TLE 7 8 Carpentry Module 3
TLE 7 8 Carpentry Module 3
TLE 7 8 Carpentry Module 3
Module 3: Checking Condition of
Tools and Equipment
Alternative Delivery Module (ADM)
Module 3: Checking Condition of Tools and Equipment
First Edition, 2020
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Module 3: Checking Conditions
of Tools and Equipment
Introductory Message
For the facilitator:
Welcome to the TLE- CARPENTRY Grade 7/8 Alternative Delivery Mode (ADM)
Module on Checking Conditions of Tools and Equipment!
This learning resource hopes to engage the learner into guided and
independent learning activities at their own pace and time. Furthermore, this also
aims to help learner acquire the needed 21st century skills while taking into
consideration their needs and circumstances.
In addition to the material in the main text, you will also see this box in the
body of the module:
As a facilitator, you are expected to orient the learner on how to use this
module. You also need to keep track of the learner' progress while allowing them to
manage their own learning. Furthermore, you are expected to encourage and assist
the learner as they do the tasks included in the module.
To the learner:
This module was designed to provide you with fun and meaningful
opportunities for guided and independent learning at your own pace and time. You
will be enabled to process the contents of the learning resource while being an active
This module has the following parts and corresponding icons:
What I Need to Know This will give you an idea of the skills or
competencies you are expected to learn in the
The following are some reminders in using this module:
1. Use the module with care. Do not put unnecessary mark/s on any part of the
module. Use a separate sheet of paper in answering the exercises.
2. Don’t forget to answer What I Know before moving on to the other activities
included in the module.
3. Read the instruction carefully before doing each task.
4. Observe honesty and integrity in doing the tasks and checking your answers.
5. Finish the task at hand before proceeding to the next.
6. Return this module to your teacher/facilitator once you are through with it.
If you encounter any difficulty in answering the tasks in this module, do not
hesitate to consult your teacher or facilitator. Always bear in mind that you are
not alone.
We hope that through this material, you will experience meaningful learning
and gain deep understanding of the relevant competencies. You can do it!
What I Need to Know
Good day! How are you? Are you now ready for a new learning adventure? This
module was designed and written with you in mind. It is here to help you master
Checking Condition of Tools and Equipment. The scope of this module permits it to
be used in many different learning situations. The language used recognizes the
diverse vocabulary level. The lessons are arranged to follow the standard sequence
of the course. But the order in which you read them can be changed to correspond
with the textbook you are now using.
After going through this module, you are expected to segregate defective tool from
functional ones, label defective tools, and report the list of defective tools
What I Know
Good day, learner! Do you know that you made the splash of achievement?
That is true, Learner! Achieving your past modular lessons means you are very eager
to study more. I am so happy to know that! I know you are all excited to learn more
about this subject. But before proceeding to the next lesson, let us have some
activities in the form of pre-test. This test will help you assess your knowledge on the
lesson that you will be taking soon. Are you ready, learner? You may start with the
pre-test now!
In carpentry, you cannot just directly check the condition of the tools and
equipment without a prior knowledge about the different tool and equipment used to
build any carpentry project. Checking the condition of tools and equipment is an
important part of your endeavor. This allows you to develop concepts, convey your
ideas, and apply the concepts to the real world of carpentry.
But before we explore more on this topic, let’s determine how much you already
know about checking the condition of tools and equipment.
A. Direction: Match the hand tools in Column A to the hand tools categories in the
Column B. Write the letter of the correct answer in your activity. Connect them
with straight lines. Perform this in your activity notebook.
Column A Column B
1. C-Clamp a. measuring tools
2. chalk line b. holding tools
3. claw hammer c. driving tools
4. drill bit d. testing tools
5. ripsaw e. tooth-cutting tools
6. steel square f. miscellaneous tools
7. varnish g. Personal Protective Equipment
8. apron h. portable power tools
9. ruler i. boring tools
10. screwdriver j. marking lining tools
B. Identify the different tools and materials that are described in each item. Write
your answer in your activity notebook.
Lesson Checking Condition of Tools
1 and Equipment
Are you ready for the lesson, learner? Don’t worry, I know you can do it! By
the way, this lesson is focused on the segregation of the defective tool from functional
ones, labelling defective tool, and reporting the list of defective tools. This lesson
provides a lot of activities where you can apply your skills and knowledge. These
activities are designed to help you independently perform the task of checking the
condition of tools and equipment.
What’s In
In your previous lesson, you identified, described, and prepared tools and
equipment for a certain task. I know you are ready for the first activity of your new
lesson but before we proceed to learning new one, let us have some review on your
previous topic. In this activity, you can apply your knowledge on the requisition of
appropriate material and tools for your project.
Directions: Fill out the requisition form for the materials to be used in the making of
the suggested project. Get it on, learner!
Notes to the Teacher
What’s New
Congratulations, Learner! You have proven that you really learned a lot in
your previous lesson. This time, you will be harnessed with new skills in determining
the conditions of the materials you might always use in the task given to you. Before
knowing the condition of the materials and equipment, first, you need to determine
the classifications of materials, and their uses. To make it more challenging yet
engaging, let us have a game called Detect and Connect. Get it on, Learner!
Thus, to start mastering this lesson, let us have an initial activity which can
help you think about the categories of the tools and equipment.
Lesson Activity. Keep in the Basket: Identify the classification of the scattered
hand tools by connecting them to the correct basket using straight lines. After
connecting them all to their classifications, try to detect what you have formed looks
1 3 5
2 6
What Is It
Wow! You successfully classified the hand tools as if you have learned it
already. This time, you will learn more about the classification of hand tools and
their uses. You can easily segregate defective tools from functional ones when you
are familiar with their looks and uses.
One of the classifications of the hand tools is the measuring tools. This
includes the pull-push rule, ruler, meter stick, try square, and caliper. Their uses
are mainly to get the measurements of the material or maintain their dimensions.
They are useful most of the time whenever you need to make sure of the accuracy of
measurement in your carpentry works.
A. Measuring tools
Some of these hand tools are commonly found in our house, and even in our
offices. Meanwhile, in measuring the dimension of our material, we used to put a
mark using our marking lining tool. Marking lining tools are used to draw layout,
put patterns, or use as guide when working our project.
4. Divider - tool with two metal legs used to lay-out an arc circle or
step off division on a line.
5. Compass - used to scribe arcs and circle in a metal wood.
C. Testing Tools
If you wish to cut your materials, like iron and wood, in a certain
measurement, the tooth-cutting tools are used. These tools are hand-based that
you can use easily.
E. Tooth-Cutting Tools
1. Cross Cut Saw - handsaw used to cut the wood across the
2. Rip-saw - hand saw used to cut the wood along the grain.
3. Back Saw - handsaw with a metal back and plywood and joinery.
4. Compass Saw - used to cut irregular shape either in large or small board.
5. Turning Saw - used to rip, cross, and cut curves in lumber.
6. Coping Saw - U-shaped saw used for cutting irregular
shape in small board.
7. Dovetail Saw - small back saw with a straight chisel type
handle used to cut very fine joints.
In securing that the surface will not break when you install the screws or
when you nail, boring tools can be used to produce a hole just enough to produce
friction to the nails or screws without breaking it.
F. Boring Tools
Holding tools are some of the useful hand tools use to hold
your materials during your work. Through these tools, you can be able to ensure
that the material will be positioned well.
G. Holding Tools
The Miscellaneous tools are some of the light hand tools which are
particularly used in some polishing or enhancing the quality of the output you can
H. Miscellaneous Tools
Most of the portable power tools are electric-based tools used in carpentry
works. These tools can help in finishing works easily. Using these tools, you can
make a quality and well-polished output.
The last classification of hand tools is the driving tools. These tools are
necessary in the installation of screws and nails on wooden or any surface in
carpentry works.
J. Driving Tools
1. Claw Hammer - used to drive and pull out nails on wooden surfaces.
2. Mallet - made of wood or rubber used to drive other tools like chisel.
3. Nail Set - used in setting the head of a finishing nail below the surface
of the wood.
4. Screwdriver - used to drive and loose screws.
How was your learning with the classifications of hand tools? Have you formed
any thought about how will you possibly do your own carpentry work? Very good!
Through the learnings you will gain from this lesson, you will be able to easily
perform your skills with the use of these hand tools. Thus, these will enable you to
easily segregate any defective tools. By familiarizing the uses of each tool and
equipment, you can check their conditions easily.
To help you sharpen your mind on how you can operationally check the
condition of your tools and equipment, let us have further discussion on it later. This
time let us have some refreshments in our lesson about the classification of the hand
tools through this enjoyable and engaging assessment activity.
What’s More
What I Have Learned
Let us see if you already have knowledge about the classification of hand
tools. Answer the test below. Write the answers on your activity notebook.
B. Identify the different tools and materials that are described in each item.
What I Can Do
Procedure Sheet 1
Procedure Sheet 2
Let’s Nail It!
Direction: Set a schedule and do the following tasks. Rate your performance using
the scoring scale below. Remember it is your learning at stake! Write your scores on
your activity notebook.
Teacher’s Checklist
Score - Description
6 - Very Satisfactory
5 - Satisfactory
4 - Needs Improvement
3 - Failed
Directions: Check the corresponding box if you have performed or have not
performed the following activities.
Score - Description
6 - Very Satisfactory
5 - Satisfactory
4 - Needs Improvement
3 - Failed
Direction: Multiple Choice. Select the best answer. Write only the letter on your test
12. Which is primarily used for cutting curved or irregular shapes of wood
a. spirit level b. jigsaw c. circular saw d. router
13. Which is used to apply paint or varnish on wood surfaces?
a. claw Hammer b. screwdriver c. paint brush d. nail set
14. Which is used for holding together pieces of lumber while working?
a. Apron b. Face Mask c. Goggles d. c-clamp
15. Which is used to cut the wood along the grain?
a. screwdriver b. rip-saw c. Cabinet scraper d. Mallet
Additional Activities
Direction: At home, list down all your hand tools available. Think about the project
which you can make using these available materials that you have.
What’s New My Brilliant Carpenters
1. Boring Tools 1. Measuring tools
2. Driving Tools 2. Driving tools
3. Portable Tools 3. Personal Protective
4. Marking Lining Tools Equipment (PPE)
5. Personal Protective Equipment 4. Portable Tools
(PPE) 5. Miscellaneous Tools
6. Miscellaneous 6. Holding Tools
7. Holding Tools 7. Boring Tools
8. Measuring Tools 8. Tooth-Cutting Tools
9. Tooth-cutting Tools 9. Edge- Cutting Tools
10. Driving Tools 10.Testing Tools
11.Driving Tools
12.Measuring Tools
13.Holding Tools
14.Edge-cutting Tools
15.Mark Lining Tools
Keep in the Basket
Basket Tool Number Pre-Test
Measuring Tool 8
Marking Lining 4 and 15 1. b
Tool 2. j
Tooth-cutting 9 3. c
Tools 4. i
Personal Protective 5 5. e
Equipment 6. d
Testing Tool 13 7. f
8. g
Edge-cutting Tool 11 and 14 9. a
Holding Tool 7 and 12 10.h
Miscellaneous Tool 6 B.
1. Spoke shave
Portable Tool 3 2. Compass
Driving Tool 2 and 10 3. Try square
Boring Tool 1 4. Chuck
5. grease
Answer Key
Manuel, Fely L. and Dr. Orlando E. Manuel. K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum
Technology and Livelihood Education Learning Module: Carpentry Exploratory Course
Grade 7 and Grade 8. Pasig: Department of Education, 2016.
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