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5 Mark Paper 3

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REGULAR Paper 3 – Set A

Section – II: SHORT DESCRIPTIVE QUESTIONS Marks: 8 x 5 = 40

(i) Answer all Eight questions

(ii) Each question carries Five marks

S-1 List five energy saving measures for air conditioning system.

Bureau of Energy Efficiency
REGULAR Paper 3 – Set A

 Insulate all cold lines / vessels using economic insulation thickness to minimize
heat gains.

 Optimize air conditioning volumes by measures such as use of false ceiling and
segregation of critical areas for air conditioning by air curtains.

Minimize the air conditioning loads by measures such as

 roof cooling,
 roof painting,
 efficient lighting,
 pre-cooling of fresh air by air- to-air heat exchangers
 Variable volume air system
 Optimal thermo-static setting of temperature of air conditioned spaces
 Sun film application

Minimize the process heat loads by measures involving TR reduction and

refrigeration temperature level reduction
 Flow optimization
 Heat transfer area increase to accept higher temperature coolant
 Avoid wastages by heat gains
 Avoid wastages by loss of chilled water
 Avoid wastages by ideal flows.
 Frequent cleaning and descaling of all heat exchangers

At refrigeration and AC plant area

 Minimize part load operations by matching loads and plant capacity on line;
adopt variable speed drives for varying load.
 Ensure regular maintenance of all AC plant components as per manufacturers
guide lines.
 Ensure adequate quantity of chilled water flows, cooling water flows
 Avoid by pass flow by closing valves of ideal equipment
 Adopt VAR system where economics permit as non CFC solutions
 Make efforts to continuously optimize condenser and evaporator parameters for
minimizing specific energy consumption and maximizing capacity

….. (5 marks for relevant points as above)

S-2 The total system resistance of a piping loop is 50 meters and the static head is 15
meters at designed water flow. Calculate the system resistance offered at 75%, 50%
and 25% of water flow

Bureau of Energy Efficiency
REGULAR Paper 3 – Set A


Total System Resistance of piping loop: 50m

Static Head :15 m
So, Dynamic Head at designed water flow: 35m
….. (2 mark)

Dynamic Head (m) Static Head Total Resistance

Sl.No. Flow% = 35 x (%flow)2 (m) (m)

1 75.0% 19.68 15 34.68

2 50.0% 8.75 15 23.75
3 25.0% 2.19 15 17.19
…. (3 marks-(each 1 mark))

In a DG set, the generator is rated at 1000 kVA, 415V, 1390 A, 0.8 PF, 1500 RPM.
The full load specific energy consumption of this DG set as measured by the energy
auditor is 4.0 kWh per liter of fuel and air drawn by the DG set is 14 kg/kg of fuel. The
energy auditor has recommended a waste heat recovery (WHR) system. Also the
auditor indicated that the waste heat recovery potential is 2.6x105 kCal/hr at the
existing engine exhaust gas temperature of 583oC.

Estimate the exhaust temperature to chimney after installation of proposed WHR

system. The specific gravity of fuel oil is 0.86 and specific heat of flue gas is 0.25
kCal/kg 0C.

Bureau of Energy Efficiency
REGULAR Paper 3 – Set A


1 Rated kVA of Diesel Generator (given) 1000

2 Rated kW @ 0.8 pf 800 0.5 mark
3 Specific fuel consumption (kWh/lts) (given) 4
4 Specific gravity of fuel oil (given) 0.86
5 Oil consumption at full load in kg/hr ((2*4)/3) 172 1 mark
6 Air supplied per kg of fuel (kg) (given) 14
7 Mass of flue gas (14+1) 15
8 Mass of flue gas kg per hour (7*5) 2580 1 mark
9 Waste heat recovery potential kCal/hr (given) 2,60,000
10 Delta T across waste heat recovery system 403 1.5 mark
(Heat kCal/hr)/(mass of flue gas kg/hr*specific heat,
= (260000/2580x0.25)
11 Present Flue gas temp. or temp. before waste heat 583
recovery system (given)
12 Exit flue gas temp. after waste heat recovery 180
1 mark
system (583 – delta T)

S-4 The input power to a fan is 30kW for a 2500 Nm3/hr fluid flow. The fan pulley
diameter is 300mm. If the flow to be reduced by 15% by changing the fan pulley,
what should be the diameter of fan pulley and power input to fan.


1 Input power to fan kW 30

2 Fluid flow Nm /hr
3 Diameter of Fan pulley (mm) 300
4 Governing Equation is N1D1=N2D2 Eqn-1 1 mark
5 N2 = 0.85N1 given

6 From Eqn-1 D2=(D1)*(N1/N2); = (300)*(N1/0.85N1) 352mm 2 marks

(KW1/KW2) = (N13/N2 3);
7 Hence, KW2=(N2/N1)3*(KW1 ) =(0.85 N1/N1)3*(30) 18.42KW 2 marks
So Power requirement for fan will be 18.4 kW.
Fan pulley to be changed to 352 mm diameter.

Define Lux and Luminous efficacy

Bureau of Energy Efficiency
REGULAR Paper 3 – Set A

Lux (lx) is the illuminance produced by a luminous flux of one lumen,
uniformly distributed over a surface area of one square meter. It is also defined as
the International System unit of illumination, equal to one lumen per square meter.
….. (2.5 marks)
Luminous efficacy is defined as the ratio of luminous flux emitted by a lamp to
the power consumed by the lamp. Efficacy is energy efficiency of conversion from
electricity to light form.
….. (2.5 marks)

S-6 During an energy audit of a power plant cooling tower, the following observations
were made.

 Power plant generation = 785 MW

 Circulation rate =107000 m3 /hr
 Cooling tower range = 10.5oC
 Power plant design COC value = 3.80C

As an auditor find out

a) The total water consumption per hour,
b) Specific water consumption in m3/MW generation.

The plant is pursuing an up-gradation treatment plan to increase COC to 7.0.

c) What would be the potential water savings in m3/hr and m3/MW generation?


S.No. Item Ref. Calculation value units

1 Evaporation loss 0.00085*Circulati 0.00085 * 1719 m3/hr 0.5 mark
on rate in m3/hr * 107000 *
(CT range in deg (10.5)*1.8
2 Blow-down loss Evaporation 1719/ (3.8-1) 614 m3/hr 0.5 mark
3 Total as run S.No 1 + S.No 2 (1719+614) 2333 m3/hr 0.5 mark
4 Specific water S.No. 3/785 (2333/785) 2.97 m3/MW 0.5 mark
5 Blow down at Evaporation 1719/(7-1) 286.5 m3/hr 0.5 mark
improved COC loss/(COC-1)
of 7.0
6 Total water S.No 1 + S.No 5 (1719+286.5) 2005.5 m3/hr 0.5 mark
consumption at
improved COC
7 Specific water S.No 6/785 (2005.5/785) 2.56 m3/MW 0.5 mark
consumption at

Bureau of Energy Efficiency
REGULAR Paper 3 – Set A

improved COC
8 Total water S.No 3 - S.No 6 (2333- 327.5 m3/hr 0.5 mark
saving per hour 2005.5)
9 Water S.No 8/785 (327.5/785) 0.417 m3/MW 1 mark

S-7 Explain with equation for COPCarnot that:

(a) higher COPCarnot is achieved with higher evaporator temperature and lower
condenser temperature.
(b) COPCarnot does not take into account the type of compressor
How is the COP normally used in the industry given?


a) The theoretical Coefficient of Performance (Carnot), COPCarnot - a standard

measure of refrigeration efficiency of an ideal refrigeration system- depends on
two key system temperatures, namely, evaporator temperature Te and
condenser temperature Tc with

COP being given as: COPCarnot = Te / (Tc - Te).

….. (2 marks)

b) This expression also indicates that higher COPCarnot is achieved with higher
evaporator temperature and lower condenser temperature. But COPCarnot is only
a ratio of temperatures, and hence does not take into account the type of
….. (2 marks)

c) Hence the COP normally used in the industry is given by

COP = [Cooling effect (kW)/Power input to compressor (kW)]

where the cooling effect is the difference in enthalpy across the evaporator and
expressed as kW
….(1 mark)
The following single line diagram depicts the location of a 100 kW heater load and a
200 kW motor (which is 200 metres away from the 415V, LT bus). The main incoming
line power factor of the system is 0.85 lag. Calculate the rating of capacitors to
improve PF of main incoming line to 0.9 lag.

Bureau of Energy Efficiency
REGULAR Paper 3 – Set A

Total Inductive load requiring PF compensation = 200kW (since the other 100 kW is
a resistive load)
….. (1 mark)
Operating PF cos ø1= 0.85 lag.
Desired PF cos ø2= 0.90 lag
-1 -1
kVAr required = kW((tan(cos ø )-tan(cos ø ))
1 2

….. (1 mark)
-1 -1
= 200(tan (cos 0.85)-tan (cos 0.90))
= 200( tan(31.78)-tan(25.84))
= 200(0.619-0.484)
= 200(0.135)
= 27 kVAr
….(3 marks)


S-1 a. The rated compressor capacity is 15 m3/min. Evaluate if there is any capacity
de-rating using the air-receiver tank filling method conducted at shop floor.
The relevant data is given below.

Volume of Air receiver including pipe and cooler = 9 m3

Initial Pressure = 0.5 kg/cm2
Final Pressure = 7.0 kg/ cm2
Atmosphere pressure = 1.026 kg/ cm2
Time taken to build up the pressure = 5 minutes

b. What is the deficiency in this calculation and how can it be corrected ?.

Bureau of Energy Efficiency
REGULAR Paper 3 – Set A

Ans a. Compressor output from tank filling method

= [(7.0-0.5) x9/ (1.026x5)] = 11.40 m3/min
Capacity shortfall = 15-11.40 = 3.60 m3/min,
i.e., (3.60/15)x100 = 24% capacity de-rating

b. The above calculation assumes the compression is isothermal. It can be

corrected by introducing the temperature correction factor: (273+T 2) /(273+T1)
where T1 is suction Temperature and T2 is receiver temperature.

S-2 State three advantages of improvement of Power Factor at Load side. Power Factor
at the load side is 0.75 and average minimum load is 100 kW. What is the kVAr rating
of capacitor to improve the Power Factor at the load side to 0.95?

Ans Advantages of Power Factor improvement.

 Reduced kVA (Maximum demand) charges in utility bill
 Reduced distribution losses (KWH) within the plant network due to reduced
 Better voltage at motor terminals and improved performance of motors
 Reduction in size of transformers
 Avoidance of PF penalty and availing of PF incentives.
 Better operating efficiency of motors/ drives
( any three of the above or relevant answers)

Capacitor required to improve Pf from 0.75 to 0.95 for an Average Load of 100 kW
= 100{tan (cos-1 0.75) - tan (cos-1 0.95)} = 100(0.882-0.329) = 55.3 kVAr, say 55 kVAr

2 2 2 2
kVArOld = √(kVAold -kW ) =√(100/0.75) -100 = 87.67 kVAr

kVArnew = √(kVAnew2-kW2) =√(100/0.95)2 -1002 = 32.86 kVAr

Additional kVAr required = 87.67-32.86 = 54.76 kVAr, say 55 kVAr

Bureau of Energy Efficiency
REGULAR Paper 3 – Set A

S-3 One unit of electricity in end-use application is equivalent to about two units of
electricity generated. Substantiate your answer with the computation of cascade
efficiency from generating plant ex-bus to end-use application.
Assume: Efficiency of Generator yard substation as 98%; transmission and
Distribution Loss = 20%; Efficiency of End-use application= 65%

Ans Cascade efficiency from ex-bus generator to end-use =

Efficiency of Generator yard substation x Efficiency of transmission and
Distribution x Efficiency of End-use application
Which is approximately = 0.98x(1-0.20)x0.65 = 0.5096.

Therefore one unit at end use application = [1/0.5096] = 1.96 Units,

Say 2 Units at ex-generator bus

Match the following Terms in ECBC

1 Rate of Heat Flow in Watt per square meter per
Lighting Power Density (LPD) A degree Centigrade
Energy Performance Index (EPI)
2 B Light admitting potential of a Glazing System
of a building
3 Effective Aperture(EA) C Watts per square meter
4 Visible Light Transmittance (VLT) D kWh per square meter per year

Ratio of Light Passing through glazing to the

5 U-Factor E light passing through perfectly transmissive

Ans 1,C; 2,D; 3,E; 4,B; 5,A

List five energy saving measures in a commercial building.

Ans  Optimize air conditioning volumes by measures such as use of false ceiling
and segregation of critical areas for air conditioning by providing partitions.

 Reduction in solar heat gain through building envelope by providing efficient

 Use of energy efficient lighting systems
 Using occupancy/ motion/ sound sensors for lighting system
 Use of energy efficient pumping systems
 Use of energy efficient air conditioning systems
 Providing efficient barriers for avoiding hot air leakage into cold spaces.
 Optimizing evaporator temperature to 220C
 Avoiding use of heating appliance in cool spaces.

Bureau of Energy Efficiency
REGULAR Paper 3 – Set A

S-6 Explain how a Variable Frequency Drive saves power in a three phase electric
motor driven pumping system? What will be the reduction in power drawn by a
motor by reducing the speed by half?

Ans The VFD converts a basic fixed-frequency, fixed voltage sine-wave power (line
power) to a variable frequency, variable-voltage output used to control speed of
induction motors.
By controlling speed of a pump rather than controlling flow through use of throttling
valves, energy savings can be substantial.

By affinity law, if the speed of the pumping is reduced by 1/2, the power drawn by the
motor will be reduced by a factor of eight (1/2) 3 = 1/8.Using a fixed speed motor
would require some type of mechanical throttling device, such as a vane or damper;
but the fact remains that the motor would running full load and almost full speed (full
power), dropping the pressure across the flow control device.

S-7 A performance analysis of a DG set was carried out. The following are the data
 Period of trial – 2 hrs
 Energy generated -1500 kWh
 Level difference in diesel day tank – 51.6 cm
 Diameter of day tank – 1m
 Calorific value of fuel -10500 kcals/kg

The air drawn by the DG set is 30 kg/kg of fuel. The energy auditor recommended for
a waste heat recovery system. Also the auditor indicated waste heat recovery
potential is 2.6x105 kcal/hr if the flue gas temperature after waste heat recovery
system is maintained at 1800C.

a) Calculate the average efficiency of DG set and its specific fuel consumption

b) Calculate present flue gas exit temperature if specific gravity of fired fuel oil of
0.86 and specific heat of flue gas is 0.25 kcal/kg 0C.

1 Fuel consumption (litres) during 2 hrs of trail period 405
{(area x height diff) of day tank} ={3.14x(12)/4 x0.516x1000)lit
2 Specific gravity of fuel oil (given) 0.86
3 Oil consumption in (kg/hr) (405x 0.86 / 2) 174.18
kg/hr or
4 Specific fuel consumption (kWh/lit) ( Ans a) 3.7
or 4.3

Bureau of Energy Efficiency
Paper 3 – Set A with Solutions

5 Air supplied per kg of fuel (kg) (given) 30
6 Mass of flue gas (Sl.No.5)+1kg 31
7 Mass of flue gas kg per hour (Sl.No 6 x Sl.No 3) 5399.5
8 Waste heat recovery potential (kCal/hr) (given) 260000
9 Delta T across waste heat recovery system 192.61
(Heat kCal/hr)/(mass of flue gas/hr*specific heat)
10 Exit flue gas temp. after waste heat recovery system 180
11 Present Flue gas temp. or temp. before waste heat 372.6
recovery system (1800C+Delta T) ( Ans b)
12 Efficiency of DG set {750x860/(174.18x10500)} ( Ans a) =35.3

S-8 A 415 V, 15kW, 3-ph, 50Hz Induction motor operates at full load, with 88% efficiency
and 0.85 power factor lagging:
a) Find the current drawn by the motor
b) If this motor is replaced by 92.5% energy efficient motor with 0.92 power
factor, what will be the power savings in terms of k W and kVA?
Ans a). kWin (Input power) = 15 / 0.88 = 17.05 kW
Line current = 17.050 / (√3 x 0.415 x 0.85) = 27.91 Amp
kVAin = 17.05/0.85=20.06 kVA OR (√3 x 415X27.91)

b) For the same output of 15 kW

Input power with 92.5 % efficiency will be = 15/0.925 = 16.216 kW and
Input kVA at 0.92 power factor will be = 16.216 /0.92= 17.62 or 18 kVA

Therefore, saving will be 17.05 -16.216 = 0.834 kW

20.06-17.62= 2.44 kVA

Bureau of Energy Efficiency
Paper 3 – Set A with Solutions

Section – II: SHORT DESCRIPTIVE QUESTIONS Marks: 8 x 5 = 40

(i) Answer all Eight questions

(ii) Each question carries Five marks

S-1 Determine the discharge pipe inner diameter size (in mm) for compressed air system, having
following parameters.

 Compressed Air Flow at NTP (FAD) = 1000 Nm3/hr

 Discharge Air Pressure = 7 bar(g)
 Discharge Air Temperature = 35 o C
 Air Velocity = 6 m/s.
 Atmospheric Pressure = 1.013 bar
Ans Actual Condition vs NTP Condition

 P2 x V2 / T2 = P1 x V1 / T1
 (1.013 + 7) x V2 / (273 + 35) = 1.013 x 1000 / 273

 V1, actual flow rate = 142.6 m3/hr

= 0.0396 m3/s (3 Marks)

 Flow rate (m3/s) = Area, in mtr2 x Velocity (m/s)

 Area, in mtr2 = Flow rate (m3/s) / Velocity (m/s)
= 0.0396 / 62 = 0.0066 m2
 A = π (di 2/4) = 0.0066 m
 Pipe, in mm = di = 0.092 m = 92 mm (2 Marks)
= say 100 mm
S-2 List five energy saving measures in a centralized chilled water based air conditioning
Ans  Insulate all cold lines / vessels using economic insulation thickness to minimize
. heat gains.

 Optimize air conditioning volumes by measures such as use of false ceiling and
segregation of critical areas for air conditioning by air curtains.

 Minimize the air conditioning loads by measures such as roof cooling, roof
painting, efficient lighting, pre-cooling of fresh air by air- to-air heat exchangers

 Optimal thermo-static setting of temperature of air conditioned spaces.

 Minimize part load operations by matching loads and plant capacity on line;
adopt variable speed drives for varying load.

Note : Any other relevant point also to be considered

Bureau of Energy Efficiency
Paper 3 – Set A with Solutions

………5 marks
(Each point carries one mark)
S-3 A stream of moist air with a mass flow rate of 10.1 kg/s and with a specific humidity of
0.01 kg per kg dry air, mixes with a second stream of superheated water vapor, flowing at
0.1 kg/s. If we assume proper and uniform mixing without condensation, then what will be
humidity ratio of the final stream, in kg per kg dry air?
Ans Humidity ratio of final stream,

M1H1 + M2H2 (0.01x10.1) + (0.1x1)

H = ---------------------- = ------------------------------ = 0.02 kg per kg of dry air
Dry air (10.1 x(1 - 0.01))

Dry air (can also be calculated as) = [ 10.1 kg/s – (moisture i.e. 10.1 x 0.01)]
………………..5 marks
Mass of moist air = 10.1 kg/s.
Specific humidity is = 0.01 kg/kg dry air
Amount of dry air in moist air can be found out as follows:
Let X be the amount of dry air, then by mass
balance X + X * (Specific humidity) = 10.1 kg/s
X + X * (0.01) = 10.1 kg/s
On solving, we get X=10 kg/s
Now, Moisture in moist air is 0.1 kg/s
Superheated steam = 0.1 kg/s
Humidity ratio of final steam =
M1H1 + M2H2 (0.01x10) + (0.1x1)
H =----------------------- = -------------------------------- = 0.02 kg per kg of
dry air Dry air (10)

………………..5 marks

A pump is filling water in to a rectangular overhead tank of 5 m x 4 m with a height of 8 m.

S-4 The inlet pipe to the tank is located at height of 20 m above ground. The following additional
data is collected :

 Pump suction : 3 m below pump level

 Overhead tank overflow line : 7.5 m from the bottom of the tank
 Power drawn by motor : 5.5 kW
 Motor efficiency η : 92%
 Time taken by the pump to fill the
overhead tank upto overflow level : 180 minutes

Assess the pump efficiency.

Ans Volume of the tank = 5 x 4 x 7.5 = 150 m3
Flow = 150/3 = 50 m3/hr
………………..1.5 marks

Bureau of Energy Efficiency
Paper 3 – Set A with Solutions

Hydraulic power = Q (m3/s) x total head (m) x 1000 x 9.81 /1000

= (50/3600) x (20 –(-3)) x 1000 x 9.81/1000
Hydraulic power = 3.13 kW
………………..2.5 marks
Power input to pump = 5.5 x 0.92 = 5.06 kW
Pump efficiency = 3.13/5.06 = 61.9%
………………..1 mark

S-5 The operating boiler load and associated Induced-draft fan power consumption of a

Fan motor power

Boiler loading Damper position Operating hours (with damper
a day operation)
80% Position # 1 4 31

70% Position # 2 12 29

60% Position # 3 8 26

boiler is given below.

The fan consumes 35 kW at 100% boiler loading with damper in full open condition.

Estimate the daily energy savings that can be achieved if the damper is replaced by a
VFD for induced draft fan to meet the desired requirements.

Assume that the air requirement is proportional to boiler loading.

Bureau of Energy Efficiency
Paper 3 – Set A with Solutions

Ans Savings can be estimated as follows:

Fan Operating Fan motor Fan motor Power Energy

Flow hours a power with with VFD savings savings
(same day damper (kW) (kW) (kWh)
as boiler (hrs / day) (kW)
A B C D = A3 x 35 E = C-D F=BxE
80 4 31 17.9 13.1 52.32
70 12 29 12 17 203.94
60 8 26 7.6 18.4 147.52

Total Daily Savings 403.78

………………..5 marks

S-6 Fill in the blanks for the following

a) Voltage levels can be varied without isolating the connected load to the
transformer using

b) Use of starter is appropriate in case of high number of motor starts

and stops per hour.

c) Operating a highly under loaded motor in star mode reduces voltage by a

factor of .

d) is the ratio of dissolved solids in circulating water to the

dissolved solids in makeup water.

e) In SI units is the measure of light output of a lamp.

a) On load tap changer (OLTC)
b) Soft starter
c) √3 (i.e.square root of three)
d) Cycles of Concentration (COC)
e) Lumens
………………..5 marks
(each one carries one mark)

S-7 A 75 kW, 415 V, 140 Amp, 4 pole, 50 Hz, 3-phase squirrel cage induction motor has
a full load efficiency of 87.6%. The measured operating motor terminal voltages in a
3-phase supply are 415 V, 418 V & 420 V. The current drawn in 3-phase supply are

Bureau of Energy Efficiency
Paper 3 – Set A with Solutions

137 Amp, 132 Amp & 137 Amp. Estimate the additional temperature rise of motor,
due to unbalanced voltage supply.

i) Additional temperature rise:

Deviation from
Phase V mean voltage
R 415 -2.67
Y 418 0.33
B 420 2.33
Mean 417.67 0

Voltage unbalance = Maximum deviation from mean/mean voltage

= 2.67*100/417.67 = 0.639% --------------------3

Additional temperature rise = 2 X (%voltage unbalance)2

= 2 X (0.639)2
= 0.8166%-------------------------------------2 Marks

Briefly explain any three different methods of flow control for fans

Ans Pulley Change:

When a fan flow change is required on a permanent basis, and the existing fan can
handle the change in capacity, the volume change can be achieved with a speed
change. The simplest way to change the speed permanently is with a pulley change.
For this, the fan must be driven by a motor through a v-belt system.

Damper Control:

Dampers provide a means of changing air volume by adding or removing system

resistance. This resistance forces the fan to move up or down along its characteristic
curve, generating more or less air without changing fan speed.

Inlet Guide Vane:

Guide vanes are curved sections that lay against the inlet of the fan. Guide vanes
pre-swirl the air entering the fan housing. This changes the angle at which the air is
presented to the fan blades, which, in turn, changes the characteristics of the fan
curve. Guide vanes are energy efficient for modest flow reductions – from 100
percent flow to about 80 percent. Below 80 percent flow, energy efficiency drops

Variable Speed Drive:

Variable speed operation involves reducing the speed of the fan to meet reduced flow

Bureau of Energy Efficiency
Paper 3 – Set A with Solutions

requirements. Fan performance can be predicted at different speeds using the fan
laws. Since power input to the fan changes as the cube of the flow, this will usually
be the most efficient form of capacity control.

………………..5 marks
(Any of the above three to be considered)

………..……. End of Section - II ………….….

Bureau of Energy Efficiency
Section – II: SHORT DESCRIPTIVE QUESTIONS Marks: 8 x 5 = 40

(i) Section II contains Eight questions (S1- S8)

(ii) Each question carries Five marks

S-1 The operating data of an induced draft-cooling tower is as

follows: Observed range : 8 0C.

Cooling water flow rate : 12,500 m3/hr

Drift loss : 0.1 % of circulation rate
Wet Bulb Temperature : 27 0C

Ambient Dry Bulb Temperature : 35 0C

Effectiveness : 67 %
Cycle of Concentration 3
Estimate the evaporation loss; make up water requirement and TR load of cooling tower.

Ans Evaporation loss = 0.00085 X 1.8 X 12500 X 8 = 153 m3/hr

Blow Down =153 /(3-1)= 76.5 m3/hr

Make up =153 + 76.5 + (12500*0.001)= 242 m3/hr

Heat load =12500*1000*8/3024=33069 TR

S-2 A plant is operating a chilled water system always at full load. The chilled water inlet and outlet
temperatures are 12 0C and 7 0C respectively. The chilled water pump discharge pressure is 3.6
kg/cm2g and the suction is 5 meters above the pump centerline. The power drawn by the chilled
water pump’s motor is 70 kW and an efficiency of 90 %. The chilled water pump efficiency at the
operating point from pump characteristic curve is 60 %. Find out the operating refrigeration load
in TR.

Ans Total head 36 – 5 = 31 m

Pump shaft power 70 x 0.9
63 kW
Flow rate (63 x 1000) X 0.6 / 31 x 1000 x 9.81
0.124297 m3/s
447.5 m3/hr
Refrigeration load (447500 x 5) / 3024
740 TR
S-3 In an air washer of a textile humidification system with an airflow of 3000 m3/h at 25 0C and 10
% relative humidity is humidified to 60 % relative humidity by adding water through spray
nozzles. The specific humidity of air at inlet and outlet are 0.002 kg/kg of dry air and 0.0062
kg/kg of dry air respectively. The density of air at 25 0C is 1.184 kg/m 3. Calculate the amount of
water required in kg/hr.
The amount of water required:
mw =v ρ ( out - in)
= 3000 X 1.184 X (0.0062- 0.002)
= 14.9 kg/h

S-4 In a Thermal Power Station, the steam input to a turbine operating on a fully condensing mode
is 100 TPH. The heat rejection requirement of the steam turbine condenser is 555 kcal/kg of
steam condensed. The temperature of cooling water at the inlet and outlet of the turbine
condenser is 27 0C and 37 0C respectively. Find out the circulating cooling water flow.

Ans The quantum of heat rejected in the turbine condenser

= Quantum of steam condensed (kg) x heat rejection (kcal/kg)
= 100,000 x 555 = 55.5 Million kcal/h.

Heat gained by circulating cooling water = Heat rejected in the condenser

Circulating cooling water flow
= 100,000 x 555 / (37-27) x specific heat (1)

= 5550 m3/hr

S-5 List any five benefits of power factor improvement in an industrial power distribution system

Ans Refer Guide Book No 3, Chapter 1, Page No 11

During the performance evaluation of a DG set, the following parameters were noted

Capacity of DG set 1500 kVA

Test duration 36 minutes

Units generated 442 kWh

Paper 3 Code : Pink

Average Power factor 0.92 pf

Length of diesel tank 90 cm

Width of diesel tank 90 cm

Height of the diesel tank 90 cm

Initial tank dip level (from top) 63 cm

Final tank dip level (from top) 79 cm

Calculate the following:

1. Diesel consumption (Litres) (1 Mark)
2. Average load (kW) (1 Mark)
3. Percentage Loading (%) (2 Marks)
4. Specific power generation (kWh/Litre) (1 Mark)

1. Diesel Consumption = 0.9x0.9x0.16 =129.6 Liters

Ans 2. Average load (kW) = (442/36)x60 =736.7 kW
3. Percentage Loading (%) = (736.7/.92)/1500 =53%
4. Specific power generation (kWh/Litre) (442/129.6) =3.41 kWh/Litre

How does a motor lose its efficiency upon rewinding?(2.5 Marks)

S-7 What two parameters will indicate the efficacy of the rewinding? (2.5 Marks)

Ans Refer Guide Book No 3, Chapter 2, Page No 61

S-8 A medium sized engineering industry has installed two 480 CFM screw compressors,
A & B. Compressor-A is operating at full load and Compressor-B is running in load - unload
condition. The load power of both the compressor is 74 kW and the unload power of the
Compressor-B is 26 kW. Both the compressors are operated during working day.
The percentage loading of the Compressor-B during working day is 64 %. After arresting the
leakage in the system the loading of the compressor was found to be 35 %. Estimate the energy
savings per day.
Existing Case:
Ans Energy consumed per hour by Compressor -A= 74 kW
Energy consumed per hour by Compressor -B= 0.64 x 74 + 0.36 X 26 = 56.72 kW
Total energy consumed (Compressor A& B) = 74 + 56.72 = 130.72 kW/hr
Energy consumed per day= 130.72 X 24 hrs = 3137.3 kWh/day
Leakage Calculation:
Energy consumed per hour by Compressor -B= 0.64 x 74 + 0.36 X 26 = 56.72 kW
Energy consumed per hour by Compressor -B= 0.35 x 74 + 0.65 X 26 = 42.8 kW
Difference in power consumption = 56.72 - 42.8 = 13.92 kW/hr
Savings by arresting leakage per day= 13.92 X 24 = 334 kWh/day

Bureau of Energy Efficiency
Paper 3 Code : Pink

Section – II: SHORT DESCRIPTIVE QUESTIONS Marks: 8 x 5 = 40

(i) Answer all Eight questions

(ii) Each question carries Five marks

S-1 One of the Machining centres has installed 2 No’s of 270 cfm compressors for pneumatic operation and
also for cleaning operation of components after machining. The compressors are operated at 7 kg/cm2(g) and
are on-load for 80 % of the time. The load Power and the un-load Power of each 270 cfm compressor is, 40
kW and 15 kW respectively. The energy audit estimated that cleaning air requirement is 60% of the air

Calculate the daily energy consumption for cleaning air alone, assuming continuous operation of the
Ans :

Compressor capacity = 270 cfm

% Loading = 80 %
Air Delivered by 2 compressors = (270 X 0.80 x 2)
= 432 cfm
Loading Power drawn by the compressors = (40 + 40)
= 80 kW
Un-Loading power drawn by the compressors = (15 + 15)
= 30 kW

Average kW drawn by the compressors = [(80 x (0.8 x24))+ (30x (0.2 x 24))]/(24)
= 70 kW

SEC of compressor = (70/432)

= 0.162 kW/cfm

Cleaning air consumption at 7 Kg/cm2 = (60 % of generation)

= (0.60 x 432)
= 259 cfm

Energy requirement for Cleaning air per day = (259 x 0.162 x 24)
= 1007 kWh/day

(or) Alternate Solution

= (Load Power x load time) + (Unload Power x Unload time)

= (40 x 0.8) + (15 x 0.2)
= 32+3
= 35 KW

Average KW drawn by the compressors = 35 x 2 = 70 KW

Energy requirement for Cleaning air per day = (70 kW x 0.6) x 24

=1008 kWh/day

S-2 In a pharmaceutical industry a centrifugal pump is pumping 80 m3/hr of water into a pressurized

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Paper 3 Code : Pink

container. The container pressure is 3 kg/cm 2(g). The discharge head of the pump is 5 kg/cm 2(g) and water
level is 5 meters below the pump central line. If the power drawn by the motor is 22 kW, find out the pump
efficiency. Assume motor efficiency as 90% and the water density as 1000 kg/m3.


Parameter Process Value

1 Water Flow Rate (m3/hr) given 80

2 Discharge Head (meters) given 50

3 Suction Head (meter) given -5

4 Power input to Motor (kW) given 22

5 Motor Efficiency given 90%

6 Power Input to Pump (kW) Sl. 4* Sl. 5 =22 x 0.9 = 19.8

7 Liquid kW (Sl. 1/3600)*((Sl. 2*10) - = (80/3600) x (50 -
Sl. 3)*9.81 (-5) x 9.81=11.98
8 Pump Efficiency Sl. 7 / Sl. 6 60.56%

S3 A refrigeration system designed with 10 TR AHU is operating at 8.25 TR. The measured air
parameters are given below:

Inlet enthalpy = 10.26 kcal/kg

Outlet enthalpy = 7.26 kcal/kg.
Specific volume of air = 0.83 m3/kg

Calculate the volume of air in m3/hr handled by AHU.

Ans :

Cooling delivered (TR = (Difference in enthalpy) x (Volume of air / sp. volume x 3024)
= (Hi – Ho) x V / (v x 3024)
Volume of air handled by AHU = (TR x v x 3024 / (Hi – Ho))
= ((8.25 x 0.83 x 3024) / (10.26-7.26))
= 6903 m3/hr
S4 A fan is designed for 1300 m3/hr, 50 Hz and drawing 3 kW. If the fan is operated with VFD at 37 Hz for
6000 hours, calculate the velocity of air, when air is supplied through 150 mm diameter duct and the annual
energy savings.
Ans :

Power Drawn at 50 HZ = 3 kW
Operating frequency = 37 Hz
Flow at 37 Hz = 1300 x (37 / 50)
= 962 m3/hr
Diameter of the duct = 150 mm
Area of the duct = 0.0177 m2

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Paper 3 Code : Pink

Velocity of the air in the duct = [(962 / 3600)] / [(0.0177)]

= 15.09 m/s
Power consumption with 37 Hz = (37/50)3 x 3
= 1.22 kW
Annual Energy Savings for 6000 hours operation = 6000 x (3 -1.22)
= 10,680 kWh
S5 A foundry unit draws power to the tune of 2500 kW. The demand observed during furnace operation
is given below:

5 minutes : 2940 kVA

7 minutes : 2550 kVA
3 minutes : 2777 kVA

If the billing meter is monitoring demand every 15 minutes, calculate the maximum demand
registered and also the average PF, during the demand interval.
Ans :

Maximum demand registered = [ 2940 * (5/15) + 2550 * (7/15) + 2777 * (3/15)]

= [ 980 + 1190 + 555.4]
= 2725.4 kVA
5 minutes: 2940 KVA = (2500 / 2940)
= 0.85
7 minutes 2550 KVA = (2500 / 2550)
= 0.98
3 minutes 2777 kVA. = (2500 / 2777)
= 0.90

Average PF = [ 0.85 *(5/15) + 0.98* (7/15) + 0.9 * (3/15) ]

= 0.92
S6 A process plant has installed 4-cell cooling tower, with 45 kW CT fans for each cell and operating at 40
kW at 1450 rpm. As a part of the energy conservation program, the existing fan motors are replaced with two
speed motors which would operate at 1450 rpm and 740 rpm. The cooling towers are operated at high speed
mode for 5300 hours and at low speed mode for 1800 hours, in a year.

Estimate the annual energy savings when compared to operation of fans continuously at a fixed speed of
1450 rpm.

Ans :

Present energy consumption of all 4 fans = (4 x 40 x (5300 + 1800))

= 11,36,000 kWh
Energy consumption for fans at 1450 rpm for 5300 hours = (4 x 40 x 5300)
= 8,48,000 kWh
Energy consumption for fans at 740 rpm for 1800 hours = [ (740/1450)3x 40 x 4 x 1800]
= 38281 kWh
Annual savings = [ 11,36,000 - (8,48,000+38,281) ]
= 2,49,719 kWh
S7 Write short notes on any two of the following: ( Each 2.5 Marks)

1. Integrated Part Load Value (IPLV) for chillers

2. Evaporative Cooling

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Paper 3 Code : Pink

3. Heat Pump
Ans :

1. Integrated Part Load Value (IPLV) for chillers (Page No. 126)
2. Evaporative Cooling (Page No. 136)
3. Heat Pump (Page No. 133)
S8 Write short notes on any two of the following: (Each 2.5 Marks)

1. Solar Heat Gain Coefficient (SHGC)

2. Visible Light Transmittance (VLT)
3. Cool Roof
Ans :

1. Solar Heat Gain Coefficient (SHGC), (Page No. 272)

2. Visible Light Transmittance (VLT), (Page No. 272)
3. Cool Roof, (Page No. 271)

………..……. End of Section - II ………….….

Bureau of Energy Efficiency
Paper 3 Code : Pink

Bureau of Energy Efficiency

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