Iot Based Automatic College Gong: S.Arockia Ranjith Kumar, R.Glarwin, M.Gowthamaraj, M.K.Vijayanainar, G.Shunmugalakshmi

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Iot Based Automatic College Gong

S.Arockia Ranjith Kumar, R.Glarwin, M.Gowthamaraj, M.K.Vijayanainar, G.Shunmugalakshmi

Abstract: A considerable advancement has been made in automation in the world over the decades;automation is very very essential for every sectors
like a home or industry.New and low cost design is implemented.This project finds a wonderful use at primary and secondary school levels as well as in
colleges where the teaching sections can span over eight periods including breaks. The prime advantage of this project is that the bell rings at the start
of every period without any human intervention to a great degree of accuracy and hence succeeds the manual task of switching on/off the college bell on
time. This project uses LAN to work. Both Hardware and the App should be connected to the same Wifi network

Keywords : Buzzer,NodeMCU,RelayModule,Arduino IDE

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1. INTRODUCTION The proposed system describes an embedded system for

This project works based on sending data using mobile to the automation of scheduling systems such as school bells,
the cloud server using the MQTT (Message queue factory shift changes, military drills, etc. The system
telemetry transport) protocol. The data from the cloud is consists of two parts. One is a remote node used for remote
sent to the Node MCU. The relay is connected to the Node control and setup of the system and another one is the real-
MCU to which the Alarm circuit is connected which works time actuator node which controls a physical object, for
simultaneously based on the data from the user. The example, a bell system. The hardware and software
hardware exertion for a low power automatic bell that can structure are delineated in detail for both parts of the
be used in educational institutions was done with the power system through the implementation as an automatic school
estimation details. The bell will automatically ring at pre- bell system. [3] The system is secured for access from
programmed time intervals and also display the time in the outside through a protected server. The users are
seven-segment display continuously. The low power aspect requested to acquire a login and password to access the
is brought by using „SLEEP‟ mode in PIC microcontroller site. This adds protection from unauthorized access. In the
which keeps the system in an idle state when it is not in system, at all stages, we have used low-cost components
use. The major advantage of this implementation is that it and easy to find them. All these choices of devices were the
gives us the exact time and no manual operation is needed least possible alternatives making the whole system a low-
while using very low power. The system is made by cost solution to automation.[4] Various platforms are
initiating a serial interface between PIC microcontroller available that enable Automation systems quickly with low
(PIC16F877A) and a Real-Time Clock (RTC) IC, DS1307. cost, high performance and without any complexity that are
The software coding part is made using MPLAB IDE and Arduino, Raspberry pi, Micro-controllers, etc. Here, in this
hardware implementation is done using the components. review, different home automation systems such as the
The estimated power consumption is also given.[1] The Web-based, Bluetooth-based, Mobile-based, Cloud-based,
traditional campus bell control system employs a wired Internet-based have been explained. In the future, the
control system and there are so many difficulties in automation systems will much smarter and robust. We
installation and wiring. But this proposed system has put would be able to extend it to a scale of a level where it
promote a wireless bell control system with the core of could be used in offices, colleges or factories.[6]
microcontroller AT89S52 microprocessor and 315MHz Revised Manuscript Received on July 22, 2019.
wireless transmission chip. The hardware design has
executed the power circuit, minimum system circuit of the II. NODEMCU
microcontroller, keyboard circuit, wireless transmission NodeMCU Development board has features with wifi
circuit, LCD circuit, real-time clock circuit, EEPROM capability, analog pin, digital pins, and serial communication
memory circuit, and ringing drive circuit. The software protocols. To get started, using NodeMCU for IoT
realizes the microcontroller-controlled program, real-time applications, first we need to know about how to
clock program, memory EEPROM reading and writing write/download NodeMCU firmware in NodeMCU
program, and LCD program. The test results show that the Development Boards. Before that, we have to find where
clock is running accurately, with the maximum wireless this NodeMCU firmware will get as per our requirement.
communication distance of 1.2 Km [2] Online NodeMCU custom builds are available using which
we can easily get our custom NodeMCU firmware as per
_____________________________ our requirement. NodeMCU is an open-source IoT platform.
It includes ESP8266 Wi-Fi SoC based firmware and ESP-
 S.Arockia Ranjith Kumar, R.Glarwin, M.Gowthamaraj, 12 module-based hardware. The tag "NodeMCU" refers to
M.K.Vijayanainar are currently pursuing bachelor degree the firmware that was developed so that AT commands can
program in Electrical and Electronics Engineering at National be replaced with Lua scripting making the life of developers
Engineering College, Kovilpatti, India, E-mail:
easier. So repeativity can be avoided.
[email protected]
 G. Shunmugalakshmi is currently working as an Assistant
Professor in department of Electrical and Electronics
Engineering at National Engineering College, Kovilpatti, India,
PH-9442238733 E-mail: [email protected]


 Open-source
 Interactive
 Programmable
 Lowcost
 Simple
 Smart
 WI-FIenabled
 USB-TTLinclude

3. ADAFRUIT is a cloud service- that just means we run it for
you and you don't have to manage it. You can connect it
over the Internet. It's meant primarily for storing and then
retrieving data but it can do a lot more like. Display your A buzzer is a small and efficient component to add sound
data in real-time, online. Make your project internet- features to our project/system. It is a very small and
connected: Control motors, read sensor data, and more!. compact 2-pin structure making it easier to use in
Connect projects to web services like Twitter, RSS feeds, breadboard and PCB. There are two types are buzzers that
weather services, etc. Connect your project to other are commonly available. The one shown here is a simple
internet-enabled devices buzzer which when powered will make a Continuous beep
IV. IFTTT sound, the other type is called a readymade buzzer which
If This Then That(IFTTT) is a free web-based service, used will look bulkier than this and will produce a Beep. Beep.
to create applets, a tether of simple conditional statements. Beep. An internal oscillating circuit causes sound inside it.
An applet is triggered by changes that occur with other web But the one shown here is most widely used because it can
media such as Gmail, Facebook, Telegram, Instagram. be customized with the help of other circuits to fit easily in
our application. This buzzer can be used by simple power it
IFTTT employs the following concepts: using a DC power supply ranging from 4V to 9V. A simple
The fundamental building blocks of IFTTT is services which 9V battery can also be used, but it is recommended to use
deal with a series of data from a web service such as a regulated +5V or +6V DC supply. The switching circuit
YouTube or eBay. Actions controlled with certain APIs are controls the On and Off the buzzer according to the user
termed as services Sometimes, they can represent requirements.
information in terms of weather. Service has a particular set Buzzer Features and Specifications:
of triggers and actions are each. Triggers are the "this" part  Rated Voltage: 6VDC
of an applet. They are the items that trigger the action. For  Operating Voltage: 4-8VDC
example, from an RSS feeds, you can receive a notification  Rated current:<30mA
based on a keyword or phrase.  Sound Type: ContinuousBeep
Actions are the "that" part of an applet. The output is that  Resonant Frequency: ~2300Hz
results from the input of the trigger.  Small and neat sealedpackage
 Breadboard and Perf board friendly
Block Diagram
Present-day ringing the bell in colleges or schools are
5. RELAY MODULE AND BUZZER carried out semi-automatic system. The main disadvantage
of this is that one person has to be alert for this. At the
A) RELAY MODULE same time, another task could not be engaged. To
The relay setup screen in Enterprise allowed you to open or overcome these problems, we have decided to prepare the
close. the two switches on the relay module. The switches circuit which will be operated automatically and the ringing
are either latched or set for a timed period and reset. The of the bell will start by its own time. The time input could be
Data In options are you check if the voltage input is 'on' (5- edited as per requirements. This circuit is elementary to
30V) or 'off' (less than 5 V) on the module's input terminals. prepare and uncomplicated to install. We can say that it will
Once the relay options are set you can choose when you be much useful for colleges or schools or other educational
want the relay module to be triggered. When the relay sectors.
action is active Enterprise communication with the relay
module via the Enterprise Service module running on the
client. The Service module sends the command to the relay
module and return the outcome to the Enterprise console.


REFERENCE R.Glarwin, is studying final year

[1] Megalingam, R. K., Balasubramanian, V. K., Nair, M. electrical and electronics in National
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[2] Zou, Z., Bie, Y., Zhao, Z., & Zhou, M. (2017). Design of electrical and electronics engineering in
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[3] Bilic, D., & Uzunovic, T. (2016). Embedded automatic
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[4] Alkar, Ali Ziya, and Umit buhur. “An Internet based Kovilpatti.. His area of interest is
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S.Arockia Ranjith Kumar, is studying

final year electrical and electronics in
National Engineering College,Kovilpatti.
His area of interest is Electronics Device
And Circuit.


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