Stanford Martial Arts Program (SMAP)

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Stanford Martial Arts Program (SMAP)

The Stanford Martial Arts Program (SMAP) is a Stanford Martial Arts Program
collective of the various martial art student groups
practicing on the Stanford campus. Its main goals
are to educate the Stanford community through
2003-2004 Handbook
outreach programming about the variety of martial
arts available on campus, serve as a centralized
communications network between the different
martial arts groups, and preserve the martial arts as
a vital and distinctive component of Stanford life. This, the inaugural
edition of a handbook that compiles detailed information about the
specific martial arts groups at Stanford, is a result of SMAP’s efforts to
achieve these goals.
An ASSU-sponsored meeting of the martial art student leaders at
Stanford formed the basis for SMAP in January 2001. Previously,
martial arts at Stanford were supported and offered as PE classes by the
Department of Athletics. This relationship officially ended in the summer
of 1999, and SMAP arose in response as a student-initiated umbrella
organization to help individual groups deal with issues such as practice
space, publicity, and funding.
SMAP campaigned for and successfully acquired ASSU Special Fee
funding in April 2003 for the 2003-2004 school year. This funding helps
support the operating budgets of its member clubs and specific SMAP
initiatives, including this handbook. Other planned initiatives for the
2003-2004 year include dorm-based self-defense seminars, multi-group
martial arts demonstrations, and the establishment of a program director
to assist in the ongoing activities of SMAP.
We would like to thank those of you who support the martial arts and
hope that this handbook is of use to those less familiar with the martial
arts community here on campus. SMAP is committed to sustaining the
martial arts at Stanford and can only do so through your interest and
Contact: Thomas Hoelen, President
Email: [email protected]
Mailing address: P.O. Box 20208, Stanford, CA 94309
Office: Rogers House, Stanford University
Email list: [email protected] To subscribe to this list, which
A Guide to Martial Arts Activity at
provides information about SMAP and other martial arts events on
campus, send an email to [email protected] with the words
Stanford University
“subscribe martialarts” in the message body.
Table of Contents Campus Map / Practice Locations
Aikido 2
Aiki-Weapons 3
Hwa Rang Taekwondo-Hapkido 4
Judo 5
Jujitsu 6
Kenpo Karate 7
Muay Thai Kickboxing 8
Shorin Ryu Karate 9
JKA Shotokan Karate 10 Roble Gym
SKA Shotokan Karate 11
Taekwondo 12
Universal Karate 13
Wing Chun Kung Fu 14
Wushu 15
Other Martial Arts and Related Resources 17 Building 380
Campus Map / Practice Locations 18
NOTE: Listed practice times may vary from quarter to quarter.
Check the individual club websites for the most current information.

Funding for the printing of this handbook was provided by ASSU Special
Fee funds granted to the Stanford Martial Arts Program. Additional
printing assistance was provided by Xerox.

The 2003-2004 Stanford Martial Arts Program Handbook was designed

by Sherman Lo and revised by Kevin Christopher.
Ford Center/
Burnham Pavilion
Thanks to all SMAP club representatives for contributing content to this
Arrillaga Sports Center

Other Martial Arts and Related Resources Aikido
The Health Improvement Program (HIP) has been offering a variety of Club: Stanford Aikido Club
classes to the Stanford community for nearly 20 years. Classes, which Contact: Emily Desmarais, President
include Tai Chi, yoga, and aerobic/weight training programs, are open to Email: [email protected]
students although are primarily aimed towards Stanford employees. URL: http://
Head Instructor: Sensei Frank Doran
The Stanford University Women's Community Center (WCC) is Instructors: David Kunis, Niall Gow, Ron
involved with, among other issues, self-defense, safety, and security. Chestnut, Michael Bachmann, Jeramy
They work with student organizations such as the Coalition Against Hale, Chris Kuszmaul, Virginia O’Hanlon
Sexual Assualt (CASA) to coordinate self-defense seminars and other
events. Meeting Times: Monday through Friday, 11:30 AM -12:45 PM
Meeting Location: Arrillaga Sports Center -
New Stanford student groups, some related to martial arts and other
Wrestling Room
cultural activities, are formed each year. To stay up to date on currently
active student groups, check with the Office of Student Activities. Description: Aikido, purely in its practical application, is an art of self-
A variety of private martial arts studios can be found in and around the defense. Using Aikido properly, violent aggression can be neutralized
immediate Stanford area. If you seek this type of martial arts swiftly and cleanly with demonstrable control over all the aspects of
experience, which can be considerably different from a university martial attack and defense, so that effective self-defense becomes possible
arts experience, we recommend conducting a geographically-based web without the necessity for inflicting serious injury.
search for the particular discipline you want to try.
Aikido is more than a physical art, though. Into its techniques are woven
Several martial arts supply stores are located in the Bay Area. If you are elements of philosophy, psychology, and dynamics. It is a way of life
interested in purchasing sparring equipment, uniforms, or other martial arts that unifies life energy, ki, a way of being in harmony with one's
gear, the best points of contact are typically the clubs listed in this environment and centered within oneself. At its highest levels, it is an
handbook, some of which may be able to acquire discounts on effective discipline for the development, integration, and utilization of all
merchandise. You can also conduct a web search for local martial arts of one's powers - mental as well as physical.
supplies and equipment stores or order your gear directly online. The
closest store to Stanford will also offer a 25% student discount with SUID: Email List: Send an email to [email protected] with the
Golden Gloves Martial Arts Supply words “subscribe stanford-aikido” in the message body.
3447 El Camino Real
Santa Clara, CA 95051
tel: (408) 243-2533
fax: (408) 243-8117

17 2
Club: Aiki-Weapons Club of Stanford
Contact: Emily Freed, President
Email: [email protected]

Instructor: Mark Lim, Nelson Tan

Meeting Times: Monday and Thursday,

from 8:30-10 PM.
Meeting Location: Roble Gym - Room 33

Description: The Aiki-Weapons club practices Japanese sword and staff

forms related to the study of Aikido. The movements emphasize balance,
breathing, control of center, distance, timing, and blending with the
actions of your partner. Weapons training is complementary to the
empty hand techniques of Aikido, using many of the same hand, foot,
and body movements. However, the weapons training does not require
any particular proficiency in Aikido, and can be studied independently as
its own art.

Email List: Send an email to [email protected] with a blank

subject line and only the line "subscribe aiki-weapons" in the body of the

Wushu Hwa Rang Taekwondo-Hapkido
Club: Stanford Wushu Club: Stanford Hwa Rang Taekwondo-
Contact: Luther White, Jessica Kuo, Hannah Wang Hapkido Club
Email: hnie@leland, [email protected], Contact: David Vengerov
[email protected] Email: [email protected]
Head Instructor: Phillip Wong, Zhang Hong Mei
Head Instructor: Grandmaster D. K. Shin
Meeting Times: Monday: 3:30 - 5:30 PM, Friday: Instructor: Master Y.S. Ha
4:30 - 6:30 PM
Meeting Locations: Roble Gym Meeting Times: Tuesday, 9-10:30 PM,
Wednesday, Thursday 9-10 PM
Description: Among China's well kept secrets, one caught the Meeting Location: Arrillaga Sports Center
imagination of Americans - Chinese wushu. Wushu is an important (basement floor, #010)
component of the cultural heritage of China, with a rich content that has
remained untarnished over the centuries. Literally translated, "wu" is Description: Hwa Rang is an ancient martial art introduced to Korea by
military, "shu" is art. Wushu therefore means the art of fighting, or the Buddhist priest Won Kwang Popsa over 1,800 years ago in the small
martial arts. Kingdom of Silla. In Hwa Rang the principles of anatomy were
developed by monks studying vital points of the nervous system and
Previously, wushu figured significantly in the simple matter of survival
weak joints. They applied knowledge in the techniques of punching,
through China's many wars and political upheaval. Today, wushu has
kicking, throwing, and weaponry. The monks acquired mental powers
been organized and systematized into a formal branch of study in the
that gave rise to great legends among the common people about their
performance arts by the Chinese. It reigns as the most popular national
mysterious powers. These secret arts were preserved by the monks for
sport in the country of 1.1 billion people, practiced by the young and old
many centuries and later taught to members of the royal family. From
alike. Its emphasis has shifted from combat to performance, and it is
Hwa Rang many other schools evolved. In all there are about 180
practiced for its method of achieving heath, self-defense skills, mental
categories of this art and 4,000 individual techniques.
discipline, recreational pursuit and competition.
Hwa Rang Taekwondo-Hapkido emphasizes a traditional approach,
To describe wushu, it is best to understand the philosophy of its although we do incorporate competitive training in our curriculum. Our
teaching. Every movement must exhibit sensible combat application and traditional taekwondo curriculum includes forms (poomse), one-step
aestheticism. The wealth of wushu's content, the beauty of wushu sparring, and combination kicks. Competitively, our HRK black belts
movements, the difficulty factor, and the scientific training methods are participate in local, State and National tournaments. We occasionally will
the song of the elements that set wushu apart from martial arts. Routines have guest instructors from Korea. Our hapkido curriculum includes
are performed solo, paired or in groups, either barehanded or armed with traditional techniques and practical self-defense, and free-style hapkido
traditional Chinese weaponry. In short, wushu is the most exciting sparring. We teach an eclectic variety of Korean martial arts, including
martial art to be seen, felt, and ultimately practiced. Kumdo and gigong. Our small and relaxed group also allows for more
attentive and personal instruction.
Competition: Annual National Wushu collegiates (Stanford, 2001
Email List: Send an email to [email protected] with a blank
collegiate champions).
subject line and only the line "subscribe hwarang-members" in the body
of the email.
Other Activities: Lots of demos and performances around campus.

Email list: [email protected]

Judo Wing Chun Kung Fu
Club: Stanford Judo Club Club: Stanford University Wing Chun
Contact: Marcus Glass Student Association (SUWCSA)
Email: [email protected] Contact: Dimitris Pachakis, Student leader
Email: [email protected]

Head Instructor: Raul Tamayo Head Instructor: Sifu Eddie Oshins,

[email protected]
Meeting Times: Monday, Wednesday,
Friday: 1-2:30 PM Alternate Evening Meeting Times: Monday, Wednesday: 7-
Practices on Tuesday & Thursday 10 PM
Meeting Location: Arrillaga Sports Meeting Location: Basement of
Center - Wrestling Room Mathematics building (building 380),in the
hallway in front of room 41.
Description: Judo is a highly competitive form of martial arts. It was the
first Olympic martial art, and it was the only one until 2000, when Description: Wing Chun Kung Fu's roots can be traced from the
Taekwondo was introduced. Judo was invented in 1882 by Jigoro Kano, Southern Shaolin Temple in China to the late Grand Master Yip Man. It
who distilled the essential elements of Jujitsu, the martial art form used in is one of the few martial arts that attributes its origins to a woman.
combat by Japanese samurai who lost their sword. The word "judo" in Taught as a predominantly internally-oriented style stressing technique,
Japanese means "gentle way." He thus created the Kodokan, a school sensitivity, and subtle awareness instead of brute force, Wing Chun
which taught this gentler form. The sport of Judo has grown to be a provides practical self-defense for men and women and a means for
popular worldwide sport with constantly changing techniques. developing the mind and spirit.

When on your feet in Judo, you attempt to defeat your opponent by The Stanford University Wing Chun Student Association (SUWCSA) is a
throwing them on their back. When on the ground, you attempt to formal Stanford University Voluntary Student Organization, but is also
succeed through a pin or submission hold. There are no strikes in judo, open to members of the surrounding community. Classes are quite
making it relatively safe for even beginners to compete. As tournament informal. There are no uniforms and no ranks. Students of all skill levels
pools are divided by both weight and skill level, you are always assured practice with each other. The instructor typically gives some personal
a fair match. attention to each person, and there is plenty of informal interaction
among students as well.
The Stanford Judo Club began in the Fall of 1980 and has grown since
then. Today, Stanford Judo is active both in SMAP and as a member of Other Activities: Wing Chun as practiced in SUWCSA is geared more
club sports, competing regularly in local tournaments. There is a strong towards real fighting than competitions. The club organizes videotape
focus on competing as a team and as individuals, although members do nights, common practices with other Bay Area Wing Chun schools and is
often just come for the exercise and recreation. Our team is co-ed, open actively involved in the World Traditional Sports Federation
to undergraduate and graduate students of any skill level. (

Competition: Tournaments are held on some Sundays.

5 14
Universal Karate Jujitsu
Club: Stanford’s Universal Karate Club Club: Stanford Jujitsu Club
Contact: Louise McCormick Contacts: Kevin Christopher, Jonathan
Email: [email protected] Dirrenberger
URL: Email: [email protected],
[email protected]
Head Instructor: Sensei William Hinton
Meeting Times: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday: 6:30-8 PM
Meeting Location: Roble Gym - Room 33 Head Instructor: James Moses, 8th Dan

Description: Universal Karate is a martial arts system effective for both Meeting Times: MWF: 7:00-9:00 PM (6:30-
competition and realistic street self-defense. The Universal Karate 8:30 PM during summer quarter)
System is derived from the Okinawan style of Shorei Ryu and includes Meeting Location: Arrillaga Sports Center -
additional concepts from Kung fu, Aikido, Judo, Jujitsu, and the hard and Wrestling Room
soft systems of karate. The Universal Karate System is structured Description: The Stanford Jujitsu Club was founded in the 1960’s and
around a core of theories, basic techniques, kata, basic animal forms, practices an eclectic martial art known as Zen Budokai Aiki Jujitsu. It is a
and self-defenses. Traditional karate training is combined with a realistic modern style of jujitsu based upon traditional Japanese jujitsu but which
approach to self-defense that recognizes the value of having both an incorporates, in order of prevalence, elements of karate, judo, Gracie
effective technique and an indomitable fighting spirit. Sparring, utilizing (Brazilian) jujitsu, wrestling, and boxing. Our comprehensive style
controlled and focused techniques is included in the curriculum. The includes throws, joint locks, strikes, submission holds, groundwork, and
ultimate goals of the instructors of the Universal Karate System are to police control techniques. Our main emphasis is on mastering practical
cultivate individual spirit, encourage critical thinking, and teach sound methods of self-defense in response to unarmed and armed attacks.
martial arts fundamentals based on scientific principles. However, improved self-awareness, coordination, and conditioning are
equally important benefits obtained from studying our style. We do not
Competition: Stanford’s Universal Karate Club competes at local, compete in tournaments.
regional, and national tournaments recognized by either the Amateur
Athletic Union (AAU-Karate) or the United States of America National All Stanford students, faculty, and staff members are invited to join our
Karate-do Federation (USANKF). friendly and relaxed atmosphere. The Club is open to beginners all year
round and no previous martial arts experience is necessary. Students
Instructor’s credentials: Sensei William Hinton has been studying and may continue as long as they wish, with the possibility of receiving formal
promoting the martial arts since 1967. Specifics can be found at the belt rankings in aiki jujitsu. For more detailed information on our history
Universal Karate website. and curriculum, please visit our website. There you will also find video
clips of various techniques and other useful information such as a FAQ
and a martial arts dictionary.

Email List: To join the Stanford Jujitsu Club's mailing list, send email to
[email protected] with the word "subscribe jujitsu" in the
email body.

13 6
Kenpo Karate Taekwondo
Club: Stanford Kenpo Karate Club Club: Stanford Taekwondo Club
Contact Person: Wade Gupta Contact: Randall Harp, President
Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]

Head Instructor: Barbara Minneti Head Instructor: Master Tim Ghormley,

Instructors:Tom Shem, Ken VanVleck, Greg [email protected]
Stein, Rob Neivert
Meeting Times: see schedule on website
Meeting Times: Monday, Wednesday: 6:45-8:30 (
PM, Saturday: 10-12 AM Meeting Location: Ford Center -
Meeting Location: Roble Gym Burnham Pavilion
Description: Kenpo Karate blends traditional influences from numerous Description: Taekwondo is a Korean martial art that is most famous for
martial arts backgrounds and combines them into an eclectic style that its dazzling array of fluid and powerful kicks, complemented by other
emphasizes practical self-defense and self-control. Kenpo teaches self- techniques like punches and blocks. Admitted into the Olympics as a full
defense techniques, katas/forms, and kumite/sparring. Self-defense medal sport in the year 2000, Taekwondo displays to the world the
techniques help students develop practical fighting skills by allowing beauty of its attacks as well as the importance of its footwork.
them to practice in threatening situations under controlled circumstances.
Katas help students develop mental concentration and discipline. In Taekwondo one will gain flexibility through routine static and dynamic
Students learn self-awareness and self-expression in advanced katas. stretching, mental fitness through meditation and poomse (forms),
Freestyle sparring tests students’ skills, self-confidence, and self-control strength through the various drills, endurance and cardiovascular health
in a friendly competition with their classmates. It develops reflexes, through the generally vigorous workout, and of course new friendship
timing and control. The Stanford Kenpo Club strives to maintain a through various social activities. It is truly an excellent martial art and
balance between "martial" and "art." The "martial" aspect is expressed by sport for people of all ages and types.
effective and efficient self-defense concepts and techniques. These
techniques fuse kicking and punching with joint locks and grappling Stanford Taekwondo holds classes all year round (including summers)
moves. The "art" aspect is expressed by creativity, self-expression, and and is open to both the Stanford and surrounding communities.
presentation of form. Competition: The Stanford Taekwondo Club hosts the Stanford
Requirements: No martial arts experience is necessary to join – Taekwondo Spring Open every year around the first week of June.
everyone in the Stanford Community is welcome. Kenpo will help you Members also attend and compete at multiple tournaments during the
develop your strength, endurance, self-control, self-confidence, year, mostly in the Bay Area.
awareness, flexibility, and reflexes.
Events: The Stanford Kenpo Club produces and sponsors an annual Other Activities: In addition to public demonstrations at the start of
Women's Self-Defense Seminar. This hands-on workshop teaches every quarter, Stanford Taekwondo holds various demonstrations around
awareness, self-protection and defense in a safe and supportive group campus, special workshops, and seminars throughout the year.
environment. Email List: To subscribe, send an email from your favorite email account
Email List: [email protected] To subscribe to our e-mail list, to [email protected] with the words “subscribe tkd” in the
send your request to [email protected]. On the first line of body of the email.
the message, write: "subscribe kenpo". (in message body, not subject ).

SKA Shotokan Karate Muay Thai Kickboxing
Club: Stanford Shotokan Karate of America Club: Stanford Muay Thai
Contact: Chris Barnes Contact: Thomas Hoelen, President
Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]
Instructors: Thomas Hoelen, Cole Corbin,
Head Instructors: Jim Sagawa (5th Degree Marc Theeuwes, Gabe Adauto, Watanee
Black Belt), Manfred Chiu (5th Degree Black Sriwatanapongse
Meeting Times: Tuesday, Thursday: 7-9 PM, Meeting Times: Monday, Wednesday: 8:30–
Sunday: 11 AM-1 PM (brown & black belt only) 10 PM; Sunday: 6-8 PM (Advanced only)
Meeting Location: Burnham Pavilion (Tu, Th), Meeting Location: Roble Gym
Roble Gym (Sun)
Description: Karate is a martial art involving a variety of self defense Description: Muay Thai or Thai Kickboxing is a martial art developed in
techniques including blocks, strikes, and escapes. Our process of Thailand about 500 years ago to defend the country against invaders.
training emphasizes breathing, stretching, balance, perception of others Muay Thai combines Western-style boxing with various kicking
and self, and elements of leadership. The intent is to provide students techniques, and includes the use of elbows and knees.
with tools for developing character.
History: Shotokan Karate of America (SKA) was founded by Tsutomu The goal of our classes is to teach fighting skills and reflexes that are
Ohshima. Mr. Ohshima began studying karate at Waseda University in applicable to real life situations. Though traditionally Muay Thai is
1948 under Master Gichin Funakoshi, the founder of modern Karate. In designed to be fatal to the opponent, we focus on self-defense and
1955, Mr. Ohshima came to the United States and was the first person to counter attack. Usually light sparring is practiced with minimal use of
teach karate to the US public. elbows. During class, students wear boxing gloves and proper protective
Practices: A typical practice will cover the three basic elements in gears. In order to excel in Muay Thai, one will need to develop
karate. First, as both warm-up and to perfect technique, we do basics endurance, strength, flexibility, concentration, and reflexes. One will
such as kicking, blocking, or escaping from holds. The second learn to adapt the techniques according to their strengths and
component of karate, kata, uses combinations to learn the application weaknesses at their own pace.
and integration of the basic moves for real combat. Third is sparring,
where we apply our skills with a partner. Because sparring has many Classes are held four quarters a year and are open to everyone
levels, ranging from formalized drills to realistic fighting, people of all regardless of experience. New students can join the class at any time
experience levels can participate immediately in every aspect of karate. during the quarter.
Joining: Our club has practiced at Stanford since 1981 and is fortunate
to have several instructors with the highest rank in the SKA Shotokan Competition: Stanford Muay Thai organizes and hosts two fighting
organization. We offer personalized instruction and welcome students of events per year, one in the fall and one in the spring. Advanced fighters
any level. The best way to find out about any martial art is to do it, so also compete at monthly regional amateur events hosted by Fairtex in
feel free to visit any practice and join us for a workout. Be sure to bring Daly City.
loose, comfortable clothing.
Other Activities: Our purpose is not to train for competition, but there
are tournaments each year where we can hone our skills. We also have
various special practices with other dojos in the Bay Area throughout the
11 8
Shorin Ryu Karate Club JKA Shotokan Karate
Club: Stanford Shorin Ryu Karate Club Club: JKA of Stanford
Contact: Alexander Ivrii Contact: George Candea
Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]

Head Instructor: Ron Mattson Head Instructor: Kenichi Haramoto

Instructors: Steve Paulick, Jeff Violet (6th Dan, Certified Instructor of the JKA)

Meeting Times: Monday: 9-10:15 PM, Tuesday, Meeting Times:

Thursday: 7:30-9:30 PM Tuesday, Thursday: 7-8:30 PM,
Meeting Location: Arrillaga Family Sports Saturday: 12 –2 PM (check web site for
Center, Weintz Wrestling Room #010 on details and directions)
basement level Meeting Location: Roble Gym
Description: An extremely conservative fighting style, Shorin-Ryu
Description: Shotokan Karate is a weaponless martial art developed in
(Matsubayashi Ryu) is a centuries-old merger of Chinese gung-fu and
Okinawa and Japan, emphasizing power and efficiency in combat.
the art, Te, meaning “fist.” Shorin-Ryu is noted for its defense-oriented
Skilled karateka defeat their opponents with a minimal number of
philosophy as well as its swift, straightforward and aggressive attacks
techniques and effort, which is particularly useful when facing multiple
involving the hands, feet and elbows. Students are instructed according
opponents. Shotokan, as taught in the JKA (Japan Karate Association),
to traditional Okinawan methods emphasizing techniques and forms
is distinguished from other martial arts by the linearity and strength of its
rather than being trained to participate in sport karate contests. Basic
punches, blocks, and kicks. Precise techniques, mastery and focus of
techniques Kata, self-defense and physical conditioning are stressed in a
energy flows, plus a deep knowledge of the body's vital points make this
disciplined, formal environment. Instruction in the use of traditional
karate style a comprehensive system for self-defense and combat. JKA
weapons, such as the bo, sai, nunchucku, tonfa and kama, begins at the
Shotokan also constitutes a holistic system in which the training itself has
black belt level. Shorin-Ryu provides an excellent opportunity to improve
far reaching effects on the trainee, from aerobic fitness and strength to
one’s self-confidence and mental and physical strength. Each student is
self-discipline, confidence, and understanding of the physical/mental self.
tested individually, receiving rank according to individual prowess. Rank
testing and promotion are registered nationally with the American Karate Our typical class starts with a traditional bow-in, followed by warmup and
Federation. stretching exercises. Then we do kihon – basic stances, blocks,
punches, and kicks, followed by combination techniques, after which we
Since its beginning in 1987, the Stanford Shorin-Ryu Karate Club has practice kata – complex sets of techniques arranged in a pre-defined
successfully trained and tested over 550 students. Beginners are order, simulating a fight against multiple opponents. The last component
accepted during the first two weeks of every quarter and are encouraged of training is kumite – sparring drills and freestyle sparring, meant to turn
to participate in our traditional Shorin-Ryu program training techniques into real, effective fighting techniques. We end with
strength exercises, followed by stretching, cool down, and a traditional
Our club welcomes all students and members of the community,
regardless of experience level. See
for more information.


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