Tle Techdraft10 q2 m6
Tle Techdraft10 q2 m6
Tle Techdraft10 q2 m6
Technical Drafting 10
Quarter 2, Prepare Plan Using CAD
First Edition, 2020
Republic Act 8293, section 176 states that: No copyright shall subsist
in any work of the Government of the Philippines. However, prior approval of
the government agency or office wherein the work is created shall be
necessary for exploitation of such work for profit. Such agency or office may,
among other things, impose as a condition the payment of royalties.
Quarter 2
Eduardo E. Ronsairo
Jose M. Bagayana (Technical)
Introductory Message
In addition to the material in the main text, you will also see this box
in the body of the module:
This module was designed to provide you with fun and meaningful
opportunities for guided and independent learning at your own pace and time.
You will be enabled to process the contents of the learning material while
being an active learner.
______1. It displays the Load Design Center Palette dialog box. You can also load files
in your computer.
A. Folder C. Tree view toggle
B. Load D. Views
______2. A Design Center option which displays the drawings opened in the current
drawing session.
A. Folder C. Tree view toggle
B. Open drawings D. Views
______3. It provides four ways to display the content in the Palette: large icons, small
icons, names, and names with details.
A. Folder C. Open drawings
B. Load D. Views
______5. It displays the hierarchy of all the files and folders on your computer and
network drives in the Tree view pane.
A. Folder C. Open drawings
B. Load D. Views
Directions: Kindly read each item carefully and draw a check mark (/) on the column
that corresponds to your answer.
A Not
Skills A lot
little much
I can enumerate the different Multilines Edit Tools.
I can identify the different Multilines Edit Tools.
I understand the important uses of multilines in
creating a drawing.
Remember these things before during and after you work on your computer.
The AutoCAD Design Center is a graphic interface where you can manipulate
and re-use drawings and drawing objects (block, layers, external references, and
customized contents) from drawing files, network drives, and Internet locations.
Using the Design Center you can insert, attach, or copy and paste definition into a
current drawing. This way, you can speed up drawing constructing.
To open the AutoCAD Design Center, use the command ADCENTER or its
shortcut DC. The shortcut toggle key for opening and closing the Design Center is
[Ctrl+2]. The Design Center has two panes: Palette (right side) and Tree view (left
side). The contains the locations of the different Design Center contents while the
Tree View displays the previews of the different items inside the design Center and
other folders.
At the top of the Design Center panel, there are 14 option buttons namely:
It displays the hierarchy of all the files and folders on your computer and
network drives in the Tree view pane.
It displays the drawings opened in the current drawing session.
It displays the locations that you have connected by using Favorites button.
It displays the Load Design Center Palette dialog box. You can also load files
in your computer.
It enables you to return to the most recent location in history list.
It enables you to return to the next location in the history list.
7. UP
It enables you to display the content of upper level.
It allows you to display the Search dialog box.
It contains shortcuts to content on local or network drives as well as in
Internet locations.
It displays a preview of the selected files at the bottom of the Palette pane.
It displays text description of the selected object in the Palette pane.
Description of a drawing can be recorded by using DWGPROPS command.
It provides four ways to display the content in the Palette: large icons, small
icons, names, and names with details.
14. HOME
It returns Design Center to its home folder.
Note: You can access shortcut menus by selecting the right button of your mouse.
Below is a sample of a floor plan with no furniture and fixtures. The red hidden
lines indicate the location of the different furniture and fixtures to be placed in
the floor plan.
To insert the required furniture and fixtures at the marked locations in the
floor plan using the AutoCAD Design Center, follow the instructions below:
Figure 1: Furniture
Command: ADCENTER, DC, Ctrl+2 or go to the VIEW tab in the Ribbon panel
and click on the Design Center icon on the Palette toolbar.
1. On the Design Center window, click on the plus sign (+) “This PC’ (it will
display the partition content: “C” drive, “D” drive, “E” drive, etc.);
2. Expand the “C” drive by clicking on the plus sign (+) to display its contents
(+ sign will change to – sign);
3. Go to “Program Files” and expand its content;
4. Go to “Autodesk” and expand its content;
Expand all other options by following the numbering below until you open the
Design Center (see illustration below). In the options under Design Center, you
may open the block on the “Home Space Planner”, “House Designer”, and
“Kitchens” to find the different items like furniture and fixtures needed for the
floor plan. These items are displayed on the Tree view (see Kitchen items on the
tree view in the illustration below).
Choose the items that are required in the floor plan above and insert them by
right clicking on the item and choose the INSERT BLOCK option. An INSERT
dialog box will appear showing the details about the chosen item. Click OK and
click on the location on the floor plan you want to insert the item. Do the same
in all other required furniture and fixtures. Other option is by click and drag the
item to the location on the floor plan.
It is noted that, not all the items you need can be found in the Design Center.
And these items does not always meet the specifications you need. With this, you
can create your own folder containing different items you need in creating you floor
plan so that it can be easily accessed when you open the Design Center (see Figure
3). You can have different sizes of sofa for the living area, different sizes of dining
table depending on the number of occupants, different sizes of beds, etc. Same in the
default items, these can be inserted as block or can be copied by clicking and
dragging it to the desired location.
A. Directions: Read each statement carefully and identify the different Design
Center option buttons described below. Write your answer on the blank
provided before each number.
_____________1. It displays a preview of the selected files at the bottom of the Palette
_____________2. It returns Design Center to its home folder.
_____________3. It displays text description of the selected object in the Palette pane.
_____________4. It provides four ways to display the content in the Palette: large icons,
small icons, names, and names with details.
_____________5. It displays the hierarchy of all the files and folders on your computer
and network drives in the Tree view pane.
_____________6. It displays the Load Design Center Palette dialog box. You can also
load files in your computer.
_____________7. It contains shortcuts to content on local or network drives as well as
in Internet locations.
_____________8. It enables you to return to the most recent location in history list.
_____________9. It enables you to display the content of upper level.
_____________10. It allows you to display the Search dialog box.
What are the three command options in opening the Design Center?
How does Palette and Tree View differ from each other?
AutoCAD is giving us many command options for us to have a choice from which we
can work easily and fast. In this new normal, what option did you chose to make
your learning easy and practical? Make a short reflection.
A. Directions: Match the names in Column A with each icon in Column B. Write
the letter of your answer on the blank before each number.
______ 1. FAVORITES
______ 2. PREVIEW
______ 3. SEARCH
______ 4. FORWARD
______ 5. LOAD
______ 6. VIEWS
______ 7. UP
______ 9. BACK
Arriola C., Bermas D., Milambiling O., Guevarra Jr. V., Technology &
Livelihood Education ICT– Technical Drafting 10: Learner’s Material. Deped-
IMCS, 2013
AutoCAD 2018