Analytical epidemiology MCQs فراس
Analytical epidemiology MCQs فراس
Analytical epidemiology MCQs فراس
1. Study of the determinants or underlying cause of disease. Answers two other major
questions: how? And why?
A. Descriptive
B. Analytic
C. Experimental
D. All are true
3. Which of the following are not true about types of Analytic studies
A. Case report
B. Case control studies
C. Cohort studies
D. All are true
4. Which of the following are true about Case control study? Except
A. Observational studies
B. Use of a control group to support or refute an inference
C. Retrospective
D. Prospective
6. Which of the following are true about Case control study? Except
A. Controls must be similar to cases in all aspects except the disease in question
under study
B. patients can be selected as controls having different diseases but not the disease
under study
C. The number of controls is one-to-one if we have small number of cases
D. estimate the risk by calculating the Odds Ratio
8. A case control study was conducted to investigate the relationship between oral
contraceptive use and the risk of developing endometrial cancer, a 300 Cases were
selected from hospital based medical records with a confirmed diagnosis of endometrial
cancer, and were then compared to 600 controls. The results were as follows:
9. Odds ratio =
A. 6.7
B. 5.7
C. 12.3
D. 4.2
فراس التايب
10. Which of the following are true about Advantages of case-control studies, Except
A. No attrition.
B. Ethical issue is minimal
C. Rapid and expensive
D. Incidence study
E. C and D
15. When odds ratio value is equal to one, this means that
A. The exposure is risky, causing a disease
B. No risk at all from the exposure
فراس التايب
17. question of the cases more than control about the past history and risk factors, is known
A. Berkesonian bias
B. Interviewer bias
C. Memory or recall bias
D. Selection bias
19. Bias is avoided by proper selection of study group and randomization, is known as:
A. Berkesonian bias
B. Interviewer bias
C. Memory or recall bias
D. Selection bias
20. Analytic studies are characterized by all the following features except:
A. Their subjects of interest are individuals
B. Their objectives are to test the hypotheses
C. They are the second major group of epidemiological studies.
D. Both case report and case series studies are considered as analytics
فراس التايب
22. Odds ratio means that exposure is harmful risk factor if it is equal to:
A. Zero.
B. Ten
C. One
D. Half
E. None of the above.
23. All the following are steps of cohort study, except one:
A. Selection of subjects
B. Selection of cases
C. Obtaining data on exposure
D. Follow-up
E. Analysis
26. Incidence can only be easily calculated from the following study:
A. Case report study
B. Case series study
C. Cohort study
D. Cross sectional study
E. Correlation study
27. Relationship between smoking and lung cancer in a case control study is determined by:
A. Attributable risk.
B. Incidence rate.
C. Relative risk
D. Odds ratio.
E. Population attributable risk.
28. In prospective study of relationship between oral contraceptive use and the subsequent
risk of developing endometrial cancer, 1000 women were selected: 320 were used OCP,
680 were not ;then followed for 5 years. The type of this study is:
A. Case control study
B. Case report
D. Case series.
E. Cohort study.
31. A bias arises because of different admission rates to the hospital, is known as:
A. Selection bias
B. Memory bias
C. Confounding bias
D. Recall bias
E. Berkesonian bias
33. Which of the following statements does not apply to case control studies:
A. starts with disease
B. suitable for rare diseases
C. relatively inexpensive
D. prolonged follow-up required
E. there may be a problem in selecting and matching controls
34. (34-37) An Investigator selects randomly 100 file records for patients diagnosed as cases
of Myocardial infarction admitted to TMC in first 6 months of the year 2016. Then
choose randomly other 100 file records admitted in the same period for other causes
and free from any evidence of CHD. The aim of the study was: is the overweight a risk
factor for MI the results was as following:
D. Case control
E. Cohort
35. Exposure rate among patient with MI was:
A. 42.8%
B. 60%
C. 40%
D. 20%
E. 66.6%
38. A study in which children are randomly assigned to receive either a newly formulated
vaccine or the currently available vaccine, and are followed to monitor for side effects
and effectiveness of each vaccine, is an example of which type of study?
A. Experimental
B. Observational
C. Cohort
D. Case-control
E. Clinical trial
42. 45. In a cohort study concerning the relationship between smoking and the subsequent
risk of osteocarcinoma, a sample of 1000 people were followed for 8 years. The results
are presented in the below table. The RR associated with smoking in this study is:
A. 2
B. 0.5
C. 0.33
D. 0.25
E. 3
فراس التايب
43. In cohort study concerning the relationship between the use of exogenous estrogen and
subsequent risk of breast cancer, a sample of 1000 premenopausal women were
followed for 8 years. The results are presented in the following table:
A. 60
B. 40
C. 10
D. 30
E. 50
44. Incidence of disease among unexposed
A. 60
B. 20
C. 40
D. 30
E. 50
45. The RR =
A. 4
B. 2
C. 1
D. 3
E. 6
46. The AR =
A. 40
B. 50
C. 66
D. 30
E. 10
فراس التايب
47. in a prospective study of the relationship between HIV status and subsequent risk of
developing non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, the results were as follow:
A. Case report
B. Cohort was:
C. Case control
D. Cross-section
E. Case series
فراس التايب
50. The Strength of association between eating of raw vegetable & diarrhea was:
A. RR 3.2
B. AR 0.25
C. OR 3.2
D. OR 2.1
E. AR%-54