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Password Security:
Top Tips and Tactics
Contents SysAdmin Magazine March 2022


Magazine Contents

3 5 Top Local Administrator Password Solution (LAPS) Tips
March ‘22

9 How to Set and Manage Active Directory Password Policy

13 How to Create, Change and Test Passwords Using PowerShell

SysAdmin Magazine is a free
source of knowledge for IT Pros
who are eager to keep a tight 17 What Is Password Spraying, and How Can You Spot and Block Attacks?
grip on network security and do
the job faster.
20 How to: Get a List of Users with Password Never Expires

22 Tool of the Month: Netwrix Password Policy Enforcer

The Sysadmin Magazine team

[email protected]

Contents SysAdmin Magazine March 2022

5 Top Local
You can have the most complex password in the world, but Microsoft Local Administrator Password Solution (LAPS) is
once it is compromised on one machine, it is open season a Microsoft tool that gives AD administrators the ability to
for all other devices using the same local admin credentials. manage the local account password of domain-joined com-

Administrator Of course, you could customize the local admin creden-

puters and store them in AD.

Password Solution
tials for every Windows device, but that can prove highly When implemented via Group Policy, LAPS creates a ran-
time-consuming not to mention the task of inventorying dom password of a defined length and complexity that is
the many credential sets. The process becomes virtually cryptographically secure and different every time, on every

(LAPS) Tips unworkable when you enable password refreshes (which

you should of course). This is why many admins often just
disable it.
machine. It then applies the newly created password to the
Local Administrator account and records the password in
a secure field in your Active Directory schema. They can
then be retrieved when access is needed to the account.
Jeremy Moskowitz But it’s understandable to have some type of local admin The process is done automatically whenever a Group Policy
Founder & CTO of PolicyPak Software (now part of Netwrix)
account to “walk up and fix the machine” like resetting it’s defined password refresh is due.
domain trust relationship or hardcoding an IP address,
and so on. LAPS does have a few requirements to implement it:
The local Windows administrator account is a coveted tar-
get for hackers and malware. There are potentially a lot of • It only applies to Windows devices
If having the same local admin password on each machine
bad things that can happen if a hacker can crack the local • Devices must be domain joined
is a terrible idea, what can be done about it?
admin account of one of your servers. • It requires a free Group Policy client-side extension
• It requires a schema extension (don’t freak out.)
Dreadful things usually occur when someone downloads a • It only works for the local admin account
malicious malware strain using the administrator account • It only works for ONE local admin account (in case you
as well. The magnitude of these problems is amplified even Tip 1: Use Microsoft Local have more than one.)
more if you use the default administrator account for every
similar machine uses the same password.
Administrator Password
Solution (LAPS)

Contents SysAdmin Magazine March 2022

Make sure you at least select the GPO Editor Templates in

Tip 2: LAPS and Group order to access the necessary ADMX files. The fat client is

Policy a graphical user interface that gives a user with applicable

rights the ability to query the password for a designated
device. You only need to install the Management Tools,
As mentioned, LAPS is deployed using Group Policy, which
and not the “AdmPwd GPO Extension” on your machine
means it requires the creation of a GPO. You first need to
(the one with the GPMC.)
download LAPS which you can do here.

Then use the wizard to install it on your Group Policy

Next, we need to extend the AD Schema in order to accom-
Management machine. You’ll want to do this by hand, and
modate the local passwords.
typically NOT in some automated way.

The two required attributes are:

ms-Mcs-AdmPwd – Stores the password in clear text

ms-Mcs-AdmPwdExpirationTime – Stores the time to re-
set the password

To update the schema, simply import the AdmPwd Power-

Shell module and use the update-AdmPwdADSchema com-
mand as shown below.

You must then go into your local PolicyDefinitions folder

and copy the AdmPwd.admx and AdmPwd.adml files and
paste them into your AD central store. (Check this video on
this process).

Contents SysAdmin Magazine March 2022

The next step is to create a computer side GPO. For this exam-
ple, I will call it LAPS Policy. The LAPS settings will now appear
Once configured, simply deploy the LAPS client-side-ex-
tension software via your desired software deployment
Tip 3: Getting Passwords
under Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > method, like PDQ Deploy. You only need the “GPO Exten- when needed via LAPS
LAPS where 4 settings are available as is shown below. sion” part if you’re going to do an initial test by hand. You
can see this here. So, the day comes that you need to know what the current
generated password is for one of your Windows machines.
How do you do it? There are several ways. On is to use the
following PowerShell command.

You can use your LAPS GPO to manage the password for
Get-AdmPwdPassword -Computername “name of
either the default local admin or a custom local admin ac-
count. Below I have enabled the “Enable local admin pass-
word management ”setting.”

If you installed the LAPS Fat Client, you can access the LAPS
UI application in your start menu.

You can also use PolicyPak to gain more control over the
deployment process. More on that in just a minute.

If you have renamed the local admin account, (which you

should) you can then specify the updated name. Once the
admin account is selected, the final step is to enable the
Group Policy setting which configures the password set-
tings (that include password length and age.)

Contents SysAdmin Magazine March 2022

The key benefit is that PolicyPak can utilize Item-level

Tip 4: Assign Granular LAPS Policies to Users via Item- Targeting for any Group Policy setting, including LAPS.

Level Targeting If you are familiar with Group Policy Preferences, then
you already know how ILT provides a lot more granularity
PolicyPak offers all of the ADMX template settings in its PolicyPak Admin Templates Manager and we update them at the time of
concerning policy assignment. For instance, let’s say that
every new ADMX release. There’s a lot of advantages to using Admin Templates Manager versus standard Group Policy.
all of the local admin accounts residing on your servers are
named ServAdm1n and you want to create a separate LAPS
PolicyPak uses Group Policy Editor as is shown below but adds a secret superpower.
policy for those admins. Since those aren’t admin domain
accounts, you can’t target them using group policy but you
can use ILT to target those machines running Windows
Server 2016.

Contents SysAdmin Magazine March 2022

Now let’s make a LAPS policy for C-Level executive laptops. Naturally, we would want to have a strong password for those local
admin accounts. In this case, I want to enforce 20-character passwords using the strongest complexity. Then I will use ILT to
target the C-Level security group. As you can see in the screenshot below, there are many targetable options including computer As a bonus, while traditional GPOs created within the Group
name, OU Match, Site Match, computer form factor (Laptop vs. Desktop) and more! Policy Editor can normally only be deployed using Group
Policy, PolicyPak settings can be deployed using a number
of ways such as SCCM, KACE or your preferred MDM service.
You can learn more about that process by watching this video
that demonstrates the process of delivering Group Policy
settings, without the Group Policy engine itself.

Contents SysAdmin Magazine March 2022

Tip 5: Pair LAPS with

PolicyPak Least Privilege

Local Administrator Password Solution is a great tool to

tighten administrative access to your most important
Top 12 Windows
machines. In fact, it also makes a great pairing with
PolicyPak Least Privilege Manager. PolicyPak Least
10 Settings for
Privilege Manager completely removes the need to have
local admin rights, enabling Standard Users to do special Managing and
Securing Work
functions like an admin… but without actual admin rights.

from Home
Together, you could enforce LAPS on all of your enterprise
machines … since you won’t be needing local admin access

any longer.

In the end, whatever you can do with Group Policy, you

can do it better with PolicyPak. Implement LAPS and add
PolicyPak and get more security, power, and agility.
Free Download

Contents SysAdmin Magazine March 2022

How to Set How Attackers How to View and Edit

Compromise Corporate Active Directory Password
and Manage Passwords Policy
Active Directory Hackers use a variety of techniques to compromise To defend against these attacks, organizations need a strong

Password Policy
corporate passwords, including the following: Active Directory password policy. Password policies define
different rules for password creation, such as minimum
▪ Brute force attack — Hackers run programs that enter
length, details about the complexity (like whether a special
various potential password combinations until they hit
character is required), and the length of time the password
upon the right one.
lasts before it must be changed.
▪ Dictionary attack — This is a specific form of brute force
Default Domain Policy is a Group Policy object (GPO) that
attack that involves trying words found in the dictionary
contains settings that affect all objects in the domain. To
Jeff Melnick as possible passwords.
IT Security Expert, Blogger
view and configure a domain password policy, admins can
▪ Password spraying attack — Hackers enter a known use the Group Policy Management Console (GPMC). Expand
username or other account identifier and try multiple the Domains folder and choose the domain whose policy
common passwords to see if they work. you want to access, and then choose Group Policy Objects.
With cyberattacks exploding around the world, it’s more
Right-click the Default Domain Policy folder and select
important than ever for organizations to have a robust ▪ Credential stuffing attack — Hackers use automated
Edit. Navigate to Computer Configuration -> Policies ->
password policy. Hackers often gain access to corporate tools to enter lists of credentials against various company
Windows Settings -> Security Settings -> Account Policies
networks through legitimate user or admin credentials, login portals.
-> Password Policy.
leading to security incidents and compliance failures. In this
▪ Spidering — Malicious users collect as much information
article, we will explore how to create and maintain a strong
as possible about a hacking target, and then try out Alternatively, you can access your domain password policy
and effective Active Directory password policy.
password combinations created using that data. by executing the following PowerShell command:

Contents SysAdmin Magazine March 2022

password expiration period. You can check this setting of at least 8; this makes it harder for brute force attacks
Get-ADDefaultDomainPasswordPolicy through PowerShell by executing the command net user to succeed. Complexity requirements typically require
USERNAME/domain. Keep in mind that forcing frequent the password to include a mix of:
password changes can lead to users writing their
Remember, any changes you make to the default domain • Upper or lowercase letters (A through Z and a
passwords down or adopting practices like appending
password policy apply to every account within that domain. through z)
the month to a stem word they reuse, which actually
You can create and manage fine-grained password policies • Numeric characters (0–9)
increase security risks. Setting “Maximum password
using the Active Directory Management Center (ADAC) in • Non-alphanumeric characters like $, # or %
age” to 0 means that passwords never expire (which is
Windows Server. • No more than two symbols from the user’s account
generally not recommended).
name or display name

▪ Minimum password age — Default is 1 day. This setting

• Store passwords using reversible encryption —
specifies how long a password must exist before the
Understanding AD user is permitted to change it. Setting a minimum age
Default is Disabled. This setting offers support for apps
that require users to enter a password for authentication.
Password Policy Settings keeps users from resetting their password repeatedly
to circumvent the “Enforce password history” setting
Admins should keep this setting disabled because
enabling it would allow attackers familiar with how
Here are the six password policy settings and their default and reuse a favorite password immediately.
breaking this encryption to log into the network once
they compromise the account. As an exception, you can
▪ Minimum password length — Default is 7. This
▪ Enforce password history — Default is 24. This setting enable this setting when using Internet Authentication
setting establishes the fewest number of characters a
specifies the number of unique passwords users must Services (IAS) or the Challenge Handshake Authentication
password can have. While shorter passwords are easier
create before reusing an old password. Keeping the
for hackers to crack, requiring really long passwords
default value is recommended to reduce the risk of
can lead to lockouts from mistyping and to security
users having passwords that have been compromised.
risks from users writing down their passwords.

▪ Maximum password age — Default is 42. This setting

▪ Complexity requirements — Default is Enabled. This
establishes how long a password can exist before the
setting details the types of characters a user must
system forces the user to change it. Users typically get
include in a password string. Best practices recommend
a pop-up warning when they reach the end of their
enabling this setting with a minimum password length

Contents SysAdmin Magazine March 2022

Fine-Grained Policy and managing digital identities. Special Publication 800-63B

covers standards for passwords. Revision 3 of SP 800-63B,
AD Password Policy Best
How It’s Configured issued in 2017 and updated in 2019, is the current standard. Practices
Older versions of AD allowed the creation of just one These guidelines provide organizations with a foundation More broadly, administrators should make sure to:
password policy for each domain. The introduction of fine- for building a robust password security infrastructure. NIST
• Set a minimum password length of 8 characters.
grained password policies (FGPP) in later versions of AD has recommendations include the following:
• Establish password complexity requirements.
made it possible for admins to create multiple password
• Require user-generated passwords to be at least 8 • Enforce a password history policy that looks back at the
policies to better meet business needs. For example, you
characters long (6 for machine-generated ones). last 10 passwords of a user.
might want to require admin accounts to use more complex
• Make the minimum password age 3 days.
passwords than regular user accounts. It’s important that • Allow users to create passwords up to 64 characters long.
• Reset local admin passwords every 180 days (consider
you define your organizational structure thoughtfully so it
• Allow users to use any ASCII/Unicode characters in their using the free Netwrix Bulk Password Reset tool for that).
maps to your desired password policies.
passwords. • Reset device account passwords during maintenance
once per year.
While you define the default domain password policy within • Disallow passwords with sequential or repeated
• Require passwords for domain admin accounts to be at
a GPO, FGPPs are set in password settings objects (PSOs). To characters.
least 15 characters long.
set them up, open the ADAC, click on your domain, navigate
• Do not require frequent password changes. Although for • Set up email notifications to let users know passwords
to the System folder, and then click on the Password Settings
years, many organizations have required users to change are set to expire (the free Netwrix Password Expiration
their passwords frequently, this policy often leads to Notifier tool can help).
users making incremental changes to a base password, • Consider creating granular password policies to link up
writing their passwords down, or experiencing lockouts with specific organizational units instead of editing the

NIST SP 800-63 Password because they forget their new passwords. Accordingly,
the latest NIST 800-63B standards call for using password
Default Domain Policy settings.
• Use banned password lists.
Guidelines expiration policies carefully. More recent research • Use password management tools to store multiple
suggests that better alternatives include using banned passwords.
The National Institute of Standards (NIST) is a federal agency password lists, using longer passphrases and enforcing
charged with issuing controls and requirements around multi-factor authentication for additional security.

Contents SysAdmin Magazine March 2022

For more information, read our password policy best

practices for strong security in AD.

▪ Don’t write down passwords. Instead, pick strong

passwords or passphrases you can recall easily, and use
password management tools. GUIDE
▪ Don’t type your password when anyone is watching.

▪ Understand that HTTPS:// addresses are more secure

than HTTP:// URLs. Password Policy
▪ Don’t use the same password for multiple websites that
provide access to sensitive information.
Best Practices
for Strong Security
in AD
Free Download

Contents SysAdmin Magazine March 2022

How to Create,
Once RSAT is installed, start the PowerShell console as a
Windows 10 Version 1809
local administrator and enable the AD PowerShell module
If you are using Windows 10 version 1809, RSAT is included using this PowerShell command:

Change and Test as a Feature On Demand, so you don’t need to download

the RSAT package. To enable RSAT in Windows 10 version

Passwords Using
1809, run the following command in an elevated Power- Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online
Shell console: -FeatureName RSATClient-Roles-AD-Power-

PowerShell Add-WindowsCapability -Online -Name Rsat.


Russell Smith
Microsoft followed the same method for all following OS Create credential
IT Consultant, PowerShell Expert
versions, including Windows 11.
with password using
Automation is the key to streamlining Active Directory man-
agement tasks. In this article, I’ll show you how to create,
Earlier Versions of Windows 10 To create a new user account, use the New-ADUser cmdlet.
change and test user passwords with PowerShell scripts. If you are using an earlier version of Windows 10, download In the example below, I have hardcoded the ad.contoso.
the appropriate RSAT package from Microsoft’s website: com domain in the $UPN variable. You should change this
to match the UPN suffix you want to assign to users.
Installing the AD ▪ If you are managing Windows Server version 1803 or
1709, download and install the WS_1803 package.
PowerShell module ▪ If you are managing Windows Server 2016 or earlier
Provide the user’s first name and last name. The UPN and
SamAccountName will then be created by adding a period
Before you can use PowerShell to manage Active Directory, versions of Windows Server, download and install the between the first and last name. Use the following Power-
you need to install the Active Directory PowerShell module. WS2016 package. Shell script:
If you are using Windows 10 to manage AD, first install the
Remote Server Administration Tools (RSAT).

Contents SysAdmin Magazine March 2022

Password" -AsSecureString)
$GivenName = (Read-Host -Prompt "First Set-ADAccountPassword -Identity $User
Name") -NewPassword $NewPassword -Reset
$Surname = (Read-Host -Prompt "Last
Name") Change a local user’s password
$User = $GivenName+"."+$Surname To change a local user’s password, you need to use the Force a user to change their
$UPN = $User+"" Get-LocalUser and Set-LocalUser cmdlets:
$Password = (Read-Host -Prompt "Pass- password at next logon
word" -AsSecureString)
The Set-LocalUser cmdlet doesn’t support setting a local
New-ADUser -Name $User -SamAccountName $Password = (Read-Host -Prompt "New
user account to force a password change at next logon.
$User -UserPrincipalName $UPN -Account- Password" -AsSecureString)
However, you can achieve the same goal by forcing the
Password $Password -GivenName $GivenName $User = (Read-Host -Prompt "Username")
password to expire:
-Surname $Surname -Enabled $True $UserAccount = Get-LocalUser -Name $User
$UserAccount | Set-LocalUser -Password
$Password $User = (Read-Host -Prompt "Username")
$Usrstring = "WinNT://localhost/"+$User
$usr=[ADSI] $Usrstring

Create new AD user Change an AD user’s password

$usr.passwordExpired = 1
password using PowerShell To create a new AD user password using PowerShell, use
the following script. You will be prompted to specify the

The following code will prompt you to specify a username username of an existing AD account and then a new pass- But you can force users to change their AD account pass-
and password. You must enter a username that already word, which must meet the domain’s password complexity words using Set-ADAccountPassword:
exists in AD and a password that meets the domain’s pass- requirements.

word complexity requirements.

$User = (Read-Host -Prompt "Username")
$User = (Read-Host -Prompt "Username")
Set-Aduser -Identity $User -ChangePass-
$User = (Read-Host -Prompt "Username") $NewPassword = (Read-Host -Prompt "New
wordAtLogon $true
$NewPassword = (Read-Host -Prompt "New Password" -AsSecureString)

Contents SysAdmin Magazine March 2022

account to using the username and password that are en-

Change an administrator password Change the “password never tered when prompted. Note that the Set-Service -Credential

To change the AD administrator password, type administra- expires” attribute parameter is supported only in PowerShell 6 and later.

tor when you are prompted for a username using the code To set the “password never expires” attribute on a local user
below: account, use Set-LocalUser:
$credential = Get-Credential
Set-Service -Name "AppReadiness" -Credential
$User = (Read-Host -Prompt "Username") $User = (Read-Host -Prompt "Username") $credential
$NewPassword = (Read-Host -Prompt "New Pass- Set-LocalUser -Name $User -PasswordNeverEx-
word" -AsSecureString) pires $true
Set-ADAccountPassword -Identity $User -New-
Password $NewPassword -Reset
Change a password’s expiration date
To set the “password never expires” attribute on an Ac-
tive Directory user account, use Set-ADUser: in Active Directory
To change a local administrator password, type administra- If you need to extend the time a user can keep their current
tor when prompted for a username: password, set the pwsLastSet attribute to the current date,
$User = (Read-Host -Prompt "Username")
giving them extra time until Active Directory forces them to
Set-ADUser -Identity $User -PasswordNeverEx-
$Password = (Read-Host -Prompt "New Password" change their password. Clearing the attribute and then set-
pires $true
-AsSecureString) ting it to -1 will set it to the current date and time.

$User = (Read-Host -Prompt "Username")

$UserAccount = Get-LocalUser -Name $User $Username = (Read-Host -Prompt "Username")
$UserAccount | Set-LocalUser -Password $Pass-
Change the service account $User = Get-ADUser $Username -Properties pwd-
word lastset
password $User.pwdlastset = 0
To change the logon properties of a service, use the Get-Cre- Set-ADUser -Instance $User
dential and Set-Service cmdlets. The following code chang- $User.pwdlastset = -1
es the AppReadiness service from using the Local System Set-ADUser -Instance $User

Contents SysAdmin Magazine March 2022

Bulk password reset

The best way to get users to change their AD passwords is
to force a password reset. You can do this in bulk by com-
bining the Get-ADUser and Set-ADUser cmdlets. The com-
mand below uses a filter to get users in the “Accounts” orga-
nizational unit (OU) and pipes the results to the Set-ADUser
cmdlet to force all users in the OU to change their password
at next logon.
Get-ADUser -Filter * -SearchScope Subtree -Search- PowerShell
Scripting Tutorial
Base "OU=Accounts,DC=ad,DC=contoso,DC=com" |
Set-ADUser -ChangePasswordAtLogon $true

for Beginners
Testing a user’s credentials
Free Download
If you want to test if a user’s credentials are working, all you
need to do is start a process using their username and pass-
word. The code below starts cmd.exe using the credentials
entered when prompted.

Start-Process -FilePath cmd.exe /c -Credential (Get-Creden-


Contents SysAdmin Magazine March 2022

What Is Password Citrix is far from the only enterprise that falls short with
password security. When a threat research team scanned
Password spraying flips the conventional strategy by
attempting to log on to multiple user accounts using many

Spraying, and
all Microsoft user accounts in early 2019, they discovered common passwords. Trying a single password on many
that 44 million users were using the same usernames and different accounts before attempting another password on
passwords that had already been leaked online after security the same accounts circumvents normal lockout protocols,

How Can You breaches at other online services. This tendency is alarming,
as the 2020 Data Breach Investigations Report reveals that
enabling the attacker to keep trying more and more

Spot and Block

over 80 percent of hacking-related breaches involve either
stolen (or lost) credentials or brute-force attacks. Unfortunately, password spray attacks are frequently
successful because so many users fail to follow password

Attacks? Password spraying attacks cannot be prevented, but they

can be detected and even stopped in their tracks. In this
article, we explain how this type of attack unfolds, how you
best practices. In fact, the 200 most common passwords
leaked in data breaches in 2019 included obvious number
combinations such as “12345”, common female first names,
can spot attacks in progress and how you can mitigate your and the word “password” itself. Any attacker who targets a
Jeff Melnick risk of becoming the next victim. sufficiently large number of usernames and works with a
IT Security Expert, Blogger large enough bank of common passwords is bound to be
able to compromise some accounts.

In 2019, a data heist at Citrix shook the cybersecurity world. What Is a Password While casting a wide net is likely to return at least a few
The attackers stole business documents from a shared
network drive and from a drive associated with a web-
Spraying Attack? successes, today’s savvy hackers rely on a more precise
approach. They set their sights on users who use single sign-
based tool used in Citrix’s consulting practice. The hackers Typical brute-force attacks target a single account, on (SSO) authentication, hoping to guess credentials that
gained this access to Citrix’s IT infrastructure through a testing multiple passwords to try to gain access. Modern will give them access to multiple systems or applications.
password spraying attack, a technique that exploits weak cybersecurity protocols can detect this suspicious activity They also commonly target users that use cloud services
passwords, leading to criticism that the software giant and lock out an account when too many failed login attempts and applications utilizing federated authentication. This
needlessly compromised its clients by failing to establish a occur in a short period of time. approach can enable attackers to move laterally, since
sound password strategy. federated authentication can help mask malicious traffic.

Contents SysAdmin Magazine March 2022

Once an account has been compromised in a password

spraying attack, the victim may suffer temporary or How to Mitigate the Risk How Netwrix Solutions Can
permanent loss of sensitive information. For organizations,
a successful attack might also mean disrupted operations,
of Falling Victim to a Help
significant revenue losses and reputational damage. Password Spraying Attack The best way to defend your organization against password
While it’s critical to be able to promptly detect successful spraying attacks is to invest in an IT security tool that can
attacks, allowing attackers even brief access to sensitive reliably detect and block these attacks with comprehensive

How to Detect a Password data can prove devastating. A sound cybersecurity strategy
requires a comprehensive, proactive approach that ensures
auditing, alerting and reporting.

Spraying Attack layered protection to block as many attacks as possible. Be Netwrix Auditor can alert you to a wide variety of suspicious
sure to follow these best practices: activity, including events indicative of a password spraying
Although conventional countermeasures might not
attack, so you can respond immediately to protect your
automatically detect password spraying attacks, there are ▪ Require multi-factor authentication for all users.
systems and data. Moreover, it delivers powerful auditing
several reliable indicators to look for. The most obvious is ▪ Ensure all passwords abide by National Institute of
and reporting. Key features include:
a high number of authentication attempts, especially failed Standards and Technology (NIST) guidelines.
attempts due to incorrect passwords, within a short period ▪ Establish sound policies for resetting passwords after
▪ Active Directory auditing and alerting. Netwrix
of time. Naturally, a closely related indicator is a spike in account lockouts.
Auditor tracks Active Directory logins and other user
account lockouts. ▪ Develop a defensible password strategy for shared
activity, including all successful and failed logon
attempts. You can set up alerts on activity you deem
In many cases, password spraying leads to a sudden ▪ Conduct regular user training to ensure all users
suspicious, including single actions like a user gaining
spike in attempted logins involving SSO portals or cloud understand the threat of password spraying and how
admin privileges or a sequence of actions within a
applications. Malicious parties may use automated tools to they can devise and maintain secure passwords.
specified timeframe, such as more than 4 failed login
attempt thousands of logons within a brief period of time.
attempts within 1 minute. You can also easily review
Often, these attempts come from a single IP address or a
the full logon history of any user.
single device.

▪ User behavior analytics. A consolidated view of

unusual activity and ranking of risk actors makes it

Contents SysAdmin Magazine March 2022

easier to spot compromised accounts and malicious In short, with Netwrix Auditor, it’s possible to catch
insiders early, so you can take action to avoid security malicious players early on — and proactively block them
from getting into your network in the first place.
▪ User behavior and blind spot analysis. Spot
malicious actor sneaking around your environment
by easily scrutinizing user activity outside of standard
hours, logon attempts by multiple users from a single
endpoint, and logon attempts by a single user from HOW-TO GUIDE
multiple endpoints.

Netwrix Auditor also helps you fortify your security posture How to Monitor
User Logоns in a
so you are less vulnerable to password spraying attacks in
the first place. In particular, you can:

▪ Enforce password policy best practices with complete

visibility into policy settings and alerts on changes.
▪ Track Azure AD password resets to maintain strong
Learn more
security in the cloud.

▪ Discover and secure accounts that do not require

passwords or whose passwords are set to never expire.

▪ Identify and disable inactive accounts before they can

be exploited by attackers.

Contents SysAdmin Magazine March 2022

How-to for IT Pro Specifies accounts where this value exceeded will be


begin {

.PARAMETER Subject function Write-Log($Message) {

HOW TO: GET A LIST OF USERS WITH PASSWORD Which subject shall be put into email $MyDateTime = Get-Date -Format 'MM-dd-yyyy H:mm:ss'
NEVER EXPIRES .PARAMETER From Add-Content -Path $LogFilePath -Value "$MyDateTime -

Which address shall be used as a FROM field in Email $Message"

.PARAMETER EmailServerAddress }
1. Copy, modify and save the following script by using
SMTP relay address try {
PowerShell ISE:
.PARAMETER FailoverEmail $MaxPasswordAge = (Get-ADDefaultDomainPasswordPolicy

Emails address where all errors will be sent to -Server $Domain).MaxPasswordAge.Days

<# requires -module ActiveDirectory .PARAMETER LogFilePath Write-Log -Message "The max password age for the $Do-
.SYNOPSIS The path to where the informational log file is gener- main domain is $MaxPasswordAge"
Script will scan Active Directory for accounts with ated by this script. if ($PasswordExpirationThreshold -gt $MaxPasswordAge)
expiring passwords #> {
.DESCRIPTION [CmdletBinding()] throw "The value '$PasswordExpirationThreshold' spec-
Script will scan Active Directory for accounts with Param( ified as the password expiration threshold is greater
expiring passwords and will send customized email [string]$Domain = $env:USERDNSDOMAIN, than the max password age for the domain" }
to users [PSCredential]$cred, [string]$EmailTemplate = @'
.PARAMETER Domain [string]$SearchBase, <html> <body> <font SIZE="6" COLOR="#ff0000"> <p
.PARAMETER specifies which domain search will be [string]$UserSearchString = '*', ALIGN="CENTER" style='font-size:20.0pt;font-family:"-
performed against [int]$PasswordExpirationThreshold = 14, Times New Roman";color:#CC0000;mso-bidi-font-weight:
.PARAMETER Cred [string]$Subject = "Password Expiration Notification", bold'>Password Expiration Notice</p> </font><font
The PS credential to use to query AD (if not using [string]$From = "[email protected]", style='font-size:14.0pt;font-family:"Times New Ro-
the logged in credential) [string]$EmailServerAddress = "", man";color:#1C1C1C;mso-bidi-font-weight:bold'>
.PARAMETER SearchBase [string]$FailoverEmail = "[email protected]", <p>Dear $FirstName $LastName,</p> <p>Your password in
The OU path to search for user accounts in. [string]$LogFilePath = 'D:\Temp\ServiceAccountExpira- <U> $domain </U> domain will expire in $DaysBeforeEx-
PARAMETER PasswordExpirationThreshold tions.log' piration days. Please change it as soon as possible to

Contents SysAdmin Magazine March 2022

make sure your account does not get locked out. To } Days

change your password press CTRL+ALT+DEL and select } $FirstName = $User.GivenName

"Change Password". </p> <p>Please review the guide- process { $LastName = $User.Surname

lines below as they are necessary for successfully try { if ($DaysUntilExpire -le $PasswordExpirationThresh-

updating your password.</p> <p>PASSWORD MUST:</p> $GetAdUserParams = @{ old) {

<dir> <p>Be at least 8 total characters</p> <p>Con- 'Filter' = { (Enabled -eq $True) -and (Password- Write-Log -Message "The user $($User.samAccountNam-

tain at least one uppercase character</p> <p>Con- NeverExpires -eq $false) -and (samAccountName -like e)'s password will expire in $DaysUntilExpire days"

tain at least one numeral</p> <p>Not be the same or $UserSearchString)} $EmailBody = $EmailTemplate.Replace('$FirstName',

similar to the last 5 used passwords</p> <p>Be used 'Properties' = 'PasswordLastSet', 'PasswordExpired', $FirstName).Replace('$LastName', $LastName).Re-

for at least 24 hours before changing again</p> </ 'PasswordNeverExpires','EmailAddress' place('$DaysBeforeExpiration', $DaysUntilExpire).

dir> <p></p> <p>If you enter an incorrect password 5 } Replace('$domain', $Domain)

or more times, your account will be locked and you if ($SearchBase) { Send-MailMessage -To $User.EmailAddress -From $From

will need to contact the Help Desk for assistance. </ $GetAdUserParams.SearchBase = $SearchBase -Subject $Subject -BodyAsHtml $EmailBody -SmtpServer

p> </font><font SIZE="4" style='font-size:13.0pt;- } $EmailServerAddress -Priority High -UseSsl

font-family:"Times New Roman";color:#CC0000'> <p if ($Cred) { $ExpiringUsers.Add($User) | Out-Null

ALIGN="CENTER">*** Please do not respond to this $GetAdUserParams.Credential = $cred }

e-mail. <BR>Direct any questions or concerns regard- } }

ing this issue to the IT Help Desk. <BR> For infor- $Today = Get-Date Write-Log -Message "'$($ExpiringUsers.Count)' ac-

mation on how to contact the Help Desk, please visit $Users = Get-ADUser @GetAdUserParams | Where-Object counts found with expiring passwords within $Pass-

</font> <a HREF=""> { $_.PasswordLastSet -and !$_.PasswordExpired } wordExpirationThreshold days"

<font SIZE="4" COLOR="#0000ff"><u> Write-Log -Message "Found '$($Users.Count)' total } catch { </u></font> </dir> </font></b> </ expirable AD user accounts" Write-Log -Message "$($_.Exception.Message) - $($_.

body> </html> $ExpiringUsers = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@() InvocationInfo.ScriptLineNumber)"

'@ foreach ($User in $Users) { }

} catch { $UserPwdExpireDate = $User.PasswordLastSet. }

Write-Log -Message $_.Exception.Message AddDays($MaxPasswordAge)

exit $DaysUntilExpire = ($UserPwdExpireDate - $Today).

2. Automate script execution with Task Scheduler.

Contents SysAdmin Magazine March 2022

STOP WORRYING ABOUT Comply with regulatory requirements for user pass-


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Contents SysAdmin Magazine March 2022

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