Overview of NFPA 70E

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Overview of NFPA 70E

In Jumanda K

Standard for
Electrical Safety Requirements for
Employee Workplaces

IJK Overview of NFPA 70E 2

 This edition of NFPA 70E, Standard for Electrical
Safety Requirements for Employee Workplaces,
was prepared by the Technical Committee on
Electrical Safety Requirements for Employee
Workplaces, and acted on by the National Fire
Protection Association, Inc., at its November
Meeting held November 14–17, 1999, in New
Orleans, LA.

IJK Overview of NFPA 70E 3

four parts – two appendixes

 Part I Installation Safety Requirements
 Part II Safety-Related Work Practices
 Part III Safety-Related Maintenance Requirements
 Part IV Safety Requirements for Special Equipment

 Appendix A Tables, Notes, and Charts [Reserved]

 Appendix B Referenced Publications

IJK Overview of NFPA 70E 4

 Chapter 1 General Requirements for
Electrical Installations
 Chapter 2 Wiring Design and Protection

IJK Overview of NFPA 70E 5

Chapter 1 General Requirements for

Electrical Installations

 The depth of the working space in the direction of access to live

parts shall not be less than indicated in Table 1-8.1.1.
 Distances shall be measured from the live parts if such are exposed
or from the enclosure front or opening is such are enclosed.

IJK Overview of NFPA 70E 6

1- Indoor.
For indoor installation, the dedicated space
shall comply with the following.
(a) Dedicated Equipment Space.
(b) Foreign Systems.
(c) Sprinkler Protection.
(d) Suspended Ceilings.

IJK Overview of NFPA 70E 7

1-9 Over 600 Volts, Nominal.

 1-9.1 General.
 1-9.2 Enclosure for Electrical
 1-9.3 Work Space about Equipment
 1-9.4 Entrance and Access to Work
 1-9.5 Work Space and Guarding.

IJK Overview of NFPA 70E 8

1-9.3 Work Space about
 Sufficient space shall be provided and maintained about
electric equipment to permit ready and safe operation
and maintenance of such equipment.
 Where energized parts are exposed, the minimum clear
work space shall not be less than 61/2 ft (1.98 m) high
(measured vertically from the floor or platform), or less
than 3 ft (914 mm) wide (measured parallel to the

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1-9.5 Work Space and

Guarding (p.29 pdf)

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Chapter 2 Wiring Design and

Protection (p.31 pdf)
2-1 Use and Identification of Grounded and Grounding
2-2 Branch Circuits.
2-3 Outside Branch Circuit, Feeder, and Service
Conductors, 600 Volts, Nominal, or Less.
2-4 Services.
2-5 Overcurrent Protection. (p.38 pdf)
2-6 Grounding.

IJK Overview of NFPA 70E 12

2-2.5 Outlet Devices.
(a) Lampholders.
 Where connected to a branch circuit having a
rating in excess of 20 amperes, lampholders
shall be of the heavy-duty type.
 A heavy-duty lampholder shall have a rating of not
less than 660 watts if of the admedium type and
not less than 750 watts if of any other type.

(b) Receptacles (Stop Kontak)

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Chapter 3 Wiring Methods, Components,
and Equipment for General Use (p.47 pdf)
3-1 Wiring Methods.
3-2 Cabinets, Cutout Boxes, and Meter Socket Enclosures.
3-3 Position and Connection of Switches.
3-4 Switchboards and Panelboards.
3-5 Enclosures for Damp or Wet Locations.
3-6 Conductor Identification (p.55 pdf)
3-7 Flexible Cords and Cables, 600 Volts, Nominal, or Less.
3-8 Portable Cables Over 600 Volts, Nominal.
3-9 Fixture Wires.
3-10 Equipment for General Use.

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Chapter 4 Specific Purpose Equipment

and Installations (p.65 pdf)
4-1 Electric Signs and Outline Lighting.
4-2 Cranes and Hoists.
4-3 Elevators, Dumbwaiters, Escalators, Moving Walks, Wheelchair
Lifts, and Stairway Chair Lifts.
4-4 Electric Welders — Disconnecting Means.
4-5 Information Technology Equipment — Disconnecting Means.
4-6 X-Ray Equipment.
4-7 Induction and Dielectric Heating.
4-8 Electrolytic Cells.
4-9 Electrically Driven or Controlled Irrigation Machines.
4-10 Swimming Pools, Fountains, and Similar Installations.
4-11 Carnivals, Circuses, Fairs, and Similar Events.
IJK Overview of NFPA 70E 16

Chapter 5
Hazardous (Classified) Locations, Class I, II,
and III, Divisions 1 and 2 and Class I, Zones 0,
1, and 2 (p.83 pdf)

5-1 Scope.
5-2 General.
5-3 Electrical Installations.
5-4 Class I, Zone 0, 1, and 2 Locations.

IJK Overview of NFPA 70E 17

5-1.1 Class I Locations.

 Class I locations are those in which
flammable gases or vapors are or may be
present in the air in quantities sufficient to
produce explosive or ignitible mixtures.
Class I locations include those specified in
(a) and (b).

IJK Overview of NFPA 70E 18

(a) Class I, Division 1.
 A Class I, Division 1 location is a location: (1) in which ignitible
concentrations of flammable gases or vapors can exist under normal
operating conditions; or (2) in which ignitible concentrations of such
gases or vapors may exist frequently because of repair or
maintenance operations or because of leakage; or (3) in which
breakdown or faulty operation of equipment or processes might
release ignitible concentrations of flammable gases or vapors, and
might also cause simultaneous failure of electric equipment in such
a way as to directly cause the electrical equipment to become a
source of ignition.

IJK Overview of NFPA 70E 19

(b) Class I, Division 2.

 A Class I, Division 2 location is a location: (1) in which volatile
flammable liquids or flammable gases are handled, processed, or
used, but in which the liquids, vapors, or gases will normally be
confined within closed containers or closed systems from which they
can escape only in case of accidental rupture or breakdown of such
containers or systems, or in case of abnormal operation of
equipment; or (2) in which ignitible concentrations of gases or
vapors are normally prevented by positive mechanical ventilation,
and which might become hazardous through failure or abnormal
operation of the ventilating equipment; or (3) that is adjacent to a
Class I, Division 1 location, and to which ignitible concentrations of
gases or vapors might occasionally be communicated unless such
communication is prevented by adequate positive-pressure
ventilation from a source of clean air, and effective safeguards
against ventilation failure are provided.

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5-1.2 Class II Locations.
 Class II locations are those that are
hazardous because of the presence of
combustible dust. Class II locations
include those specified in (a) and (b).

IJK Overview of NFPA 70E 21

(a) Class II, Division 1.

 A Class II, Division 1 location is a location: (1) in which
combustible dust is in the air under normal operating
conditions in quantities sufficient to produce explosive or
ignitible mixtures; or (2) where mechanical failure or
abnormal operation of machinery or equipment might
cause such explosive or ignitible mixtures to be
produced, and might also provide a source of ignition
through simultaneous failure of electric equipment,
operation of protection devices, or from other causes; or
(3) in which combustible dusts of an electrically
conductive nature may be present in hazardous
IJK Overview of NFPA 70E 22

(b) Class II, Division 2.
 A Class II, Division 2 location is a location where: (1) where
combustible dust is not normally in the air in quantities sufficient to
produce explosive or ignitible mixtures and dust accumulations are
not normally insufficient to interfere with the normal operation of
electric equipment or other apparatus, but combustible dust may be
in suspension in the air as a result of infrequent malfunctioning of
handling or processing equipment and (2) where combustible dust
accumulations on, in, or in the vicinity of the electrical equipment
may be sufficient to interfere with the safe dissipation of heat from
electrical equipment or may be ignitible by abnormal operation of
failure of electrical equipment.

IJK Overview of NFPA 70E 23

5-1.3 Class III Locations.

 Class III locations are those that are
hazardous because of the presence of
easily ignitible fibers or flyings, but in
which such fibers or flyings are not likely to
be in suspension in the air in quantities
sufficient to produce ignitible mixtures.
Class III locations shall include those
specified in (a) and (b).
IJK Overview of NFPA 70E 24

5-1.3 Class III Locations.
(a) Class III, Division 1.
A Class III, Division 1 location is a location in which
easily ignitible fibers or materials producing combustible
flyings are handled, manufactured, or used.

(b) Class III, Division 2.

A Class III, Division 2 location is a location in which
easily ignitible fibers are stored or handled other than in
the process of manufacture.

IJK Overview of NFPA 70E 25

5-4.7 Grouping and Classification.

(p.93 pdf)
 Group II shall be subdivided into IIC, IIB,
and IIA, as noted in (a), (b) and (c),
according to the nature of the gas or
vapor, for protection techniques “d,” “ia,”
“ib,” “[ia],” and “[ib],” and, where
applicable, “n” and “o.”

IJK Overview of NFPA 70E 26

Chapter 6 Special Systems
(p.102 pdf)
6-1 Systems Over 600 Volts, Nominal.
6-2 Emergency Systems.
6-3 Class 1, Class 2, and Class 3 Remote Control,
Signaling, and Power-Limited Circuits.
6-4 Fire Alarm Systems.
6-5 Communications Systems.
6-6 Solar Photovoltaic Systems.
6-7 Integrated Electrical Systems.

IJK Overview of NFPA 70E 27

Chapter 1 General
Chapter 2 General Requirements for Electrical Work
Chapter 3 Personal and Other Protective Equipment
Chapter 4 Use of Specific Safety-Related Equipment
and Work Practices
Chapter 5 Lockout/Tagout Practices and Devices

IJK Overview of NFPA 70E 28

Appendix A, Limits of Approach
(p.146 pdf)
These minimum air insulation distances required to avoid flashover are:
300 V and less — 0 ft 0.03 in.
Over 300 V, not over 750 V — 0 ft 0.07 in.
Over 750 V not over 2 kV — 0 ft 0.19 in.
Over 2 kV, not over 15 kV — 0 ft 1.5 in.
Over 15 kV, not over 36 kV — 0 ft 6.3 in.
Over 36 kV, not over 48.3 kV — 0 ft 10.0 in.
Over 48.3 kV, not over 72.5 kV — 1 ft 3.0 in

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Appendix A, Limits of Approach

(p.146 pdf)
These minimum air insulation distances required to avoid flashover are:
Over 72.5 kV, not over 121 kV — 2 ft 1.2 in.
Over 138 kV, not over 145 kV — 2 ft 6.6 in.
Over 161 kV, not over 169 kV — 3 ft 0.0 in.
Over 230 kV, not over 242 kV — 4 ft 2.4 in.
Over 345 kV, not over 362 kV — 7 ft 5.8 in.
Over 500 kV, not over 550 kV — 10 ft 2.5 in.
Over 765 kV, not over 800 kV — 13 ft 10.3 in.

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