College of Nursing: Republic of The Philippines Cavite State University Don Severino Delas Alas Campus Indang, Cavite
College of Nursing: Republic of The Philippines Cavite State University Don Severino Delas Alas Campus Indang, Cavite
College of Nursing: Republic of The Philippines Cavite State University Don Severino Delas Alas Campus Indang, Cavite
A premier university in CAVITE STATE UNIVERSITY Cavite State University shall provide
historic Cavite recognized for excellent, equitable and relevant
excellence in the Don Severino Delas Alas Campus educational opportunities in the arts,
development of morally Indang, Cavite science and technology through
upright and globally quality instruction and relevant
competitive individuals. research and development activities.
It shall produce professional, skilled
and morally upright individuals for
College of Nursing global competitiveness.
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During the interview, the client stated that she had a cough a few days after
receiving the covid-19 booster dose. Apart from the cough, she seemed to be in good
The client said that at first it felt like a fever, then it subsided and then, after a few
days, the cough and illness returned. She also said that she feels somewhat queasy
after the covid-19 booster dose but is not in discomfort. Additionally, the client
Client ZJR said verbally that she had a childhood asthma attack when she was
around 6-7 years old but that it had passed her by. She also took certain drugs and
inhalers before to each attack of asthma. She stated that she had no record of any
There is no record of any surgical operations in the client for the past 22 years
A. Genogram
According to client ZPR’s genogram, both her grandparents on her father's side
are already dead due to diabetes and cervix cancer, while on her mother's side, her
grandfather died due to hypertension and her grandmother had asthma. Her father also
died due to liver cancer, which is a complication of hepatitis-B, and on the maternal side,
her mother has adult immune thrombocytopenia and her uncle is hypertensive. She only
has one sibling, who is a 17-year-old boy who has G6PD (glucose-6-phosphate
dehydrogenase). This shows that client ZJR is prone to some diseases like diabetes,
hypertension, cervical cancer, and adult immune thrombocytopenia since it runs in their
VI. DEVELOPMENTAL HISTORY (Determine the exact stage based on client’s age and
his milestone and provide some justifications that would be most applicable to the
she nevertheless becomes unwell quickly if she does not take proper care of
herself. Additionally, she said that she makes an effort to eat properly and sleep
sufficiently. She mentioned that she does not smoke but does take alcohol in
moderation owing to an allergy to it. Additionally, she does not undergo annual
physical examinations and does not use herbs or traditional medicines unless no
B. Nutritional – Metabolic
that she feels underweight but she is trying her best to gain weight by eating
more food especially rice and breads or foods that are high in carbohydrates.
She is also taking vitamin C, and she said verbally that she has no difficulty
According to client ZJR's 3-day diet meal plan, she often takes milo and
oatmeal for breakfast, which is presumably helps her to enhance her metabolism.
Due to the fact that oatmeal is a complete grain and high in fiber, eating it in the
morning may assist enhance metabolism, allowing your body to process meals
more efficiently. Oatmeal is one of the meals that may assist in increasing your
she drinks 1-2 cups of rice and nibbles on strawberry milk and chocolate bars. The
decided that an acceptable daily fluid consumption for males is around 15.5 cups
(3.7 liters) of fluids. Women should drink around 11.5 cups (2.7 liters) of fluids every
day. As a result, customer ZJR is not drinking enough water each day, as she often
C. Elimination
According to client ZJR, she usually defecates 3-4 times a week before
taking her bath in the morning. She said that she used to be constipated and would
defecate once a week but is now taking oatmeal to help her defecate more. A 2010
percent of its participants pooped between 3 times per week to 3 times daily. So the
frequency of defecating of client ZJR is considered normal. She also verbalized that
her poop was normal, brown in color, and soft but firm in appearance. Furthermore,
she stated that she usually urinates around 5 to 7 times per day as she drinks a lot
D. Activity – Exercise
According to patient ZJR, she seldom exercises or does so only when she is free
or in the mood, but most of the time she only does stretching for a couple of minutes and
likes to exercise at home when no one is observing. When she has free time, she
generally spends it reading novels in bed, and when asked to assess her fitness level on
a scale of 1-10, she chose 6, since, although she is not overweight, she feels sluggish
Sleep Assignments
Lunch Work
Dinner Laundry
Travel home
According to client ZJR’s 7-day activity table, she usually sleeps from 11pm to
7am to prepare for her online class. She is having her lunch at noon and dinner at 7 p.m.
She is also playing Axie Infinity to earn some money for her allowance. She is also either
reading or relaxing when she have a spare time. She is not also doing any form of
exercise. This shows that client ZPR’s are having a sedentary lifestyle, which is a
lifestyle type in which little to or no physical activity and exercise is done, as opposed to
an active lifestyle. Since the client has a family history of hypertension and diabetes,
having this lifestyle without doing any exercise might be a risk factor
E. Sleep – Rest
Client ZPR described her usual sleep pattern. She stated that she usually needs
the fan facing her feet when she is sleeping and she also uses 3 pillows to keep herself
comfortable. She said that she feels comfortable after sleeping if she is getting enough
sleep and experiences headaches upon waking up if the weather is hot. She also had
insomnia before but was able to pass through it by reading and watching videos on how
to overcome insomnia. She also verbalized that schoolwork can make her awake late at
night, and she usually goes to bed at 11–12 pm. She also tends to be moody when she
does not get enough sleep and used to take melatonin pills to help her sleep well.
F. Cognitive – Perceptual
Client ZJR said that she has no vision or reading difficulties and never
uses glasses or contact lenses. Despite the fact that her mother and brother
both have visual difficulties, she has normal eyesight. She often has difficulty
G. Self-Perception – Self-Concept
she is a 22-year-old who is mostly quiet around people and that she feels her
strength is being able to work on tasks alone, while her weakness is being a
perfectionist, as she usually takes her time on a task when she tries to perfect it.
She also feels particularly alright with her achievements in life so far and she
feels like her performance in life is average because she is not giving her 100%
effort in some things that she does. She also stated that she usually gets
anxious being around people that she does not know or whenever she needs to
start a conversation. Whenever she feels annoyed or angry, she calms herself
she feels depressed, and to overcome it, she has started having a conversation
with her trusted friend whenever she needs someone to talk to. Sleepy and
H. Role-Relationship
Client ZJR is currently living with her family in General Trias Cavite but
she now stays in Indang and comes home only every Saturday and Sunday. Her
grandparent’s on her father’s side lives in Manila while her grandparents on her
mother’s side lives in Iloilo so she is not really close with her. As for her siblings,
she only has one little brother. She stated that she only opens to her family about
certain things.
I. Sexuality – Reproductive
Client ZJR stated that she is not active in sex and that she does not have
any reproductive issues that interferes her daily activities. Her menstruation is also
J. Coping-Stress
Client ZJR stated that the primary stressor she has been feeling recently
is not being able o tgraduate on time, that she has been thinking about it a lot and
has been emotionally affected to the point that it has affected her everyday
activities. The sudden pandemic also had an effect on her mental health, since
she spent the most of her time at home and had minimal engagement with other
whether it's drawing, painting, or playing her favorite game. Additionally, she
stated that she had not participated in any treatment or psychological sessions.
K. Value-Belief
Although the client was born in Singapore and raised in Malaysia, she is
fully Filipino because both of her parents are Filipino. She stated that if a
disease is present, she believes that health care and prayer are the only ways to
heal. She is Roman Catholic and believes in the existence of a God who
watches over us, as well as the value of prayer. She expressed comfort with
eye contact, but only with individuals who are close to her and have no malice
toward her. Family and friends are the most important things in her life.
A. Anthropometric Data
Weight = 44kg
General Appearance
ZJR. is a 22-year-old woman who appears to be her age. She has a good
posture and gait, her hair is neatly styled. Due to her bmi of 17.6 kg/m, she is
considered underweight. If your BMI is less than 18.5, you are considered to be
underweight. If your BMI is between 18.5 and 24.9, you are considered to be
within the normal or healthy weight range. If your BMI is between 25.0 and 29.9,
you are considered overweight. (From the Centers for Disease Control and
the interview. Client ZJR was able to reply adequately to the interviewer's
REVIEW OF SYSTEM (include only those that are significant to the case under study)
A. Eyes /Vision According to client ZJR, she does not have any vision difficulties.
She stated that she prefers to protect her eyes by using anti-
neck problems.
C. Integumentary Client ZJR verbalized that she has no existing skin lesions or hair
loss, but she does have a few hyperpigmentedations from her acne
before. She also noticed a mole that looked like it was growing on
E. Gastrointestinal Client ZJR stated that She has experienced diarrhea and
F. Genito-Urinary The client stated that she urinates just the right amount, about 5 to
7 times a day. She only feels pain or a burning sensation when she
has an UTI. She gets UTIs when she doesn’t drink enough water.
She also had a history of hematuria when she had a urinary tract
infection. Her period usually lasts for 7 days at most and usually
has a strong flow starting on the second day. She also experiences
dysmenorrhea. She first got her period when she was 11 years old.
times where she experienced her leg numbing only because she
H. Endocrine Client ZJR mentioned that she has does not experience: polyuria,
I. Musculoskeletal ZJR stated that she believes that she has scoliosis as she
sometimes feels pain on her back when she stands for too long.
coughs and colds due to the booster shot of covid-19 vaccine that
K. Hematology As stated by client ZJR, she has not had any problems with her
blood before, but she feels like she has low iron in her blood since
L. Immunologic The client verbalized that she feels like she is prone to infections
since she gets sick easily when she does not take care of herself.
She also has an existing allergy to alcohol and gets urticaria when
she ingests it. She is also a little allergic to dog fur and dust as she
she stated.
The client stated that she is currently stressed and anxious as a result of
the pandemic that we are facing. She stated that it was OK at first since, as an
introvert, you wanted to stay at home and relax, but it got really stressful after
she had been at home for too long because she felt deprived of physical
communication with friends and other loved ones. She also stated that she also
feel depressed at the time due to the risks and restrictions of going out.
Client ZJR considered herself an introvert since she liked to have her own
space and to stay at home most of the time. She also stated that she loves to
remain in the background while people are conversing, such as when her friends
are talking; she simply listens to them, not because she does not want to engage,
but because she enjoys listening to them and does not like speaking too much.
causes her social anxiety because she is not used to dealing with individuals she
does not know much about. ZJR verbalized that she also experienced being
stressed and anxious when she was in high school especially when they had to
do an oral exam where you need to stand in front and talk to people or to the
examiner and sometimes even though she already memorized it at home, she
ZJR also stated that not being able to do hospital duties and graduate
made her anxious because she believed she was not ready to communicate with
people again due to her tendency to become very timid. It somehow affected her
daily life because she always feels lazy to do something and use her time
ZJR has never been diagnosed or treated for psychiatric conditions. But
she always feels anxious in many circumstances, like, for example, standing in
front of many people and talking to them. She also gets easily stressed whenever
sometimes becomes a problem because it takes her time to finish one task..
Client ZJR verbalized that no one in their family have been diagnosed with
mental health disorder but her mother usually tends to get stressed and got
V. Personal History
She studied elementary while she was in Malaysia in Sekolah Rendah Sri
Mawar from 2006-2011. And as a child, she considered herself very naughty
because she always do not listen to her parents and always fought with other
kids back then. She also almost got expelled when she bit one of her classmates
on her shoulder, and after that incident, she started to become an introvert
ZJR also stated that she studied high school also in Malaysia in Riam
Road Secondary School from 2012-2016. According to her she felt depressed
when she was in high school due to her ex-boyfriend's being possessive
and refusing to allow her to make friends with other people. She felt excluded
and alone as a result of it. To alleviate her sadness, she would draw or paint as a
way to escape reality and communicate her feelings. She also stated that she
has not sought professional assistance, but instead studied and watched videos
to better understand how she is feeling and that was extremely beneficial to her.
Having very strict parents affected her when she was growing up. It made
her a perfectionist, and she tried not to make any mistakes in anything she did
because her parents would always scold her for even just one mistake. She
verbalized that it is becoming a problem for her because sometimes she tends to
become too much of a perfectionist and it always takes her a long time to do a
single task.
ZJR also stated that she felt depressed when she was in high school due
with other people. She felt excluded and alone as a result of it. To alleviate her
sadness, she would draw or paint as a way to escape reality and communicate
her feelings. She also stated that she has not sought professional assistance, but
instead studied and watched videos to better understand how she is feeling and
ZJR is not yet engaged in sexual activities since she believes that people
When asked about her interactions with others and the people in her
immediate environment, client ZJR stated that she has close friends at school on
whom she can rely and call anytime she is in need. She added that she is close
to her mother and brother, but not nearly as close to her father. She noted that
while both her mother and father were strict, her father was more so, and she
was always afraid of him. Her connection with her brother is strong, yet they
frequently disagree. When her father died of a sickness, it took her a time to
process the news. It affected her not only emotionally, but also physically, as she
became ill as a result of the stress and was bedridden for about two weeks.
the existence of a God who cares for us and the value of prayer. She is not a
churchgoer, but she makes it a point daily to pray and communicate with God.
She believes that people should respect one another's beliefs since, at the end of
and cheerful. She is drowsy the majority of the time and readily becomes
cheerful when something positive happens. She frequently spends her leisure
time drawing, painting, and reading books. She is typically an imaginative type of
person; she vividly imagines several events in her mind and is adept at drawing
and inventing stories in her thoughts. Whenever she is stressed, she attempts to
de-stress through drawing and painting, as these mediums allow her to convey
what she cannot express verbally. Additionally, she reads and watches
good health and has a pleasant personality wearing her white uniform and
maintain constant eye contact and frequently looks sideways when speaking.
laptop but is unable to sustain eye contact with me. Every time she speaks,
she always looks sideways and up and down, but she still communicates
III. Speech
“Since the pandemic has been going on for like 2 years was it? At
first it was fine because as an introvert you want to stay at home and just
relax. But then once you stayed at home for really too long it becomes really
are also pertinent to my inquiry, and she speaks in a soft tone with a low
pitch. Throughout the conversation, she appears cool and composed and
IV. Thought
ZJR's responses to each topic I posed are succinct and direct, and
she avoids word salad. There are moments when her words become
jumbled, but she will pause for a moment and reassemble them.
questions during the interview. She occasionally stops for a bit, particularly
when the question is more personal. She is trying to formulate it in her mind
before speaking it. She remains emotionally stable, even when we talk about
speaks with someone about whom she knows little and is unable to open out
freely. The fact that the two of us were acquainted aided her in opening up
list the months of the year aloud and then backwards. The client was capable
then gave her an address and asked her to repeat it back to me to test her
recall. She made a few errors due to the omission of one letter. I also asked
her to recall her activities over the previous 24 hours, which she was able to
resumed our restricted face-to-face lessons and when the epidemic began,
presenting her with a proverb and asking her to explain how she understood it.
"You catch more flies with honey than with vinegar," I stated. She put it this
way: "you can catch or perform a particular task using a particular method
rather than another type of technique, and that method should be appropriate
for that particular work." It demonstrates that the client was capable of abstract
assess her judgment, she stated that she intended to graduate first and then,
while nursing is not her first choice, work for a few years in nursing before
pursuing a career in the art sector, specifically graphic and fashion design.
Finally, I questioned her about her perceptions of the people around her and
the state of society at the time. She stated that she is not a political person
and so does not know much about it. However, as she can see on social
media, some people do not respect the right to choose, while others are
reluctant to express their thoughts out of fear that others would quarrel or
reasoning, having a good memory, and exercising sound judgment, and that
comfortably in front of her laptop while she we were talking and she also was
able to convey well, think, and reason properly. Emotionally, she is stressed
because of the current situation and that she tends to always feel anxious but
she do things to relieve her stress, however client ZJR still needs more ways