General vs. Unfamiliar Knowledge: Chapter 3 The Literature Review

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General vs.

Unfamiliar Knowledge Chapter 3 The Literature Review

You do not need to cite material which is accepted common knowledge. If in doubt whether
your information is common knowledge or not, cite it.
Intended Learning outcomes
We usually think of books and articles. However, if you use material from web sites, films, At the end of the chapter, the students should have been
music, graphs, tables, etc. you'll also need to cite these as well.  explained the role/functions of the review of literature in research attempt;
 identified the different sources of related literature and studies;
Plagiarism  familiarized ways of doing literature review;
Plagiarism is presenting the words or ideas of someone else as your own without proper  conducted a literature review;
acknowledgment of the source. When you work on a research paper and use supporting  develop theoretical and conceptual frameworks; and
material from works by others, it's okay to quote people and use their ideas, but you do need to  written a literature review and cited sources properly
correctly credit them. Even when you summarize or paraphrase information found in books,
articles, or Web pages, you must acknowledge the original author. Values:
Encourage to do research through reading research studies

The report should follow an academic style of referencing. According to Butcher (1981: 226), Lesson 1. Literature Review, Purpose and Function
there are four referencing systems from which to choose: Meaning of Review of Literature
1. the short-title system;
2. the author–date system; The phrase ‘review of literature’ consists of two words 'review' and 'literature'. From the
3. the reference by number system; traditional meaning, the word literature is used with reference to the language, e.g. Hindi
4. the author–number system. Literature, English Literature, Sanskrit Literature. It includes a subject content: prose, poetry,
You need to adopt the one that is acceptable to your university and academic discipline: ‘The dramas, novels, stories, etc. In research methodology, the term literature refers to the knowledge
first of these is used in most general books, the second mainly in science and social science of a particular area of investigation of any discipline which includes theoretical, practical, and its
books; the third and fourth less frequently’ (Butcher 1981: 167). research studies.
The term ‘review’ means to organise the knowledge of the specific area of research to evolve an
edifice of knowledge to show that this study would be an addition to this field. The task of review
of literature is highly creative and tedious because the research has to synthesise the available
knowledge of the field in a unique way to provide the rationale for his/her study (Singh, 2006,)

Need of Review of Literature

The review of literature is essential due to the following:

• One of the early steps in planning a research work is to review a research done previously in
the particular area of interest.
• It is very essential for every researcher to be up-to-date in his/her information about the
literature related to his/her own problem already done by others.
• It avoids the replication of the study of findings to take an advantage from similar or related
• It provides as source of problem of study.

Objectives of Review of Literature

The review of literature serves the following purposes in conducting research work:
• It provides theories, ideas, explanations or hypotheses which may prove useful in the
formulation of a new problem.
• It avoids replication when it indicates whether the evidence already available solves the
problem adequately without requiring further investigation.
• It provides the sources for hypothesis. The researcher can formulate research hypothesis on
the basis of available studies.
What is a Citation?
• It suggests method, procedure, sources of data appropriate to the solution of the problem.
as the subject for the findings of the study. A citation identifies for the reader the original source for an idea, information, or image that is
• The conclusions drawn in the related studies may be significantly compared and maybe used
referred to in a work.
 In the body of a paper, the in-text citation acknowledges the source of information used.
• Literature in one’s area of activity is a good avenue towards making oneself.
The Functions of Literature  At the end of a paper, the citations are compiled on a References or Works Cited list. A
basic citation includes the author, title, and publication information of the source
One of the essential preliminary tasks when you undertake a research study is to go through the .
existing literature in order to acquaint yourself with the available body of knowledge in your area
of interest. Reviewing the literature can be time consuming, daunting and frustrating, but it is also
rewarding. The literature review is an integral part of the research process and makes a valuable
contribution to almost every operational step. It has value even before the first step; that is, when
you are merely thinking about a research question that you may want to find answers to through
your research journey. In the initial stages of research it helps you to establish the theoretical
roots of your study, clarify your ideas and develop your research methodology. Later in the
process, the literature review serves to enhance and consolidate your own knowledge base and
helps you to integrate your findings with the existing body of knowledge. Since an important
responsibility in research is to compare your findings with those of others, it is here that the
literature review plays an extremely important role. During the write-up of your report it helps
earlier research. The higher the academic level of your research, the more important a thorough
you to integrate your findings with existing knowledge – that is, to either support or contradict
integration of your findings with existing literature becomes.
In summary, a literature review has the following functions:
 It provides a theoretical background to your study.
 It helps you establish the links between what you are proposing to examine and what has
already been studied.
 It enables you to show how your findings have contributed to the existing body of
knowledge in your profession. It helps you to integrate your research findings into the
existing body of knowledge.
In relation to your own study, the literature review can help in four ways. It can:
1. bring clarity and focus to your research problem;
2. improve your research methodology;
3. broaden your knowledge base in your research area; and
4. contextualise your findings.
1. Bringing clarity and focus to your research problem
The literature review involves a paradox. On the one hand, you cannot effectively undertake a
literature search without some idea of the problem you wish to investigate. On the other hand,
the literature review can play an extremely important role in shaping your research problem From: Lemieux Library, University of Seattle
because the process of reviewing the literature helps you to understand the subject area better
and thus helps you to conceptualise your research problem clearly and precisely and makes it
more relevant and pertinent to your field of enquiry. When reviewing the literature you learn Why Should You Cite?
what aspects of your subject area have been examined by others, what they have found out Quoting
about these aspects, what gaps they have identified and what suggestions they have made for Are you quoting two or more consecutive words from a source? Then the original source should
further research. All these will help you gain a greater insight into your own research be cited and the words or phrase placed in quotes.
questions and provide you with clarity and focus which are central to a relevant and valid Paraphrasing
study. In addition, it will help you to focus your study on areas where there are gaps in the If an idea or information comes from another source, even if you put it in your own words, you
existing body of knowledge, thereby enhancing its relevance. still need to credit the source.
2. Improving your research methodology
or contradiction. Note that at this stage you can only accomplish the first function of the literature Going through the literature acquaints you with the methodologies that have been used by
review, to provide a theoretical background to your study. For the second function, the others to find answers to research questions similar to the one you are investigating. A
contextualisation of the findings, you have to wait till you are at the research report writing stage. literature review tells you if others have used procedures and methods similar to the ones
that you are proposing, which procedures and methods have worked well for them and what
While reading the literature for theoretical background of your study, you will realise that certain problems they have faced with them. By becoming aware of any problems and pitfalls, you
themes have emerged. List the main ones, converting them into subheadings. Some people write will be better positioned to select a methodology that is capable of providing valid answers
up the entire literature review in one section, entitled ‘Review of the literature’, ‘Summary of to your research question. This will increase your confidence in the methodology you plan to
literature’ or‘The literature review’, without subheadings, but the author strongly suggests that use and will equip you to defend its use.
you write your literature review under subheadings based upon the main themes that you have
discovered and which form the basis of your theoretical framework. These subheadings should 3. Broadening your knowledge base in your research area
be precise, descriptive of the theme in question and follow a logical progression. Now, under each The most important function of the literature review is to ensure you read widely around the
subheading, record the main findings with respect to the theme in question (thematic writing), subject area in which you intend to conduct your research study. It is important that you know
highlighting the reasons for and against an argument if they exist, and identifying gaps and issues. what other researchers have found in regard to the same or similar questions, what theories
Figure 3.2 shows the subheadings used to describe the themes in a literature review conducted have been put forward and what gaps exist in the relevant body of knowledge. When you
by the author for a study entitled‘Intercountry adoption in Western Australia’. undertake a research project for a higher degree (e.g. an MA or a PhD) you are expected to be
an expert in your area of research. A thorough literature review helps you to fulfil this
expectation. Another important reason for doing a literature review is that it helps you to
understand how the findings of your study fit into the existing body of knowledge (Martin
1985: 30).

4. Enabling you to contextualise your findings

Obtaining answers to your research questions is comparatively easy: the difficult part is
examining how your findings fit into the existing body of knowledge. How do answers to your
research questions compare with what others have found? What contribution have you been
able to make to the existing body of knowledge? How are your findings different from those of
others? Undertaking a literature review will enable you to compare your findings with those
of others and answer these questions. It is important to place your findings in the context of
what is already known in your field of enquiry.

Lesson 2. Related Literature & Related Studies

Sources of Literature
FIGURE 3.2 Sample of outline of a literature review
There are various sources of literature which may be used for this purpose. Examples of these
The second broad function of the literature review – contextualising the findings of your study – are:
requires you to compare very systematically your findings with those made by others. Quote from
these studies to show how your findings contradict, confirm or add to them. It places your • Books and textbooks material;
findings in the context of what others have found out providing complete reference in an Though books are a central part of any bibliography, they have their disadvantages as well
acceptable format. This function is undertaken, as mentioned earlier, when writing about your as advantages. The main advantage is that the material published in books is usually
findings, that is after analysis of your data. important and of good quality, and the findings are ‘integrated with other research to form a
coherent body of knowledge’ (Martin 1985: 33). The main disadvantage is that the material
is not completely up to date, as it can take a few years between the completion of a work and
Lesson 5. Citing Sources its publication in the form of a book.

Why Cite? • Periodicals;

Besides avoiding plagiarism, citing: • Abstracts from research Journals;

 is the right thing to do to give credit to those who had the idea Journals provide you with the most up-to-date information, even though there is often a
 shows that you have read and understand what experts have had to say about your gap of two to three years between the completion of a research project and its publication in
topic a journal
 helps people find the sources that you used in case they want to read more about the
topic • Encyclopaedias;
 provides evidence for your arguments • Handbooks and Guides;
 is professional and standard practice for students and scholars
• Special Dictionaries; 4. Developing a Conceptual framework
The conceptual framework is the basis of your research problem. It stems from the theoretical
framework and usually focuses on the section(s) which become the basis of your study. Whereas
• Dissertations and Theses; and
In almost every academic discipline and professional field, the Internet has become an the theoretical framework consists of the theories or issues in which your study is embedded, the
• The Internet.
important tool for finding published literature. Through an Internet search you can identify conceptual framework describes the aspects you selected from the theoretical framework to
published material in books, journals and other sources with immense ease and speed. become the basis of your enquiry. For instance, in the example cited in Figure 3.1a, the theoretical
framework includes all the theories that have been put forward to explain the relationship
between fertility and mortality.
Lesson 3. How to Conduct the Review of Literature However, out of these, you may be planning to test only one, say the fear of non-survival. Similarly,
in Figure 3.1b, the conceptual framework is focused on indicators to measure the success or
Reviewing the literature has two phases. The first phase includes identifying all the relevant failure of the strategies to enhance community responsiveness. Hence the conceptual framework
published material in the problem area and reading that part of it with which we are not grows out of the theoretical framework and relates to the specific research problem.
thoroughly familiar. The second phase of the review of literature involves writing this foundation
of ideas into a section of the research report. For the researcher, it establishes the background in
the field. For the readers, it provides a summary of thinking and research necessary for them to before narrowing down on one or two themes. Following the suggestions of Punch (1998) steps
understand the study

A common tactic here is to ‘unpack’ your idea or problem thus generating a range of possibilities
could be:
(1) write down the all the concepts involved, and all the sub-questions you can think of
If you do not have a specific research problem, you should review the literature in your broad pertaining to the issue. Reading around your research idea will help to generate questions
area of interest with the aim of gradually narrowing it down to what you want to find out about. and information and to identify themes and potential information sources
After that the literature review should be focused around your research problem. There is a
danger in reviewing the literature without having a reasonably specific idea of what you want to (2) subdivide your questions where possible; split wide general questions into smaller ones
study. It can condition your thinking about your study and the methodology you might use,
resulting in a less innovative choice of research problem and methodology than otherwise would (3) begin to order questions and develop focus: group questions together under common
have been the case. Hence, you should try broadly to conceptualise your research problem before themes, separate general and specific questions
undertaking your major literature review.
(4) start to trim by selecting those questions that you wish to deal with, consider the resources
that will be available to you
There are four steps involved in conducting a literature review:
1. Searching for the existing literature in your area of study.
2. Reviewing the selected literature. and themes are related and may help guide your thinking at a later stage.
3. Developing a theoretical framework.

(5) collate these thoughts within a loose conceptual framework – this shows how questions
4. Developing a conceptual framework. This process of thinking wide and then focusing and delimiting your questions, should result in a
handful of research questions that you wish to investigate. These may still need further
The skills required for these tasks are different. Developing theoretical and conceptual modification to render them answerable; they may need to be operationalized.
frameworks is more difficult than the other tasks.
Note: there are no right or wrong answers in such an exercise; the purpose is to get you thinking
1. Searching for the existing literature
about as many facets of your research idea as possible. It should also cause you to question
To search effectively for the literature in your field of enquiry, it is imperative that you have at some of the concepts you might previously have accepted as given.
least some idea of the broad subject area and of the problem you wish to investigate, in order to
set parameters for your search. Next, compile a bibliography for this broad area. There are three
sources that you can use to prepare a bibliography:
a) books; Lesson 4. Writing the Literature Reviewed
b) journals;
c) the Internet Now, all that remains to be done is to write about the literature you have reviewed. As mentioned
in the beginning of this chapter, two of the broad functions of a literature review are (1) to provide
Books a theoretical background to your study and (2) to enable you to contextualise your findings in
The best way to search for a book is to look at your library catalogues. When librarians relation to the existing body of knowledge in addition to refining your methodology. The content
catalogue a book they also assign to it subject headings that are usually based on Library of of your literature review should reflect these two purposes. In order to fulfil the first purpose,
Congress Subject Headings. If you are not sure, ask your librarian to help you find the best you should identify and describe various theories relevant to your field; and specify gaps in
subject heading for your area. This can save you a lot of time. Publications such as Book existing knowledge in the area, recent advances in the area of study, current trends and so on. In
Review Index can help you to locate books of interest. order to comply with the second function you should integrate the results from your study with
specific and relevant findings from the existing literature by comparing the two for confirmation
Use the subject catalogue or keywords option to search for books in your area of interest.
Narrow the subject area searched by selecting the appropriate keywords. Look through these
titles carefully and identify the books you think are likely to be of interest to you. If you think
the titles seem appropriate to your topic, print them out (if this facility is available), as this
will save you time, or note them down on a piece of paper. Be aware that sometimes a title
does not provide enough information to help you decide if a book is going to be of use so you
may have to examine its contents too.

When you have selected 10–15 books that you think are appropriate for your topic, examine
the bibliography of each one. It will save time if you photocopy their bibliographies. Go
through these bibliographies carefully to identify the books common to several of them. If a
book has been referenced by a number of authors, you should include it in your reading list.
Prepare a final list of books that you consider essential reading.

Having prepared your reading list, locate these books in your library or borrow them from
other sources. Examine their contents to double-check that they really are relevant to your
topic. If you find that a book is not relevant to your research, delete it from your reading list.
If you find that something in a book’s contents is relevant to your topic, make an annotated
bibliography. An annotated bibliography contains a brief abstract of the aspects covered in a
book and your own notes of its relevance. Be careful to keep track of your references. To do
this you can prepare your own card index or use a computer program such as Endnotes or

You need to go through the journals relating to your research in a similar manner. You should
FIGURE 3.1a Developing a theoretical framework – the relationship between mortality and select as many journals as you possibly can, though the number of journals available depends
fertility upon the field of study – certain fields have more journals than others. As with books, you
need to prepare a list of the journals you want to examine for identifying the literature
relevant to your study. This can be done in a number of ways.

You can:
 locate the hard copies of the journals that are appropriate to your study;
 look at citation or abstract indices to identify and/or read the abstracts of such
 search electronic databases.

If you have been able to identify any useful journals and articles, prepare a list of those you
want to examine, by journal. Select one of these journals and, starting with the latest issue,
examine its contents page to see if there is an article of relevance to your research topic. If
you feel that a particular article is of interest to you, read its abstract. If you think you are
likely to use it, depending upon your financial resources, either photocopy it, or prepare a
summary and record its reference for later use.

There are several sources designed to make your search for journals easier and these can
save you enormous time. They are:
 indices of journals (e.g. Humanities Index);
 abstracts of articles (e.g. ERIC);
 citation indices (e.g. Social Sciences Citation Index).

FIGURE 3.1b Theoretical framework for the study ‘community responsiveness in health’ Each of these indexing, abstracting and citation services is available in print, or accessible
through the Internet.
In most libraries, information on books, journals and abstracts is stored on computers. In
each case the information is classified by subject, author and title. You may also have the
keywords option (author/keyword; title/keyword; subject/keyword; expert/keyword; or Once you develop a rough framework, slot the findings from the material so far reviewed into
just keywords). What system you use depends upon what is available in your library and these themes, using a separate sheet of paper for each theme of the framework so far developed.
what you are familiar with. As you read further, go on slotting the information where it logically belongs under the themes
so far developed. Keep in mind that you may need to add more themes as you go along. While
There are specially prepared electronic databases in a number of disciplines. These can also going through the literature you should carefully and critically examine it with respect to the
be helpful in preparing a bibliography. following aspects:
Select the database most appropriate to your area of study to see if there are any useful
references. Of course, any computer database search is restricted to those journals and  Note whether the knowledge relevant to your theoretical framework has been confirmed
articles that are already on the database. You should also talk to your research supervisor beyond doubt.
and other available experts to find out about any additional relevant literature to include in  Note the theories put forward, the criticisms of these and their basis, the methodologies
your reading list. adopted (study design, sample size and its characteristics, measurement procedures, etc.)
and the criticisms of them.
The Internet  Examine to what extent the findings can be generalised to other situations.
An Internet search is carried out through search engines, of which there are many, though  Notice where there are significant differences of opinion among researchers and give your
the most commonly used are Google and Yahoo. Searching through the Internet is very opinion about the validity of these differences.
similar to the search for books and articles in a library using an electronic catalogue, as it is 
based on the use of keywords. An Internet search basically identifies all material in the knowledge.
Ascertain the areas in which little or nothing is known – the gaps that exist in the body of
database of a search engine that contains the keywords you specify, either individually or in
combination. It is important that you choose words or combinations of words that other 3. Developing a theoretical framework.
people are likely to use.
Examining the literature can be a never-ending task, but as you have limited time it is important
to set parameters by reviewing the literature in relation to some main themes pertinent to your
research topic. As you start reading the literature, you will soon discover that the problem you
wish to investigate has its roots in a number of theories that have been developed from different

According to Gilbert (2008), ‘Most search facilities use Boolean logic, which allows three
and effective in using keywords in combination with AND, OR and NOT, and so learn to
perspectives. The information obtained from different books and journals now needs to be sorted

types of basic search “AND”, “OR” and “NOT”.’ With practice you will become more efficient
narrow your search to help you identify the most relevant references.
under the main themes and theories, highlighting agreements and disagreements among the
2. Reviewing the selected literature. authors and identifying the unanswered questions or gaps. You will also realise that the literature
deals with a number of aspects that have a direct or indirect bearing on your research topic. Use
Now that you have identified several books and articles as useful, the next step is to start reading these aspects as a basis for developing your theoretical framework. Your review of the literature
them critically to pull together themes and issues that are of relevance to your study. Unless you should sort out the information, as mentioned earlier, within this framework. Unless you review
have a theoretical framework of themes in mind to start with, use separate sheets of paper for the literature in relation to this framework, you will not be able to develop a focus in your
each theme or issue you identify as you go through selected books and articles. The following literature search: that is, your theoretical framework provides you with a guide as you read. This
example details the process. brings us to the paradox mentioned previously: until you go through the literature you cannot
develop a theoretical framework, and until you have developed a theoretical framework you
The author recently examined, as part of an evaluation study, the extent of practice of the cannot effectively review the literature. The solution is to read some of the literature and then
attempt to develop a framework, even a loose one, within which you can organise the rest of the
providers. Before evaluating the extent of its use, pertinent literature relating to literature you read. As you read more about the area, you are likely to change the framework.
However, without it, you will get bogged down in a great deal of unnecessary reading and note-

concept of ‘community responsiveness’ in the delivery of health services by health service

many themes emerged, which became the basis of developing the theoretical framework taking that may not be relevant to your study.
‘community responsiveness in health’ was identified and reviewed. Through this review,
for the study.
Out of all of this, the following themes were selected to construct the theoretical Literature pertinent to your study may deal with two types of information:
framework for the evaluation study: 1. universal;
 Community responsiveness: what does it mean? 2. more specific (i.e. local trends or a specific programme).
 Philosophies underpinning community responsiveness.
 Historical development of the concept in Australia. In writing about such information you should start with the general information, gradually
 The extent of use in health planning? narrowing it down to the specific
 Strategies developed to achieve community responsiveness.
Look at the example in Figure 3.1a and 3.1b
 Indicators of success or failure.
 Seeking community participation.
 Difficulties in implementing community responsiveness.
 Attitude of stakeholders towards the concept of community responsiveness.

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