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D&D 5e - Final Fantasy

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All art copyright of Square Enix, unless otherwise stated

D&D 5e: Final Fantasy

A small collection of magic and monsters inspired by the Final Fantasy game series.

From the distant lands of Gaia and beyond come magic yet unknown

Art: G. Purcell
Table Of Contents Made with The Homebrewery
1 New Race Options Thank you for reading!
1.1 Bangaa
1.2 Burmecian D&D 5e: Final Fantasy adaptation by G. Purcell
1.3 Gria Final Fantasy series by Square Enix
1.4 Nu Mou
1.5 Qu
1.6 Viera
2 Bestiary
2.1 Antlion
2.2 Bombs
2.2.1 Fire Bomb
2.2.2 Ice Bomb
2.2.3 Lightning Bomb
2.2.4 Mom Bomb
2.3 Cactuar
2.4 Demon Wall
2.5 Eidolons
2.5.1 Ark
2.5.2 Atomos
2.5.3 Bismarck
2.5.4 Carbuncle
2.5.5 Maduin
2.5.6 Ramuh
2.5.7 Sylph
2.6 Gilgamesh
3 Magic Weapons

A Note From The Author

The materials in this compendium do not need to be adapted 1-to-1. Always remember that a
Dungeon Master is always free to do what they want in their own world. And if that
means that your Dungeon Master doesn't want to use homebrew, that is their choice. But
for those DMs and players who love homebrew, thank you for giving my little passion
project a read!
~ G. Purcell
Also, I wish I had better quality images.

New Race Options
The diverse worlds of the Final Fantasy series house many
fantastical creatures. Below are six new race options for
player characters from the diverse worlds of Gaia and

The bangaa are a lizard-like race with long faces, scaly skin,
and tough limbs. They have a rough manner of speech,
backed up by their physical strength and characteristic
height. Even those bangaa who focus on magic, or scholarly
or artistic pursuits, train their bodies as well as their minds.
Their long ears and snout allude to their keen hearing and
sense of smell. Although they are lizard-like, bangaa are not
true reptilians - they can grow facial hair. Calling a bangaa a
"lizard" is a heinous racial slur.
Male and female bangaa have no sexual dimorphism. Their
rough skin is usually rusty brown, muddy yellow, or ash-
coloured. However, bangaa can more rarely be any colour.
In bangaa culture, the highest rank a bangaa can attain is
"Faas," which roughly translates to "a strong sense of justice."
Despite their rough nature, bangaa frequently travel to
monestaries to seek enlightenment with fellow monks,
become paladins or defenders, or seek a quiet life as
fishermen or farmers.
Bangaa Traits
Your bangaa character has the following traits in common
with other bangaa.
Ability Score Improvement. Your Constitution score
increases by 2, and your Strength and Dexterity scores each Burmecian
increase by 1.
Age. Bangaa reach adulthood at the age of 15 and can live The burmecians are a race of tall, ratlike people who hail
up to 200 years. from the land of eternal rain, Burmecia. A warrior people,
Size. Bangaa are tall and strong, with most bangaa many burmecians train as warriors to protect their city-state,
standing between 6 and 7 feet tall. Your size is Medium. with the highest-ranking and strongest warriors becoming
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet. known as Dragon Knights.
Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you However, there lives another tribe of burmecians in the
as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim City of Illusion, Cleyra. The cleyran tribe separated from
light. You can't discern colours in darkness, only shades of Burmecia when the latter people started to become too
grey. warlike. Leaving toward the western Vube Desert, they
Tough Fists. Your natural toughness results in your settled in a giant tree trunk protected by a magical, eternal
punches hitting a little harder than normal. Your unarmed sandstorm.
strikes deal bludgeoning damage equal to 1d4 + your While the Cleyrans secluded themselves a hundred years
Strength modifier. ago following a cival war in Burmecia, the Burmecians
Natural Armour. Your thick hide gives you an edge in remained open to the world. Those in the neighboring
combat. When you're not wearing armour, your base AC is 12 kingdoms know that a Burmecian Dragon Knight is among
+ your Dexterity modifier. the mightiest warriors in the world in single combat. All
Spiritual Alignment. You can align your spiritual energy to burmecians are trained in the art of war in some capacity,
focus the spirit of an ally. As an action, you can end one effect and their armies are mighty in battle.
causing you or a creature within 5 feet of you to be paralyzed, On the other side of the coin, the cleyrans are fond of
petrified, or poisoned. beauty in the arts. They pray to the magical sandstorm that
Free-Spirited. You have proficiency in one set of artisan's protects them, and the rituals they conduct to allow it to
tools of your choice. continue involve music and dance.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and

Despite their differing views, the Cleyrans and Burmecians
remain kin in spirit. When one group comes under attack, the
other is glad to house them.
Burmecian Traits
Your burmecian character has the following traits in common
with all of their kin.
Ability Score Improvement. Your Dexterity score
increases by 1.
Age. Burmecians have similar lifespans to humans,
maturing at the same rate.
Size. Burmecians range from just over 5 feet to almost 7
feet tall. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 30 feet of you
as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim
light. You can't discern colours in darkness, only shades of
Nimble Climber. You have a climbing speed equal to your
walking speed.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and
one other language of your choice.
Subraces. Aside from their base shared heritage,
Burmecians vary greatly based on their place of birth. Gria
Choose whether you hail from Burmecia or Cleyra. The Gria are a race of humanoids descended from true
Dracoknight Burmecian dragons. Their heritage manifests in scales around
vulnerable parts of the body, dragon wings, and a strong tail.
You were born and raised to be a knight of Burmecia. This Despite this, however, the gria are warm-blooded and bear
training has given you traits shared with others from your live children. Their villages are perched in tall mountains,
country. disguised such that any creature than cannot fly won't be able
Ability Score Improvement. Your Strength score to find them.
increases by 2. Gria are fiercly competative. Despite their small stature,
Speed. Your speed is not reduced by wearing heavy they have a fierce spirit that more than makes up for their
armour. size. They tend equally towards physical and magical classes,
Burmecian Weapon Training. Dragon Knights are trained often finding their strength in a mix of both arcane and
to specialize in polearm combat, a signature Burmecian style. material power.
You have proficiency in spears, glaives, halberds, and pikes. Female gria tend to be fiercer and more warrior-like than
Burmecian Armour Training. You have trained in male gria, who also tend to be smaller. Male gria, however,
armoured combat. You have proficiency in light and medium are certainly still competative and feisty. They tend more
armour. towards arcane strength, while gria females often take their
Burmecian Warrior Training. You have proficiency in the more characteristic balanced approach of a combination of
Athletics skill. swords and sorcery.
You were raised in the City of Illusion, veiled behind the
mighty sandstorm. You may be a little naive to the ways of the
world, but you are wise in ways others do not think of.
Ability Score Improvement. Your Wisdom and
Intelligence scores each increase by 1.
Cleyran Magic. You know the minor illusion cantrip. Once
you reach 3rd level, you can cast the purify food and drink
spell once with this trait and regain the ability to do so when
you finish a long rest. Once you reach 5th level, you can cast
the warding wind spell once with this trait and regain the
ability to do so when you finish a long rest. Wisdom is your
spellcasting modifier for these spells.
Cleyran Sandcraft. You are not slowed by sand-based
difficult terrain.
Cleyran Arts. You have proficiency in the Performance

Gria Traits Ability Score Improvement. Your Intelligence, Wisdom,
and Charisma scores all increase by 1.
Your gria character has the following traits in common with Age. Nu mou reach adulthood at the age of 30 and can live
others of your kind. to be up to 300 years old.
Ability Score Improvement. Your Strength, Consitution, Size. Nu mou usually stand between 4 to 5 feet tall,
and Charisma scores all increase by 1. although their hunched posture makes them appear smaller.
Age. Gria have a similar lifespan to humans, maturing at Your size is Medium.
the same rate and living up to a hundred years. Speed. Your base walking speed is 25 feet.
Size. Gria have small statures, with the tallest of them Mist Folk. You have advantage on Intelligence, Wisdom,
reaching just over 5 feet tall. Your size is Medium. and Charisma saving throws made to resist the effects of
Speed. You have a base walking speed of 20 feet and a spells or other magical effects.
flying speed of 30 feet. To use this flying speed, you can't be Beast Magic. You know the mage hand cantrip. You also
wearing medium or heavy armour. know the find familiar spell and can cast it as a ritual.
Dragon Scales. While you are unarmoured, your base AC Starting at third level, you can also cast the summon beast
is 11 + your Dexterity modifier. spell with this trait, requiring no material componants. Once
Dragon Tail. Your tail is strong and can be used as a you cast it, you can't do so again until you finish a long rest.
weapon. Your unarmed strikes with your tail deal piercing Your spellcasting modifier for these spells is your choice of
damage equal to 1d4 + your Strength modifier, rather than Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma.
the bludgeoning damage normal for an unarmed strike. Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and
Critical Evasion. When you damage a creature with a one other language of your choice.
critical hit, your movement does not provoke opportunity
attacks until the end of your turn.
Language. You can speak, read, and write Common and

Nu Mou
The nu mou are a race bearing canine features, with
elongated faces, tails, and long, floppy ears. Their fur is often
white or sandy-coloured. The physical appearence of a nu
mou does not change much throughout their life, despite the
longesvity of their race. They have an innate sensitivity to the
mists of magic, and while not all nu mou pursue this path
further, it is a strong part of their tradition.
The nu mou have a strong code of honour. In their culture,
a payment must precicely fit the provided service. They ask
for and give no more or less than what is requested. This
being said, this does not preclude generosity, and most nu
mou act out of altruism and are happy to help with anything The qu are an odd species to behold. Their pale skin and long
that needs helping with. tongues are almost as distinctive as the common true love
Nu mou have a strong oral tradition, passing down stories shared between all qu - their love of good food. Both cooking
and legends through song and prose from generation to and eating food are seen as important art forms, a practice
generation. They are fond of the arts, music in particular, and the qu refer to as the "Way of the Gourmand."
place a strong focus on the pursuit of composing and playing The qu live in marshes - the best place to catch their
music in their villages. favourite food, frogs! Many qu stay in these marshes their
Outside of their villages, nu mou often pursue scholarly or whole lives, and those who venture out following the Way of
artistic endeavors in large cities. It is not uncommon for a the Gourmand have a childlike wonder towards the world.
head librarian at an archive or a reknowned scientist to be nu Everything is a new, wonderful, and tasty opportunity!
mou. Their curiosity for discovery is legendary. The qu have no biological gender. Some may adopt a
Many nu mou follow the path of the wizard, marrying their gender identity later in life, while others choose not to
hunger for the unknown with the magical aptitude of their choose. A common pronoun used by qu is "s/he" or "him/her."
people. Others pursue the ways of a bard, embracing their Qu can have children with any other qu. There are currently
storytelling ways. While the nu mou have no innate tendency no known cases of qu having children with any other race.
towards martial combat, those who pursue the path of the Family is less important to qu than clan. Qu have been
warrior are valued as guardians of their home villages. Of all known to travel from marsh to marsh in search of a clan
martial classes, nu mou are most inclined towards rangers, whose teachings they like best, travelling far from their
as beasts are culturally intertwined with the nu mou. homes. Once a qu reaches adolescence, it is expected for
them to seek out a teacher on the Way of the Gourmand,
Nu Mou Traits sometimes never returning to their birthland.
Your nu mou character has the following traits in common
with others of their kind.

Qu Names Qu's Bite. Despite your large tongue, your bite is well-honed.
Your bite is a natural weapon that can be used for unarmed
A qu's clan name comes first in order. Rather than being a strikes. If you hit with it, you deal piercing damage equal to
family name, a qu's clan name is passed down from master to 1d4 + your Strength modifier, instead of the bludgeoning
apprentice, indicating what school of gastronomy the qu has damage normal for an unarmed strike.
been taught. A qu's personal name comes second - for High Tide. When you take damage from a source you can
example, a qu with the personal name Quan and the clan see, you can use a reaction to gain advantage on attack rolls
name Quina would be known as Quina Quan. All qu names until the end of your next turn. Once you use this feature, you
start with the letters "qu." It is unknown whether the name of can't use it again until you finish a long rest.
the race originated from this trend, or whether the naming Way of the Gourmand. You have proficiency in chef's
convention originated from the name qu. utensils.
Clan Names: Quina, Quince, Qua, Quera Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and
Given Names: Quan, Quale, Quen, Quill one other language of your choice. Qu tend to speak in a
broken form of Common with interesting choices of words,
Qu Traits but they can learn proper speech patterns with no more
Your qu character has the following traits in common with trouble than others.
other qu.
Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases
by 2, and your Charisma score increases by 1.
Age. Qu live up to 350 years old. A qu is considered an The viera are a tall race with large, rabbit-like ears and limbs.
adolescent when they reach the age of 50, and reach They are known for their exceptional hearing, but it is said
adulthood at age 80. that all of their senses are exceptional. Viera are strong - at
Alignment. Qu have no tendencies toward any particular full strength, a viera can tear apart metal shackles with ease.
alignment. A viera's keen hearing doesn't apply only to the material
Size. Qu tend toward similar heights to humans, although world. They are sensitive to the mists of magic and can use
they are much stockier. Your size is Medium. this ability to speak to the world around them. When properly
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet. honed, this magical aptitude can even allow them to listen to
Strong Stomach. On your personal quest on the Way of and communicate with beings from other planes.
the Gourmand, you've eaten some weird stuff. The good news Viera emcampments are unique in that you will rarely see
is that you now have resistance to poison damage. male viera together with any others of their kind. They most
Additionally, you can eat and gain nutrition from many things often live alone as solitary guardians of their forest homes,
that would be considered inedible by other races, such as moving unseen and striking with deadly accuracy. It is said
leaves, bark, or even sand; as long as the consumed objects that male viera are so adept at their craft that no living soul -
are not poisonous or otherwise actively harmful. other than the more social female viera - have ever seen one,
leading some to believe that the viera are an exclusively
female race.
Viera have stark white hair and commonly have dark skin,
which is often mottled to help them camouflage themselves
amidst their forest homes. Viera living outside of the forest,
or among other races, sometimes dye their hair. This
behaviour is not often seen within the forest dwellings.

Viera Traits
Your viera character has the following traits in common with
other viera.
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by
2, and your Strength score increases by 1.
Age. Viera reach adolescence at the same rate as humans,
but can live up to 200 years. Male and female viera are
indistinguishable from each other until they reach
Size. Viera are tall and graceful, ranging from well over 5
feet to almost 7 feet tall.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 35 feet.
Darkvision. Your keen senses allow you to peer through
the gloom. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if
it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light.
You can't discern colours in darkness, only shades of grey.
Keen Hearing. You have advantage on all Wisdom
(Perception) checks that rely on hearing.
Might and Magic. You have advantage on Strength and
Dexterity saving throws against spells or magical effects.
Nimble. You have proficiency in either the Acrobatics or
Athletics skill.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and
one other language of your choice.

Many historians think that the worlds of Gaia and beyond originally splintered off from the Forgotten Realms aeons ago, and as
such there are many similarities between the two realities. However, after many years, many things have changed as well.
Monsters and magic foreign to the Realms run wild in these distant worlds. Here is a small bestiary of some of the monsters yet
unknown to the Realms.

Antlion Pincer. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 10ft.,

one target. Hit 11 (1d12 + 4) piercing damage.
Large beast, unaligned
Mandible Slash. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach
Armor Class 15 (natural armour) 5 ft., one target. Hit: 9 (1d8 + 4) slashing damage, and
Hit Points 51 (6d10 + 18) the target must make a Constitution saving throw. On a
Speed 30 ft. failed save, the target is paralyzed for 1 hour.
Sandstorm (Recharge 5/6). The antlion spits a heavy
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA stream of sand in a 30-foot cone in front of it. Each
creature within range must make a Strength saving
19 (+4) 11 (+0) 17 (+3) 4 (-4) 11 (+0) 4 (-4) throw (DC 14). On a failed save, a creature takes 3d6
bludgeoning damage and is blinded. On a successful
Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and save, a creature takes half as much damage and suffers
slashing from nonmagical attacks no additional effects.
Condition Immunities blinded, paralyzed, poisoned
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10 Reactions
Languages none
Counter. When the antlion is damaged by a weapon
Challenge 6
attack from a creature within 10 feet of it, it can use its
reaction to use its Pincer action against the creature
Actions that damaged it.
Multiattack. The antlion makes two Pincer attacks.

Normally docile, the large antlions sometimes turn
aggressive when exposed to extraplanar energy. Their thick
carapaces protect them against physical attacks, and they are
quick to lash out at weapons that strike against them. Even
when docile, antlions will defent themselves fiercly when
Antlions produce a crystal-like substance known as a Sand
Ruby. This substance, when powdered, acts as a sort of cure-
all for ailments, especially those caused by heat. Considering
that antlions live in arid environments, Sand Rubies are most
used to cure heatstroke or desert fever.
Antlion mucus is dangerous and has paralytic properties,
making hunting for Sand Rubies very dangerous. Antlions
more often than not end up causing more of the ailments that
hunters are trying to cure with the Sand Rubies!

Living explosives, bombs take the rage building within them
and transform it into bursting energy. This in turn causes
them to grow, sometimes to incredible sizes. Several different Fire Bomb
species of bomb exist. The common thread between all of Small elemental, chaotic neutral
them is their ability to detonate their own bodies as a last-
ditch effort to take down attackers, even at the cost of their Armor Class 13
Hit Points 40 (4d12 + 16)
own life. Speed 0 ft., 40 ft. flying (hover)


8 (-1) 17 (+3) 19 (+4) 7 (-2) 7 (-2) 16 (+3)

Condition Immunities prone

Damage Immunities fire
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 8
Languages Ignean
Challenge 4

Rage. If the bomb takes more than 10 damage from

a single attack, it regains 20 hit points and grown
one size larger.
Absorption. When the bomb takes fire damage, it
instead regains hit points equal to the damage it
would have taken.

Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach 5ft.,
Fire Bomb one target. Hit: 3 (1d6 - 1) bludgeoning damage.
Volatile even by bomb standards, fire bombs are aggressive Fire Bolt. Ranged Spell Attack: +6 to hit, range
and change at anything that moves. 120ft., one target. Hit: 11 (2d10) fire damage.
Self-Destruct. Once the bomb has fewer than 20 hit
Ice Bomb points, it detonates itself. Each creature within a
range equal to 5 feet plus 5 feet for every size
Ice bombs freeze their prey before they eat it. However, their category above Small the bomb currently is of the
preferred food is magical energy. bomb must make a Dexterity saving throw (DC 13).
On a failed save, a creature takes fire damage equal
Lightning Bomb to 1d10 plus another 1d10 fire damage for each
size category above Small the bomb currently is.
Exceptionally quick, lightning bombs strike with the force of On a successful save, a creature takes half damage.

Ice Bomb Lightning Bomb
Small elemental, chaotic neutral Small elemental, chaotic neutral

Armor Class 13 Armor Class 13

Hit Points 40 (4d12 + 16) Hit Points 40 (4d12 + 16)
Speed 0 ft., 40 ft. flying (hover) Speed 0 ft., 50 ft. flying (hover)

8 (-1) 17 (+3) 19 (+4) 7 (-2) 7 (-2) 16 (+3) 8 (-1) 17 (+3) 19 (+4) 7 (-2) 7 (-2) 16 (+3)

Condition Immunities prone Condition Immunities prone

Damage Immunities cold Damage Immunities lightning
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 8 Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 8
Languages Aquan Languages Auran
Challenge 4 Challenge 4

Rage. If the bomb takes more than 10 damage from Rage. If the bomb takes more than 10 damage from
a single attack, it regains 20 hit points and grown a single attack, it regains 20 hit points and grown
one size larger. one size larger.

Absorption. When the bomb takes cold damage, it Absorption. When the bomb takes lightning
instead regains hit points equal to the damage it damage, it instead regains hit points equal to the
would have taken. damage it would have taken.

Actions Actions
Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach 5ft., Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach 5ft.,
one target. Hit: 3 (1d6 - 1) bludgeoning damage. one target. Hit: 3 (1d6 - 1) bludgeoning damage.

Chill Bolt. Ranged Spell Attack: +6 to hit, range Jolt Bolt. Ranged Spell Attack: +6 to hit, range
120ft., one target. Hit: 11 (2d10) cold damage and 120ft., one target. Hit: 11 (2d8) lightning damage.
the target's movement speed is reduced by 10 feet Self-Destruct. Once the bomb has fewer than 20 hit
until the end of their next turn. points, it detonates itself. Each creature within a
Self-Destruct. Once the bomb has fewer than 20 hit range equal to 5 feet plus 5 feet for every size
points, it detonates itself. Each creature within a category above Small the bomb currently is of the
range equal to 5 feet plus 5 feet for every size bomb must make a Dexterity saving throw (DC 13).
category above Small the bomb currently is of the On a failed save, a creature takes lightning damage
bomb must make a Dexterity saving throw (DC 13). equal to 1d10 plus another 1d10 lightning damage
On a failed save, a creature takes cold damage for each size category above Small the bomb
equal to 1d10 plus another 1d10 cold damage for currently is. On a successful save, a creature takes
each size category above Small the bomb currently half damage.
is. On a successful save, a creature takes half

Mom Bomb Mother of Bombs. When the mom bomb is reduced to

0 hit points, it explodes. Each creature withing a range
Medium elemental, chaotic neutral
equal to 10 feet plus 5 feet for every size category
Armor Class 16 (natural armour) above Medium the mom bomb currently is of the mom
Hit Points 80 (8d12 + 32) bomb must make a Dexterity saving throw (DC 15). On
Speed 0 ft., 40 ft. flying (hover) a failed save, a creature takes force damage equal to
2d12 plus another 1d12 force damage for each size
category above Medium the mom bomb currently is.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA On a successful save, a creature takes half as much
damage. Additionally, when the mom bomb explodes,
15 (+2) 13 (+1) 19 (+4) 7 (-2) 9 (-1) 18 (+4) it creates 1d4 + 2 new bombs that appear in the
nearest unoccupied space.
Condition Immunities prone
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 9 Actions
Languages Primordial
Challenge 8 Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5ft., one
target. Hit 8 (1d8 + 3) bludgeoning damage.
Rage. If the mom bomb takes more than 20 damage in Blue Flame. Ranged Spell Attack: +7 to hit, range 120ft.,
a single turn, it regains 40 hit points and grows one one target. Hit 16 (2d12 + 4) force damage.
size larger. 9
Mom Bomb Cactuar
Once a bomb reaches a certain age or consumes enough Cactuars are cactus-like beings that live in deserts. Despite
power, it grows into a mom bomb. These large, powerful their appearence, cactuars dislike water and will hide
bombs grow more bombs in the form of energy clusters underground when it rains. They have their own laguage,
within itself that mature and are released when the mom consisting of squeaks and warblies, and lash together needles
bomb ruptures. from their own bodies to use their 1000 Needles attacks,
which suggests that cactuars are in fact intelligent enough for
tool use.

Cactuar Challenge 2
Small plant, unaligned
Armor Class 11
Hit Points 86(1d4 + 5) Needle. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, range 60ft.,
Speed 33ft. one target. Hit 6 (1d6 + 2) piercing damage.
Hide (Recharge 3-6). The cactuar hides underground,
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA granting itself three-quarters cover against attacks.

9 (-1) 15 (+2) 13 (+1) 7 (-2) 11 (+0) 7 (-2) Reactions

1000 Needles (can only be used while hidden). Melee or
Damage Vulnerabilities fire Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft./range 60
Senses darkvision 30 ft., passive Perception 10 ft., one target. Hit: 20 (4d6 + 8) piercing damage.
Languages Cactuar

Demon Wall Special Form. The demon wall occupies an area 40 feet
Gargantuan construct, neutral evil long and 10 feet wide.
Armor Class 19 (natural armour)
Hit Points (15d10 + 90) Actions
Speed 20ft. Crush. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 5ft.,
one target. Hit: 29 (4d12 + 5) bludgeoning damage.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Petrif-Eye. Ranged Spell Attack: +10 to hit, range 120
21 (+5) 5 (-3) 22 (+6) 3 (-4) 7 (-2) 3 (-4) ft., one target. Hit: 15 (2d10 + 5) force damage and
the target must make a Constitution saving throw. On a
failed save, the target starts turning to stone and must
Condition Immunities charmed, frightened, grappled, make another Constitution saving throw at the end of
petrified, poisoned, prone, restrained each of their turns. On a successful save, the effect
Damage Immunities bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing ends. After 3 failed saves, the target is petrified. While
from nonmagical attacks petrified in this way, the target has vulnerability to
Senses blindsight 60 ft., passive Perception 8 bludgeoning damage.
Languages speaks the languages of its creator
Challenge 15

Barely sentient, they are usually just intelligent enough to
Demon Wall recognize robbers. Some demon walls after many years no
"Ah, so that's it - easy to get in, and hard to get out." longer recognize their creators and will trap and kill them,
- Edge the Ninja allowing none to pass into their domain, so demon walls are
most often made by the truly mad - or truly desperate.
What originally looked to be an ordinary wall suddenly
springs forth, sliding slowly and surely forward to crush you.
Demon walls often appear in crypts or temples to protect
against thieves.

Powerful beings who dwell in another reality, eidolons can be called forth to do battle by those who can summon monsters.
Eidolons range from harmless to godlike in their power, and each individual eidolon has their own personality and is unique. Once
an eidolon bonds to a summoner, no other being can call it forth unless the connection is severed.
An eidolon is obediant to its summoner after its bond is created, so in the wrong hands eidolons can and have wrecked havoc on
the world. While eidolons can end their own service at any time, most are content to stick with a master, regardless of that
master's attitude or goals, as long as they do not bring physical harm to the eidolon.

Ark Summoner Bond. Ark can telepathically speak to its

summoner while they are on the same plane.
Gargantuan construct, neutral
Immutable Form. Ark is immune to spells and magical
Armor Class 21 (natural armour) effects that would alter its form.
Hit Points 210 (21d10 + 105)
Speed 40ft., 90 ft. flying (hover) Actions
Multiattack. Ark makes two Dark Photon attacks and
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA one Boomerang Bayonet attack, then uses Eternal
Darkness if it is available.
23 (+6) 23 (+6) 21 (+5) 19 (+4) 17 (+3) 13 (+1)
Dark Photon. Ranged Weapon Attack: +13 to hit, range
Saving Throws Str +13, Con +12, Cha +8 120ft., one target. Hit 36 (6d10 + 6) necrotic damage.
Condition Immunities charmed, deafened, frightened, Boomerang Bayonet. Ranged Weapon Attack: +13 to
grappled, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, prone, hit, range 60ft., one target. Hit 24 (6d6 + 6) slashing
restrained damage. If the initial attacks hits, Ark can repeat the
Damage Immunities necrotic, poison; bludgeoning, attack against a second creature within 30 feet of the
piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks first target.
Damage Resistances cold, fire, lightning
Senses darkvision 120ft., passive Perception 14 Eternal Darkness (Recharge 6). Ark fires a salvo of lasers
Languages understands the languages its summoner at a point within range. Each creature in a 20-foot
speaks radius sphere around that point must succeed on a
Challenge 21 Dexterity saving throw (DC 21), taking 60 (10d12)
necrotic damage on a failed save or half as much on a
Flyby. Ark does not trigger opportunity attacks while successful save.

Ark Summoner Bond. Atomos can telepathically speak
An eidolon born from the myths and legends of an ultimate to its summoner while they are on the same plane.
warship, Ark protects an artifact of powerful magical force on
a red moon from its home plane. When summoned, it will Wormhole. When a creature comes within 20 feet
destroy all in its path with a salvo of dark lasers. of Atomos for the first time on a turn or starts its
turn there, it must make a DC 21 Strength saving
throw. On a failed save, the creature is teleported
to a demiplane of crushing darkness and gravity
within Atomos. A creature can only be freed from
this demiplane by use of the plane shift spell or
similar magic, or if Atomos is killed. A creature
within this demiplane takes 36 (6d12) force
damage at the start of each of its turns. If this
damage reduces a creature's HP to zero, they are
crushed to dust, along with any nonmagical
equipment they are carrying.

Slowga. Atomos targets one creature within 60 feet
of itself. The target creature must succeed on a DC
21 Constitution saving throw or suffer
disadvantage on all saves made against Atomos'
Wormhole feature until the end of its next turn.
G-Force 199 (Recharge 5-6). Atomos increases the
range of its Wormhole feature by 30 feet until the
Atomos start of its next turn.
Atomos lives in a cavern deep below the surface of the moon
where it delights in its creation of a maze that plays with
space and time. Other than that, its origins are a mystery.
Since eidolons are born from wishes and desires of the
people of Gaia, it can only be assumed that Atomos was born
from wishes of destruction.

Huge fiend, neutral

Armor Class 19
Hit Points 242 (22d10 + 132)
Speed 20 ft.


21 (+5) 12 (+1) 23 (+6) 15 (+2) 15 (+2) 9 (-1)

Condition Immunities charmed, deafened,

frightened, grappled, paralyzed, petrified,
poisoned, prone, restrained
Damage Immunities necrotic, poison; bludgeoning,
piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks
Damage Resistances acid, radiant
Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 12
Languages understands the languages its summoner
Challenge 22

Bismarck was born from the desires of sailors to make it
home to port safely. It patrols the waters, protecting those at
sea with its mournful song.

Huge beast, neutral good

Armor Class 16 (natural armour)

Hit Points
Speed 10ft., 90ft swim


19 (+4) 17 (+3) 21 (+5) 15 (+2) 17 (+3) 13 (+1)

Condition Immunities charmed, deafened,

frightened, grappled, paralyzed, petrified,
poisoned, prone, restrained
Damage Resistances cold; bludgeoning, piercing,
and slashing from nonmagical attacks
Senses passive Perception 19 Carbuncle
Languages understands the languages its summon
Carbuncle is an eidolon that eats precious stones and hides
Challenge 15
within rainbow hues. By itself it is not very strong, but it
desires above all else to protect its summoner. It was born
Summoner Bond. Bismarck can telepathically speak
from wishes of protection.
to its summoner while they are on the same plane.
Amphibious. Bismarck can breathe both air and
water. Carbuncle
Tiny fae, neutral good
Actions Armor Class 13
Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5ft., Hit Points 5 (1d6 + 1)
one target. Hit 24 (4d10 + 4) bludgeoning damage. Speed 35 ft., 10 ft. fly
Breach Blast. Ranged Weapon Attack: +7 to hit,
reach 60ft., one target. Hit 19 (4d8 + 3) cold STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
damage and the target's movement speed is
reduced by 10 feet until the end of its next turn. 11 (+0) 15 (+2) 12 (+1) 17 (+3) 16 (+3) 17 (+3)
Sea Song (Recharge 5-6). Every creature within 120
feet of Bismarck that can hear it must succeed on a Condition Immunities paralyzed, petrified, poisoned
DC 16 Charisma saving throw. On a failed save, it is Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 13
charmed by Bismarck. An affected creature can Languages understands the languages its summoner
repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its speaks
turns, ending the effect on a success. Challenge 1/2

Summoner Bond. Carbuncle can telepathically speak

to its summoner while they are on the same plane.

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5ft.,
one target. Hit 5 (1d4 + 2) piercing damage.
Ruby Light (1/day). The carbuncle grants a friendly
creature within 30 feet of it 5 temporary hit points.
While the creature has these hit points, it has
advantage on saving throws against spells or other
magical effects.

Carbuncle Familiar
Spellcasters who are sensitive to other planes may Actions
wish to summon forth a carbuncle to serve as a Multiattack. Maduin casts a spell and uses Chaos
familiar. A carbuncle wishes to protect its master, Wave, if it is available.
so they serve as loyal companions. A carbuncle
serving as a familiar has the following trait. Chaos Wave (Recharge 5-6). Every creature within
Familiar. The carbuncle can serve another 30 feet of Maduin must succeed on a DC 18
creature as a familiar, forming a deeper telepathic Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, a creature
bond with its willing master, provided the master is takes 4d8 damage. Choose one of the d8s. The
at least a 3rd-level spellcaster. While the two are number rolled on that die determines the attack's
bonded, the master can sense what the carbuncle damage type, as shown below.
senses as long as they are within 1 mile of each
other. If its master causes it physical harm, the Chaos Wave
carbuncle will end its service as a familiar, breaking d8 Damage Type
the telepathic bond. 1 acid
2 cold
3 fire
Maduin 4 force
Maduin is the gatekeeper to the realm of the eidolons, 5 lightning
watching over all travel in and out. He is patient and wise, but
fierce in combat. 6 poison
In the past, he ventured out into the world of mortals, and 7 psychic
when he returned, he had a human bride. 8 thunder

On a successful save, a creature takes half as

Maduin much damage.
Medium celestial, neutral good
Legendary Actions
Armor Class 16 (natural armour)
Hit Points 72 (1d4 + 5) Maduin can take 3 legendary actions, choosing
Speed 30ft., 30 ft. flying from the options below. Only one legendary action
can be used at a time and only at the end of
another creature's turn. Maduin regains spent
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA legendary actions at the start of his turn.
19 (+4) 19 (+4) 20 (+5) 18 (+4) 15 (+2) 18 (+4) Dash. Maduin moves up to his speed.
Cantrip. Maduin casts a cantrip.
Condition Immunities paralyzed, petrified, poisoned
Senses darkvision 120ft., passive Perception 12 Chaos Control (Costs 2 actions). Maduin recharges
Languages understands the languages his and uses Chaos Wave.
summoner speaks
Challenge 17

Chaos Form. Any creature that deals damage to

Maduin while within 5 feet of him take 2d6 force
Flyby. Maduin's movement doesn't prvoke
opportunity attacks.
Innate Magic. Maduin can cast the following spells
at will.
Cantrips: mage hand, fire bolt, ray of frost
Spells: chaos bolt (cast at 3rd level)
Summoner Bond. Maduin can telepathically speak
to his summoner while they are on the same plane.

Ramuh is a wise sage and among the oldest eidolons. Born
from a desire for knowledge and enlightenment, he watches
over the mortal realm for those in need of advice.

Large celestial, lawful neutral

Armor Class 13 (16 with mage armour)

Hit Points 80 (20d6 + 20)
Speed 30ft.


13 (+1) 16 (+3) 13 (+1) 23 (+6) 21 (+5) 17 (+3)

Condition Immunities paralyzed, petrified, poisoned

Senses passive Perception 15
Languages understands the languages his
summoner speaks
Challenge 18

Spellcasting. Ramuh is a 20th level spellcaster. His

spellcasting ability is Intelligence (spell save DC 20,
+12 to hit with spell attacks). He has the following
wizard spells prepared:
Cantrips (at will): chill touch, dancing lights, gust,
mage hand, shocking grasp
1st level (4 slots): absorb elements, chromatic
Tiny fae, neutral
orb, mage armour, magic missile, witch bolt
2nd level (3 slots): blur, dragon's breath, shatter, Armor Class 18
warding wind Hit Points 6 (2d6)
3rd level (3 slots): fly, lightning bolt, thunder Speed 20ft., 60 ft. flying
4th level (3 slots): dimension door, elemental
bane, storm sphere STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
5th level (3 slots): far step, Rary's telepathic
bond, wall of force 7 (-2) 16 (+3) 11 (+0) 15 (+2) 17 (+3) 16 (+3)
6th level (2 slots): arcane gate, investiture of
wind, scatter Condition Immunities paralyzed, poisoned
7th level (2 slots): etherealness, whirlwind Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception
8th level (1 slot): control weather, illusory dragon Languages understands the languages its summoner
9th level (1 slot): true polymorph speaks
Challenge 2
Summoner Bond. Ramuh can telepathically speak
to his summoner while they are on the same plane. Summoner Bond. Sylph can telepathically speak to
its summoner while they are on the same plane.
Flyby. Sylph's movement doesn't provoke
Scepter. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5ft.,
opportunity attacks.
one target. Hit 6 (1d8 + 1) bludgeoning damage
plus 10 (2d10) lightning damage.
Judgement Bolt (Recharge 6). Ramuh hurls his Whispering Wind. Ranged Spell Attack: + to hit,
scepter down to a point he can see within 60 feet range 120ft., one target. Hit 6 (1d6 + 3) radiant
of him before striking it with heavenly lightning. damage. If the target is a friendly creature, it instead
Every creature within a 30-foot radius sphere of the restores 6 (1d6 + 3) hit points to that creature.
scepter must make a Constitution saving throw,
taking 20d6 lightning damage on a failed save or Vanish (Recharge 5-6). The sylph turns invisible until
half as much on a successful save. the start of its next turn or it uses its Whispering
Wind action.

Sylph Gilgamesh
A faerie born from the winds of change and the dreams of the Large humanoid (eight-handed-one), chaotic
free-spirited. They can vanish from sight, and use this ability neutral
to play pranks on other eidolons.
Armor Class 20 (plate, shield)
Hit Points 198 (18d10 + 108)
Speed 40ft.


21 (+5) 20 (+5) 22 (+6) 8 (-1) 15 (+2) 17 (+3)

Saving Throws Dex +11, Wis +8

Condition Immunities charmed
Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and
slashing from nonmagical attacks
Senses passive Perception 12
Languages Common, Dwarvish
Challenge 18

Champion. Gilgamesh's weapon attacks score a

critical hit on a roll of 18-20.
Excalibur. All of Gilgamesh's weapon attacks deal an
additional 1d10 radiant damage (included in
Gilgamesh Indomitable (3/day). Gilgamesh rerolls a failed save.
A wandering eccentric weapons collector and mercenary. In Second Wind (Recharges after a Short or Long Rest.
his search for the legendary blade Excalibur, he has seen As a bonus action, Gilgamesh regains 20 hit points.
many imitation blades. His manners are odd, but his armour
is undeniably well-made. In battle he becomes an Actions
unstoppable force with a weapon in each of his eight hands. Multiattack. Gilgamesh makes 5 attacks - two with
his longswords, one with his glaive, one with his
morningstar, one with his spear, and one with his
Longsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach
5ft., one target. Hit: 10 (1d8 + 5) slashing damage
plus 6 (1d10) radiant damage,
Glaive. Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach
10ft., one target. Hit: 11 (1d10 + 5) slashing
damage plus 6 (1d10) radiant damage.
Morningstar. Melee Weapon Attacl: +11 to hit,
reach 5ft., one target. Hit: 10 (1d8 + 5) piercing
damage plus 6 (1d10) radiant damage.
Spear. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +11 to hit,
reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 9
(1d6 + 5) piercing damage plus 6 (1d10) radiant
Warhammer. Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit,
reach 5ft., one target. Hit: 10 (1d8 + 5)
bludgeoning damage plus 6 (1d10) radiant damage.

Magic Weapons
Through the rifts, from the worlds of Terra, Gaia, and beyond, While you are holding Kain's Lance, you can cast the
come many magical items as well. Wartorn worlds as they compelled duel spell at will, using Strength as your
are, many of these items are weapons. Noted here are a few spellcasting modifier.
of those mighty weapons from the worlds beyond.
Abel's Lance Weapon (longsword), legendary (requires attunement by a
Weapon (pike), very rare (requires attunement) paladin)
The long red ribbon tied around this polearm flutters in the The blade of this sword gleams with holy energy. It was once
breeze, even when there is no wind. You have a +2 bonus to wielded by a warrior-king who turned his back on the path of
attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon. darkness to walk the road of the paladin. You have a +3
While you are holding Abel's Lance, you can cast the bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic
investiture of wind spell from it. Once you do so, Abel's Lance weapon.
regains the ability to do so again at the next dawn. Attacks made with Lightbringer deal an additional 1d8
radiant damage. Additionally, attacks made with Lightbringer
Deathbringer have advantage on all attacks against aberrations, fiends, and
Weapon (shortsword), rare (requires attunement) Lightbringer has 8 charges. As a bonus action, you can
This sword's blade is as red as blood. A finely cut onyx stone expend charges to cast the following spells, using your
is set within the crossguard. You have a +1 bonus to attack Charisma as the spellcasting modifier: searing smite (1
and damage rolls made with this magic weapon. charge), branding smite (2 charges), staggering smite (4
Deathbringer has 3 charges. While you are holding charges), or banishing smite (8 charges). Lightbringer regains
Deathbringer, you can use your bonus action and expend 1 1d6 + 2 expended charges every dawn.
charge to empower the sword. The next attack you make with
Deathbringer deals an additional 2d10 necrotic damage. Save the Queen
Deathbringer regains all expended charges at midnight. Weapon (longsword), very rare (requires attunement)
Dragon Whisker A treasured sword once wielded by a renowned general. It
cuts through magic as easily as armour. You have a +3 bonus
Weapon (whip), rare (requires attunement) to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon.
This whip's handle is carved from the bone of a dragon and While you are holding Save the Queen, you can your your
decorated with inlaid gemstones. You have a +1 bonus to reaction to impose disadvantage on any attack made against
attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon. you or a creature within 5 feet of you.
Any attack made with Dragon Whisker against a dragon
are automatically critical hits. Scorpion Tail
Weapon (flail), rare (requires attunement)
A flail designed to mimic a scorpion's sting. You have a +2
Weapon (warhammer), rare (requires attunement) bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic
This long-shafted hammer radiates heat. The metal of it is weapon.
tinted red, and the head is decorated with rubies. You have a Scorpion Tail's attacks deal an additional 1d8 poison
+2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic damage. Additionally, you can cast the Melf's minute meteors
weapon. spell from the flail, using Intelligence as the spellcasting
Attacks made with the Flarehammer deal an additional ability. Once you cast the spell in this way, Scorpion Tail
1d6 fire damage. Additionally, you can use your bonus action regains the ability to do so again at dusk.
while holding the Flarehammer to empower it with magical
flame. For the next minute or until you dismiss the effect (no Ultima Weapon
action required), your range with the Flarehammer increases Weapon (greatsword), artifact
by 5ft.
Known by some as the mightiest weapon ever forged, the
Kain's Lance Ultima Weapon has taken many different forms over the
years. When a hero rises, the Ultima Weapon will appear to
Weapon (glaive), very rare (requires attunement) match them. You have a +4 bonus to attack and damage rolls
This black-steel lance was once wielded by a dragon knight of made with this magic weapon.
legend. It feels sharp enough to cut the air itself. You have a While you are holding Ultima Weapon, you can use your
+3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic action to cast any spell of 8th level or lower from it, using
weapon. Strength as your spellcasting ability. Once you do so, Ultima
Weapon regains the ability to do so after 3 days have passed.


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