Session 1 Esayas Bahre Development Bank
Session 1 Esayas Bahre Development Bank
Session 1 Esayas Bahre Development Bank
•C O U N T R Y P R O F I L E - E T H I O P I A
•F I N A N C I A L S E C T O R I N E T H I O P I A
•B A N K I N G S E C T O R I N E T H I O P I A
•B R I E F O V E R V I E W O F D B E
•E C O N O M I C S E C T O R S F I N A N C E D B Y D B E
•C O N C L U S I O N
Country Profile- Ethiopia
Insurance Companies and
Micro- Finance Institutions
Banking Sector in Ethiopia
Promoting investment
Facilitating Trade
Foreign Exchange earning
Creation of Employment Opportunity
Insurance Companies
• Mission of DBE
• Vision
– “100% success for all financed projects by 2020”
Financing areas
Manufacturing Industries
Agro-processing Industries
Credit Services of DBE
Long-Term Loans
The Bank extends its credit service through the Head office and 12
branches organized under five regions
The Bank has also strengthen its foreign Banking services to its clients
that include regional offices too.
Credit Policy Continued…
Interest Rate
• All fixed assets of a project as well as assets pledged
as collateral are required to be covered by
appropriate insurance policy with DBE as a co-
beneficiary until the loan is fully settled.
Credit Policy Continued…
Repayment Schedule
• Loan repayment period is determined taking into
account the profitability and debt servicing
capacity of the borrowing concern as well as the
economic life of major investment items.
Loan Processing time
The Loan processing time will be maximum of 32
Credit Policy Continued…
Other Conditions
Borrower shall employ experienced and qualified
work force as specified in the loan agreement or
project feasibility study.
Borrower shall open current account with DBE's
Head Office or Branch Offices.
General Requirements to Establish a New Project
Thank You!