A Review On Optimization of Manufacturing Process Performance

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A Review on Optimization of Manufacturing Process Performance

Article  in  International Journal of Modeling and Optimization · June 2017

DOI: 10.7763/IJMO.2017.V7.573


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2 authors:

Afteni Cezarina Gabriel Frumuşanu

Universitatea Dunarea de Jos Galati Universitatea Dunarea de Jos Galati


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International Journal of Modeling and Optimization, Vol. 7, No. 3, June 2017

A Review on Optimization of Manufacturing Process

Cezarina Afteni and Gabriel Frumuşanu

 studies that addressed the issue of manufacturing processes

Abstract—In this study is present a systematic analysis of performance being described specific performance indicators
already published works on formulating and solving of industrial processes. In Sections IV and V is developed a
optimization problems concerning manufacturing process. critical review of planning and scheduling optimization
Analysis it was performed on two levels, namely: planning and concerning the manufacturing process, as reflected in
scheduling of manufacturing process. They were considered:
published research up to date. Finally, Section VI presents the
type of optimization (mono-criterion or multi-criteria); objective
function (the energy consumption, the manufacturing costs, the
study’s conclusion and future research directions.
productivity, the manufactured surface roughness); methods of
solve (Genetic Algorithms GA, Particle Swarm Optimization
PSO technique, Artificial Neural Networks ANN). The main II. MANUFACTURING OPTIMIZATION PROCESSES
purpose of this study it is to substantiate a new approach to The optimization, in general, is the activity of selecting,
optimization problems. The proposed approach is of holistic
type, based on integrated process planning and scheduling
from the possible solutions of a problem, the best one, which
(IPPS) and defines new performance indicators, to be adapted to is assessed after a predefined criterion.
market current requirements. An optimization problem supposes three components:
1. The objective function, to be extremized:
Index Terms—Manufacturing optimization, manufacturing
min, max f  X  , x  R m ,
process, process planning and scheduling, performance indicators. (1)

2. The variables vector , X
To cope with fierce competition exacerbated by
globalization, companies seeking to improve their X  ( x1 , x2 ,..., xm ), (2)
manufacturing processes, obtain higher quality products,
manufactured at a competitive price, in increasingly 3. The restrictions, having the form
restrictive terms of environmental impact, production costs, g  X   0, restrictions of inequality, (3)
and specific consumption of materials.
To reduce the manufacturing cost, to increase the or h  X   0, restrictions of equality. (4)
productivity and to enhance the manufactured products
quality, it is highly important to work in optimal conditions. For different processing methods (cutting, plastic
In recent years, numerous studies on the issue of optimizing deformation, welding, sintering, etc.) optimization problem
manufacturing processes have been developed. has specific forms. For example, in the case of cutting, the
This study presents a critical analysis of the current status manufacturing process can be modeled as a function of the
of already published research on how to formulate and solve following variables xi:
optimization problems in the case of manufacturing processes.  Tool geometry: tool constructive angles (rack angle γn,
It was performed on two levels, namely: planning and approach angle ϰr, angle of deflection λT, corner angle
scheduling of manufacturing process. εr, tool cutting edge angle βn, normal angle of clearance
In the analysis were explored: optimization type αn, etc.).
(uni-criteria or multi-criteria); objective function (the energy  Cutting regime parameters: v - the cutting speed, s - the
consumption, the manufacturing costs, the productivity, the feed rate, t - the depth of cut.
manufactured surface roughness); methods of solve (Genetic  Cutting tool materials (mechanical properties).
Algorithms GA, Particle Swarm Optimization PSO technique,  Work piece material (mechanical properties).
Artificial Neural Networks ANN).  The restrictions in cutting process optimization are:
The rest of the paper is organized as follows: section II  Maximum allowable load of machine-tools components
provides a literature review related to the optimization of
(mechanical, thermal, chemical, tribological)
manufacturing processes, there are presented variables and
 Processing accuracy, which must conform to the
restrictions for cutting processes. In section III are presented
technical specifications of the product
Manuscript received January 25, 2017; revised May 1, 2017.  The surface roughness, processed as specified.
Cezarina Afteni is with the Dunarea de Jos University of Galati, Industrial  Maintaining stability, the vibrations arising in the cutting
Engineering Department 800201, Romania (e-mail:
process have a major impact on quality of processed
[email protected]).
Gabriel Frumuşanu was with Dunarea de Jos University of Galati, surface, dimensional accuracy and the integrity of
Manufacturing Engineering Department, 800201, Romania (e-mail: technological system elements
[email protected]).

DOI: 10.7763/IJMO.2017.V7.573 139

International Journal of Modeling and Optimization, Vol. 7, No. 3, June 2017

 Temperature in the cutting zone, due to the influence of Besides traditional performance indicators, new indicators
the heat on the strains, tool resistance, process precision, of [2] were defined, which take account of economic issues,
tool dimensions, chip dimensions, roughness of the environmental impacts or have synthetic character:
processed surface.  Earning power [4]


EPijk  , 
In a world of globalization and technology, the indicators Aijk  tijk ( pijk )  Euro  min 
through which the performance of manufacturing process is
characterized have evolved and diversified. where means Pijk - the price [euros], cijk(pijk) - expenses
The traditional performance indicators are: the productivity, corresponding, pijk and which depend on parameters vector
the cost, the energy consumption. [euros], Aijk - the asset of that workstation which performs
 The productivity is desirable to reach largest value, [euros], tijk(pijk) - the time for processing the batch of samples
being limited by cut material processability, cutting qualities when the workstation performs [minute], for operation k that
of the tool, organization of production, quality and degree of belongs to job j of order i.
automation of the technological systems, qualifications, skills  Profit rate
and experience of operators. The productivity can be
Ps  Cs  Euro  (10)
expressed by the following relations: PR  , 
  sr  1  min 
   
T  v  s  t
1 k
Q  v  s  t, (5) 
k where Ps - the ratio P/V (the specific price), Cs - the ratio C/V
Q , (6)
(the specific cost), τsr - the time for worn tool changing (min).
 Investments efficiency
where v - means the cutting speed, s - the feed rate, t - the
Ps  Cs  Euro  (11)
cutting depth, k - constant, Tm - the manufacturing time. IE  , 
Q 
Euro 
 The cost - because current trend of all companies is to 
i 1
reduce processing costs, using optimized working
conditions they obtained: processing with minimal
where Qi - means the value of the ith asset, from the n needed
expenses, reduced labor, lower power consumption as,
to run the considered process.
tools and materials.
 Sustainable profit
The cost can determined with the relation [2]:
Ps  Cs
Q     1  c c SP 
Cs    i   1  k  sr  
 sr  s n
 CEi   sr  1 CEtool
i 1  i 
T  T  v  s  t T  v  s  t (7)   1  k  
T  vst vstT
 EC s  CES  CEsmater
i 1  Ti 
c kenergy  cenergy  Euro 
   cmater  , 3 
(Euro/Kg CO2) (12)
v  s t v  s t  cm 
where CEi - the carbon emission involved by the existence
where Qi - the value of the “ith” asset the processed quantities,
(the manufacturing/building), CEtool - the carbon emission
Ti - the “ith” asset life cycles, cτ - the wage specific cost, cs - the
when manufacturing the currently used cutting tool, ECs -
tool expenditure between two consecutive tool changes, τsr -
means the specific energy consumption of the machining
the time for worn tool changing, cmater - the specific cost of the
process, CES - the carbon emission signature (Kg CO2/KWh),
detached material, kenergy - the energy coefficient, cenergy - the
CEsmater - meaning the specific carbon emission during the
energy price.
machined material elaboration.
 The energy consumption, in order to improve the energy
efficiency the companies started to define strategies to
identify the energy flows which are scattered, to set the IV. RESEARCH RELATED TO OPTIMIZATION OF
most profitable measures within development projects MANUFACTURING PROCESS PLANNING
to eliminate losses, to estimate costs and profits, and find
Process planning describes the transformation of raw
the most suitable methods of achieving cost savings in
materials into products through planning the operations of a
terms of energy consumption versus impact on the
product based on machining features, the identification of
environment. The energy consumption can be manufacturing resources that are available to the operations
determined with the relation [3]: and the determination of the machining sequence [5].
In existing research were taken into consideration
 K   Kwh  (8) objectives such as: the energy consumption, the
ECw  Tw   a  w  b  ,   manufacturing costs, the productivity, the manufactured
 Tw   operation 
surface roughness, the metal removing rate MRR, the cutting
force magnitude.
where Tw - the working duration of an operation, Kw - the
proportionality constant being, a and b specific constant.

International Journal of Modeling and Optimization, Vol. 7, No. 3, June 2017

For example, if the objective function is the energy In [7] was used GA in combination with a fitness function
consumption, in paper [6] it was made a cutting parameters to find the manufacturing chain design and process parameter
optimization when turning AISI 1018 steel at constant set with the lowest energy and resource consumption for the
material removal rate, using robust design. Rentsch et al. [7] effective manufacture of shafts. Petkovic describes in [10] the
present optimal manufacturing chain design and process optimization of machining processes also by using GA, they
operation, based on the discrete events modeling approach, were determined optimal parameters of machining, and were
empirically parameterized process models for heating, achieved minimal cost for the turning process. Hazza et al.
hot-rolling, forging and turning are combined to two has applied in [20] a multi objective genetic algorithm
alternative manufacturing chains for the manufacture of (MOGA) to solve the problem of optimization to minimize a
countershafts. Ma et al [8] focuses on the energy aspects in power consumption cost. The constraints considered in this
metal cutting and attempts to provide an overall assessment of research are cutting speed, feed rate, depth of cut and rake
energy consumption and energy efficiency against the angle.
operating conditions. Specifically, the effects of tool The paper [9] is presents an algorithm hybrid PSO for
geometry and cutting parameters in turning of ANSI 4140 minimizing the production cost associated with multi-pass
steel are investigated. turning problems. The proposed optimization technique
When the objective function is the manufacturing cost, consists of a PSO-based framework wherein a properly
Costa et al. [9] present minimizing the production cost embedded SA, namely an SA-based local search, aims both to
associated with multi-pass turning problems. In [10] were enhance the PSO search mechanism and to move the PSO
determined optimal parameters of machining (cutting speed away from being closed within local optima. In [21] is used
and feed) for getting minimal cost if turning process. PSO technique for finding the optimum set of values of input
If the objective function is the productivity, Usubamatov variables and the results are compared with those obtained by
[11] formulated a mathematical model for the optimization of GA optimization in the literature.
multi-tool cutting processes on machine tools. Das et al. Wang [22] uses feed-forward ANN using manufacturer’s
present in their paper [12] an optimization method of the fuzzy preferences to determine the optimum cutting
cutting regime aiming to maximize the metal removing rate parameters by solving the multi-objective problem with the
MRR in dry turning of AISI D2 steel. help of a neural network model. The objectives considered
If the objective function is the manufactured surface were productivity, operation cost, and cutting quality.
roughness, in [13] was determined the optimum machining The paper [19] presents an experimental investigation and
parameters in surface grinding process operation on EN24 an application of fuzzy modeling for trade-off among energy
steel. Zerti et al. [14] determined optimal cutting parameters consumption, tool life, and productivity of a metal cutting
for machining by dry turning AISI D3 steel using mixed (machining) process. A fuzzy rule-based system is developed
ceramic inserts under dry cutting conditions. that consists of two modules: optimization and prediction.
If the objective function is the cutting force magnitude, in The former suggests the most suitable settings for the cutting
[15] is presented an experimental study of main cutting force parameters that would lead to accomplishment of various
in turning of AISI 1040 steel and developed a model of the combinations of the objectives related to energy consumption,
main cutting force during turning. tool life, and machining productivity. The prediction module
Besides the presented approaches, which are uni-criteria works out the predicted values of all the responses based on
optimizations, other researchers performed multi-criteria final values of the four input parameters.
optimizations. Winter [16] proposes a stepwise approach to Janardhan has applied in [13] RSM to determine the
compare alternative enabling factors in conjunction with the optimum machining parameters leading to minimum surface
process parameters in order to reduce the costs and roughness and maximum metal removal rate in Surface
environmental impacts of a grinding process under grinding process. Bhuiyan and Ahmed shows in [15] the use
consideration of technological requirements. In [17] the RSM for experimental study of main cutting force in turning,
optimization strategy is to simultaneously minimize well as GA for optimization of machining parameters to keep
production time and cost and maximize profit rate meanwhile the main cutting force to a minimum.
subject to satisfying the constraints on the machine power,
cutting force, machining speed, feed rate, and surface
roughness. Kübler [18] presented resource efficiency V. RESEARCH RELATED TO OPTIMIZATION OF
optimization of manufacturing processes for a turning process MANUFACTURING PROCESS SCHEDULING
with respect to resource consumption, machining time and Scheduling is the process of arranging and controlling
machining cost under product quality constrains and machine labor and workloads in production / manufacturing process.
performance limits. Iqbal et al. [19] presents an experimental Scheduling is used to implement the production planning
investigation for trade-off among energy consumption, tool based on the designed chain. This means that the material
life, and productivity of a metal cutting (machining) process. resources, human resources and equipments are selected in
A total of 54 grooving experiments are performed under order to produce the planned quantity, on-time with minimum
various predetermined combinations of the workpiece costs. All kinds of resources must be assured before start of
material hardness, cutting speed, cutting feed, and width of production.
cut. In manufacturing, scheduling purpose is to minimize
Regarding the optimization methods for finding the optimal production time and costs by facilitating production to cope
solutions, the most used are: GA, PSO technique, Simulated with both the staff and the equipment.
Annealing (SA), ANN, fuzzy logic, Response Surface During the last years, a large number of researchers
Methodology (RSM). analyzed the problems related to optimization of

International Journal of Modeling and Optimization, Vol. 7, No. 3, June 2017

manufacturing process scheduling, regarding optimization Wang et al. used in [33] ANN for establishing the complex
criterion such as: energy consumption, the cost of nonlinear relationships between the key process parameters
manufacturing, the total earliness and tardiness time. and measured datasets of energy consumption and surface
For example, if the optimization criterion is the energy quality, they applied and benchmarked several intelligent
consumption, paper [23] proposes a mathematical model to algorithms, including pattern search, genetic algorithm and
minimize energy consumption costs for single machine SA, to identify optimal solutions.
production scheduling during production processes. Tang et Numerous studies present a more complex approach
al. presents in [24] an approach to address the dynamic regarding the integrated process planning and scheduling
scheduling problem reducing energy consumption and (IPPS), in [34] the authors say that integration of the two is
makespan for a flexible flow shop scheduling. In [25] authors
essential to improve the flexibility of scheduling and achieve
explicitly introduce the objective of minimizing energy
a global improvement for the performance of a manufacturing
consumption into a typical production scheduling model, i.e.,
system. In order to facilitate the optimization of process
the job shop scheduling problem, based on a machine speed
scaling framework. He et al. proposes in [26] an planning and scheduling simultaneously, a mathematical
energy-saving optimization method that considers machine model for the IPPS is established. Kumar proposes in [35] a
tool selection and operation sequence for flexible job shops. framework for IPPS in a job shop environment for
The former seeks to reduce the energy consumption for axis-symmetric components. Dai et al. present in [36] an
machining operations, and the latter aims to reduce the idle energy-aware mathematical model for job shops that IPPS.
energy consumption of machine tools. A mathematical model With performance indicators such as energy consumption and
is formulated using mixed integer programming and the scheduling makespan is established to describe a
energy consumption objective is combined with a classical multi-objective optimization problem. Aqel et al. [37]
objective, the makespan. The proposed method is evaluated in present an optimization algorithm for IPPS problems, based
a test case by two scenarios with different energy optimization on sorting the operations into different priorities.
schemes as well as the classical makespan objective. The In [36] the authors adopted a modified GA to explore the
results show that the proposed method is effective at realizing optimal solution (Pareto solution) between energy
energy-savings. consumption and makespan. Finally, case studies of
If the optimization criterion is the manufacturing cost, in energy-aware IPPS are performed, and the proposed
[27] the primary objective is to find the optimal sequence of algorithm is compared with other methods. Lee proposes [38]
jobs and the optimal resource allocation separately. The a new approach to the IPPS using simulation GA in order to
authors propose two separate models: minimizing a cost improve the solution quality until the scheduling objectives
function of makespan, total completion time, total absolute are satisfied. In [39] the authors present an ant colony
differences in completion times and total resource cost; optimization (ACO) algorithm in an agent-based system to
minimizing a cost function of makespan, total waiting time, IPPS, with the objective of minimizing makespan.
total absolute differences in waiting times and total resource
cost. Uruk et al. describe in [28] the study the problem of
scheduling n identical jobs each of which has three operations VI. CONCLUSION AND FUTURE RESEARCH DIRECTIONS
to be performed on two machines placed in series. One of the
After browsing a large volume of papers published in field
operations can only be performed on the first, the other one by
of optimal manufacturing processes (not all included here, for
the second machine. The overall problem is to determine the
reasons of space) one can draw the following conclusions:
assignment of the flexible operations to the machines and
 The proposed approaches are extremely diverse and in
processing times for each operation, to minimize the total
the same time each has particular characteristics due to
manufacturing cost and makespan simultaneously.
the kind of studied problem and the scope of the
If the optimization criterion is the total earliness and
tardiness time, in paper [29] authors address an unrelated
 In order to solve the optimization problems are used
parallel machine scheduling problem for jobs with distinct
classical approaches of the existing methods, different
due dates and dedicated machines. The objective is to
combinations between these methods and some new and
dynamically allocate jobs to unrelated parallel machines in
original developments of the existing methods.
order to minimize the total earliness and tardiness time.
 In most of the analyzed studies/cases the approach of the
The optimization problem to manufacturing process
planning is separate from the approach of the
scheduling has been addressed through various optimization
techniques: GA, PSO technique, SA, ANN.
 The most suitable approach of the optimization for the
In [30] was introduced a method based on the GA to
manufacturing activities seems to be integrated process
address the dynamic rescheduling problem in flexible
planning and scheduling (IPPS).
manufacturing systems (FMS). Yan introduced in [31] GA to
optimize makespan and total energy consumption  It is required an update of the performance indicators of
simultaneously at shop floor level. Moon et al. suggest in [32] manufacturing process and of objective functions used
a hybrid GA with blank job insertion algorithm and in optimization, which must have a synthetic character
demonstrate its performance in simulation experiments. and reflect as well the interest of the manufacturers.
Tang et al. to adopt in [24] a novel algorithm based on an  Optimization should be multi-criteria or to be performed
improved PSO to search for the Pareto optimal solution in separately for many objective functions, in order to
dynamic flexible flow shop scheduling problems. create an efficient Decision Support System (DSS) for

International Journal of Modeling and Optimization, Vol. 7, No. 3, June 2017

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International Journal of Modeling and Optimization, Vol. 7, No. 3, June 2017

Scheduling,” International Journal of Modeling and Optimization, vol. Cezarina Afteni was born in Galaţi, Romania, on
3, no. 2, pp. 226-231, 2013. December 02, 1990. She received his bachelor in
[38] H. Lee and S. S. Kim, “Integration of Process Planning and Scheduling economical engineering in 2014 and in 2016 the degree
Using Simulation Based Genetic Algorithms,” Int J Adv Manuf master in quality management in industrial engineering
Technol, vol. 18, pp. 586-590, 2001. from Dunărea de Jos University of Galaţi, Romania.
[39] C. W. Leung a, T. N. Wong, K. L. Mak, and R. Y. K. Fung, “Integrated She is currently a PhD student at Dunărea de Jos
process planning and scheduling by an agent-based ant colony University of Galaţi, Romania, in the Industrial
optimization,” Computers & Industrial Engineering, vol. 59, pp. Engineering Department. Her research interests are mainly related to
166-180, 2010. optimization problems by integrating process planning and scheduling.
Ms. Afteni is involved in different research works from industrial
environment. The main objectives developed within this colaboration are:
lead time improvement in bearing manufacturing process and optimization
of process chain in case of grinding and hard turning processes.


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