Critical Evaluation of Curriculum at Secondary Stage

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Critical evaluation of the

curriculum in use in Mathematics

at the Secondary stage.

Teaching of Mathematics By: Anakha and Apurva

Submitted to: Dr. Sulekha Ram Session: B.Ed 1st Year (2021-23)
It is recognized that mathematics and mathematical thinking
will be very important for India’s future and India’s leadership
role in the numerous upcoming fields and professions that will
involve artificial intelligence, machine learning, and data
science, etc. Thus, mathematics and computational thinking will
be given increased emphasis throughout the school years,
starting with the foundational stage, through a variety of
innovative methods, including the regular use of puzzles and
games that make mathematical thinking more enjoyable and
engaging. Activities involving coding will be introduced in
Middle Stage.” [NEP 2020, 4.25]
NCF 2005
 Developing children's abilities for mathematisation is the main goal of
mathematics education at school level.

 There are two kinds of aim regarding the subject Mathematics:

• Narrow aim: To develop 'useful' capabilities, particularly those relating to

numeracy–numbers, number operations, measurements, decimals and
• Higher aim: To develop the child's resources to think and reason mathematically,
to pursue assumptions to their logical conclusion and to handle abstraction.

 NCF 2005 is in favour of a broader-based curriculum with more topics that starts
from the basics. This will serve the needs of different learners better.
Pre-primary stage Primary Stage
(Play way method) (Games, puzzles and
• Counting stories)
• Number • Basic arithmetic
sequence • Spatial
• Quantities understanding
• Identifying • Measurement and
shapes data handling
• Concrete and
Curricular structure of abstract concepts
(NCF 2005)
Middle stage
• Algebra
• Data handling,
representation and
Higher Secondary
interpretation. Secondary Stage-
• Application of Mathematics as a
Application of
abstract concepts discipline.
 As mathematics is a compulsory subject at the secondary stage, access to
quality mathematics education is the right of every child.

 Students develop problem solving ability at this stage by integrating

concepts learnt previously.

 Mathematical modelling, data analysis and interpretation taught at this

stage can consolidate a high level of mathematical literacy.

 Individual and group exploration of connections and patterns, visualization

and generalization, and making and proving conjectures are important at
this stage, and can be encouraged through the use of appropriate tools that
include concrete models as in Mathematics laboratories and computers.
 ‘School Education Reforms in Delhi 2015-2020', report was released by Boston
Consultancy Group during the Delhi Education Conference on January 11,

 Poor pass percentage among Class IX students has been listed as one of the
challenges for Delhi government schools.

 Analyses of government school results have shown, in class 9 too, mathematics

is a weak point — 19 per cent failed only in maths, and 14.7 per cent failed in
science and maths.

 “About 80 per cent of the students do not opt for maths in class 11 and 12.”
 Syllabus is too heavy for students entering Class 9, especially after experiencing
a no-detention policy till Class 8.

 The transition from middle to secondary stage should be smooth.

 Too many geometrical proofs, theorems and axioms in Class 9 can cause
boredom among the students. A balance between the numerical part and the
theoretical part must be maintained.

 NCF talks about teaching relevant and important mathematics embedded in

the child’s experience. Curriculum should be designed in such a way that the
students and society can use it in their daily life and students should be aware of
its practical application.
 Curriculum should be flexible and should fulfil varying needs of the child.

 It doesn’t give due importance to differentially abled children.

 Cognitive, affective and psychomotor domain must all be considered while

determining the objectives (usually affective domain is neglected).

 The syllabus for several competitive exams consists of topics like permutation
and combination, fundamental principle of counting, mathematical reasoning
etc. which are introduced in Class 11, whereas these topics should be
introduced at the secondary stage itself.

 Tall shape of Mathematics can be de-emphasized in favor of a broader-based

 Topics and activities in mathematics should not remain isolated, rather it
should be integrated with other school subjects.

 A reorientation of the curriculum towards addressing the 'higher aims'

mentioned previously will make better use of the time that children spend
in school in terms of the problem-solving and analytical skills that it builds,
and in preparing children to better meet a wide variety of problems in life.

 The mathematics curriculum lacks creative activities.

 Present curriculum is too much examination-oriented.

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