A Critical Essay: Antonio Pigafetta's "The First Voyage Around The World"
A Critical Essay: Antonio Pigafetta's "The First Voyage Around The World"
A Critical Essay: Antonio Pigafetta's "The First Voyage Around The World"
One of the most relevant and widely known primary sources in the study of the Philippine History
during its Pre-colonial period is Antonio Pigafetta’s, “First Voyage Around the World”. The book
portrays a detailed description of the expedition of the first trip around the world. To this day, it remains
as one of the most important historical documentary of the geographical discoveries of the sixteenth
During the journey Pigafetta served as Magellan's aide and kept a diary bookkeeping all that
appeared to be captivating and foreign to him. This diary would later be utilized as a source of perspective
for some, history related works. Pigafetta kept a broad assortment of information accumulated from the
lands that they have visited. It is the main recorded archive concerning the language. Pigafetta's enduring
diary is the hotspot for a lot of what is thought about Magellan and Elcano's journey.
The First Voyage Around the World is additionally a strikingly precise ethnographic and
topographical record of the circumnavigation, and one that has procured its standing among present day
historiographers and students of the early contacts among Europe and the East Indies. Expertly introduced
and abundantly showed, this release of Pigafetta's exemplary travelogue makes certain to edify new
readers and empower the creative mind as the story has done since it first appeared (Cachey T., 2007).
Known by the name “Antonio Lombardo” or “Francisco Antonio Pigafetta”, Pigafetta is an
Italian seafarer and geographer. In 1519, he joined the journey to the Spice Islands commanded by
Ferdinand Magellan carrying the flag of King Charles I of Spain. The relevance of his own endeavor, on a
very basic level lies in the way that he participated to the principal globe circumnavigation, somewhere in
the range of 1519 and 1522, and he had the option to achieve it after the murder of Ferdinand Magellan.
Antonio Pigafetta, intriguing and escaping character, for researchers he still is an ambiguous
individual. Too little is known to characterize an acceptable biographical profile. Archives and the
declaration of contemporaneous are scarce, and his own character is fundamentally written by himself in
his own report.
His own portrayal about the first world circumnavigation was perhaps the best accomplishment
throughout the entire existence of naval force exploration and discovery. In this portrayal can be
discovered depictions of people, nations, goods and surprisingly the dialects that were spoken, of which
he was attempting to gather some short glossaries. Pigafetta tells how, being in Barcelona in 1519, he
caught wind of Magellan's expedition, and being wishful to discover more about the world, he requested
and acquired the authorization to participate in the journey.
On 10 August 1519, five ships left from Seville for what was to turn into the primary
circumnavigation of the globe. Connected by notoriety to the name of its chief, Magellan, a significant
part of the undertaking is known through the travelogue of one of a handful of the crew members who got
back to Spain, Antonio Pigafetta. A story and cartographic record of the excursion (counting 23 hand-
drawn watercolor graphs) from Patagonia to Indonesia, from the Philippines to the Cape of Good Hope,
Pigafetta's The First Voyage all throughout the world is an exemplary discovery literature.
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In summary of pages twenty-three to forty-eight of the book:
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One of the secondary sources derived from Antonio Pigafetta’s journal is a critical edition by
Antonio Canova. It incorporates a broad prologue to the work and generous annotations by Theodore J.
Cachey Jr who reviews about the great components of the story through allusions to Magellan's
expeditions by journalists as diverse as Shakespeare and Gabriel Garcia Marquez. Nonetheless, Cachey is
mindful so as to point out that Pigafetta's book is far from simply a wonder filled travel narrative.
Other secondary sources are:
• First Voyage Round the World by Magellan: Translated from the Accounts of Pigafetta
and Other Contemporary Writers
• Relazione del primo viaggio intorno al mondo
• Magellan's Voyage
• Diario del viaje de Magallanes
• A primeira viagem ao redor do mundo
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