Accomplishment Report Grade Chairperson
Accomplishment Report Grade Chairperson
Accomplishment Report Grade Chairperson
Kagawaran ng Edukasyon
Rehiyon XII
Sangay Ng Paaralan Lungsod
Koronadal District 5
Lungsod ng Koronadal
I. Introduction
Department of Education provides equal opportunities for all children to accessible and
mandatory education.
Cognizant to that, K-12 Curriculum plays a significant and vital role in the formation of
children, as a prime movers of Department of Education, administrators, faculty, and staff,
and other stakeholders to continuously strengthen the unified efforts to meet the needs of
the children.
II. Rationale
This report contains the program of activities in Marbel 1 Central Elementary School,
accomplishments, problems encountered, best practices and recommendation.
III. A. Accomplishment
2nd Place - Mass dance (During Family and Elementary Day 2020)
Grade Four teachers, parents and learners participated in different programs and
activities in school/community for the whole school year.
B. Enrolment
Parents, administrator, teachers and other stake holders are giving their untiring
support and active participation in the development of the children.
The school provides an environment that encourages and challenges the learners
to develop their creativity, originality and flexibility in all learning areas.
Different learning areas provides opportunities for the children to explore and
develop their unique abilities.
V. Problems Encountered
30% of grade four parents are not attending meetings and different activities
because some of them are employee and some are busy in making a living.
10% of the learners are identified by the advisers who have problems on their
daily attendance.
VI. Recommendation
Intensify the conduct of home visitation to update the parents who cannot attend
meetings/activities in school/community.
Consistently communicate to the parents of learners who are identified to have
problems on their daily attendance.
Prepared by: