M.Sc. Chemistry KUD (Constituent and Affiliated Colleges)
M.Sc. Chemistry KUD (Constituent and Affiliated Colleges)
M.Sc. Chemistry KUD (Constituent and Affiliated Colleges)
M. Sc. Chemistry
Internal assessment marks in theory papers shall be based on tests. The tests may be conducted 8
to 12 weeks after the start of a semester. Internal assessment marks in practicals shall be based
on tests. The practical test may be conducted 10 weeks after the start of a semester
Q: 1 (Compulsory)
Seven sub questions carry two marks each and one sub question to be answered of one mark (2
questions from each unit)
15 marks
Q: 2 to Q: 7
Six questions from four units will be given. Each question carries 15 marks. Any four questions
are to be answered. There may be mixing of questions from different units.
15x4 = 60 marks
Total: 75 marks
(With effect from 2019-20)
Course Structure and Scheme of Examination:
B. Practical
B. Elective
C. Practical
Inorganic Chemistry
CHGT3.1: Inorganic Chemistry 4 4 3 25 75 100
B. Elective
C. Practical
Duration Internal
No. of of exam. Assessment
Description of Papers Credits Hrs/ week in Hrs Marks Marks Total
Theory/ Theory/ Theory/ at the Marks
Practical Practical Practical exams.
A. Core Subjects
Inorganic Chemistry
** Project Evaluation:
Dissertation 75 Marks
Presentation/ 50 Marks
Ionic Bond: Properties of ionic compounds, crystal lattices, closed packed structures,
coordination number of an ion, radius ratio rule, structures of crystal lattices- NaCl, CsCl, ZnS
and rutile. Lattice energy: Born Lande equation, Born-Haber cycle, uses of Born-Haber type of
calculations. Covalent character in ionic bonds, Fajan’s rules, hydration energy and solubility of
ionic solids.
Covalent Bond: Valence bond theory, resonance, hybridization and energetics of hybridization.
VSEPR theory: Deduction of molecular shapes. MOT of homo and heteronuclear molecules and
MO treatment for the molecules involving delocalized π-bonding (CO32, NO3 and CO2).
(12 Hours)
Coordination Chemistry:
Coordination numbers 210 and their geometries. Crystal field theory of coordination
compounds: octahedral, square planar, tetrahedral, trigonal bipyramidal and square pyramidal
fields, measurement of 10 Dq and factors affecting it, CFSE, Spectrochemical series and
JahnTeller effect.
Structural evidences for ligand field splitting: hydration, ligation and lattice energies. Evidences
for covalency in ML bonding. MO theory of coordination compounds: MO energy level
diagrams for octahedral and tetrahedral complexes without and with pi-bonding.
Electronic Spectra: Spectroscopic ground terms, Orgel diagrams for transition metal
complexes(Td &Oh).
(12 Hours)
Stability of Metal Complexes, Concepts of Acids and Bases and Non-aqueous Solvents:
Stability of Complexes: Stepwise and overall formation constants, factors affecting stability of
metal complexes, determination of stability constants of metal complexes by spectrophotometric
and polarographic methods.
Concept of Acids and Bases: Theories of acids and bases, Bronsted and Lewis acids and bases,
LuxFlood theory, leveling effect of solvents, hardness and softness, HSAB concept and its
(12 Hours)
Crystal lattice: Unit Cell, Miller indices and planes, X-ray diffraction method, molecular solids,
hydrogen bonding, metallic, covalent and ionic solids; structural classification of binary and
tertiary compounds, determination simple structure, spinel and perosvskite structures.
Band theory, conductors, semiconductors and insulators, energy bands, intrinsic and extrinsic
Perfect and imperfect crystals, intrinsic and extrinsic defects- point, line and plane defects.
Vacancy, Schottky and Frenkel defects. Schottky and Frenkel defect formation, colour centres,
(12 Hours)
Total 48 Hours
Recommended Books:
2. Shriver & Atkins’ Inorganic Chemistry, 5th EdnP. Atkins, Tina Overton, J. Rourke, Mark
Weller and F. Armstrong.Oxford University Press (2010)
3. Inorganic Chemistry, 2nd Edn. Catherine E. Housecroft and A.G. Sharpe, Pearson Prentice
Hall (2005)
4. Concise Inorganic ChemistryJ. D. Lee, 5th Edn, New Age International (1996).
5. Solid State Chemistry and its ApplicationsA. R. West, JohnWiley and sons.
6. Solid state ChemistryN. B. Hannay, PrenticeHall of India Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi.
1. Determination of iron in hematite ore using cerium(IV) solution (0.02M) as the titrant and
gravimetric determination of insoluble residue.
2. Determination of calcium and magnesium carbonates in dolomite ore using EDTA titration
and gravimetric analysis of insoluble residue.
9. Preparation of complexes:
i) Tris (thiourea) copper(I)sulphate monohydrate and
ii) Tris (oxalato) aluminate (III)
Scheme of Examination:
Recommended Books:
1. Fundamental of Analytical Chemistry, D.A. Skoog, D.M. West, Holler and Crouch 8th
edition, 2005, Saunders College Publishing, New York.
2. Analytical Chemistry, G.D. Christian, 5th edition, 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc, India.
4. Barnes and M.J.K. Thomas, 6th edition, Third Indian Reprint, 2003, Pearson Education Pvt.
Ltd., New Delhi.
5. Practical Inorganic Chemistry G. Pass and H. Sutcliff, Chapman and Hall Ltd (1968)
Localized chemical bonding: Bond distances, bond angles, bond energies, bond polarity, dipole
moment and calculation of heat of reactions.
Delocalised chemical bonding: Conjugation, cross conjugation, steric inhibition of resonance,
hyperconjugation, tautomerism, valence tautomerism. Bonding in fullerenes.
Structure and reactivity: BrönstedLowry concept of organic acids, conjugate acids and bases,
pH, pKa values. Electronic, steric, and solvent effects on their strengths. General and specific
acid base catalysis, running scale of acidity. Lewis acids and bases. HSAB concept.
(12 Hours)
Elimination Reactions: E2, E1, E1CB pathways. Stereochemistry, product proportions in
dehydration of alcohols, alkyl halides (chiral and achiral), Hoffmann and Saytzeff rules.
Substitution v/s elimination and pyrolytic eliminations.
(12 Hours)
Stereochemistry and Conformational Analysis:
Elements of symmetry and chirality, optical isomerism, optical activity, specific rotation.
molecules with one asymmetric center. Fischer, Wedge and 3D representations, DL and RS
systems indicating configuration. Ring compounds, molecules with two chiral centers: Fischer,
Saw-Horse, Newmann projections and their transformations.
Geometrical isomerism: EZ nomenclature, configuration of geometrical isomers and syn &
anti isomers.
(12 Hours)
Aromaticity and Huckel’s Rule: HMO theory, energy level diagrams, möbius systems, benzenoid
and non-benzenoid aromatic compounds. Tropones, tropolones, borazine and azulene.
Heterocyclic Systems: Systems of the type pyrrole, pyridines, pyrilium cation, ferrocene.
alternant and non-alternant hydrocarbons. Aromaticity of charged rings (38 membered), non
aromatic, anti-aromatic and homo aromatic systems.
Total 48 Hours
Books Recommended:
1. Organic ChemistryP. Y. Bruice, 7th Edition, Pearson Education Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi (2013).
2. Organic Chemistry S. H. Pine, McGraw-Hill, London (1987).
3. Mechanism and Structure in Organic Chemistry1965, by E.S. Gould.
4. Organic ChemistryR. T. Morrison and R.T. Boyd, Prentice Hall, New Delhi (1994).
5. Organic ChemistryT. W. Graham Solomons, 4th Edition, John Wiley and Sons (1988).
6. Organic ChemistryG. M. Loudon, 4th Edition, Oxford University Press, New York (2002).
10 | P a g e
7. Organic Chemistry VolumeI, III. L. Finar, 6th Edition, ELBS London (2004).
8. Organic ChemistryF.A. Carey, 4th Edition, McGraw Hill (2000).
9. Advanced Organic Chemistry, Reactions, Mechanism and StructureJ. March, 3rd Edition,
Wiley Eastern Ltd. (2004).
10. StereochemistryConformation and MechanismP. S. Kalsi, WileyEastern Ltd, New Delhi
11. Guidebook to Mechanism in Organic ChemistryP. Sykes. Orient Longman, London (2002).
12. AromaticityP. J. Garratt, McGraw Hill Book company (1971).
Books Recommended:
1. Vogel’s Textbook of Practical Organic Chemistry RevisedB.S.Furniss, A. J. Hannaford,
P.W.G. Smith, A. R. Tatchell, 5th Edition, Addison Wesley Longman Limited, UK, 1997.
2. A Hand book of Organic Chemistryby H. T. Clarke.
3. A Laboratory Manual of Organic Chemistry by B. B. Dey and M. V. Govindachari.
4. Lab Experiments in Organic Chemistryby Arun Sethi, New Age International Ltd. New
Delhi. 2006.
Scheme of Examination:
11 | P a g e
Quantum Mechanics:
Review of classical mechanics: Equation of motion for a particle, Newtonian, Lagrangian and
Hamiltonian equations of motion, elementary wave motion. Operators, eigen values and
expectation values, commuting operators, linear operator and hermitian operators. Solutions of
Schrödinger equations of a free particle, particle in a box problem: in one and three dimensions,
degeneracy, reflection and penetration of a particle in a one dimensional box of semi-infinite
barrier, a particle in a box of finite walls.
Rigid rotator, derivation of selection rules for transitions in rotating molecule, linear harmonic
oscillator, Hermite polynomials. Equation for the hydrogen atom in spherical polar coordinates
and an indication of the method of its solution, the quantum numbers and their significance.
Hydrogen-like atoms, properties of the Hatom wave functions. Electronic energy states of
Hatom. Many electron systems and the self consistent field method. Electronic configurations
in the periodic table. Pauli exclusion principle.
(12 Hours)
Reaction Kinetics:
Kinetics and mechanism: Steady state approximation and simple examples relating kinetics to
mechanism. Theories of Unimolecular reactions: RRKM theory. Isomerisation of methyl
isocyanide. Chain Reactions, examples of chain reactions, general aspects of chain reactions.
Chain-length, chain transfer reactions, chain inhibition, kinetics of branching chain reactions and
explosion limits.
(12 Hours)
Thermodynamic criteria for spontaneous chemical changes. Systems at (i) constant volume and
temperature and (ii) constant pressure and temperature (derivation of dA ≤ 0 & dG ≤ 0).
Dependence of free energy on pressure and temperature. Standard free energies and their
12 | P a g e
determination. Relation between free energy change and equilibrium constant. GibbsHelmholtz
equation and their different forms. The pressure dependence of free energy of nonideal gases
and fugacity. Standard state for non-ideal gas. Equilibrium constant for system of nonideal
gases. Lewis and Randall rule. Temperature dependence of free energy and equilibrium
Partial miscibility, activity and activity coefficients of components of solutions, partial molar
quantities and their determinations. GibbsDuhem equation and the calculation of activity of a
component in solutions. DuhemMargules equation. Ternary systems and phase diagram of
ternary systems.
(12 Hours)
Reactions of vinyl polymers: Functional group reactions, ring-forming reactions and block &
graft copolymer formation. Crosslinking reactions: peroxide crosslinking, sulphur vulcanization,
radiation crosslinking, photo crosslinking, electron beam crosslinking and miscellaneous
crosslinking reactions. Polymer degradation: Chemical, thermal and radiation degradations.
(12 Hours)
Total: 48 Hours
Books Recommended:
1. Introduction to Quantum Chemistry by A. K. Chandra, Ed. 3, Tata McGraw Hill, New
Delhi, 1988.
2. Quantum Chemistry by R. K. Prasad, New Age International Publications, New Delhi,
3. Quantum Chemistry by Eyring, Walter and Kimball, John-Wiley, New York.
4. Physical Chemistry by G. M. Barrow, McGraw Hill, New York, 1996.
5. Fundamentals of Physical Chemistry by Maron and Lando.
6. Physical Chemistry by P. W. Atkins, ELBS, London, 1990 (Ed. 4).
7. Physical Chemistry by K. Vamulapalli, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi,
13 | P a g e
8. Physical Chemistry by Daniels and Alberty, Wiley, New York.
9. Physical Chemistry Through Problems by S. K. Dogra and S Dogra, Wiley Eastern,
New Delhi.
10. A Text Book of Physical Chemistry by Samuel Glasstone, McMillan, London.
11. Atomic Structure and Chemical Bonding by Manas Chanda, Tata McGraw Hill
Publishing Co., New Delhi.
12. Chemical Kinetics by K. J. Laidler, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co., New Delhi.
13. Kinetics and Reaction Mechanisms by Frost and Pearson, Wiley, New York.
14. Polymer Chemistry: An Introduction, Malcolm P. Stevens, Oxford University Press,
15. Contemporary Polymer Chemistry, Harry R. Allcock and Frederick W. Lampe, Printice-
Hall, 1981.
16. Principles of Polymer Chemistry, P. Bahadur and N. V. Shastri, Narosa Publisher, 2002
17. Polymer Chemistry: Properties and Applications, Andrew Peacock and Allison Calhoun,
Hanser Publisher, 2006.
18. Text Book of Polymer Chemistry, Fred W. Billmeyer, Jr., Wiley Publisher, 1984.
19. Polymer Science, V. R. Gowariker, N. V. Viswanathan and Jayadev Sreedhar, New Age
International Publisher, 2001.
14 | P a g e
8. Reaction Kinetics: Determination of activation parameters of the reaction of acid
hydrolysis of methyl acetate at two different temperatures.
9. Cryoscopy: Determination of cryoscopic constant of benzene and nitrobenzene
10. Refractometry: Analysis of a binary mixture (glycerol and water) by refractive indices
Books Recommended:
(12 Hours)
Titrimetric Methods:
Titrimetric Analysis: Principles of titrimetric analysis. Classification of reactions in titrimetry.
Titrations based on acid-base reactions: Titration curves for strong acid and strong base, weak
acid and strong base and weak base and strong acid titrations. Titration curves, quantitative
applications, selecting and standardizing a titrant, inorganic analysis, alkalinity, acidity and
ammonium salts.
Complexometric titrations: Indicators for EDTA titrations, theory of common indicators, titration
methods employing EDTA, direct, back and displacement titrations, indirect determinations,
titration of mixtures using masking and demasking agents.
Redox Titrations: Balancing redox equations, calculation of the equilibrium constant of redox
reactions, titration curves, theory of redox indicators, calculation of standard potentials,
determination of chemical oxygen demand (COD) in natural and waste waters.
Precipitation titrations: Titration curves, titrants and standards, indicators for precipitation
titrations involving silver nitrate, the Volhard, the Mohr and the fajan’s methods
(12 Hours)
Separation MethodsI:
Fundamentals of chromatography: General description, definition, terms and parameters used in
chromatography, classification of chromatographic methods, criteria for selection of stationary
and mobile phase and nature of adsorbents.
Column chromatography: Theories, plate theory, rate theory, band broadening-eddy diffusion,
longitudinal diffusion and resistance to mass transfer, column efficiency, Van Deemter’s
equation and its modern version, interrelationships, capacity factor, selectivity factor, column
resolution, distribution constant and applications of conventional column chromatography,
advantages and limitations.
16 | P a g e
Thin layer chromatography (TLC): Definition, mechanism, efficiency of TLC plates,
methodology, selection of stationary and mobile phases, development, spray reagents,
identification and detection, reproducibility of Rf values, qualitative and quantitative analysis.
Separation methods-II
Ion exchange chromatography (IEC): Definition, principle, requirements for ion-exchange resin,
types of ion-exchange resins, resin properties-ion-exchange capacity and its determination, resin
selectivity and factors affecting the selectivity, applications of IEC in purification and recovery
Solvent extraction: Nernst partition law, efficiency and selectivity of extraction. Extraction
systems: Extraction of covalent neutral molecules, extraction of uncharged metal chelates and
synergic extraction, extraction of ion-association complexes-non chelated complexes and
chelated complexes. Use of salting out agents. Methods of extractionbatch and continuous
extractions. Applications (special emphasis on extraction of iron and copper).
(12 Hours)
Recommended Books:
1. Fundamental of Analytical Chemistry, D.A. Skoog, D.M. West, Holler and Crouch, 8 th
edition, Saunders College Publishing, New York (2005).
2. Analytical Chemistry, G.D. Christian, 6th edition, WileyIndia (2007).
3. Quantitative Analysis, R.A. Day and A.L. Underwood, 6th edition, PHI Learning Pvt Ltd.
New Delhi(2009).
4. Vogel’s Textbook of Quantitative Chemical Analysis, J. Mendham, R.C. Denney,
J.D.Barnes and M.J.K. Thomas, 6th edition, Third Indian Reprint, Pearson Education Pvt.
5. Analytical Chemistry Principles, John H. Kennedy, 2nd edition, Saunders College
Publishing, California(1990).
17 | P a g e
CHG(Pr)1.8: Lab Course in Analytical Chemistry
18 | P a g e
Books Recommended:
1. Practical Physical Chemistry by A. M. James and F. E. Prichard, Longmans, London.
2. Experiments in Physical Chemistry by Shoemaker and Garland, McGraw Hill, New York.
Experiments in Physical Chemistry by Daniels, Alberty and Willams, McGraw Hill, New York.
3. Experimantal Physical Chemistry by W. G. Palmer, Cabridge University Press, London.
4. Advanced Physico-Chemical experiments by J. Rose. 6. Text Book of Physical Chemistry by S.
5. Glasstone, , McGraw Hill,London.
6. Text book of Quantitative Analysis by A. I. Vogel, ELBS, Harlow.
7. Advanced Practical Physical Chemistry by J. B. Yadav, Goel Publishing House.
8. Experimental Physical Chemistry by V. D. Athawale and Parul Mathur, New Age International
9. Advanced Physical Chemistry Experiments by Gurtu and Gurtu, Pragati Prakashan Educational
Publishers, 3rd Edition 2007.
Scheme of Examination:
i. Duration of examination: 04 hours
ii. Experiment : 35 marks
iii. Viva-Voce & Journal : 05 marks
iv. Internal assessment : 10 marks
Total : 50 marks
Alkali and alkaline earth metal complexes of crown ethers, cryptands and calixarenes and their
biological importance.
Synthesis, properties and structures of boron, carbon and silicon compounds: Chemistry of
higher boranes, classification, structures and MO description of bonding, framework electron
counting, Wade’s rules, chemistry of B5H9, B10H14 and BnHn2, boron nitride, borazines,
carboranes, metalloboranes, metallocarboranes; silicates, silicones, graphite, graphene, carbon
nanotubes and zeolites.
19 | P a g e
Nitrogen, phosphorous and sulphur compounds: Hydrides, oxides and oxy acids of nitrogen,
phosphorous, sulphur and halogens. Phosphazines, phosphazene polymers, sulphurnitrogen
compounds: Binary sulphur nitrides: S4N4, S2N2 and (SN)x. PO and PS cage compounds.
Organometallic Chemistry:
Recommended Books:
20 | P a g e
3. Inorganic Chemistry, 2nd Edn. Catherine E. Housecroft and A.G. Sharpe, Pearson Prentice
Hall (2005)
4. Concise Inorganic ChemistryJ. D. Lee, 5th Edn, New Age International (1996).
5. Chemical Applications of Group Theory, 2nd Edn-F. A. Cotton, Wiley Eastern Ltd ( ).
6. Symmetry and Spectroscopy of MoleculesK. Veera Reddy, New Age International, (2011).
7. Group Theory in ChemistryM. S. Gopinathanan and V. Ramakrishnan, Vishal Publishing
Co. (2007)
8. Organometallic ChemistryA unified Approach, R.C. Mehrotra and A. Singh, 2nd Edn. New
Age International (2011).
9. F.A.Cotton and G.Wilkinson : Advanced Inorganic Chemistry, Wiley, 1991.
10. Basic Organometallic Chemistry– B D Gupta and A J Elias, Universities Press (2013)
1. Semimicro qualitative inorganic analysis of a mixture containing three cations (including one
less common cation such as W, Mo, Ti, Zr, Ce, V and Li) and two anions (one of them may or
may not be interfering anion such as PO43, BO33, C2O42, F and CH3COO).
Scheme of Examination:
Recommended Books:
21 | P a g e
Reaction Mechanism:
Aliphatic electrophillic substitutions: SE2, SE1 and SEi mechanisms. Reactions involving double
bond shifts, -halogenation of carbonyl compounds, nitrosation at carbon bearing active
Aromatic nucleophilic substitutions: SNAr, SN1 and aryne pathways. Meisenheimer complexes,
mechanism and synthetic applications of vicarious nucleophilic substitution (VNS), Von-Richter,
Goldberg, Bucherer, Shiemann reactions and Smiles rearrangement.
(12 Hours)
Advanced Stereochemistry:
Conformational analysis of cyclohexane, mono substituted and disubstituted (1,2, 1,3, 1,4)
cyclohexanes, Chirality of cyclohexanes.
(12 Hours)
22 | P a g e
Disaccharides: Structure elucidation of maltose, lactose, sucrose.
(12 Hours)
Total 48 Hours
Books Recommended:
1. Advanced Organic Chemistry part A and BF. A. Carey and R. J. Sundberg, 4th Edition,
Plenum Publishers (2000).
2. Advanced Organic Chemistry, Reactions, Mechanism and StructureJ March, 3rd Edition,
Wiley Eastern Ltd. (2004).
3. Guide Book to Mechanism in Organic chemistryPeter Sykes Oriant- Longman (1985).
4. Stereochemistry of Carbon CompoundsEliel, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi (1976).
5. Stereochemistry of Organic Compounds, Principles and Applications – D. Nasipuri, Wiley
Eastern Ltd (1992).
6. Organic Chemistry VolI, II, IIIS. M. Mukherji, S. P. Singh and R. P. Kapoor, New Age
International Ltd, New Delhi (2000).
7. Organic Chemistry VolumeI, II I. L. Finar, 6th Edition, ELBS London (2004).
8. Chemistry of CarbohydratesG. C. Percival.
9. Carbohydrates Chemistry and Biochemistry –Pigman and Harton.
10. Heterocyclic ChemistryT. L. Gilchrist, 3rd Edition, Pearson Education Delhi, (2005).
11. Heterocyclic Chemistry J.A. Joule and G.F. Smith, 2nd Edition, Van Nostrand London
12. Heterocyclic ChemistryR. K. Bansal, 3rd Edition, NewAge Interantional, New Delhi,
13. https://profiles.uonbi.ac.ke/sderese/files/upc_213nomenclature_of_heterocyclic_compounds
23 | P a g e
1. Quantitative Estimation of the following Organic compounds: (i) Acid (ii)Acid + Amide (iii)
Acid + Ester (iv) Molecular weight determination by base hydrochloride method (v) Phenol
(Bromometric method).
2. Preparations of derivatives of heterocycles like coumarins, quinolines, benzimidazoles,
benzoxazines, pyrazoles by convention, microwave and by sonication.
3. Preparations based on functional group reactions of organic compounds like aldehydes,
ketones, esters, phenols etc.
Note: Any two of the above experiments will be prescribed for the examination.
Scheme of Examination
Books Recommended:
1. Vogel’s Textbook of Practical Organic Chemistry RevisedB.S. Furniss, A.J. Hannaford,
P.W.G. Smith, A.R. Tatchell, 5th Edition, Addison Wesley Longman Limited, UK, 1997.
2. A Hand book of Organic Chemistry –H.T. Clarke.
3. A Laboratory Manual of Organic ChemistryB. B. Dey and M.V. Govindachari.
4. Lab Experiments in Organic Chemistry –Arun. Sethi, New Age International Ltd. New Delhi.
5. Experimental Organic ChemistryL. M. Harwood, and C. J. Moody, Blackwell Scientfic,
London, 1989.
6. Practical Organic ChemistryW. Kemp, McGraw Hill, London, 1967.
24 | P a g e
Xray diffraction: Origin and production of Xrays, interaction of Xrays with matter:
Absorption, scattering and diffraction. Reciprocal lattice: Brag’s law in reciprocal space.
Instrumentation: Sources, filters, monochromatic detectors. Crystal structure: Unit cell, lattices,
planes and miller indices. Debye-Scherrer powder methods and Weissenberg camera. Numerical
(12 Hours)
Reaction Kinetics:
Kinetics in Solution: Effect of solvent, pressure and ionic strength for ion-ion, ion-neutral
molecule type reactions and cage effects.
Potential energy surfaces, methods employed in the construct of potential surfaces, calculating
Fast Reactions: Techniques for fast reactions, flow methods, stopped flow technique, relaxation
methods and flash photolysis. Numerical problems.
(12 Hours)
Introduction to electrochemistry, DebyeHuckel and Bjerrum models and the corresponding
theoretical expression for activity coefficient and Debye-Huckel-Onsagar theory of conductance
of strong electrolytes.
(12 Hours)
25 | P a g e
Polymer chemistry:
Transitions in polymers: Definition of glass transition temperature (Tg) and flow temperature
(Tf ) and melting temperature (Tm), thermal behaviour of amorphous and crystalline polymers,
factors affecting the Tg. Plasticizers, properties and their effect on Tg of PVC and
diethylhexylsuccinate, efficiency of plasticizers, comparison of Tg and Tm. Tg of copolymers and
polymer blends, relation between Tg and Tm.
Polymer molecular weight: Number average and weight average molecular weights,
polydispersity and molecular weight distribution in polymers. Numerical problems on
determination of molecular weights.
Polymer synthesis: Ziegler-Natta polymerization (isotactic and syndiotactic) and its limitations.
Metallocene catalysis polymerization (isotactic). Metathesis polymerization: Acyclic diene
metathesis polymerization (ADMET) and ring opening metathesis polymerization (ROMP).
Group transfer polymerization (GTP) and advantages of GTP.
(12 Hours)
Total 48 Hours
Books Recommended
26 | P a g e
13. Thoeries of Chemical recation Rates by K. J. Laidler, McGraw-Hill, 1969.
14. Techniques of Organic by Weissberger(ed.), Interscience, Vol.VIII, 1963,
15. Kinetics of Chemical Changes in Solution by E. S. Amis, MacMillan, 1948
16. The Foundations of Chemical Kinetics by S. W. Benson, MacGraw-Hill, 1960.
17. An Introduction to Electrochemistry by S. Glasstone, Van Nostrand, London
18. A Text book of Electrochemistry by G.F.A. Kortum and J.O.M. Bockris, Elsevier, New
19. Modern Electrochemistry by J.O.M. Bockris and A.K.N. Reddy Vol. I and Vol. II,
Butterworths, London.
20. Polymer Chemistry: An Introduction, Malcolm P. Stevens, Oxford University Press, 1999.
21. Contemporary Polymer Chemistry, Harry R. Allcock and Frederick W. Lampe, Printice-
Hall, 1981.
22. Principles of Polymer Chemistry, P. Bahadur and N. V. Shastri, Narosa Publisher, 2002
23. Polymer Chemistry: Properties and Applications, Andrew Peacock and Allison Calhoun,
Hanser Publisher, 2006.
24. Text Book of Polymer Chemistry, Fred W. Billmeyer, Jr., Wiley Publisher, 1984.
25. Polymer Science, V. R. Gowariker, N. V. Viswanathan and Jayadev Sreedhar, New Age
International Publisher, 2001.
1. Solubility: Determine the heat of solution of a solute (e.g oxalic acid or benzoic acid) by
solubility method.
2. Coulometric titration: Titration of I2 against Na2S2O3.
3. Cryoscopy: Determination of the degree of dissociation of a given strong electrolyte and the
determination of the number of ions present in the solute using cryoscopy method.
4. Spectrophotometry: To obtain the absorption spectra of coloured complexes (Ferric-
thiocyante and Cupricammonia complexes) and hence verify the BeerLambert’s law and
estimation of metal ions in solution by spectrophotometry.
5. Conductance: (i) Determination of equivalent conductance of a weak electrolyte at different
concentrations and the applicability of Ostwald’s law. (ii) Determination of equivalent
conductance of a weak electrolyte from Kohlrausch’s law.
6. Potentiometry: Potentiometric determination of formal redox potential of Fe2+/Fe3+ and
Ce4+/ Ce3+ or Cr6+/ Cr3+ couples by titrating Fe2+ solution with Ce4+ or Cr6+.
7. Reaction Kinetics: Investigation of autocatalytic reaction between potassium permanganate
and oxalic acid in the presence of H2SO4.
8. Viscosity: Determination of limiting viscosity number (Staudinger index) of polystyrene.
9. pH metry: Titration of acetic acid against NaOH and hence determine the acid dissociation
constant (Ka).
27 | P a g e
Books Recommended:
1. Findlay’s Practical Physical Chemistry, 9th edition, revised by B. P. Levitt, Longman, London.
2. Practical Physical Chemistry by A. M. James and F. E. Prichard, Longman, London.
3. Experiments in Physical Chemistry by Shoemaker and Garland, McGraw Hill, New York.
4. Experiments in Physical Chemistry by Daniels, Alberty and Willams McGraw Hill, New York.
5. Laboratory Physical Chemistry by Oelke/M.A.C.T.L.A.C.
6. Experimental Physical Chemistry by W. G. Palmer, C.U.P., London.
7. Advanced Physico-Chemical Experiments by J. Rose.
8. Text Book of Physical Chemistry by S. Glasstone, Macmillon and Co., London.
9. Text Book of Quantitative Analysis by A. I. Vogel, ELBS, Harlow.
10. Advanced Practical Physical Chemistry by J. B. Yadav. Goel Publishing House.
11. Experimental Physical Chemistry by V. D. Athawale and Parul Mathur, New Age International
12. Advanced Physical Chemistry Experiments by Gurtu and Gurtu, Pragati Prakashan Educational
Publishers, 3rd Edition, 2007.
Scheme of Examination:
i. Duration of examination: 04 hours
ii. Experiment : 35 marks
iii. Viva-Voce & Journal : 05 marks
iv. Internal assessment : 10 marks
Total : 50 marks
Spectral and Magnetic properties of complexes:
Term symbols for dn ions, spectroscopic ground states, selection rules, nature of spectral bands-
band shapes, band intensities, band widths, effect of spin-orbit coupling, Orgel diagrams,
Tanabe-Sugano diagrams, Racah parameters, interpretation of spectra of octahedral, distorted
octahedral, tetrahedral and square planar complexes, calculation of nephelauxetic parameter,
charge transfer bands, intervalence charge-transfer bands.
(12 Hours)
28 | P a g e
Energy profile of a reaction, inert and labile complexes, kinetics of octahedral substitution and
mechanistic aspects. Acid hydrolysis, factors affecting acid hydrolysis, base hydrolysis,
conjugate base mechanism and evidences in its favour. Anation reactions, Substitution reactions
in square planar complexes, trans effect, mechanisms of substitution. Electron transfer reactions-
inner sphere and outer sphere reactions, complimentary and noncomplimentary reactions.
Bioinorganic Chemistry: Metal ions in biological systems-essential and trace metals, Transport
and storage of dioxygen haemoglobin, myoglobin, hemerythrin and hemocyanins, Electron
transfer proteins- cytochromes, iron-sulphur proteins. Metalloproteins as enzymes–carboxy
peptidase, catalases, peroxidases, cytochrome P450, superoxide dismutase, copper oxidases,
vitamin B12 coenzyme, chlorophyll and its role in photosynthesis, photosystemsI & II, nitrogen
fixation and metal complexes in medicine.
(12 Hours)
Infrared spectra of simple molecules and coordination compounds, changes in infrared spectra of
donor molecules upon coordination (N,Ndimethylacetamide, urea, DMSO, pyridine Noxide,
ammine, cyano, cyanato and thiocyanato complexes), mono and multinuclear carbonyl
complexes, nitosyls, phosphine and arsine complexes. Change in spectra accompanying change
in symmetry upon coordination (NO3, SO42, NO2, and ClO4), hydrogen bonding,
instrumentation including FTIR.
(12 Hours)
Basic principles, Selection rules, intensity, width, position of spectral line, multiplet structure of
EPR spectra, hyperfine interaction, spin-orbit coupling, zerofield splitting and Kramer’s
degeneracy, rules for interpreting spectra, factros affecting the magnitude of values.
Instrumentation. Applications to the study of free radicals, Coordination compounds, biological
studies, rate of electron exchange reactions.
29 | P a g e
Mössbauer Spectroscopy:
(12 Hours)
Books Recommended:
30 | P a g e
CHG(Pr)3.5: Lab Course In Inorganic Chemistry
II. Characterisation
Scheme of Examination
31 | P a g e
Scheme of Examination
1. Duration of Examination : 04 hours
2. Experiment : 35 marks
3. Viva-voce and Journal : 05 marks
4. Internal assessment : 10 marks
Total : 50 marks
(12 Hours)
UV and IR Spectroscopy:
(12 Hours)
32 | P a g e
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance:
H NMR: Magnetic properties of nuclei, shifts of different types of organic compounds
empirical rules, spin-spin coupling, geminal–vicinal coupling–relative intensities, Long range
coupling–spin decoupling, equivalence of protons–chemical and magnetic equivalence, spin–
systems Karplus equation–curve, first order and second order patterns, lanthanide shift reagents,
exchange phenomena. NOE.
C NMR: Broad band and off resonance coupling methods of detection. 13C Chemical shifts of
different classes of organic compounds–alkanes, alkyl halides, alkenes, alcohols, ethers, carbonyl
compounds and aromatic compounds.
(12 Hours)
Composite problems: Applications of UV, IR, NMR and Mass methods and chemical reactions
in structure elucidation of organic compounds.
(12 Hours)
Total: 48 Hours
Books Recommended:
Identification of the Nature, Bulk separation, Purification and Qualitative analysis (using
ether) of the Binary mixture of the following classes: Acids, Bases, Phenols and Neutral
Scheme of Examination
1. Duration of Examination : 04 hours
2. Experiment : 35 marks
3. Viva-voce and Journal : 05 marks
4. Internal assessment : 10 marks
Total : 50 marks
Books Recommended:
34 | P a g e
3. Limited, UK, 1997.
4. A Hand book of Organic Chemistry–by H.T.Clarke.
5. A Laboratory Manual of Organic Chemistry by B.B.Dey and M.V. Govindachari.
6. Lab Experiments in Organic Chemistry–by Arun. Sethi, New Age International
7. Ltd. New Delhi. 2006.
Scheme of Examination
Quantum Mechanics:
Equation for hydrogen atom and its solutions, separation of variables, the phi, theta and radial
equations, the problems of spherical symmetry.
Approximate methods in quantum mechanics: Variation method and variation theorem, linear
variation functions, secular equations and secular determinants. Application of variation method
to hydrogen molecule ion, hydrogen molecule and normal helium atom.
Perturbation theory (first order and non-degenerate), application of perturbation theory to the
helium atom.
(12 Hours)
Atomic Structure and Atomic Spectra:
A summary of the hydrogen spectrum. Alkali spectra and alkali like spectra, spark spectra and
arc spectra. Moseley lines.
Helium and alkaline earth spectra. Multiplet structure of line spectra. Doublet structure of alkali
spectra and compound doublets, triplets and singlets of alkaline earths and helium, prohibition of
intercombinations. Multiplicities and term symbols.
Space quantization: Zeeman effect, normal and anomalous Zeeman effects, Paschen–Back effect,
Stark effect.
(12 Hours)
35 | P a g e
Introduction to symmetry, molecular symmetry, symmetry elements, symmetry operations and
matrix method in symmetry. Molecular point groups: point groups identification of point groups,
construction of group multiplication tables, symmetry species and point group character tables.
(12 Hours)
Diffraction Studies:
(12 Hours)
Total 48 Hours
Books Recommended
1. Quantum MechaincsL.T.Schiff, PrenticeHall.
2. Quantum ChemistryH. Eyring, J. Walter and G. E. Kimball, John Wiley.
3. Quantum MechanicsAn IntroductionH. L. Strauss, Prentice Hall of India.
4. Quantum MechanicsL. Pauling and E.B.Wilson, McGraw Hill.
5. Contemporary Quantum ChemistryJ. Goodisman, Plenum/Rosetta.
6. Quantum ChemistryK. S. Pitzer, Prentice-Hall
7. Introductory Quantum Mechanics-Valdimir Rojanstry.
8. Quantum ChemistryJohn P.Lowe.
9. Quantum Chemistry –Ira N. Levine, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd.
10. Quantum ChemistryDonald A. McQuarrie, Viva Book Pvt. Ltd.
11. Physical ChemistryP.W. Atkins, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1970.
12. Molecular Quantum MechanicsP.W.Atkins, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1970.
13. Introduction to Quantum ChemistryJ. M. Anderson.
36 | P a g e
14. Introduction to Quantum MechanicsR. H. Dicke, J. P. Wittke.
15. Indroductory Quantum ChemistryA. K. Chandra, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi 1994.
16. Quantum Mechanics in Chemistry-M.W. Hanna.
17. Quantum ChemistryR .K. Prasad, New Age International Publishers, New Delhi.
18. Atomic Spectra and Atomic structureG. Herzberg, Van Nostrand
19. Chemical Applications of Group TheoryF.A.Cotton, Wiley Eastern, New Delhi
20. Molecular SymmetryD.S.Schonlnd, Van Nostrand Comp.London,1965
21. Symmetry in Chemistry-Jeffe and Orchin, Wiley Inter Science, NewYork.
22. Symmetry, Orbitals and SpectraJeffe and Orchin, -Jeffe and Orchin, Wiley Inter Science,
New York, 1971.
23. Electron DiffractionT.B. Rymer, Methuen, London,1970
24. Neutron DiffractionG.E.Becon
25. Symmetry in MoleculesJ.M.Hollar
26. X-Ray CrystallographyBuerger
27. Diffraction MethodsWernard
28. Chemical CrystallographyL.W.Bunn. N.Y.and Oxford,1945
29. Crystals and XRays K.landsdale, N.Y.1945
30. Crystal Structure AnalysisM.J.Berger, John Wiley and Sons, N.Y.1960
31. The Determination of Molecular StructureP.J.Wheatley, Clarendon, Oxford,1960
32. Physical ChemistryG.M.Barrow, McGraw Hill, New York, 1991
33. X-ray DiffractionD.B.Cullity, Mass Addison, Wesley, 1978.
Books Recommended:
1. Findlay`s Practical Physical Chemistry, 9th edition, revised by B.P.Levitt.
2. Practical Physical Chemistry by A.M.James and F.E.Prichard
3. Experiments in Physical Chemistry by Shoemaker and Garland 4. Experiments in Physical
Chemistry by Daniels, Alberty and Williams et.al.
4. Laboratory Physical Chemistry by Oelke/ M.A.C.T.L.A.C.
5. Experimental Physical Chemistry by W.G. Palamer
6. Advanced Physico-chemical experiments by J.Rose
7. Experimental Physical Chemistry by V.D.Athwale and Paul Mathur, New Age International
8. Text book of Physical Chemistry by S.Glasstone
9. Text book of quantitative analysis by A. I. Vogel
10. Advanced Practical Physical Chemistry by J. B. Yadhav, Goel Publishing house, Meerut.
Scheme of Examination:
i. Duration of examination: 04 hours
ii. Experiment : 35 marks
iii.Viva-Voce & Journal : 05 marks
iv. Internal assessment : 10 marks
Total : 50 marks
Organometallic Chemistry:
Chemistry of organometallic compounds with πbonding ligands: Synthesis, structure,
spectroscopy, reactions and bonding in metal–carbon πbonded systems involving dihapto to
hexahapto ligands Viz, olefins, acetylenes, allylic moieties, butadienes, cyclobutadienes, cyclo
pentadienes and arenes.
(12 Hours)
38 | P a g e
Fluxinol behaviour of organometallic compounds, homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysis
involving metal complexes and organometallic complexes, oxidative additions, reductive
elimination, insertion and deinsertion reactions, hydrogenation, hydroformylation, isomerisation,
carboxylation, and polymerisation, water, gas shift reaction. Organometallic reagents in organic
synthesis: organo iron, organo copper and organopalladium compounds.
(12 Hours)
Instrumental Methods:
Solid state chemistry
Solid electrolytes: βAlumina, AgI and Ag+ ion solid electrolytes. Anion conductors,
requirements for conductivity and Applications.
Magnetic properties: Mechanism of ferro and antiferro magnetic ordering ,seklescted examples
of magnetic materials, their structure and properties; metal and alloys, transition metal oxides ,
spines garnets ,ilemenites, perovskites, magneto plumbites, applications, structure-property
39 | P a g e
Optical properties: Luminescence and phosphorus, configurational coordinate model, some
phosphor material, antistokes, phophores, lasers.
(12 Hours)
Total: 48 Hours
Books recommended:
1. A text Book of Quantitative Inorganic Analysis – A.I Vogel
2. Vogel’s Text Book of Quantitative inorganic Analysis, Basset, Denney, Jeffery & Mendham
3. Colorimetric Determination of Traces of Metals – E.B Sandell.
4. Analytical Chemistry, G.D. Christian, 5th edition, 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. India
Scheme of Examination
1. Duration of Examination : 04 hours
2. Experiment : 35 marks
3. Viva-voce and Journal : 05 marks
4. Internal assessment : 10 marks
Total : 50 marks
Recommended Books:
1. Vogel’s Text Book of Quantitative Inorganic Analysis-J. Bassett, R. C. Denney, G. H.
Jaffery and J. Mandham, Longmans, Green and Company Ltd.
40 | P a g e
2. Chemical analysis of foods and food products-Morris B. Jacobs (3rd Edn.), D. Van Nostrand
Company, inc.
3. Standard methods of chemical analysisF. J. Welcher (6th Edn., Vol. 3 Part-B), D. Van
Nostrand Company, Inc. Indian, United States and European Pharmacopea.
4. General Chemistry ExperimentsA. J. Elias, University Press.
Heterocyclic Chemistry: Chemistry of three, four, and seven membered heterocycles with one
DCC, 1, 3 Dithiane, LDA, DDQ, tributyl tinhydride, Wilkinson Catalyst, trimethyl silyl iodide,
Gilman reagent.
(12 Hours)
Pericyclic Reactions: Classification and features, Molecular orbital symmetry. Frontier orbitals
of ethylene, 1,3–butadiene, 1,3,5–hexatriene and allyl systems.
Electrocyclic processes: Woodward Hoffmann rules for 4n– and (4n + 2)π systems.
41 | P a g e
Cycloaddition reactions: Diels–Alder reaction, [2+2] and [4+2] cycloaddition reactions, Supra
facial and Antra facial addition.
Significance of Reactions: Sigmatropic rearrangement, supra and antra facial hydrogen shifts.
Claisen, Cope, oxy Cope and aza Cope Rearrangements. Vitamin – D group isomerisations.
(12 Hours)
Oxidation of organic compounds using KMnO4, PCC, OsO4, CrO3, K2Cr2O7, SeO2,
Reduction of organic compounds using the following reagents: LiAlH 4, NaBH4, DIBAL-H,
Dissolving metal reduction, Birch Reduction, Wolf-Kishner Reduction.
Newer Reactions:
Mechanism and Synthetic applications of the following Named reactions: Suzuki coupling,
Mitsunobu reaction, Pauson-Khand reaction, Heck arylation. Sonogashira reaction.
(12 Hours)
Medicinal Chemistry
Modern theories of drug action, concept of receptors, computer aided drug design, qualitative
and quantitative SAR.
Sulfa Drugs: Sulfadiazines, sulfamethazines, sulfaguanidines, sulfa isoxozoles, sulfamerazine.
Analgesics: Classification of narcotic and non-narcotic analgesics.
Narcotic: Opium alkaloids, morphine, metopon, benzomorphan and phenazocine.
Non-narcotic: 4–Phenylpiperidines–Pethidine, diisopropylamines, methadone, pyrazolones,
Anti-fertility drugs: Steroidal and non-steroidal compounds norethindrone, mestranil,
Norgestrol and non-steroidal antifertility drugs.
42 | P a g e
Structural features and uses of common antibiotic drugs: Norfloxacin, rifamycin and
(12 Hours)
Total: 48 Hourss
Books Recommended:
Books Recommended:
43 | P a g e
2. A Hand book of Organic Chemistry–H.T.Clarke.
3. A Laboratory Manual of Organic Chemistry–B. B. Dey and M.V. Govindachari.
4. Lab Experiments in Organic Chemistry –Arun Sethi, New Age International Ltd. New
Delhi. 2006.
Scheme of Examination
Chemical Bonding-I:
Electronic structure of diatomic molecules. The Born–Oppenheimer approximatuion. Molecular
orbital and valence bond theories of chemical bonding, comparison of the two, applications to
hydrogen molecule and hydrogen molecule ion. Improvements in the Hitler-London wave
functions. Bonding and antibonding molecular orbitals. Molecular orbital theory applied to
homonuclear and heteronuclear diatomic molecules. Molecular electron configuration and
calculation of bond order. Slater orbitals, Hartee-Fock self consistent field method for many
electron atoms. Congfiguartion interaction and Roothaam equations.
(12 Hours)
Homogeneous Catalysis:
Homogeneous catalysis: Introduction, General catalytic mechanism: Equilibrium treatment and
steady-state treatment, activation energies for catalyzed reactions. Acid-Base catalysis: General
acid-base catalysis, mechanism of acid-base catalysis, catalytic activity and acid-base strength,
salt effects in acid-base catalysis and specific acid-base catalysis: Bronsted relation and linear
free energy changes. Acidity functions: Zucker-Hammett hypothesis and Bunnett hypothesis.
Enzyme Catalysis: influence of substrate concentration, pH, temperature and inhibitors,
transient-phase kinetics. Mechanism of enzyme catalysis: Michaelis-Menten mechanism,
Lineweaver-Burk plot.
. (12 Hours)
44 | P a g e
Microscopic and Macroscopic systems. Microstates and macrostates. Assemblies of independent
localised and non–localised systems. Phase space or γ–space and μ–space. Ensembles.
Classical Statistics: Maxwell–Boltzmann distribution for ideal gases and mixture of gases.
Determination of Lagrangian multipliers, alpha and beta. Equipartition of energies.
Heat Capacities of Solids: Einstein's theory of heat capacity of solids, Debye's theory.
Characteristic temperature and use of Debye equation for the determination of heat capacity at
low temperature.
Sackur–Tetrode equation: Entropies and heat capacities of ortho–, para-hydrogen systems,
comparision of third law entropies with statistical entropies.
(12 Hours)
Vibration of Molecules: Molecule as harmonic oscillator: vibrational eigen functions and eigen
values. Hermite polynomials; calculation of transition of probabilities and selection rules. The
anharmonic oscillator, energy levels, selection rules and IR spectra. Anhormonicity and Morse
Total 48 Hours
Books Recommended:
45 | P a g e
10. Quantum Chemistry-Donald A. McQuarrie, Viva Book Pvt. Ltd.
11. Physical Chemistry- P.W. Atkins, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1970.
12. Molecular Quantum Mechanics-P.W.Atkins, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1970.
13. Introduction to Quantum Chemistry-J. M. Anderson.
14. Introduction to Quantum Mechanics-R. H. Dicke, J. P. Wittke.
15. Indroductory Quantum Chemistry- A. K. Chandra, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi 1994.
16. Quantum Mechanics in Chemistry-M.W. Hanna.
17. Quantum Chemistry- R .K. Prasad, New Age International Publishers, New Delhi.
18. Physical Chemistry by G. M. Barrow, McGraw Hill, New York, 1996.
19. Fundamentals of Physical Chemistry by Maron and Lando.
20. Physical Chemistry by P. W. Atkins, ELBS, London, 1990 (Ed. 4).
21. Physical Chemistry by K. Vamulapalli, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 1997.
22. Physical Chemistry by Daniels and Alberty, Wiley, New York.
23. Physical Chemistry Through Problems by S. K. Dogra and S Dogra, Wiley Eastern, New
24. A Text Book of Physical Chemistry by Samuel Glasstone, McMillan, London.
25. Atomic Structure and Chemical Bonding by Manas Chanda, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing
Co., New Delhi.
26. Chemical Kinetics by K. J. Laidler, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co., New Delhi.
27. Kinetics and Reaction Mechanisms by Frost and Pearson, Wiley, New York.
28. Statistical Mechanics-N. Davidson, McGraw-Hill, 1962
29. Introduction to Statistical Thermodynamics-M. Dole, Prentice Hill. 1954
30. Statistical Thermodynamics-R. H. Fowler and E. A. Guggenheim, Cambridge University
Press, 1939.
31. An Introduction to Statistical Mechanics-T. L. Hall, Addison Wesley, 1960.
32. Introduction to Statistical Mechanics-G. S. Rushbrook, Oxford University Press, 1949.
33. Statistical Mechanics-J. E. Mayer and M. G. Mayer, John Willey, 1940.
34. Textbook of Physical Chemistry by A. Singh and R. Singh, Campus Books International,
New Delhi
35. Introduction to Molecular Spectroscopy-G.M.Barrow, McGraw Hill
36. Physical Methods in Inorganic Chemistry-R. S. Drago East-West Press, New Delhi.
37. Molecular Spectroscopy-J D. Graybeal. McGraw Hill
38. Spectroscopy, Volume I,II,III Ed-B.P. Straughan and S. Walker Chapman Gall, 1976.
39. Molecular Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy-R.M.L.Bell and R.K. Harris
40. Spectra of Diatomic Molecules, G. Hertzberg-D. Van Norstrand Co. Inc. Prenceton N.J.
41. Infrared and Raman Spectra of Polyatomic molecules-G.Hertzberg, D. Van Norstrand
Co.Inc. Prenceton N.J. 1950
42. Absorption Spectroscopy-R.P.Bauman.
43. Molecular' Structure : A Physical Approach-J.C.D. Brand and J.C. Speakaman, Edward
Arnold Ltd., London.
44. Microwave Spectroscopy-J.M. Sugden and C.N. Kenny.
46 | P a g e
45. Fundamentals of Molecular Spectroscopy-C. N.Banwell, Tata- Mcgraw Hill, New Delhi,
46. Molecular Vibrations-E.B.Wilson, J.C. Decius and P.G.Cross.
Books Recommended:
1) Findlay's Practical Physical chemistry, 9th edition, revised by B.P. Levitt.
2) Practical Physical Chemistry by A.M.James and F.E.Prichard
3) Experiments in Physical Chemistry by Shoemaker and garland
4) Experiments in Physical Chemistry by Daniels, Alberty and Williams et.al.
5) Laboratory Physical Chemistry by Oelke / M.A.C.T.L.A.C.
6) Experiments in Physical Chemistry by W.G.Palmer
7) Advanced Physico-Chemical experiments by J.Rose
8) Experimental Physical Chemistry by V.D.Athwale and Paul Mathur , New Age International
9) Text Book of Physical Chemistry by S.Glasstone
10) Text Books of quantitative analysis by A.I.Vogel
11) Advanced Practical Physical Chemistry by J.B.Yadhav, Goel Publishing House, Meerut.
12) Computers and their applications to Chemistry, Ramesh Kumari, Narosa.
13) A Lab Manual of Polymers, S. M. Ashraf, Sharif Ahmed, Ufana Riaz, I.K. International New Delhi.
Scheme of Examination:
i. Duration of examination: 04 hours
ii. Experiment : 35 marks
47 | P a g e
iii. Viva-Voce & Journal : 05 marks
iv. Internal assessment : 10 marks
Total : 50 marks
The project work may include implant training in Industries/short term work in the
Department/other educational institutions/R&D organizations/Data mining/Review of current
literature/ Theoretical methods/computer applications. Experimental work may involve studies
on synthesis/measurements/study of properties/characterization by physical methods/activities
for reported/unreported research or any suitable combination thereof
In case of the students who would work outside the campus, the supervising staff member may
visit to the work place at least once during the period and may be eligible for TA-DA as per the
University ruless
48 | P a g e