In Silico Study of Agaricus Bisporus On DNA Damaging Protein

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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)

Volume 6 Issue 1, November-December 2021 Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470

In-Silico Study of Agaricus Bisporus on DNA Damaging Protein

Sanket B. Shelke1, Dr. Pravin Badhe2
Student, Department of Pharmacy, Navsahyadri Institute of Pharmacy, Pune, Maharashtra, India
Associate Professor, Pharmaceutics Department, Navsahyadri Institute of Pharmacy, Pune, Maharashtra, India

ABSTRACT How to cite this paper: Sanket B. Shelke

Agaricus bisporus is belonging to family agaricaceae, which is | Dr. Pravin Badhe "In-Silico Study of
widely acceptable and mostly cultivated among the all mushrooms. It Agaricus Bisporus on DNA Damaging
has great nutritional values and it is rich in proteins, vitamins, Protein" Published
carbohydrates, fibers, minerals and amino acids. It is effective in in International
Journal of Trend in
antimicrobial, anticancer, antidiabetic, antihypercholesterolemic,
Scientific Research
antihypertensive, hepatoprotective and antioxidant activities. As it is and Development
effective in anticancer property, we check the effects of chemical (ijtsrd), ISSN:
constituents of Agaricus Bisporus on DNA damaging protein which 2456-6470, IJTSRD47963
results its activity PARP inhibiting or vise-versa. Volume-6 | Issue-1,
December 2021, pp.1003-1009, URL:
We choose the molecular docking technique to check the effects of
different chemical constituents of Agaricus Bisporus on DNA
damaging protein. For that different PARP inhibitory drugs taken as Copyright © 2021 by author(s) and
the standard. We perform the molecular docking of the chemical International Journal of Trend in
constituents of Agaricus Bisporus, using 4UND protein with the help Scientific Research and Development
of PyRx software and BIOVIA Discovery studio software. Along Journal. This is an
with that PARP inhibitor drugs also run against the same protein. Open Access article
distributed under the
The results of molecular docking shows the some of the constituents terms of the Creative Commons
of Agaricus Bisporus has better binding affinity than the standard Attribution License (CC BY 4.0)
taken PARP inhibitor drugs. The ergosterol shows the better binding (
affinity than the niraparib and rucaparib on the same proteins. On
other hands the naringenin, quercetin, anthocyanin, folate and
myricetin shows the better results than the rucaparib. That means the
ergosterol shows the better results as PARP inhibitor than the
niraparib and rucaparib.
KEYWORDS: Agaricus Bisporus, Button Mushroom, Molecular
docking, PyRx software, BIOVIA Discovery studio

Agaricus Bisporus is the mushroom is cultivated all should perform the molecular docking on the
over the world [01] in every ascetic except Antarctica chemical constituents of Agaricus Bisporus.
[02]. It is most dominating and most cultivated in all
Molecular docking is the methodology that explores
over the mushroom [03,04]. It is rich in the proteins,
the responses of small molecules in the binding site of
carbohydrates, lipids, fibers, polyphenols, flavonoids,
a targeted protein [15]. Molecular docking is a
minerals, vitamins [05,06,07]. It also contains
important tool in structural molecular biology and
phenolic acids [08,09], fatty acids [10], flavonoids
computer-assisted drug design. The goal of ligand-
[11], essentials amino acid and non-essential amino
protein docking is to predict the binding of ligand
acids [12]. Agaricus Bisporus is belonging to the to
with a protein of known three-dimensional structure
family agaricaceae[06]. It have been found effective
[16]. Molecular docking is the computer-based
in antimicrobial, anticancer, antidiabetic,
approach for identification of bound conformation
antihypercholesterolemic, antihypertensive,
and prediction of binding affinity of ligands to protein
hepatoprotective and antioxidant activities.[13] Apart
from food and food beverages it has a role in
perfumery, cosmetic industries and pharmaceutical The purpose of this study to know about the binding
industries [14]. As it has anti-cancer activity, we affinity of constituents of Agaricus Bisporus on the

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD47963 | Volume – 6 | Issue – 1 | Nov-Dec 2021 Page 1003
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
DNA damaging protein and compare with the protein their with code 4UND and click on Download
standard PARP inhibitor drugs to check the binding Files, and select PDB Format.
Here we selected PARP-1 i.e. ‘4UND’ protein which
2. Materials and methods:- are responsible for DNA damaging. It promotes the
2.1. Materials- cancer growth and progression. For that different
PyRx is written in Python programming language and PARP inhibitors drugs are available in market; from
it can run on nearly any modern computer, from PC that Olaparib, rucaparib, talazoparib and niraparib are
(personal computer) to supercomputer. This methods taken as standard for molecular docking. Here we
also work on Linux and Mac OS as well. check that is chemical constituents of agaricus
bisporus has binding with that protein and shows
2.1.1. Software and hardware-
A. PyRx software consisting of AutoDock and better results or not. Our hypothesis is that chemical
AutoDockvina [18] constituents of Agaricus Bisporus may shows better
results than the PARP-1 inhibitors drugs (rucaparib,
B. BIOVIA Discovery Studio 2021 v21.1.0.20298 talazoparib and niraparib) on 4UND protein.
2.2. Methods-
C. HP 15s-fr2006TU, Intel core i3-1115G4 2.2.1. Prepare input files for docking-
processor, 512 GB SSD, 8GB SODIMM DDR4 A. Ligands-
SDRAM, 11TH Gen, Windows 10. The PDBQT file format suitable for docking for
2.1.2. Input Files- virtual screening in AutoDock Vina. For that input
To start with structure-based virtual screening, files can be used for virtual screening must be
structures of the target macromolecule and small converted to PDBQT format by using open babel.
molecules are needed as input files. For that there are 1. Start by double-clicking on PyRx icon on the
different websites available where we can download Desktop.
these input files. We used PubChem website to get 2. Select Open Babel tab under Controls panel and
3D structure of small molecules in the ‘.sdf’ format click on the first icon on its toolbar with plus (+)
which are chemical constituents of Agaricus Bisporus sign on it. Navigate to the Downloads folder and
[20], and Protein Data Bank to get 3D structures of select the standard PARP inhibitor.
macromolecule that is protein in ‘.pdb’ format [21].
3. Click on the first icon on the Open Babel toolbar
Vitamin C, Thiamine, Riboflavin, Niacin, Pantothenic again, and select all small molecules one by one
acid, Vitamin B6, Folate, Betaine, Vitamin B12, in same manner. If other molecules are to be
Vitamin E, Tocopherol (beta, gamma, delta), Vitamin included in virtual screening, the Open Babel
D2 and Vitamin D3 [05,06], ergothioneine [22], widget can be used to convert them to PDBQT
Gallic acid, Caffeic acid, Protocatechuic acid, p- file format.
Hydroxybenzoic acid, p-Coumaric acid, Cinnamic
4. Select the any molecule from the list and right-
acid, Homogentisic acid, chlorogenic acid and ferulic
acid [08,09,23], ergosterol [24], conjugated linoleic click and use the Minimize all option. Click OK
acid, linoleic, palmitic acid, stearic acid [10], and wait for energy minimization to complete.
anthocyanin, myricetin, quercetin, kaempferol, After that the title of this molecule has changed.
naringenin, catechin, and resveratrol [11] are the The ‘_uff’ part corresponds to the force field used
chemical constituents of Agaricus Bisporus are taken for energy minimization, which, by default, is the
for molecular docking. Universal Force Field as implemented in Open
Babel software package.
A. For small molecules (ligands)-
The chemical constituents of button mushroom i.e. 5. Right-click on any of the rows in Open Babel
ligands were downloaded from the PubChem site in table and use Convert All to AutoDock Ligand
3d structure with the “.sdf” format. Open PubChem (pdbqt). This will create pdbqt files corresponding
website and search their respective molecules and molecules under the Ligands folder.
then click on download button, from that select 3D 6. this files automatically added in autodock ligand
SDF: Save. In similar way we can downloaded all panel.
required molecules.
B. Macromolecule-
B. For macromolecule- Before taking in PyRx software we should want to
protein is selected for molecular docking and it was remove some unessential part of protein. For that
downloaded from the protein data bank in “.pdb” BIOVIA Discovery studio software is necessary.
format. Open RCSB PDB homepage and search our

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD47963 | Volume – 6 | Issue – 1 | Nov-Dec 2021 Page 1004
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
1. Start by double-clicking on BIOVIA Discovery 2. Select Ligands from ligand folder. (use the
studio icon on the Desktop. control key for selecting multiple ligands)
2. select file tab and then click on open. It navigate 3. Select 4und under the Macromolecules folder and
to the downloads folder and select the 4UND.pdb click on the Forward button on Vina Wizard.
file. After that we can see the protein on screen.
4. After that we see the white grid box with
3. Then click on view tab and select hierarchy. It spherical handles on protein molecular structure.
shows the all content of our protein. Make sure that selected grid box size big enough
4. Click on water and go to edit tab and delete it. In to allow the ligand to move freely. For that Click
same way you should delete hetatm and on the Maximize button under Vina Search Space,
unrequired other chains. then click on the Forward button.

5. After that click on Chemistry tab and select 5. This starts AutoDock Vina and docks each ligand,
hydrogen and then add polar. This way you one by one, to 4und. It takes few minutes to
should add polar hydrogen atom. complete this virtual screening on a laptop.
6. After virtual screening is completed, PyRx
6. Now we save this file in pdb format and it replace
the existing protein file. automatically advances to Analyze Results page,
where results of virtual screening computation
7. Open PyRx software and then click on File → can be viewed.
Load Molecule menu and open 4und.pdb file.
Right-click on 4und under Molecules panel and 7. PyRx users can also export virtual screening
select AutoDock → Make Macromolecule. results as CSV (Comma-Separated Values) or
SDF files. This is useful for further analysis,
2.2.2. Run Virtual Screening Using Vina Wizard- filtering, or re-ranking of virtual screening results.
1. Select Vina Wizard tab under the Controls panel
of PyRx and click on the Start button.
3. Results from docking-
Table 1 shows the binding affinity of different receptors on ‘4UND’ binding protein.
Complex (protein+ligand) ligands Binding Affinity (K cal/mol)
A] Standard
4und_135565082_uff_E=560.92 Talazoparib -10.7
4und_9931954_uff_E=653.31 Rucaparib -9.2
4und_24958200_uff_E=461.77 Niraparib -9.8
B] Chemical constituents
4und_444679_uff_E=607.36 Ergosterol -9.8
4und_932_uff_E=195.80 Naringenin -9.4
4und_135398658_uff_E=289.04 Folate -9.3
4und_145858_uff_E=178.56 Anthocyanin -9.3
4und_5280343_uff_E=380.43 Quercetin -9.3
4und_5281672_uff_E=388.01 Myricetin -9.2
Table 1
The docking results of remaining constituents of Agaricus Bisporus are shown in appendix table 3.
From the docking results, it is shown that the binding affinity of ergosterol(-9.8 Kcal/mol) which is chemical
constituent of Agaricus Bisporus is better than the rucaparib(-9.2 Kcal/mol) and equals to the niraparib(-9.8
Kcal/mol). Both niraparib and rucaparib are the standard PARP inhibitor drugs and the ergosterol shows the
better binding affinity than them. Also, the naringenin, quercetin, anthocyanin and folate are the constituents
which shows better binding affinity than the rucaparib; whereas the Myricetin shows the same binding affinity as

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD47963 | Volume – 6 | Issue – 1 | Nov-Dec 2021 Page 1005
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
Diagrams of molecular docking:

Fig.2- 2D & 3D images of standard PARP inhibitor drugs binding with 4UND protein
Fig.2 shows the 2D & 3D images of molecular docking of standard PARP inhibitor drugs that binds to 4UND
protein. In each 3D diagram, yellow structure is ligand and remaining all structure is of protein; yellow box
shows the binding site of respective ligand on 4UND protein.
In 2D diagram of talazoparib, it formed 8 hydrogen bonds with SER864, ASN868, ALA880, TYR896, ASP766,
GLU763, ARG878 of the target protein. It forms hydrophobic bonds with HIS862, TYR907, ALA880, ASP766
of the target site. In 2D diagram of rucaparib, it formed 5 hydrogen bonds with TYR907, TYR896, ARG878,
ASN868, GLU988 of the target protein. It forms hydrophobic bonds with HIS862, ARG878, ASN868, TYR896
of the target site. In 2D diagram of niraparib, it formed 4 hydrogen bonds with ASP766, ASP770, ASN868,
GLY888 of the target protein. It forms hydrophobic bonds with TYR896, TYR907, ILE872, LEU877 of the
target site.

Fig.3- 2D & 3D images of Chemical Constituents of Agaricus Bisporus binding with 4UND protein
Fig. 3 shows the 2D & 3D images of molecular docking of chemical constituents of Agaricus Bisporus that binds
to 4UND protein. In each 3D diagram, yellow structure is ligand and remaining all structure is of protein; yellow
box shows the binding site of respective ligand on 4UND protein.

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD47963 | Volume – 6 | Issue – 1 | Nov-Dec 2021 Page 1006
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
The remaining 2D & 3D images of constituents of Agaricus Bisporus with 4UND protein are added in appendix

Interactions shown in all 2D images

In 2D diagram of ergosterol, it forms hydrophobic bonds with TYR896, TYR907 of the target site of 4UND
protein. In 2D diagram of naringenin, it formed 5 hydrogen bonds with PHE897, SER904, GLY863, HIS862,
TYR889 of the target protein. It forms hydrophobic bonds with TYR907, ALA898, TYR896, TYR889 of the
target site. In 2D diagram of anthocyanin, it forms hydrophobic bonds with HIS862, TYR907, TYR896 of the
target site. In 2D diagram of quercetin, it formed 3 hydrogen bonds with SER904, ASP766, ARG865 of the
target protein. It forms hydrophobic bonds with HIS862, TYR907 of the target site. In 2D diagram of folate, it
formed 8 hydrogen bonds with ARG878, ASP766, GLY863 of the target protein. It forms hydrophobic bonds
with HIS862, TYR907, GLY863 of the target site. In 2D diagram of myricetin, it formed 3 hydrogen bonds with
SER904, TYR907, ARG865 of the target protein. It forms hydrophobic bonds with HIS862, TYR907 of the
target site.
4. Discussion:- which possess the better binding affinity to ‘4UND’
From the results it shows that, comparison of all the PARP protein among all other constituents.
chemical constituents of Agaricus Bisporus and the
From the results it can be concluded that the binding
standard PARP inhibitor drugs on the basis of binding
affinity of ergosterol which is chemical constituent of
energy criteria on PARP protein (4UND), we get that
Agaricus Bisporus is better than the rucaparib and
the ergosterol shows the best binding affinity among
equals to the niraparib. Both niraparib and rucaparib
the all chemical constituents of Agaricus Bisporus
are the standard PARP inhibitor drugs and the
and also better than the niraparib and rucaparib. Some
ergosterol shows the better binding affinity than them.
of the constituents like naringenin, quercetin,
Also, the naringenin, quercetin, anthocyanin & folate
anthocyanin, folate and myricetin are shows better
are the constituents which shows better binding
binding affinity than the rucaparib.
affinity than the rucaparib.
Rucaparib is an anti-cancer agent used to treat
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