Digital Marketing
Digital Marketing
Digital Marketing
Even before the Internet there were many different ways to advertise, in
different media such as radio, TV, newspapers, magazines, as well as via
telemarketing or pamphlets. Usually the goal was to get a company- and/or
product name, a statement etc. communicated to as many people as
possible for the smallest price possible.
After the dotcom collapse, the Internet was almost disregarded because of
many failing website-based businesses that had expectations to the market
and assumptions about consumers.
However, both consumers and companies continued exploring online
options. Soon more substantial business models emerged; search
advertising1 and e-commerce were the new possibilities. Enhancements in
targeting advertising, and understanding how websites maintain visitors,
became relevant. Researching consumer‘s behaviour and buying patterns
online began to interest scholars.
individuals for whom the internet, eBay, Amazon, Google, and YouTube
were always there and which played some role in forming their
worldviews, just as television, film, radio,
So, let us face the facts: The Internet is no longer a medium of ―new
economy‖, and ―E - business‖ as a term has rather been rendered obsolete.
The Internet is used in any and all industries, as a branding and marketing
tool, as an internal communication tool, and as the start of most business
transactions. Today companies use the Internet as one of the most
powerful tools in a big number of ways. The Internet has unlocked a large
number of search options and new ways of highlighting the important
aspects of any item. Thus marketing has been redefined via the Internet,
and given even small businesses a chance to promote and brand their
products on a larger scale. The Internet has there-fore experienced
enormous growth in online advertising, since its inception in the early
1990‘ies. It is still however executed in the usual one-way-communication,
as it has al-ways been done. Success stories in advertising are easy to find:
Amazon is using their customers to market products to others via the
―other buyers, who looked at this, also looked at this‖. Coca Cola are
storytelling via the Internet, MasterCard use humorous clips, and through
that viral marketing. But are all companies aware of the possibilities, and
do they use them?
We live in a world of connectivity; the number of mobiles phone
subscriptions in Denmark outnumbers the number of inhabitants. The
number of text messages increases year-by-year, email and instant
messenger programs set records each year. All of which points out that
people are in need of being in contact with others. When the Internet
connects people across oceans and continents, dating services, networking
pages and blogs, forums and chat rooms are increasing every minute, are
the companies aware of the con-
Getting the user to feel like part of the company will create not only happy
customers, but ambassadors, that will promote the company and its
products even further. Most people do not leave their home without their
mobile phone, they are scared to miss any-thing, and want people to be
able to reach them for an opinion. Customers are jumping on the chance to
be heard in large audiences.
Skill level
The topics in this guide are suitable for anyone who has
basic PC knowledge.
Term Explanation
Marketing You attract customer to you rather than broadcasting
your mes-
mediums and try to grab the attention of the user. When consumers are
bombarded with on average 3,000 messages a day you can under-stand
why this form of marketing is becoming increasingly difficult. It certainly
still works in some cases (for example, it can be very effective with
Google advertising) but there are now other ways that can be more
A permission based approach such as this can also produce much better
results be-cause:
a. When you build a relationship within any client online or offline your
chances of a sale increase significantly. When you go into a sales meeting
and fail to build rapport with the potential customer it is difficult to get the
sale. Online is now becoming very similar.
b. It‘s generally more cost effective. It does involve more of your time but
there is less expense.
The following diagram gives an overview of the type of areas we are
talking about.
Before deciding which methods of online marketing tools you are going to
use you need to allocate time for the following:
• Research – The initial research is to figure out what other people are
doing and what is working or not working. You will not necessarily copy
other people but you may take some guidance when coming up with your
unique plan.
• Strategy – You need to define a clear effective strategy. It‘s very easy to
waste time and money on internet marketing, a clear strategy will help
with this. How are you going to attract potential customers, how are you
going to engage them, how are you going to keep in touch with them and
how are you going to convert them.
• Branding – Branding is becoming increasingly important in the online
world. What message are you giving out online? Are you an
approachable company? Is you information clear and compelling?
What‘s unique about your offering? Branding consistency is extremely
important in how you communicate, what you communicate and how it
looks. For example, always ensure the tools you use online to
communicate with your custom-ers have the same look and feel as your
website wherever possible.
• Content – You need to have a clear content strategy. What content are
you going to provide that will add value, what will be of interest to
potential customers.
The following gives a breakdown of the key forms of Internet Marketing
as outlined above.
Type Explanation
Online There are many forms of online advertising. Although
Advertising advertising
through the likes of newspapers is not that effective,
targeted ad-
vertising online can be very effective. For example, if you
to buy a Canon camera and ad is directly relevant to this
then you
don‘t view this as a bad thing. The advertisement is directly related
to what you are you looking for?
As more and more people spend time on line they are spending less time
with traditional media such as newspapers, TV, and so on. So it‘s
becoming increasingly difficult to target your audience using traditional
channels. Internet Marketing is typically cheaper and a more effective
method of targeting your potential customers. Advertising online as op-
posed to offline is also easier to track to see its effectiveness.
who in turn share it out to their networks, and so on. The more people
that share and pass on your message the more chance your message has
of becoming viral. There are various techniques that can be used to get
this message shared out.
People are joining social networks such as Facebook. They are now
starting to use these social networks more and more to find out
recommendations about products and services from their friends, sharing
out information about their trips and experiences, and promote companies
they really like. Tapping into this can be very powerful.
A smart phone is a phone that contains more than just call receiving and
answering functionality. It would typically have an internet browser which
allows you to get access to websites. Increasingly people have smart
phones such as an iPhone and this means you will need to make sure that
your website works on these types of devices.
It is true that although a lot of the tools you use online are free you still
have to invest time in engaging and communicating with your
customers and potential customers.
web pages to link to you using the keywords you want to get indexed
on. It is much better to get 10 links from 10 important and relevant
websites (e.g. getting a link from faille Ireland would be an important
and relevant link) rather than links from 1,000 poor quality sites.
Social Media
Social media is very simple. It‘s really about people networking online and
how you communicate with people online. People are networking online
with a range of different tools such as LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter.
As people spend more time on social net-works they are starting to
recommend products and services, share out information on their holidays,
trips, products purchased and much more. There are many ways of taking
advantage of this and generating sales.
For more detailed information on Social Media and the many tools you
can use, see the range of social media training guides that are part of this
series of guides. A full list can be found in the section ―Related Guides in
the Series‖ at the end of this guide.
Twitter is the answer to the question what are you doing now‘. It allows
you to create a text like message of up to 140 characters through a PC or
on your phone and send it to your followers. It‘s a mix of business and
social. You could be at home communicating what you are doing or in
It can be a very useful tool to market your message to a lot of people at the
same time very quickly. It can also be used to find out if people are
actively looking for your services. For example, recently I searched for
recommend restaurant Dublin and within 1 hour of me submitting this
somebody was looking for a restaurant in Dublin. So it can be very useful,
however, until you master the tool it can be very time consuming to use.
Facebook is a social network with over 800 million users and is ideal for
companies in the tourism industry to promote their business. You can
create a personal profile to connect with your friends and a business page
to connect with your customers. By marketing through your business page
you can communicate directly to your fans of that page.
E-mail marketing
Although there is a lot of talk about social media, e-mail is still the
primary form of online communication for a lot of people. This may
change in years to come as social media be-comes more important but at
the moment e-mail marketing is still quite effective at keeping in touch.
For items such as newsletters there are many cost effective tools available
that will help manage this process and most of these tools will allow you
to customise the look of the newsletter so that it is consistent with your
brand. For example, Mail Chimp allows you to fully customise the look
and feel of the newsletter. It also lets you monitor statistics such as who is
opening your newsletter, who deleted it, who clicked on a link and went to
your website.
This is extremely important information to monitor as you want to
continuously tweak your newsletter to make it more effective. If you find
that people are more engaged with any particular type of information you
provide then provide a lot more of it.
• Clear call to action – When you send out a newsletter you want people
to take action. For example, if you have any special deal make sure you
have a clearly visible way of a potential customer availing of this offer
(e.g. Book Now!)
• Clean design – They say that people make a judgment on design in less
than 1/20th of a second. If your newsletter doesn‘t look professional you
are facing a real uphill battle.
• Regular – People like consistency to what you do, so if you decide that
you are going to send a newsletter every month make sure you deliver it
every month like clockwork.
they didn‘t subscribe to and if they con-sider this as spam (unwanted
online communication) they can report you.
For more in-depth information on Email Marketing and the many tools
and techniques you can use in an effective email marketing campaign, see
the ―Email Marketing‖ training guide which is part of this series of
Online Advertising
Google Ad Words
Companies are paying for these advertisements based on a cost per click
or cost per impression basis.
• Cost per click — this means that you pay when somebody clicks on the
advertisement but you don‘t pay for it to be displayed.
• Cost per impression — this means you pay an amount every time the
advertisement is displayed 1,000 times irrespective of whether someone
clicks on the advertisement or not.
When you create an advertisement you decide when the advertisement will
appear and this is based on matching up with keywords that people use for
searching. So if you sell boating tours on the Shannon you might want
your advertisement to appear when some-body searches boating tour
Shannon. The price of this advertisement is based on an auction so it is
more expensive if there are a lot of companies that are also interested in
these keywords and want advertisements based on this.
There are many other factors that Google also take into account when
pricing the advertisement. For example, it assigns a quality score to your
advertisement. If your quality score is high then your advertisement cost
could be lower compared to another com-petitor with a similar ad with a
lower quality score. The quality score is calculated using a variety of
factors and probably the most important is the click through rate. If your
ad is displayed and nobody clicks on it then your click through rate is 0%.
Google now thinks you ad is not relevant so penalises you for this.
Banner Advertisements
Facebook Advertising
In Facebook you can run targeted advertising based on a cost per click or
cost per impression basis. The big advantage with Facebook is that you can
target in on exactly who you want to see the advertisements. For example,
if you ran an adventure centre and the typical profile of a customer is a
male between 30 and 45 that live in Dublin you could just advertise to
them. When they login to Facebook they see these advertisements on the
right hand part of the screen.
Affiliate Marketing
Affiliate marketing is where you use other websites to help drive traffic to
your website. The source of the traffic is called the affiliate. The affiliate
then gets payment for driving this traffic depending on the result. For
example, the affiliate may only get paid if they drive traffic to your
website and this ends up in a sale.
There are many forms of affiliate marketing and sometimes these cross
over with other forms of advertising. Here are some examples:
• You write a blog post about a hotel you stayed in and the link to the hotel
is an affiliate link. So if you go to the hotel and book a room then the
source of this traffic will get paid an amount.
Your website is a key internet marketing tool where you can promote your
business and sell your products and services. When you do all your work
with other forms of online promotion and drive traffic back to your
website you want to convert this traffic. If this is not a sale then at a
minimum you need to capture their details so that you can continue to
market to them.
want it to produce business. A key term on a website is a ―call to action‖
and this is what you want the visitor to do.
For ex-ample Book Now is a call to action to make a booking. If they are
not ready to book now maybe you‘ll provide another call to action to sign
up to a newsletter or become a fan on Facebook. At least then you‘ll have
another opportunity to market to them.
There are many websites out there that are just brochure websites. They
tell us how good the company is and all the great services they provide but
that is not enough any-more. You need to provide some value to people
arriving at your site. Think about what information you can provide that
will help them make a decision about booking a room at your hotel, a table
at your restaurant, or an activity at your adventure centre. Don‘t think
about how you can promote your business. If they are booking a hotel let
them know what other people have said about the hotel, let them know all
the facilities nearby and provide them with a video where they really get a
feel for what the place is like. Recommendations from other people are
extremely important online.
For more information on how to get the most out of your website through
the use of an effective layout and design, calls to action, and many more,
see the training guide ―Get-ting the Most from Your Website‖ which is
part of this series of guides.
Online PR
PR is a very effective tool for promoting your business and there are many
ways of achieving this. The following gives some examples:
• Guest Blog Post – Instead of you writing a blog post (article online) on
your own web-site, why not find another popular blog that is related to
your business and write a post for them. That is good PR for you and you
can also provide a link back to your website that helps with your rankings
on the search engines.
• Article writing – There are many sites online that allow you to write
articles and these articles are read and distributed by many people.
I‘ve listed 17 trends I‘m seeing in the internet marketing‖ world. Internet
marketing (also called make money online‖) is one of the more monies
niches online, and as a result it‘s also one of the most innovative. Many
products in niches like productivity‖ or passion or blogging or lifestyle
design‖ and countless others are, at the core, internet market-ing products
as well.
2. Niche specific tool sets will be huge. Suites of online tools that
empower entre-pruners will no longer require massive scale to
develop, so it‘ll be much easier
(And more profitable) to create custom or white labelled tools to fit
niche com-munities.
3. Expensive eBooks are dead. I‘m sorry. Stop writing that $97 eBook
right now. It‘s not going to work out. Build a real product, then
consider the eBook as a mar-keting tool, if necessary.
5. $2,000 DVD training courses are dead. You know what I mean–
they aren‘t dead, they are like ―Microsoft dead.‖ they‘ll continue to
work for people with deep pockets and for those who are in the
game. If something like this is your idea of how you are going to get
a foothold in a market, I‘m on my way to bet against you.
9. Personal freedom is slowly starting to be articulated as
“personal sovereignty.” That space will explode in the next 5 years.
Get in while the getting is good.
10. Your customers will need to use your product and be successful
for you to have a sustainable online marketing business. I always
thought it was dip-shitty when internet marketers feigned complaint that
their customers never―implemented their product.‖ those conversations
will go the way of the dodo. If your customers ―don‘t implement your
product‖ you‘ll ―go out of business.
11. In-person events and training will explode. Events provide a ton
of value, it‘s cheaper to move around, and your target market has a more
flexible income. Easy call.
12. The daily podcast format will become prominent. James Shremko
is already testing it out (take a walk, listen to this episode, and tell me
you don‘t run back home looking for a notepad!). People will write me
one year from now and ―hey you were right about that daily podcast
thing! ‖
13. More and more, content will need to be delivered with high-level
consult-ing. No more $2,000 DVDs, instead I‘ll get on the phone with
you once a week and walk you through a deliverable. This is way better
than some worksheet or video. Even Frank Kern is doing it.
14. More 4th wave internet marketers will emerge. They will be
selling you blog networks, software suites, audiences, ad campaigns, e-
commerce sites, niche websites, blogs– you name it.
16. If you want to start a blog about entrepreneurship or personal
development and you don’t have an angle that gets everyone in the
room FREAKING PUMPED and saying they’d buy products from
such a publisher… don‘t do it. It‘s getting harder. The good news is
that it‘s easier to spend your energy on cr e-ating a great premise than it
is publishing blog posts into the inter-nether world.
Website Conversions
Once you have decided which site-wide processes to measure and how to
measure them, the following metrics can help you understand visitor
success or failure:
Campaign ROI -- cost effectiveness for specific campaigns.
Segment conversion rates – track conversion progress over time.
Below are the key indicators you should track regardless of business
With people becoming busy with their work and commitments, they are
left out with only a little spare time. In addition, with wide availability and
usage of smart devices, people find internet as the easiest medium to meet
their requirements. This has given immense popularity to online shopping
sites in India, numerous online shopping websites are flaunting best deals
to lure buyers.
The shopping website offers great advantage of faster product delivery and
free shipping on ordered products for more than Rs.500. Customers also
enjoy the privilege of exceptional services like payment on delivery or
‗cash on delivery‘. They can also pay on a monthly basis, as EMIs. In case
any customer is not satisfied with the products, he or she can even return
them and get entire payment back. As one of the notable online shop-ping
companies in India, Flipkart also offers 30-day replacement policy. All
types of Visa and Master Debit or Credit cards are accepted to initiate the
online transaction system.
Dedicated delivery partners of Flipkart take the responsibility for timely
product delivery at mentioned addresses.
The customer support service and process of home delivery are one of the
swiftest in the business world. They are also one of the leading Indian
online shopping companies offering guaranteed 30-day free return of
goods from doorsteps of consumers in case of unsatisfactory service.
The online shopping platform has their service in more than 50 cities
across India and also has a record 15 million registered users in the
country. The website features more than 3000 brands – national,
international and even less famous yet offering quality products. The
online store has more than 200 categories featuring more than 250000
products listed with them. More than 25000 products are sold every day.
Snapdeal has close ties with reputed courier services that help in faster
home delivery process. They even offer free return policy of products, if
they fail to meet the expectations of customers. Unlike other Indian online
shopping companies, they initiate com-plete refund and even additional
courier charges that the consumer bears, if any, while returning the
products in an undamaged and unused condition.
Amazon is one of the most reputed name in the world of online shopping
for products like eBooks, electronics and others items. The Amazon India
website and it services are being tweaked for India and its hugely growing
online shoppers. is operated by Amazon Seller Services Private
Ltd, an affiliate of, Inc. is a Fortune 500 company based in
Seattle, which opened on the World Wide Web in July 1995; and today
offers Earth‘s Biggest Selection.
You can find this Fulfilled by Amazon badge on many product pages.
This specifies that the Orders are eligible for FREE Delivery and can be
placed using Cash on Delivery. It is being mentioned by Amazon India
that the orders which contains products worth Rs 499 or more are only
eligible for FREE delivery. In my opinion Amazon have introduced almost
all the practical, useful and cool facilities and features on its Indian
counterpart. If you have purchased from Amazon India, please share your
experiences. You can also share your feedback on the website.
The online retail store has been a major attraction for consumers across the
country due to authenticity of products. They even offer pleasant visuals of
products – including detailed video graphic demonstrations and images
from a wide range of angles.
The online shopping website even offers a wide range of payment option,
including net banking, online credit or debit card transaction and facility of
cash-on-delivery., like most reputed Indian online
shopping companies, even guarantee 100% money back offer, in case of
consumer dissatisfaction and if the product is re-turned unused and
undamaged within 2-days of delivery.
The company offers fastest shipping and delivery of all products ordered.
They even offer huge discount on various festive seasons throughout the
year. New customers are also entitled to various shopping discount
vouchers amounting to Rs.2000.
The online merchandize portal deals with world reputed brands like
Espirit, FCUK, Fossil, Calvin Klein, Adidas, Lee, Steve Madden,
Wildcraft, Roxy, Van Heusen, Manchester United, Arrow, Gini&Jony and
much more.
The main motive behind this research is zero moments of truth (ZMOT) of
Google. In 2012 Google done a research to understand the change in
consumer buying behaviour, for that they have taken samples from U.S,
Canada, Mexico, Argentina, Russia, France, Nether-lands, Australia,
Poland, Turkey and Brazil. After the research they arrived at a new con-
cept called ZMOT‘, which showing the big change in consumer buying
behaviour in the digital era.
The selected topic for the research is ―Understands the consumer buying
behaviour of Indian in digital era
Period of study
The study is conducted during the 1sh December 2021 to 20th March 2022
Primary objective
The main objective of the study is to understand the
consumer buying journey in Digital era.
Secondary objectives
To know affinity in customers for collecting information
before pur-chase.
To determine out the media, which is most important in
creating stimulus in Indians?
To understand the media consumption of Indians.
To figure out how Indian will purchase a product.
To understand post purchase behaviour of Indian
Universe means the total population available for the study. In this study,
the universe constitutes all Indian, who have online presences.
Sample size
The number of sample units selected from the total population is called
sample size. Sample size selected for this study is 200. Among them 146
are males and 54 are fe-males.
95% No
81% No
3) If yes, then what type of product / services did you purchase online?
81% No
5) If yes, then what type of product / services did you purchase online?
Electronic 22%
Books 11%
Travel products 17%
accessories 19%
Kitchen an
home items 2%
Toys 2%
Sport equipment 11%
Gifts 13%
Automotive 3%
7) Do you watch television programs through online?
% Yes
53% No
Interpretation 6 to 9:
93% of the samples are watching T.V. 53% of the samples is watching
T.V programs through online portals. 93% are reading newspapers and
74% are reading newspapers through online portals.
10) Do you have mobile phone or smartphones?
12) Do you have a tablet?
Interpretation 10 to 13:
More than 90% of the sample have can mobile or Smartphone and
laptops or PC.
Indian customers are highly information seekers. They collect more
information about quality, price and refer customer‘s experiences
before purchasing a prod-uct.
Advertisements have high impact for creating stimulus in Indian
customers. But this stimulus will get in to action only through
opinion leaders.
Indian consumers have high tendency to go for online purchase.
They have high affinity to go online for electronic products and
One of the current trends in Indian youth and young Indians are
watching the T.V programs via online portals. May be the main
reason is convenience of time, they can watch programs which they
had skipped due to some reasons.
The same thing is happening for the newspaper also, people have
more affinity towards online news portals. Here's the reason may be
they can get news updates very early; they don‘t need to wait for
daily newspapers.
In both of these cases, one opportunity is lost for marketer and one
opportunity is emerging for them to reach their T.G.
More than 90% of the samples have a mobile or Smartphone and
laptops or PC. 96% of samples have an internet connection is any of
these gadgets, this showing the penetration of internet in India.
If we take tablet, penetration in Indian is low. But it doesn‘t mean
that no one is using tabs. More than 30% of samples have tablet. For
brands they are getting three more platforms to reach their T.G and
engage them.
33% of the samples are using these gadgets while they are with their
friends, so just think about the reach. If one person noticed
something which is cool and aw e-some they will surely
communicate to others.
25% of the samples are using these gadgets while watching T.V; it‘s
again a bar-rier for brands which use TVC only. 21% of the samples
are using this gadget for chatting and 16% are using for surfing.
What they are surfing? It can be about a product, local events or
In this situation, one opportunity is again losing to brands and one
opportunity is emerging for brands to reach their T.G.
More than 90% of samples are noticing ads, among them 35% of
samples noticed ads through online media, followed by TVC and
48% of samples are telling they give more importance to online ads
and 34 % of samples give importance to T.V.C.
From the first part of this research itself, we know that customers are
highly in-formation seeker. It may be the reason for high trust in
online ads. They can search for more information after seeing an ad
or online is the only two way communication channel for customers.
22% of the samples do research through their lap or PC before
purchasing a product from the retail shop and 21% do research via
Most of the Indians prefer to purchase from a retail shop only, but
before going to retail shop they will seek information about the
product through an online plat-form. Here is actually change
happens in consumer buying journey, early times consumer belief a
product only after seeing the product in a retail shop.
But now Indian customers want to get conviction about a product
before going to retail shop. So from a marketers view they want to
convince their customers be-fore going to a retail shop.
Brands want to build a cool presence over digital platforms because
the customer will do research about the product after seeing an ad or
after getting stimulated.
Brands are getting more touch points to reach target group in a cost
effective manner.
I honestly believe that this project report will be at most useful for
marketers to under-stand the digital marketing and also to plan for future
I conclude my research by quoting again that ―Brands can‘t sustain
without digital presence
It‘s not only from my experience, but also from my observation. All
colleagues are doing the same type of work, but the situation is
different. Sometime they have problem with a client, but on the next
day they problems with vendors or with creative team. While
coming to me, my first month was more concentrated with pitch
presentation. Industry or clients are different or requirements of the
client are different, but contents or the flow of pitch presentations
are same.
“I don’t know” short sentence, but difficult to tell
Agilent is an American company that designs and manufactures
electronic and bio-analytical measurement instruments and
equipment for measurement and evaluation. Once my guide told me
make a presentation based on their products, mainly on Gas
chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC & GC/MS Columns). Ba-
sically, he wants details about application and component of this
product. This was one of the biggest challenges which I faced in my
internship. Because I am a Commerce background student and I
don‘t understand the technical usage of this product and component
used to manufacture this product. But I can‘t refuse to do this
because it will affect my image and mark. I took 3 days to study the
whole things, before making the presentation. Finally, I learned you
can‘t tell ―I don‘t know in your corporate life.
First week full of induction and in second week, first two days I sat
idly. I felt that they will not give any work and my internship is
gone. But in next day I went and ask for work. From that moment to
last day, I enjoyed my internship and learned a lot of stuffs.
Work life balancing
This is the most important learning for me. This SIP thought me how
to balance your personal responsibility and professional
responsibility together and how to enjoy life even after getting a job.
Working in an agency is not an easy task; the person wants to face a
lot of stress and challenges. I am the only person in my of-fice
leaving early, while comparing with others. Because my colleagues
have lots of work, sometime they will leave by late night only. But
they are really enjoying all the moments in their life. They don‘t
have any difference between professional life and personal life.