Scan and Poll function tree;
the right side will display corresponding polling load of the groups. The interface list shows all
devices polling load condition by “Polling Load Meter panel” and “Dynamic Device Offline Ratio”.
User can judge if the polling device number in group is reasonable by viewing details information of
polling load.

Following the below procedure to adjust polling groups in accordance with polling load:

 Adjust polling group procedure according to polling load as figure shows below:

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Figure 5-23 Adjust Polling Group According to Polling Load

 “Last Polling Load” is the ratio of actual polling time and polling interval. Polling load over
high indicates the polling time over period interval of grouping polling, the actual polling
time for NMS perform polling devices in group is too long.
 User needs to view “Dynamic Device Offline Ratio” graph: if the offline ratio in dynamic
graph is very low, the grouping polling load is too big, user needs to reduce NE devices in the
group and adjust NE devices to the groups with lower polling load.
 If the offline ratio in dynamic graph is very high, since Device Poll follows rule of
“overtime” and then “tautology” when NE device is offline, the load of polling group will
increase. User has to check offline device and remove the devices (unused devices) not need
to polling to other group.

Adjust polling group according to polling time

Polling time denotes the time for device polling group perform one time of polling operation. Too
much polling time leads the device polling period longer and cause device monitor in low real-time
performance. After user adjust groups in accordance with polling load, user can adjust polling group
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according to polling time to meet user polling requirements.

The procedure of this adjustment is similar with adjustment according to polling load, please
following the steps below:

 Click “Device Poll/Poll Report” in functional tree and select polling report of a group.
 View “Poll Time” in details, if the time is bigger than group polling period, the actual polling
time is too long when NMS polling devices in the group.
 View offline devices in polling report, if there is few offline devices in a group, the polling
load of group is too big, please reduce NE in this group and distribute the devices to group of
bigger polling period.
 If there are many offline devices in a group, the polling group time becomes long since the
offline of NE devices follows rule of “Overtime” and the “Try again”. User needs to detect
offline devices and move out the devices that don’t perform poll (the device not being used
for example) according to practical condition.

Confirmation of device poll

When Device Poll is enabled, the polling information of NE device can be confirmed by checking
report and load of each polling group.

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Chapter 6 Device Configuration Management

This chapter introduces how to manage devices using NView NNM configuration management
function. It includes the following sections:
 Overview
 Commonly-used management tool
 Configuration management using network element management component
 Device batch configuration
 Batch executing commands script
 OLT route module
 Device Syslog management

6.1 Overview
NView NNM system realizes full device configuration management on the basis of NView series
network element management components. It can not only manage all Raisecom self-developed
devices concentratively, but monitor and manage commonly-used switches through general device
management module.

The system has a commonly-used tool collection for operations on devices. Users can use tools in
this collection to configure and monitor the device. For example, the performance management
component demonstrates device CPU performance (second performance and minute performance) in
graph, interface performance (RFC-1213, interfaces group data) and SNMP performance (RFC-1213,
SNMP group data).

To satisfy the carriers’ demand of upgrading and backing up network device system files or
configuration files timely, to avoid the loss of device configuration information, to improve the
efficiency of batch operation on a great number of devices, NView NNM system provides a device
upgrade/backup management component to complete batch upgrading and backing up of device core
files and configuration files.

To improve the efficiency of configuring a great number of devices at one time, NView NNM system
platform provides a device batch-configuration function.

To help carriers monitor the network device operating status, the system provides a device Syslog log
management component. It receives and displays standard Syslog information reported by devices.
Search and export function are available to help users manage Syslog.
NOTE: Please refer to NView NNM User Manual-Performance Management for deployment and
using method of performance management component.

6.2 Commonly-used management tools

NView NNM provides MIB browser, Telnet and Ping tools that convenient user monitor device MIB
and know device status.
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6.2.1 MIB browser

For devices that support SNMP management, system provides MIB browser to perform standard
MIB (RFC-1213, RMON) operations including browsing, configuring, and etc.. Select a node on the
topology view that supports SNMP management, right-click and point [Tools/MIB Browser], a sub
menu with [RFC-1213] and [RMON] will appear, which provides a number of operation tools.

Figure 6-1 MIB Management Tools

Click an item on the sub menu, the corresponding configuration dialog box will appear, in which
users can perform browsing and configuring operations. Browse RFC1213 enables user to view
system information of monitored device, protocol information, etc. standard SNMP MIB information;
RMON (Remote Network Monitoring) is a complementarities and extension of SNMP MIB, browse
RMON supports statistic data and performance specification, etc. information of monitored device

6.2.2 Telnet tools

System provides standard Telnet tools to enable users to manage devices in Telnet manner. Users can
select some device node in topology browser, right click the mouse to pop up set up [Tools/Telnet]
menu and pop up command line window, as shown below.

When the client side is connected with server side, Telnet tools will not be restricted by the network
firewall between client side and server side and the client side can take Telnet management to device
even if it is not in the same network with the device.

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Figure 6-2 Telnet Tools

6.2.3 Ping Tools collection

 ICMP Ping: Standard ICMP Ping tools. Click [Tools/ICMP Ping] on the system main menu,
or select a device node on the topology view, right-click on the node icon and click
[Tools/ICMP Ping] on the shortcut menu, a dialog box as is shown in Figure below will pop

Figure 6-3 ICMP Ping Tool

Input the IP address of the target host in the IP address bar on the top of the dialog box, and click the

button < > at the bottom to execute ICMP Ping operation. The result of the operation will be
shown below.
Note: That who actually executes Ping operation is the server. In distributed installation environment,
the client only launches the operation and browses the result. Server executes the operation and the
result of the operation is the communication status between the server and the target host.

If you need to launch Ping operation to network element from the client host, right-click the network
element icon in topology and click [Tools / Native Ping] in the shortcut menu.
 SNMP Ping: SNMP Ping tools check whether the SNMP service of the device under
management is operating in order, or whether the SNMP parameters of the device
management is valid or not. Click [Tools/SNMP Ping] on the system main menu, or select a
device node on the topology view, right-click on the node icon and click [Tools/SNMP Ping]
on the shortcut menu, a dialog box as is shown in Figure below will pop up:

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Figure 6-4 SNMP Ping Tools

Input the SNMP parameters of the target host in the parameter setting area on the top of the dialog

box, and click the button < > at the bottom to execute ICMP Ping operation. The result of the
operation will be shown beneath the parameter setting area. That who actually executes SNMP Ping
operation is the server. In distributed installation environment, the client only launches the operation
and browses the result. Server executes the operation and the result of the operation is the SNMP
communication status between the server and the target host.

Note: SNMP Ping also supports SNMP V3. Choose “SNMP V3” from the drop-down box of SNMP

version selection, the related options of SNMP V3 becomes available. Click the button < > after
user sets SNMP V3 to perform SNMP Ping operation.

6.3 Configuration management using network element module

6.3.1 The prerequisite of using network element management module
To ensure configuration management for device being performed by network element management
module, the prerequisites listed below should be satisfied:
 NView NNM installation program has integrated EMS, users please make sure get correct
license for EMS. (Corresponding EMS module license information will be listed in system
“License” dialog box.)
 Users should install element management component of the type of devices correctly into the
NView NNM platform in advance. The version of the element management component
should be compatible to that of the NView NNM system. (All installed network EMS
modules and their versions will be listed in the system “About” dialog box.)
 After user gets License and installed EMS, the system possesses configuration management
function for a type of devices.
 Create device node of this type in the system, and make sure that the SNMP parameters of the
device node is consistent with the actual setting. Users can create device node in the
following modes (please refer to 4.4 Create network element).
 Create device manually in network topology management
 Find device automatically in network topology management

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6.3.2 Launch network element module in the topology

Select a device node on the topology view, right-click on the node icon and click the menu item
[Device View] to launch the EMS, or double-click the device node on the topology view or on the
topology list to launch the EMS, an interface as is shown in Figure below will turn up. Configuration
management could be operated in this interface:

Figure 6-5 Element Management System

 For different model of devices, the system provides different EMS interfaces. For instructions
of operations of network element, please refer to the instructions in the user manual for the
corresponding EMS.
 Please note that for chassis that can form multiple-chassis device (e.g. RC002, RC006),
double-click the chassis node in topology to open up the panel of the corresponding chassis.
For single-chassis devices (e.g. OPCOM3500E, switches, and etc.), double-clicking the
device will open up the EMS interface of the device directly.

6.3.3 View card status in the card list

Click [Stock/Physical Stock] on the system main menu to open stock management interface, click
“Local Card” or “Remote Device” to open card list. The card list is in support of searching card
record. Select the record of a card in the card list, right-click on the selected row and click [Card
View] on the shortcut menu, or click the <Card View> button on the toolbar, a dialog box will
appear and configuration management for the selected card can be operated.

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Figure 6-6 Card Configuration

For different models of cards, the system provides different card configuration interface. For
instructions for card configuration operations, please refer to the user manual for the corresponding

6.3.4 View card status in topology view

Select a card node in the topology view, right-click on the node and click [Card View] on the
shortcut menu, a card configuration dialog box will turn up. Configuration management operations
can be conducted in the dialog box as is shown in Figure above. For instructions for card
configuration operations, please refer to the user manual for the corresponding EMS.

6.3.5 Manage devices from other vendors using general device management module
Auto-discovery process will discover devices that are not produced by Raisecom according to their
device type definition. Even unregistered devices will be detected as long as they support SNMP
management, and will be recognized as “SNMP Device” and added to the topology. For these
devices, there is no customized element management module. NView NNM system provides a
“General Device Management Module” for them.
Select a switch node of a vendor in the topology view, right-click on the node icon and click [Device
View] on the shortcut menu, or double-click the device node icon, a device view interface will be
launched. Users can view real-time port status, execute operations based on standard MIB
(RFC-1213, RMON), and receive seven kinds of standard alarms (Link Down, Link Up, Cold Boot,
Warm Boot, SNMP authenticating failure, EgpNeighborLoss, Enterprise Specific) from the device.

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Figure 6-7 General Switch Element Manager

6.3.6 Configure component by EMS

NView NNM V5.3 system integrates abundant types of EMS that imbeds its common functions as
components into [Config] menu of NView NNM system. The [Config] menu also provides
components of [Batch Execute Command-line Script] and [OLP Route module].

6.4 Device batch configuration

For a network with a huge number of devices, even simple configuration operation like the
modification of SNMP parameters and Trap target address may become a complicated task. This is
always a headache of access network administrators. NView NNM system solves the problem with a
device batch configuration function. The device batch configuration function enables administrators
to define different configuration tasks and perform the configuration for a series of devices in
batches periodically. This greatly improves the efficiency of configuration upgrading.

6.4.1 Version
The current batch configuration tasks include:

Table 6-1 Batch configuration tasks

Task Name Task Description Task Parameters

Modify SNMP Configure SNMP Read Community: the Read Community string should
Parameters parameters, including be specified when accessing the device via SNMP
Read-Write Write Community: the Write Community string should
Community, and etc. be specified when accessing the device via SNMP
for device Modify Database Only: “Yes”, save the data into
database only; “No”, configure the device and save the
data into database
Set Trap Server IP Configure and send Trap Server IP: the specified IP address for the network
end Trap information, management system to which the device sends Trap.
including Trap target Trap Port: the number of the Trap receiving service port
address, Trap port on the network management host to which the device
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number, operation sends Trap

type, and etc., to Operation Type: “Add”: add the Trap Server IP to the
device. Trap Server list; “Delete”: delete the Trap Server IP
from the Trap Server list.
Reboot Device Send the Reboot Send Reboot Command: “Yes” means reboot the device
Device command at once.
Set NTP/SNTP Set NTP/SNTP server NTP/SNTP server: assign NTP/SNTP server IP address,
Server IP address for after configuring successfully, the device will perform
iTN2100, time verify by connecting to NTP/SNTP server.
OPCOM3500E and
Set NE Time Set NE time for Time mode: two modes for time: adopting current time
iTN2100, of NNM server or assign time by manual;
OPCOM3500E and NE time: set NE time.
Switch command
Set Keep Alive Configure Keep Alive Send Keep Alive Message: “Yes”, send; “No”, not send.
Message message information, Sending Interval: the interval of sending Keep Alive to
including Keep Alive the device can be chosen from 5minutes, 15minutes,
message sending 30minutes, 1hour, 2hours, 4hours, 6hours, and 8hours.
interval, and etc., for
the device.
Set Admin Status Set the Admin status
Admin Status: “Up”, the Admin status of the port on the
for CPE Port of a port on the device
device is up; “Down”, the Admin status of the port on
the device is down.
Set Speed and Set port rate/duplex Speed/Duplex: set the rate/duplex mode for the port on
Duplex Mode for mode for a port on the the device, can be chosen from Auto Negotiation,
Port device 10M/Half Duplex, 10M/Full Duplex, 100M/Half
Duplex, 100M/Full Duplex, 1000M/Half Duplex,
1000M/Full Duplex
Set Ingress and Set the Ingress/egress Ingress Bandwidth (kbps): set the ingress bandwidth (by
Egress Bandwidth bandwidth for a port kbps) for a port on the device
for Port on the device Egress Bandwidth (kbps): set the egress bandwidth (by
kbps) for a port on the device
Save Configuration Save all configuration Save the changed configuration: “Yes”, save changed
information for the configuration information for the device
Change enable Set device enable Old Password: input the old enable password for the
Password password device
New Password: input the new enable password for the
Change User Set device user Console User: the name of the Console user on the
Password password device
Old Password: Old Console password on the device
New Password: New Console password on the device
Take “set Trap Server IP” as an example, the following sections will introduce how to deploy device
batch configuration task.

6.4.2 Add batch configuration task

Users can open up the main view of Batch configuration control by clicking [Config/Batch Task
Center] on the system main menu.

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Figure 6-8 Main View of Batch Task Center

The steps to add new task:

 Select an task in “Common Commands” group or “Switch Commands” group on the “Batch
Tasks” list on the left of the “Batch Task Center” window, right-click on the blank area of
the “Task List” window and click the menu item [Add] on the shortcut menu, or click the
button <Add> on the toolbar of the window “Task List”, or right-click on the selected item
on the “Batch Tasks” list and click <Add> on the shortcut menu, an “Add Task” guide dialog
window will appear. As is shown in Figure below.

Figure 6-9 Add Task Guide – Task Basic Information

The interface requires the following properties to be input:
 Task Type: System supports the following task types by default: Modify SNMP
Parameters, Set Trap Server IP, Reboot Device, Set Keep Alive Message, Set Admin
Status for End Port, Set Speed and Duplex Mode for Port, Set Ingress and Egress
Bandwidth for Port, Save Configuration, Change Privilege Password, and Change User
 Task Name: Assign a name for the task. For example: Set switch Trap target IP

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 Task Status: the initial status of the task: enable or disable

 Execute Mode: Users can select from: Manual, Once Only, Monthly, Weekly, and Daily.
The corresponding items on the dialog box will change as the Execute Mode change.
 Execute Time: The time when the task is executed. Considering the operation delay the
FTP server may meet in busy period, the system will adjust the time point for executing
the task according to the situation to avoid network traffic jam. Hence, the time when
the task is executed may not be the time set up before. However, the time difference will
not exceed 30 minutes. For manual execute mode, the time difference will not exceed 5
Note: For manually executed tasks, if the task status is “Enable” when the task is added, the
upgrade/backup management background will execute the task immediately. Manually executed
tasks will not be executed periodically. User can execute the task again by modifying task properties
or enabling the task. Tasks whose task type is “Once Only” will not be executed periodically.
Different from the tasks with task type “Manual”, users can set up the time point for executing the
task. Tasks with task types “Daily”, “Weekly” or “Monthly” will be executed periodically according
to the setting.

 Click <Next> and enter the next page as is shown in Figure below:

Figure 6-10 Add Task Guide – Task Parameter Setting

For different type of task, the parameters are different.

 If the object of the selected task type is device, after filling in all the parameters for the task
type, please click <Next> to enter the next page, as is shown in Figure below.

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Figure 6-11 Add Task Guide – Select Task Objects

Users could select the devices the task will be executed on in this page. To add a device, please click
the button <Add> and tick the selected devices and click <OK>. To delete a device, select the device
on the list and click the button <Delete>. Users can copy the device list of an existing task to the
current task by ticking the “Select devices of existing task”, selecting an item on the drop-down
menu or clicking <Search…> to select existing task.

Note: The content of this page varies with the type of object of the task. If the object of the task is
device, the list shown on this page will be device list; if the object of the task is port, the list shown
on this page will be port list.

 When users click <Add>, a “Select Device” dialog box will appear, as is shown in Figure

Figure 6-12 Select Device

Query filtering for devices has already been set up. That is, for a specified task, the devices that
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support this task are inputted in the “Device Type” item in advance and cannot be modified. Click
the button <Query>, system will list all qualified devices beneath the query panel. Tick the devices
to be added to the task, and click the button <OK>, system will display all selected devices in the
device list.

Note: If the object of the task is port, when users click <Add>, a “Select Port” dialog box will pop
up. Forming a port list is the same process as forming a device list.
 After selecting devices, please click <Finish>. The system will organize the information that
has been inputted in the add task guide as a complete task record and save it in the database.
Note: Batch configuration tasks whose object resource is device are Modify SNMP Parameters, Set
Trap Target IP, Reboot Device, Set NTP/SNTP Server, Set NE Time, Set Keep Alive Message, Save
Configuration, Change privileged Password, and Change User Password. Batch configuration tasks
whose object resource is port are Set Admin Status for End Port, Set Speed and Duplex Mode for
Port and Set Ingress and Egress Bandwidth for Port.

6.4.3 Modify batch configuration task

Select the task to be modified on the task list, right-click on the selected task and click [Properties]
on the shortcut menu, or click the button <Properties> on the toolbar, “Edit Task Properties”
dialog box will pop up:

Figure 6-13 Edit Task Properties

All properties of a task except for task type can be edited in this dialog box. The content of the “Edit
Task Properties” dialog box is the same as that of the “Add Task” dialog box.

6.4.4 View task details

Select a task in the task list, the resource information corresponds to the selected task will be shown
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in the “Task Detail List” beneath the “Task List” as is shown in Figure below.

Figure 6-14 Task Detail List

Every task detail corresponds to one resource of the task. Every task detail contains the following

 Device Name: The name of the device

 IP Address: The IP address of the device.
 Device Type: The type of the device
 Result: The result of the latest execution. If the task has never been executed, the result
will be “Unexecuted”. Other statuses include “Successful” and “Failed”.
 Operation: When the execution failed, here shows the description of the cause of failure.
 Execute Time: The time when the task is executed.
Select a row in the “Task Detail List”, right-click on the row, the following operations are available:
 Click [Add], an “Add Device” dialog box will pop up;
 Click [Log], a “Task Log Management” dialog box will pop up. The history running
status information of the device for this task will be displayed here.
 Click [Delete], system will delete the device resource
 Click [Restart], the system will execute the task again on the selected device.
 Click [Export/.../To Excel File], device resource information of the task will be
exported to Excel file.
 Click [Export/.../To Text File], device resource information of the task will be exported
to Text file.
There are buttons correspond to the right-mouse-button shortcut menu on the toolbar of the “Task
Detail List”.

Click the button <Show Query> on the toolbar of the “Task Detail List”, the query panel will open
up. Input query conditions and click <Query>, only the devices accord with the query conditions
will be shown on the task detail list. For instructions of query, please refer to section 1.4.3.

6.4.5 Enable batch configuration task

To enable a disabled task or execute a manually executed task once more, users can select the task to
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be enabled on the task list of the “Batch Task Center” window, click [Enable] on the right-click
menu, or click the button <Enable> on the toolbar of the “Task List”, the system will enable the

Users can modify task properties in “Edit Task Properties” dialog box. All properties except for
task type can be modified. System will execute the task according to the new parameters and execute
manually executed task immediately as long as the task status is “Enable”.
Select a device resource on the “Task Detail List”, right-click on the record of the device and click
[Restart] on the shortcut menu, or click <Restart> button on the toolbar, system will execute this
task again on the selected device.

6.4.6 Disable batch configuration task

 To disable an operation task, users can select the task to be disabled on the task list of the
“Batch Task Center” window, click [Disable] on the shortcut menu, or click the button
<Disable> on the toolbar of the “Task List”, the system will disable the task.
 Modify the task status to “Disable” in the “Edit Task Properties” dialog box.

6.5 Batch executing commands script

6.5.1 Overview
NView NNM system provides function of batch executing commands script. This module takes local
script at client side as unit, providing application of configuration commands to multiple devices in
turn and also can view execution result on devices.

The batch execution of commands script includes two parts:

 NView server: It is the core of batch executing commands script. For the device, NView
server is the client of Telnet, device is the server of Telnet; for the client, NView server
receives script execution task from client and applies it to device.
 NView client: It is the expression of batch executing commands script at front end, providing
friendly guiding user interface. The application of all script task, viewing of information,
edition of script, etc. functions are all expressed and processed by client.

6.5.2 Batch executing commands script

Script at client side can be executed in turn on multiple devices via Telnet of remote server. Users
save the commands script as script of client and for batch executing commands text options. It is
recommended to save command text in format of “.txt”.

After user selecting multiple devices, the script will be executed in turn according to device order. It
connects to one device at first, after the device finishes execution of script, connecting to the next
device and until finish execution in the last device.
Click [Config/Batch Executing Commands Script] in the main menu to perform this function. The
interface shows as below:

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Figure 6-15 Interface of Batch Executing Commands Script

The interface includes four parts:

 The top of interface is tool bar, including: Open, Link, Stop, Save, Export and Clear
 The upper column is area for displaying script content, right-key menu including functions of
Open, Link, Stop and Save.
 The middle of interface is area for displaying execution progress.
 The bottom of interface is area for displaying script execution result, right-key menu
including functions of Export and Clear.
The function of right-key menu of upper and bottom displaying area is identical to toolbar. Detailed
introduction of functions of right-key menu for text area and buttons in tool bar:

 Open: open file selection box to choose client script file. The content of script will be
displayed at upper area of interface.
 The script content will be displayed at upper area of interface when user chooses script file
and open it, as figure shows below:

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Figure 6-16 Display Script

 Link: click <Link> to open device selection interface, as figure shows below. In support of
tick off multiple devices, port ID is not editable, only in support of login port 23 of Telnet
protocol. User needs to fill with correct user name and password for linking.

Figure 6-17 Connection of Devices

User selects device to execute script and click <OK>, the content of script file will be executed in
the devices in turn. The process of execution: after script is executed in one device, it links to the
next device and executing in the new connected device, until it finishes execution in the last device.

Suppose choosing two devices now, the script finishes execution in the first device and then connect
to the second one, as below figure shows:

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Figure 6-18 Execution of Script

 Stop: to stop the waiting or running task by this function.
 Save: to save the contents in script displaying area in client local file.
 Export: to export script execution result to local, system pop-up a selection box for local files
 Clear: to clear the content displayed in script execution result area.
 Progress: the progress of script execution in device group. Displaying progress according to
the devices total and number of devices finished execution.

6.6 OLP route module

6.6.1 Overview of module
OLP (Optical Line Protocol) system is an auto-monitor protection system based on all optical cable
link and independent from communication transmission system. When optic fiber attenuation is
increased large enough to degrade communication quality or working fiber is broken, system can
quickly switches working fiber to standby fiber by automation in real-time and then keep on
communication. Thus the synchronization switchover and protection of fiber line is implemented to
improve availability of fiber line and enhance reliability of communication in system, and guarantee
server quality.

6.6.2 Function features

OLP route management module is application software module over NView NNM system, used to
maintain and monitor OLP fiber line auto-switching protection. The simple and direct interface and
strong line maintenance function greatly improves the maintenance of OLP system.

Please refer to 5.7.13 for the OLP card list supported by this module.

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6.6.3 Startup of module

Startup NView NNM client at first, click [Config/OLP Route] in menu bar to startup this module, as
figure shows below.

Figure 6-19 Main Interface of OLP Route

The left of interface is route tree; the right side is route diagram and information panel. User can
launch OLP functions from right-key menu in route tree.
After adding route, choose one route and double-click or choose <Open Route> from right-key
menu, then detailed information of the route will display in route information panel, as figure shows

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Figure 6-20 View of Detailed Route Information

6.6.4 Interface style

Figure 6-21 Main View of OLP Route Management Module

Elements and descriptions of OLP route module as below table showing.

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Table 6-2 Elements in the View

Elements Definition

1x2 optical switch

2x2 optical switch

Optical splitter

Protect channel

Working channel

LOS in the channel

1:1 OLP card (select signal for transmission

and receiving, including two 2x2 optical

1+1 OLP card (concurrent transmission and

select signal for receiving, including one
1x2 optical switch and one optical splitter)

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6.6.5 Function of module

This chapter describes the detailed functions of OLP route component.

OLP route is made of a pair of optical line protecting card and main/backup fiber connected. This
component takes management of OLP route as a whole. Create, delete and modify is operated
usually by right-click menu in route tree view.

6.6.6 Create new route

Under the route tree, right-click the mouse and select <Add Route>, the system will create a new
route and display instantly, the default name as "Unnamed", but full name displayed in the route tree
is "Unnamed @ A Card: Not Designated < > Z Card: Not Designated" (the left part of “@” is the
route name, right part is associated card) as shown below. For a newly created route, if not
designating associated card for it, A card and Z card name will be displayed as "Not Designated".

Figure 6-22 Create Route

6.6.7 Open route view

Under the route tree, right-click or double-click the route and click <Open Route>.

Users can edit OLP route properties, refresh status, assign relative cards and configure or manage on
the assigned card, etc.
Note: View from performance, the system can manage at most 5 routes at a certain moment, namely
five OLP route management windows are available at the same time.

6.6.8 Appoint relative card for route

In view of route window, users can designate associated card for A or Z. For example, to designate
card A, firstly click <Select>, then pop-up the window to select designated card, secondly click
<Save>; if not designated, click <Cancel>.

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After designate cards for OLP route, the system automatically communicates with NE where card
located, to get the latest equipment information, and redraw route topology. While both ends of cards
are designated, the system will refresh cable connection status based on device information. Users
can manually click <Refresh> as required, to obtain the latest state of route cable and device.

Figure 6-23 Create Route

Figure 6-24 Refresh Route

OLP protect mode includes 1:1 mode and 1+1 mode.

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Figure 6-25 Route Status in 1:1 Mode

As the different cards offer different card information, so “Select” will display its own configuration
and describe information, such as OPCOM600-OLP-A view as below. Under “Select” window, OLP
route parameters are configurable, which refer to the corresponding user manual.

Figure 6-26 “Card Selection” of OPCOM600-OLP-A

 Even one end of OLP route associate with a card, it is available to designate a new card,
 If a card has been associated with a OLP route, then this card cannot be designated again, If
necessary, delete its associated OLP route before the new designation;
 Whether OLP route is consistent with the actual equipment deployment, is guaranteed by
maintenance staffs instead of the component itself.
User can set reference optical power for “Primary Service” and “Secondary Service” respectively,
history optical power is set by user according to the value requires to record, as figure shows below.

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Figure 6-27 Threshold Configuration-refer to Optical Power

Refresh after the setting of Reference Power, a difference (the current optical power minus reference
power value) will display behind current optical power value. If not set reference power, the
difference will not display.

Figure 6-28 Threshold Configuration-1+1 Mode

Figure 6-29 Threshold Configuration-1:1 Mode

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6.6.9 Edit route information

There are two methods to open this window: click <Modify Route Information> in route window;
right-click the selected route and click <Modify Route Information>.

Figure 6-30 View of Editing Route Information

Modify related items and click <Save>. The system will pop up the following dialog.
If examine the effect of the modification, click <Refresh> button. Click <Close> to close it.

Theory attenuation calculator

This component provides users with theory attenuation calculator for some standard cables. Click
<Theory Attenuation Calculator> to open it. Select “Type” and “Cable Length”, the system will
automatically calculate the db value.

Figure 6-31 Theory Attenuation Calculator

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Note: Transmission cable technology always in progress, so theory attenuation (attenuation

coefficient) of unit length cable has been changed. In order to adapt to these changes, the
components of the cable attenuation coefficient can be customized according to user's requirements,
specific customization technique please contact with Raisecom technical supporters.

6.6.10 Delete route

In the tree view of route topology, right-click a selected route, click <Delete Route> then popup a
“Confirm” dialog box. Click <Yes> to delete the route.

When one OLP route is deleted, the route information in the system will be deleted too, meanwhile,
route-related cable information will also be deleted. Associated cards are not deleted, but the relation
with route is lifted, after that, it can be designate to other route.

Note: Integer route under system monitor carries a lot of user inputting information, be careful
before deleting it.

6.6.11 View route information

View all routes list

Under route tree right-click at random position, select <View All Routes>, then it will pop-up a
window as below.

Figure 6-32 View All Routes

“View All Routes” lists all routes in the system, users can click <Export> button, in the format of
TXT or Excel as required.

View all cables list

Under route tree right-click at random position, select <View All Cables>, then it will pop-up a
window as below.

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Figure 6-33 View All Cables

“View All Cables” lists all cables in the system, users can click <Export> button, in the format of
TXT or Excel as required.

View card power list

“Card Power List” display detailed information of one OLP Route. Under route tree right-click at
random position, select <Card Power List> then click on the left, then it will pop-up a window
as below.

Figure 6-34 Card Power List

Click <Export> to export card optical power of all pages, current page or selected pages in txt or
Excel format.

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View current alarm list

“Current Alarm Info” displays alarm information of one OLP. Under route tree right-click at
random position, select <Current Alarm Info>, then click on the left, as below.

Figure 6-35 Current Alarm List-Customized Table

Click <Export> to export card optical power current alarm information of all pages, current page or
selected pages in txt or Excel format.

View route topology graph

Right-click at any place of route tree view, choose item <Route Topology Graph> and system
pop-up view of “Route Topology” as below showing.

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Figure 6-36 Route Topology

The route topology view presents connection relationship between system NE and OLP route module.
User can click <Export> to export topology graph in PNG format.

6.6.12 Cards list

The cards supported by OLP route module shows in below table:

Table 6-3 Cards Supported by OLP Route Module

Card Name Chassis Name




OPCOM600-OLP-B(A.00) RC006

OPCOM600-OLP-B(B.00) RC006

OPCOM600-OLP-B(B.10) RC006





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6.7 Device Syslog log management

Syslog is a standard system service that is provided through port 514. Device send Syslog log in the
format of UDP message to specified Syslog server (NView NNM server), and the server will report
the Syslog log to the database timely. Users can query or export Syslog log using Syslog log
management component. The log can be received and resolved if only the Syslog log sent by the
device conform to the Syslog protocol format defined in RFC-3164 criterion.

6.7.1 Receive Syslog log

Configure the IP address and port number of the Syslog receiving server of the device using device
command lines or device element management system. The IP address for Syslog receiving server
must be set to the IP address of the NView NNM server. The port number must be 514.

Make sure that the Syslog receiving service in NView NNM is operating.

6.7.2 Syslog log query

Click [Log/Device Syslog] on the system main menu, the main view of Device Syslog will turn up.

Figure 6-37 Device Syslog Query Interface

Input the query conditions in the query panel, which can be opened by clicking the button <Show
Query>, and click the button <Query>, the Syslog information satisfy the query conditions will be
listed beneath the toolbar of the “Device Syslog” window.

Select a row of record on the Syslog list, and right-click on the record, a shortcut menu will appear as
is shown in Figure above. Operations listed on the shortcut menu are:

 [Delete], system will delete Syslog information.

 [Export to Excel], system will export Syslog information to an Excel file
 [Export to Text], system will export Syslog information to a Text file.

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Chapter 7 Alarm Event Management

This chapter mainly introduces the relevant definition and operation concerning alarm event and how
to manage alarm events using NView NNM system. It includes the following sections:
 Overview
 Current alarm monitoring
 Topology alarm monitoring
 Device alarm monitoring
 Alarm list query
 Current alarm filtering
 Alarm reversal
 Trap notification
 Historical alarm management
 Alarm type management
 Troubleshooting knowledge management
 Alarm statistics

7.1 Overview
When operating, network device should have a channel to report fault and operating abnormity to the
administrator to help the administrator remove the fault in time and thereby guarantee the quality of
network operating. This process is called “Trap” in SNMP management. “Trap” has the following

 Trap information is sent automatically. The management workstation does not have to send a
 Trap is based on UDP protocol, hence reliability is not guaranteed. That is, in some
circumstances, Trap information may be unable to reach the management workstation. For
the prerequisites for receiving Trap information correctly, please refer to prerequisites of
receiving alarm correctly.
 The Management workstation monitors Trap information at port 162.
In NView NNM system, Trap information is named “Alarm Event”. If an alarm event is received,
system will notify the administrator in a striking way, provide detailed information of the alarm event,
and locate the alibi of the fault. The system may even provide a resolution to assist the administrator
remove the fault in time and guarantee the smooth operation of the network.

Knowledge of the following definitions is essential for learning to use NView NNM system to
manage alarm event.

7.1.1 Alarm status

In NView NNM system, every alarm event may be in one of the following two statuses:

 Newly generated: Received alarm event from network device

 Recovered: If the fault occurred on network device disappears or some performance indexes

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get back to normal automatically, the Agent will send “Alarm Recovery Information” via
Trap to the system. System will modify the alarm status of the corresponding alarm event to
“Recovered” after receiving the recovery information. By this time, the fault on the device
should have been removed. The recovered alarm displays in green in the alarm list.

7.1.2 Operation status

For every alarm event, network administrator may execute some operation on it. There are 4 types of
operations can be executed on an alarm event, leading to 4 types of operation status:

 Unacknowledged: The network administrator has not executed any operation on the alarm
 Acknowledged: As to newly generated alarms, user can execute an “acknowledge” operation
on a current alarm to modify the status of the alarm to “Acknowledged” if he/she is aware of
the content of the alarm. Please note that the alarm status is “Acknowledged” does not mean
that the corresponding fault has been removed from the network.
 Cleared: All current alarms can be changed to historical alarms by executing the “clear”
operation on them. The operation status of the alarm will become “Cleared” after the
operation. And “Cleared” alarms will be removed from the current alarm list and listed on the
historical alarm list.
 Filtered: The system provides an alarm filtering scheme, which filters some received alarms
from being displayed on the current alarm list. The operation status of these alarms is
“Filtered”. All filtered alarms will not be displayed in the current alarm list, but be saved as
historical alarm directly.
NView NNM adds function of canceling alarm acknowledge, which is in support of change the
“Acknowledged” alarm to “Unacknowledged” status, see section 7.2.9 for detailed operation.

7.1.3 Current alarm

For NView NNM system, whether an alarm event is a “Current Alarm” or not is decided by the
operation status of the alarm. All alarms that have not been cleared or filtered will be considered as
current alarms. Please note that the “Current” is only related to the status of the alarm. It has nothing
to do with any time period conception. Current alarms are of considerably high status in network

7.1.4 Historical alarm

Apart from “Current Alarm”, all alarms are considered as “Historical Alarm”. They are alarms that
have been cleared or filtered. Please note that the “Historical” is only related to the operation status
of the alarm. It has nothing to do with any time period conception.

7.1.5 Alarm filtering

NView NNM system provides an alarm filtering scheme, which enables users to set up filter rules to
have alarm of certain types from certain locations do not be received by the network management
system. Users can choose whether to save filtered alarms into the database. If users choose to save
filtered alarms into database, these alarms will become historical alarm and their operation status will
be “Filtered”.

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7.1.6 Alarm compressing

The system provides an “Alarm Compressing” function, which effectively prevents the system from
the pressure from repeated alarms. Repeated alarms are alarms of the same type and from the same
location. For repeated alarms, the system will not consider them as new alarms but alarms in the
same group, and only count the number of the alarms in the group. Users can enable or disable the
function in the corresponding parameter configuration part in Trap receiving service.

7.1.7 Alarm reversal

For ports not open the service, the alarm reversal is used to avoid generating related alarm
information and avoid alarm interference. To configure alarm reversal function to make the port
alarm status opposite with the actual status, i.e. if there is alarm actually, it will not report alarm; if
there is no alarm actually, and it will report alarm.

7.1.8 Alarm live period

The system provides an alarm live period calculation period, which calculates the time difference of
the start time of the alarm (the time when the alarm is reported for the first time) and the end time of
the alarm (the time when the alarm is automatically restored or cleared) to get the fault clearance
time of the system.
When a fault recovery event sent from a device is received by the system, the system will
automatically match the recovery event to existing fault alarms. If the corresponding fault alarm
exists, the system will set the statues of the alarm event to “Recovered” automatically. If the alarm
event is on the list of “Current Alarm”, the record of the alarm will be transferred to the list of
“Historical Alarm” as the status of the alarm changes.

7.1.9 Levels of alarms

For every type of alarm event, NView NNM system marks them with a level to show its severity.
NView NNM provides 5 levels in all, from the most serious to the least serious, they are:

 Critical Alarm (Critical): The highest level alarm, which will interrupt the communication.
Marked in red:
 Major Alarm (Major): Service continues while the performance declined considerably and
affected the operation. Marked in orange:
 Minor Alarm (Minor): Alarm event occurs but do not affect the operation of the service.
Marked in yellow:
 Warn Alarm (Warn): The service is operating in order. Only an ordinary problem occurred.
Marked in blue:
 Unknown Alarm (Unknown): Alarm events that cannot be recognized. Marked in light grey:

The level of a type of alarm can be redefined.

7.1.10 Content of alarm event

A complete alarm event generally contains the following 5 parts:

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 Basic information: Recognizable information resolved by the system, include:

 Alarm Level: The critical level of the alarm event. It depends on the level designated to
the type of alarm
 Alarm Name: The name of the type of alarm event.
 Alarm Status: The current status of the alarm event.
 Alarm Operation Status: The status of the alarm after operations have been executed
on them by network administrators
 Name of Alarm Source: The name of the source where the alarm comes from. For alarm
from device, it is the name of the device node; for alarm from card, it is in the format of
“device node name +chassis name+ card name”; for alarm from port, it is in the format
of “device node name + chassis name+ port name”.
 Device Type: The type of the alarm source device
 Source Type: The type of the alarm source. It depends on the alarm source type
designated to the type of alarm.
 Service Affection: Whether the alarm affects network service or not. The content
depends on the affection definition designated to the type of alarm.
 Location: The physical location of the alarm source (device, card, port).
 IP Address: IP Address of the alarm source device
 Up Count: How many times the alarm event occurs during the time period from the time
it comes up for the first time to the time it recovers by itself or is cleared by
 First Report Time: The time when the alarm event is reported for the first time.
 Latest Report Time: The time when the alarm event is reported for the last time.
 Recovered Time: The time when the alarm event recovered by itself.
 Alarm live period: The time difference between the first report time and the end time of
the alarm.
 Response Time: The time from the first report to acknowledge or clear.
 Process Time: The time from the first report to alarm recover.
 Operation information: System self-recovery information and administrator operating
 Operator: The administrator who acknowledged or cleared the alarm event.
 ACK Time: The time when the administrator acknowledged the alarm event.
 ACK Log: The log information made out by the administrator when he/she
acknowledged the alarm event.
 Cleared Time: The time when the administrator cleared the alarm event.
 Cleared Log: The log information made out by the administrator when he/she cleared
the alarm event.
 Customer Information: Customer information will be included in the alarm information if the
alarm event affected the customer. Since one alarm event may affect several customers (e.g.
an alarm event from an access port will directly affect all access customers communicate via
this port), a list of information of affected customers will be included in the alarm
 Troubleshooting: Historical phenomenon and removal strategy of the corresponding alarm
type is provided as the reference for fault removal.
 Trap Content: Before being resolved, the original content of an alarm event is a group of
property combinations in the format of “key-value”.

7.1.11 Alarm auto-synchronization

System provides alarm auto-synchronization function. After the device gets offline and cannot
managed by NMS, the alarms generated and saved in the device will auto-synchronized to NMS
when device network management recover, then it can guarantee device alarm information in is real
and in details.

This function is only available to device that is in support of saving NE alarm (like OPCOM3500E);
it is invalid for the NE that doesn’t save alarm (like RC002).

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7.2 Current alarm monitoring

7.2.1 The prerequisites to receive alarm correctly
To make sure that an alarm can be properly received and displayed by NView NNM system, the
following conditions should be satisfied:
 The network device has already been configured with parameters like Trap target IP, SNMP
parameters, and etc.
 All network devices under management and the management workstation on which the
NView NNM system locates are connecting to the network properly. The communication on
the links connecting the devices and workstations is unblocked. (A device on one end of the
link can Ping the device on the other end of the link; UDP protocol communication is
 Port 162 on the host where NView NNM system server locates must not be occupied by other
processes. For example, in Win2003 Server operation system, the SNMP Trap service that
will occupy Port 162 is turned on by default. To install NView NNM on this operation system,
please stop the SNMP Trap service at first to release Port 162, otherwise NView NNM
system will not be able to receive alarm event. Please note that only the host where the
NView NNM system server locates should satisfy this condition. When performing
distributed installation, the host where the client is located does not have to satisfy this
 UDP protocol communication should be allowed in the network. In some circumstances, all
network devices should hide behind a firewall out of security consideration. Please make sure
that Trap can go through the firewall and reach the workstation, otherwise the system cannot
receive the alarm information.
 The agent of network device should set the Trap Server IP Address to the IP address of the
host on which the server of NView NNM system locates, and make sure that the target port
number conforms to the number of the port through which the Trap receiving service is
monitoring in NView NNM system. (Port 162 by default)
 The “SNMP Trap Receiving Service” of the NView NNM system must be turned ON and
running in order, otherwise the system will not be able to receive any traps.
 NView NNM system must have defined the type or alarm event, or even if the alarm event is
received, it will be treated as an unknown alarm.
 Please check whether the type of alarm event has been filtered by the NView NNM system.
Alarm events will not be properly displayed or handled if they are filtered by the system.
 The host from which the alarm event is coming should have registered the corresponding port
(The port should be shown on device list.), or the system will discard the alarm information
from the port.
 The node of the host from which the alarm event is coming from should be a node in the
management domain of the current administrator, or the alarm information will only be
received, but will not be displayed. This is not a limitation for administrators from the
“admin” group.
If all the conditions above are satisfied, NView NNM system should be able to receive and resolve
alarm information properly. Please note that these conditions are only the necessary condition of
receiving alarms properly. More conditions may be required in some applications.

7.2.2 Grouped alarm monitoring

NView NNM system provides current alarm real-time monitoring function. This function enables
display received traps in groups according to assigned conditions and providing count and location
functions according to alarm level. Users can open Current Alarm List under Grouped Alarm by
click [Alarm/Grouped Alarm] in the main menu.

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Figure 7-1 “Current Alarm List” Pane

The grouped alarm list is in support of customized column. Click the button < > at top-left of the
list to open customized column dialog box, as Figure shows below. Select the Column Name to
display from the list and click <OK> to display the customized columns information.

Figure 7-2 Customized Column-Grouped Alarm List

At present, NNM system provides monitoring rules classifying in “System-defined alarm” and
“User-defined alarm”.

 The “System-defined alarm” including alarms reported in the last 1 hour, alarms reported in
the last one day, alarms reported in the last 1 week, alarms reported in the last 1 month,
acknowledged alarms, newly generated alarms and recovered alarm, etc. Administrator can
click the relevant node in monitor rule tree to view the alarm information in the
corresponding group;
 “User-defined alarm” can create alarm monitoring rule in accordance with source condition,
properties, customer influence, such as creating “alarms responding over 1 hour”, “alarms
processing over 1 hour”, “key customer network alarms”, etc.
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By configure monitoring rule, administrator can pay more attentions on monitoring key customer
and key devices, meanwhile, it is able to supervise the response and process speed of alarm
information and provide direct viewing data for different maintenance service, then improve SLA of

The “System-defined alarm” is not in support of edition, but it affects all admin accounts;
“User-defined alarm” supports edition function, administrator can adjust the rules according need
and its affecting range is the admin accounts assigned in “Share Policy”.

Every monitor page provides alarm information auto-refresh and manual refresh function. System

default refresh interval is 10 seconds [ ], click < > to modify refresh interval. The system
support minimum refresh interval is 5 seconds.

Operations in alarm list

The alarm information that satisfying condition will be classified and statistic, the following
operations are available in the list:

 Acknowledge: Acknowledge the selected alarm/alarms. Please note that the operation is
applicable through the right-click menu only when all the selected alarms are “Newly
generated” alarms.
 Clear Alarm: Clear the current alarms that satisfy a specified condition. Its sub menu contains
the following operation:
 Clear Selection: Clear selected alarm/alarms.
 Clear Alarms with Same Type: Clear all alarm/alarms in the list that is of the same type
as the selected alarm.
 Clear Alarms With Same Location: Clear all alarm/alarms in the list that are from the
same location as the selected alarm
 Clear All Acknowledged Alarms: Clear all acknowledged current alarms in the list
 Clear All: Clear all the current alarms in the list
 Troubleshooting: Query the troubleshooting experience knowledge database for relevant fault
removal experience helps locate cause of fault quickly and efficiently.
 Properties: Detailed information of the selected alarm is shown in the “Properties” dialog
 Locate in Topo: Locate the corresponding node of the selected alarm, and open the card view
or topology view that the selected alarm affects
 Locate in Device: Locate the position on the device pane where the selected alarm comes
from, and open the element management system of the device corresponds to the selected
alarm. The function is applicable to alarms from chassis, card, and port (alarm resource
information is need to complete the localization).
 Filter Setup: User can set up filtering rules directly on the basis of the selected current alarm,
which can make the deployment visual and quick.
User can filter the alarm event of some network element in some time according to the following
Step 1 In alarm period filter rule view, click <Add> on top of tool bar to pop up Add Filter Rule
dialog box.

Step 2 Select the rule mode to deploy on top of the dialog box: all object or custom object.

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Figure 7-3 Deploy rule mode

 If select all objects, user can click <Next> to enter “Step 3”directly.
 If select custom object, user can click to select a classify in the drop-down list box on the left
of the interface, and select filter rule application object in the pop-up interface, then click
<Next> to enter “Step 3”.
 To select “Network element” or “Single-board”, in the pop-up interface, select NView
NNM network element or single-board record, and then click <OK>.
 To select “NE type” or “Single-board type”, in the pop-up interface, select device type
and then click <OK>.

Note: It can only show less than 10 pieces of records in the “Selected alarm source”; if it exceeds 10
pieces of records, it will pop up [Prompt] dialog box to prompt error.

Step 3 Pop up filter alarm time setting dialog box, as shown below. Select alarm filter execution time
and then click <OK> to complete the operation.

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Figure 7-4 Select filter alarm time setting dialog box

 Deploy filter policy quickly
 Filter with Same Type: Filter all alarms that are of the same type as the selected alarm.
 Filter with Same Location: Filter all alarms that are from the same location as the
selected alarm.
 Filter with Same Type and Location: Filter all alarms that are of the same type and in the
same location as the selected alarm.
 Export: Export information of all current alarms
 Export All Items to Excel File: Export all alarms on the current alarm list to an Excel
(.xls) file
 Export All Items to Text File: Export all alarms on the current alarm list to a Text (.txt)
 Export Selected Items to Excel File: Export all selected alarms on the current alarm list
to an Excel (.xls) file
 Export Selected Items to Text File: Export all selected alarms on the current alarm list to
a Text (.txt) file.
 Export the Current Items to Excel file: Export all the alarms on the current alarm list to
Excel (.xls) file.
 Export the Current Items to Text file: Export all the alarms on the current alarm list to
Text (.xls) file.

Alarm counter

Apart from displaying current alarms in a list on the Alarm Monitor Pane, NView NNM system has a
current alarm counter as is shown in Figure below on the system toolbar. The counter counts
receiving alarms on different levels.

Figure 7-5 Alarm Counter

Six colored buttons form the Alarm Counter. Each color except white corresponds to an alarm level.
The figure on the button indicates the number of current alarm records on the corresponding level.
And the figure on the white button is the total number of current alarm records.

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Click a colored button; only current alarms on the corresponding level will be listed on the Alarm
Monitor Pane. Click the white button, all current alarms will be listed.
Note: The figures shown on the alarm counter will not count in repeated alarm, that is, alarms of a
same type and from a same location will be counted in for only once. The alarm counter in system
toolbar statistic all alarms received by NNM system current, but the alarm counter in grouped alarm
monitor toolbar just statistic the alarms in line with current grouped monitor rule.

7.2.3 User-defined alarm grouped monitoring rules

User-defined alarm grouped monitoring rules refers to user creating customized alarm group. An
alarm can belong to several grouped monitoring rules, different groups display alarm according to
the grouped monitoring rules. User-defined alarm group can provide different alarm view without
influencing the alarm receiving function of network management platform.

Detailed setting of this monitoring rule: click the button < > at the top-left or right-click the blank
area in “Monitor Rule”, system will pop-up a right-key menu, choose <Add> and click the dialog of
“Edit Monitor Rule”, only the administrator from admin group has the authority to configure alarm
monitoring rule. As shown below:

Figure 7-6 “Edit Alarm Monitor Rule” Dialog Box

One piece of alarm monitoring rule is in support of the comprehensive setting of alarm source, alarm
properties, customer conditions and share policy.

Alarm source conditions

Alarm source conditions refer to users take grouped monitoring according to alarm source. User can
select content of conditions, as shown in the figure above.

User can comprehensively specify the following conditions:

 Alarm source subnet;

 Alarm source device;
 Alarm source device type;
 Alarm source specified location (chassis and board panel);
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 Alarm source name contains specified character

Alarm properties

The alarm properties contain the following conditions setting:

 Alarm name contains specified characters;

 Specified alarm type;
 Specified alarm classification, including equipment alarm, service quality alarm, process
failure alarm, etc;
 Alarm level, including critical alarm, major alarm, prompting alarm, etc;
 Alarm acknowledged by specified person, i.e. the alarm confirmed operation user;
 Alarms with specified alarm status, includes new generation, recovery, and confirmation.
User can select the content of conditions, as shown below:

Figure 7-7 Alarm Properties

Customer conditions

After configuring network elements associated with the customer, customer conditions will specify
the following conditions to set the equipment associated customer:

 Customer name contains specified characters;

 Circuit ID contains specified characters;
 Specify service impact degree alarm, including three conditions of non-impact, service
deterioration and service interruption.
User can select the content of conditions, as shown below:

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Figure 7-8 Customer Conditions

Share policy

By the time of setting customize monitoring rule, administrator can also set “Share Policy”, that is to
assign administrator account to operate the monitoring rules.

Figure 7-9 Share Policy

7.2.4 View alarm properties

When users use the view alarm properties function, not only basic information of the alarm, but
relevant device information, card information (only for alarms from card) and customer information
will be displayed to assist users have a comprehensive view of all relevant information. To view
properties of an alarm, please double-click a piece of record on the alarm list (current alarm list or
historical alarm list), or select a piece of record, right-click on it and click [Properties] on the
shortcut menu to open the “Properties” dialog box as is shown in Figure below.
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Figure 7-10 Alarm Properties Dialog Box

There are several buttons on the left of the dialog box. They correspond to different groups of
information of the alarm. Click a button, the corresponding group of information will be shown on
the dialog box.

7.2.5 Current alarm query

NView NNM system provides users with a current alarm management interface “Current Alarm”.
Users can query current alarms via this interface. Click [Alarm/Current Alarm] on the system main
menu, the “Current Alarm” pane as is shown in Figure below will turn up:

Figure 7-11 Current Alarm Management

Users can query current alarms according to query conditions formed by information of alarm level,
alarm name, service affection, and etc. Users can also execute operations like acknowledge,
acknowledge canceling, clearing, locating, and composite by clicking alarm field, etc. via this
interface (for example, clicking “First Report Time” to composite the alarms by the first report time).
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The current alarm list is in support of customized column. Click the button < > at top-left of the list
to open customized column dialog box, as Figure shows below. Select the Column Name to display
from the list and click <OK> to display the customized columns information.

Figure 7-12 Customized Column-Current Alarm List

Note: The current alarm renewal function on the “Grouped Alarm” panel is not available in the
“Current Alarm” management interface. Users can renew current alarm list manually by clicking the
button <Refresh> on the bottom right.

7.2.6 Configure alarm order

Shortcut order

The current and historical alarm list supports order function, click list header (properties field, for
example “First time reported time”) to order according to the selected line, i.e. order all records in
database and then show in pages. Press on CTRL and click list header to order the list and that is to
say just order the data in current list according to selected line.

Alarm line order

To order according to multiple properties fields of alarm records, user can use alarm line order
function to configure more complicate order conditions to current and historical alarm list. After
configuring alarm line order function, open “Alarm grouping monitoring”, “Current alarm query” or
“Historical alarm management” interface, the alarm will be ordered in accordance with the
configured order conditions. As shown below, through configuring alarm line order, alarm records
will be ordered in accordance with alarm levels from “emergency” to “Prompt”, and then ordered in
accordance with the first time reported time from new to old.

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Figure 7-13 Alarm line order instance

Step 1 click system menu [Alarm/Setting/Option] to open configuration interface, as shown in step 2.
This interface can configure current alarm and historical alarm order through “Current alarm order”
and “Historical alarm order” tab pages. In each tab page, “Unselected line” shows the alarm
properties field can be ordered; “Selected line” shows the configured order conditions.

Step 2 In “Unselected line”, click alarm properties field and then click < > to add the selected
field to “Selected line” as order condition.

Step 3 In “Selected line”, click a piece of order condition and then click <Upward> or
<Downward> to adjust the priority of order conditions.

Step 4 In “Selected line”, click a piece of order condition and then click <Ascending> or
<Descending> to configure the sequence.

Step 5 Click <OK> to complete the configuration.

Note: The current alarm or historical alarm records in open interface cannot be ordered in
configuring alarm line order; they can be ordered according to the configured order conditions when
open “Alarm grouping monitoring”, “Current alarm query” or “Historical alarm management”
interfaces again.

Figure 7-14 Alarm line order configuration interface

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Table 7-1 Alarm line order interface description

Button Function description

Configure to add order conditions

In “Unselected line”, click a piece of alarm properties field and then
click this button to add the selected field to “Selected line” as order
Configure to reduce order conditions
In “Selected line”, click a piece of alarm properties field and then click
this button to remove the selected fields from “Unselected line” as order
Upward Configure to increase the priority of order conditions.
In “Selected line”, click a piece of order condition and then click this
button to increase the priority of order conditions.
Order conditions are set as order priority from top to bottom, i.e. order in
accordance with the order condition with top location, and then order in
accordance with the order condition with bottom location.
Downward Configure to reduce the priority of order conditions.
In “Selected line”, click a piece of order condition and then click this
button to reduce the priority of order conditions.
Ascending Configure to order the records in ascending
In “Selected line”, click a piece of order condition and then click this
button to configure ascending order.
Descending Configure to order the records in descending
In “Selected line”, click a piece of order condition and then click this
button to configure descending order.
OK Save alarm order conditions and close configuration interface.

Cancel Not save alarm order conditions and close configuration interface.

Apply Save alarm order conditions.

7.2.7 Set alert sound for alarms

A feature of NView NNM system is to inform network administrator of alarm event immediately by
sound. For alarms on different levels, the system will notify the administrator by different sounds.
The alert sound notification can be enable by clicking the button < > on the system toolbar.
The alert sound can be customized. Users can set up different sounds for different alarm levels by
following the steps below:

 Select [System/Preference] on the system main menu, or click the button < > on the
toolbar, a “System Settings” dialog box will pop up.
 Click the button <Alarm Settings> in the “System Settings” dialog box, the page as is
shown in Figure below will turn up:

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Figure 7-15 Alert Sound Settings

 One alert sound corresponds to one alarm level. Tick an alarm level, the corresponding alert
sound will be played when an alarm on this level is reported to the system. There will be no
sound notification if the corresponding alarm level is not ticked.
 Click the button < > on the right, users can select sound files in the format of WAV, MIDI,
or AU as the alert sound of the corresponding alarm level. After the selection, by clicking the
button < >, users can play and try the selected sound file. After all settings, please click the
button <Apply> to make the settings effective.

7.2.8 Acknowledge current alarm

An acknowledged alarm is an alarm that has been detected by the administrator and for which the
administrator has acknowledged the alarm event, and sent notification to relevant engineers to
remove the fault. Users can acknowledge a current alarm by following the instructions below:

 Select the alarm/alarms to be acknowledged in the current alarm list, right-click on the
selected records, and click [Acknowledge] on the shortcut menu, an “Input” dialog box will
 Users can input some log information for the acknowledgement, such as fault notification
information and fault remover, and click <OK>, the system will start to acknowledge the
alarm event.
The alarm status of the alarm event will be modified to “Acknowledged” after the operation. The
acknowledged alarms will also be listed in the current alarm list. After the acknowledgement, the
highest level of alarms may change. The system will inform the user of the change by alert sound
and stop playing the alert sound if all alarm events in the current alarm list have been acknowledged.

Note: The change of the status of the alarm is synchronous for all clients connecting to the same
server. That is, acknowledging an alarm in the current alarm list of a client, the status of the alarm in
the current alarm list of the client and all clients connecting to the same server will change to
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7.2.9 Confirm alarm cancellation

When user needs to change acknowledged alarm to status of “Unacknowledged”, following the
below steps:

 Choose alarm/alarms event from current alarm list to acknowledge, and click <Cancel
Acknowledge> in the shortcut menu to open relevant dialog box.
 Click button <OK> and system starts operation of canceling acknowledge the alarm.
After successful operation, the selected alarm event changes its status to “Unacknowledged”. The
alarm will recover to the status before acknowledgement and acknowledge information become
empty. System plays corresponding alert sound after canceling acknowledge if the critical level in
current alarm list was changed.

7.2.10 Clear a current alarm

A cleared alarm is an alarm for which the corresponding fault has been removed or the administrator
has confirmed that the alarm will not affect the service quality of the current network. Users can
clear a current alarm by following the instructions below:

 Select the alarm/alarms to be cleared on the current alarm list, right-click on the selected
records, and choose [Clear] operation on the sub menu of the shortcut menu; an “Input”
dialog box will pop up for the input of clearing information. The operations available on the
sub menu are:
 Clear Selection: Clear the selected alarm/alarms
 Clear Alarms With Same Type: Clear the alarm/alarms on the current alarm list that are
of the same type as the selected alarm
 Clear Alarms With Same Location: Clear the alarm/alarms on the current alarm list that
are from the same location as the selected alarm
 Clear All Acknowledged Alarms: Cleared all acknowledged alarm on the current alarm
 Clear All: Clear all alarm on the current alarm list
 Users can input clearing log information, like reason for fault removal, method and result for
fault removal, and etc. This information will be recorded in a troubleshooting knowledge
database for further reference. When similar fault happens, users can query the database by
alarm type and location to make fault removal more quickly and efficiently. Click the button
<OK> after filling in the log information; the system will start to clear the alarms. The
cleared alarms will disappear from the current alarm list, and be transferred to historical
alarm list. The fault removal information shows as Figure below:

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Figure 7-16 Fault Removal

The fault removal information including:

 Removal person: add the current operation ID that removes alarm by automation;
 Fault removal log: optional item. Description log of fault removal;
 Fault reason: compulsory. Click the reason in the drop-down box, user input fault reason and
click the button < > to open edit dialog box for fault reason, as Figure shows below:

Figure 7-17 Edit Fault Reason

After filling the text box with fault reason, click the button <Add> to add fault reason. The fault
reason is editable; but the fault reason being used cannot be erased. The system will pop up prompt
as Figure shows below:

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Figure 7-18 Prompt for Undeletable Fault

 Description: optional. Description information of fault;
 Fault removal method: optional. Description of removing fault.
Click the button <OK> and system starts clearing alarm. If operating successfully, the selected alarm
events will disappear from current alarm list and be saved in history alarm by automation.
After the clearing, the alert sound will change if the highest level of alarm changes. The system will
inform the user of the change by alert sound and stop playing the alert sound, and topology node
alarm status will change as well.

Note: The change of the status of the alarm is synchronous for all clients connecting to the same
server. That is, clearing an alarm in the current alarm list of a client, the status of this alarm in the
current alarm list of the client and all clients connecting to the same server will change to “Cleared”
and the alarm will be moved from current alarm list to historical alarm list.

7.3 Topology alarm monitoring

7.3.1 The displaying of an alarm in the topology view
When system received an alarm event from device, the background of the icon of the device node
will turn to the color used to describe the alarm with the highest alarm level on the device. In
addition, a small icon < > will appear on the top of the icon of the device if there is any
unacknowledged alarm on the device. When the highest alarm level of all devices in a subnet
changes as the alarm status of one device changing, the alarm status of the subnet will change as well.
The change of the alarm status will be reported upwards level by level to the subnet on the up-most
level. Please note that acknowledging and clearing operations will also affect the highest level alarm
status of the topology node and subnet.

7.3.2 Locate an alarm in the topology

The NView NNM system provides a “Locate in Topo” function, by which users can locate the device
in the network from which the alarm event comes from. Select an alarm event on the current alarm
list or historical alarm list, right-click on the selected item, and click [Locate in Topo] on the
shortcut menu, the topology view of the device or the card will be opened and the device node from
which the alarm event comes from will be selected.

7.3.3 Locate alarm device

Alarm device location is in support of opening the corresponding alarm device network element
manager and locating to the corresponding position on the device panel. Device location function is
effective to the alarms from the equipment box, panel and port (requiring specific failure source
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position information for location), otherwise this function is invalid.

NView NNM is in support of power supply alarm, fan alarm and other abundant alarm types
mapping to relevant NE and locating alarming device direct through “Device Locate” function.

Select an alarm event in the alarm event list (current alarm or historical alarm), right-click and select
[Device location] in the shortcut menu, the system will automatically open the corresponding alarm
device element manager.

7.3.4 View node alarm

Select a device node on the topology view, right-click on the selected node and click [Alarm/View
Alarms] on the shortcut menu, a “View Events” dialog box as is shown in Figure below will pop up.

Figure 7-19 View Events

All current alarm events from the selected device node will be displayed in the “Current Alarm” list.
Users can acknowledge, cancel acknowledge or clear an alarm on the list.

Click the button <Historical Alarm>, all historical alarm events of the selected alarm node can be
viewed here.

7.4 Device alarm monitoring

7.4.1 The displaying of device alarm
In the interface of element management system of the device, there is a current alarm list occupied
the lower part of the interface and all current alarm events from the device are listed there. Users can
acknowledge and clear an alarm event via the list. The alarm will also be displayed on the picture of
the chassis pane. For example, the card may decorated by icon to assist the administrator locate
the fault. Please see Figure below.

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Figure 7-20 Card Alarm Displaying

The displaying pattern of alarms from card may be different in different EMS. The interface shown
above is just an example.

7.4.2 Device alarm operation

Users can execute the following operations on the current alarm events:

 Acknowledge: Acknowledge selected current alarm event/events

 Alarm clearing: Clear selected alarm; clear alarms of the same type as the selected alarm or
alarm from the same location as the selected alarm; clear all acknowledged alarm; clear all
alarms in the alarm list.
 Set up alarm filter rules: Select an alarm and set up alarm filter rules for the selected alarm
and alarms of the same type or from the same location.
 Export alarm information: Export alarm information in the alarm list to an Excel file or a Text
All the above operations are executed by select the corresponding items on the right-click menu of
the current alarm list.

7.5 Alarm list query

In alarm grouping monitoring, topology alarm monitoring and device alarm monitoring, the alarms
are displayed in the interface in the form of list. Alarm list query function can locate alarm accurately
and quickly.

The alarms list query has the following features:

 The line shown in all list can be used as query condition and the query conditions can be
combined in accordance with “Logical and” or “Logical or” mode.
 Query condition can be customized by user, default to display the common query conditions.
Different user has different customized condition.
 The lines in list can also be customized by user, default to display the common lines.
Different user has different customized line.
 The query condition panel can be popped up and displayed in form of dialog box, which can
expand the list display region to display more information. The operation method to pop up
query condition panel is click <Pop-up> button on the right of query panel.
 The query panel can be open/close, which can expand the list display area to display more
information. The operation method to open/close query panel is click <Open query> or
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<Close query> in tool bar on top of the list.

7.5.1 Customize query condition

Alarm list query can take all lines as query condition, and also allow user to customize query
condition. Use this feature, user can retain the most common query condition, and not to display the
unused condition.

Step 1 Click <Customize condition> on the right side of the query panel to pop up “Customize
query condition” dialog box, as shown below. The dialog box lists all available query lines and lines

Figure 7-21 Customize query condition

Step 2 Select the required lines, click <OK> to close the dialog box. It only retains the selected lines
as query conditions in query panel.

Step 3 (Optional) Click <OK and Save > to open this form again, the selected query conditions will
be retained.
Step 4 (Optional) If restore to the system default settings, click <Restore Default>.

Step 5 (Optional) If to adjust the query conditions order in query panel, user just needs to select some

line in list, click or on the left corner of dialog box to adjust the selected line order in list,
then click <OK and Save>.

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Customize display line

Alarm list query provides to display line customized function, by which user can only allow the most
commonly used properties and display order to show in list; the commonly unused properties can be
Step 1 Click < > on the left top of list to pop up “Customize table line” form, this dialog box lists
all available display lines and lines description.

Figure 7-22 Customize column

Step 2 Select the required lines, click <OK> to close the dialog box. It only retains the selected lines
in list.

Step 3 (Optional) Click <OK and Save > to open this form again, the selected lines will be retained.
Step 4 (Optional) If restore to the system default settings, click <Restore Default>.

Step 5 (Optional) If to adjust the lines order in list, user just needs to select some line in list, click

or on the left corner of dialog box to adjust the selected line order in list, then click <OK
and Save>.

Note: The alarm list query supports order function, click list header to order according to the
selected line, default to take database order, i.e. order all records in database and then show in pages.
Press on CTRL and click list header to order the list and that is to say just order the data in current
list according to selected line.

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Save query condition

The alarm list query provides “Bookmark” function to save the commonly used query conditions.
User just needs to open the corresponding bookmark to take same condition query but not needs to
input fussy condition.
Step 1 Open query panel in alarm list, click <Bookmark> on the right operation list.

Figure 7-23 Bookmark in alarm list query

Step 2 Click <Add to Bookmark> to pop up bookmark naming dialog box, input bookmark name
and click <Save> to save the bookmark to system.
Step 3 Click <Manage Bookmark> to delete or rename the saved bookmark.

Figure 7-24 Manage bookmark

Step 4 To use bookmark, user just needs to click <Bookmark> in tool bar in the corresponding
general query component, it will show all the saved bookmarks in the drop-down menu. Select the
required bookmark, the query condition will list in query panel automatically and query the
corresponding result.

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Figure 7-25 Select bookmark

7.6 Current alarm filter

NView NNM system provides alarm filtering function by which system is able to filter current alarm
events of one type or from one device, chassis, card or port. Filtered alarms will not be displayed in
the interface. Users decide whether saving the filtered alarms as historical alarms or not.
Note: The above filter rules may have “equivalent filter rules”. That is, in some circumstances,
defining filter rule for a card is equivalent to defining a rule for the chassis to which the card belongs.
Equivalent filter rules are allowed by the system; however, to restart the receiving of a filtered alarm,
users must find out all equivalent filter rules and delete them in advance.

7.6.1 Alarm filter rule

NView NNM system provides users with six alarm filter rules to assist users set up different filtering
 Trap Filter: Filter alarm events that are of specified types.
 Device Filter: Filter alarm events that are of specified types and from specified device.
 Chassis Filter: Filter alarm events that are of specified types and from specified chassis.
 Card Filter: Filter alarm events that are of specified types and from specified card.
 Port Filter: Filter alarm events that are of specified types and from specified port.
 Alarm Level Filter: Filter alarm events that are of specified alarm level.
 Alarm time segment filter rule: Filter alarm events with specified alarm time segment.
Click [Alarm/Alarm Filter Rule] on the system main menu, an “Alarm Filter Rule” window will
turn up.

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Figure 7-26 Alarm Filter Rule

Click the left filter rule to switch between various alarm filter rules. The right side will show the
alarm rule created filter rule. Alarm rule interface description is shown as below.

 Name: name of device type, alarm type or alarm source

 Description: the name represented object description
 Enable: checked indicates that the filter rule is valid; only when the filter rule is enabled, the
system can filter the alarm event complying with filter rule.
 Saved to history database: Whether to save the alarm events complying with the filter rule or
not. If select this option, the system will save them as historical alarm once receiving alarm
events complying with the filter rule, or the system will discard these alarm events.
 Delete: Delete the selected alarm filter rule. “Alarm level” filter rule does not support delete
There are two options in the bottom of the filter rules add interface, their features are as follows:

 Enable filter rule: whether the added filter rule is valid, checked by default, indicates take
alarm filter according to this rule after adding. If not check this option, the rule will be
 Auto-clear (saved to history database): whether to save the filtered alarms to history database,
not check by default, indicates to discard the filtered alarms directly. If check this option, the
filtered alarms will not be shown in current alarm, but only saved to history alarms database.

7.6.2 Deploy alarm type filter rule

Users can filter all alarm events of one certain alarm type by following the instructions below:

 Click the button <Add> on the toolbar of the “Trap Filter” page, an “Add Filter Rule”
dialog box will pop up.
 Tick the alarm types to be filtered in the “Add Filter Rule” dialog box (see Figure below).
Click the button <OK> after selection to start the “Add Filter Rule” operation.
Corresponding record of the operation will be displayed on the “Alarm Filter Rule” window.

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Figure 7-27 Add Filter Rule

 If a filter rule is no longer in need, user can click the button < > on the same row of the
filter rule to delete it. User can also disable a filter rule by modifying the enable status of the
filter rule.
Note: After modifying the enable status of a filter rule, please click the button <Save> on the toolbar
to save the settings, otherwise the modification will not be processed.

7.6.3 Deploy device filter rule

Users can filter the alarm events that are of a specified type and from a specified device by following
the instructions below:
 Click the button <Add> on the toolbar of the “Device Filter” page; an “Add Filter Rule”
dialog box will pop up.
 The upper half of the dialog box is a device list. Users can search for a device or several
devices by query, and tick their “Select” checkboxes. After the selection of devices, please
select the alarm types to be filtered on the alarm type list beneath the device list. By default,
all alarm types will be filtered. Uncheck the checkbox for “All Alarm Types”, and the alarm
types that are supported by the selected devices will be listed. Please see the figure below:

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Figure 7-28 Add Device Filter Rule

 After all selection, please click <OK> to complete the filter rule setup. The corresponding
filter rule will appear in the “Alarm Filter Rule” window.

7.6.4 Deploy chassis filter rule

Users can filter the alarm events that are of a specified type and from a specified chassis by
following the instructions below:

 Click the button <Add> on the toolbar of the “Chassis Filter” page; an “Add Filter Rule”
dialog box will pop up.
 The upper half of the dialog box is a chassis list. Users can search for a chassis or several
chassis by query, and tick their “Select” checkboxes. After the selection of chassis, please
select the alarm types to be filtered on the alarm type list beneath the chassis list. By default,
all alarm types will be filtered. Uncheck the checkbox for “All Alarm Types”, and the alarm
types that are supported by the selected chassis will be listed. Please see the figure below:

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Figure 7-29 Add Chassis Filter Rule

 After all selection, please click <OK> to complete the filter rule setup. The corresponding
filter rule will appear in the “Alarm Filter Rule” window.

7.6.5 Deploy card filter rule

Users can filter the alarm events that are of a specified type and from a specified card by following
the instructions below:

 Click the button <Add> on the toolbar of the “Card Filter” page; an “Add Filter Rule”
dialog box will pop up.
 The upper half of the dialog box is a card list. Users can search for a card or several cards by
query, and tick their “Select” checkboxes. After the selection of card, please select the alarm
types to be filtered on the alarm type list beneath the card list. By default, all alarm types will
be filtered. Uncheck the checkbox for “All Alarm Types”, and the alarm types that are
supported by the selected cards will be listed. Please see the figure below:

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Figure 7-30 Add Card Filter Rule

 After all selection, please click <OK> to complete the filter rule setup. The corresponding
filter rule will appear in the “Alarm Filter Rule” window.

7.6.6 Deploy port filter rule

Users can filter the alarm events that are of a specified type and from a specified port by following
the instructions below:

 Click the button <Add> on the toolbar of the “Port Filter” page; an “Add Filter Rule”
dialog box will pop up.
 The upper half of the dialog box is a port list. Users can search for a port or several ports by
query, and tick their “Select” checkboxes. After the selection of port, please select the alarm
types to be filtered on the alarm type list beneath the port list. By default, all alarm types will
be filtered. Uncheck the checkbox for “All Alarm Types”, and the alarm types that are
supported by the selected ports will be listed. Please see the figure below:

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Figure 7-31 Add Port Filter Rule

 After all selection, please click <OK> to complete the filter rule setup. The corresponding
filter rule will appear in the “Alarm Filter Rule” window.

7.6.7 Deploy alarm level filter rule

Users can filter the alarm events that are of a specified level by following operations:

Step 1 In alarm level filter rule view, each alarm level shows one piece of record.

Step 2 In “Enable” field on the right side of records, click checked to enable this level alarm filter;
not check indicates not to filter this level alarm, default not check.

Step 3 In “Saved to history database” field on the right side of records, click checked to save this
level alarm filter directly to history alarm database and not display in current alarm, default to check;
not check indicates to discard the filtered alarm directly.

Step 4 Click <Save>. The modified configuration will not take effect if not to save; click <Refresh>
to show the saved filter configuration last time.

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Figure 7-32 Add Alarm Level Filter Rule

7.6.8 Deploy alarm time segment filter rule

User can filter the alarm event of some network element in some time according to the following

Step 1 In alarm period filter rule view, click <Add> on top of tool bar to pop up Add Filter Rule
dialog box.

Step 2 Select the rule mode to deploy on top of the dialog box: all object or custom object.

Figure 7-33 Deploy rule mode

 If select all objects, user can click <Next> to enter “Step 3”directly.
 If select custom object, user can click to select a classify in the drop-down list box on the left
of the interface, and select filter policy application object in the pop-up interface, then click
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<Next> to enter “Step 3”.

 To select “Network element” or “Single-board”, in the pop-up interface, select NView
NNM network element or single-board record, and then click <OK>.
 To select “NE type” or “Single-board type”, in the pop-up interface, select device type
and then click <OK>.

Figure 7-34 Select filter rule application object

Note: It can only show less than 10 pieces of records in the “Selected alarm source”; if it exceeds 10
pieces of records, it will pop up [Prompt] dialog box to prompt error.
Step 3 Pop up filter alarm time setting dialog box, as shown below. Select alarm filter execution time
and then click <OK> to complete the operation.

Figure 7-35 Select filter alarm time setting dialog box

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7.6.9 Deploy filter rule quickly

To assist user filtering some alarm events quickly and simply, NView NNM system provides filter
rule quick deployment function. Users can perform the function by following the instructions below:
 Select an alarm or alarms on the current alarm list, right-click on the selected items, and click
[Filter Setup] on the shortcut menu. Four sub menu items are available:.
 Select [Filter With Same Level], the alarm filter rule that will filter all alarm events
that are of the same level as the selected alarm will be added to the filter rule.
 Select [Filter With Same Type], the alarm filter rule that will filter all alarm events that
are of the same type as the selected alarm will be added to the filter rule.
 Select [Filter With Same Location], the alarm filter rule that will filter all alarm events
that are from the same location as the selected alarm will be added to the filter rule.
 Select [Filter With Same Type and Location], the alarm filter rule that will filter all
alarm event that are of the same type and on the same location as the selected alarm will
be added to the filter rule.
 After the above settings, the newly added filter rule will be displayed in the “Add Filter
Rule” window.

7.6.10 Search filter rule

NView NNM system searches filter rule using the name of the alarm or alarm source. System will
search for all filter rules of the device type, alarm type, device, chassis, card, and port whose name
contains the keyword specified by the user.
In practice, users can search filter rules by following the instructions below:

 Search in some one filter rule: Open the “Alarm Filter Rule” window, input the keyword on
the toolbar, and click the button < >, system will search for records that contain the
keyword in their names. Matched records will be highlighted one by one as you press the
button < >.
 Search in all filter rules: Click the button <Search> on the toolbar of the “Alarm Filter
Rule” window, a “Search Filter Rules” dialog box will pop up. Input the keyword and click
the button <Search> on the right, system will begin to search for the filter rules whose name
contain the keyword. If no filter rule satisfies the search condition, “No filter rules match the
condition” will be shown on the right of the <Search> button. If filter rules that satisfy the
condition exists, they will be displayed in a list in the “Search Filter Rules” dialog box, and
the number of filter rules that satisfy the search condition will be displayed on the right of the
button <Search> as “The amount of the filter rules match the condition:x”. The “Search
Filter Rules” is as shown in Figure below. Users can modify and delete filter rules in this
dialog box. Please click the button <Apply> after modification to validate the renewal.

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Figure 7-36 Search Filter Rules

7.7 Alarm reversal

For ports not open the service, the alarm reversal is used to avoid generating related alarm
information and avoid alarm interference. To configure alarm reversal function to make the port
alarm status opposite with the actual status, i.e. if there is alarm actually, it will not report alarm; if
there is no alarm actually, and it will report alarm.

7.7.1 Alarm reversal mode

Alarm reversal has three modes: non-reversal mode, automatic recovery mode, manual recovery

 Non-reversal mode: the normal alarm monitoring status, default for this mode. In this mode,
to configure port alarm reversal enable will not take effect.
 Auto-recovery mode: In this mode, user can only set alarm reversal to current alarm ports.
Set to enable and enter reversal mode, this port will not report alarm. If the current alarm is
end, the system will exit the reversal mode automatically and the port reported alarm status
will recover to the actual alarm status.
 Manual recovery mode: In this mode, regardless of whether the current port has alarm, user
can set alarm reversal to this port. To enable this mode, the port reported alarm status will be
opposite to the actual alarm status. To disable this mode, the port reported alarm status will be
consistent with the actual alarm status.
If the NE alarm mode changes, then the ports will check whether the port alarm reversal setting is
legal in accordance with the actual alarm status, if not legal, change to legal status. For example, set
“Manual recovery mode/Port alarm reversal enable” to auto-recovery mode, but the port has not the
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highest level alarm, then the alarm reversal function of this port cannot disable automatically.

Table 7-2 Port alarm reversal configuration

Reversal mode There are highest level There are no highest level
alarms in actually alarms in actually
Non-reversal mode Enable Disable Enable Disable

Auto-recovery mode Enable Disable Enable (Illegal Disable

Manual recovery mode Enable Disable Enable Disable

 Alarm reversal is set for the physical port.
 By default, the network element is auto-recovery mode; the unused port alarm reversal
 Currently, alarm reversal only supports the transmission line RC002 new version NMS disk,
OPCOM3500E B version.

7.7.2 Configured alarm reversal

Alarm reversal is mainly configured for port, at the same time, user can configure the network
element alarm reversal mode.

Step 1 Click system main menu [Alarm/Settings/Alarm reversal] to pop up alarms reversal batch
configuration interface, select “Reversal configuration” tab.
Step 2 The left side of interface shows network element supporting alarm reversal, click to select a
network element and then click <Sync> to make the network management information consistent
with device information.

Step 3 In the right side of the interface, set alarm reversal function to interfaces on device chassis
card, at the same time, configure network element alarm reversal mode.

Step 4 Click <Apply> to issue the configuration.

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7.7.3 Configure alarm reversal mode in batch

To configure alarm reversal mode in batch is easy for user to configure alarm reversal function.
Step 1 Click system main menu [Alarm/Settings/Alarm reversal] to pop up alarms reversal batch
configuration interface, select “Reversal configuration” tab.

Step 2 Click <Sync> to make the network management information consistent with device
Step 3 Select one or more lines of network element information, and select reversal mode in
“Configure reversal mode in batch”, then click <Apply> to issue the configuration.

Step 4 (Optional) Click <Default value> to recover all network elements to defaulted reversal mode,
i.e. “Auto-recovery”.

Step 5 (Optional) select one line information, in “Reversal mode” list drop-down list box, select a
kind of reversal mode, click <Apply> to configure the alarm reversal mode of one separate network

The method to select multiple records:
 Hold down the left mouse button and drag to select multiple records.
 Press on Ctrl and click to select multiple records.

Figure 7-37 Interface instance

Table 7-3 Configuration parameter description

Parameters Value Function description

Configure reversal Manual recovery Configure network element

mode in batch alarm reversal mode in batch

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7.8 Trap notification

NView NNM system can inform the administrator of the alarm event via E-mail or SMS. This trap
notification function ensures that the administrator will not miss any important network fault
information, even if no one is on watch in the equipment room. Users can also have information
from different types of alarm events sent to different administrator by setting up trap notification
rules to ensure efficient network fault management.

7.8.1 Set up SMS trap notification service

To have alarm events notified via SMS, users must make sure in advance that the system is able to
sent short message. However, NView NNM system do not have SMS message sending function, all
SMS message sending depends on the mobile device connecting to the host on which the NView
NNM system locates. To have alarm events notified via SMS, the following conditions should be

 Make sure that the mobile device is connecting to the host on which the NView NNM system
locates properly. The mobile device here should be a SMS message sending device that is in
support of AT standard instructions.
 Make sure that the parameters of the mobile device are correctly set. After setting up the
connecting parameters for mobile device, please start the “Alarm SMS Relay Service” in
“System Service”. If all parameters have been correctly set and the device is at running status,
the trap notification service will be start and the connection between the server and the
mobile device will be set up. If the connection cannot be set up successfully, please check the
setting of relevant parameters and the running status of the device before start the service

7.8.2 Set up E-mail trap notification service

To have alarm events be notified by E-mail, users must ensure that NView NNM system is able to
send E-mail. However, NView NNM has no E-mail sending function itself. NView NNM system
sends an E-mail by transferring the E-mail to SMTP server, and having the SMTP server send the
E-mail to the E-mail account of the administrator.

NView NNM system provides “Alarm Mail Relay Service” to realize trap auto-notification via
E-mail. Please refer to section 10.5.3 for instructions. After setting up all service parameters correctly,
the “Alarm Mail Relay Service” in “System Service” will be started.

7.8.3 Set up trap notification rule

Setting up a trap notification rule is setting up the receiver and sending channel of the information
from a certain type of alarm event. Users can add a trap notification rule by following the
instructions below:
 Select [Alarm/Trap Notification] on the system main menu to open the “Trap Notification”
 Right-click on the blank area of the “Trap Notification” window, and click [Add] on the
shortcut menu, an “Add” dialog box will pop up:

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Figure 7-38 Add notification Target

Users can input target E-mail address or mobile device number in the dialog box. To enable the trap
notification, users should tick the corresponding item “Mail Notify” or “SMS Notify” on the right.
Click the button <OK>, a record will appear in the list on “Trap Notification” window.
 After adding a new notification target, an alarm event should be related to the notification
target, or the target cannot receive any information from alarm event. Select the notification
target on the list in the “Trap Notification” window, right-click on the selected item, and
click [Edit] on the shortcut menu, an “Edit” dialog box will pop up:

Figure 7-39 Edit Trap Notification

All IP address ranges that have been added will be listed in “Trap Range”. If the IP address of the
device from which the new alarm event comes is in these IP address ranges, the notification of the
alarm event will be sent to the target address.

 Click the button <Add> on the right of the “Edit” dialog box, a dialog box for adding trap
will pop up:

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Figure 7-40 Add Trap Notification Conditions

The IP address of the source host from which the alarm event comes from is required in this dialog
box. Users can fill in the IP address in one of the following format:

 A full IP address such as

 IP address with wildcard “*” like 192.168.1.* or 192.*.*.*. When using one “*” to
represent the whole IP address, there will be no limit for the IP address of the source
 IP address with separator “/” such as This format specifies
a range of IP address.
Users can specify an alarm level in this dialog box to indicate the alarm level that the users concern
more among the alarms from a certain source.

 After all settings, click the button <OK> to save the settings and close the “Add” dialog box.
The newly added record will appear on the trap range list.
 Users can also edit or delete a trap range record in the “Edit” dialog box.

7.9 Historical alarm management

7.9.1 Historical alarm query
Click [Alarm/Historical Alarm] on the system main menu, the “Historical Alarm” window as is
shown in Figure below will turn up:

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Figure 7-41 Historical Alarm Management

The “Historical Alarm” window displays all historical alarms in a list and provides powerful query
function by which users can query historical alarms using query conditions combined by information
of alarm level, alarm name, service affection, alarm cost time (alarm restore time) and etc.. Users can
also delete, export or locate a query result.

7.9.2 Delete historical alarm

Users can delete historical alarm record/records in the historical alarm list:

 Delete Selection: delete the selected historical alarm event/events

 Delete Query Result: delete all historical alarm events obtained from the current query
 Delete All: delete all historical alarm events.
Click one of the three buttons for deleting historical alarm on the toolbar, or select the corresponding
item on the sub menu of [Delete] on the right-mouse-button shortcut menu of selected items, users
can execute delete operation.

7.10 Trap definition management

7.10.1 Trap definition query
Click [Alarm/Trap Definition] on the system main menu, the “Trap Definition” window as is
shown in Figure below will turn up:

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Figure 7-42 Trap Definition List

The “Trap Definition” window displays all trap definitions in a list and provides query function.
Users can set up alarm level, edit, delete, export, and view properties of a selected item on the list
through the right-mouse-button shortcut menu.

7.10.2 Redefine alarm level

Users can modify the alarm level of an alarm type in either of the two following operations:

 Select record/records on the trap definition list, right-click on the selected records, and select
an alarm level on the sub menu of [Alarm Level]. The alarm level of the selected alarm
type/types will be renewed after the operation.
 Select a record on the trap definition list, right-click on the selected record and select [Edit]
on the shortcut menu, an “Edit” dialog box will pop up:

Figure 7-43 Modify Alarm Level

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Select an alarm level on the drop-down list of the item “Alarm Level”, and click the button <OK>
to save the setting. The alarm level of the selected type of alarm will be renewed after the operation.
Note: After the modification of the alarm level of a certain type of alarm, the newly-received alarms
of this type will be reported as alarms of the new alarm level. The alarm level of the alarms that
belong to this type or historical alarms level will not be changed.

7.10.3 Delete trap definition

Select a record/records on the trap definition list, right-click on the selected records; click [Delete]
on the shortcut menu, a confirm box will pop up. Click <Yes>; the selected records will be deleted.

Note: Please be cautious of the deletion operation. A fault operation may lead to alarm information
loss because the fault information from the type of alarm will not be able to reach the system any
more after the deletion. NView NNM network management system is not in support of user creation
alarm type, so the deleted alarm type will not be recovered.

7.11 Troubleshooting knowledge management

7.11.1 Troubleshooting knowledge management
System provides a troubleshooting knowledge database which collects and manages various
troubleshooting strategies for further reference. The database helps users obtain a suitable resolution
in limited time when a fault occurs and hence greatly improve troubleshooting strategy. The database
is empty when the NView NNM system is firstly installed. The database is built up as the knowledge
of troubleshooting being gradually recorded in during daily fault removal process.

Click [Alarm/Troubleshooting] in the system main menu, the “Troubleshooting” window will turn
up. Please see the figure below.

Figure 7-44 “Troubleshooting” Window

Troubleshooting information will be displayed on the interface shown in Figure above in a list. Users
can query in the list using some query conditions, and can add, edit, and delete a record in the list

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from the right-click menu of the record. Users can also view the properties of a record or export the
list or part of the list to EXCEL or TXT file. Each piece of troubleshooting knowledge may contain
the following information:

 Fault reason: manually input, the cause of the fault

 Solution: manually input, the resolution of the fault
 Recording time: the time when this piece of troubleshooting knowledge is being recorded
 Staff: the person that records the troubleshooting knowledge
 Fault related alarms: an alarm list that records the alarm information relevant to the fault,
which is built up for further reference

7.11.2 Troubleshooting knowledge input

The NView NNM system provides three troubleshooting knowledge input methods:
 Input the troubleshooting knowledge when clear current alarms
When clear a current alarm by the [Clear Alarm/Clear Selection] option on the right-click menu, a
dialog box for the input of alarm clearing log will turn up (please see Figure below), and the users
can input some troubleshooting knowledge in this dialog box.

Figure 7-45 Input Clearing Log

The “Fault Reason” and “Solution or Result” input here form a piece of troubleshooting knowledge.
No troubleshooting knowledge will be recorded if the “Fault Reason” and “Solution or Result” are
left blank.
 Create troubleshooting knowledge in the historical alarm list
Cleared alarms will be moved from the current alarm list to the historical alarm list. Users can input
troubleshooting information for historical alarms in the historical alarm list. Select a record or
several records of historical alarms in the historical alarm list and click [Query
Troubleshooting/Add Troubleshooting] on the right-click menu of the selected records, an “Add
Troubleshooting” dialog box will pop up (see Figure below).

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Figure 7-46 “Add Troubleshooting” Dialog Box

Input “Fault Reason” and “Solution” in this dialog box and press <OK>, a piece of troubleshooting
knowledge will be recorded.
 Add troubleshooting knowledge in the troubleshooting knowledge management component
Click [Alarm/Troubleshooting] in the system main menu, the “Troubleshooting” page will turn up
and the troubleshooting knowledge list will be shown on the page. Click <Add> on the right-click
menu of a piece of record, an “Add Troubleshooting” dialog box as shown in Figure above will pop
up. Input the “Fault Reason” and “Solution”, select relevant historical alarms and click <OK> to
save the input, then a new troubleshooting knowledge will be generated and displayed on the
troubleshooting knowledge list.

7.11.3 Query troubleshooting knowledge

NView NNM system provides three methods for troubleshooting knowledge query:
 Query relevant troubleshooting knowledge in alarm property panel
Right-click a record on an alarm list and click [Properties] on the right-click menu, a “Properties”
window will pop up, and there is a “Troubleshooting” page (see Figure below) that displays all
troubleshooting knowledge relevant to the alarm.

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Figure 7-47 “Troubleshooting” Page in the “Properties” Dialog Box

When the troubleshooting knowledge database is rich, query function is necessary to make the
searching for relevant troubleshooting knowledge easier. Input the “Key Word” for query, and click
<Query>, relevant troubleshooting knowledge will be displayed on the page. The “Key Word” can
be description, solution, and etc.

 Query troubleshooting knowledge in alarm lists

Select an alarm record on an alarm list (current alarm list or historical alarm list), right-click on it.
The [Query Troubleshooting] option on the right-click menu contains two sub-options: [With
Same Alarm Type] and [With Same Location]. Using one of these two options, all troubleshooting
knowledge related to an alarm type or a specified location will be displayed for reference.

 Query in the “Troubleshooting” management component

Click [Alarm/Troubleshooting] in the system main menu, the “Troubleshooting” window will turn
up. Click <Show Query>, a query panel will appear. Please set up a condition or a combination of
several conditions for query, the system will search for the troubleshooting knowledge that satisfies
the conditions.

7.12 Alarm Statistics

NView NNM system provides an alarm statistics function, which counts the number of alarms on
different criticality levels and helps users collect the information of alarm distribution.

7.12.1 Current alarm statistics

The current alarm statistics function provided by the system counts the number of current alarms on
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different criticality levels for different network element.

 Click [Statistic/Current Alarm Statistic] on the system main menu. A “Current Alarm
Statistic” window will turn up.
 Select the target subnet in the “Subnet” drop-down menu, and click <Statistic>, the system
will give the result of the current alarm statistic calculated based on the information of the
selected subnet. Please see Figure below.

Figure 7-48 Current Alarm Statistic

 Click <Graph>, the displaying pattern of the result will switch between list and histogram.

7.12.2 Historical alarm statistic

The historical alarm statistics function provided by the system counts the number of historical alarms
on different criticality levels for different network element.

 Click [Statistic/Historical Alarm Statistic] on the system main menu. A “Historical Alarm
Statistic” window will turn up.
 Select the target subnet in the “Subnet” drop-down menu, and click <Statistic>, the system
will give the result of the current alarm statistic calculated based on the information of the
selected subnet. Please see Figure below.

Figure 7-49 Historical Alarm Statistic

 Click <Graph>, the displaying pattern of the result will switch between list and histogram.

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Chapter 8 Inventory Management

This chapter mainly introduces the relevant definition and operation concerning inventory
management and how to manage inventory using NView NNM system. It includes the following

 Overview
 Main interface of inventory management
 Inventory information classification
 Inventory information collection
 Physical inventory management
 Inventory types
 Directory management
 Export inventory information
 Inventory information statistics

8.1 Overview
During network management process, the maintenance staff needs to manage inventory information
in order to master network running status and help future network enlargement and new service
project. But the numerous inventory information and classification is very difficult to manage, and it
is hard to locate NE related physical location and logic resource correctly and quickly when there is

NView NNM system provides inventory management function for network maintenance to help
maintaining staff master physical resource and logic resource inventory information clear and
quickly. The inventory management is mainly used in following conditions:

 At initial stage of network building, automatic collection and manual input can build
association among inventory information to satisfy resource management of inventory
 It is convenient to query and manage inventory information during maintenance working and
satisfy daily management.
 When there is fault in network, searching inventory information can locating physical device,
network topology, logic resource, relevant customer and maintenance staff contact
information to satisfy quick repair demands for network fault.

Function features
Inventory management is in support of below features:

 Physical inventory management, including rack, NE, chassis, slot, local card, remote device,
ONU and port.
 Directory of maintenance staff, the contact information in directory can be selected and
associated by other inventory information.
 View inventory type.
 Automatic collection of inventory information of NE, chassis, slot, local card, remote device,
ONU, port and VLAN.
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 Directory management, the information in directory can be selected by inventory information

to associate inventory information with maintenance staff contacts.
 In support of building association among inventory information.
 Easy to query inventory information.
 Export inventory information record.
Three functions are provided by NView NNM inventory management: collect inventory information
by automation or manual inputting, manage and maintain inventory information, inventory
information statistic.

Collect inventory information by automation indicates:

 During topology deployment, system will automatic collect inventory information from
automatic detection or manual added device.
 When managed device is changed, user can enable synchronization command to keep system
maintained inventory information in line with device current information.
 By device polling function, NMS can execute synchronization command in period to keep
device information in line with system maintained inventory information.
Collect inventory information by manual inputting indicates:
 User inputs inventory information by manual, like rack inventory information, records in
 Choose rack and information from directory to build association with other inventory
Inventory information management indicates NView NNM provides flexible Query, Modify, Delete,
etc. functions. User can customize query condition, customize content and edit information displayed
in inventory information list.

Inventory information statistic indicates functions of statistic different device types, cards number
and slot vacancy rate according to subnet/area and help to understand distribution of network

Besides, inventory management module is compact integrated with Topology management, Alarm
management and NE management modules, user can locate topology resource and query device
related event (like alarm, associated customer information), etc. very conveniently.

8.2 Main interface of inventory information

Click [Inventory/Physical Inventory] in system main menu, then double click “NE” in the resource
tree to open inventory management interface of NE device, as figure shows below.
On the left of interface, it is inventory classification tree; on the right, it includes menu, buttons in
tool bar and list to display inventory information. The menu and buttons in this interface are of
identical function with right-key menu items. From left to right, the buttons in tool bar are: Query,
Modify, Attribute, Delete, Refresh, Export, Topology position, NE management, Alarm management,
Resource, Associated customer. The button name will appear when user moves cursor onto the
button. Page size function can adjust pages for listing inventory information.

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Figure 8-1 NE Inventory Management

Note: Though inventory management menu, buttons in tool bar and right-key menu can execute
identical operations, different classification may support different operations. For example, rack
classification has function of add, for user input information by manual, but NE, chassis, etc.
classification collect information by automation and doesn’t have function of adding.

8.3 Inventory information classification

Inventory management modules are used to manage and maintain the network inventory information
in classification. The inventory information can be divided into physical inventory and logical
inventory. These two big categories can also be divided into many small categories according to
network management work features.

8.3.1 Physical inventory

Physical inventory is the actual existing physical devices in network. For NE and chassis, NView
NNM system is in support of collecting inventory information by automation as well as synchronizes
the physical inventory information. User has to maintain inventory information of rack (the device
cannot connect to NMS) by manual.

Classification of physical inventory:

 Rack: the rack in library, network devices can be put on the rack.
 NE: management object of Agent, with independent management IP address, can be managed
direct or indirect through SNMP protocol.
 Chassis: chassis for modular devices.
 Slot: chassis slot for modular devices.
 Local card: modular device inside chassis.
 Remote device: remote devices (don’t include ONU) corresponding to local card, in NView
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NNM, all client devices are saved in card format.

 ONU: remote device of EPON.
 Port: all service ports provided in device, including Ethernet port, PDH port and SDH port,

8.3.2 Directory
Inventory management also supports record contacts of maintenance staff and responsible people in
directory; user can associate the contacts with inventory information.

8.4 Inventory information collection

8.4.1 Collect by automation
Automatic collection indicates system collects all inventory information besides project property,
extension property, maintenance staff information, etc. and relationship among the information by
automation. User can associate inventory information with customer information, or maintain project
property, extension property and maintenance staff information by manual. Now the followed
inventory classes can be collected by automation: NE, Chassis, Slot, Local card, Remote device,
ONU and port.

Automatic collection of inventory information doesn’t need user’s operation, system can operate by
automation in following conditions:

 After user successfully adding a NE by manual;

 Finding a new node during auto-detection process;
 User executes synchronize command for one or several NE through NView NNM client.
System can startup resource information automatic collection if only one of the above three
condition is satisfied.

Note: NView NNM gets resource information from device via SNMP, so the premise for automatic
collecting inventory information is to set correct SNMP parameter in NView NNM system and
ensure the system can connect and access device. Otherwise, automatic collection cannot get any
resource information.

8.4.2 Input by manual

User has to add and maintain inventory information that cannot be collected by automation. For
example, the input and maintain of inventory for rack and directory requires users’ manual operation.
Information manually input by user also can be associated by other inventory.

8.4.3 Synchronize inventory information

For automatic collected inventory information, once the device status is changed (plug in or pull out
card), the information in NView NNM system may become inconsistent with real device status, then
user can “Synchronize” status by manual to collect the current inventory information, or wait the
system to automatic synchronization at the time of performing poll operation. Following below steps
for NE synchronization:

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 Click [Inventory/Physical Inventory] in system main menu.

 Double-click “NE” in classification tree to open NE inventory information list.
 Click button < > to set query condition and search NE for synchronization.
 Click and select one inventory information.
 Click button < > and select “Synchronize” or click [Synchronize] in the right-key menu
to open a confirmation dialog box.
 Click <Yes> to perform synchronization and open dialog box of “Synchronize command has
been sent”.
 Click <OK> to finish synchronization.
Synchronization can also be executed in topology besides in inventory management. Select device
node in topology and click [Relevant Resource/Synchronize] in the right-key menu to perform

Note: Pay attention to the below situations during system synchronization.

 Since system takes some time to perform synchronization, please wait the synchronization
finished and then view result of synchronization after user sending synchronization command
(Time for synchronization is different according to network status and device structure,
usually it is 5 seconds.)
 During system updating topology, if it cannot find accessory parts (such as sub-card of
chassis) at original place, the card status will set as “doesn’t exist”; if the current found
accessory parts is different from actual type, system will update part type direct.
NE inventory information records the latest synchronization time, synchronization times and status,
it is convenient for administrator to know synchronization of resource information. By default, user
needs to click button < > on the top-left of list and tick off related item in customized table list to
display synchronization times and status.

8.5 Physical inventory management

Physical inventory management includes management information of rack, NE, chassis, slot, local
card, remote device and ONU.

8.5.1 Rack
 Add
User can add inventory information for rack on NMS when there is new rack added into network.
NE and Chassis, etc. inventory in rack is in support of rack information to realize association
between rack and included inventories.
Click [Inventory/Physical Inventory] in main menu and double-click <Rack> in classification tree
to open rack information interface. Click the button of < > in tool bar to fill relative information
for the rack, as figure shows below.

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Figure 8-2 Add Rack

After filling information, click <Add> to open dialog box for confirmation and click <OK> to finish
adding. Choose [Refresh/Refresh All] in right-key menu, the added rack information will transfer to
query result tab page for displaying.

Note: The items with “*” is compulsory options. The rules for filling property display at the bottom
of property description panel, principle and maintenance staff clicks to select and click button < >
to associate with related information in directory.

 Query
User can query assigned racks or all racks. Click [Inventory/Physical Inventory] in main menu and
double-click <Rack> in classification tree to open rack information interface. Click the button of
< > in tool bar to open query panel.

To query all racks, click <Clear> in query panel and then click <Query>, the query result tab page
will display information of all racks.

To query assigned racks, set rack information for querying in the query panel and click <Query>, the
query result tab page will display the rack information meet query conditions.

Choose one piece of record in query result and click < > to open property panel and view detailed
property information.

 Modify
User must update rack information on NMS when the rack information has been modified. Click
[Inventory/Physical Inventory] in main menu and double-click <Rack> in classification tree to
open rack information interface. Click the button of < > in tool bar to open query panel.

Select rack information for modification and click button < > in tool bar to open modification
panel. Click <Save> after modification and system prompt modifying is successful. The query result
tab page will display the modified rack information.

 Delete

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When move rack out from network, user needs to delete related rack information from NMS. Click
[Inventory/Physical Inventory] in main menu and double-click <Rack> in classification tree to
open rack information interface. Click the button of < > in tool bar to open query panel.

Select rack information to delete and click < > to open dialog box for confirmation, then click
<Yes> to finish the deletion. It is in support of selecting several pieces of record by press <Ctrl>
down and deleting in batch.

8.5.2 NE
 Query

User can query assigned NE or all NEs. Click [Inventory/Physical Inventory] in main menu and
double-click <NE> in classification tree to open NE information interface. Click the button of < >
in tool bar to open query panel.

To query all NEs, click <Clear> in query panel and then click <Query>, the query result tab page
will display information of all NEs.

To query assigned NE, set NE information for querying in the query panel and click <Query>, the
query result tab page will display the NE information meet query conditions.

Choose one piece of record in query result and click < > to open property panel and view detailed
property information.
 Modify

Note: Modifying SNMP administrative property incorrect will cause NE cannot be managed in order.
User can modify few of NE properties since the NE information are almost collected by automation.

User must update NE information on NMS when the NE information of name, purpose, SNMP
parameters and project property are modified. Click [Inventory/Physical Inventory] in main menu
and double-click <NE> in classification tree to open NE information interface. Click the button of
< > in tool bar to open query panel.

Select NE information for modification and click button < > in tool bar to open modification panel.
Click <Save> after modification and system prompt modifying is successful. The query result tab
page will display the modified NE information.

For the “Belonged Rack” in NE project property, user can choose a rack added before to accomplish
 Delete

Note: The NE will be deleted from NMS when executing NE deletion in inventory information, the
related node in NE topology will be deleted too and NE cannot be managed any more. User has to
add NE again to recover management.

When deleting inventory information, please view the information of other related inventory. The
selected information and its related accessories data (like chassis included in NE) will be deleted, but
the information of upper layer inventory (like rack information) won’t be deleted.

When deleting NE, system will clear NE related alarm from current alarm list by automation; related
alarms won’t be cleared when deleting chassis, local card, remote device and port.

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When move NE out from network, user needs to delete related NE information from NMS. Click
[Inventory/Physical Inventory] in main menu and double-click <Rack> in classification tree to
open NE information interface. Click the button of < > in tool bar to open query panel.

Select NE information to delete and click button < > to open dialog box for confirmation, click
<Yes> and NMS will confirm the related data to delete at the same time, then click <Yes> to execute
deletion and <No> to cancel deletion. It is in support of selecting several pieces of record by press
<Ctrl> down and deleting in batch.

 Topology position

This command can help to locate NE position in inventory information. Click the button of < > to
choose a piece of record and locating NE in network topology.

 NE management

NE management helps to manage NE in inventory information. Click the button of < > to choose a
piece of record and open NE management interface.

 Alarm management
User can view alarm information and filter alarm when there is alarm generated from NE. Filter
alarm can filter all alarms of NE or only filter assigned alarm types.

To view alarm, user can chose a piece of inventory record by right-key and click [Alarm
management/View Alarm] in shortcut menu to open alarm view window, the current alarm and
history alarm can be viewed.
To filter all alarms of one NE, user can choose a piece of inventory record by right-key and click
[Alarm management/Filter Alarm] in shortcut menu to open alarm filter window, tick off the alarm
NE and click <OK> to filter.

To filter assigned alarm of one NE, user can choose a piece of inventory record by right-key and
click [Alarm management/Filter Alarm] in shortcut menu to open alarm view window, tick off the
alarm NE, cancel selection of “All Alarm Types” and select assigned alarm type then click <OK> to
 Relevant resource
Relevant resource of NE includes the chassis, local card, remote device and port. User can view
relevant resource of NE through relevant resource list.
Right-click to choose inventory record for viewing relevant resource:

 Click [Relevant Resource/Chassis List] in the shortcut menu to transfer to chassis inventory
information interface. The interface displays chassis information of NE.
 Choose [Relevant Resource/Local Card List] to transfer to local card information interface.
The interface displays local card information of NE.
 Choose [Relevant Resource/Remote Device List] to transfer to remote device information
interface. The interface displays remote device information of NE.
 Choose [Relevant Resource/Port List] to transfer to port information interface. The
interface displays port information of NE.
 Synchronization
The NE inventory management is in support of synchronous network elements inventory information.
After the network element changes, the network is in support of acquiring NE inventory information
immediately through synchronous operation.

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If users need to synchronize inventory information, right-click to select an inventory record, click
[Sync] in the shortcut menu, then it will pop up a confirmation box “is synchronizing?”, click [Yes]
to perform the synchronization operation, otherwise click [No].

 Tools

The NE inventory management is in support of convenient startup NView NNM network

management system by right-click shortcut menu to provide common management tools, such as
"SNMP Ping", " ICMP Ping ", and Telnet etc. Please refer to “5.2 common management tools” for
the usages of these tools.

 Associated customer

NE information is in support of associated with customer information in NView NNM system.

Operation of associated customer is in support of adding inventory resource into customer resource.

After choosing a piece of inventory record, click the button of < > to open associated customer
panel. Click the button of < > to open customer selection interface which display all customers in
all NMS. Tick off the customers to associate and click <OK> to finish association, as figure shows

Figure 8-3 Association Customer

Choose one piece of customer information in the panel and click the button of < > to cancel
association between NE and customer.

 Performance chart
Network element inventory supports the rapid entrance of performance chart, right-click a piece of
inventory record, click [Performance Chart] in shortcut menu to open the corresponding
performance chart interface to view real-time and historical performance chart. The performance
chart is provided by NView NNM performance monitoring service, user needs to start the
performance monitoring service to view. Please refer to NView NNM User Manual (Performance
Monitoring Service) for the usage of performance monitoring service.

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8.5.3 Chassis
 Query

User can query assigned chassis or all chassises. Click [Inventory/Physical Inventory] in main
menu and double-click <Chassis> in classification tree to open chassis information interface. Click
the button of < > in tool bar to open query panel.

To query all chassis, click <Clear> in query panel and then click <Query>, the query result tab page
will display information of all chassises.

To query assigned chassis, set chassis information for querying in the query panel and click
<Query>, the query result tab page will display the chassis information meet query conditions.

Choose one piece of record in query result and click < > to open property panel and view detailed
property information.
 Modify

Note: User can modify few of chassis properties since the chassis information are almost collected
by automation.
User must update chassis information on NMS when the chassis information such as name, project
property, maintenance staff information, etc. has been modified. Click [Inventory/Physical
Inventory] in main menu and double-click <Chassis> in classification tree to open chassis
information interface. Click the button of < > in tool bar to open query panel.

Select chassis information for modification and click button < > in tool bar to open modification
panel. Click <Save> after modification and system prompt modifying is successful. The query result
tab page will display the modified chassis information.
For the “Belonged Rack” and “Chassis Serial NO.” in chassis project property, user can choose a
rack and the chassis serial No. to accomplish association.

 Delete

 The chassis will be deleted from NMS when executing chassis deletion in inventory
information. User has to add NE again to recover management.
 When deleting inventory information, please view the information of other related inventory.
The selected information and its related accessories data (like chassis included cards and
ports, etc.) will be deleted, but the information of upper layer inventory (like NE information)
won’t be deleted.
 When deleting NE, system will clear NE related alarm from current alarm list by automation;
related alarms won’t be cleared when deleting chassis, local card, remote device and port.
When move chassis out from network, user needs to delete related chassis information from NMS.
Click [Inventory/Physical Inventory] in main menu and double-click <Chassis> in classification
tree to open chassis information interface. Click the button of < > in tool bar to open query panel.

Select chassis information to delete and click button < > to open dialog box for confirmation, click
<Yes> and NMS will confirm the related data to delete at the same time, then click <Yes> to execute
deletion and <No> to cancel deletion. It is in support of selecting several pieces of record by press
<Ctrl> down and deleting in batch.

 Topology position

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This command can help to locate chassis position in inventory information. Click the button of
< > to choose a piece of record and locating chassis in network topology.
 Alarm management

User can view alarm information and filter alarm when there is alarm generated from chassis. Filter
alarm can filter all alarms of chassis or only filter assigned alarm types.

To view alarm, user can chose a piece of inventory record by right-key and click [Alarm
management/View Alarm] in shortcut menu to open alarm view window, the current alarm and
history alarm can be viewed.

To filter all alarms of one chassis, user can choose a piece of inventory record by right-key and click
[Alarm management/Filter Alarm] in shortcut menu to open alarm filter window, tick off the alarm
chassis and click <OK> to filter.
To filter assigned alarm of one chassis, user can choose a piece of inventory record by right-key and
click [Alarm management/Filter Alarm] in shortcut menu to open alarm view window, tick off the
alarm chassis, cancel selection of “All Alarm Types” and select assigned alarm type then click <OK>
to filter.
 Relevant resource

Relevant resource of chassis includes the local card and remote device. User can view relevant
resource of chassis through relevant resource list.

Right-click to choose inventory record for viewing relevant resource:

 Choose [Relevant Resource/Local Card List] to transfer to local card information interface.
The interface displays local card information of chassis.
 Choose [Relevant Resource/Remote Device List] to transfer to remote device information
interface. The interface displays remote device information of chassis.
 Performance chart

Chassis inventory supports the rapid entrance of performance chart, right-click a piece of inventory
record, click [Performance Chart] in shortcut menu to open the corresponding performance chart
interface to view real-time and historical performance chart. The performance chart is provided by
NView NNM performance monitoring service, user needs to start the performance monitoring
service to view. Please refer to NView NNM User Manual (Performance Monitoring Service) for the
usage of performance monitoring service.

8.5.4 Slot
 Query
User can query assigned slot or all slots. Click [Inventory/Physical Inventory] in main menu and
double-click <Slot> in classification tree to open slot information interface. Click the button of
< > in tool bar to open query panel.

To query all slots, click <Clear> in query panel and then click <Query>, the query result tab page
will display information of all slots.

To query assigned slot, set slot information for querying in the query panel and click <Query>, the
query result tab page will display the slot information meet query conditions.

Choose one piece of record in query result and click < > to open property panel and view detailed
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property information.

 Modify
Note: User can modify few of chassis properties since the chassis information are almost collected
by automation.

User must update slot information on NMS when the slot information of name, slot name,
maintenance staff information, etc. has been modified. Click [Inventory/Physical Inventory] in
main menu and double-click <Slot> in classification tree to open slot information interface. Click the
button of < > in tool bar to open query panel.

Select slot information for modification and click button < > in tool bar to open modification panel.
Click <Save> after modification and system prompt modifying is successful. The query result tab
page will display the modified slot information.

 Supporting card type

It is in support of viewing card type supported by slot in inventory management.

To view card type supported by slot, right-click a piece of slot record and open related panel by
selecting [Supporting Card Type], and the interface will display card type information supported by

8.5.5 Local card

 Query

User can query assigned local card or all of local cards. Click [Inventory/Physical Inventory] in
main menu and double-click <Local Card> in classification tree to open local card information
interface. Click the button of < > in tool bar to open query panel.

To query all of local cards, click <Clear> in query panel and then click <Query>, the query result
tab page will display information of all of local cards.

To query assigned local card, set local card information for querying in the query panel and click
<Query>, the query result tab page will display the local card information meet query conditions.

Choose one piece of record in query result and click < > to open property panel and view detailed
property information.
 Modify

Note: User can modify few of local card properties since the local card information are almost
collected by automation.

User must update local card information on NMS when the local card information of name, card
name, maintenance staff information, etc. has been modified. Click [Inventory/Physical Inventory]
in main menu and double-click <Local Card> in classification tree to open slot information
interface. Click the button of < > in tool bar to open query panel.

Select local card information for modification and click button < > in tool bar to open modification
panel. Click <Save> after modification and system prompt modifying is successful. The query result
tab page will display the modified local card information.

 Delete
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 The local card will be deleted from NMS when executing local card deletion in inventory
information. User has to execute NE synchronization to recover management.
 When deleting inventory information, please view the information of other related inventory.
The selected information and its related port data will be deleted, but the information of
upper layer inventory (like NE and chassis information) won’t be deleted.
 Related alarms won’t be cleared from current alarm list when deleting local card, remote
device and port.
When move local card out from network, user needs to delete related local card information from
NMS. Click [Inventory/Physical Inventory] in main menu and double-click <Local Card> in
classification tree to open local card information interface. Click the button of < > in tool bar to
open query panel.

Select local card information to delete and click button < > to open dialog box for confirmation,
click <Yes> and NMS will confirm the related data to delete at the same time, then click <Yes> to
execute deletion and <No> to cancel deletion. It is in support of selecting several pieces of record by
press <Ctrl> down and deleting in batch.

 Topology position
This command can help to locate local card position in inventory information. Right-click to choose
a piece of record and click the button of [Topology position] to locate local card in chassis topology.

 Configuration management

Configuration management helps to manage local card. Click [Configuration Management] after
right-click and choose a piece of inventory record to open management interface of local card. For
the “unknown” local card type, system will prompt fail to perform configuration management.

 Alarm management
User can view alarm information and filter alarm when there is alarm generated from local card.
Filter alarm can filter all alarms of local card or only filter assigned alarm types.
To view alarm, user can chose a piece of inventory record by right-key and click [Alarm
management/View Alarm] in shortcut menu to open alarm view window, the current alarm and
history alarm can be viewed.

To filter all alarms of one local card, user can choose a piece of inventory record by right-key and
click [Alarm management/Filter Alarm] in shortcut menu to open alarm filter window, tick off the
alarm remote device and click <OK> to filter.

To filter assigned alarm of one local card, user can choose a piece of inventory record by right-key
and click [Alarm management/Filter Alarm] in shortcut menu to open alarm view window, tick off
the alarm local card, cancel selection of “All Alarm Types” and select assigned alarm type then click
<OK> to filter.

 Relevant resource

Relevant resource of local card only includes the port. User can view relevant resource of local card
through relevant resource list.
Choose [Relevant Resource/Port List] to transfer to port information interface. The interface
displays port information of local card.

 Associated customer

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Local card information is in support of associated with customer information in NView NNM system.
Operation of associated customer is in support of adding inventory resource into customer resource.

After choosing a piece of inventory record, click the button of < > to open associated customer
panel. Click the button of < > to open customer selection interface which display all customers in
all NMS. Tick off the customers to associate and click <OK> to finish association.

Choose one piece of customer information in the panel and click the button of < > to cancel
association between local card and customer.

 Performance chart
Local card inventory supports the rapid entrance of performance chart, right-click a piece of
inventory record, click [Performance Chart] in shortcut menu to open the corresponding
performance chart interface to view real-time and historical performance chart. The performance
chart is provided by NView NNM performance monitoring service, user needs to start the
performance monitoring service to view. Please refer to NView NNM User Manual (Performance
Monitoring Service) for the usage of performance monitoring service.

8.5.6 Remote device

 Query

User can query assigned remote device or all remote devices. Click [Inventory/Physical Inventory]
in main menu and double-click <Port> in classification tree to open remote device information
interface. Click the button of < > in tool bar to open query panel.

To query all remote device s, click <Clear> in query panel and then click <Query>, the query result
tab page will display information of all remote device s.

To query assigned remote device, set remote device information for querying in the query panel and
click <Query>, the query result tab page will display the remote device information meet query

Choose one piece of record in query result and click < > to open property panel and view detailed
property information.
 Modify

Note: User can modify few of remote device properties since the remote device information are
almost collected by automation.
User must update remote device information on NMS when the remote device information of name,
device name, maintenance staff information, etc. has been modified. Click [Inventory/Physical
Inventory] in main menu and double-click <Remote Device> in classification tree to open remote
device information interface. Click the button of < > in tool bar to open query panel.

Select remote device information for modification and click button < > in tool bar to open
modification panel. Click <Save> after modification and system prompt modifying is successful.
The query result tab page will display the modified remote device information.
 Delete


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 The remote device will be deleted from NMS when executing remote device deletion in
inventory information. User has to execute NE synchronization to recover management.
 When deleting inventory information, please view the information of other related inventory.
The selected information and its related port data will be deleted, but the information of
upper layer inventory (like NE and chassis information) won’t be deleted.
 Related alarms won’t be cleared from current alarm list when deleting local card, remote
device and port.
When move remote device out from network, user needs to delete related remote device information
from NMS. Click [Inventory/Physical Inventory] in main menu and double-click <Remote
Device> in classification tree to open remote device information interface. Click the button of < >
in tool bar to open query panel.

Select remote device information to delete and click button < > to open dialog box for confirmation,
click <Yes> and NMS will confirm the related data to delete at the same time, then click <Yes> to
execute deletion and <No> to cancel deletion. It is in support of selecting several pieces of record by
press <Ctrl> down and deleting in batch.

 Topology position

This command can help to locate remote device position in inventory information. Right-click to
choose a piece of record and click the button of [Topology position] to locate remote device in NE

 Configuration management

Configuration management helps to manage remote device. Click [Configuration Management]

after right-click and choose a piece of inventory record to open management interface of remote
device. For the “unknown” device type, system will prompt fail to perform configuration

 Alarm management

User can view alarm information and filter alarm when there is alarm generated from remote device.
Filter alarm can filter all alarms of remote device or only filter assigned alarm types.

To view alarm, user can chose a piece of inventory record by right-key and click [Alarm
management/View Alarm] in shortcut menu to open alarm view window, the current alarm and
history alarm can be viewed.

To filter all alarms of one remote device, user can choose a piece of inventory record by right-key
and click [Alarm management/Filter Alarm] in shortcut menu to open alarm filter window, tick off
the alarm remote device and click <OK> to filter.

To filter assigned alarm of one remote device, user can choose a piece of inventory record by
right-key and click [Alarm management/Filter Alarm] in shortcut menu to open alarm view
window, tick off the alarm remote device, cancel selection of “All Alarm Types” and select assigned
alarm type then click <OK> to filter.

 Relevant resource
Relevant resource of remote device only includes the port. User can view relevant resource of remote
device through relevant resource list.

Choose [Relevant Resource/Remote Device List] to transfer to remote device information interface.
The interface displays remote device information of remote device.

 Associated customer
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Remote device information is in support of associated with customer information in NView NNM
system. Operation of associated customer is in support of adding inventory resource into customer

After choosing a piece of inventory record, click the button of < > to open associated customer
panel. Click the button of < > to open customer selection interface which display all customers in
all NMS. Tick off the customers to associate and click <OK> to finish association.

Choose one piece of customer information in the panel and click the button of < > to cancel
association between remote device and customer.

8.5.7 ONU
 Query

User can query assigned ONU or all ONU. Click [Inventory/Physical Inventory] in main menu and
double-click <ONU> in classification tree to open ONU information interface. Click the button of
< > in tool bar to open query panel.

To query all ONUs, click <Clear> in query panel and then click <Query>, the query result tab page
will display information of all ONUs.

To query assigned ONU, set ONU information for querying in the query panel and click <Query>,
the query result tab page will display the ONU information meet query conditions.

Choose one piece of record in query result and click < > to open property panel and view detailed
property information.

 Modify
Note: User can modify few of ONU properties since the ONU information is almost collected by

User must update ONU information on NMS when the ONU information of name, maintenance staff
information, etc. has been modified. Click [Inventory/Physical Inventory] in main menu and
double-click <ONU> in classification tree to open ONU information interface. Click the button of
< > in tool bar to open query panel.

Select ONU information for modification and click button < > in tool bar to open modification
panel. Click <Save> after modification and system prompt modifying is successful. The query result
tab page will display the modified ONU information.
 Delete

 The ONU and its configuration data will be deleted from NMS when executing ONU
deletion in inventory information. The deleted ONU cannot take network management, user
has to configure ONU again and add it to NMS to recover management.
 When deleting inventory information, please view the information of other related inventory.
The selected information and its related port data will be deleted, but the information of
upper layer inventory (like NE and chassis information) won’t be deleted.
 Related alarms won’t be cleared from current alarm list when deleting local card, ONU and
When move ONU out from network, user needs to delete related ONU information from NMS. Click
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[Inventory/Physical Inventory] in main menu and double-click <ONU> in classification tree to

open ONU information interface. Click the button of < > in tool bar to open query panel.

Select ONU information to delete and click button < > to open dialog box for confirmation, click
<Yes> and NMS will confirm the related data to delete at the same time, then click <Yes> to execute
deletion and <No> to cancel deletion. It is in support of selecting several pieces of record by press
<Ctrl> down and deleting in batch.

 Topology position

This command can help to locate ONU position in inventory information. Right-click to choose a
piece of record and click the button of [Topology position] to locate ONU in related OLT NE

 NE management

Configuration management helps to manage ONU. Click [NE Management] after right-click and
choose a piece of inventory record to open management interface of ONU.

 Alarm management
User can view alarm information and filter alarm when there is alarm generated from ONU. Filter
alarm can filter all alarms of ONU or only filter assigned alarm types.

To view alarm, user can chose a piece of inventory record by right-key and click [Alarm
management/View Alarm] in shortcut menu to open alarm view window, the current alarm and
history alarm can be viewed.

To filter all alarms of one ONU, user can choose a piece of inventory record by right-key and click
[Alarm management/Filter Alarm] in shortcut menu to open alarm filter window, tick off the alarm
ONU and click <OK> to filter.
To filter assigned alarm of one ONU, user can choose a piece of inventory record by right-key and
click [Alarm management/Filter Alarm] in shortcut menu to open alarm view window, tick off the
alarm ONU, cancel selection of “All Alarm Types” and select assigned alarm type then click <OK>
to filter.

 Relevant resource
Relevant resource of ONU only includes the port. User can view relevant resource of ONU through
relevant resource list.

Choose [Relevant Resource/Port List] to transfer to port information interface. The interface
displays port information of ONU.
 Synchronization

The ONU inventory management is in support of synchronous ONU inventory information. After the
ONU changes, the network is in support of acquiring ONU inventory information immediately
through synchronous operation.
If users need to synchronize inventory information, right-click to select an inventory record, click
[Sync] in the shortcut menu, then it will pop up a confirmation box “is synchronizing?”, click [Yes]
to perform the synchronization operation, otherwise click [no].

 Tools

The ONU inventory management is in support of convenient startup NView NNM network
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management system by right-click shortcut menu to provide common management tools, such as
"SNMP Ping", "ICMP Ping", and Telnet etc. Please refer to “5.2 common management tools” for the
usages of these tools.

 Associated customer

ONU information is in support of associated with customer information in NView NNM system.
Operation of associated customer is in support of adding inventory resource into customer resource.

After choosing a piece of inventory record, click the button of < > to open associated customer
panel. Click the button of < > to open customer selection interface which display all customers in
all NMS. Tick off the customers to associate and click <OK> to finish association.

Choose one piece of customer information in the panel and click the button of < > to cancel
association between ONU and customer.

 Performance chart

Remote inventory supports the rapid entrance of performance chart, right-click a piece of inventory
record, click [Performance Chart] in shortcut menu to open the corresponding performance chart
interface to view real-time and historical performance chart. The performance chart is provided by
NView NNM performance monitoring service, user needs to start the performance monitoring
service to view. Please refer to NView NNM User Manual (Performance Monitoring Service) for the
usage of performance monitoring service.

8.5.8 Port
According to service and port form, the ports in inventory management include Ethernet port, PDH
electrical port, PDH optical port, SDH port, V35 port, PCM voice port, VoIP port, serial port, EPON
port and other ports. This section takes Ethernet port as an example since the management functions
of all classes are identical.

 Query

User can query assigned port or all ports. Click [Inventory/Physical Inventory] in main menu and
double-click <Port> in classification tree to open port information interface. Click the button of
< > in tool bar to open query panel.

To query all ports, click <Clear> in query panel and then click <Query>, the query result tab page
will display information of all ports.

To query assigned port, set port information for querying in the query panel and click <Query>, the
query result tab page will display the port information meet query conditions.

Choose one piece of record in query result and click < > to open property panel and view detailed
property information.

 Modify
Note: User can modify few of port properties since the port information are almost collected by

User must update port information on NMS when the port information of name, maintenance staff
information, etc. has been modified. Click [Inventory/Physical Inventory] in main menu and
double-click <Port> in classification tree to open port information interface. Click the button of
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< > in tool bar to open query panel.

Select slot information for modification and click button < > in tool bar to open modification panel.
Click <Save> after modification and system prompt modifying is successful. The query result tab
page will display the modified port information.
 Topology position

This command can help to locate Ethernet port card position in inventory information. Right-click to
choose a piece of record and click the button of [Topology position] to locate Ethernet port card in
NE topology.
 Alarm management

User can view alarm information and filter alarm when there is alarm generated from Ethernet port.
Filter alarm can filter all alarms of Ethernet port or only filter assigned alarm types.

To filter all alarms of one Ethernet port, user can choose a piece of inventory record by right-key and
click [Alarm management/Filter Alarm] in shortcut menu to open alarm filter window, tick off the
alarm Ethernet port and click <OK> to filter.

To filter assigned alarm of one Ethernet port, user can choose a piece of inventory record by
right-key and click [Alarm management/Filter Alarm] in shortcut menu to open alarm view
window, tick off the alarm Ethernet port, cancel selection of “All Alarm Types” and select assigned
alarm type then click <OK> to filter.

 Associated customer
Port information is in support of associated with customer information in NView NNM system.
Operation of associated customer is in support of adding inventory resource into customer resource.

After choosing a piece of inventory record, click the button of < > to open associated customer
panel. Click the button of < > to open customer selection interface which display all customers in
all NMS. Tick off the customers to associate and click <OK> to finish association.

Choose one piece of customer information in the panel and click the button of < > to cancel
association between port and customer.

 Performance chart
Port inventory supports the rapid entrance of performance chart, right-click a piece of inventory
record, click [Performance Chart] in shortcut menu to open the corresponding performance chart
interface to view real-time and historical performance chart. The performance chart is provided by
NView NNM performance monitoring service, user needs to start the performance monitoring
service to view. Please refer to NView NNM User Manual (Performance Monitoring Service) for the
usage of performance monitoring service.

8.6 Inventory types

NView NNM manages the NE and chassis, etc. resources in network according to inventory types.
The inventory types are denoted as system OID. User can view related system OID and description
of inventory type. If system OID of device is inconsistent with resource type in NNM system, please
contact with our technical support staffs. After modifying or deleting inventory type, the resource
cannot be managed normally, so inventory type is only in support of property view and query.
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Click [Inventory/Inventory Types] to open interface of inventory type. On the left of interface is
the inventory type tree, on the right, it displays type list of NE types by default.

Figure 8-4 Inventory Types

Double-click the classes in inventory type tree to view type of different types.

User can query assigned NE or all NEs. Click [Inventory/Inventory Types] in main menu and
double-click <NE Types> in classification tree to open NE information interface. Click the button of
< > in tool bar to open query panel.

To query all NEs, click <Clear> in query panel and then click <Query>, the query result tab page
will display information of all NEs.
To query assigned NE, set NE information for querying in the query panel and click <Query>, the
query result tab page will display the NE information meet query conditions.

Choose one piece of record in query result and click < > to open property panel and view detailed
property information.

8.7 Directory management

User can write contact information of responsible person and maintenance staff into directory for
associating with inventory information.

 Add

Write the contact information (name and telephone, etc.) of maintenance staff into directory, then
user can choose relevant record in directory when writing or modifying other inventory information.
It is convenient for user to view contact information of maintenance staff on NMS.

Click [Inventory/Directory] to open Directory interface. Click the button of < > in tool bar to
open panel and write relevant contact information.

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Figure 8-5 Add Directory

ID and name of directory cannot be repeated in order to make sure the consistence of data. Click
<Add> to open confirmation box after filling the data and click <OK> to finish adding. The new
directory item will display in new data tab. Right-click and choose [Refresh/Refresh All] to transfer
directory information to query result tab page for displaying.

Note: The items with “*” is compulsory options. The rules for filling property display at the bottom
of property description panel.
 Query

User can query assigned directory or all directories. Click [Inventory/Physical Inventory] to open
directory information interface. Click the button of < > in tool bar to open query panel.
To query all directories, click <Clear> in query panel and then click <Query>, the query result tab
page will display information of all directories.
To query assigned directory, set directory information for querying in the query panel and click
<Query>, the query result tab page will display the directory information meet query conditions.

Choose one piece of record in query result and click < > to open property panel and view detailed
property information.

 Modify

User must update directory information on NMS when the contact information of directory has been
modified. Click [Inventory/Physical Inventory] to open directory interface. Click the button of
< > in tool bar to open query panel.

Select directory record for modification and click button < > in tool bar to open modification panel.
Click <Save> after modification and system prompt modifying is successful. The query result tab
page will display the modified directory information.

 Delete
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When the contact information in directory is out of use, user needs to delete related information from
NMS. Click [Inventory/Physical Inventory] to open directory information interface. Click the
button of < > in tool bar to open query panel.

Select directory records to delete and click < > in tool bar to pop up confirm dialog box. Click
<Yes> to execute deletion. It is in support of selecting several pieces of record by press <Ctrl> down
and deleting in batch.

8.8 Export inventory information

Inventory information can be exported and saved as Excel or Text file. Exporting types include
export all, export current page and export selected items.

Click the button of < > in tool bar to open query panel and query the information for exporting.

 To export all pages from query result: click [Export/All Pages/to Excel] and then choose
path for saving, the selected information will be saved to Excel file.
 To export current page from query result: click [Export/Current Page/to Excel] and then
choose path for saving, the selected information will be saved to Excel file.
 To export selected items from query result: choose the items to export and click
[Export/Selected Items/to Excel] and then choose path for saving, the selected information
will be saved to Excel file.
After the “successful operation” prompt box, click <OK> to finish operation. The steps for export
and save information in Text file is the same as above.

8.9 Statistic inventory information

Statistic of inventory information includes device type statistics, card type statistics and slot vacancy
ratio statistics.

8.9.1 Device type statistic

System provides device types statistic function to statistic device type amount in each subnet.
Following steps as below:

 Click [Report/Device Types Statistics] in system main menu to open relevant analysis
 Choose subnet for statistics from the drop-down box of “Subnet” and then click the button of
<Statistic Analysis> in tool bar. System starts to statistic device types in subnet and gives out
statistic result.

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Figure 8-6 Statistic and Analyze Device Types

 Click the button of <Graph> in tool bar to switch displaying mode between Table List and

8.9.2 Card type statistic

System provides card types statistic function to statistic card type amount in each subnet. Following
steps as below:

 Click [Report/Card Types Statistics] in system main menu to open relevant analysis
 Choose subnet for statistics from the drop-down box of “Subnet” and then click the button of
<Statistic Analysis> in tool bar. System starts to statistic card types in subnet and gives out
statistic result.

Figure 8-7 Statistic and Analyze Card Types

 Click the button of <Graph> in tool bar to switch displaying mode between Table List and

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8.9.3 Slot idle rate statistic

System provides slot idle rate statistic function to statistic slot idle rate of chassis in network. User
can efficient know the slot occupation of chassis and provide important reference for programming
staff when buying new card or enlarging network scale. Following steps as below:

Click [Report/Slot Idle Rate Statistics] in system main menu to open relevant analyze window.
Choose subnet for statistics from the drop-down box of “Subnet” and then click the button of
<Statistic Analysis> in tool bar. System starts to statistic slot idle rate in subnet and gives out
statistic result.

The statistic result will display after analysis. In row “idle rate”, different colors indicate the range; it
is green for 0%~50%, orange for 50%~80%, red for 80%~100%. Click the button of <Graph> in
tool bar to display statistic result in pie graph.

Slots idle rate statistics need to abide by the following principles:
 The device itself has no slots, if the device has sub graph and the device in sub graph also
hasn’t slots, then this device will not participate in slot idle rate statistics.
 The device itself has no slots, if the device has sub graph and the device in sub graph also
hasn’t slots, then the device nodes “slots number”, “idle slots number”, and “idle rate (%)”
will show as “—“. The device slots information in sub graph will not be included in its
superior device slots statistics.
 The subnet “slots number”, “idle slots number”, “idle rate (%)” are always displayed as “—”.

Figure 8-8 Statistic and Analyze Slot Vacancy Ratio

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Chapter 9 Customer Management

This chapter mainly introduces the relevant definition and operation concerning network customers
and how to manage information of network customers using NView NNM system. It includes the
following sections:

 Overview
 Customer list
 Attach network resources to customers

9.1 Overview
9.1.1 Brief introduction of functions
For carriers that provide customers with access services, a key criterion to evaluate their customer
service quality is how they predict or evaluate service affections on customers directly by exact fault
analysis and localization, and remove the faults correctly and in time to ensure high service quality
accordingly. To satisfy the requirements of customer service quality, NView NNM system provides
customer management function to manage detailed information of end customers and attach network
resources to customers according to their factual access devices. This helps the administrators locate
the customer from which the fault report comes and remove the fault quickly. As a result, service
quality of carriers improves.
To improve the efficiency of customer data input, NView NNM customer management component
provides a data import function apart from the traditional manual data input function. The system is
able to import Excel file in a specified format and validate the content of the file. Besides, the data
export function provided by the system helps users backup and keep important data.

9.1.2 Relevant definition

 Customer: an entity (a person or a machine) that utilizes the service or infrastructure provided
by carrier. In NView NNM system, a custom can be a community, a building, a company, a
governmental department, or a person, and etc.
 Attach: establish binding relationship between network resources and customers. In NView
NNM system, users can attach device, card or port resources to customers. A card or port can
be attached to several customers, while several cards or ports can be related to one customer.
 Detach: delete the relationship between network resources and customers

9.2 Customer list

Click [Customer/Customer List] on the system main menu to open “Customer List” interface.

There are three parts on the main view of “Customer List” window: query panel, customer list, and
customer properties pane. The query panel can be opened by clicking the button <Open Query>;
while the customer properties pane can be opened by clicking the button <Open Properties Pane>.

 Query panel: Users can set up query condition here. Only customer records that satisfy the
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query condition will be displayed on the customer list after the query.
 Customer list: Display the information of registered customers in a list. The content of the list
is relevant to the query condition in the query panel. The system will display all customer
information in pages by default.
 Properties panel: Select a record in the customer list, detailed information of the customer
and resources attached to it will be displayed on the properties pane. Users can input and edit
customer information in the properties pane. Double-click customer information to open the
properties panel. Properties panel contains the "customer property" and "customer resources"
two tabs.

Figure 9-1 “Customer List” Window

9.2.1 Input customer information

Click the button <Open Properties Pane> on the toolbar of the “Customer List” window, the
properties pane will turn up beneath the custom list. Click the <Customer Properties> to turn up the
“Customer Properties” page:

Figure 9-2 Customer Information Manual Input

Click the button <Add> on the properties pane after editing customer properties, if the operation
fails, the system will inform the user of the fault, if the operation succeeds, the newly-added
customer information will be directly displayed in the customer list.

Only “Customer Name” is compulsory among all customer properties. Users can not use a customer
name that has already been used in the system. If this happens, the system will pop up a prompt box.

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9.2.2 Import customer information

Customer information can be imported from Excel file. The steps are as below:

 Click <Import Excel> to open import interface, as shown below. The imported file must
meet the "help" requirements.

Figure 9-3 Select the Import File

Note: Users can perform Excel export operation firstly by exporting Excel file edition and adding
customer information, and then perform the import operation so as to avoid the field name error
which will cause incorrect import customer information.

 Click <Browse> to select the Excel file to import, then click <OK> to open the import file
content inspection interface, as shown below.

Figure 9-4 File Content Inspection

 Click <Check>, NView NNM will check the contents of import file automatically and
display the results. If finding problems, the system will pop-up message box, as shown

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Figure 9-5 File Inspection Results

Note: For the same customer name import record, users need to update the records according to the
corresponding clients’ names. If there is the same client name in customer information or do not need
to update the original customer information, please modify the client name corresponding to the
records in the import file firstly, and then perform the import operation.

 Click <Import> to pop-up confirmation dialog box "it will perform customer information
import operation, whether to continue?", click <Yes> to perform the import operation.
 After finishing, the system will pop-up confirmation dialog box "operation is successful,
whether to import other data files?". Click <No> to return client list interface, click <Yes> to
return import files selection interface.

9.2.3 Export customer information

Customer information can be exported and saved in the format of Excel, Text file. The export can be
divided into export all, export the current page and export the options.
 If you need to export all the customer information, click [Export / Full Page / to Excel] in the
customer lists menu, and then choose save path, all the customer information will be saved to
an Excel file.
 If you need to export the current customer information page, click [Export / Current Page/ to
Excel] in the customer lists menu, and then choose save path, the customer information in
current page will be saved to an Excel file.
 If you need to export specified customer information, click to select a piece of customer
information or press Ctrl-click to select multiple customer information, click [Export /
Options / to Excel] in the customer lists menu, and then choose save path to save the selected
customer information to an Excel file.
The system will pop-up successful prompt dialog box after successful export, click "Confirm" to
complete the export operation. The operations of exporting customer information and saving it as
Text file are similar to the above steps, for example, click [Export / options / to Text] in the customer
lists menu, you can export it as Text file.

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9.3 Attach network resources to customers

The alarm information generated by attaching network resources to customers contains associated
customer information, which makes it easy to get customer information with network failure

9.3.1 Associate network resources to customers

Click the button <Open Properties Pane> on the toolbar of the “Customer List” window, the
properties pane will turn up beneath the customer list. Select a customer on the customer list, the
“Customer Resource” page on the properties pane will become usable, information of network
resources that have been associated to the customer will be shown on the “Customer Resource” page.

Establish association

Open the “Customer Resource” page on the properties pane (only applicable after selecting a
customer on the customer list), a list of information of existing customers will appear on the page,
right-click on the list, a shortcut menu as is shown in Figure below will appear.

Figure 9-6 Associate Resources in the Customer List on “Customer Resource” Page

Users can establish association between devices and customers, cards and customers, or ports and
customers. Click one of [Add Device], [Add Card] and [Add Port] on the right-click menu, the
corresponding “Select Resource” dialog box will pop up. Users can select resources and associate
them to the selected customer.

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Figure 9-7 Associate Resources to a Customer via “Resource Management” Window

Locate to topology

"Customer Resources" is in support of topology location operation, and user can quickly locate the
network topology position of customer resource. Select a record in the page of "Customer
Resources" tab, and then click [Locate to Topo] in the shortcut menu, as shown below. NView NNM
will locate on the topology and select the resource automatically.

Figure 9-8 Locate to Topology Menu


Select a customer on the customer list and open the “Customer Resource” page on the properties
pane. Select one or several records on the customer resource list, right-click on the selected records
and click [Detach] on the shortcut menu, the system will delete the relationship between the
customer and the selected resources. The detachment will renew the records on the customer
resource list.

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Figure 9-9 Detach Resources from Customer on the Customer Resource List

Similarly, users can detach the resources from a customer on the properties pane on one of the
resource management window.

9.3.2 View customer alarm information

Customer alarms are alarm information from the network resources (device, card or port) that have
been attached to the customer. Customer alarm information is only available when there are network
resources attached to the customer, these resources have sent alarm information to network
management system and the system has correctly received the information.

View customer alarm information

Select the customer to be examined in the customer list, right-click on the selected record and click
[View Event] on the shortcut menu, or click the button <View Event> on the toolbar of “Customer
List” window, a “View Events” window for the selected customer will pop up. Users can view
current alarms and historical alarms from resources attached to the customer in this window.

Figure 9-10 “View Events” Window for Selected Customer

View customer information in alarm properties pane

If the device, card or port has already been attached to a customer, when it reports alarms, the name
of the customer to whom it is attached will be included in the properties of the alarm event. As a
result, users can view relevant customer information on alarm properties pane as is shown in Figure

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Figure 9-11 View Customer Information in Alarm Properties Pane

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Chapter 10 System Security Management

This chapter mainly introduces conceptions concerning system security and how to configure
security control policy in NView NNM system to guarantee secure operation of the system. It
includes the following sections:

 Overview
 User management
 User group management
 Operator set management
 Access control management
 Security policy management
 Monitoring user operation
 Online user management
 User login mode
 Log policy management

10.1 Overview
NView NNM security management refers to make sure that only the authenticated users can enter the
system and execute authorized network management operations so as to ensure that the network and
network devices, system and network management information are not used by illegal or
unauthorized users or exposed to other dangers.

NView NNM system adopts the concept of “centralized monitoring and decentralized authority
domain management” and realizes “different administrators have different authorities to different
management domains”.

 NView NNM centralized monitoring function can record the NMS or device operations and
operation results of all users to logs, the administrator can track and check the users operation
by the logs so as to monitor the network system.
 NView NNM decentralized authority domain management function can divide the users to
different levels and to user group as well as divide the network resource into different
administrative domains by NE as a unit in order to achieve different users with different
operation authorities to different network resources.
In order to ensure the security of the network management system information, prevent others
illegally authorized users’ login, the administrator can set IP network segment or IP address to access
network management system for users. User can only login the network management system in the
certain network segment, which increase the system security.
NView NNM supports to set user login system password rule, for example the following

 The minimum password length, user with password less than the length are prohibited to
login the system.
 Set the number of minimum difference in the character between the old and new password to
 Set the minimum number of characters and other restriction rules of password composed
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units so as to prevent user password from cracking.

NView NNM security management can monitor user operation and view the all user information and
their operation to login NView NNM system, help administrator trace event source, improve the
administrator self-discipline and prevent the illegal operation from legitimate users.

Note: The system security management configuration operation can be performed only when
“administrator” users or users in “Security administrator group” and “Subdomain security
administrator group” login the system.

10.1.1 User
User refers to the entity that has specific operation authority to some management domain and has
certain access control authority to network management system. The security function structure is
shown as below.



Subject to access
Operation Own control constraint
Management Operation
domain authority

User NView NNM

Figure 10-1 User security function structure

NView NNM can divide users into three levels and the authorities are as follows:

 Super administrator: have full operation authorities and management domains; super
administrator can create users or user groups and can assign all operation authorities and
management domains to users or user groups.
 Security administrator/subdomain security administrator: have security management operator
set, some or all management domains; the administrator can create users or user groups, the
assigned management domain and operation authority can only be the subset of their own
authority; the administrator management to user is a hierarchy relationship, i.e. A can manage
B, B can manage C, then A can also manage C.
 Ordinary user: cannot create users; the resources and operation authority can only be
specified by superior administrator.
User authority is the union set of ordinate user group authority and the user-self authority.
Note: In addition to the system default super administrator user “administrator”, the users cannot
take security management even if they belong to “Administrators” user group. Only “administrator”
and users in “Security administrator group” and “Subdomain security administrator group” have
security management authority.

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10.1.2 User group

User group refers to the group with the same management domain and operation authority. The
function structure is shown as below.

Management Operation Own
User Attach to
domain authority

Figure 10-2 User group function structure

NView NNM divides user group into the following classifies:

 Administrators (Super administrators group): set of super administrators
 Security administrators group/Subdomain security administrators group: set of security
 Ordinary users group” set of ordinary users
Each user can belong to multiple user group (has multiple user group management domain and
operation authority), but cannot belong to security administrators group and subdomain security
administrators group simultaneously.

10.1.3 Operation authority

Operation authority is divided into two types: network management applications and device
operation. The menu and button without authority is grey and cannot be clicked to use; the operation
does not meet the authority will pop up prompt and cannot be operated.

 Network management applications operation authority refers to system menu, right-click

shortcut menu and the operation authority of various buttons in network management client.
 Device operation authority refers to the authority to take NE management to NE device in
user or user group management domain, including resource sync, modify and view device
The common operation authority of network management application is shown in authority
comparison table.

10.1.4 Operator set

The operator set is the partition to all operation authority set; users can select some specified
operation to divide an operator set according to their own management mode and habits.

NView NNM provides some default operator sets; users can also create by themselves. The operator
set can be divided into “Network management application” and “Network device” according to the
using object, which are corresponding to NView NNM client operation and NE management
operation respectively.

The user's operation authority can contain multiple operator sets; the actual operation authority is the
union set of all operation authorizes of these operator sets. To modify operator set will affect the
operation authority of all users or user groups using this operator set.

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10.1.5 Management domain

Management domain takes NE as the minimum granularity, is the user operation objects resource set.
In this way, the network resources can be effectively divided. NView NNM security management
supports to take decentralized domain management in accordance with management domain or

Management domain configuration uses the following classifies for the user to select.
 Object universal set: contains all subnets and network elements in NView NNM, i.e. can
manage all network devices in NView NNM.
 Subnet device set: can select to manage the subnet and NE in NView NNM. User can manage
subnet and all subordinated subnets and device with the management authority of subnet
device set management domain, including assigning the created and follow-up added subnets
and devices in management domain.
 Device: contains network element device, i.e. can select to manage all network element
devices in NView NNM. Device management domain is used to assign user device operation
authority and view device located subnet hierarchy.
Note: For EPON device, OLT and ONU can be added to the management domain as stand-alone
network element and make the management granularity of network management more refined; OLT
subnet (including OLT PON port subnet and all accessed ONU devices) and PON port subnet
(including ONU port accessed all PON device) can also be added to the management domain as a
subnet for unified management.

10.1.6 Decentralized hierarchy, decentralized authority and decentralized domain

NView NNM achieves decentralized hierarchy, decentralized authority and decentralized
domain security management.
 User level can control and distinguish security management from other network management
application function. Security management can continue to divide into the subdomain level
security administrators for more levels of management.
 User authority can control the management authority of network management system and
network element device. User group and operator set can take authority planning easily and
can also individually assign user authority for fine adjustment.
 User management domain can divide management range. Subnet devices set and devices set
can divide management range easily.
The allocation combination between network management application, management domain,
operator set and operation authority is shown as below.

Table 10-1 Allocation authority combination

Network management Operator set and operation authority

application/management domain
Network management application Network management application operation authority
Network management application operator set
Full set of objects Assign device operator set to all subnets and network
elements of network management
Subnet devices set Assign device operator set to subnet (including the
devices in subnet)
Device Assign separate device operation authority to network
element device

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10.1.7 Access control

By setting the system ACL (Access Control List), only the IP address, network segment or IP address
range in the list can login NView NNM system. Reasonable allocation of ACL can effectively
prevent the system from malicious attacks and protect the system security. The access control can
also be used to add, modify and delete access lists.

10.1.8 Security policy

Security policy refers to user account and password setting policy to login NView NNM system.
Security policy controls the user accounts and password setting format and rule, for example, can
configure the length of user account, user lock, the length of password, the number of minimum
difference in characters between the old and new passwords and the ascending/descending order of
numbers or letters.

10.1.9 Log policy

The user can set the logging strategy with security management authority, specify user actions need
to log all operations to show the form of a tree, the user can select or search operation log policy
settings. Default all operations log.

10.1.10 Security management deployment process

For NView NNM system, please deploy security management according to the following process:

Step 1 Plan management level to determine security management and ordinary user roles.

Step 2 Plan management authorities to determine the management authorities for different users.
Step 3 Plan management domains to divide network resources into several management domains
according to specific situations.

Step 4 Create user, set password and access security policy.

Step 5 Create user group: create several user groups according to the actual needs of network
management, and then assign authorities to user groups. The authorities of user groups contain:
Assign users: these users will have user group management domains and authorities.

Assign user group management domains.

Assign network management application authority and device operator set or operation authority in
management domain.
Step 6 Security management deployment will take effect when the user logins.

Step 7 (Optional) Adjust user management domains and authorities to meet the specific security
Note: If the user group security management policy has been changed and users in this user group
have already logged in the system through some client, the system must allow the user to log in again
in order to ensure the update to take effect.
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10.2 User management

10.2.1 System default user
NView NNM provides “administrator” default user, the default password is “raisecom”. This user
authority is highest, i.e. the super administrator user.
The user has the following characteristics:

 This user has all operations, configurations and security management authorities of NView
 This user belongs to “Administrators” and “Security administrators group”. Administrator
user group has all network management applications authorities in addition to security
management, the security administrators group has safety management authority.
 This user does not support to modify and delete the authority, only supports to modify the
user full name and description.
 This user can configure “access control list” to restrict the login IP.
Use “administrator” default user to login NView NNM, the administrator can create users in line
with the needs according to the specific circumstances of network management authority.

10.2.2 Create user

It needs the following steps to create a user:

Step 1 Click [Security/User Management] in system menu bar to open the main application view of
user management, as shown below.

Figure 10-3 Interface instance

Step 2 Create a new user. Right-click “user” in the left tree list, and then click [Security
management object/User] in shortcut menu to open [Create user] dialog box

Note: After selecting [Security management object/User] in the left tree list, click on the left
top of right interface, and then select user list properties in the pop-up dialog box.

Step 3 In [Create user] dialog box, click “Base Info” to show the interface below. This interface can
be used to configure user name, password and other information.

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Figure 10-4 Interface instance

Table 10-2 Configuration parameter description

Parameter Value Description

User name Set by “Security policy” Input user name

User full mane - Input user full name

Description - Input user description

Password Set by “Security policy” Input user password

Confirm password Set by “Security policy” Input user password again

User must change Checked Select whether to change password at

password at next login next login
User cannot change Checked Select whether to change password
Account suspended Checked Select whether to suspend the account
Maximum password 1~180 Input the maximum password age days
age days
“No restriction” indicates not to restrict
the password age days
Step 4 Click <Advanced> to configure the advanced properties for user. After the configuration is
complete, click <OK>.
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Table 10-3 Configuration parameter description

Parameter Value Description

Maximum online 0~255 or “no restriction” Configure the numbers to use this user
numbers account for parallel login
In the same client host, one user account
can only login one client process
Exit waiting time 10~600, unit: minute, or select “Stop Input the auto-exit time for user without
automatically auto-exit” operations
Start unregistrated Start unregistrated user policy: Select whether to start unregistrated user
user policy policy and the action to start activity
Delete: delete user accounts not login
NView NNM client for several
consecutive days Hibernate: hibernate
user accounts not login NView NNM
client for several consecutive days
No restriction: not to restrict user
account status
Start time segment Select to start time segment Select the time segment restriction for
restriction restriction: this user to start login system
Start time
End time
Daily start time
Daily end time
Weekly start time
Step 5 click “Details” to show the interface below. The contact information of user can be configured
in this interface.

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Figure 10-5 Interface instance

Table 10-4 Configuration parameters description

Parameter Value Description

Department - Input user department information

TEL - Input user telephone

FAX - Input user fax

E-mail Contain “@” and end Input user email

with “com” or “cn”
Postcode - Input postcode

Address - Input user address

Step 6 Click “Owner Group” to show the interface below. The user subordinated user group can be
configured in this interface.

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Figure 10-6 Interface instance

Click <Add> in the lower right corner and select user subordinated user group in the pop-up dialog
box. Click <OK> to complete the configuration.

Note: One user can belong to multiple groups, but cannot belong to “Security administrators group”
and “Sundomain security administrators group” simultaneously.

Step 7 (Optional) Click <Copy permissions from the user> to pop up user list, check one or more
the created user records, and then click <OK> to copy the management domain and operation
authority of selected users.
Note: Click <Copy permissions from the user> to copy the permissions, the selected management
domain and operation permission will be cleared automatically, then copy management domain and
operation permission.
Step 8 Click “Management domain” to show the interface below. The user managed resource can be
configured in this interface.

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Figure 10-7 “Management domain” tab page

Click <Selection> in the lower right corner to select management domain in the popup dialog box.

Step 9 Click “Operator Privilege” to show the interface below. The user operator privilege can be
configured in this interface.

Figure 10-8 “Operator privilege” tab page

Click <Selection> in the lower right corner to pop up [Select operator privilege] dialog box. Then
click <OK> to complete the operation.
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Note: After adding an operator set in “Select operator privilege” dialog box, if users need to add
constantly, they need to select “Authorization object” (for example click “NMS application”) again
and then select operator set to add.

Step 10 Click “Access control” to show the interface below. The access control operator privilege
can be configured in this interface, click <Apply>to save the configuration.

Figure 10-9 “Access control” tab page

By default, select all created access control permissions. In addition, user can click <Set access
control list> in the lower right corner, in the pop-up “Access control list” dialog box, set new access
control permission.

10.2.3 Modify user

This operation can modify the properties of non-super administrator users, such as user's full
name, subordinated group, management domain, operation authority, and access control information.
Please follow the steps below.

Note: When user subordinated group, management domain and operation authority properties are
modified, if the modified member is logging in client, the client will prompt that “Your authority has
been changed, please login again and click <OK> to exit!” at this time, the user cannot continue the
operation but click <OK> to close client. After login again, the properties of modified user will take
Step 1 Click [Security/NMS user management] in system main menu to open “NMS user
management” tab page.
Step 2 In the left “Security management object”, click “user” node, it will show all the current users
in the form of list. Double-click the user located line to modify the properties information of user in
the displayed interface. The modify interface is same to the add interface.

Step 3 When the ordinary properties and access control are modified, click <Apply> to complete the
modification. When the management domain and operation authority are modified, click <OK>.
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 In the left “Security management object” tree, user can also click user name to modify in
“user” node, it will show the properties information of user to modify in the right interface.
 To modify the management domain and operation authority of user, the grey part authorities
are the authorities of user subordinated user groups, which can only be modified by
modifying user group.
 Subdomain security administrators can only modify the users created by themselves, but
cannot modify the users created by other management domain users.

10.2.4 Delete user

This operation can delete the undesired users and save resources.
The steps to delete user group:

Step 1 Click [Security/NMS user management] in system main menu to open “NMS user
management” tab page.

Step 2 In the left “Security management object”, click “user” node, it will show all the current users
in the form of list. Select the users to delete, click the <Delete> in the lower left corner, and then
click <Yes> in the pop-up [Confirm] dialog box.

Double-click the user located line to modify the properties information of user in the displayed
interface. The modify interface is the same to the add interface.

10.2.5 Reset password

When the user forgets the password, the super administrator, security management domain or
sub-domain security administrator (sub-domain security administrator can only reset the user's
password) needs to reset the password; the reset operation does not need to input old password. The
password of super administrator cannot be reset, if the password of super administrator is forgotten,
please contact Raisecom technical support staff.

Step 1 Click [Security/NMS user management] in system main menu to open “NMS user
management” tab page.

Step 2 In the left “Security management object”, click “user” node, it will show all the current users
in the form of list. Select the users to modify the password, click the <Set password> in the lower
left corner to pop up [Set password] dialog box, input new password and click <OK>.

Note: It is default to check “User must modify the password in next login” in [Set password] dialog
box, which indicates the user with password reset must modify password in login. In this case, when
the user logs in client, it will prompt that “the system requires you to modify the password, or the
system will exit." Click <Yes> to pop up Modify password dialog box, input old password and new
password and then click <OK> to modify the password and login client.

10.2.6 Unlock
When the number of errors of user's password exceeds the configuration number in account policy,
the user account will be locked and user cannot login the client until reaching the aut0-unlock time.
If the lock rule in account policy is “Permanently locked”, the administrator needs to unlock
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Step 1 Click [Security/NMS user management] in system main menu to open “NMS user
management” tab page.

Step 2 In the left “Security management object”, click “user” node, it will show all the current users
in the form of list.

Step 3 The “Lock status” of locked user account is displayed as “Permanently locked” or “Limited
locked” (Limited locked refers to unlock automatically in reaching auto-unlock time). Click to select
the locked user account records, click <Unlock> in the lower left corner to pop up “Unlock
successfully” dialog box, which indicates the user has already unlocked.

 To login client, if the password is wrong, it will prompt the times to input error password, the
user will be locked after reaching the number of errors in account policy; even if the correct
password is entered, it will also prompt the user has been locked.
 The system will only show the created users by sub-domain security administrator when
sub-domain security administrator clicks “user” node.

10.3 User group management

10.3.1 System default user group
NView NNM provides three default user groups for system monitoring, maintenance, and security
management. Generally, it needs to create ordinary according to the actual usage situation of network
management to assign network element and subnet management domain range and specific operation
authority so as to achieve hierarchical, decentralized authority and decentralized domain
 “Administrators” user group: users in this user group have the highest user authority, i.e. the
super-administrator user group.
 “Security administrator group”: users in this user group have the highest security
management authority and can manage all the management domains as well as create
sub-domain security administrator group.
 “Sub-domain security administrator group”: users in the user group have security
management authority and can view security management logs. The specific differences are
as follows:
 The “security administrator group” can manage all the management domains, while
“sub-domain security administrator group” can only take security management in
 “Sub-domain security administrator group” hasn’t set access control list, log policy and
security policy authorities.
Note: In addition to the system default super administrator user “administrator”, if a user belongs to
the “Administrators” user group but does not belong to the “Security administrators
group/sub-domain security administrator group”, the user cannot take security management. Each
user can belong to multiple user groups, but cannot belong to security administrator group and
sub-domain security administrator group simultaneously. Only the “administrator” users and users in
security administrator group/sub-domain security administrator group have security management

The default user group does not support the delete operation, and the management domain and
operation authority are also somewhat different. User group and the union set of user management
domain and operation authority constitute the specific user authority. The specific user group
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comparison is as follows.

Table 10-5 User group comparison table

User group Member Management domain Operation authority Can create user or not

Administrators Except Default to manage Except “administrator” Except “administrator” users,

“administrator” “objects universal set”, user, default support “NMS default cannot create user
users, support i.e. all the objects in application operation
to add/delete NMS, not support to universal set” and “Device
modify operation universal set”,
i.e. all operation authorities
in NMS (excluding security
management authority), not
support to modify
Security Support to Default to manage Default to support all Can create Sub-domain
administrator add/delete “objects universal set”, operation authority of security administrator user
group i.e. all the objects in “Security management”, and ordinary user
NMS, not support to not support to modify
Sub-domain Support to Default no management Default to support all Can create Sub-domain
security add/delete domain, support to operation authority of security administrator user
administrator modify “Security management”, and ordinary use; the created
group not support to modify user management domain is
the subset or universal set of
Sub-domain security
administrator management
Ordinary user Support to Support to configure Support to assign operation Cannot create user
group add/delete management domain in authority in creation and
creation and support to support to modify

10.3.2 Create user group

Please create one user group according to the following steps:

Step 1 In the main application view of user management, click [Security management object/User
group] in the left side to show the interface below.

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Note: After selecting [Security management object/User group] in the left tree list, click on
the left top corner of right interface and select user group list properties in the pop-up dialog box.

Step 2 Click <Create user group> in the lower right corner if the interface, or right-click “User
group” in the left tree list and then click [Create user group] in the shortcut menu; in the pop-up
[Create user group] dialog box, select “Base info” to show the interface below to configure user
group name, full name and description information.

Table 10-6 Configuration parameters description

Parameter Value Description

User group name Not null Input user group name

User group full name - Input user group full name

Type - Ordinary user group

Description - Input user group description

Step 3 In [Create user group] dialog box, click “Member” to show the interface below.

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Click <Add> and select users belonging to this user group in pop-up dialog box, and then click

Step 4 (Optional) Click <Copy permissions from the user group> to pop up ordinary user group
list, check one or more the created user group records, and then click <OK> to copy the management
domain and operation authority of selected user groups.

Note: Click <Copy permissions from the user> to copy the permissions, the selected management
domain and operation permission will be cleared automatically, then copy management domain and
operation permission.
Step 5 In [Create user group] dialog box, click “Domain” to show the interface below. Click
<Selection> and select the user group operable management domain in the pop-up dialog box and
then click <OK> to complete the operation.

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Step 6 In [Create user group] dialog box, click “Operator privilege” to show the interface below.

Click <Selection> and select the user group available operator privilege in the pop-up dialog box,,
and then click <OK>

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Note: After adding an operator privilege in “Select operator privilege” dialog box, if users need to
add constantly, they need to select “Authorization object” and then select operator privilege to add.

10.3.3 Modify user group

The system default “Administrator” and “Security administrator group” user group can only modify
the description. “Subdomain security administrator group” can also modify management domain so
as to divide multi-level management. The customized created ordinary user group can modify the
name, description, management domain and operation authority.

Note: When user group user is modified, if the modified member is logging in client, the client will
prompt that “Your authority has been changed, please login again and click <OK> to exit!” at this
time, the user cannot continue the operation but click <OK> to close client. After login again, the
properties of modified user will take effect.
Step 1 Click [Security/NMS user management] in system main menu to open “NMS user
management” tab page.

Step 2 In “User group” on left “Security management object”, click a user group, it will show user
group properties to modify in the right side of interface. The modify interface is same to the add

Step 3 When the ordinary properties are modified, click <Apply> to complete the modification.
When the management domain and operation authority are modified, click <OK>.

10.3.4 Delete user group

When the user group is deleted, the user “Subordinated user group” will also delete this user group
and delete the user group authority.

The steps to delete user group:

Step 1 Click [Security/NMS user management] in system main menu to open the main application
interface of user management.

Step 2 Click [Security management object/User group] to select a line of records from user group
list, click <Delete> in the lower right corner, in the pop-up [Confirm] dialog box, click <Yes> to
complete the operation.

10.4 Operator set management

10.4.1 System default operator set
By default, the system provides six operator sets, which belong to “NMS application” and “Network
device” respectively and basically meet the operation authority division to device configuration and
NMS application. Users can create customized operator set according to their needs for detailed
authority division.

Table 10-7 System default operator set description

Type Name Description

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Type Name Description

NMS Platform maintenance Contain all NView NNM operation authorities,

application staff operator set including to view, modify and delete (Except security
management operation authority)
The system menu without authorities are grey and
Platform Contain all NView NNM operation authorities, only
superintendent can view alarm, resource and performance etc,
operator set network management information
The system menu without authorities are grey and
NMS application Contain all NView NNM operation authorities
operation universal set (Except security management operation authority)
Network device Device maintenance Contain the authorities to configure sync, view
staff operator set configuration, modify configuration, pre-configure
management and batch configure management
For example: can enter NE management interface to
modify the configuration
Device superintendent Only have authority to view NE device configuration
operator set
For example: can enter NE management interface to
view the configuration
Device operation Contain all operation authorities of NE device
universal set

10.4.2 Create operator set

In order to facilitate user management, users can create operator set according to their needs. The
steps are as follows:
Step 1 In user management main application view, click the left [Security management
object/Operator set] to show the following interface.

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Note: Select [Security management object/Operator set] in the left tree list, click in the left
top corner of right interface, the select the operator set list displayed properties in the pop-up dialog
Step 2 Click <Create operator> in the lower right corner of the interface, in the pop-up [Create
operator] dialog box, select “basic info” to show the following interface and configure the type,
name and description information.

Table 10-8 Configuration parameter description

Parameter Value Description

Type NMS application Select operator set type

Network device
Name Not null Input operator set name

Description - Input operator set description information

Step 3 (Optional) Click <Copy operator> to pop up the corresponding operator list according to the
operator type, check one or more operator records and then click <OK> to copy the selected operator

Step 4 In [Create operator] dialog box, click “Member” to show the following interface.

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Click <Selection> and select the operations belonging to this operator set in the pop-up dialog box,
then click <OK>.

10.4.3 Modify operator set

User-defined operator set supports to be modified; user can modify operator set and all user
authorities with this operator set.

Note: When the operator is modified, if the modified operator user is logging in client, the client will
prompt that “Your authority has been changed, please login again and click <OK> to exit!” at this
time, the user cannot continue the operation but click <OK> to close client. After login again, the
modified operator set will take effect.
Step 1 Click [Security/NMS user management] in system main menu to open “NMS user
management” tab page.

Step 2 In the left “Operator set” of “Security management object”, click an operator set to show the
basic information and member properties of operator set to modify. The properties in modify
interface are the same to the properties in add interface.

Step 3 After the basic information is modified, click <Apply>. To modify member properties, in the
[Selection] dialog box, click <OK> to complete the modification.

10.4.4 Delete operator set

Please select the divided operator set not needed according to the following steps. By default, the
operator set does not support the delete operation.
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Step 1 Click [Security/NMS user management] in system main menu to open the main application
view of user management.
Step 2 Click the left [Security management object/Operator set] and select a line of record in
operator list, click <Delete> in the lower right corner of interface, in the pop-up [Confirm] dialog
box, click <Yes> to complete the operation.

10.5 Access control management

10.5.1 Create access control list
Users can create access control list according to their needs. The steps are as follows:
Step 1 In system menu bar, click [Security/Access control list] to pop up the following dialog box.

Step 2 Click <Add> in the bottom of interface, in the pop-up interface, user can configure IP address
or network segment access control list and the access control list of IP address range.

 The interface to configure IP address or network segment access control list is shown as

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Figure 10-10 Add IP access control

Table 10-9 Configuration parameter description

Parameter Value Description

IP address or For example: Input single IP address or network

network segment segment
Single IP address:
Network segment:
Description - Input access list description information

The interface to configure access control list of IP address range is shown as below.

Figure 10-11 Configure IP address range

Table 10-10 Configuration parameter description

Parameter Value Description

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Parameter Value Description

Begin IP address For example: Input begin IP address

Single IP address:
End IP address For example: Input end IP address
End IP address:
Description - Input access list description information

10.5.2 Modify access control list

Note: User cannot modify, delete the system default existed access control list ~

Please modify access control list according the following steps:

Step 1 In system menu bar, click [Security/Access control list] to select the access control list to
modify in the pop-up dialog box.

Step 2 Click <Modify> to pop up [Modify access control] interface to modify access control

10.5.3 Delete access control list

Please delete the added access control list not needed according to the following steps:

Step 1 In system menu bar, click [Security/Access control list] to select the access control list to
delete in the pop-up dialog box.

Step 2 Click <Delete> to pop up [Confirm] dialog box, click <Yes> to complete the operation.

10.6 Security policy management

NView NNM security policy management contains: password policy management and account
policy management.

10.6.1 Password policy management

Through password policy management, administrator can set the user password length, character
rules to prevent password cracking and improve security.

To modify or reset the password will be restricted by password policy, and it will pop up the
corresponding error prompt when the password is not in line with the policy.
Click [Security/Set security policy] in system menu, in the pop-up dialog box, select “Password
policy” tab, the parameter description is shown in the table below; when the configuration is
complete, click <OK>.

Table 10-11 Configuration parameter description

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Parameter Value Description

The minimum 6~16 Configure the minimum password length

password length of restriction for non “administrator” user
Default value: 6
ordinary user
The minimum 6~16 Configure the minimum password length
password length of restriction for “administrator” user
Default value: 6
super user
The maximum 6~16 Configure the maximum password length
password length restriction for all users
Default value: 15
The minimum number 3~16 Configure the number of different
of characters characters between new password and
Default value: 3
difference between old password
new password and old
The minimum 0: not to set the minimum Configure the time interval to modify
password age days password age days password; user cannot modify password
within this interval
Default value: 1
The minimum number 0:not to set the minimum Configure the minimum number of
of letters in password number of letters letters in password
Default value: 0
The minimum number 0: not to set the minimum Configure the minimum number of
of capital letters in number of capital letters capital letters in password
Default value: 0
The minimum number 0: not to set the minimum Configure the minimum number of
of lowercase letters in number of lowercase letters lowercase letters in password
Default value: 0
The minimum number 0: not to set the minimum Configure the minimum number of
of digitals in password number of digitals digitals in password
Default value: 0
The minimum number 0: not to set the minimum Configure the minimum number of
of special characters in number of special characters special characters in password. The
password special characters contain @, #, %, *, &,
+, - and blank space
Default value: 0
The maximum number No requirement (Default) Configure whether the user name and
of same connection password can be the same or partly the
Cannot contain the complete
characters between same
user name
user name and
password Cannot contain the connection
characters numbers in user name

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Parameter Value Description

The number of 1~16 Configure the number of characters

connection characters cannot be the same in user name and
Default value: 2
not in user name password
Only when the maximum number of
connection characters in user name and
password selects “Cannot contain the
number of connection characters in user
name”, the parameter can be configured
The password cannot Checked: Use password Configure whether the password can use
contain complete dictionary to check vocabulary in password dictionary
vocabulary in
Unchecked (Default): not use The system provides a password
password dictionary
password dictionary to check dictionary, which stores the common
weak password; check this parameter to
check whether the password is in the
dictionary, if yes, it will pop up error
prompt in password configuration
The password cannot Checked: cannot be user name Configure whether the password can be
be the user name descending user name descending
Unchecked (Default): No For example, user name is ABC123,
restriction check this parameter, the password
cannot be 321CBA
There cannot be four Checked: cannot have four or Configure whether the password can
or more consecutive more consecutive repeating have four or more consecutive repeating
repeating characters in characters characters
the password
Unchecked (Default): No For example: check this parameter, the
restriction password cannot contain AAAA
The password cannot Checked: cannot be the numbers Configure whether the password can be
be the numbers or or digitals ascending or the numbers or digitals ascending or
digitals ascending or descending descending
Unchecked (Default): No For example: check this parameter, the
restriction password cannot be ABCDEF

10.6.2 Account policy management

Through account policy management, administrator can set the user name length and lock rules to
improve security.
To create user is restricted by user name length, and error password is restricted by lock rule, and at
the same time provide password expiration warning configuration.

Click [Security/Set security policy] in system menu, in the pop-up dialog box, select “Account
policy” tab, the parameter description is shown in the table below; when the configuration is
complete, click <OK>.

Table 10-12 Configuration parameter description

Parameter Value Description

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Parameter Value Description

The minimum 1~32 Configure the minimum length of user name

length of user
Default value: 6
Permanently Checked: permanently locked when Configure whether to lock user account
locked the times to input password reach permanently when it reaches specified times
specified times
Unchecked (Default): the password
will unlock automatically according
to “Auto-unlock time” when it
reaches specified times
Auto-unlock time 1~1440 Configure auto-unlock time. The user account
(minute) will be locked when the times to input password
Default value: 1, unit: minute
reach the specified times, wait for this time, the
account will unlock automatically and then user
can login again.
This parameter can be configured only when the
“Permanently locked” is unchecked.
Auto-unlock after 1~99 Configure the times of wrong password to lock
several error input user account
Default value: 4
User account will unlock automatically in
reaching auto-unlock time when the
“Permanently locked” is unchecked. When the
“Permanently locked” is checked, super
administrator or security administrator will
unlock manually.
The password 1~30 Configure the days to prompt that user
expiration warning password is expired in advance
Default value: 1
The expiration days of user password are
configured by “the longest remaining days of
password” in user general properties; click
[Security/NMS user management] in system
menu and select user name in security
management objects to view the general
The warning prompt can be popped up only
when the user has logged in client
The super users Checked: super administrator user Configure whether super administrator user
will never be will be restricted by lock rule when “administrator” is restricted by lock rule
locked the password is wrong
Unchecked (Default): super
administrator user will not be
restricted by lock rule

10.7 Monitor user operation

Super administrator or security administrator can monitor the login users’ operations. Open “Online
user operation” interface, the system begins to update the interface list to show all users’ operations
and take a record of logs. When the “Online user operation” interface is close, the operation record
list in this interface will be cleared automatically, but the recorded logs cannot be cleared.
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In the system menu bar, click [Security/Online user operation] to show the following interface:

Table 10-13 Configuration parameter description

Parameter Description

Operation user Show operation user name

Operation name Show operation classify and name

Operation terminal Show operation terminal IP address

Operation object Show user operation object

Operation time Show operation time, correct to second

Operation result Show operation result

Description Show operation description

 On the top of display interface, user can set the page size, i.e. the number of user operations.
 User can click to view the real-time information of user operations.
 Click in the left top corner of the interface, select online user operation displayed
properties in the pop-up dialog box.

10.8 Online user management

Online user management contains online user monitoring and force user offline functions.

10.8.1 Online users monitoring

User can view the current system login user information through online user monitoring function.
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 Click <Refresh> to view real-time online user information
 Only Super administrators can view the current online user information.
The steps to view the current online user information:

Step 1 In the system menu bar, click [Security/NMS user management], in the right side security
management object tree, click “Online users”.
Step 2 The right side interface can show the detailed information of current login users.

Table 10-14 Configuration parameter description

Parameter Description

User name Show the current login user name

User type Show the current login user type

Operation terminal Show the current user login system IP address

Login time Show the current user login system time, correct to second

Host name Show the current user login system located host name

Description Show description

Note: Select [Security management object/Online users] in the left tree list, click in the left
top corner of right side interface, user can select online users list displayed properties in the pop-up
dialog box.

10.8.2 Force user offline

To force the user to exit login client, the super administrator can force the currently logged user
The steps to force user offline:
Step 1 In the system menu bar, click [Security/NMS user management], in the right side security
management object tree, click “Online users”.
Step 2 In the right side current login user interface, select the force offline users located line, click
<Force user to exit> in the lower right corner.
Step 3 In the pop-up [Confirm] dialog box, put forward the reason, and then click <OK> to
complete the operation.

10.9 User login mode

Super administrator user “administrator” can configure NMS user login mode.

 Multi-user login mode: NView NNM default login mode, run multiple clients login for
network management. NView NNM will recover to multi-user login mode automatically in
each time restart.
 Single-user login mode: only allow the super administrator user to user client login, other

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users can not login in the mode (It will prompt that “Currently, the system login mode is
single-user login mode, only the super administrator user can login the system!”). The
single-user login mode is generally used in upgrade and maintenance so as to avoid the
incorrect operation from multi-user login.
Step 1 In NMS main menu bar, click [System/Preference] to open the system setting interface.

Step 2 In the left side of the interface, click “System login mode”, the right side will show the
currently used login mode.

Step 3 Click to select the login mode and then click <Apply> to perform the configuration.
Step 4 To change “Multi-user login mode” to “Single-user login mode”, it will pop up confirmation
prompt “This operation will make currently logged all online users except administrator user force
quit!”, click <Yes> to pop up the prompt “When this operation takes effect, only one administrator
use logins to this service and hope to change to multi-user login mode when the operation is
complete!”, click <Yes> to perform the operation. At this time, if there are other users to login client,
the client interface will prompt that “Super administrator user has set the NMS login mode as
single-user login mode, click <OK> to exit!”, click <OK>, the system will exit client automatically
and cannot login again.
Note: Regardless of any configuration, restart NView NNM, the user login mode will always be
configured as “Multi-user login mode” automatically.

10.10 Log strategy management

NView NNM log strategy is default to take a record of all user operations, which does not need to
configure generally. The steps to set user operation log strategy:

Step 1 In NMS main menu bar, click [Security/Set log strategy] to pop up the following interface.

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Figure 10-12 Interface instance

Step 2 In the text box on top of the interface, input the operation name to record logs, and click
to search. After the search is complete, check this operation, click <OK>.

Note: After the log strategy is modified, restart the server.

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Chapter 11 System Service Management

This chapter mainly introduces how to manage system service and schedule service, and how to use
system events to trace the operation status of service. It includes the following sections:

 Overview
 Commands module management
 System service management
 Schedule service management
 Trace service operation status
 Common service instruction

11.1 Overview
NView NNM system provides a frame for application service management to manage various
application services. NView NNM system defines two types of application services:
 System Service: Services that will be provided from the startup of the service to the
closedown of the system.
 Schedule Service: The principle of the service is to execute a command by a frequency (daily,
a day in a week, time of a day in a month) in a specified time period.

11.2 System service management

11.2.1 Start/Stop system service
To start or stop system service, please follow the instructions below:
 Click [Service/System Service] on the system menu bar, “System Service” window with
system service list as is shown in Figure below will turn up:

Figure 11-1“System Service” Window

 Select system service on the system service list, right-click on the selected record. Click the
button <Start> to start a “Stopped” service; or click the button <Stop> to stop “Running”
 After starting or stopping a specified service, the running status of the service will be

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modified accordingly. If any fault occurs, the system will inform the user of it.
 Select a service, right-click on the selected record, and select [View Log] on the shortcut
menu, the “System Events” window with system event list will open up. The results of
start/stop system service operations will be displayed on the system event list.

11.2.2 Edit system service properties

To edit system service properties, please follow the instructions below:

 Click [Service/System Service] on the system menu bar to open the “System Service”
 Select system service in the system service list. If the status of the selected service is
“Running”, please stop the service firstly.
 Right-click on the selected records, and click [Edit] on the shortcut menu, an “Edit” dialog
box will pop up:

Figure 11-2 Edit System Service Properties

 Edit the properties in the dialog box and click <Apply> to save the modifications. Users can
click the button <Close> to close the dialog box directly.
Note: If the selected service requires advanced parameters to be set up, the button <Advance…>
will be usable. Click the button and the “Setup Parameters” dialog box will pop up.

11.3 Schedule service management

11.3.1 Start/Stop schedule service
To start or stop schedule service, please follow the instructions below:

 Click [Service/Schedule Service] on the system menu bar, the “Schedule Service” window
with schedule service list will turn up:

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Figure 11-3 “Schedule Service” Window

 Select a service on the schedule service list, right-click on the selected record. Click the
button <Start> to start a “Stopped” service; or click the button <Stop> to stop a “Running”
 After starting or stopping a specified service, the running status of the service will be
modified accordingly. If any fault occurs, the system will inform the user of it.
 Select a service, right-click on the selected record, and select [View Log] on the shortcut
menu, the “System Events” window with system event list will open up. The results of
start/stop schedule service operations will be displayed on the system event list.

11.3.2 Edit schedule service

To edit properties of a schedule service, please follow the instructions below:
 Click [Service/Schedule Service] on the system menu bar to open the “Schedule Service”
 Select a service in the schedule service list. If the status of the selected service is “Running”,
please stop the service firstly.
 Right-click on the selected records, and click [Edit] on the shortcut menu, an “Edit” dialog
box will pop up:

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Figure 11-4 Edit Schedule Service Properties

 Edit the properties in the dialog box and click <Apply> to save the modifications. Users can
click the button <Close> to close the dialog box directly.

11.4 Trace service operation status

NView NNM system provides a “System Event Management” component to record operation events
of the system, including the startup and stop of system service/schedule service, the running status of
services, and the schedule of the services. Users can trace the operation status of a service by
viewing the system event list. The source, report time and description of services are also displayed
on the system event list.

11.4.1 View system event

Click [Log/System Event] on the system menu bar, the “System Event” window with the system
event list will turn up:

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Figure 11-5 System Event List

Every row in the system event list is the record of an event. A record contains the following
 Event Type: There are three types of events on the list.
 Inform: The service is operating properly.
 Warning: Faults occurs but do not affect the operating of the system. Or the status value
monitored by the service approaches the threshold.
 Error: Severe Fault occurs. The service cannot continue to operate.
 Event Source: From which system service or schedule service the event comes from.
Generally, it is the title of the service.
 Report Time: The time when the event is reported.
 Event Content: Detailed content of the event.
Select a record, right-click on the selected record and click [Properties] on the shortcut menu, an
“Edit” dialog box will pop up, users can view detailed information of the event on the dialog box.

11.4.2 Query system event

Click the button [Show Query] on the toolbar above the system event list, the query panel will open
up as is shown in Figure below.

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Figure 11-6 Query System Event

Set up query condition on the query panel, and click the button <Query> to start the query, the result
will be displayed in the system event list.

11.5 Common services description

11.5.1 SNMP trap receiving service
The SNMP trap receiving service is responsible for receiving SNMP trap message. Alarm events
from network devices can only be received properly when the SNMP trap receiving service is
Users can set up advanced parameters for this service in the “Setup Parameters” dialog box. Open
the “Edit” dialog box of the service. Click the button <Advanced…> and the “Setup Parameters”
dialog box will pop up. Please see Figure below.

Figure 11-7 “Setup Parameters” Dialog Box for SNMP Trap Receiving Service

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The following parameter of the service can be edited in the “Setup Parameters” dialog box:

 Trap Port: The system will receive Trap at the port specified by the user. The system uses Port
162 by default. Please note that the specified port should be identical with the
trap-transmitting target port of the device.
 Filter Recovery Alarms: Tick this item to filter recovery alarms, all recovery alarms will not
be displayed anymore on the current alarm list. The recovery alarms will enter history alarms
database directly and do not affect the recovery alarm receiving function.
 Compress Repeated Alarms as one piece of alarm record, the “occur times” increase 1:
Repeated alarms are alarms of the same type and from the same location. Tick this item, the
system will only count the repeated alarm as an existing one and increase the counting;
uncheck it, the repeated alarm will be reported as a new alarm.
 Discard Unidentified Alarms: The system will resolve alarms of unregistered types or from
unregistered devices as unknown alarms. If this function is selected, the system will filter all
unknown alarms.
 Auto Clear Recovered Alarm: When system receives alarm recovery information, it will
change the alarm status of the fault to “Recovered”. Select the “Auto Clear Recovered
Alarm” item, recovered alarm will become historical alarm automatically and its operation
status will become “Cleared”. If this item is not selected, “Recovered” alarm will be
displayed in the current alarm list and the alarm information can only be cleared manually.
The alarm will be listed in historical alarm list after the manual clearing.
 Discover the device where the unknown traps coming from: If the function is enabled, when
an unknown alarm is reported from an unregistered node, the system will start a node
auto-discovery process. The process will recognize the device type of the node, acquire its
resource information and automatically creates a node in the topology. This is an indirect way
of node auto-discovery. This item is disabled by default, once enable it, the discovered node
will be added into “unregistered device” subnet.

11.5.2 Trap storm defending service

The trap storm defending service defends the system against challenges from trap storm to some
extent. The principle of the service is: divide the time axis into several time slides T (For example,
20 minutes), set up a threshold C for the amount of alarms received during a time slide (For example,
200 pieces of alarm information, please note that the alarms here indicates all alarms received by the
system regardless of their types and locations). The trap storm defending service will stop receiving
any alarms if the received number of alarms exceeds the threshold C at a time point t in a time slide
T till the end of the time slice and resume the receiving at the beginning of the next time slide.

Users can set up advanced parameters for this service in the “Setup Parameters” dialog box. Click
the button <Advanced…> and the “Setup Parameters” dialog box will pop up.

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Figure 11-8 “Setup Parameters” Dialog Box for Trap Storm Defending Service

The following parameter of the service can be edited in the “Setup Parameters” dialog box:

 Interval: The length of the time slice T is united by minute.

 Max Alarm Count: The allowable number of alarms received in a time slice.

11.5.3 Alarm mail relay service

The alarm mail relay service transfers an alarm event to a specified mail sending server and informs
the user of the alarm event by e-mail. For details of this service, please refer to the content of alarm
event management. Please note that the service can only go into effect when the relevant information
of the server sending e-mails has been correctly set up.

Users can set up advanced parameters for this service in the “Setup Parameters” dialog box. Click
the button <Advanced…> and the “Setup Parameters” dialog box will pop up.

Figure 11-9 “SMTP Server” Page of the “Setup Parameters” Dialog Box for Alarm Mail Relay Service

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Figure 11-10 “Mail Content” Page of the “Setup Parameters” Dialog Box for Alarm Mail Relay Service

The dialog box has two pages:

 “SMTP Server” page: Users set up parameters for SMTP mail sending server.
 “Mail Content” page: Users can define templates for mail content using the keywords
provided by the system.
The “SMTP Server” page requires the following parameters to be set up:
 SMTP Server: the domain name or IP address of the SMTP server
 Port: Port for SMTP service on the SMTP server. Port 25 by default.
 Validate account when sending mail: Tick this item, the password of the mail account
will be required and the system will validate the account before sending the mail.
 Account: The complete user account information on SMTP server.
 User name: user name of administrator on SMTP server.
 Password: The password the administrator used on the SMTP server is required if the
user choose to “Validate account when sending mail”.
 Please click the button <Test Connection> to check whether all the settings are valid. If
the test fails, please modify the input information for the above parameters until the test
Users can customize the content of the mails on the “Mail Content” page. NView NNM system
provides the users with some keywords. All keywords are bracketed in point brackets and will be
converted to corresponding alarm content in the mail. Users can insert a keyword to the content of
mail by selecting a keyword on the drop-down list of keywords and clicking the button <Insert>.

11.5.4 Alarm SMS relay service

The alarm SMS relay service transfers an alarm event to a specified SMS sending device and
informs the user of the alarm event by sending a SMS message to the target mobile device. For
details of this service, please refer to the content of alarm event management. Please note that the
service can only come into effect when the connection by which the SMS message will be sent is
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Users can set up advanced parameters for this service in the “Setup Parameters” dialog box. Click
the button <Advanced…> and the “Setup Parameters” dialog box will pop up.

Figure 11-11 “Serial Port” Page of the “Setup Parameters” Dialog Box for Alarm SMS Relay Service

Figure 11-12 “Short Message Content” Page of the “Setup Parameters” Dialog Box for Alarm SMS Relay Service

The dialog box has two pages:

 “Serial Port” page: The serial port parameters for the connection to the SMS sending
device. Please note that the SMS message sending device connects to the host on which
the server locates. As a result, these parameters are parameters of the host on which the
server locates, not those of the host on which the client locates.
 “Short Message Content” page: Users can define templates for short message content
using the keywords provided by the system.
The “Serial Port” page requires the following parameters to be set up:
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 Format: The format of the SMS message. PDU format or Text format. PDU format by
 Country Code: International standard. For China, it is 86.
 Serial Port: The serial number of the port on the host to which the SMS device connects.
The system uses COM1 by default in Windows environment.
 Baud Rate: 9600 by default.
 Parity: odd by default.
 Data Bit: 8 by default.
 Stop Bit: 0 by default.
The content on the “Short Message Content” page is similar to the “Mail Content” page. Please
note that, generally, the length of the SMS message is limited. The typical value is no more than 70
Chinese characters or 140 English letters.

11.5.5 Trap forwarding service

NView NNM provides Trap PDU alarm forwarding service over SNMP. This service transmits alarm
information to Trap and reports to specified Trap server. Users can order alarm contents included in
Trap and Trap target address, port according to actual need.

Click the button <Advanced…> in the “Edit” dialog box for this service to open up the “Setup
Parameters” dialog box. Users can edit advanced parameters for the service in the dialog box below.

Figure 11-13 “Setup Parameters” Dialog Box for Trap Target IP Setting

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Figure 11-14 “Setup Parameters” Dialog Box for Trap Message Setting

The dialog box contains two pages:

 Trap Target IP: allow users adding, modifying and deleting Trap server address and port.
 Trap Message: allow users setting message transmitting format and contents.
The following parameters can be set in “Trap Target IP” page:
 Target IP: the IP address of target Trap server.
 Target Port: the port of target Trap server receiving Trap packets (0-65535).
“Trap Packet” page provides an entire alarm attribution, OID, type list and edit tool based on
“Keyword”. Users can edit the transmitting format and contents according to need. The system will
find the right OID according to keyword of the alarm attribution and form OID-Value format during
transmission, thus an entire Trap packet can be transmitted to specified Trap server.

11.5.6 Alarm forwarding service

NView NNM system provides alarm forwarding service based on Socket. The service send the alarm
information (filtered) in XML format to the receiver by providing alarm real-time forwarding service
on a Socket port. To receive alarm information through this service, please set up an alarm receiving
client following relevant specifications.
Click the button <Advanced…> in the “Edit” dialog box for this service to open up the “Setup
Parameters” dialog box. Users can edit advanced parameters for the service in the dialog box below.

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Figure 11-15 “Setup Parameters” Dialog Box for Base Info Setting

Figure 11-16 Alarm Relay Content Setup

The “Setup Parameters” dialog box has two pages:

 “Base Info. Setting” page: Information of service port, service parameters and client
access control, and etc. can be set up.
 “Alarm Relay Content” page: Users can set up the format and content of the
information to be sent.

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On the “Base Info Setting” page, the following parameters can be specified:

 Service Port: The port the service monitors. Please note that the port number ranges
from 1024 to 65535 and the port must not be occupied by other service. Otherwise, the
service may fail to get started.
 Alarm Relay Max Client: The maximal number of alarm receiving clients allowed.
 Alarm Relay Timeout (second): After an alarm relay, if the client does not reply within
this specified time period, the system will regard the operation as failed.
 Alarm Relay Retry: If the alarm relay fails, the service will retry for specified times. If
there is still no response from the client, the system will regard the connection to the
client as ineffective and cut the connection to the client to save system resources.
 Client Access Control List: Only clients on the list are allowed to connect to the service.
Users can edit the list using the buttons on the left.
The “Alarm Relay Content” page provides a text editing area and editing tools based on
“keywords”. Users can edit the format and content of the alarm relay information in the editing area
using the XML format and keywords provided by the system. The keywords correspond to certain
property information in the alarm information to be sent and the information sent is a piece of text
information in a specified format. All keywords supported by the system are displayed on the
drop-down list of “Key Word”, users can select and insert them into the text.

For the details in the development of alarm receiving client (e.g. communication protocol, message
format, etc.), please refer to relevant guide manual.

Note: In fact, the service is an integration of NView NSIA (Socket northbound interface) function
into NView NNM system. All developed NView NSIA clients are able to connect to NView NNM
alarm transmit service. The communication protocol and message format are forward compatible.

11.5.7 Resource synchronization service

The resource synchronization service is provided in form of timing task, to responsible for the
synchronization of the device configuration information and the resources and topology (device sub
graph) data in the database, and keeps the information in the database being consistent to the
information of the devices. Working with the offline device detection service, the resource
synchronization service realizes resource periodical synchronization with the cycle of the off-grid
detection service. Please note that if the offline device detection service is stopped, the resource
synchronization service will not be able to realize device resources periodical and automatic
synchronization. The operating status of the offline device detection service will not affect the
manual resource synchronization function.

Users can set up advanced parameters for this service in the “Setup Parameters” dialog box. Click
the button <Advanced…> and the “Setup Parameters” dialog box will pop up.

Figure 11-17 “Setup Parameters” Dialog Box for the Resource Synchronization Service

Users can set up the following function in the dialog box:

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 Report alarms when resource changes: When this function is enabled, if the system detects a
resource change, like newly-found, loss and model change, NView NNM will automatically
generate a piece of alarm information to describe the change. Generally, the device will
automatically report its changes via traps. This function is specially designed of the occasions
that there is no realistic Trap mechanism (e.g. No trap target has been specified for the
device). In these circumstances, if changes happen on the device, the system will generate
alarms to inform the administrator of them.

11.5.8 Batch configuration service

The batch configuration service has the server call the configuration commands module periodically
to configure a number of devices at one time periodically. No parameter setting is required for the
service at this stage.

11.5.9 Link auto-discovery service

This service responses on start/stop link auto-discovery function based on RNDP (Raisecom
Neighbour Discover Protocol, used for switch cluster management over Raisecom private protocol)
or LLDP (Link Layer Discovery Protocol, used for network device announce its ID and performance
in local sub-net over IEEE802.1ab). This service can discover link among devices that enable RNDP
or LLDP protocol periodically.

This service permits user set senior parameters. Click button <Senior> in edit dialog box to open
parameter setting dialog box, as below showing:

Figure 11-18 “LLDP Link Discover Setup”

User can set below information in the above dialog box:

 Protocol: to configure link auto-discovery protocol, RNDP or LLDP for options.

 Cycle (hour): to configure executing period for link auto-discovery, by default, it
executes every 24 hours.

11.5.10 Syslog receiving service

The Syslog receiving service receives standard Syslog information, which needs to use UDP514 port.
Only when the server enables and UDP514 port can communicate normally, standard Syslog
information can be received correctly. No parameter setting is required for the service at this stage.

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11.5.11 Database backup service

The database backup service backs up the whole database periodically. Users can specify the calling
cycle of the service and the patterns of backup. Two backup patterns are currently available:
 Local file backup: The system backs up the data automatically under a specified file directory
on the host on which the server locates.
 Remote FTP backup: The system backs up the data automatically under a specified directory
on a specified FTP server.
Users can set up advanced parameters for this service in the “Setup Parameters” dialog box. Click
the button <Advanced…> and the “Setup Parameters” dialog box will pop up.

Figure 11-19 “Setup Parameters” Dialog Box for the Database Backup Service

There are three pages in the dialog box: “Base Config”, “Backup Config”, and “Restore Config”.
Users can edit the following parameters on the “Base Config” page:

 Save Directory: The default saving directory is “GeneralBack”. Users can specify a directory
and the system will back up the database file in this directory after modification. The
parameter has different meanings for different backup patterns.
 Local file backup: If the user has not specified the parameter <FTP Server>, the “Save
Directory” could be an absolute path (e.g. D:/backup/GeneralBack), or a relative path
like “$Installation path/server”. If the user has not specified the parameter “Save
Directory”, the backup of the database file will be saved to the sub directory
“/server/GeneralBack” under the installing directory of the server.
 If the user has specified the parameter “FTP Server”, the “Save Directory” should be a
relative directory under the root directory of the FTP server (e.g. GeneralBack). The
system will upload the backup of the database file to the sub directory “/GeneralBack”
under the root directory of the FTP server via FTP protocol. If the user has not specified
a “Save Directory”, the system will upload the backup to the root directory of the FTP
server directly.
 File Name: The prefix of the database file generated after the backup. The format of the name
of the generated file is: File Name +“_”+NNM Version+“_”+Date and Time+“.sql”. For
example: nnm5_5.3_2010-07-01 16.36.09.sql.zip.
 FTP Server: The IP address of the FTP server. The system will save the backup of the
database file to the FTP server with the specified IP address. If the “FTP Server” has not been
specified by the user, the system will save the backup file on the host on which the server
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locates. If the “FTP Server” has been specified by the user, the system will save the backup
file on the FTP server.
 FTP Port: The number of the port that corresponds to the FTP server, port 21 by default.
 Login: “Anonymous Login” or “Standard Login”. No User name and password are required
when log in anonymously.
 User: A valid user account that can log on the FTP server for “Standard Login”.
 Password: A valid password for logging on the FTP server for “Standard Login”.
The database backup and restoration are realized by backup and restoration commands of the
database management system. As a result, the system needs the paths of the backup or restoration
tools and command parameters. The parameters that are required in the backup and restoration
process are:

Figure 11-20 “Backup Config” Page

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Figure 11-21 “Restore Config” Page

The content of the above two dialog boxes are similar. The meanings of the parameters are described
as follows:
 Database: Choose the database system under use. The database of Mysql, version 5.1.43 is
presently supported.
 Backup/Restore Tool Path: A default path is provided by the system.
 Backup/Restore Command: The commands for backup or restoration are different when
choose different database. A default command is provided by the system, and it is able to
satisfy most of the requirements. Please do not modify the commands unless there is special

11.5.12 Current alarm auto-clearing service

In some applications, current alarms accumulate to a huge amount every day. Without proper
maintenance, a large number of new-come current alarms will influence the performance of the
NView NNM system. The current alarm auto-clearing service will leave the current alarms received
within a period of time on the current alarm list and move the current alarms received out of the time
period to the historical alarm list. The number of the alarms on the current alarm list will be kept
within a limit.

Users can set up advanced parameters for this service in the “Setup Parameters” dialog box. Click
the button <Advanced…> and the “Setup Parameters” dialog box will pop up.

Figure 11-22 “Setup Parameters” Dialog Box for the Current Alarm Auto-clearing Service

The following parameters can be set up in the above dialog box:

 Alarm Keeping Period (Hour): The system provides 7 levels from 1 hour to 72 hours for
choice. The default setting is 72 hours.
 Execute Interval (Second): The time interval by which the system checks the number of
current alarms in the current alarm list. The default value is 300 seconds.

11.5.13 Syslog data auto-clear service

The Syslog log auto-clear service clears Syslog log data periodically and on schedule, and decides
whether to save the cleared Syslog log data to the host where the server locates or to a specified FTP
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Users can set up advanced parameters for this service in the “Setup Parameters” dialog box. Click
the button <Advanced…> and the “Setup Parameters” dialog box will pop up.

Figure 11-23“Setup Parameters” Dialog Box for Syslog Data Auto-clear Service

Users can edit the following parameters in the dialog box:

 Clear: clear data several months ago from network management system, which cannot be
 Save Cleared Data: Users can choose to save or not to save the data to be cleared. If the
“Save Cleared Data” item is ticked, then the other six parameters for saving the data on the
dialog box are editable. If the “Save Cleared Data” is not ticked, then the data will not be
 Save Directory: The default saving directory is “syslog”. Users can specify a directory and
the system will save the cleared data in this directory after modification.
 If the user has not specified the parameter “FTP Server”, the “Save Directory” should
be an absolute path (e.g. D:/backup/syslog). If the user has not specified the parameter
“Save Directory” also, the cleared data will be saved to the sub directory
“/server/syslog” under the installing directory of the server.
 If the user has specified the parameter “FTP Server”, the “Save Directory” should be a
relative directory under the root directory of the FTP server (e.g. syslog). The system
will upload the cleared data to the sub directory “/syslog” under the root directory of the
FTP server via FTP protocol. If the user has not specified a “Save Directory”, the system
will upload the cleared data to the root directory of the FTP server directly.
 File Name: The prefix of the database file generated after the clearing. The format of the
name of the generated file is: File Name+“_”+Date and Time+“.sql”. For example:
syslog_2007-01-17 08.44.36.sql
 FTP Server: The IP address of the FTP server. The system will save the cleared data to the
FTP server with the specified IP address. If the “FTP Server” has not been specified by the
user, the system will save the cleared data on the host on which the server locates.
 Port: The number of the port that corresponds to the FTP server. In general, port for FTP
server is Port 21.
 Login: “Anonymous Login” or “Standard Login”. No User name and password are required
when log in anonymously.
 User: A valid user account that can log on the FTP server for “Standard Login”.
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 Password: A valid password for logging on the FTP server for “Standard Login”.

11.5.14 Database auto-repairing service

The database auto-repairing service is a schedule service that executes database repairing command
periodically. The service ensures the intactness and effectiveness of the database by repairing
damaged database table. The system will generate logs and save them to the folder for logs on the
server for each time of repair. No parameter setting is required at this stage for the database
auto-repairing service.

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Chapter 12 System Maintenance

This chapter mainly introduces how to maintain the system using tools and services provided by the
system, how to maintain the database, and how to isolate and remove faults using debug information.
It includes the following sections:

 Overview
 Database backup
 Database recovery
 Database maintenance
 System debug

12.1 Overview
For an information management system, the security of data is essential. NView NNM system
provides a serial of services to guarantee the safety of the database. NView NNM system provides
database auto-backup service to back up database data periodically and on schedule, database
recovery tool to recover system data to a historical status, and several database maintenance tools to
keep the capacity of the database on a stable level.

Faults are unavoidable during system operating process. The key of system maintenance is isolating
and removing faults effectively and efficiently when faults occur. NView NNM system’s
self-contained debug information export function ensures that the information of all faults that occurs
during the system operating process will be exported to log files. Technical support engineers can
locate and remove faults by these log files.

12.2 Database backup

NView NNM system provides a “Database Backup Service” to back up the whole database
periodically and on schedule.
Note: The backup service provided by the system is a backup of the whole database. Currently,
backup of the data in a single module, such as inventory data backup and topology data backup, is
not supported.

12.3 Database recovery

NView NNM system provides a database recovery tool to recover the database to a historical backup
status. The database recovery tool is an executable program with file name “DBRetore.exe” and is
located in the directory “$system installation directory/server”. The tool is executed by command
line. To use this tool from a remote client, users have to log on the host where the server locates and
execute the program.

Before recovering the database, please make sure that the following conditions are satisfied:

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 The program on server has been stopped.

 The system version of the database to be backed up conforms to the version of the current
If the above conditions cannot be satisfied, the database recovery will not operate properly. To
recover the database, please follow the following steps:

 Under command mode, enter the directory “$system installation directory/server” and
execute the “DBRetore.exe” program. The system will require the user name and password
for logging on NNM5 client to validate the user profile. Press down “Enter” after inputting
the user name and the password.

Figure 12-1 Validate the Logon

 The system will require the user to input the path of the directory where the backup file (ZIP
format) locates. Input the local directory of the file following the prompt (For remote FTP
backup, users have to download the backup file to local host), and press <Enter>.

Figure 12-2 Input the Absolute Path of the Directory Where the Backup File Locates
 The system will require the name of the backup file (ZIP format). Input the file name
following the prompt and press <Enter>.

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Figure 12-3 Input the Name of the Backup File

 The system will start the database recovery. The time the recovery takes depends on the
amount of data. The system will inform the users of a successful backup.

Figure 12-4 System Restore

Restart the server after a successful backup, the database will be recovered to the status of a
historical backup. If the system cannot complete the database recovery due to abnormities that occur
during the recovery process, system will restore the database to the status before the recovery

12.4 Database maintenance

Long-time operating of the system will increase the data amount in the database, which will affect
the efficiency of the system. Some data, like log information, Syslog, and historical alarm
information, are generally useful within half a year and data of these types from half a year before
have little reference value. To prevent useless data from affecting the efficiency and stability of the
system, NView NNM system provides the following database maintenance services:
 Current Alarm Auto-Clearing service: Automatically clear the current alarms received out of
the specified time period on schedule, and move the cleared records to the historical alarm
 Historical Alarm Auto-Clear Service: Automatically clear the historical alarms data out of the
specified time period on schedule.
 System Log Auto-Clear Service: Automatically clear the system operation log data out of the
specified time period on schedule.
 Device Log Auto-Clear Service: Automatically clear the device operation log data out of the
specified time period on schedule.
 Syslog Log Auto-Clear Service: Automatically clear the Syslog data out of the specified time
period on schedule.
Click [Service/Schedule Service] on the system menu bar, the “Schedule Service” window will turn
up, and all the properties on the above services can be viewed on this window.

12.5 System debug information

NView NNM system has a complete debug information output mechanism. Information generated
during the operating process including fault information will be outputted to log files. When faults
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occur, these log files will help technical support engineers locate the fault and solve the problem.

There are three debug output levels:

 Maximal: All debug information will be outputted to log files. The level provides
comprehensive debug information for removing faults but will reduce the operating
efficiency of the system.
 Normal: Only error information will be outputted to log files. This level cannot provide
comprehensive debug information, but can ensure the operation efficiency of the system.
 Minimal: Only information of fatal errors will be outputted to log files. The output
information may be too little for debugging, but it will be affect the efficiency of the system.
The default output level is “Normal”. If system fault occurs, the “Maximal” level is recommended.
Users can repeat the operation with fault until the fault occurs again, copy the log files and send them
to technical support staff for log analysis and fault removal. All log files will be in the folders under
the path “$system installation directory/server/logs” and “$system installation directory/client/logs:

To modify the output level, please follow the steps below:

 Select [System/Preference] on the system menu bar to open up the “System Settings”
 Open up “Debug Settings” page by clicking the button <Debug Settings> on the left. See
Figure below.
 Select an output level on the drop-down list.
Note: The “Maximal” output level is only recommended when fault occurs in the system operating
process, for the output of great amount of debug information will considerably influence the
operating efficiency of the system. “Normal” and “Minimal” levels are recommended in normal
operation. When output level is modified, the modification will take effect after system restart.

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Figure 12-5 Modify the Debug Output Level for the System

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Chapter 13 Data Dump

This chapter introduces how to dump system log, historical alarm, performance data by data dump
function and ensure performance of NView NNM database.

 Overview
 Automatic dump
 Manual dump
 Check dump condition

13.1 Overview
The log, history alarm and performance data are important data for maintenance. Maintenance staff
can view maintaining record, history alarm information, device performance according to these data.
But with time going, the data amount become larger and larger and may lower down NMS database
performance, so NView NNM provides data dump function to solve this problem.
Data dump function supports transferring log, history alarm and performance data out from database
to generate readable files and delete the same data from database. Then the NMS database is ensured
to run with high efficiency. Data dump function is in support of below features:

 Automatic dump is in support of overflow dump and periodic dump.

 Automatic dump is in support of batch configuration.
 Manual dump is in support of immediate execution according to time range.
 In support of generating alarm information according to the capacity warning threshold.
 The dump data can be saved as csv or txt file, supporting automatic compression.
 In support of automatic delete dump data from database.
 The dump data file supports setting expire time, system automatic delete expired files.
 The dump data can be uploaded to FTP
Data dump function supports automatic dump and manual dump. Automatic dump is well arranged
and executed periodically, satisfying daily maintenance for NMS data dump; manual dump is
instance and executed immediately, satisfying customized dump requirement.

Data dump function provides default automatic dump configuration according to the common
condition in maintenance. After successfully installing NView NNM, system performs data dump in
accordance with default configuration. Maintenance staff can configure data dump according to
practical condition.

13.2 Automatic dump

Automatic dump is in support of overflow dump and periodic dump.

 Overflow dump is to configure dump according to data amount (amount of data).

 Periodic dump is to configure dump according to time range.
The two dump modes achieve independent monitor in system. System detects any mode satisfies
dump condition and will follow the configuration to transfer and save data.

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User can configure the two modes at the same time or only take one mode of them. It is suggested to
enable and configures overflow dump function all the time, then it can avoid data overflow and
make sure NMS runs in order. For the large amount data like performance data, it is suggested to
configure periodic dump to ensure efficiency of database.

13.2.1 Configuration interface

Click [System/Data Dump/Automatic Dump Config] in NView NNM system menu to open data
dump configuration interface. The left interface is navigation tree, the right is the functional
configuration items.

Figure 13-1 Configuration Interface of Data Dump

The navigation tree displays the groups (like log, alarm, performance, etc.) and objects in groups
(like system log, history alarm, NE type, etc.). Click the object in group, the left of interface will
display related configuration items.

Note: The groups in navigation tree and class-2 group in performance group (day, week, month, year)
also have relevant configuration items. The items are used for batch configuration of objects in group
(for example the different type logs, different types NE performance data, etc.).

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13.2.2 Procedure of automatic dump

The procedure for automatic dump shows as below figure. The two modes of periodic dump and
overflow dump achieve independent monitor in system. System detects any mode satisfies dump
condition and will follow the configuration to transfer and save data.

Figure 13-2 Procedure of Automatic Dump

13.2.3 Application
Configure single object

Data dump provides dump configuration for each object by default, which basically satisfies dump
requirement of NMS. User can click object in navigation tree (such as the system log, history alarm,
NE type, etc.) and then configure the object in the interface. Click <OK> after configuration to shut
down configuration interface.
Note: During configuration of automatic dump, system will check the validity of data and make sure
user input valid data.

Configure batch dump

Note: User chooses groups in navigation tree or class-2 group in performance group (day, week,
month, and year) for dump batch configuration items, the result will be applied to all objects in the
group and the earlier dump configuration will be replaced.
Dump batch configuration can configure all objects in group conveniently. User can configure single
object in group after batch configuration, system will dump according to the latest configuration

Batch dump configuration shows as below figure. It indicates “Batch Configuration” interface on the
top of dump configuration item.

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Figure 13-3 Interface of Batch Dump Configuration

Click <OK> after dump batch configuration to open dialog box as below figure to prompt user
operates on dump data type. Click to save configuration and shut down configuration interface, click
<No> to return configuration interface without saving.

Figure 13-4 Confirmation of Batch Configuration

Click <Apply> to open confirmation dialog for batch configuration. Click to save configuration and
shut down configuration interface, click <No> to return configuration interface without saving.

13.2.4 Configure overflow dump

Overflow dump means system dump data when data amount over the maximal capacity. Following
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data generation time from old to new, overflow dump takes data out from database and save into files,
then delete the data from database. The procedure shows as below figure.

Figure 13-5 Procedure of Overflow Dump

Configuration interface of overflow dump:

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Figure 13-6 Configuration Interface of Overflow Dump

Overflow dump is in support of below configuration:

 Enable overflow dump: tick off by default, denoting enable overflow dump function. Click
the box to cancel selection and stop this function. System prompts in red and the
configuration content become unconfigurable since it is suggested to enable overflow

Figure 13-7 Prompt of Canceling Selection

 The maximum storage capacity (items): by default is 10000000 items, indicating the system
performs data dump when data over 10000000 items in database. User can input a number or
click the button of < > to adjust amount. Value range is 10000000~50000000.
 Capacity warning threshold (%): by default is 95%, indicating system generates trap when
data reach 95% of max. capacity and notify user. User can input a number or click the button
of < > to adjust amount. Value range is 80%~99%.
Note: Capacity warning threshold is invalid when overflow dump is disabled. System will neither
perform overflow dump nor generate alarm.
 Dump percentage (%): by default is 10%, indicating system dump 10% of the max. saving
capacity. User can input a number or click the button of < > to adjust amount. Value range
is 1%~50%.

13.2.5 Configure periodical dump

Periodic dump means system dump data when data amount over “data saving time” (day). This
function become effective immediately after configuration, system judge data saving time at first, if
it is overtime, system judges dump period and dump all data overtime if reaching dump period.

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Figure 13-8 Procedure of Periodical Dump

Configuration interface of periodic dump:

Figure 13-9 Configuration Interface of Periodical Dump

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Periodic dump is in support of below configuration:

 Enable periodic dump: tick off by default, indicating enable periodic dump function. Click it
to cancel selection, the dump period and data saving time both become unconfigurable.
 Dump period: by default is 1 day, indicating perform dump period is 1 day, namely dump one
time every day. The first dump will be executed immediately after enable periodic dump.
User can input a number or click the button of < > to adjust amount. Value range is 1~90.
 Data saving time: by default is 7 days, indicating perform dump for data over 7 days. User
can input a number or click the button of < > to adjust amount. Value range is 7~360.

13.2.6 Configure dump file

User can configure data saving file type and relative or absolute path in database. In support of
configuration file overtime, system delete overtime dump files by automation.

The configuration interface for dump files:

Figure 13-10 Configure Dump File

Overflow dump is in support of below configuration:

 File type: by default is “CSV (separated by comma) (.csv)”, also supports TXT format.
Note: Dump file divides a dump file into several files by automation and save them in a compressed
zip file. The several files adopt 3-digit number to arrange order. Thus a single dump file won’t be
oversize and save disk space.

 File path: by default is “/datadump/xxx/xxxx”, indicating relative path to save file. It is in

support of relative path and absolute path. The root content for relative path is
“/NMS/PLATFORM/NNM5/server”. Saving path for log, history alarm and performance data
are saved in different folders according to user’s configuration items. For example: configure
system log saving path as “/datadump/log/syslog”, installation disk symbol for NView NNM
system is “C:”, then saving path for dump file is
“C:/NMS/PLATFORM/NNM5/server/datadump/log/syslog”, at the same time of data dump,
system automatically creates the secondary folder of the path as dump file for dump
classification. File path can be recovered to default dump path by clicking the button of
 Delete dump file by automation: it is not tick off by default, indicating doesn’t enable
automatic deletion function for expired dump file. Tick off the box means enable the function.
It is suggested to enable this function since expiry files become more and more will take up
more and more saving space.
 File expired time: by default is 90 days, indicating the dump files over 90 days will be
deleted by automation. User can input a number or click the button of < > to adjust amount.
Value range is 90~180.

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13.2.7 Configure FTP upload

Dump file FTP upload refers to upload files meeting dump conditions to FTP and save, which
supports to delete the uploaded FTP local files.
FTP upload configuration interface is shown as below.

Figure 13-11 Configure FTP upload

FTP upload supports the following configuration:

 Delete local file or not: default not to check, indicates disable to automatically delete the
uploaded FTP local dump file. Checked indicates enable. It is recommended to enable this
function for the number of local files is increasing and occupies storage space constantly.
 Setting: Click < > to pop up [xFTP monitor] interface, user can click <Add> to
set FTP server information.

Figure 13-12 Add FTP server information

 Type: select xFTP type as FTP;
 IP address: input FTP server address;
 Port No.: input FTP used port No., default for 21;
 Anonymous login: checked indicates anonymous login to the FTP server, default for
 User name: input the user name to login FTP server;
 Password: input the password to login FTP server;
 Root directory: input root directory to upload dump file to FTP server.
After filling out the parameters, click <Test> to test whether the added information is correct; if the
information is wrong, it will pop up [Error] prompt; if the information is correct, it will show the
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added FTP information on [xFTP monitor] interface.

User can select FTP information to use, click <OK> to show corresponding information about “FTP
IP address”, “FTP port”, “user name” and “root directory” in the interface.

 FTP IP address: IP address of FTP server;

 FTP port: port No. of FTP server;
 User name: user name to login FTP server;
 Root directory: root directory to upload dump file to FTP server.

13.3 Manual dump

Manual dump is in support of data dump by time. User can set time range and file type, then system
performs data dump in the time range. After configuring manual dump, click the button of <Dump>
to execute immediately. Don’t dump if the “Record Number” is 0 in time range.

13.3.1 Configuration interface

Click [System/Data Dump/Manual Dump] in system menu of NView NNM to open interface of
manual dump configuration. The left is navigation tree; the right is functional item for data dump.

Figure 13-13 Configuration Interface of Manual Dump

13.3.2 Procedure of manual dump

Procedure of manual dump:

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Figure 13-14 Procedure of Manual Dump

13.3.3 Application
Manual dump is not in support of delete expired file by automation, user has to delete by manual.
The dump file type and path by manual is consistent with automatic dump and it cannot be modified.

After user configuring time range, click <Query> to view data number in time range, then click the
button of <Dump> to perform manual dump immediately. The button <Dump> is unavailable if the
“Record Number” is 0 in time range.

When data amount in selected time range over 1000,000 items, system prompts it will cost long time
and take up large space, user needs to confirm continue or not.

Figure 13-15 Confirmation of Manual Dump

Click <Yes> to enable manual dump and open prompt box. Click <No> to return back to manual
dump configuration interface. The result will record in dump log after manual dump.

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Figure 13-16 Prompt of Enabling Manual Dump

13.3.4 Configure dump time range

Dump time range function is to perform data dump for data in time range.
Configuration interface of dump time range:

Figure 13-17 Range of Dump Time

Dump time range is in support of below configuration:

 Start time: by default is tick off and set as current time. Cancel selection means don’t set start
time, then all data before ending time will dumped. It is in support of set detailed start time if
tick it off. Click the drop-down box to open time selection interface, in support of selecting
date and time.

Figure 13-18 Interface of Time Selection

 End time: by default is tick off and set as current time. Cancel selection means don’t set end
time, then all data after start time will dumped. It is in support of set detailed end time if tick
it off. Click the drop-down box to open time selection interface, in support of selecting date
and time.
Note: Neither tick off start time nor end time means dump all data of the dump object.

 Records: after configuring dump time range, click <Query> to count data items by
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automation. Don’t perform dump if “Records” is 0.

13.3.5 Dump file by manual

Dump file type by manual is consistent with configuration of automatic dump, it cannot be modified.

Interface for configuring dump file by manual:

Figure 13-19 Configure Dump File by Manual

13.3.6 Manual dump FTP upload

FTP upload configuration refers to dump file will be upload to FTP server through FTP upload after
performing dump. Manual FTP dump supports to delete the local dump file automatically.

The manual dump FTP upload configuration interface is shown as below.

Figure 13-20 Manual dump FTP upload

13.4 Check dump condition

After execution of data dump, system generates dump file and detailed dump log. User can check the
file and view log to confirm dump condition.

13.4.1 Check dump file

By searching dump file and open view to check dump file. The dump files are saved in fixed file
name and format under folder of file path.

Search dump file

The dump files are saved under file path configured in automatic dump. Open the folder, the dump
file is saved in zip format and named as “syslog_save time_dump mode_number.extension name”.

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Figure 13-21 Dump Files inside Compression Package

Rules for file name format:

 Alias of dump data: the English name of data.

 Save time: format of time is “yearmonthdayminutehoursecond”.
 Dump mode: overflow dump, periodic dump, or manual dump. Overflow dump is denoted as
“fd”, periodic dump is denoted as “pd”, manual dump is denoted as “md”.
 Number: to avoid single dump file over size, system numbers the dump data file, numbering
in range of 001~999.
 Extension name: format of dump file, CSV or TXT file.

View dump file

Double-click the file to browse it. The file records all information of dump data.

Figure 13-22 View CSV Format System Log Dump File

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Figure 13-23 View TXT Format System Log Dump File

13.4.2 View dump log

Click [Log/System Operation Log] in NView NNM system menu to open query panel. Query
system operation log by “Dump” in “Operation” and then user can view all dump logs. The log
records the result of data dump and dump amount, etc. information in details.

Figure 13-24 View Dump Log

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Chapter 14 Operation Authority Management

This chapter introduces network management application operation authority and device operation
authority comparison table.

14.1 Operation authority comparison table

Network management application contains system menu, toolbar button, and right-click shortcut
menu, double-click operation, etc. This chapter introduces the common network management
application operation and authority comparison table.

Note: Network management system provides system defaulted operator set, which can basically
meet the requirements of authority division. To distribute separate operation authority is only used to
fine adjustment of user authority.

14.1.1 Network management application and system menu authority comparison table
Note: If there is no special instructions, in operation authority:
 Use “,” to show multiple authorities need to be distributed
 Use project list to show multiple paratactic authorities, i.e. to separately distribute one
authority to achieve one function authority distribution, also to distribute multiple authorities
to achieve multiple functions authorities.
The operation authority is generally divided into View, Add, Modify and Delete. User can only click
the menu to open corresponding interface to view; for Add, Modify and Delete functions, user needs
to distribute corresponding operation authority.


Operation authority Menu item Function description

- Modify password Modify the current user login password

- System lock Lock client

- Switch user Switch client user

System Preference Configure server connection, alarm sound, Telnet NE auto-input

management/System user information, system debug information and system login mode
parameters setting
Data dump Dump setting: configure auto-dump
Manual dump: Configure manual dump
Set xFTP monitor: configure commonly used xFTP server

- Exit Exit client

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Operation authority Menu item Function description

Topology/Search Search node Search subnet, NE and symbol in topology

Topology management/Device Device discovery Configure network element auto-discovery and

discovery and polling and polling device polling cycle
Topology Subnet list Show subnets in topology
management/Topology browse
Node list Show network elements and symbols in topology

Link list Show links in topology

Topology User-defined Configure user-defined management view

management/User-defined management view
view management


Operation authority Menu item Function description

Failure management/Alarm Alarm grouping Show current alarm list according to alarm group
view monitoring
Current alarm query Show current alarm list and manage current alarm

Historical alarm Show historical alarm list and manage historical

management alarm
Failure management/Alarm Alarm type Show alarm type list in network management
type management management system
Failure management/Alarm Alarm notification Configure alarm notification email address and
notification management management mobile number
Alarm notification supports email notification
and EMS notification.
Failure management/View Alarm filter policy Configure user-defined management view
alarm filter policy, Failure
alarm filter policy
Failure Troubleshooting Configure troubleshooting experience
management/Troubleshooting experience
Failure management/Alarm Setting Configure alarm setting function
list order
Alarm list order: configure alarm list order
Alarm reversal: configure alarm reversal function
Note: To separately distribute “Failure management/Alarm view” authority. User can view
current/historical alarm, and also can view alarm grouping monitoring, but cannot confirm and clear
the alarm.

 To deal with current alarm, please distribute “Failure management/Alarm view”, “Failure
management/Current alarm management” and “Failure management/Alarm grouping
monitoring” at the same time.
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 To deal with current alarm, please distribute “Failure management/Alarm view” and “Failure
management/Historical alarm management” at the same time.


Operation authority Menu item Function description

Performance Performance Configure performance monitoring progress

management/Performance monitoring
monitoring progress browse progress browse
Performance Template Configure performance template
management/Show indicator management
Indicator template group management: configure
template group
template group, which support to configure performance
Performance indicator template and indicator threshold template
management/Show indicator
Indicator template management: configure indicator
template to take user-defined filter to required indicators
Threshold template management: configure threshold
management/Show threshold
template, which supports to create and configure
multi-level threshold to multiple thresholds
Performance Collection task Configure performance collection task
management/Show collection management
Performance Performance Show historical/real-time performance chart and
management/Performance chart performance data
chart browse
Note: To manage performance template and collection task, user needs to distribute corresponding
Add, Modify, Delete and Start/Stop collection task authority.


Inventory management Menu item Function description

operation authority
Show rack list Physical Show various resource records of physical
inventory inventory and manage inventory information
Show NE list
Show chassis list
Show slot list
Show slot supporting card list
Show central office card list
Show remote device list
Show ONU list
Show port list
Show NE type Inventory type Show inventory type
Show chassis type
Show central office card type
Show port type

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Inventory management Menu item Function description

operation authority
Show address book Address book Show maintenance staff address book


Operation authority Menu item Function description

Configure&Batch Switch Configure switch cluster management

configure/Switch cluster
Configure&Batch CABT query Show CABT
configure/EoC/CABT query
Configure&Batch CABT Configure CABT management
configure/EoC/CABT management
Configure&Batch CNU query Show CNU
configure/EoC/CNU query
Configure&Batch CNU Configure CNU management
configure/EoC/CNU management
Configure&Batch configure/ Batch configure Configure batch configuration task
Batch configure console console
General command: Batch configure SNMP parameters,
Trap target address to specified NE
Switch command: Batch configure specified switch NE
Configure&Batch configure/ Batch configure Show batch configuration operation result record
Batch configure log log
Configure&Batch configure/ Batch executive Configure to execute command line script to NE
Batch configure executive command line
Input or export command line script and execute command
command line script script
line operation to device by Telnet mode, supporting to
select multiple devices to execute the same command line
in turn and return to command execution result
Configure&Batch OLP route Configure optical line protection device route
configure/OLP route
Configure&Batch EPON protection Show EPON link protection view
configure/EPON/EPON view
protection view
Configure&Batch MAC address Execute MAC address trace
configure/EPON/EPON MAC trace
address trace
Configure&Batch MAC address ONU MAC address rebind
configure/EPON/MAC rebind
address rebind


Operation authority Menu item Function description

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Operation authority Menu item Function description

Service template/EoC service EoC template Configure CNU device template

template management


Operation authority Menu item Function description

Customer management/Associate Customer list Configure customer information

Note: To associate NE to customer information, user needs to distribute “Customer
management/Associate customer” authority.

Report form

Operation authority Menu item Function description

Statistics analysis/Alarm Current alarm Current alarm statistics in NMS or subnet

related statistics statistics
Historical Historical alarm statistics in NMS or subnet
alarm statistics
Statistics Device type Various types of devices number statistics in NMS
analysis/Resource related statistics or subnet
Card type Various types of cards number statistics in NMS or
statistics subnet
Slot idle rate Chassis-based device slot idle rate statistics in NMS
statistics or subnet
Statistics analysis/Device Device off-grid NE device off-grid rate statistics in NMS or subnet
off-grid rate statistics rate statistics


Security management related menu and function authority are distributed by “Security administrators
group” and “Subdomain security administrators group” user group, users in these two user groups
will obtain security management authority. Not take authority distribution to separate security
management operation.


Operation authority Menu item Function description

Log management/System Query system Show NView NNM operation

event management event records
Log management/System Query system Show user executing operation
operation log management operation records by client

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Operation authority Menu item Function description

Log management/Device Query device Show user executing NE device

operation log management operation operation records by client
Log management/User Query login log Show user login client records
login log management
Log management/Syslog Query Syslog Show NE device reported Syslog
management records


Only users in “Administrators” user group have service management authority.

Data center

Operation authority Menu item Function description

Data center/Software Software library Configure data center NE device/single-board

library management management software management function
Data center/Device Device Configure to upgrade and backup NE device in
operation operation data center, show NE device/single-board data
center operation records, system software
version, etc.
Data center/Task Task Show the current task working status and
management management complete task in data center
Data center/Backup policy Backup policy Configure data center NE device backup policy

Data center/Backup library Backup library Configure data center NE device/single-board

management management software backup management function
Data center/Data center Backup log Show data center log, operation and backup log
log management


All users have forms related authority


Operation authority Menu item Function description

Tool management/ICMP Ping ICMP Ping Execute ICMP Ping

Check the connectivity from NView NNM
server to target IP address
Tool management/SNMP Ping SNMP Ping Execute SNMP Ping
Check SNMP packets connectivity from
NView NNM server to target IP address
Tool management/Web Browser Web Browser Open built-in Web browser

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All users have help related authority

14.1.2 Network management application and topology management authority comparison table
Note: The “Topology browse” authority in topology management is a basic authority; various
operations in topology management need this authority.

Operation authority Shortcut Function description

shortcut menu
- Expand, shrink Expand/shrink gateway NE subnet in
current view
Tool management/Lock, Lock coordinate, Lock/unlock gateway NE subnet and NE
unlock unlock coordinate node position in view
Tool management/Edit Edit/Edit Edit device properties
properties properties
Tool management/Copy to Edit/Copy to Copy gateway NE subnet and NE node
with the same type
Configure node IP address
Tool management/Move to Edit/Move to Move gateway NE subnet located subnet
Tool management/Delete NE Delete Delete the device gateway NE subnet and
NE node
Tool management/Topology Show properties Show device properties
Tool management/Set Set background Configure gateway NE subnet
background image image background image
Tool management/Add to Add to Add gateway NE subnet and NE node to
user-defined view user-defined view user-defined view

14.1.3 Device operation authority and network element management function comparison table
The device operation authority only applies to a single network element device. Please assign the
user's network management application authorities, and then assign device operation authorities.

 To view smaller management domain (such as to view one or several network element
devices) configuration information, it is recommended to assign network management
application “Platform guard operation table:, and assign “NE management/View
configuration” and “NE management/Configuration Sync” operation authorities to each
 To manage smaller management domain (such as to view one or several network element
devices) configuration information, it is recommended to assign network management
application “Platform guard operation table:, and assign “NE management/View
configuration”, “NE management/Modify configuration” and “NE
management/Configuration Sync” operation authorities to each device.
 “NE management/Pre-configuration management” only applies to the devices such as
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iTN2100 to support pre-configuration function.

NE management operation Function description
View configuration Execute NE management, open NE configuration
interface, only view various configuration information
Configuration sync Execute resource sync function, sync the current
device information
Modify configuration Execute NE management, open NE configuration
interface, modify various configuration information
This authority needs to be used with “View
configuration” authority
Pre-configuration management Execute pre-configuration functions, such as
pre-configuration sync and pre-configuration issue

14.1.4 Operation authority dependence relationship comparison table

The dependence relationship between authorizes mainly contains Add, Modify, Delete management
authorities and view the dependence relationship between authorities.

The management authority is generally depended on view authority, i.e. the Add, Modify Delete
management operations need view authority.

To know authority dependence table can avoid the operation failure in authority refining for not
assigning dependence authority. It can ensure the dependence relationship to use system provided
operator set for authority division.

Network device authority dependence relationship

Classify Operation authority Depended operation authority

Device operation authority Modify configuration View configuration

Network management application authority dependence relationship

Classify Operation authority Depended operation authority

Add rack Show rack list

Add contact Show book address

Modify rack properties Show rack list

Inventory Modify NE properties Show NE list

Modify chassis properties Show chassis list

Modify slot properties Show slot list

Modify central office card Show central office card list

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Classify Operation authority Depended operation authority

Modify remote device properties Show remote device list

Modify ONU properties Show ONU list

Modify port properties Show port list

Modify contact information Show book address

Delete rack Show rack list

Delete NE Show NE list

Delete chassis Show chassis list

Delete slot Show slot list

Delete central office card Show central office card list

Delete remote device Show remote device list

Delete ONU Show ONU list

Delete port Show port list

Delete contact Show book address

Resource sync Topology browse or show NE list

Current alarm management Show alarm

Historical alarm management Show alarm

Alarm type management -

Show alarm filter policy -

Alarm notification management -

Fault management
Troubleshooting experience -
Alarm grouping monitoring Show alarm

Alarm list order -

Alarm reversal -

Configure alarm filter policy Show alarm filter policy

System event management -

Log management System operation log management -

Device operation log management -

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Classify Operation authority Depended operation authority

User login log management -

Syslog management -

Add device Topology browse

Add link Topology browse

Add subnet Topology browse

Add symbol Topology browse

Search Topology browse

Edit properties -

Delete NE Topology browse

Copy to Topology browse

Move to Topology browse

User-defined view management Topology browse

management Add to user-defined view Topology browse

Open user-defined view Topology browse

Lock Topology browse

Unlock Topology browse

Lock view Topology browse

Unlock view Topology browse

Set background image Topology browse

Topology browse -

Topology locate Topology browse

Device discovery and polling -

Performance monitoring progress
Show indicator template group list
Add indicator template group Show indicator template group list
Modify indicator template group Show indicator template group list

Delete indicator template group Show indicator template group list

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Classify Operation authority Depended operation authority

Show indicator template list -

Add indicator template Show indicator template list

Modify indicator template Show indicator template list

Delete indicator template Show indicator template list

Show threshold template list -

Add threshold template Show threshold template list

Modify threshold template Show threshold template list

Delete threshold template Show threshold template list

Show collection task list -

Add collection task Show collection task list

Modify collection task Show collection task list

Delete collection task Show collection task list

Start collection task Show collection task list

Stop collection task Show collection task list

Performance image browse -

Device off-grid rate statistics -

Statistics analysis Alarm related statistics -

Resource related statistics -

Configuration sync -

Show configuration -
NE management
Modify configuration Show configuration

Pre-configuration management -

Software library management -

Task management -

Backup policy -
Data center
Backup library management -

Data center log management -

Device operation -
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Classify Operation authority Depended operation authority

Customer information
Customer management
Associated customer -

System System parameters setting -

User management -

Reset password -

User group management -

Force user to exit -

Security policy edit -

Monitor user -
management Unlock user -

Manage security authority -

Operator set management -

Security log management -

Set log policy -

Access control list -

ICMP Ping -

SNMP Ping -

Trace Route -

Tool management MAC Trace -

Web Browser -

Telnet -

Native Ping -

Show system service -

Edit system service -

Service Start system service -

Stop system service -

Show timing service -

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Classify Operation authority Depended operation authority

Edit timing service -

Start timing service -

Stop timing service -

EoC -

CBAT que ry -

CBAT management -

CNU query -

CNU management -

Switch cluster management -

OLP route -
atch configuration Batch configuration console -

Batch configuration log -

Batch execute command line script -


EPON MAC address trace -

EPON protection view -

MAC address rebind -

Service template EoC service template management -

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Appendix A Figure Index

Figure 2-1 Start NMS server ....................................................................................................................................... 15

Figure 2-2 Choose server ............................................................................................................................................ 16
Figure 2-3 Client login interface ................................................................................................................................. 17
Figure 2-4 System settings dialog box ........................................................................................................................ 18
Figure 2-5 Change user ............................................................................................................................................... 19
Figure 2-6 Lock system interface................................................................................................................................ 20
Figure 2-7 Auto-logout function parameters setting ................................................................................................... 21
Figure 2-8 Change password....................................................................................................................................... 21
Figure 2-9 License console ......................................................................................................................................... 22
Figure 2-10 License information................................................................................................................................. 23
Figure 2-11 “About” dialog box.................................................................................................................................. 24
Figure 2-12 “Authorization Info” dialog box-platform............................................................................................... 25
Figure 2-13 “Authorization Info” dialog box-device .................................................................................................. 25
Figure 2-14 Exit the client .......................................................................................................................................... 26
Figure 2-15 Stop services prompt ............................................................................................................................... 26
Figure 2-16 Client interface ........................................................................................................................................ 27
Figure 2-17 Form drag ................................................................................................................................................ 33
Figure 2-18 Form floating ........................................................................................................................................... 34
Figure 2-19 Form lists ................................................................................................................................................. 34
Figure 2-20 Query panel ............................................................................................................................................. 41
Figure 2-21 Tree interface to choose device type ....................................................................................................... 42
Figure 2-22 Table interface to choose maintenance staff ............................................................................................ 43
Figure 2-23 Drop-down list box to choose online status ............................................................................................ 44
Figure 2-24 Data box to choose last sync time ........................................................................................................... 45
Figure 2-25 Customize column ................................................................................................................................... 46
Figure 3-1 System monitoring functions and features ................................................................................................ 48
Figure 3-2 North interface communication diagram ................................................................................................... 51
Figure 3-3 Start system monitoring program .............................................................................................................. 53
Figure 3-4 Configure monitoring refresh cycle........................................................................................................... 55
Figure 3-5 Monitor alarm threshold ............................................................................................................................ 56
Figure 3-6 System monitoring login interface ............................................................................................................ 57
Figure 3-7 Set auto lock time threshold ...................................................................................................................... 58
Figure 3-8 Operation log ............................................................................................................................................. 58
Figure 3-9 North interface........................................................................................................................................... 59
Figure 3-10 Service information ................................................................................................................................. 60
Figure 3-11 Dependency detection of services ........................................................................................................... 62
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Figure 3-12 Hard disk information ............................................................................................................................. 63

Figure 3-13 Database information .............................................................................................................................. 64
Figure 3-14 Expand database space ............................................................................................................................ 65
Figure 3-15 Database connection service ................................................................................................................... 66
Figure 3-16 Server system resource information ........................................................................................................ 67
Figure 3-17 Component information .......................................................................................................................... 68
Figure 3-18 NView network node registration management ...................................................................................... 69
Figure 3-19 Show License information....................................................................................................................... 70
Figure 4-1 Main view of topology .............................................................................................................................. 72
Figure 4-2 Topology management process ................................................................................................................. 78
Figure 4-3 Add subnet dialog box ............................................................................................................................... 79
Figure 4-4 Confirm to delete ....................................................................................................................................... 93
Figure 4-5 Confirm to delete ....................................................................................................................................... 93
Figure 4-6 Confirm to delete ....................................................................................................................................... 94
Figure 4-7 Interface instance....................................................................................................................................... 95
Figure 4-8 Interface instance....................................................................................................................................... 95
Figure 4-9 Interface instance....................................................................................................................................... 96
Figure 4-10 Interface instance..................................................................................................................................... 98
Figure 4-11 Order according to multiple alarm properties ........................................................................................ 101
Figure 4-12 Interface instance................................................................................................................................... 102
Figure 4-13 Interface instance................................................................................................................................... 103
Figure 4-14 Device off-grid rate statistics................................................................................................................. 104
Figure 4-15 Set background picture .......................................................................................................................... 106
Figure 4-16 Thumbnail ............................................................................................................................................. 109
Figure 4-17 Interface Instance .................................................................................................................................. 110
Figure 4-18 Topology subnet list .............................................................................................................................. 116
Figure 4-19 Topology node list ................................................................................................................................. 117
Figure 4-20 Topological link list ............................................................................................................................... 117
Figure 5-1 Main Interface of Device Scan and Poll .................................................................................................. 121
Figure 5-2 Protocol Template.................................................................................................................................... 122
Figure 5-3 Protocol Template Configuration ............................................................................................................ 123
Figure 5-4 SNMP V3 Parameters.............................................................................................................................. 124
Figure 5-5 Deletion Confirm..................................................................................................................................... 125
Figure 5-6 Interface of Scan Filter ............................................................................................................................ 125
Figure 5-7 Filtration Device Type ............................................................................................................................. 126
Figure 5-8 Filteration IP ............................................................................................................................................ 127
Figure 5-9 Interface of Scan Task ............................................................................................................................. 127
Figure 5-10 IPv4 Scan Range Config ....................................................................................................................... 128
Figure 5-11 Scan Task-Select Protocol Templates .................................................................................................... 129
Figure 5-12 Scan Service Setting .............................................................................................................................. 129
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Figure 5-13 Prompt of Scan Report .......................................................................................................................... 130

Figure 5-14 Interface of Scan Report ........................................................................................................................ 131
Figure 5-15 “Add To Network” in Scan Report ........................................................................................................ 132
Figure 5-16 Customized Query Conditions .............................................................................................................. 132
Figure 5-17 Interface of Polling Configuration......................................................................................................... 133
Figure 5-18 Poll Config-adjust Device Poll Groups ................................................................................................. 134
Figure 5-19 Poll Report-30 Minutes ......................................................................................................................... 135
Figure 5-20 Poll Load ............................................................................................................................................... 135
Figure 5-21 Flow Chart of Device Scan ................................................................................................................... 138
Figure 5-22 Flow Chart of Device Poll ..................................................................................................................... 142
Figure 5-23 Adjust Polling Group According to Polling Load ................................................................................. 144
Figure 6-1 MIB Management Tools .......................................................................................................................... 147
Figure 6-2 Telnet Tools ............................................................................................................................................. 148
Figure 6-3 ICMP Ping Tool ....................................................................................................................................... 148
Figure 6-4 SNMP Ping Tools .................................................................................................................................... 149
Figure 6-5 Element Management System ................................................................................................................. 150
Figure 6-6 Card Configuration .................................................................................................................................. 151
Figure 6-7 General Switch Element Manager ........................................................................................................... 152
Figure 6-8 Main View of Batch Task Center............................................................................................................. 154
Figure 6-9 Add Task Guide – Task Basic Information .............................................................................................. 154
Figure 6-10 Add Task Guide – Task Parameter Setting ............................................................................................ 155
Figure 6-11 Add Task Guide – Select Task Objects .................................................................................................. 156
Figure 6-12 Select Device ......................................................................................................................................... 156
Figure 6-13 Edit Task Properties ............................................................................................................................... 157
Figure 6-14 Task Detail List ..................................................................................................................................... 158
Figure 6-15 Interface of Batch Executing Commands Script ................................................................................... 160
Figure 6-16 Display Script ........................................................................................................................................ 161
Figure 6-17 Connection of Devices .......................................................................................................................... 161
Figure 6-18 Execution of Script ................................................................................................................................ 162
Figure 6-19 Main Interface of OLP Route ................................................................................................................ 163
Figure 6-20 View of Detailed Route Information ..................................................................................................... 164
Figure 6-21 Main View of OLP Route Management Module ................................................................................... 164
Figure 6-22 Create Route .......................................................................................................................................... 166
Figure 6-23 Create Route .......................................................................................................................................... 167
Figure 6-24 Refresh Route ........................................................................................................................................ 167
Figure 6-25 Route Status in 1:1 Mode ...................................................................................................................... 168
Figure 6-26 “Card Selection” of OPCOM600-OLP-A ............................................................................................. 168
Figure 6-27 Threshold Configuration-refer to Optical Power................................................................................... 169
Figure 6-28 Threshold Configuration-1+1 Mode...................................................................................................... 169
Figure 6-29 Threshold Configuration-1:1 Mode ....................................................................................................... 169
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Figure 6-30 View of Editing Route Information ....................................................................................................... 170

Figure 6-31 Theory Attenuation Calculator .............................................................................................................. 170
Figure 6-32 View All Routes..................................................................................................................................... 171
Figure 6-33 View All Cables ..................................................................................................................................... 172
Figure 6-34 Card Power List ..................................................................................................................................... 172
Figure 6-35 Current Alarm List-Customized Table .................................................................................................. 173
Figure 6-36 Route Topology ..................................................................................................................................... 174
Figure 6-37 Device Syslog Query Interface .............................................................................................................. 175
Figure 7-1 “Current Alarm List” Pane ...................................................................................................................... 181
Figure 7-2 Customized Column-Grouped Alarm List............................................................................................... 181
Figure 7-3 Deploy rule mode .................................................................................................................................... 183
Figure 7-4 Select filter alarm time setting dialog box ............................................................................................... 184
Figure 7-5 Alarm Counter ......................................................................................................................................... 184
Figure 7-6 “Edit Alarm Monitor Rule” Dialog Box .................................................................................................. 185
Figure 7-7 Alarm Properties ...................................................................................................................................... 186
Figure 7-8 Customer Conditions ............................................................................................................................... 187
Figure 7-9 Share Policy............................................................................................................................................. 187
Figure 7-10 Alarm Properties Dialog Box ................................................................................................................ 188
Figure 7-11 Current Alarm Management .................................................................................................................. 188
Figure 7-12 Customized Column-Current Alarm List .............................................................................................. 189
Figure 7-13 Alarm line order instance ...................................................................................................................... 190
Figure 7-14 Alarm line order configuration interface ............................................................................................... 190
Figure 7-15 Alert Sound Settings .............................................................................................................................. 192
Figure 7-16 Fault Removal ....................................................................................................................................... 194
Figure 7-17 Edit Fault Reason .................................................................................................................................. 194
Figure 7-18 Prompt for Undeletable Fault ................................................................................................................ 195
Figure 7-19 View Events ........................................................................................................................................... 196
Figure 7-20 Card Alarm Displaying .......................................................................................................................... 197
Figure 7-21 Customize query condition .................................................................................................................... 198
Figure 7-22 Customize column ................................................................................................................................. 199
Figure 7-23 Bookmark in alarm list query ................................................................................................................ 200
Figure 7-24 Manage bookmark ................................................................................................................................. 200
Figure 7-25 Select bookmark .................................................................................................................................... 201
Figure 7-26 Alarm Filter Rule ................................................................................................................................... 202
Figure 7-27 Add Filter Rule ...................................................................................................................................... 203
Figure 7-28 Add Device Filter Rule .......................................................................................................................... 204
Figure 7-29 Add Chassis Filter Rule ......................................................................................................................... 205
Figure 7-30 Add Card Filter Rule ............................................................................................................................. 206
Figure 7-31 Add Port Filter Rule .............................................................................................................................. 207
Figure 7-32 Add Alarm Level Filter Rule ................................................................................................................. 208
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Figure 7-33 Deploy rule mode .................................................................................................................................. 208

Figure 7-34 Select filter rule application object ........................................................................................................ 209
Figure 7-35 Select filter alarm time setting dialog box ............................................................................................. 209
Figure 7-36 Search Filter Rules ................................................................................................................................ 211
Figure 7-37 Interface instance................................................................................................................................... 213
Figure 7-38 Add notification Target .......................................................................................................................... 215
Figure 7-39 Edit Trap Notification............................................................................................................................ 215
Figure 7-40 Add Trap Notification Conditions ......................................................................................................... 216
Figure 7-41 Historical Alarm Management .............................................................................................................. 217
Figure 7-42 Trap Definition List ............................................................................................................................... 218
Figure 7-43 Modify Alarm Level .............................................................................................................................. 218
Figure 7-44 “Troubleshooting” Window................................................................................................................... 219
Figure 7-45 Input Clearing Log ................................................................................................................................ 220
Figure 7-46 “Add Troubleshooting” Dialog Box ...................................................................................................... 221
Figure 7-47 “Troubleshooting” Page in the “Properties” Dialog Box ...................................................................... 222
Figure 7-48 Current Alarm Statistic .......................................................................................................................... 223
Figure 7-49 Historical Alarm Statistic ...................................................................................................................... 223
Figure 8-1 NE Inventory Management ..................................................................................................................... 226
Figure 8-2 Add Rack ................................................................................................................................................. 229
Figure 8-3 Association Customer .............................................................................................................................. 232
Figure 8-4 Inventory Types ....................................................................................................................................... 243
Figure 8-5 Add Directory .......................................................................................................................................... 244
Figure 8-6 Statistic and Analyze Device Types ......................................................................................................... 246
Figure 8-7 Statistic and Analyze Card Types ............................................................................................................ 246
Figure 8-8 Statistic and Analyze Slot Vacancy Ratio ................................................................................................ 247
Figure 9-1 “Customer List” Window ........................................................................................................................ 249
Figure 9-2 Customer Information Manual Input ....................................................................................................... 249
Figure 9-3 Select the Import File .............................................................................................................................. 250
Figure 9-4 File Content Inspection ........................................................................................................................... 250
Figure 9-5 File Inspection Results ............................................................................................................................ 251
Figure 9-6 Associate Resources in the Customer List on “Customer Resource” Page ............................................. 252
Figure 9-7 Associate Resources to a Customer via “Resource Management” Window ........................................... 253
Figure 9-8 Locate to Topology Menu ....................................................................................................................... 253
Figure 9-9 Detach Resources from Customer on the Customer Resource List ......................................................... 254
Figure 9-10 “View Events” Window for Selected Customer .................................................................................... 254
Figure 9-11 View Customer Information in Alarm Properties Pane ......................................................................... 255
Figure 10-1 User security function structure ............................................................................................................ 257
Figure 10-2 User group function structure ................................................................................................................ 258
Figure 10-3 Interface instance................................................................................................................................... 261
Figure 10-4 Interface instance................................................................................................................................... 262
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Figure 10-5 Interface instance................................................................................................................................... 264

Figure 10-6 Interface instance................................................................................................................................... 265
Figure 10-7 “Management domain” tab page ........................................................................................................... 266
Figure 10-8 “Operator privilege” tab page................................................................................................................ 266
Figure 10-9 “Access control” tab page ..................................................................................................................... 267
Figure 10-10 Add IP access control .......................................................................................................................... 279
Figure 10-11 Configure IP address range.................................................................................................................. 279
Figure 10-12 Interface instance................................................................................................................................. 287
Figure 11-1“System Service” Window ..................................................................................................................... 288
Figure 11-2 Edit System Service Properties.............................................................................................................. 289
Figure 11-3 “Schedule Service” Window ................................................................................................................. 290
Figure 11-4 Edit Schedule Service Properties ........................................................................................................... 291
Figure 11-5 System Event List .................................................................................................................................. 292
Figure 11-6 Query System Event .............................................................................................................................. 293
Figure 11-7 “Setup Parameters” Dialog Box for SNMP Trap Receiving Service..................................................... 293
Figure 11-8 “Setup Parameters” Dialog Box for Trap Storm Defending Service ..................................................... 295
Figure 11-9 “SMTP Server” Page of the “Setup Parameters” Dialog Box for Alarm Mail Relay Service ............... 295
Figure 11-10 “Mail Content” Page of the “Setup Parameters” Dialog Box for Alarm Mail Relay Service ............. 296
Figure 11-11 “Serial Port” Page of the “Setup Parameters” Dialog Box for Alarm SMS Relay Service ................. 297
Figure 11-12 “Short Message Content” Page of the “Setup Parameters” Dialog Box for Alarm SMS Relay Service
.......................................................................................................................................................................... 297
Figure 11-13 “Setup Parameters” Dialog Box for Trap Target IP Setting ................................................................. 298
Figure 11-14 “Setup Parameters” Dialog Box for Trap Message Setting ................................................................. 299
Figure 11-15 “Setup Parameters” Dialog Box for Base Info Setting ........................................................................ 300
Figure 11-16 Alarm Relay Content Setup ................................................................................................................. 300
Figure 11-17 “Setup Parameters” Dialog Box for the Resource Synchronization Service ....................................... 301
Figure 11-18 “LLDP Link Discover Setup” .............................................................................................................. 302
Figure 11-19 “Setup Parameters” Dialog Box for the Database Backup Service ..................................................... 303
Figure 11-20 “Backup Config” Page ........................................................................................................................ 304
Figure 11-21 “Restore Config” Page ........................................................................................................................ 305
Figure 11-22 “Setup Parameters” Dialog Box for the Current Alarm Auto-clearing Service ................................... 305
Figure 11-23“Setup Parameters” Dialog Box for Syslog Data Auto-clear Service................................................... 306
Figure 12-1 Validate the Logon................................................................................................................................. 309
Figure 12-2 Input the Absolute Path of the Directory Where the Backup File Locates ............................................ 309
Figure 12-3 Input the Name of the Backup File........................................................................................................ 310
Figure 12-4 System Restore ...................................................................................................................................... 310
Figure 12-5 Modify the Debug Output Level for the System ................................................................................... 312
Figure 13-1 Configuration Interface of Data Dump.................................................................................................. 314
Figure 13-2 Procedure of Automatic Dump .............................................................................................................. 315
Figure 13-3 Interface of Batch Dump Configuration ................................................................................................ 316
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Figure 13-4 Confirmation of Batch Configuration ................................................................................................... 316

Figure 13-5 Procedure of Overflow Dump ............................................................................................................... 317
Figure 13-6 Configuration Interface of Overflow Dump .......................................................................................... 318
Figure 13-7 Prompt of Canceling Selection .............................................................................................................. 318
Figure 13-8 Procedure of Periodical Dump .............................................................................................................. 319
Figure 13-9 Configuration Interface of Periodical Dump ......................................................................................... 319
Figure 13-10 Configure Dump File........................................................................................................................... 320
Figure 13-11 Configure FTP upload ......................................................................................................................... 321
Figure 13-12 Add FTP server information ................................................................................................................ 321
Figure 13-13 Configuration Interface of Manual Dump ........................................................................................... 322
Figure 13-14 Procedure of Manual Dump ................................................................................................................ 323
Figure 13-15 Confirmation of Manual Dump ........................................................................................................... 323
Figure 13-16 Prompt of Enabling Manual Dump ..................................................................................................... 324
Figure 13-17 Range of Dump Time .......................................................................................................................... 324
Figure 13-18 Interface of Time Selection ................................................................................................................. 324
Figure 13-19 Configure Dump File by Manual ........................................................................................................ 325
Figure 13-20 Manual dump FTP upload ................................................................................................................... 325
Figure 13-21 Dump Files inside Compression Package ........................................................................................... 326
Figure 13-22 View CSV Format System Log Dump File ......................................................................................... 326
Figure 13-23 View TXT Format System Log Dump File ......................................................................................... 327
Figure 13-24 View Dump Log .................................................................................................................................. 327

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Appendix B Table Index

Table 2-1 Interface introduction .................................................................................................................................. 27

Table 2-2 System tool bar shortcut button .................................................................................................................. 27
Table 2-3 System status bar......................................................................................................................................... 29
Table 2-4 Common interface elements........................................................................................................................ 30
Table 2-5 Common shortcut ........................................................................................................................................ 31
Table 3-1 Operation log parameter list ........................................................................................................................ 59
Table 3-2 North interface parameters list .................................................................................................................... 59
Table 3-3 Service information parameters list ............................................................................................................ 60
Table 3-4 Hard disk information parameters list ......................................................................................................... 63
Table 3-5 Database information parameters list .......................................................................................................... 64
Table 3-6 Database connection parameters list ........................................................................................................... 66
Table 3-7 Server system resource parameters list ....................................................................................................... 67
Table 3-8 Component information parameters list ...................................................................................................... 68
Table 4-1 Topology tree function button ..................................................................................................................... 72
Table 4-2 Topology object instance ............................................................................................................................ 75
Table 4-3 Node decoration instance ............................................................................................................................ 75
Table 4-4 Add subnet parameters ................................................................................................................................ 79
Table 4-5 Configuration parameters description ......................................................................................................... 80
Table 4-6 Configuration parameters description ......................................................................................................... 81
Table 4-7 Configuration parameters description ......................................................................................................... 86
Table 4-8 Configuration parameters description ......................................................................................................... 87
Table 4-9 Configuration parameters description ......................................................................................................... 89
Table 4-10 Configuration parameters description ....................................................................................................... 95
Table 4-11 Function entrance description ................................................................................................................... 96
Table 4-12 Function entrance description ................................................................................................................... 96
Table 4-13 Function entrance description ................................................................................................................... 97
Table 4-14 Function entrance description ................................................................................................................... 97
Table 4-15 Function entrance description ................................................................................................................... 98
Table 4-16 Function entrance description ................................................................................................................... 99
Table 4-17 Function entrance description ................................................................................................................... 99
Table 4-18 Function entrance description ................................................................................................................. 100
Table 4-19 Configuration parameters description ..................................................................................................... 102
Table 4-20 Function entrance of common configuration operations......................................................................... 104
Table 4-21 Set background picture operation ........................................................................................................... 106
Table 4-22 Common view operations ....................................................................................................................... 107

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Table 4-23 Topology view zoom buttons .................................................................................................................. 108

Table 4-24 Magnifier display setting ........................................................................................................................ 108
Table 4-25 Thumbnail display setting ....................................................................................................................... 109
Table 4-26 Configuration parameters description ..................................................................................................... 110
Table 4-27 Configuration parameters description ..................................................................................................... 113
Table 4-28 Configuration parameters description ..................................................................................................... 114
Table 5-1 SNMP V1/V2c protocol parameters ......................................................................................................... 138
Table 5-2 SNMP V3 protocol parameters ................................................................................................................. 139
Table 5-3 Parameters description for scanning range IPv4 ....................................................................................... 140
Table 6-1 Batch configuration tasks .......................................................................................................................... 152
Table 6-2 Elements in the View ................................................................................................................................ 165
Table 6-3 Cards Supported by OLP Route Module................................................................................................... 174
Table 7-1 Alarm line order interface description ...................................................................................................... 191
Table 7-2 Port alarm reversal configuration .............................................................................................................. 212
Table 7-3 Configuration parameter description ........................................................................................................ 213
Table 10-1 Allocation authority combination............................................................................................................ 259
Table 10-2 Configuration parameter description ...................................................................................................... 262
Table 10-3 Configuration parameter description ...................................................................................................... 263
Table 10-4 Configuration parameters description ..................................................................................................... 264
Table 10-5 User group comparison table .................................................................................................................. 270
Table 10-6 Configuration parameters description ..................................................................................................... 271
Table 10-7 System default operator set description .................................................................................................. 274
Table 10-8 Configuration parameter description ...................................................................................................... 276
Table 10-9 Configuration parameter description ...................................................................................................... 279
Table 10-10 Configuration parameter description .................................................................................................... 279
Table 10-11 Configuration parameter description ..................................................................................................... 280
Table 10-12 Configuration parameter description .................................................................................................... 282
Table 10-13 Configuration parameter description .................................................................................................... 284
Table 10-14 Configuration parameter description .................................................................................................... 285

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Appendix C Glossary

Northbound Interface The interface process between network management system; upper layer network
management can take unified management to device through northbound interface.
Operate Privilege The network management system and resources operation and management authority

Inventory Various resources in network management system

In-band Network
In-band network management refers to network management system and device take
Management network management information communication through service network.

Current Alarm Current alarm is defined according to alarm operation status; all uncleared or
unfiltered alarm events can be current alarm.

Symbol Symbol is schematic topology node, which cannot take network management, but give
better display to network structure.。
Alarm The reported information when device or network management system detects failure.

For port without service open, alarm reverse is used to avoid generating the related
Alarm Inverse alarm information and alarm interference. Configure alarm reverse function to make
part alarm status and actual status opposite, i.e. if there is alarm actually, not report
alarm; if there is no alarm actually, and report alarm.
Alarm Filtering Network management system cannot allow the device complying with filter rule to
report alarm.
Combine Repeated For the same type alarm in the same location, add the counter, update the lately report
Alarm time and alarm description and net generate the other alarm.

Domain Domain takes NE as the minimum granularity, which is the resource collection for user
Node General terms of subnet, NE and symbols in network management system.

Customer Customer uses device provided service; the customer information can associate with
NE, alarm and can only be stored in network management system.
License The NMS authorization file, License specifies the network management functions can
be used by user.
History Alarm History alarm refers to all cleared or filtered alarms.

Polling Polling can detect whether the device is offline periodically.

Syslog Comply with Syslog protocol format device log defined in RFC3164

Device Scan Device scan can scan the network device in IP address range and add to NMS
In NMS, data center is a process to provide auxiliary function, the data center can
Data Center provide backup, upgrade and version maintenance functions to device system software
and configuration file.
Trap The mode that the device send alarm information to NMS, which will report to NMS
through SNMP packets.

Synchronization Network management system updates device resource or alarm information in

database by synchronization function to make network management system
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correspondence with device.

Offline The device cannot be controlled by NMS for NMS channel interrupt or device offline;
the offline device cannot take network management.

Topology Graphical network structure in network management system, which can show
networking situation, subnet/NE alarm and online status intuitionally.
Gateway NE subnet is the subnet designed with central office/remote structure
Gateway NE Subnet features. Gateway NE subnet contains the device itself NE and the NE related other
remote device NE, chassis or subnet.

NMS NE NMS NE refers to the NE of NMS server in NMS, which is created automatically by
NMS and can show NMS alarm and status information.
Network Management The computer process to manage network device
Network Element Network device takes management in network management system as network
Auxiliary program of network management system, which can manage various service
NMS Monitor programs in network management system and monitor network management system
operating status.
Performance Monitor Network management system collects and shows device flow, packet loss and other
performance data.
Network management system client user; the collection of user and user group
User management domain and operation permission confirms network management
function used by user.

User Group User group can provide users with the same management domain and operation
Pre-configure NE and the configuration information will be saved in NMS database;
Pre-Config when the actual network device connects to NMS, the pre-configured data can be
issued to the device.
Resource Management objects in network management system, including device, chassis,
single-board, port and etc.
Subnet refers to the logical division of network topology structure in network
Subnet management system, which can help show NE topology structure clearly in network
management system. The subnet interior can contain subnet, NE, symbol, and link etc
topology nodes.
Custome View Custom view refers to the topology view defined by user. User adds the topology
objects such as subnet, NE or symbol to custome view for centralized management.

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Appendix D Acronym

AES Advanced Encryption Standard

CORBA Common Object Request Broker Architecture

CPU Central Processing Unit

DCN Data Communication Network

DES Data Encryption Standard

EPON Ethernet Passive Optical Network

FPGA Field-Programmable Gate Array

FTP File Transfer Protocol

GUI Graphical User Interface

ICMP Internet Control Message Protocol

IP Internet Protocol

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LLDP Link Layer Discovery Protocol

MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm 5

MIB Management Information Base

NCIA North CORBA Interface Agent

NMS Network Management System

NNM Network Node Management

NSIA North Socket Interface Agent

OAM Operation Administration and Maintenance

OID Object Identifier

OLP Optical Line Protection

ONU Optical Network Unit

OSS Operations Support System

PCM Pulse Code Modulation

PDH Plesiochronous Digital Hierarchy

PDU Protocol Data Unit

PM Performance Monitoring

QoS Quality of Service

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RMON Remote Network Monitoring

RNDP Raisecom Neighbour Discover Protocol

SDH Synchronous Digital Hierarchy

SHA Secure Hash Algorithm

SLA Service Level Agreement

SMTP Simple Mail Transfer Protocol

SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol

TFTP Trivial File Transfer Protocol

UDP User Datagram Protocol

VLAN Virtual Local Area Network

VoIP Voice over IP

XML Extensible Mark-up Language

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