Martensite and The Control of Retained Austenite
Martensite and The Control of Retained Austenite
Martensite and The Control of Retained Austenite
In the early days of steel making, the heat treatment of steels was certainly an art as the
science behind what was happening was just starting to be understood by the 1930s. Prior to
the work of McQuaid and Ehn in the 1930s the carburizing of steel and its subsequent heat
treatment was very difficult as maintaining a fine grain size after carburizing was not
understood. Coarse-grained hardened carburized cases would fracture intergranularly the first
time the part was placed into service. They discovered that small additions of aluminum would
keep the grain size fine after a long exposure, generally 8 to 10 h, at the carburizing
temperature. Prior to that, coarse prior-austenite grain structures would be observed in the
carburized case that would initiate brittle intergranular fractures at minor loads. Next,
Grossman and Bain developed the theory of hardenability where the ideal critical diameter, DI,
could be calculated from steel composition and knowledge of the prior-austenite grain size.
Then, the DI could be used to estimate the as-quenched hardness profile of a uniformly
shaped bar subjected to a known quench media and quench rate.
Over the years, the writer has tried many etchants, plus tint etchants, in an effort to try to
preferentially color retained austenite. In almost all case, these efforts have failed. Many
years ago, an investigator published a short paper claiming that the addition of 1% zephiran
chloride, a wetting agent frequently added to 4% picral to increase the speed of etching [6],
would reveal retained austenite by creating a strong contrast between the dark martensite
and the un-etched austenite using nital. This author claimed to be able to see and measure
by point counting retained austenite down to ~2% in steels. The writer has tried to duplicate
this experiment three times, the most recently using railroad cone bearings of carburized
8720 alloy steel. Unfortunately, no details of how these bearings were processed and then
prepared for metallography are known. But, at some earlier time, they were analyzed by x-
ray diffraction. Three pieces claimed to contain 25.4, 19.7 and 16.2% retained austenite were
given to the writer who mounted them in a low-temperature curing epoxy compound and
ground and polished them. Nital plus zephiran chloride did reveal the retained austenite
much better than nital without the addition and higher amounts of retained austenite were
recorded when zephirian chloride was added – but the image analysis results were very low
compared to the x-ray diffraction results. Of course, it is possible that some of the retained
austenite had isothermally transformed between the time when the XRD work was done and
when the image analysis work was done – a time that may have been a few years.
Figure 7: As-quenched plate and Figure 8: As-quenched plate Figure 9: As-quenched plate
lath martensite in 10B62 alloy steel martensite and small white angular martensite and un-dissolved
(0.54/0.67% C) austenitized at patches of retained austenite in cementite (small white globular
1525°F and water quenched. The 1095 alloy steel (0.90/1.03% C) particles) in W1 carbon tool steel
structure appears to be coarser than austenitized at 1650°F (dissolves (1.05% C) correctly austenized at
what should be obtained with a all cementite suppressing the Ms 1475°F and brine quenched. Note
1525°F austenitize. The specimen and Mf resulting in visible retained that no retained austenite is visible
was etched with nital and the austenite and some grain growth) and the grain structure is fine as
image is at 1000X (magnification and water quenched. The can be inferred from the finer plate
bar is 10 μm). specimen was etched with nital and martensite compared to that in Fig.
the image is at 1000X 8. The specimen was etched with
(magnification bar is 10 μm). nital and the image is at 1000X
(magnification bar is 10 μm).
Figure 11 shows the microstructure of the cone bearing that was reported to contain 25.4%
retained austenite etched with 4% nital plus 1% zephiran chloride which gave better results
than 2% nital. The image, by eye, does not appear to be one-fourth retained austenite and
image analysis measured only 13.3% with this etch (and less with 2% nital and two other
etchants tried). The specimen with 19.7% retained austenite was measured as 8.5% by image
analysis with this etch and the specimen with 16.2% retained austenite was measured as only
1.2% retained austenite by image analysis with this etch. In general, this is the type of
difference that the writer has always seen when doing similar experiments previously.
Figure 11: Surface of a carburized 8720 alloy steel Figure 12: Type D3 tool steel grossly over-
railroad cone bearing etched with nital plus 1% austenitized at 2200°F dissolving most of
zephiran chloride. Image analysis yielded 13.3% Cr23C6carbide and some of the Cr7C3 primary carbide
retained austenite vs 25.4% by XRD (1000X). (the white globular particles still present). The matrix
is all retained austenite, colored by the tint etch used
(Beraha’s sulfamic acid #4, viewed with polarized
light and sensitive tint). Note that annealing twins
can be seen in the matrix and oxidation is present in
some of the austenite grain boundaries (500X).
Martensite is the most important constituent produced by heat treatments designed to
produce ideal mechanical properties. Isothermal treatments may sometimes be used to
produce lower bainite microstructures which do yield excellent properties while being immune
to certain embrittlement problems, such as temper martensite embrittlement, that
detrimentally affect tempered martensitic steels. But, hardenability issues limit the ability to
use this technology more widely.
The appearance of martensite does vary with the amount of carbon dissolved in the austenite.
Examples of lath martensite, lath and plate martensite, plate and lath martensite and plate
martensite and retained austenite or plate martensite and cementite microstructures were
illustrated. Examples of excessive retained austenite were illustrated. It is the writer’s
experience, based upon three experiments using specimens with different austenite contents
determined by x-ray diffraction, that retained austenite in steels cannot be observed with the
light microscope until the amount is in the range of about 12 to 15%. Retained austenite
above this level has only been shown to be helpful to service performance when it is present in
the carburized cases of gear teeth. In tool steels, most of which are through hardened,
unstable retained austenite leads to a short service life and fracture.
1. L.E. Samuels, Light Microscopy of Carbon Steels, ASM International, Materials Park, OH,
1999, p. 273.
2. G. Krauss, “Martensitic Transformation, Structure and Properties in Hardenable Steels, in
Hardenability Concepts with Applications to Steel, D.V. Doane and J.S. Kirkaldy, eds., AIME,
Warrendale, PA, 1978, pp. 229-248.
3. A. Litwinchuk et al., J. Material Science, Vol. 11, 1976, p. 1200.
4. G. Krauss, Principles of Heat Treatment of Steel, ASM, Metals Park, OH, 1980, p. 52.
5. G.R. Speich and W.C. Leslie, Met. Trans., Vol. 3, 1972, p. 1043.
6. G.F. Vander Voort, Metallography: Principles and Practice, McGraw-Hill Book Co., NY, 1984;
ASM International, Materials Park, OH, 1999.
George Vander Voort has a background in physical, process and mechanical metallurgy and
has been performing metallographic studies for 47 years. He is a long-time member of ASTM
Committee E-4 on metallography and has published extensively in metallography and failure
analysis. He regularly teaches MEI courses for ASM International and is now doing webinars.
He is a consultant for Struers Inc. and will be teaching courses soon for them. He can be
reached at 1-847-623-7648, EMAIL: [email protected] and through his web