Defendants: I. (A) Plaintiffs General Cigar Co., Ltd. Fuente Cigar Ltd. Fuente Marketing LTD
Defendants: I. (A) Plaintiffs General Cigar Co., Ltd. Fuente Cigar Ltd. Fuente Marketing LTD
Defendants: I. (A) Plaintiffs General Cigar Co., Ltd. Fuente Cigar Ltd. Fuente Marketing LTD
(c) Attorneys (Firm Name, Address, and Telephone Number) Attorneys (If Known)
Janet F. Satterthwaite, VSB No. 26759
Potomac Law Group, PLLC, 1300 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Suite 700,
Washington, DC 20004; 202-486-1578
II. BASIS OF JURISDICTION (Place an “X” in One Box Only) III. CITIZENSHIP OF PRINCIPAL PARTIES (Place an “X” in One Box for Plaintiff
(For Diversity Cases Only) and One Box for Defendant)
1 U.S. Government ✖ 3 Federal Question PTF DEF PTF DEF
Plaintiff (U.S. Government Not a Party) Citizen of This State 1 1 Incorporated or Principal Place ✖ 4 4
of Business In This State
2 U.S. Government 4 Diversity Citizen of Another State 2 2 Incorporated and Principal Place 5 5
Defendant (Indicate Citizenship of Parties in Item III) of Business In Another State
Plaintiff General Cigar Co., Inc. (“GCC” or “Plaintiff”), by and through its attorneys, as
and for its Complaint against Fuente Cigar Ltd. and Fuente Marketing Ltd. (collectively,
2. Jurisdiction is proper in the Court because the litigation arises under federal law, namely, the
Lanham Act, 15 U.S.C. § 1052 et seq. The Court has jurisdiction under 28 U.S.C. §§1331 (federal
3. This Court has personal jurisdiction over Defendants because Defendants do business within
this judicial district. On information and belief, millions of dollars of Defendants’ products are sold
across the United States, including in this judicial district and elsewhere.
4. Venue is proper in this district under 28 U.S.C. §§ 1391 (b) and (c) in that Defendants are
subject to personal jurisdiction in this district; and, moreover, as defendants not resident in the United
The JS 44 civil cover sheet and the information contained herein neither replaces nor supplements the filings and service of pleading or other papers as
required by law, except as provided by local rules of court. This form, approved by the Judicial Conference of the United States in September 1974, is
required for the use of the Clerk of Court for the purpose of initiating the civil docket sheet. Consequently, a civil cover sheet is submitted to the Clerk of
Court for each civil complaint filed. The attorney filing a case should complete the form as follows:
I.(a) Plaintiffs-Defendants. Enter names (last, first, middle initial) of plaintiff and defendant. If the plaintiff or defendant is a government agency, use
only the full name or standard abbreviations. If the plaintiff or defendant is an official within a government agency, identify first the agency and then
the official, giving both name and title.
(b) County of Residence. For each civil case filed, except U.S. plaintiff cases, enter the name of the county where the first listed plaintiff resides at the
time of filing. In U.S. plaintiff cases, enter the name of the county in which the first listed defendant resides at the time of filing. (NOTE: In land
condemnation cases, the county of residence of the "defendant" is the location of the tract of land involved.)
(c) Attorneys. Enter the firm name, address, telephone number, and attorney of record. If there are several attorneys, list them on an attachment, noting
in this section "(see attachment)".
II. Jurisdiction. The basis of jurisdiction is set forth under Rule 8(a), F.R.Cv.P., which requires that jurisdictions be shown in pleadings. Place an "X"
in one of the boxes. If there is more than one basis of jurisdiction, precedence is given in the order shown below.
United States plaintiff. (1) Jurisdiction based on 28 U.S.C. 1345 and 1348. Suits by agencies and officers of the United States are included here.
United States defendant. (2) When the plaintiff is suing the United States, its officers or agencies, place an "X" in this box.
Federal question. (3) This refers to suits under 28 U.S.C. 1331, where jurisdiction arises under the Constitution of the United States, an amendment
to the Constitution, an act of Congress or a treaty of the United States. In cases where the U.S. is a party, the U.S. plaintiff or defendant code takes
precedence, and box 1 or 2 should be marked.
Diversity of citizenship. (4) This refers to suits under 28 U.S.C. 1332, where parties are citizens of different states. When Box 4 is checked, the
citizenship of the different parties must be checked. (See Section III below; NOTE: federal question actions take precedence over diversity
III. Residence (citizenship) of Principal Parties. This section of the JS 44 is to be completed if diversity of citizenship was indicated above. Mark this
section for each principal party.
IV. Nature of Suit. Place an "X" in the appropriate box. If there are multiple nature of suit codes associated with the case, pick the nature of suit code
that is most applicable. Click here for: Nature of Suit Code Descriptions.
VI. Cause of Action. Report the civil statute directly related to the cause of action and give a brief description of the cause. Do not cite jurisdictional
statutes unless diversity. Example: U.S. Civil Statute: 47 USC 553 Brief Description: Unauthorized reception of cable service.
VII. Requested in Complaint. Class Action. Place an "X" in this box if you are filing a class action under Rule 23, F.R.Cv.P.
Demand. In this space enter the actual dollar amount being demanded or indicate other demand, such as a preliminary injunction.
Jury Demand. Check the appropriate box to indicate whether or not a jury is being demanded.
VIII. Related Cases. This section of the JS 44 is used to reference related pending cases, if any. If there are related pending cases, insert the docket
numbers and the corresponding judge names for such cases.
Date and Attorney Signature. Date and sign the civil cover sheet.
Case 1:22-cv-00773 Document 1 Filed 07/11/22 Page 4 of 25 PageID# 4
5. An actual case or controversy has arisen between the parties. The facts alleged herein show
that there is a substantial controversy between parties having adverse legal interests of sufficient
6. Plaintiff GCC is a Delaware corporation in Richmond, Virginia, with an address at Suite 200
7. GCC, founded in 1906, is one of the world’s foremost manufacturers and marketers of
8. In 2007, GCC acquired the trademark assets of CAO International Inc., also a leading
9. Many of CAO’s brands include or have included an X as part of the mark for many years,
including, for example CAO Cx2, x2, Mx3, CAO eXtreme and LX.
10. GCC has sold millions of dollars of these “X” branded goods in the last decade and beyond.
11. GCC owns incontestable federal registrations for cigars for a number of marks with X:
3562335 2008
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3102247 2005
2920043 2004
Case 1:22-cv-00773 Document 1 Filed 07/11/22 Page 6 of 25 PageID# 6
12. GCC has made other references to the X motif in branding. For example, GCC put out
ashtrays in connection with the CAO Cx2 and CAO Mx2 brands that featured a large X both in the
13. CAO has also used the X Motif in the past such as with the CAO eXtreme branding:
14. In June of 2022, GCC announced a new line of Cigars, the CAO Bx3, to be launched in July
of 2022.
15. This is the trade dress for the CAO Bx3 brand:
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16. The trade dress of the CAO Bx3 evokes the legacy X branding, including the use of similar
modern, stylized font to the prior X mark, with the top arms of the X being longer than the bottom arms.
17. The CAO Bx3 trade dress also has a modern, brightly colored artwork that draws on the
18. The box lid explains the meaning of the brand: “Brazilian times three.”
19. This refers to the fact that the CAO Bx3 brand of cigars contain three types of Brazilian
tobacco leaves.
21. Cigar industry publications immediately recognized that the CAO Bx3 product extended the
22. For example, Cigar Aficionado wrote: “Longtime fans of CAO cigars might remember the
CAO MX2, a cigar that’s made with a maduro wrapper and binder, or “maduro times two.” The CAO
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23. The influential blog Halfwheel wrote: “Following in the likes of the CX2, LX2, and MX2,
24. On information and belief, Defendant Fuente Marketing Ltd. is a Turks and Caicos limited
company with an address at Salt Mills Plaza, Unit 48c, Grace Bay Road, Providenciales, Turks and
25. On information and belief, Defendant Fuente Cigar Ltd. is a Turks and Caicos limited
company also with an address at Salt Mills Plaza, Unit 48c, Grace Bay Road, Providenciales, Turks and
26. On information and belief, Defendants manufacture and distribute handmade premium
27. Among Fuente’s brands are the Fuente Fuente Opus X line of cigars.
28. The Fuente Fuente Opus X line of cigars all feature a version of an ornate gilded logo with
crossed blue or red flourishes and the letters FF in highly stylized font.
29. The following are examples from the Fuente website,
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30. The logos are depicted in the label, known as a cigar band, on the cigars. The following is an
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31. The cigar boxes for Fuente products generally feature a red, brown or yellow, and gold trade
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32. Fuente and GCC are competitors in the handmade, premium cigar market.
34. Fuente and GCC receive press coverage from the same industry specific blogs and
35. Therefore, on information and belief, it is inconceivable that Fuente was not aware that GCC
has, for many years, had a series of marks containing the term X.
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36. On July 5, GCC received a cease and desist letter from Virginia Carron of the Finnegan law
firm (“The Letter”). A true and correct copy of The Letter is attached as Exhibit A hereto.
37. The Letter accuses, but not with adequate specificity, GCCs Bx3 product of infringing
38. The Letter appears to falsely claim that Fuente has exclusive rights in any use of an X in
39. The Letter does not advise which specific Fuente trademarks or trade dress are alleged to be
40. Instead, The Letter provides a laundry list of Fuente’s alleged trademark registrations, which
41. The laundry list includes marks such as: X TO THE THIRD POWER, XXX, SERIEX,
42. The Letter merely states that “the mark improperly incorporates Fuente’s X Marks.”
43. The Letter does not explain how the CAO Bx3 brand “incorporates” the marks such as
44. The Letter offers no possibility of settlement short of demanding written assurance no later
than July 8, 2022, a mere three days after the date of The Letter, that GCC will “cease use of this X
mark and any other Fuente trademarks. Absent receipt of your written confirmation that you will
immediately cease all use of Fuente’s trademarks, Fuente reserves the right to take whatever action it
deems necessary to protect its valuable trademark rights without further notice.”
45. It is not clear from The Letter what Fuente wanted GCC to do.
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46. For example, it is not clear if Fuente is demanding that GCC to cease all use of Bx3 per se,
47. Regardless, comparing the CAO Bx3 mark and trade dress to the laundry list of “Fuente’s X
marks, it is clear that the CAO Bx3 mark and branding does not incorporate them as registered or as
used in commerce.
48. In order to maintain a trademark registration, the owner must periodically file a statement of
49. The following is a chart of the registrations referred to in The Letter as “Fuente’s X Marks”
including the most recent specimen provided to the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office as to how the
2536633 Smoker
made of
s metal;
made of
s metal
Case 1:22-cv-00773 Document 1 Filed 07/11/22 Page 15 of 25 PageID# 15
2347248 Cigars
3254146 Cigars
3285314 Ashtray
X s, not of
s metal;
not of
s metal
Case 1:22-cv-00773 Document 1 Filed 07/11/22 Page 16 of 25 PageID# 16
3065482 Cigars
2397955 Cigars
3191113 Cigars
Case 1:22-cv-00773 Document 1 Filed 07/11/22 Page 17 of 25 PageID# 17
3171080 :
RISING X Cigars;
, cigar
s not
, glass
used to
not of
s ].
1989060 cigars
2495579 CIGAR
Case 1:22-cv-00773 Document 1 Filed 07/11/22 Page 18 of 25 PageID# 18
2256200 cigars
Case 1:22-cv-00773 Document 1 Filed 07/11/22 Page 19 of 25 PageID# 19
2364801 cigar
Case 1:22-cv-00773 Document 1 Filed 07/11/22 Page 20 of 25 PageID# 20
Case 1:22-cv-00773 Document 1 Filed 07/11/22 Page 21 of 25 PageID# 21
3258 ciga
403 rs
50. Counsel for GCC emailed Ms. Carron on the afternoon of Thursday, July 7, 2022, to advise
that her firm was still clearing conflicts and as such would not be able to provide a response by July 8.
51. Ms. Carron responded just over twenty-four hours later, on Friday, June 8, with an even
harsher email. The email threatened to seek damages; and, unlike The Letter, which merely requested
an assurance that GCC would agree to cease use of whatever mark was infringing, demanded that GCC
immediately cease use of the “infringing Bx3 mark and logo” including shipment, distribution, and sales.
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Dear Janet,
Thank you for your message and letting me know that you will promptly respond to our letter. We
understand that you need time to consider the issues, but please understand that Fuente considers any
further sales, shipment, distribution and/or use of the infringing BX3 mark and logo to be willful
infringement and will, if necessary, seek damages for such. Fuente demands the CAO immediately cease
use of the marks, including all shipment and sales of cigars in association with these infringing marks.
I welcome you to call me to discuss this matter and await your prompt response.
Virginia L. Carron
Finnegan, Henderson, Farabow, Garrett & Dunner, LLP
271 17th Street, NW, Suite 1400, Atlanta, GA 30363-6209
+1 404 653 6452 | fax +1 404 653 6444 | [email protected] |
Dear Ms Carron,
Your letter of July 5, 2022, to General Cigar Company, has been referred to me for a
We are still completing our routine conflicts check and as such will need more time than
tomorrow to confer with our client and respond to your letter. Please note that our client,
and we, are treating the matter as time sensitive.
Janet Satterthwaite
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52. The Letter and the subsequent, harsher email asserting additional, escalated demands and
threats, thus place GCC in fear of litigation and force GCC to seek declaratory relief as to whatever
allegations are imprecisely and vaguely asserted in The Letter and the email.
53. Regardless of the lack of proper specificity in The Letter and the email, it is clear that GCC is
54. First, GCC has longtime concurrent use of the letter X as part of trademarks for cigars with
55. Second, Fuente’s objection to GCC’s use of the letter X in cigar branding is barred by laches
and acquiescence.
56. Third, the Bx3 branding as used or proposed to be used in commerce creates a completely
different commercial impression from any Fuente marks referenced in the letter or that are visible on
Fuente’s website.
(Declaration of Non-Infringement—
58. Plaintiff incorporates the allegations in the preceding paragraphs of this Complaint as if fully
59. This cause of action arises under the Declaratory Judgment Statute, 28 U.S.C. § §2201 and
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60. As an actual justiciable controversy exists between parties having adverse legal interests of
sufficient immediacy and reality to warrant the issuance of a declaratory judgment, Plaintiff seeks relief
61. The Letter and subsequent email have placed GCC under reasonable anticipation of litigation
62. Plaintiff GCC requests an order declaring that its use of the mark CAO Bx3 and the CAO
a. enter an order declaring that GCC is not infringing any valid, enforceable trademark
c. grant GCC such other and further relief as this Court may deem just and proper.
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Respectfully submitted,
Janet F. Satterthwaite
VSB 26759
Potomac Law Group
Suite 700
1300 Pennsylvania Ave NW
Washington DC 20004
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Tel: 202-486-1578