Group7 Databank BSMA1-7
Group7 Databank BSMA1-7
Group7 Databank BSMA1-7
(Arts. 1156-
1304 Civil
Code.) &
BSMA 1-7
The power which a person has under the
Obligation is a juridical necessity because
law, to demand from another any prestation.
in case of noncompliance of obligation, the courts
of justice may be called upon by the aggrieved
WRONG. (cause of action)
party to enforce its fulfillment, or in default thereof,
(Legal meaning) Is an act or omission of
the economic value it represents.
one party in violation of the legal right or rights of
another. In law, the term injury is also used to refer
to the wrongful violation of the legal right of
Obligations which give to the creditor or
obligee a right under the law to enforce their
performance in courts of justice. Based on positive
(a) A legal right in favor of a person (creditor /
NATURAL OBLIGATIONS. (discussed under the
obligee / plaintiff)
Title dealing with “Natural Obligations.”)
(b) A correlative legal obligation on the part of
Based on equity and natural law. Do not
another (debtor / obligor / defendant)
grant a right of action to enforce their performance
(c) An act or omission by the latter in violation
although in case of voluntary fulfillment by the
of said right with resulting injury or damage
debtor, the latter may not recover what has been
to the former.
delivered or rendered by reason thereof. (Art.
(1) Real obligation (obligation to give) - the
subject matter is a thing which the obligor
(1) Passive subject (called debtor or
must deliver to the obligee.
obligor) - the person who is bound
(2) Personal obligation (obligation to do or not
to the fulfillment of the obligation;
to do) - the subject matter is an act to be
he who has a duty
done or not to be done.
(a) Positive personal obligation - ARTICLE 1158. Obligations derived from law
obligation to do or to render service are not presumed. Only those expressly
(Art. 1167) determined in this Code or in special laws are
(b) Negative personal obligation - is demandable, and shall be regulated by the
obligation not to do (naturally precepts of the law which establishes them;
includes obligations “not to give”) and as to what has not been foreseen, by the
(Art. 1168) provisions of this Book. (1090)
Article 1169. Those obliged to deliver or to do Requisites of delay or default by the debtor.
something incur in delay from the time the 3 conditions must be present before mora
obligee judicially or extrajudicially demands solvendi can exist:
from them the fulfillment of their obligation. 1. Failure of the debtor to perform his
However, the demand by the creditor (positive) obligation on the date agreed
shall not be necessary in order that delay may upon;
exist: 2. Demand made by the creditor upon the
(1) When the obligation or the law debtor to comply with his obligation, may be
expressly so declare; or either judicial (complaint filed in court) or
(2) When from the nature and the extrajudicial (made outside of court, orally
circumstances of the obligation it appears that or in writing); and
the designation of the time when the thing is 3. Failure of the debtor to comply with such
to be delivered or the service is to be rendered demand
was a controlling motive for the establishment The creditor has the burden of proving that
of the contract; or demand has been made and the debtor must
prove that the delay was not caused by his fault to GENERAL RULE. Delay by the debtor begins
relieve himself from liability. only from the moment a demand, judicial or
extrajudicial, for fulfillment is made by the creditor.
Effects of delay. Exceptions:
1. Mora solvendi 1. When the obligation so provides.
a. The debtor is guilty of breach or 2. When the law so provides.
violation of the obligation; 3. When time is of the essence.
b. He is liable to the creditor for interest - Debtor is fully aware that the
or damages. In the absence of performance of the obligation from
extrajudicial demand, the interest the designated time would no
shall commence from the filing of longer benefit the creditor.
complaint; and 4. When demand would be useless.
c. He is liable for a fortuitous event 5. When there is performance by the
when the obligation is to deliver a party in reciprocal obligations.
determinate thing. If the debtor can
prove that the loss would have Article 1170. Those who in the performance of
resulted just the same even if he had their obligations are guilty of fraud,
not been in default, the court may negligence, or delay, and those who in any
reduce the damages. manner contravene the tenor thereof, are
● In obligation to give a generic thing, the liable for damages. (1101)
debtor is not relieved from liability for loss
due to a fortuitous event. He can still be Grounds for liability.
compelled to deliver the thing or held liable 1. Fraud (deceit or dolo) - intentional evasion
for damages (Art. 1170). of the normal fulfillment of the obligation. It
2. Mora accipiendi is synonymous to bad faith; it involves a
a. The creditor is guilty of breach of design to mislead or deceive another.
obligation; ● Incidental fraud (dolo incidente) -
b. He is liable for damages suffered, if referred to in Art. 1170. Committed in
any, by the debtor the performance of an obligation
c. He bears risk for loss of the thing due already existing because of a
(see Art. 1262) contract.
d. Where the obligation is to pay money, ● Causal fraud (dolo causante) - fraud
the debtor is not liable for interest employed in the execution of a
from the time of creditor’s delay; and contract under Article 1388, which
e. The debtor may release himself from vitiates consent.
the obligation by the consignation or 2. Negligence (fault or culpa) - any voluntary
deposit in court of the thing or sum act or omission which prevents the normal
due (see Art. 1256) fulfillment of obligation. Failure to observe
3. Compensatio morae the standard of care.
● Delay of obligor cancels the delay 3. Delay (mora) - failure to perform an
of the obligee and vice versa. obligation on time which failure constitutes
● Legally speaking, there is no fault a breach of the obligation.
or delay on the part of both parties. 4. Contravention of the terms of the
obligation - Violation of the terms and
When demand is not necessary to put debtor conditions stipulated in the obligation. The
in delay. contravention must not be due to a
fortuitous event or force majeure.
Fraud and negligence distinguished. Responsibility arising from negligence is
(1) In fraud, there is deliberate intention to demandable.
cause damage or injury, while in In the performance of every kind of
negligence, there is no such intention; obligation, the debtor is also liable for damages
(2) Waiver of the liability for future fraud is arising from his negligence. The court may
void, while waiver may be allowed in increase or decrease the damages recoverable.
negligence (Art. 1172)
(3) Fraud must be clearly proved, while Validity of waiver of action arising from
negligence is presumed from the violation negligence.
of a contractual obligation; and 1. An action for future negligence may be
(4) Liability for fraud cannot be mitigated or renounced except where the nature of the
reduced by the courts, while liability for obligation requires extraordinary diligence.
negligence may be reduced according to 2. Where negligence shows bad faith, it is
the circumstances (Art. 1173) considered equivalent to fraud. Any waiver
for future negligence of this kind is void.
Article 1171. Responsibility arising from fraud
is demandable in all obligations. Any waiver of Kinds of negligence according to the source
an action for future fraud is void. (1102a) of obligation.
1. Contractual negligence (culpa contractual) -
Responsibility arising from fraud is negligence in contract resulting in their
demandable. breach. It makes the debtor liable for
Responsibility arising from fraud can be damages in view of his negligence in the
demanded with respect to all kinds of obligation fulfillment of a pre-existing obligation.
and the court is not given the power to mitigate or 2. Civil negligence (culpa aquiliana) - source of
reduce the damages to be awarded. an obligation between parties not so related
before by any pre-existing contract, also
Waiver of action for future fraud void. called tort or quasi delict.
A waiver of an action for future fraud is 3. Criminal negligence (culpa criminal) -
void as being against law and public policy. A negligence resulting in the commission of a
contrary rule would encourage the perpetration of crime.
fraud because the obligor knows that even if he
should commit fraud, he would not be liable for it, Effect of negligence on the part of the injured
making the obligation illusory. party.
To be entitled to damages, it is not
Waiver of action for past fraud valid. required that the negligence of the defendant
A past fraud can be the subject of a valid should be the sole cause of the damage.
waiver because the waiver can be considered as
an act of generosity and magnanimity on the part Article 1173. The fault or negligence of the
of the party who is the victim of the fraud. The obligor consists in the omission of that
waiver must be expressed in clear language which diligence which is required by the nature of the
leaves no doubt as to the intention of the obligee obligation and corresponds with the
to give up his right against the obligor. circumstances of the persons, of the time and
of the place. When negligence shows bad
Article 1172. Responsibility arising from faith, the provisions of articles 1171 and 2201,
negligence in the performance of every kind of paragraph 2, shall apply.
obligation is also demandable, but such If the law or contract does not state the
liability may be regulated by the courts, diligence which is to be observed in the
according to the circumstances. (1103)
performance, that which is expected of a good Fortuitous may be an act of man or an act of
father of a family shall be required. (1104a) God.
1. Acts of man - event independent of the will
Fault or negligence. of the obligor but not other human wills.
Defined in the first paragraph of Article 2. Acts of God - called majeure or those
1173. According to the supreme court “negligence events which are totally independent will of
is the failure to observe for the protection of the every human being
interests of another person, that degree of care,
precaution, and vigilance which the Kinds of fortuitous events.
circumstances justly demand, whereby such other 1. Ordinary fortuitous events - events which
person suffers injury.” are common and which the contracting
parties could reasonably foresee
Factors to be considered in determining the 2. Extra-ordinary fortuitous events - events
issue of negligence. which are uncommon and which the
1. Nature of the obligation contracting parties could not have
2. Circumstances of the person reasonably foreseen
3. Circumstances of time
4. Circumstances of the place. Requisites of a fortuitous event.
(1) The event must be independent of the
Measure of liability for damages. human will or at least of the debtor’s will;
Damages - money compensation (2) The event could not be foreseen, or if
awarded to a party for loss or injury resulting from foreseen, is inevitable;
breach of contract or obligation by the other. (3) The event must be of such character as to
RULE. The purpose of awarding damages is to render it impossible for the debtor to comply
place the innocent party in the same position he with his obligation in a normal manner; and
would have occupied if the contract or obligation (4) The debtor must be free from any
had been performed according to its terms. participation in, or the aggravation of, the
injury to the creditor, that is, there is no
Kinds of diligence required. concurrent negligence on his part.
(1) That agreed upon by the parties, orally or in
writing; The absence of any of the requisites would
(2) In the absence of stipulation, that required by prevent the obligor from being exempt from
the law in the particular case liability.
(3) If both the contract and law are silent, then the
diligence expected of a good father of a family. RULE. A person is not liable for loss or damage to
another resulting from non-fulfillment of the
Article 1174. Except in cases expressly obligation due to a fortuitous event. - the obligation
specified by the law, or when it is otherwise is extinguished.
declared by stipulation, or when the nature of Exceptions:
the obligation requires the assumption of risk, 1. When specified by law
no person shall be responsible for those a. The debtor is guilty of fraud,
events which could not be foreseen, or which, negligence, or delay, or
though foreseen, were inevitable. (1105a) contravention of the tenor of the
Fortuitous event. b. The debtor has promised to
A fortuitous event is any event which deliver the same specific thing to
cannot be foreseen, or which, though foreseen, is two or more persons who do not
inevitable. have the same interest
c. The obligation to deliver a Presumption.
specific thing arises from a crime Inference of a fact not actually known
d. The thing to be delivered is a arising from its usual connection with another
generic thing which is known or proved.
2. When declared by the stipulation - the
basis for this exception lies upon the Two kinds of presumption.
freedom of contract 1. Conclusive presumption - cannot be
3. When the nature of the obligation contradicted
requires the assumption of the risk - 2. Disputable / rebuttable presumption – can
here, the debtor has the knowledge be contradicted or rebutted by presenting
that the obligation could possibly proof to the contrary
result to injury or damage
When presumptions in Article 1176 do not
Article 1175. Usurious transactions shall be apply.
governed by special laws. (n)
(1) With reservation as the interest -
presumptions in Art. 1176 do not arise where
Simple loan or mutuum.
there is reservation that no payment has
Contract whereby one of the parties
been made as to interest or prior
delivers to another, money or consumable thing,
installments. The reservation may be in
upon the condition that the same amount of the
writing or verbally.
same kind and quality shall be paid.
(2) Receipt without indication of particular
It may be gratuitous (not necessary) or
installment paid - presumption is not
with a stipulation to pay interest.
applicable if the receipt does not recite that it
was issued for a particular installment due as
when the receipt is only dated.
Contracting for or receiving interest in
(3) Receipt for a part of the principal - such a
excess of the amount allowed by law for the loan
receipt, without mentioning the interest,
or use of money, goods, chattels, or credits.
implies that the creditor waives his right to
apply the payment first to the interest and
Requisites for recovery of interest.
then to the principal as permitted by Article
(1) The payment of interest must be expressly
stipulated (Art. 1956);
(4) Payment of taxes - there is no presumption
(2) The agreement must be in writing; and
that previous taxes have been paid by the
(3) The interest must be lawful. (Art. 1957)
payment of the later ones.
(5) Non-payment proven - not applicable where
Stipulation for payment of usurious interest is
the nonpayment of prior obligations has
void, as if there is no stipulation as to interest.
been proven. A presumption cannot prevail
over a proven fact.
Article 1176. The receipt of the principal by the
creditor, without reservation with respect to
Article 1177. The creditors, after having
the interest, shall give rise to the presumption
pursued the property in possession of the
that said interest has been paid.
debtor to satisfy their claims, may exercise all
The receipt of a later installment of a
the rights and bring all the actions of the
debt without reservation as to prior
latter for the same purpose, save those which
installments, shall likewise raise the
are inherent in his person; they may also
presumption that such installments have been
impugn the acts which the debtor may have
paid. (1110a)
done to defraud them. (1111)
Remedies available to creditors for the
satisfaction of their claims. Chapter 3
In case debtor does not comply with his
obligation, creditor may avail himself the following DIFFERENT KINDS OF
(1) Exact fulfillment with the right to damages; OBLIGATIONS
(2) Pursue the leviable property of the debtor;
(3) Exercise all the rights and bring all actions of Classifications of Obligations
the debtor except those inherent in or (1) PRIMARY classifications of obligations
personal to the person; and under the CIVIL CODE
(4) Ask the court to rescind or impugn acts or (a) Pure and Conditional Obligations
contracts which the debtor may have done to (Arts. 1179-1192)
defraud him when he cannot recover his (b) Obligations with a period (Arts. 1193-
claim 1198)
(c) Alternatives (Arts. 1199-1205) and
Article 1178. Subject to the laws, all rights facultative obligations (Art. 1206)
acquired in virtue of an obligation are (d) Joint and Solidary Obligations (Arts.
transmissible, if there has been no stipulation 1207-1222)
to the contrary. (1112) (e) Divisible and Indivisible Obligations
(Arts. 1223-1225)
Transmissible. (f) Obligations with a Penal Clause
Able to be passed on from one person to (Arts. 1226-1230)
(2) SECONDARY classifications of obligation
All rights acquired in virtue of an obligation under the CIVIL CODE
are generally transmissible. (a) Unilateral & Bilateral Obligations
Exceptions: (Arts. 1169-1191)
(1) Prohibited by law (b) Real and Personal Obligations (Arts.
a. By contract of partnership, two or 1163-1168)
more persons bind themselves to (c) Determinate and Generic Obligations
contribute to a common fund, with the (Art. 1165)
intention of dividing profits. (d) Civil and Natural Obligations (Art.
b. By the contract of agency, a person 1423)
binds himself to render service or to (e) Legal, Conventional, and Penal
do something on behalf of another. Obligations (Arts. 1157, 1159, 1161)
c. By the contract of commodatum, one
of the parties delivers to another
something not consumable so that
they may use the same for a certain SECTION 1. — Pure and
time and return it.
(2) Prohibited by stipulation of the parties - Conditional Obligations
Obligation is extinguished when
transmissibility of rights is prohibited by the
Article 1179. Every obligation whose
stipulation of the parties.
performance does not depend upon a future or
uncertain event, or upon a past event
unknown to the parties, is demandable at
Every obligation which contains a What is really contemplated by the law is
resolutory condition shall also be the knowledge to be acquired in the future of past
demandable, without prejudice to the effects events which at the moment is unknown to the
of the happening of the event. (1113) parties interested, for it is only in that sense that
the event can be deemed uncertain. This
Pure Obligation. knowledge determines whether the obligation will
Not subject to any condition. No specific arise or not.
date for its fulfillment. Immediately demandable.
Article 1180. When the debtor binds himself to
Conditional Obligation. pay when his means permit him to do so, the
One whose consequences are subject in obligation shall be deemed to be one with a
one way or another to the fulfillment of condition. period, subject to the provisions of article
1197. (n)
Future and uncertain events. Upon the Period.
happening of which, the effectivity or Future and certain events. Upon the arrival
extinguishment of an obligation. the obligation subject to it either arises or is
Characteristics of a Condition.
(1) Future and uncertain. - to constitute an event Where Duration of Period Depends Upon the
as a condition, it should be future and should Will of Debtor
also be uncertain. (1) The debtor promises to pay when his
(2) Past but unknown. - It refers to a future means permit him to do so.
event, both its very occurrence and the time - The obligation shall be deemed to be
of such occurrence must be uncertain; one with a period.
otherwise, it is not a CONDITION. A - What depends upon the debtor’s will
condition must not be impossible. is not whether he should pay or not
for indeed he binds himself to pay.
Two Principal Kinds of Condition. - What is left only to his will is the
(1) Suspensive Condition. (condition duration of the period.
precedent or condition antecedent) (2) Other cases.
- The fulfillment of which will give rise - As when the debtor binds himself to
to an obligation. pay:
a. “little by little” (Scone vs.
(2) Resolutory Condition. (condition Francisco, 24 Phil. 309.);
subsequent) b. “as soon as possible” (Gonzales
- The fulfillment of which will extinguish vs. Jose, 66 Phil. 369.);
an obligation already existing. c. “from time to time”;
d. “at any time I have the money”
An Obligation is demandable at once; (Soriano vs. Abalos, 84 Phil.
(1) When it is pure (Art. 1179, par 1.); 206.);
(2) When it is subject to a resolutory condition e. “in partial payments” (Levy
(Ibid., par 2.) or Hermanos vs. Paterno, 18 Phil.
(3) When it is subject to a resolutory period. 353)
(Art. 1193, par 2.) f. “when I am in a position to pay.”
(see Luding Hahn vs. Lazatin,
Past event unknown to the parties. [unrep.] 105 Phil. 1358.)
Article 1181. In conditional obligations, the (3) As to possibility: (the condition is)
acquisition of rights, as well as the a. Possible - capable of fulfillment,
extinguishment or loss of those already legally and physically
acquired, shall depend upon the happening of b. Impossible - not capable of
the event which constitutes the condition. fulfillment, legally or physically
(1114) (4) As to cause or origin: (the condition is)
a. Potestative - depends upon the will
Effect of Happening of Condition. of one of the contracting parties
(1) Acquisition of rights. (Subject to a b. Casual - depends upon chance or
suspensive condition) upon the will of a third
- The acquisition of rights by the c. Mixed - depends partly upon
creditor depends upon the happening chance or partly upon the will of a
of the event which constitutes the third person
condition. (5) As to mode: (the condition is)
- Its efficacy or obligatory force (as a. Positive - consists in the
distinguished from its demandability) performance of an act
is subordinate to the happening of a b. Negative - consists in the omission
future and uncertain event. of an act.
- It follows that if the suspensive (6) As to numbers: (there are several
condition does not take place and it is conditions)
certain that it will not be fulfilled, the a. Conjunctive - all must be fulfilled
parties would stand as if the b. Disjunctive - only one or some of
conditional obligation had never them must be fulfilled
existed. (7) As to divisibility: (the condition is)
(2) Loss of rights already acquired. (Subject to a. Divisible - susceptible of partial
resolutory condition) performance
- The happening of the event which b. Indivisible - not susceptible of
constitutes the condition produces partial performance
the extinguishment or loss of rights
already acquired. Potestative Condition.
A condition suspensive in nature and
Article 1182. When the fulfillment of the which depends upon the sole will of one of the
condition depends upon the sole will of the contracting parties.
debtor, the conditional obligation shall be
void. If it depends upon chance or upon the Where Suspensive Condition Depends Upon
will of a third person, the obligation shall take Will of Debtor
effect in conformity with the provisions of this (1) Conditional Obligation Void.
Code. (1115) - Where the condition depends solely
upon the will of the debtor, the
Classifications of Conditions. conditional obligation shall be void
(1) As to effect: (the happening of which) because its validity and compliance is
a. Suspensive - gives rise to the left to the will of the debtor.
obligation - Cannot be easily demanded
b. Resolutory - extinguishes the - In order to not be liable, the debtor will
obligation not just fulfill the condition
(2) As to form: (the condition is) - There is no burden on the debtor and
a. Express - clearly stated consequently, no juridical tie is
b. Implied - merely inferred created.
(2) Only the condition is void. ❖ As it is within his power to comply or not to
- If the obligation is a pre-existing one comply with the same.
- Does not depend for its existence upon
the fulfillment by the debtor of the Article 1183. Impossible conditions, those
potestative condition contrary to good customs or public policy and
- Here, the condition is imposed not on those prohibited by law shall annul the
the birth of the obligation but on its obligation which depends upon them. If the
fulfillment. obligation is divisible, that part thereof which
is not affected by the impossible or unlawful
Where Suspensive Condition Depends Upon condition shall be valid.
Will of Creditor The condition not to do an impossible
If the condition depends exclusively upon thing shall be considered as not having been
the will of the creditor, the obligation is VALID. agreed upon. (1116a)
Where Resolutory Condition Depends Upon ➔ Article 1183 refers to suspensive conditions.
Will of Debtor ➔ Applies only to cases where the impossibility
The obligation is VALID although its already existed at the time the obligation was
fulfillment depends upon the sole will of the debtor constituted.
(seller). The fulfillment of the condition merely
causes extinguishment of rights already acquired. Two Kinds of Impossible Conditions.
The debtor is naturally interested in its fulfillment. (1) Physically Impossible Conditions.
- Nature of things, cannot exist or
❖ the position of the debtor when the condition cannot be done.
is resolutory = the position of the creditor (2) Legally Impossible Conditions.
when the condition is suspensive. - Contrary to law, morals, good
customs, public order, or public
Casual Condition. policy.
If the suspensive condition depends upon
chance or upon the will of a third person. [VALID Effects of Impossible Conditions.
OBLIGATION] (1) Conditional Obligation Void.
- Impossible conditions annul the
Mixed Condition. obligation which depends upon them.
If the suspensive condition depends partly Both condition and obligation are void
upon chance or partly upon the will of a third because the obligor knows his
person. [VALID OBLIGATION] obligation cannot be fulfilled. He has
no intention to comply with his
Where Suspensive Condition Depends partly obligation.
upon will of debtor. (2) Conditional Obligation Valid.
The word “exclusive” or sole makes it clear - If the condition is negative, that is, not
that conditional obligations are valid. Whose to do an impossible thing, it is
fulfillment depends partly upon the will or chance disregarded and the obligation is
of the debtor or the third person. rendered pure and valid. Demandable
at once.
❖ However, if the compliance with the (3) Only the Affected Obligation Void.
obligation still depends upon that part of the - If the obligation is divisible. The part
condition whose fulfillment depends upon thereof not affected by the impossible
the will of the debtor, the obligation is VOID. condition shall be valid.
(4) Only the Condition Void.
- If the obligation is a pre-existing the parties. This rule may also be applied
obligation. Therefore, it does not depend to positive conditions.
upon the fulfillment of the condition
which is impossible for its existence. Article 1186. The condition shall be deemed
Only the condition is VOID. fulfilled when the obligor voluntarily prevents
its fulfillment. (1119)
Article 1184. The condition that some event Constructive Fulfillment of Suspensive
happen at a determinate time shall extinguish Condition.
the obligation as soon as the time expires or if ➔ There are 3 requisites for the application
it has become indubitable that the event will of this article:
not take place. (1117) (1) The condition is suspensive;
(2) The obligor actually prevents the
fulfillment of the condition;
Positive Condition.
(3) He acts voluntarily.
The above article refers to positive ➔ The law does not require that the obligor
(suspensive) conditions - the happening of an acts with malice or fraud as long as his
event at a determinate time. purpose is to prevent the fulfillment of the
The obligation is extinguished: condition.
(1) As soon as the time expires without the ➔ He should not be allowed to profit from his
event taking place; own fault.
(2) As soon as it has become indubitable that
Constructive Fulfillment of Resolutory
the event will not take place although the Condition.
time specified has not expired. ➔ Article 1186 also applies to an obligation
subject to a resolutory condition with
Article 1185. The condition that some event respect to the debtor who is bound to
will not happen at a determinate time shall return what he has received upon the
render the obligation effective from the fulfillment of the condition. (Art 1190)
moment the time indicated has elapsed, or if it
has become evident that the event cannot Article 1187. The effects of a conditional
occur. obligation to give, once the condition has been
If no time has been fixed, the condition fulfilled, shall retroact to the day of the
shall be deemed fulfilled at such time as may constitution of the obligation. Nevertheless,
have probably been contemplated, bearing in when the obligation imposes reciprocal
mind the nature of the obligation. (1118) prestations upon the parties, the fruits and
interests during the pendency of the condition
shall be deemed to have been mutually
Negative Condition. compensated. If the obligation is unilateral,
The above provision speaks to negative the debtor shall appropriate the fruits and
conditions - that an event will not happen at a interests received, unless from the nature and
determinate time. circumstances of the obligation it should be
The obligation shall become effective inferred that the intention of the person
and binding: constituting the same was different.
In obligations to do and not to do, the
(1) From the moment the time courts shall determine, in each case, the
indicated has elapsed without the retroactive effect of the condition that has
event taking place been complied with. (1120)
(2) From the moment it has become
evident that the event cannot Retroactive Effects of Fulfillment of
occur, although the time indicated Suspensive Condition.
(1) In obligation to give.
has not yet elapsed.
- An obligation to give subject to a
➔ If no time is fixed, the circumstances shall suspensive condition becomes
be considered to arrive at the intention of demandable only upon the fulfillment
of the condition. However, once the have his right annotated on the title to
condition is fulfilled, its effects shall the property in the registry of deeds.
retroact to the day the obligation was (2) Rights of Debtor.
constituted because the condition is ● Entitled to recover what he has paid
only an accidental element of a by mistake prior to the happening of
contract. An obligation can exist the suspensive condition. (This right
without being subject to a condition. is granted to the debtor because the
(2) In obligation to do or not to do. creditor may not be able to fulfill the
- No fixed rule is provided. The court is condition imposed, hence it is not
empowered to determine in each certain that the obligation will arise =
case the retroactive part of a a case of solutio indebiti)
suspensive condition that has been ➔ The payment must be by mistake before
complied with. Includes the power to the fulfillment of the condition otherwise
decide that the fulfillment of the the debtor is deemed to have impliedly
condition shall have no retroactive waived the condition.
effect or from what date such
retroactive shall take effect. Article 1189. When the conditions have been
imposed with the intention of suspending the
Retroactive Effects as to Fruits and Interests efficacy of an obligation to give, the following
in Obligation to Give. rules shall be observed in case of the
(1) In reciprocal Obligations. improvement, loss or deterioration of the thing
● There is no retroactivity, because during the pendency of the condition:
the fruits and interests received
during the pendency of the (1) If the thing is lost without the fault of
condition are deemed to have been the debtor, the obligation shall be
mutually compensated. extinguished;
● Does not have to render mutual (2) If the thing is lost through the fault of
accounting of what they have the debtor, he shall be obliged to pay
received. damages; it is understood that the
● The fruits here may be natural, thing is lost when it perishes, or goes
industrial, or civil fruits. out of commerce, or disappears in such
a way that its existence is unknown or
(2) In Unilateral Obligations. it cannot be recovered
● Usually no retroactive effect (3) When the thing deteriorates without the
because they are gratuitous. fault of the debtor, the impairment is to
● Debtor receives nothing from the be borne by the creditor;
creditor. (4) If it deteriorates through the fault of the
debtor, the creditor may choose
Article 1188. The creditor may, before the between the rescission of the
fulfillment of the condition, bring the obligation and its fulfillment, with
appropriate actions for the preservation of his indemnity for damages in either case;
right. (5) If the thing is improved by its nature, or
The debtor may recover what during by time, the improvement shall inure to
the same time he has paid by mistake in case the benefit of the creditor;
of a suspensive condition. (1121a) (6) If it is improved at the expense of the
debtor, he shall have no other right
Rights of Pending Fulfillment of Suspensive than that granted to the usufructuary.
Condition. (1122)
(1) Rights of Creditor.
● May take or bring appropriate actions Requisites for Application of Article 1189.
for his right, as the debtor may render ● It applies only if:
nugatory the obligation upon the (1) The obligation is real obligation;
happening of the condition. May go to (2) The object is specific or a
court to prevent alienation or determinate thing;
concealment of the property. May (3) The obligation is subject to a
suspensive condition; In the case, B may choose between:
(4) The condition is fulfilled;
(5) There is loss, deterioration, or (a) Rescission (or cancellation) of the
improvement of the thing during the obligation with damages; in this case, X is
pendency of the condition. liable to pay Y P100,000, the value of the
car before its deterioration plus incidental
Kinds of Loss. damages, if any;or
(1) Physical loss - when a thing perishes (b) Fulfillment of the obligation also with
(2) Legal loss - when a thing goes out of damages. (see Art. 1191.) In the case, X is
commerce or when a thing heretofore legal bound to Y to give the car and pay
becomes illegal P10,000 plus incidental damages, if any.
(3) Civil loss - when a thing disappears i such a
way that its existence is unknown or even if (5) Improvement of thing by nature or by time.
know, it cannot be recovered, whether as a ● A thing is improved if the value is
matter of fact or of law increased by time or at the
expense of the debtor or creditor.
Rules in Case of Loss, Deterioration, or
Improvement of Things During Pendency of EXAMPLE:
Suspensive Condition. Suppose the market value of the car
increased, who gets the benefit?
(1) Loss of thing without debtor’s fault. The improvement shall insure to the
benefit of Y. Inasmuch as Y would suffer in case
EXAMPLE: of deterioration of the car through a fortuitous
X obliged himself to give Y his car worth event, it is but fair that he should be compensated
P100,000 if Y will sell X's property. The car was in case of improvement of the car instead.
lost without the fruits of X.
The obligation is extinguished and X is not (6) Improvement of thing at the expense of the
liable to Y even if Y sells the property. A person, debtor.
as a general rule, is not liable for a fortuitous
event. (Art. 1174.) EXAMPLE:
During the pendency of the condition, X
(2) Loss of thing through debtor’s fault. had the car painted and its seat cover changed at
his expense.
EXAMPLE: In this case, X will have the right granted
In the same example, if the loss occurred to a usufructuary with respect to improvements
because of the negligence of X, Y will be entitled made on the thing held in usufruct.
to demand damages (Art.1170.), i.e., P100,000
plus incidental damages, if any. (usufruct - is the right to enjoy the use and fruits
of a thing belonging to another)
(3) Deterioration of thing without debtor’s fault.
● A thing deteriorates when its value The rights granted to the usufructuary are:
is reduced with or without the fault "The usufructuary may make on the
of the debtor. property held in usufruct such useful
improvements or expenses for mere pleasure as
EXAMPLE: he may deem proper provided he does not alter
If the car figured in an accident, as a result its form or substance; but he shall have no right
of which its windshield was broken and some of to be indemnified therefore. He may, however,
its paint were scratched away without the fault of remove such improvements should it be possible
X, thereby reducing its value to P90,000, Y will to do so without damage to the property." (Art.
have to suffer the deterioration or impairment in 579.)
the amount of P10,000. (Art. 1174.) "The usufructuary may set off the
improvements he may have made on the
(4) Deterioration of thing through debtor’s fault. property against any damages to the same." (Art.
Article 1190. When the conditions have for the fulfillment and the rescission of the
their purpose the extinguishment of an obligation, with the payment of damages in
obligation to give, the parties, upon the either case. He may also seek rescission, even
fulfillment of said conditions, shall return to after he has chosen fulfillment, if the latter
each other what they have received. should become impossible.
In case of the loss, deterioration or The court shall decree the rescission
improvement of the thing, the provisions claimed, unless there be just cause
which, with respect to the debtor, are laid authorizing the fixing of a period.
down in the preceding article shall be applied This is understood to be without
to the party who is bound to return. prejudice to the rights of third persons who
As for obligations to do and not to do, have acquired the thing, in accordance with
the provisions of the second paragraph of Articles 1385 and 1388 and the Mortgage Law.
article 1187 shall be observed as regards the (1124)
effect of the extinguishment of the obligation.
(1123) Kinds of Obligation According to the Person
Effects of Fulfillment of Resolutory Condition. (1) Unilateral - when the only one party is
(1) In obligation to give. obliged to comply with a prestation.
● When the resolutory condition in an (2) Bilateral - when both parties are mutually
obligation to give is fulfilled, the bound to each other.
obligation is extinguished and the - Both parties are debtors and
parties are obliged to return to each creditors of each other.
other what they have received under - May be reciprocal or non-reciprocal.
the obligation. (a) Reciprocal Obligations.
(a) There is a return to the status - Those which arise from the
quo. In other words, the effect of same cause. Each party is
the fulfillment of the condition is a debtor and creditor of the
retroactive. other.
(b) In case the thing to be returned (b) Non-reciprocal Obligations.
is legally in the possession of a - Those which do not impose
third person who did not act in simultaneous and
bad faith (see Art. 1387, par. 2.), correlative performance on
the remedy of the party entitled both parties.
to restitution is against the order.
(c) The obligation of mutual Remedies in Reciprocal Obligations.
restitution is absolute. It applies (1) Choice of Remedies.
not only to the thing received but - The aggrieved party may choose
also to the fruits and interests. between two remedies:
(d) In obligations to give subject to (a) Action for specific
suspensive conditions, the performance (fulfillment) of
retroactivity admits exceptions the obligation with
according as the obligation is damages
bilateral or unilateral. (see Art. (b) Action for rescission of the
1187.) obligation also with
(2) In obligation to do or not to do. damages.
● The courts in the exercise of (2) Remedy of Rescission for Non-
discretion may even disallow compliance.
retroactivity, taking into account the - The principal action for rescission
circumstances at each case. for non-performance under Art.
1191 must be distinguished from
Article 1191. The power to rescind obligations the subsidiary action for rescission
is implied in reciprocal ones, in case one of the by reason of lesion or damage
obligors should not comply with what is under Art. 1381.
incumbent upon him.
The injured party may choose between Court may grant a guilty party term for
performance. Article 1192. In case both parties have
The court shall order the rescission committed a breach of the obligation, the
claimed unless there should be just cause for liability of the first infractor shall be equitably
granting the party in default a term or period for tempered by the courts. If it cannot be
the performance of his obligation. (par. 3.) determined which of the parties first violated
Obviously, this exception applies only the contract, the same shall be deemed
where the guilty party is willing to comply with his extinguished, and each shall bear his own
obligation but needs time to do so and not where damages. (n)
he refuses to perform.
Where both parties are guilty of breach.
Remedies are alternative. ● 2 situations:
● He is privileged to choose only one of the (1) First infractor known. - one party
remedies and not both. violated his obligation;
● He may also seek rescission even after he subsequently, the other also
has chosen fulfillment if the latter should violated. In this case, the liability of
become impossible. the first infractor should be
equitably reduced.
Limitations on right to demand. (2) First infractor cannot be
● The right to be rescind by the injured determined. - the contract shall be
party is not absolute. deemed extinguished and each
(1) Resort to the courts - the injured party shall bear his own damages.
has to resort to the courts to assert his
rights judicially
(2) Power of court to fix period - the court
has discretionary power to allow a SECTION 2. —
period within which a person in default
may be permitted to perform his
Obligations with a Period
(3) Right of third person - if the subject
matter of the obligation is in the hands ARTICLE 1193. Obligations for whose
of a third person who acted in good fulfillment a day certain has been fixed, shall
faith, rescission is not available as a be demandable only when that day comes.
remedy. Obligations with a resolutory period
(4) Substantial - rescission will not be
take effect at once, but terminate upon arrival
granted for slight breaches of
contract; the violation should be of the day certain.
substantial as to defeat the object of A day certain is understood to be that
the parties in making the agreement. which must necessarily come, although it may
(5) Waiver of right - the right to rescind not be known when.
may be waived, expressly or If the uncertainty consists in whether
impliedly. the day will come or not, the obligation is
Rescission without previous judicial decree. conditional, and it shall be regulated by the
(1) Where automatic rescission expressly rules of the preceding Section. (1125a)
stipulated. - parties may validly enter into
an agreement that violation of the terms of Obligation with a period.
the contract would cause cancellation An obligation with a period is one whose
thereof even without judicial intervention consequences are subjected in one way or
or permission.
another to the expiration of said period or term.
(2) Where the contract is still executory. -
there is no performance yet by both
parties, but one is ready and willing to Period or term.
comply with what is incumbent upon him A period is a future and certain event upon
and the other is not. the arrival of which the obligation (or right) subject
to it either arises or is terminated
period is not fixed but a period is intended, the
Period and condition distinguished. courts are usually empowered by law to fix the
(1) As to fulfillment. — A period is a same.
certain event which must happen sooner or later
at a date known beforehand, or at a time which ARTICLE 1194. In case of loss, deterioration or
cannot be determined, while a condition is an improvement of the thing before the arrival of
uncertain event; the day certain, the rules in Article 1189 shall
(2) As to time. — A period refers only be observed.
to the future, while a condition may refer also to a
past event unknown to the parties; ARTICLE 1195. Anything paid or delivered
(3) As to influence on the obligation. — before the arrival of the period, the obligor
A period merely fixes the time for the being unaware of the period or believing that
efficaciousness of the obligation. If suspensive, it the obligation has become due and
cannot prevent the birth of the obligation in due demandable, may be recovered, with the fruits
time; if resolutory, it does not annul, even in fiction, and interests.
the fact of its existence. On the other hand, a
condition causes an obligation to arise or to Payment before arrival of period.
cease. Allows the recovery of what has been paid
(4) As to effect, when left to debtor’s by mistake before the fulfillment of a suspensive
will. — A period which depends upon the will of condition.
the debtor empowers the court to fix the duration
thereof. Debtor presumed aware of period.
(5) As to retroactivity of effects. — The presumption, however, is that the
Unless there is an agreement to the contrary, the debtor knew that the debt was not yet due. The
arrival of a period does not have any retroactive obligor may no longer recover the thing or money
effect, while the happening of a condition has once the period has arrived but he can recover the
retroactive effect. fruits or interests thereof from the date of
premature performance to the date of maturity of
Kinds of period or term. the obligation.
(1) According to effect:
(a) Suspensive period (ex die). — The No recovery in personal obligations.
obligation begins only from a day certain upon the It is physically impossible to recover the
arrival of the period service rendered, and as to the latter, as the
(b) Resolutory period (in diem). — The obligor performs by not doing, he cannot, of
obligation is valid up to a day certain and course, recover what he has not done.
terminates upon the arrival of the period.
(2) According to source: ARTICLE 1196. Whenever in an obligation a
(a) Legal period. — When it is provided for period is designated, it is presumed to have
by law; been established for the benefit of both the
(b) Conventional or voluntary period. — creditor and the debtor, unless from the tenor
When it is agreed to by the parties of the same or other circumstances it should
(c) Judicial period. — When it is fixed by appear that the period has been established in
the court. favor of one or of the other. (1127)
(3) According to definiteness:
(a) Definite period. — When it is fixed or it Presumption as to the benefit of period.
is known when it will come This means that before the expiration of
(b) Indefinite period. — When it is not fixed the period, the debtor may not fulfill the obligation
or it is not known when it will come. Where the
and neither may the creditor demand its fulfillment The period mentioned in the above
without the consent of the other, provision refers to a judicial period as
distinguished from the period fixed by the parties
Exceptions to the general rule. in their contract which is known as contractual
(1) Term is for the benefit of the debtor period.
alone. — He cannot be compelled to pay
prematurely, but he can, if he desires, do so. Exceptions to the general rule.
(2) Term is for the benefit of the (1) No period is fixed but a period was
creditor. — He may demand fulfillment even intended.
before the arrival of the term but the debtor cannot - If the obligation does not fix a
require him to accept payment before the period but it can be inferred from its
expiration of the stipulated period. nature and the circumstances that
a period was intended by the
Computation of term or period. parties, the court may fix the
(1) The Civil Code provides: period.
- In computing a period, the first day (2) Duration of period depends upon the will of
shall be excluded, and the last day the debtor.
included. - A contract whereby the proceeds
(2) The Administrative Code of 1987 of the sale of goods should be
(Exec. Order No. 292.), however, provides: turned over to the principal by the
“Legal Periods — “Year’’ shall be understood to agent “as soon [they were] sold”
be twelve calendar months; “month’’ of thirty days, makes the obligation immediately
unless it refers to a specific calendar month in demandable as soon as the goods
which case it shall be computed according to the are disposed of; hence, Article
number of days the specific month contains; 1197 is not applicable.
“day,’’ to a day of twenty-four hours; and “night’’
from sunset to sunrise. Legal effect where suspensive period/
(3) A calendar month is “a month condition depends upon will of debtor.
designated in the calendar without regard to the (1) The existence of the obligation is
number of days it may contain. “ not affected although the period depends upon the
sole will of the debtor.
ARTICLE 1197. If the obligation does not fix a (2) If the obligation is subject to a
period, but from its nature and the condition which depends upon the will of the
circumstances it can be inferred that a period debtor, the conditional obligation is void
was intended, the courts may fix the duration
thereof. Period fixed cannot be changed by the courts.
The courts shall also fix the duration of (1) If there is a period agreed upon by
the period when it depends upon the will of the the parties and it has already lapsed or expired,
debtor. the court cannot fix another period.
In every case, the courts shall (2) The period fixed in a final judgment
determine such period as may under the is res judicata and as such forms an integral part
circumstances have been probably of the imperfect contract which gave rise to its
contemplated by the parties. Once fixed by the designation by the court, and thence, forward part
courts, the period cannot be changed by them. of a perfect and binding contract.
ARTICLE. 1198. The debtor shall lose every
Court generally without power to fix a period. right to make use of the period:
(1) When after the obligation has been Kinds of obligation according to object.
contracted, he becomes insolvent, unless he 1. Simple Obligation - there is only one (1)
gives a guaranty or security for the debt; prestation
(2) When he does not furnish to the 2. Compound Obligation - there are two or
creditor the guaranties or securities which he more prestations. It may be:
has promised; a. Conjunctive - there are several
(3) When by his own acts he has prestations and ALL of them are due
impaired said guaranties or securities after b. Distributive - two (2) or more of the
their establishment, and when through a prestations are due. It may be:
fortuitous event they disappear, unless he i. Alternative Obligation - several
immediately gives new ones equally prestations are due but the
satisfactory; performance of one is sufficient (Art.
(4) When the debtor violates any 1199)
undertaking, in consideration of which the ii. Facultative Obligation - only one (1)
creditor agreed to the period; prestation is due but the debtor may
(5) When the debtor attempts to substitute another (Art. 1206)
When obligation can be demanded before An obligation where various prestations
lapse of period. are due but the performance of one of them is
GENERAL RULE. Obligation is not demandable enough.
before the lapse of the period Note: A debtor can fulfill his obligation by giving
The exceptions are based on the fact that alternative prestations (product or service) of his
the debtor might not be able to comply with his choice.
(1) When debtor becomes insolvent ARTICLE 1200. The right of choice belongs to
(2) When debtor does no furnish the debtor, unless it has been expressly
guaranties or securities promised granted to the creditor.
(3) When guaranties or securities The debtor shall have no right to
given have been impaired or have choose those prestations which are
disappeared impossible, unlawful, or which could not have
(4) When debtor violates an been the object of the obligation.
(5) When debtor attempts to abscond Right of choice, as a rule, given to the debtor.
GENERAL RULE: The right to choose the
prestation belongs to the debtor.
GENERAL RULE: Creditor may exercise the right
ALTERNATIVE to choose when it is expressly granted to him or
by a third person when the right is given to him by
OBLIGATIONS a common agreement
ART. 1199. A person alternatively bound by Right of choice of debtor NOT absolute.
different prestations shall completely perform 1. The debtor CANNOT choose those
one of them. prestations which are:
The creditor cannot be compelled to a. Impossible
receive part of one and part of the other b. Unlawful
undertaking. (1131)
c. Which could not have been the object together with their fruits, and the price with
of the obligation interest. (par. 1, Art 1385)
2. The debtor loses his right of choice when It is the very nature of an alternative
among the prestations, only one is obligation that the debtor can make his choice
practicable. The obligation becomes simple without the consent of the creditor. Hence, the
since there is only one prestation. right given to the debtor to rescind the contract
3. The debtor cannot choose part of one and recover damages, if through the creditor’s
prestation and part of another prestation. fault, he cannot make a choice according to the
*Performance must be COMPLETE (Art. 1199 terms of the obligation.
par. 1) * The debtor, however, is not bound to
ARTICLE 1201. The choice shall produce no *Rescission is only an option.*
effect except from the time it has been
communicated. (1133) ARTICLE 1204. The creditor shall have a right
to indemnity for damages when, through the
Communication of notice that choice has been fault of the debtor, all the things which are
made. alternatively the object of the obligation have
1. Effect of notice - Until the choice is made been lost, or the compliance of the obligation
and communicated, the obligation remains has become impossible.
alternative. The indemnity shall be fixed taking as a
2. Proof and Form of Notice - The burden of basis the value of the last thing which
proving that such communication has disappeared, or that of the service which last
been made is upon him who made the became impossible.
choice. Law does not require any Damages other than the value of the
particular form regarding the giving of last thing or service may be awarded. (1135a)
notice. It may, therefore, be made orally or
in writing, expressly or impliedly. Effect of loss of objects of obligation.
1. Some of the objects - If some of the objects
ARTICLE 1202. The debtor shall lose the right of the obligation have been lost or have
of choice when among the prestations become impossible even through the fault of
whereby he is alternatively bound, only one is the debtor, the latter is NOT LIABLE since he
practicable. (1134) has the right of choice and the obligation can
still be performed.
Effect when only one prestation is practicable. 2. All of the objects - If all of them have been
If more than one is practicable, it is Article lost or have become impossible through his
1200 that will apply. The obligation is still fault, the creditor shall have the right to
alternative because the debtor still has the right of indemnity for damages since the obligation
choice. If only one is practicable, the obligation is can no longer be complied with. If the cause
converted into a simple one. of the loss is fortuitous event, the obligation
is extinguished.
ARTICLE 1203. If through the creditor’s acts, Note: If all items are lost through his (Debtor)
the debtor cannot make a choice according to fault, liability will attach; if through a fortuitous
the terms of the obligation, the latter may event, the obligation will be extinguished.
rescind the contract with damages.
Basis of indemnity.
When debtor may rescind contract. The indemnity shall be fixed taking as a
Rescission creates the obligation to return basis the value of the last thing which disappeared
the things which were the object of the contract (obligations to give) or that service which last
became impossible (obligations to do). In case of Rules in case of loss before creditor has made
disagreement, it is incumbent upon the creditor to choice.
prove such value or which thing last disappeared 1. When a thing is lost through a fortuitous
or which service last became impossible. event - creditor can choose from among
Note: Last item/service is always the basis of the remaining items
indemnity. If last item is lost through fortuitous 2. When a thing is lost through debtor’s fault
event = obligation extinguished; If last item is lost - creditor may choose from the remaining
through debtor’s fault = he is liable. items with damages OR demand the
price/value of the lost item also with a right
ARTICLE 1205. When the choice has been to damages
expressly given to the creditor, the obligation 3. When all the things are lost through
shall cease to be alternative from the day when debtor’s fault - creditor can demand the
the selection has been communicated to the payment of the price/value of any of the
debtor. items with a right to damages
Until then the responsibility of the 4. When all the things are lost through a
debtor shall be governed by the following fortuitous event - Article 1174 shall apply.
rules: Obligation is extinguished.
1. If one of the things is lost through a
fortuitous event, he shall perform the ARTICLE 1206. When only one prestation has
obligation by delivering that which the been agreed upon, but the obligor may render
creditor should choose from among the another in substitution, the obligation is called
remainder, or that which remains if only facultative.
one subsists; The loss or deterioration of the thing
2. If the loss of one of the things occurs intended as a substitute, through the
through the fault of the debtor, the negligence of the obligor, does not render him
creditor may claim any of those liable. But once the substitution has been
subsisting, or the price of that which, made, the obligor is liable for the loss of the
through the fault of the former, has substitution on account of his delay,
disappeared, with a right to damages; negligence or fraud.
3. If all the things are lost through the fault
of the debtor, the choice by the creditor FACULTATIVE OBLIGATION.
shall fall upon the price of any one of An obligation where only one prestation
them, also with indemnity for damages. has been agreed upon but the obligor may render
The same rules shall be applied to another in substitution.
obligations to do or not to do in case one,
some or all of the prestations become Effect of loss.
impossible. (1136a) ● Before substitution - If the principal thing
(what is due) is lost through a fortuitous
When right of choice belongs to creditor. event, the obligation is extinguished;
As an exception to the general rule, the otherwise, the debtor is liable for
creditor may have the right of choice if the debtor damages.
expressly gives it to him. In such a case, the ● After substitution - If the principal thing is
provisions with respect to the debtor as laid down lost (whether through his fault or a
in the preceding articles shall be applicable to the fortuitous event), the debtor is NOT liable
creditor when the right of choice is given to him. because it is no longer due. If the
Before the creditor makes the selection, substitute is lost, the liability of the debtor
the debtor cannot incur in delay. depends upon whether or not the loss is
due to his fault.
Note: If the thing due is lost through a fortuitous to render, entire compliance with the
event = obligation extinguished; if through prestation. There is a solidary liability only
debtor’s fault = liable for damages. when the obligation expressly so states, or
when the law or the nature of the obligation
Alternative and Facultative obligations requires solidarity. (1137a)
(1) As to Number of Prestations ARTICLE 1208. If from the law, or the nature
● Alternative - several prestations or the wording of the obligations to which the
are due but compliance with one preceding article refers, the contrary does not
is sufficient appear, the credit or debt shall be presumed to
● Facultative - only one prestation is be divided into as many equal shares as there
due although the debtor is allowed are creditors or debtors, the credits or debts
to substitute it being considered distinct from one another,
(2) As to Right of Choice subject to the Rules of Court governing the
● Alternative - general rule: to the multiplicity of suits. (1138a)
debtor; exception: creditor and third
person can have the right of choice Kinds of obligations according to the number
when expressly granted to him of parties.
● Facultative - only the debtor has the 1. Individual Obligation - there is only one (1)
right to make the substitution obligor or only one (1) obligee
(3) When loss through a Fortuitous Event 2. Collective Obligation - there are two (2) or
● Alternative - obligation not more debtors and / or two (2) or more
extinguished since debtor has the creditors; may be JOINT or SOLIDARY
right of choice and obligation can still
be performed JOINT and SOLIDARY Obligations.
● Facultative - obligation extinguished 1. Joint Obligation - the whole obligation is to
(4) When loss through Fault of Debtor be paid or fulfilled proportionately by the
● Alternative - loss of ONE, debtor NOT debtors and / or is to be demanded
liable (he has the right of choice). proportionately by the different creditors.
When creditor has the right of choice, (Art. 1208)
loss through fault of debtor, debtor is - performance of a debtor shall be
liable separate and distinct from that of
● Facultative - loss of thing due, debtor the other obligors
LIABLE. Loss of substitute thing - “to each his own”; a debtor is only
before substitution, debtor NOT liable liable for his part of the obligation
and a creditor can only demand for
his part of the obligation
SECTION 4. - JOINT AND 2. Solidary Obligation - each one of the
debtors is bound to render, and / or each
SOLIDARY one of the creditors has a right to demand
from any of the debtors ENTIRE
OBLIGATIONS COMPLIANCE with the prestation (Art
ARTICLE 1207. The concurrence of two or - the whole obligation can be
more creditors or of two or more debtors in performed by either of the obligors
one and the same obligation does not imply - “all for one, one for all”; any of the
that each one of the former has a right to debtors has an obligation to render
demand, or that each one of the latter is bound entire compliance and a creditor
can demand entire compliance Solidary liability also exists when it is
from any debtor imposed in a final judgement against several
Collective Obligation Presumed to be JOINT.
GENERAL RULE: Collective Obligation is Words used to indicate SOLIDARY liability.
presumed to be JOINT unless solidarity is ● Jointly and / or severally
expressly stated. ● Solidaria
● Where there is a plurality of parties (2 or ● In solidum
more debtors and / or 2 or more creditors) ● Together and / or separately
and the share of each in the obligation is ● Individually and / or collectively
specified, the correlative rights and ● Juntos o separadamente
obligations of the parties are known. ● Mancomunada solidaria
● If the share of the debtors (or creditors if
there are many) are not specified, the Kinds of solidarity.
presumption is that the obligation is
JOINT. As a result: 1. According to parties bound:
○ There are as many debts as there a. Passive Solidarity - solidarity on the
are debtors part of the debtors, where any one of
○ There are as many credits as there them can be made liable for the
are creditors fulfillment of the entire obligation. It is
○ The debts and / or credits are in the nature of a mutual guaranty.
considered distinct and separate Note: Any of the debtors will render
from one another ENTIRE COMPLIANCE
○ Each debtor is only liable only to a b. Active Solidarity - solidarity on the part
proportionate part of the debt of the creditors, where any of them can
○ Each creditor is entitled only to a demand the fulfillment of the entire
proportionate part of the credit obligation
!! The debt / credit will be equally divided to Note: Any of the creditors can demand
the number of debtors and creditors ENTIRE COMPLIANCE
c. Mixed Solidarity - solidarity on part of
Words used to indicate JOINT liability. the debtors and creditors, where each
● Jointly one of the debtors is liable to render,
● Conjoint and each one of the creditors has the
● Mancomunada right to demand ENTIRE compliance
● Mancomunadamente with the obligation
● Pro rata Note: Any of the debtors can render
● Proportionately ENTIRELY to any of the creditors
● “We promise to pay” signed by two or more
persons EXAMPLES:
Y and Z promised in solidium to pay C ARTICLE 1212. Each one of the solidary
P20,000. creditors may do whatever may be useful to
the others, but not anything which may be
Solidary, anyone can comply with the obligation. prejudicial to the latter. (1141a)
Divisible because payment can be made partially
as money is divisible. (ex. Any one from the Act of solidary creditor useful/prejudicial to
debtors can pay a partial amount of P10,000 and others.
the balance will be paid some other time) A solidary creditor may do any act
beneficial or useful to the others (ex. demand
d. Joint Divisible Obligation: fulfillment from debtors) but he cannot perform
any act prejudicial (unfavorable) to them.
Y and Z are jointly liable to pay C P2,000. If he performs such act (ex. Remission,
condonation) and as a result the obligation is
In this case, each debtor (Y and Z) shall pay their extinguished, he shall be responsible to the others
part of the obligation (P1,000 each) for damages.
*Object (money) is divisible.*
RULE: theory of mutual agency (i.e., right of one ARTICLE 1215. Novation, compensation,
to act for and in the name of the others/ right to act confusion or remission of the debt, made by
on behalf of the others) among the solidary any of the solidary creditors or with any of the
creditors solidary debtors, shall extinguish the
obligation, without prejudice to the provisions
EXAMPLE: of Article 1219.
The creditor who may have executed
A owes solidary creditors Y and Z the sum any of these acts, as well as he who collects
of P8,000. the debt, shall be liable to the others for the
share in the obligation corresponding to them.
Y (or Z) may demand for the fulfillment of the (1143)
obligation since such act will benefit Z (or Y).
In case of remission or condonation (cancelation Liability of solidary creditor in case of
of debt) effected by either of the creditors, the NOVATION, COMPENSATION, CONFUSION,
obligation will be extinguished but the one who or REMISSION.
effected the act will have to reimburse the other’s Novation (Art. 1291), compensation (Art.
share. 1278), confusion (Art. 1275), and remission (Art.
1270) are modes or causes of extinguishment of
ARTICLE 1213. A solidary creditor cannot obligations. (Art 1231.)
assign his rights without the consent of the It is but logical that the creditor who
others. executed any of these acts should be liable to the
others for their corresponding shares considering
Assignment by solidary creditor of his rights. that such acts are prejudicial to them. (Art. 1212)
Without the consent given by the others, a
solidary creditor CANNOT assign his rights to a NOTE:
third person. Novation - substitution or change of an obligation
REASON: Each creditor represents the others by another (Art. 1291)
and the assignee may not have the confidence of Confusion - characters of creditor and debtor are
the original solidary creditors considering that the merged in the same person (Art 1275)
assignee may not give the shares of the others Condonation or remission - when creditor
after receiving payment. abandons or gives up his right against the debtor
Note: If the assignment is made to a co-creditor, (Art. 1270)
consent of other creditors is not necessary.
ARTICLE 1214. The debtor may pay any one
of the solidary creditors; but if any demand, A is liable to solidary creditors X, Y, and Z
judicial or extrajudicial, has been made by one in the amount of P30,000. If Y (one of the solidary
of them, payment should be made to him. creditors) validly condones the debt in the amount
(1142a) of P18,000, he shall be liable for P6,000 each to
X and Z.
Payment to any of the solidary creditors.
RULE: Debtor may pay any one of the solidary NOTE: Following the condonation of P18,000
creditors. made by creditor Y, leaves A liable to pay the
EXCEPTION TO RULE: When one of the remaining amount of P12,000 to fully satisfy his
creditors made a demand (judicial or obligation. As solidary creditors, each is entitled to
extrajudicial), payment should be made to him. collect P10,000. Given that A is now only liable for
P12,000, creditor Y must pay an additional P6,000
each to creditors X and Z to satisfy their claims.
before the debt is due, no interest for the
!! P12,000 / 3 = P4,000; X and Z are intervening period may be demanded.
P6,000 short. Y then will have to reimburse them When one of the debtors cannot,
the deficit (P6,000 each). because of his insolvency, reimburse his
share to the debtor paying the obligation, such
Effect of Novation, etc. where obligation joint. share shall be borne by all his co-debtors, in
In a joint obligation, causes of modification proportion to the debt of each.
or extinction DOES NOT extinguish or modify the
obligation except with the respect to the creditor Effect of payment by a solidary debtor.
or debtor affected, without extending its operation 1. Between the solidary debtors and creditor(s)
to any other part of the debt or the credit. - Payment made by one of the solidary
debtors extinguishes the obligation.
ARTICLE 1216. The creditor may proceed (payment must be full)
against any one of the solidary debtors or - If two or more solidary debtors offer to
some or all of them simultaneously. The pay the entire obligation, it is up to the
demand made against one of them shall not be creditor to choose which offer to
an obstacle to those which may subsequently accept.
be directed against the others, so long as the 2. Among the solidary debtors
debt has not been fully collected. - After paying the debt, the solidary
debtor who paid on behalf of the others
Right of creditor to proceed against any can demand reimbursement from his
solidary debtor. co-debtors for their proportionate
- The above provision DOES NOT apply to a shares with (legal) interest only from
joint obligation. the time of the payment.
- It reiterates the rule that in a solidary - The payment by one of the debtors
obligation (passive solidarity), any one or creates a joint obligation of
some or all the solidary debtors reimbursement on the part of the co-
simultaneously may be made to pay the debt debtors.
so long as it has not been fully collected. - In case of insolvency of any of the
- It is up to the solidary creditor to determine solidary debtors, the others assume
against whom he will demand payment. the share of the insolvent pro rata.
- If creditor made a demand against any of the 3. Among the solidary creditors
debtors, the one demanded performance - The solidary creditor who collected the
cannot require the creditor to also make a payment on behalf of the others is
demand on his co-debtor or to include them jointly liable to give the latter’s
as party defendants. Creditor has the right to corresponding shares.
proceed against any one of them.
- The paying debtor is entitled to ARTICLE 1218. Payment by a solidary debtor
reimbursement from his co-debtors shall not entitle him to reimbursement from his
co-debtors if such payment is made after the
ARTICLE 1217. Payment made by one of the obligation has prescribed or become illegal.
solidary debtors extinguishes the obligation. If
two or more solidary debtors offer to pay, the Effect of payment after obligation has
creditor may choose which offer to accept. prescribed or become illegal.
He who made the payment may claim GENERAL RULE: Solidary debtor who paid the
from his co-debtors only the share which entire obligation is entitled to reimbursement from
corresponds to each, with the interest for the his co-debtors.
payment already made. If the payment is made
EXCEPTION: There are two (2) cases wherein
the paying debtor CANNOT get any Y and Z are liable in solidum to W in the
reimbursement: amount of P2,000.
a. The obligation has already prescribed
b. The obligation has become illegal If W remitted Y’s share and subsequently, Z paid
the whole amount of P2,000, Z is not entitled to a
EXAMPLE: reimbursement from Y. Why? Because the
remission already extinguished the obligation with
1. A and B are solidary debtors of J in the respect to Y’s share. Z, on the other hand, can
amount of P100,000. The debt prescribed. demand the return of P1,000 from W under the
If A, knowing that the debt has prescribed, still principle of solutio indebiti.
paid the whole amount of P100,000 to J, he
cannot collect from B his corresponding share If Z paid the whole amount of P2,000 before W
from the obligation because the payment was decided to remit Y’s share, Y is liable to Z because
made after the debt has prescribed. the remission is without effect.The obligation was
REASON: “When a right to sue upon a civil extinguished by the payment.
obligation has lapsed by extinctive prescription,
the obligor (debtor) cannot recover what he has ARTICLE 1220. The remission of the whole
delivered or the value of the services he has obligation obtained by one of the solidary
rendered.” (Art. 1424.) debtors, does not entitle him to
reimbursement from his co-debtors.
Prescriptive periods of actions.
“By prescription, one acquires ownership No right to reimbursement in case of
and other rights through the lapse of time in the remission.
manner and under the conditions laid down by The debtor WHO obtains remission pays
law. In the same way, rights and actions are lost nothing to the creditor.
by prescription.” (Art. 1106) In case of novation, compensation, or
confusion (Art. 1215), the debtor with whom it is
ARTICLE 1219. The remission made by the effected is entitled to recover from his co-debtors
creditor of the share which affects one of the their corresponding shares of the obligation.
solidary debtors does not release the latter
from his responsibility towards the co- ARTICLE 1221. If the thing has been lost or
debtors, in case the debt had been totally paid if the prestation has become impossible
by anyone of them before the remission was without the fault of the solidary debtors, the
effected. obligation shall be extinguished.
If there was fault on the part of any one
Effect of remission of share after payment. of them, all shall be responsible to the
If the payment is made first, the remission creditor, for the price and the payment of
or waiver is of no effect. Paying debtor will have damages and interest, without prejudice to
the right to reimbursement from other debtor(s) their action against the guilty or negligent
affected by the remission. debtor.
If remission is made before the payment, If through a fortuitous event, the thing
the paying solidary debtor will not be entitled to is lost or the performance has become
reimbursement. He can however ask the creditor impossible after one of the solidary debtors
to return the share of the other debtor under the has incurred in delay through the judicial or
principle of solutio indebiti. extrajudicial demand upon him by the creditor,
the provisions of the preceding paragraph
EXAMPLES: shall apply. (1147a)
- If the action by C is against B who was
Rules in case thing has been lost or prestation insane at the time the obligation was
has become impossible. contracted, B can put up the defense of
If the thing is lost or the prestation insanity with respect to the entire
becomes impossible, the liability of the solidary obligation. The said defense is personal
debtors depends upon whether or not there is fault to B alone and it is a complete defense.
or delay. - If for example, the portion of the
1. Loss is WITHOUT fault and before delay obligation affecting B is subject to a
- The obligation shall be suspensive condition which has not yet
EXTINGUISHED happened, the non-fulfillment of the
2. Loss is due to fault on the part of a solidary condition is a partial defense as it can be
debtor set up by B only with respect to his
- All shall be responsible to the share. C can demand from B the portion
creditor for the price and payment of the obligation pertaining to A’s share
of damages and interest. Co- as they are solidary debtors.
debtors are entitled to reimburse 3. Defenses personal to other solidary debtors.
from the guilty debtor. - In the two preceding examples, only B
3. Loss is without fault but AFTER delay can be exempt from his liability because
- Same rule with situation 2 of the defense of insanity or non-
fulfillment of the suspensive condition.
ARTICLE 1222. A solidary debtor may, in A, on the other hand, can set up a partial
actions filed by the creditor, avail himself of all defense as regards the proportionate
defenses which are derived from the nature of share of B who was insane the time the
the obligation and of those which are personal obligation was contracted. As a result,
to him, or pertain to his own share. With he shall only be liable for his share
respect to those which personally belong to (P5,000).
the others, he may avail himself thereof only
as regards that part of the debt for which the
latter are responsible. (1148a) SECTION 5. — Divisible
Defenses available to a solidary debtor. and Indivisible Obligations
1. Defenses derived from the nature of the
obligation. ARTICLE 1223. The divisibility or indivisibility
- Defense derived from the nature of the of the things that are the object of obligations
obligation is a complete defense as it in which there is only one debtor and only one
nullifies the obligation or renders it creditor does not alter.
EXAMPLE: Divisible and indivisible obligations.
- A and B are solidarily liable to C in the (1) A divisible obligation is one the object of
amount of P10,000. The entire debt was which, in its delivery or performance, is
paid by J (a third person). If C filed an capable of partial fulfillment.
action against A, the latter can raise the (2) An indivisible obligation is one the object of
defense of payment by virtue of which the which, in its delivery or performance, is not
obligation was extinguished. capable of partial fulfillment.
ARTICLE 1228. Proof of actual damages ARTICLE 1230. The nullity of the penal clause
suffered by the creditor is not necessary in does not carry with it that of the principal
order that the penalty may be demanded. (n) obligation.
The nullity of the principal obligation
Penalty demandable without proof of actual carries with it that of the penal clause. (1155)
In an obligation with a penal clause all that Effect of nullity of the penal clause.
the creditor has to prove, to enforce the penalty, The general principle that the accessory
the violation of the obligation by the debtor. There follows the principal and not vice versa is
is no need to prove that there was actual damages illustrated in the above article.
and losses suffered by the creditor as it is enough When the penal clause is declared or
that there is a stipulation in the contract. One of becomes unlawful, the principal obligation is the
the reasons of fixing the penalty is to avoid such one that turns out to be null and void, the penal
necessity and other difficulties involved in clause goes with it.
As a result, the creditor may enforce the Effect of nullity of the principal obligation.
penalty whether he suffered damages or not. If the principal obligation is void, the penal
However, he cannot recover more than the clause is also void. The reason is that the clause
stipulated penalty and in addition, he must prove cannot stand alone.
the amount of such damages which he actually But if the nullity of the principal obligation is due to
suffered resulting from the breach of the principal the fault of the debtor, who acted in bad faith, by
obligation. reason of which the creditor suffered damages, on
equitable grounds, the penalty may be enforced.
ARTICLE 1229. The judge shall equitably
reduce the penalty when the principal
obligation has been partly or irregularly Chapter 4
complied with by the debtor. Even if there has
been no performance, the penalty may also be
reduced by the courts if it is iniquitous or
When the penalty may be reduced by the
ARTICLE 1233. A debt shall not be understood
ARTICLE 1231. Obligations are extinguished: to have been paid unless the thing or service
(1) By payment or performance; in which the obligation consists has been
(2) By the loss of the thing due; completely delivered or rendered, as the case
(3) By the condonation or remission of may be. (1157)
the debt;
(4) By the confusion or merger of the When debt is considered paid.
rights of creditor and debtor; A debt may refer to an obligation to deliver
(5) By compensation; money, to deliver a thing (other than money), to
(6) By novation. do an act, or not to do an act.
Other causes of extinguishment of (1) Integrity of prestation - A debt to deliver a
obligations, such as annulment, rescission, thing (including money) or to render
fulfillment of a resolutory condition, and service is not understood to be paid unless
prescription, are governed elsewhere in this the thing or service in which the obligation
Code. (1156a) consists has been completely delivered or
rendered, as the case may be. Partial or
Causes of extinguishment of obligations. irregular performance will not produce
In addition to those enumerated in Article the extinguishment of an obligation as a
1231, other causes are: general rule.
(1) Death of a party in case of an obligation (2) Identity of the prestation - The prestation
requiring personal service (Art. 1311, par. must be fulfilled and complete.
1.); When the existence of a debt is
(2) Mutual desistance or withdrawal. admitted by the debtor or established by
(3) Arrival of resolutory period (Art. 1193, par. the evidence of the creditor, the burden of
2.); proving extinguishment by payment
(4) Compromise (Art. 1266); and, devolves upon the debtor who claims
(5) Happening of a fortuitous event. (Art. 1174.) payment.
Good faith is always presumed in the Persons from whom the creditor must accept
absence of proof to the contrary. payment.
The creditor is bound to accept payment or
ARTICLE 1235. When the obligee accepts the performance from the following:
performance knowing its incompleteness or (1) The debtor;
irregularity, and without expressing any (2) Any person who has an interest in the
protest or objection, the obligation is deemed obligation
fully complied with. (3) A third person who has no interest in
the obligation when there is stipulation
Recover allowed when Incomplete or irregular that he can make payment.
performance is waived.
The above provision is the other exception Creditor may refuse payment by a third
to article 1233. It is founded on the principle of person.
estoppel. The creditor, generally, cannot be
compelled to accept payment made by a person
Estoppel. outside the agreement, who is not a co-debtor,
A judicial doctrine that exists in various guarantor or joint debtor or who is otherwise not
common law jurisdictions. Its purpose is to interested in the fulfillment of the obligation. The
achieve equity in contractual matters by creditor can also reject the payment if he may not
preventing (estopping) a person from going back have confidence in the honesty of the third person
on their word. who might deliver a defective thing or pay with a
(1) The creditor may properly reject if the check which may not be honored.
payment is incomplete or irregular.
Effect of payment by a third person.
The second paragraph of Article 1236 they may be guarantors or possessor of
recognizes that payment or performance may be mortgages.
made by any person not incapacitated, even - There is no real extinction of the
without the knowledge or against the will of the obligation, but only a change of
debtor, and although he has absolutely no interest creditor.
in the obligation. (2) Reimbursement- The third person entitled
(1) If made without the knowledge or against by reason of payment has merely the bare
the will of the debtor right to be refunded to the extent provided
- The payer can recover from the in the second paragraph of Article 1236
debtor only insofar as the payment without the right to the guarantees and
has been beneficial to the latter. securities of the original obligation.
- In other words, the recovery is only
up to the extent or amount of the ARTICLE 1238. Payment made by a third
debt at the time of payment. person who does not intend to be reimbursed
(2) If made with the knowledge of the debtor - by the debtor is deemed to be a donation,
The payer shall have the rights of which requires the debtor's consent. But the
reimbursement and subrogation, that is, to payment is in any case valid as to the creditor
recover what he has paid (not necessarily who has accepted it.
the amount of the debt) and to acquire all
the rights of the creditor. Payment by a third person who does not
intend to be reimbursed.
ARTICLE 1237. Whoever pays on behalf of the The article 1238 embodies the idea that no
debtor without the knowledge or against the one should be compelled to accept the
will of the latter, cannot compel the creditor to generosity of another. If the paying third person
subrogate him in his rights, such as those does not intend to be reimbursed, the payment is
arising from a mortgage, guaranty, or penalty. deemed a donation which requires the debtor’s
(1159a) consent to be valid.
However, if the creditor accepts the
Right of third person to subrogation. payment, it shall be valid as to him and the payor
Whoever pays on behalf of the debtor is although the debtor did not give his consent to the
entitled to subrogation if the payment is with the donation.
consent of the latter. (Art. 1237, 1302 [2]). If the
payment is without the knowledge or against the ARTICLE 1239. In obligations to give, payment
will of the debtor, the third person cannot compel made by one who does not have the free
the creditor to subrogate him in the latter’s disposal of the thing due and capacity to
accessory rights of mortgage, guaranty, or alienate it shall not be valid, without prejudice
penalty. to the provisions of article 1427 under the Title
on "Natural Obligations." (1160a)
Subrogation and reimbursement
distinguished. Meaning of “free disposal of the thing due”
(1) Subrogation- The person who pays for the and “capacity to alienate”
debtor is put into the shoes of the creditor. (1) Free disposal of the thing due - means that
The payor acquires not only the right to be the thing to be delivered must not be
reimbursed for he has paid but also all subject to any claim or lien or
other rights which the creditor could have encumbrance.
exercised pertaining to the credit either (2) Capacity to alienate - means that the
against the debtor or against third persons, person is not incapacitated to eneter into
contracts and for that matter, to make a ARTICLE 1241. Payment to a person who is
disposition of the thing due. incapacitated to administer his property shall
be valid if he has kept the thing delivered, or
Free disposal of thing due and capacity to insofar as the payment has been beneficial to
alienate required. him.
As a general rule, in obligations to give, Payment made to a third person shall
payment by one who does not have the free also be valid insofar as it has redounded to the
disposition of the thing dues and capacity to benefit of the creditor. Such benefit to the
alienate it is not valid. This means that the thing creditor need not be proved in the following
paid can be recovered. cases:
The exception is provided in Article 1427.
The creditor cannot be compelled to accept (1) If after the payment, the third person
payment where the person paving has no capacity acquires the creditor’s rights;
to make it. (2) If the creditor ratifies the payment to
the third person;
ARTICLE 1240. Payment shall be made to the (3) If by the creditor’s conduct, the debtor
person in whose favor the obligation has been has been led to believe that the third
constituted, or his successor in interest, or person has authority to receive the
any person authorized to receive it. (1162a) payment. (1163a)
Effect of payment to an incapacitated person.
Person to whom payment shall be made. Payment to a person incapacitated to
Payment shall be made to: administer or manage his property is not valid
(1) The creditor at the time of the payment. unless such incapacitated person kept the thing
This refers to in the phrase “to the person paid or delivered (so that it is not necessary that it
in whose favor the obligation has been should have been invested in some profitable
constituted. venture), or was benefited by the payment.
(2) To the successor-in-interest of the In the absence of this benefit, the debtor
creditor. may be made to pay again by the creditor’s
(3) To any person who bears the authority to guardian or by the incapacitated person himself
receive such payment. A person acquires when he acquires or recovers his capacity. Proof
authority to receive payment by virtue of of such benefit is incumbent upon the debtor who
an agreement or by law or any person paid.
authorized to receive it.
Effect of payment to a third person.
Meaning of “any person authorized to receive Payment to a third person or wrong party
it” is not valid except insofar as it has redounded to
It means not only a person authorized by the benefit of the creditor.
the creditor, but also a person authorized by law That the creditor was benefited by the
to receive the payment, such as a guardian, payment made by the debtor to a third person is
executor or administrator of the state of a not presumed and must, therefore, be
deceased, and assignee or liquidator of a satisfactorily established by the person interested
partnership or corporation as well as any other in proving this fact. In the absence of such proof,
person who may be authorized to do so by law. the payment thereof in error and in good faith will
Payment in good faith to any person in not deprive the creditor of his right to demand
possession of the credit is valid although such payment.
person may not be authorized to receive the
payment. When benefit to creditor need not be proved
by debtor.
But the debtor is relieved from proving by the court (or by any competent authority though
benefit to the creditor in case of: it be administrative) to retain the debt until the right
(1) Subrogation of the prayer in the creditor’s of the plaintiff, the creditor in the main litigation, is
rights; resolved.
(2) Ratification by the creditor; or Payment made subsequently by the
- Ratification means to approve or debtor-stranger shall not be valid if the plaintiff
enact a legally binding act that wins the case and cannot collect from the debtor
would not otherwise be binding in to whom the payment is made. Such payment is
the absence of such approval. considered as made in bad faith.
(3) Estoppel on the part of the creditor The benefit granted by Article 1243 can
The benefit to the creditor is to only be invoked by the creditor who secures the
presumed. Through estoppel, an order of retention.
admission or representation is rendered
conclusive upon the person making it and Garnishment of debtor’s credit.
cannot be denied or disapproved as Garnishment means the proceeding by
against the person relying thereon. which a debtor’s creditor is subjected to the
payment of his own debt to another.
ARTICLE 1242. Payment made in good faith to
any person in possession of the credit shall ARTICLE 1244. The debtor of a thing cannot
release the debtor. (1164) compel the creditor to receive a different one,
although the latter may be of the same value
Payment to third person is possession of as, or more valuable than that which is due.
credit. In obligations to do or not to do, an act
This article gives another instance when or forbearance cannot be substituted by
there is valid payment to a third person. another act or forbearance against the
It must be observed that the “possession” obligee’s will. (1166a)
referred to under the above provision is
possession of the credit itself and not merely of Very prestation due must be complied with.
the document or instrument evidencing the credit. (1) The first paragraph refers to a real
Possession of credit does not refer to the real obligation to deliver a specific thing. A thing
creditor or his heirs, or the person authorized by different from that due cannot be offered or
him or by law under Article 1240. It refers to the demanded against the will of the creditor or
person who has the appearance of the creditor but debtor, as the case may be.
who actually is not. (2) The second paragraph refers to
Furthermore, the payer must act in good personal (positive and negative) obligations.
faith, that is, in the honest belief that he is making The act to be performed or the act prohibited
a valid payment and that the payee is the owner cannot be substituted against the obligee’s will.
of the credit. Good faith, however, is presumed (see Art. 1167.)
ARTICLE 1243. Payment made to the creditor When prestation may be substituted.
by the debtor after the latter has been Substitution can be made if the obligee
judicially ordered to retain the debt shall not consents. In facultative obligations, the debtor is
be valid. (1165) given the right to render another prestation in
substitution. (Art. 1206.)
When payment to creditor is not valid. Article 1244 will not also apply in case of
In an action against the debtor who is the waiver by the creditor or substitution is allowed by
creditor of another, the latter (the debtor-stranger), stipulation with the consent of the creditor.
during the pendency of the case, may be ordered
ARTICLE 1245. Dation in payment, whereby purpose of the obligation and other
property is alienated to the creditor in circumstances shall be taken into
satisfaction of a debt in money, shall be consideration. (1167a)
governed by the law of sales. (n)
Rule of the medium quality.
Specific forms of payment. If the obligation consists in the delivery of
There are four special forms of payment a specific thing, the very thing due must be
under the Civil Code, namely: delivered. However, if the obligation is to deliver a
(1) dation in payment (Art. 1245.); generic thing, the purpose of the obligation and
(2) application of payments (Art. other circumstances shall be taken into
1253.); consideration to determine the quality or kind of
(3) payment by cession (Art. thing to be delivered.
1255.); and
(4) tender of payment and ARTICLE 1247. Unless it is otherwise
consignation. (Arts. 1256-1261.) stipulated, the extrajudicial expenses required
Strictly speaking, application of payments by the payment shall be for the account of the
is not a special form of payment. debtor. With regard to judicial costs, the Rules
of Court shall govern. (1168a)
Meaning of dation in payment.
Dation in payment (adjudication or dacion General rule: The debtor has to pay for the
en pago) means a mode of discharging a debt or extrajudicial expenses incurred during the
claim by the debtor's giving to the creditor with the payment. It is the debtor who benefits primarily,
latter's consent something in full satisfaction of the since his obligation is thus extinguished.
obligation but of a character different from that Exception: When there is a stipulation to the
originally called for by the obligation. It is a special contrary.
form of payment because it is not the ordinary way
of extinguishing an obligation. Debtor pays for extrajudicial expenses.
The extrajudicial expenses of payment are
Governing law. for the account of the debtor. The reason is that
The law of sales governs because dation the obligation is extinguished when payment is
in payment may be considered a species of sale made and it is, therefore, the debtor who is
in which the amount of the money debt becomes primarily benefited.
the price of the thing alienated. (see Art. 1619.) If the parties have made a stipulation as to
In its modern concept, what actually takes who will bear the expenses, then their stipulation
place in dacion en pago is an objective novation shall be followed. Article 1247 does not apply to
of the obligation (see Art. 1291[1].) where the expenses incurred by the creditor in going to the
thing offered as an accepted equivalent of the debtor’s domicile to collect. (Art. 1251.)
performance of an obligation is considered as the
object of the contract of sale, while the debt is Losing party generally pays judicial costs.
considered as the purchase price. In any case, Judicial costs are the statutory amounts
common consent. allowed to a party to an action for his expenses
incurred in the action. Under the Rules of Court
ARTICLE 1246. When the obligation consists (Sec. 1, Rule 142.), the costs of an action shall, as
in the delivery of an indeterminate or generic a rule, be paid by the losing party. The court may,
thing, whose quality and circumstances have however, for special reasons, adjudge that either
not been stated, the creditor cannot demand a party shall pay the costs, or that the same be
thing of superior quality. Neither can the divided, as may be equitable.
debtor deliver a thing of inferior quality. The
No costs are allowed against the executed simultaneously but each successive
Government, unless otherwise provided by law. execution thereof must be complete.
ARTICLE 1248. Unless there is an express ARTICLE 1249. The payment of debts in
stipulation to that effect, the creditor cannot money shall be made in the currency
be compelled partially to receive the stipulated, and if it is not possible to deliver
prestations in which the obligation consists. such currency, then in the currency which is
Neither may the debtor be required to make legal tender in the Philippines. The delivery of
partial payments. promissory notes payable to order, or bills of
However, when the debt is in part exchange or other mercantile documents shall
liquidated and in part unliquidated, the produce the effect of payment only when they
creditor may demand and the debtor may have been cashed, or when through the fault
effect the payment of the former without of the creditor they have been impaired.
waiting for the liquidation of the latter. (1169a) In the meantime, the action derived
from the original obligation shall be held in
Performance of obligation should be abeyance. (1170)
The above provision contemplates Legal tender.
obligations where there is only one creditor and Legal Tender means it is that which a
only one debtor. Joint and several obligations are debtor may compel a creditor to accept in
governed by Articles 1207 to 1222. (Chap. 3.) The payment of the debt (whether public or private)
prestation, i.e., the object of the obligation, must
be performed in one act, not in parts. Legal tender in the Philippines.
In order that payment may extinguish an Debts in money shall be paid in the
obligation, it is necessary that there be complete
currency stipulated. In the Philippines, all coins
performance of the prestation. (Art. 1233.) The and notes issued by the Bangko Sentral ng
creditor may accept but he cannot be compelled Pilipinas constitute legal tender for all debts, both
to accept partial payment or performance. The
public or private.
debtor has the duty to comply with the whole of
the obligation but he cannot be required to make Payment by means of instruments of credits.
partial payments if he does not wish to do so. (1) Right of creditor to refuse or accept. —
Promissory notes, checks, bills of exchange and
When partial performance allowed.
other commercial documents are not legal tender
There are cases, however, when partial and, therefore, the creditor cannot be compelled
performance may be either required or insisted. to accept them. This is true even though the check
Among these cases are: is certified (see Negotiable Instruments Law [Act
(1) The debtor cannot make a partial No. 2031], Sec. 189.), or is a manager’s check.
payment or partial performance to the creditor (a) The creditor, if he chooses, may accept
unless there is an express agreement to that them, without the acceptance producing the effect
effect. of payment. In the meantime, the demandability of
(2) When the debt is in part liquidated the original obligation is suspended until the
(definitely determined or determinable) and in part payment by the commercial document is actually
unliquidated; realized. The creditor must cash the instrument,
(3) When the different prestations in which and it is only when it is dishonored, that he can
the obligation consists are subject to different bring an action for non-payment of the debt. (par.
terms or conditions which affect some of them. It
is evident that the prestations need not be (b) The Civil Code provisions on payment
of obligations, particularly Article 1245, are
applicable where what is involved is the payment bad faith or after he has incurred in delay, the
of a judgment obligation. additional expenses shall be borne by him.
(2) Effect on obligation- Payment by means of These provisions are without prejudice
mercantile documents does not extinguish the to venue under the Rules of Court. (1171a)
(a) until they have been cashed; Price where obligation shall be paid.
(b) unless they have been impaired Article 1251 gives the rules regarding the
through the fault of the creditor. (par. 2.) place for the payment of an obligation without
prejudice to venue under the Rules of Court.
ARTICLE 1250. In case an extraordinary (1) If there is a stipulation, the payment
inflation or deflation of the currency stipulated shall be made in the place designated;
should supervene, the value of the currency at (2) If there is no stipulation and the thing to
the time of the establishment of the obligation be delivered is specific, the payment shall be
shall be the basis of payment, unless there is made at the place where the thing was, at the
an agreement to the contrary. (n) perfection of the contract;
(3) If there is no stipulation and the thing to
Inflation and deflation. be delivered is generic, the place of payment shall
(1) Inflation - is a sharp sudden increase of be the domicile of the debtor. In this case, the
money or credit or both without a corresponding creditor bears the expenses in going to the
increase in business transaction. Inflation causes debtor’s place to accept payment subject to the
a drop in the value of money, resulting in rise of rule in paragraph 5.
the general price level. Note: Venue is the place where a court
(2) Deflation - is the reduction in volume suit or action must be filed or instituted.
and circulation of the available money or credit,
resulting in a decline of the general price level; it
is the opposite of inflation.
Basis of payment in case of extraordinary
inflation or deflation. APPLICATION OF
Under Article 1250, the purchasing value
of the currency at the time of the establishment of
the obligation shall be the basis of payment, in .
case of any extraordinary increase or decrease in ARTICLE 1252. He who has various debts of
the purchasing power of the currency which the the same kind in favor of one and the same
parties could not have reasonably foreseen. This creditor, may declare at the time of making the
is, however, subject to the agreement of the payment, to which of them the same must be
parties to the contrary. applied. Unless the parties so stipulate, or
when the application of payment is made by
ARTICLE 1251. Payment shall be made in the the party for whose benefit the term has been
place designated in the obligation. constituted, application shall not be made as
There being no express stipulation and to debts which are not yet due.
if the undertaking is to deliver a determinate If the debtor accepts from the creditor a
thing, the payment shall be made wherever the receipt in which an application of the payment
thing might be at the moment the obligation is made, the former cannot complain of the
was constituted. same, unless there is a cause for invalidating
In any other case the place of payment the contract. (1172a)
shall be the domicile of the debtor.
If the debtor changes his domicile in
It is the designation of the debt to which (5) If the debts due are of the same nature and
should be applied the payment made by a debtor burden, the payment shall be applied to all
who has various debts of the same kind in favor of of them proportionately.
one and the same creditor. (Art. 1252, par. 1.)
ARTICLE 1253. If the debt produces
REQUISITES OF APPLICATION OF interest, payment of the principal shall
PAYMENTS. not be deemed to have been made until
❖ There must be one debtor and one the interests have been covered. (1173)
❖ There must be two or more debts; INTEREST EARNED PAID AHEAD OF
❖ The debts must be of the same kind; PRINCIPAL
❖ The debts to which payment made by ● RULE IN ARTICLE 1253 MANDATORY
the debtor has been applied must be ❖ The rule laid down in the article is
due; and mandatory. Hence, the debtor cannot
❖ The payment made must not be choose to credit his payment to the
sufficient to cover all the debts. principal before the interest is paid.
❖ The payment must be applied first to
APPLICATION AS TO DEBTS NOT YET DUE. the interest and whatever balance is
The application of payments as to debts left can be credited to the principal.
not yet due cannot be made unless: ❖ The creditor can refuse an application
(1) there is a stipulation that the debtor may of the debtor made contrary to the
so apply; or provision of the Article 1253.
(2) it is made by the debtor or creditor, as the ● RULE SUBJECT TO AGREEMENT OR
case may be, for whose benefit the period VIEWER
has been constituted. (see Art. 1196; also ❖ The rule is subject, however, to any
Art. 179210.) agreement between the parties, or to
waiver by the creditor.
ARTICLE 1254. When the payment cannot be
(1) The debtor has the first choice; he must applied in accordance with the preceding
indicate at the time of making payment, and rules, or if application cannot be inferred from
not afterwards, which particular debt is other circumstances, the debt which is most
being paid. If, in making use of his right, the onerous to the debtor, among those due, shall
debtor applied the payment to a debt, he be deemed to have been satisfied.
cannot later claim that it should be applied If the debts due are of the same nature
to another debt. and burden, the payment shall be applied to all
(2) The right to make the application once of them proportionately. (1174a)
exercised is irrevocable unless the creditor
consents to the change. APPLICATION OF PAYMENT TO MORE
(3) If the debtor does not apply payment, the ONEROUS DEBTS.
creditor may make the designation by In case no application of payment has
specifying in the receipt which debt is being been made by the debtor and the creditor, then
paid; the payment shall be applied to the most onerous
(4) If the creditor has not also made the debt, and if the debts are of the same nature and
application, or if the application is not valid, burden, to all of them proportionately.
the debt, which is most onerous to the
debtor among those due, shall be deemed WHEN A DEBT MORE ONEROUS THAN
to have been satisfied. ANOTHER.
● A debt is more onerous than another when it cession, are made be- tween the debtor and
is more burdensome to the debtor. his creditors shall be governed by special
● No fixed rule can be laid down in determining laws. (1175a)
which debt is more onerous to the debtor
since the condition of being more
burdensome is a question of relative
appreciation. It is another special form of payment. It is
● The Supreme Court, however, in various the assignment or abandonment of all the
decisions has given some rules which can properties of the debtor for the benefit of his
be: creditors in order that the latter may sell the
(1) An interest-bearing debt is more same and apply the proceeds thereof to the
onerous than a non-interest bearing satisfaction of their credits.
debt even if the latter is an older
(2) A debt as a sole debtor is more ● There must be two or more creditors;
onerous than as a solidary debtor. ● The debtor must be (partially) insolvent;
(3) Debts secured by a mortgage or by ● The assignment must involve all the
pledge are more onerous than properties of the debtor; and
unsecured debts. ● The cession must be accepted by the
(4) Of two interest-bearing debts, the creditors.
one with a higher rate is more
(5) An obligation with a penalty clause ● Unless there is a stipulation to the
is more burdensome than one contrary, the assignment does not make
without a penalty clause. the creditors the owners of the property of
the debtor and the debtor is released
WHERE DEBTS SUBJECT TO DIFFERENT from his obligation only up to the net
BURDENS. proceeds of the sale of the property
assigned. In other words, the debtor is
Suppose the debts are subject to
still liable if there is a balance.
different burdens (like one debt secured by a
mortgage and the other with a penalty clause)
that it cannot be definitely determined which
debt is most onerous to the debtor. To what debt
● Dation in payment or dacion en pago is a
should the payment be applied? To all of them
special form of payment whereby another
thing is alienated by the debtor to the
creditor who accepts it as equivalent of
payment of an existing debt in money.
SUBSECTION 2 - The differences are:
PAYMENT BY CESSION ❖ In dation (see Art. 1245.), there is
. usually only one creditor, while in
cession, there are several creditors;
ARTICLE 1255. The debtor may cede or
❖ Dation does not presuppose the
assign his property to his creditors in
insolvency of the debtor or a situation
payment of his debts. This cession, unless
of financial difficulties, while in
there is stipulation to the contrary, shall only
cession, the debtor is insolvent at the
release the debtor from responsibility for the
time of assignment;
net proceeds of the thing assigned. The
agreements which, on the effect of the
❖ Dation does not involve all the his possession the thing or money to be delivered
property of the debtor, while cession at the time of the offer.
extends to all the property of the Consignation is the act of depositing the
debtor subject to execution; thing or amount due with the proper court when
❖ In dation, the creditor becomes the the creditor does not desire or cannot receive it,
owner of the thing given by the after complying with the formalities required by
debtor, while in cession, the creditors law.
only acquire the right to sell the thing
and apply the proceeds to their REQUISITES OF A VALID CONSIGNATION.
credits pro rata; and ● In order that the debtor may be released from
❖ Dation is really an act of novation his obligation by the consignation of the thing
(Art. 1291[1].), while cession is not an or sum due, the following requisites must be
act of novation. observed:
Both are substitute forms of (1) existence of a valid debt which is due
payment or performance. They (2) tender of payment by the debtor and
are governed by the law on sales. refusal without justifiable reason by the
creditor to accept it
(3) previous notice of consignation to
SUBSECTION 3 - persons interested in the fulfillment of the
TENDER OF PAYMENT (4) consignation of the thing or sum due; and
(5) subsequent notice of consignation made
AND CONSIGNATION to the interested parties.
ARTICLE 1256. If the creditor to whom tender
of payment has been made refuses without
just cause to accept it, the debtor shall be ● Tender of payment is not necessary
released from responsibility by the before the debtor can consign the thing due
consignation of the thing or sum due. with the court. It has been held that a
Consignation alone shall produce the creditor who, without legal justification,
same effect in the following cases: informs his debtor that payment of a debt
(1) When the creditor is absent or will not be accepted thereby waives
unknown, or does not appear at the payment on the date when the payment will
place of payment; be due; and as a consequence the debtor
(2) When he is incapacitated to receive is excused from making a formal tender of
the payment at the time it is due; the money on such date.
(3) When, without just cause, he ● A debtor does not incur default by failing to
refuses to give a receipt; make a fruitless tender after notification
(4) When two or more persons claim from the creditor that the money will not be
the same right to collect; received.
(5) When the title of the obligation has
MEANING OF TENDER OF PAYMENT AND ● Tender of payment must comply with the
CONSIGNATION. rules on payment. (Arts. 1256-1258.) or with
Tender of payment is the act, on the part the terms required by the contract in making
of the debtor, of offering to the creditor the thing or such tender.
amount due. The debtor must show that he has in
○ The tender, even if valid, does not by The consignation having been
itself produce legal payment, unless it is made, the interested parties shall also be
completed by consignation. notified thereof. (1178)
● It must be unconditional and for the whole
amount due and in legal tender; and CONSIGNATION MUST BE WITH PROPER
● It must be actually made. JUDICIAL AUTHORITY.
○ The manifestation of a mere desire or Consignation, by depositing the thing or
intention to pay is not enough. sum due with the proper judicial authority (i.e.,
○ The debtor must show present ability to court), is necessary to effect payment.
perform by an actual offer of the thing or
ARTICLE 1257. In order that the consignation After the consignation has been made, the
of the thing due may release the obligor, it interested parties must also be notified thereof.
must first be announced to the per- sons
interested in the fulfillment of the obligation. ARTICLE 1259. The expenses of consignation,
The consignation shall be ineffectual if when properly made, shall be charged against
it is not made strictly in consonance with the the creditor. (1179)
provisions which regulate payment. (1177)
REQUIRED. The consignation is made necessary
In the absence of prior notice to the because of the fault or unjust refusal of the
persons interested in the fulfillment of the creditor to accept payment. The expenses are
obligation, the consignation, as payment, shall be chargeable to the debtor if the consignation is not
void. properly made.
Effects of loss in personal obligations or ARTICLE 1269. The obligation having been
impossibility of performance. extinguished by the loss of the thing, the
The debtor from personal obligations shall creditor shall have all the rights of action
be released from the obligation when the which the debtor may have been against a
prestation becomes legally or physically third person by reason of the loss. (1186)
impossible without the fault of the obligor. The
impossibility must take place after the constitution Right of creditor to proceed against third
of the obligation. If the obligation is very person.
impossible from the very beginning, the obligation The creditor is given the right to proceed
is void. In such case, there is no obligation to be against the third person responsible for the loss.
extinguished. There is no need for an assignment by the debtor.
The rights of action of the debtor are transferred
ARTICLE 1267. When the service has become to the creditor from the moment the obligation is
so difficult as to be manifestly beyond the extinguished, by operation of law to protect the
contemplation of the parties, the obligor may interest of the latter by reason of the loss.
also be released therefrom, in whole or in part.
Effect of difficulty of performance.
GENERAL RULE: Moral impossibility releases CONDONATION OR
the obligor.
- When there is moral impossibility, the
court is authorized to release the obligor in
whole or in part.
- The article applies not only to personal ARTICLE 1270. Condonation or remission is
obligation but also to real obligations. essentially gratuitous, and requires the
acceptance by the obligor. It may be made
ARTICLE 1268. When the debt of a thing is expressly or impliedly.
certain and determinate proceeds from a One and the other kind shall be subject
criminal offense, the debtor shall not be to the rules which govern inofficious
exempted from the payment of its price, donations. Express condonation shall,
whatever may be the cause for the loss, unless furthermore, comply with the forms of
the thing having been offered by him to the donation. (1187)
person who should receive it, the latter
refused without justification to accept it. Condonation or remission.
(1185) Condonation or remission is the gratuitous
abandonment by the creditor of his right against
the debtor. It is thus a form of donation.
Requisites of condonation or remission. If in order to nullify this waiver it should
➔ It must be gratuitous be claimed to be inofficious, the debtor and his
➔ It must be accepted by the obligor heirs may uphold it by proving that the
➔ The parties must have capacity delivery of the document was made in virtue of
➔ It must not be inofficious payment of the debt.
➔ If made expressly, it must comply with the
forms of donations Payment in case of voluntary delivery of
document of indebtedness by creditor.
Kinds of remission. 1. Presumption of implied remission - If the debt
1. As to its extent: was not yet paid, the creditor would need the
a. Complete - it covers the ENTIRE document to enforce payment. If he
obligation voluntarily delivers the said document to the
b. Partial - it DOES NOT cover the entire debtor, the only logical inference is that he is
obligation renouncing his right.
2. As to its form: NOTE: This presumption is prima facie or
a. Express - when made either verbally or rebuttable by contrary evidence.
in writing 2. Contrary evidence - Evidence is admissible
b. Implied - when can only be inferred to show otherwise, as when a receipt signed
from conduct by the creditor was delivered only for
3. As to its date of effectivity: examination by the debtor client (lawyer) of
a. Inter vivos - it will take effect during the the amount of attorney’s fees to be paid by
lifetime of the donor the latter.
b. Mortis causa - will only become 3. Extent of remission - If the obligation is joint,
effective upon the death of the donor the presumption of remission only applies to
and must comply with the formalities of the share of the debtor who is in possession
a will of the document; if solidary, to the total/entire
Effect of inofficious remission. 4. Presumption applicable only to private
While a person may make donations, no document - Article 1271 speaks of a private
one can give more than that which he can give by document. The legal presumption DOES
will; otherwise the excess shall be inofficious and NOT apply to a public document as it is easy
shall be reduced by the court accordingly. to obtain a copy of the same, being a public
As a rule, testamentary dispositions which record.
impair the legitime shall be reduced on petition of
the heirs insofar as they are inofficious or Payment, not remission of debt.
excessive. Remission becomes null and void upon
proof that it is inofficious. The debtor or his heirs
LEGITIME is the part of the testator’s may prove that the delivery of the document was
property that is reserved by law for certain heirs really made in virtue of payment of the debt and
(compulsory heirs). So the said testator cannot not of remission.
dispose or donate it.
ARTICLE 1272. Whenever the private
ARTICLE 1271. The delivery of a private document in which the debt appears is found
document evidencing a credit, made in the possession of the debtor, it shall be
voluntarily by the creditor to the debtor, presumed that the creditor delivered it
implies the renunciation of the action which voluntarily, unless the contrary is proved.
the former had against the latter. (1189)
Presumption in case document found in ● The debtor shall continue to be indebted but
possession of debtor. he does not have to return the thing pledged.
● The document evidencing the debt is in the ● The presumption yields to contrary evidence.
possession of the creditor. ● Does not arise if the third person in
● If the document is later found in the hands of possession of the thing pledged does not
the debtor and it is not known how he came own the same.
into possession of the same, the
presumption is that it was voluntarily
delivered by the creditor. SECTION 4. —
● Voluntary delivery, gives rise to the
presumption of remission.
● The presumption of voluntary delivery should MERGER OF RIGHTS
give rise to the presumption of payment and
only when it is known that indeed there is no
payment should there be a presumption of
ARTICLE 1275. The obligation is
extinguished from the time the
characters of creditor and debtor are
Article 1272. The renunciation of the principal
merged in the same person. (1192a)
debt shall extinguish the accessory
obligations; but the waiver of the latter shall
leave the former in force.
Is the meeting in one person of the
qualities of creditor and debtor with respect to the
Effect of renunciation of the principal debt of
same obligation.
the accessory obligation.
Accessory follows the principal. Accessory
obligations cannot exist without the principal
● The law treats confusion or merger as a
obligation; the latter may exist without the former.
mode of extinguishing obligations because
if a debtor is his own creditor, enforcement
Article 1274. It is presumed that the accessory
of the obligation becomes absurd since a
obligation of pledge has been remitted when
person cannot claim payment from himself.
the thing pledged, after its delivery to the
● Furthermore, when there is a confusion of
creditor, is found in the possession of the
rights, the purposes for which the obligation
debtor, or of a third person who owns the
may have been created are deemed
ARTICLE. 1300. Subrogation of a third person ARTICLE. 1303. Subrogation transfers to the
in the rights of the creditor is either legal or person subrogated the credit with all the rights
conventional. The former is not presumed, thereto appertaining, either against the debtor
except in cases expressly mentioned in this or against third persons, be they guarantors or
Code; the latter must be clearly established in possessors of mortgages, subject to
order that it may take effect. (1209a) stipulation in a conventional subrogation.
It is the substitution of one person The effect of legal subrogation is to
(subrogee) in the place of a creditor (subroger). transfer to the new creditor the credit and the
rights and actions that could have been exercised
KINDS OF SUBROGATION. by the former creditor against the debtor or
(1) Conventional - it takes place by express against the third person.
agreement of the original parties and the
third person. It must be clearly established ART. 1304. A creditor, to whom partial
in order to take place. payment has been made, may exercise his
(2) Legal - takes place without agreement but right for the remainder, and he shall be
by operation of law. It is not presumed preferred to the person who has been
except in cases provided by law. subrogated in his place in virtue of the partial
payment of the same credit. (1213)
ARTICLE. 1301. Conventional subrogation of a
third person requires the consent of the The creditor to whom partial payment has
original parties and of the third person. (n) been made by the new creditor remains a creditor
to the extent of the balance of the debt.
prescription, the obligor who voluntarily
TITLE III performs the contract cannot recover what he
has delivered or the value of the service he has
NATURAL rendered.
ARTICLE 1423. Obligations are civil or natural. ARTICLE 1425. When without the knowledge
Civil obligations give a right of action to or against the will of the debtor, a third person
compel their performance. Natural pays a debt which the obligor is not legally
obligations, not being based on positive law bound to pay because the action thereon has
but on equity and natural law, do not grant a prescribed, but the debtor later voluntarily
right of action to enforce their performance, reimburses the third person, the obligor
but after voluntary fulfillment by the obligor, cannot recover what he has paid.
they authorize the retention of what has been
delivered or rendered by reason thereof. Some REIMBURSEMENT OF THIRD PERSON FOR
natural obligations are set forth in the DEBT THAT HAS PRESCRIBED.
following articles. If a third person pays the prescribed debt
of the debtor without his knowledge or against his
CONCEPT OF NATURAL OBLIGATIONS. will, the latter is not legally bound to pay him. But
Natural obligations originated in the the debtor cannot recover what he has paid, in
Roman law where they grew in importance in case he voluntarily reimburses the third person
order to temper with equity and justice the severity
of the jus civile. In that ancient system of law, there ARTICLE 1426. When a minor between
were two kinds of obligations: the civil and the eighteen and twenty-one years of age who has
natural. entered into a contract without the consent of
the parent or guardian, after the annulment of
Civil obligations and natural obligations the contract voluntarily returns the whole
distinguished. thing or price received, notwithstanding the
(1) Civil obligations arise from law, contracts, fact that he has not been benefited thereby,
quasi-contracts, delicts, and quasi-delicts, there is no right to demand the thing or price
while natural obligations are based not on thus returned.
positive law but on equity and natural law;
and Restitution by minor after annulment of
(2) Civil obligations give a right of action in contract.
courts of justice to compel their fulfillment A minor is NOT OBLIGED to make any
or performance, while natural obligations restitution except insofar he has been benefited by
do not grant such right of action to enforce the thing or price received by him. If he voluntarily
their performance. returns the thing or price, he cannot recover what
he has returned.
ARTICLE 1424. When a right to sue upon a civil
obligation has lapsed by extinctive
NOTE: This only applies if the minor who entered have considered it his moral duty to fulfill his
a contract without the consent of his parent is obligation.
aged between 18 to 21 years old.
ARTICLE 1429. When a testate or intestate heir
ARTICLE 1427. When a minor between voluntarily pays a debt of the decedent
eighteen and twenty-one years of age, who exceeding the value of the property which he
has entered into a contract without the received by will or by the law of intestacy from
consent of the parent or guardian, voluntarily the estate of the deceased, the payment is
pays a sum of money or delivers a fungible valid and cannot be rescinded by the payer.
thing in fulfillment of the obligation, there shall
be no right to recover the same from the Payment by heir of debt exceeding value of
obligee who has spent or consumed it in good property inherited.
faith. (1160a) The heir is NOT personally liable beyond
the value of the property he received from the
Delivery by minor of money or fungible thing decedent. However, if he voluntarily pays the
in fulfillment of obligation. difference, the payment made is considered valid
GENERAL RULE: Parties are obliged to make and therefore cannot be rescinded by him. An heir
mutual restitution by the decree of annulment. has a moral duty to perform or pay obligation
EXCEPTION: The obligee who has spent or legally contracted by his dead relatives.
consumed in good faith the money or consumable NOTE: Moral duty, meaning it’s up to the heir if he
thing voluntarily paid or delivered by the minor, is will perform or pay the obligation of his dead
not bound to make restitution. relatives.
NOTE: This article also applies to non-
consumable things when they have been lost ARTICLE 1430. When a will is declared void
without the fault of the obligee or in case of because it has not been executed in
alienation by him to a third person who did not act accordance with the formalities required by
in good faith. Obligee shall be liable for damages law, but one of the intestate heirs, after the
if he is guilty of fault or bad faith at the time of settlement of the debts of the deceased, pays
spending/ consumption. a legacy in compliance with a clause in the
defective will, the payment is effective and
ARTICLE 1428. When after an action to enforce irrevocable
a civil obligation has failed, the defendant
voluntarily performs the obligation, he cannot Payment of legacy after will has been declared
demand the return of what he has delivered or void.
the payment of the value of the service he has Legacy is a clause in a will which basically
rendered. is like a gift, donation, etc. for a definite purpose
If a will is disallowed for non-compliance
Performance after action to enforce civil with the formalities prescribed by law, the legacy
obligation has failed. included in the will is likewise void. Therefore, the
This article contemplates a situation where intestate heirs are not legally required to pay the
a debtor, who has failed to pay his obligation, is legacy. However, if an intestate heir still voluntarily
sued by the creditor and instead of losing the pays the legacy, the payment will be considered
case, he has won it. If, notwithstanding this fact, effective and irrevocable. The heir has a moral
the debtor voluntarily performs his obligation, he duty to carry out the intention of the testator to give
cannot demand the return of what he has a legacy.
delivered or the payment of the value of the
service he has rendered. He must be deemed to
Law on Obligations and Contracts,
Hector S. De Leon and Hector M. De Leon Jr.
Code of the Philippines Republic Act
No. 386 | Official Gazette of the Republic of the