PERI UP Flex Heavy Duty Prop HD US1

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Heavy-Duty Prop HD

Instructions for Assembly and Use – Standard Configuration

Edition 01 | 2016

Main components 1
Key 2
Target groups 3
Additional technical documentation 3
Intended use 4
Care and maintenance instructions 5
Safety instructions
Cross-system 6
System-specific 7
Storage and transportation 7

Standard configuration
A1 Vertical assembly of individual props
Lowering Jack, Connector 8
Pre-assembly of props 9
Head Spindle 10

A2 Horizontal assembly of individual props

Pre-assembly of props 11
Prop erection 12

A3 Bracing of individual props

Push-Pull Props and Ledgers 13

A4 Dismantling of individual props 14

A5 Hydraulic Unit HD
Load-controlled preloading 15
Load-controlled lowering 16
Displacement-controlled lowering 17

B1 Load-bearing capacity 20
B2 Prop heights with material list 21

C1 Storage and transportation 22

PERI UP Flex Heavy-Duty Prop HD 24

PERI UP Flex Heavy-Duty Prop HD

Instructions for Assembly and Use – Standard Configuration

Main components


1 Lowering Jack HD 5 Locking Pin Ø 48/57 or

2 Connector UJC Bolt M10 x 70, Mu
3 Ledger UH Plus 6 Head Spindle TR 110-80/55
4 Standard UVR 7 Hydraulic Unit HD

PERI UP Flex Heavy-Duty Prop HD

1 Instructions for Assembly and Use – Standard Configuration

Pictogram | Definition Dimension specifications
Dimensions are usually given in cm.
Safety instructions Other units of measure, e.g. m, are
shown in the illustrations.

Note Conventions
ƒƒ Instructions are numbered with:
1. ..... , 2. ...... , 3. .....
Lifting point ƒƒ The result of an instruction is shown
by: 
ƒƒ Position numbers are clearly provided
Visual check for the individual components and are
given in the drawing, e.g. 1, in the
text in brackets, for example (1).
Tip ƒƒ Multiple position numbers, i.e. alter-
native components, are represented
with a slash, e.g. 1 / 2.

Arrow representing an action

Presentational reference
The illustration on the front cover of
these instructions is understood to be a
system representation only. The assem-
bly steps presented in these Instruc-
tions for Assembly and Use are shown
in the form of examples with only one
component size. They are valid accord-
ingly for all component sizes contained
in the standard configuration.

For a better understanding, detailed il-

lustrations are partly incomplete. The
safety installations which have possibly
not been included in these detailed
drawings must nevertheless still be

PERI UP Flex Heavy-Duty Prop HD

2 Instructions for Assembly and Use – Standard Configuration

Target groups
Contractors Qualified personnel ƒƒ Designation of the safety precautions
These Instructions for Assembly and Due to the specialist knowledge gained in the event of changing weather con-
Use are designed for contractors who from professional training, work experi- ditions which could adversely affect
use the scaffolds either to ence and recent professional activity, the safety of the scaffolding as well
ƒƒ assemble, modify and dismantle the the qualified person has a reliable un- as the personnel concerned.
formwork system, or derstanding of safety-related issues and ƒƒ Details regarding the permissible
ƒƒ use it, e.g. for concreting, or can correctly carry out tests. Depending loads.
ƒƒ who have them used, e.g. for forming on the complexity of the test to be un- ƒƒ Description of any other risks that are
operations. dertaken, e.g. scope of testing, type of associated with the assembly, modifi-
testing or the use of a certain measur- cation or dismantling procedures.
Construction site coordinator ing device, a range of specialist knowl-
The Safety and Health Protection Coor- edge is necessary.
ƒƒ is appointed by the client, Qualified specialists
ƒƒ must identify potential hazards during The scaffolding may only be assembled, In other countries, ensure that the
the planning phase, modified or dismantled by personnel relevant national guidelines and reg-
ƒƒ determines measures that provide who are suitably qualified to do so. For ulations in the respective current
protection against risks, the work to be carried out, the qualified version are complied with!
ƒƒ creates a safety and health protection specialists must have received instruc-
plan, tions** which contain at least the fol-
ƒƒ coordinates the protective measures lowing points:
for the contractor and site personnel ƒƒ An explanation of the plan for the as-
so that they do not endanger each sembly, modification or dismantling of
other, the scaffolding in an understandable
ƒƒ monitors and ensures compliance form and language.
with the protective measures. ƒƒ Description of measures in order to
safely assemble, modify or dismantle
the scaffolding.
ƒƒ Designation of the preventive meas-
ures to avoid the risk of persons and
objects falling.

* Valid in Germany: Regulations for Occupa- ** Instructions are given by the contractor him-
tional Health and Safety on Construction self or a qualified person selected by him.
Sites 30 (RAB 30).

Additional technical documentation

ƒƒ Approval Z-8.22-863 PERI UP Flex Modular System
ƒƒ Approval for Main Beam Clamp HD

ƒƒ Instructions for Use

–– Hydraulic Unit HD
–– Pallets and Stacking Devices

ƒƒ Data Sheet for Anchor Bolt PERI 14/20 x 130

ƒƒ PERI Design Tables – Formwork and Shoring

PERI UP Flex Heavy-Duty Prop HD

Instructions for Assembly and Use – Standard Configuration 3

Intended use
Product description Features System dimensions
PERI products have been designed for ƒƒ The height is always adjusted via the Ground plan of the standard configuration
exclusive use in the industrial and com- Head Spindle. 25 x 25 cm.
mercial sectors by suitably trained per- ƒƒ Pre-loading and load release of the
sonnel only. Heavy-Duty Spindle is carried out by Permissible load-bearing capacities
means of the Hydraulic Unit HD. –– assembly height ≤ 8.00 m,
The 4-legged Rosett Heavy-Duty Prop ƒƒ The transmission of force in a non-op- –– permissible prop load up to 200 kN.
consists of standard PERI UP system erating mode takes place mechanical-
components and is used for the vertical ly via the adjusting nut; in the pro-
transfer of concentrated individual loads cess, the Hydraulic Unit HD is free of
of up to 200 kN. any load and can be removed.
ƒƒ Heavy-Duty Props in the form of
These occur in shoring assemblies as shoring assemblies facilitate a wide
well as construction work on existing range of project-specific fields of ap-
buildings. The hydraulic cylinder in the plication.
base allows displacement and force-con-
trolled lowering of the prop under load
as well as systematic force-controlled
pre-stressing which is required with
shoring in existing buildings.

For assembling the Heavy-Duty Prop,

individual Standards are connected with
PERI UP Ledgers UH Plus which are
particularly easy to assemble due to the
wedge connections.

Through the combination of standards

with varying lengths, all heights can be
continuously achieved.

Instructions for use

The use in a way not intended, deviating
from the standard configuration or the
intended use according to the Instruc-
tions for Assembly and Use, represents
a misapplication with a potential safety
risk, e.g. risk of falling.

Only PERI original components may be

used. The use of other products and
spare parts is not allowed.

Changes to PERI components are not


PERI UP Flex Heavy-Duty Prop HD

4 Instructions for Assembly and Use – Standard Configuration

Care and maintenance instructions

In order to maintain the value and opera-
tional readiness of the PERI products
over the long term, clean the elements
after each use.

Some repair work may also be inevitable

due to the tough working conditions.

The following points should help to keep

care and maintenance costs as low as

Do not clean powder-coated or galva-

nized components with steel brushes or
metal scrapers.

Mechanical components, e.g. spindles,

must be cleaned of dirt or concrete resi-
due before and after use, and then
greased with a suitable lubricant.

Provide suitable support for the compo-

nents during cleaning so that no unin-
tentional change in their position is pos-

Do not clean components when sus-

pended on a crane.

Any repairs to PERI products are to be

carried out by PERI qualified personnel

PERI UP Flex Heavy-Duty Prop HD

Instructions for Assembly and Use – Standard Configuration 5
Safety instructions

General Deviations from the standard configura- The scaffolding must be inspected
The contractor must ensure that the tion are only permitted after a further before the initial use by a qualified
Instructions for Assembly and Use risk assessment has been carried out by person in order to ensure correct and
supplied by PERI are available at all the contractor. safe functioning. The result of the
times and are understood by the site On the basis of this risk assessment, inspection must be documented in
personnel. determine appropriate measures for an inspection record.
working and operational safety as well
These Instructions for Assembly and as stability. The contractor must ensure that the
Use can be used as the basis for creat- personal protective equipment required
ing a risk assessment. The risk assess- Corresponding proof of stability can be for the assembly, modification or
ment shall be compiled by the contrac- provided by PERI on request if the risk dismantling of the system, e.g.
tor. The Instructions for Assembly and assessment and resulting measures to ƒƒ safety helmet,
Use do not replace the risk assessment! be implemented are made available. ƒƒ safety shoes,
ƒƒ safety gloves,
Always take into consideration and Before and after exceptional occurrences ƒƒ safety glasses,
comply with the safety instructions that may have an adverse effect regard- is available and used as intended.
and permissible loads. ing the safety of the scaffolding system,
the contractor must immediately If personal protective equipment (PPE)
For the application and inspection of ƒƒ create an additional risk assessment, is required or specified in local regula-
PERI products, the current safety with appropriate measures for ensur- tions, the contractor must determine
regulations and guidelines must be ing the stability of the scaffolding appropriate attachment points on the
observed in the respective countries system being carried out based on basis of the risk assessment.
where they are being used. the results, The personal protective equipment to
ƒƒ and arrange for an extraordinary in- be used is determined by the contractor.
Materials and working areas are to be spection by a qualified and competent
inspected on a regular basis especially person. The aim of this inspection is The contractor must
before each use and assembly for: to identify and rectify any damage in ƒƒ provide safe working areas for site
ƒƒ signs of damage, good time in order to guarantee the personnel which are to be reached
ƒƒ stability and safe use of the scaffolding system. through the provision of safe access
ƒƒ functionality. Exceptional occurrences can include: ways. Areas of risk must be cordoned
Damaged components must be ƒƒ accidents, off and clearly marked.
exchanged immediately on site and ƒƒ longer periods of non-use, ƒƒ ensure the stability during all stages
may no longer be used. ƒƒ natural events, e.g. heavy rainfall, of construction, in particular during
icing, heavy snowfall, storms or assembly, modification and disman-
Safety components are removed only earthquakes. tling operations.
when they are no longer required. ƒƒ ensure and prove that all loads are
Assembly, modification and safely transferred.
Components provided by the contractor dismantling work
must conform with the characteristics Assembly, modification or dismantling
required in these Instructions for of scaffolding systems may only be Utilisation
Assembly and Use as well as all valid carried out by qualified specialists under Every contractor who uses or allows
construction guidelines and standards. the supervision of an authorized person. the scaffolding system or sections of
Unless otherwise indicated, this applies The qualified specialists must have the scaffolding system to be used, has
in particular to: received appropriate training for the the responsibility for ensuring that the
ƒƒ timber components: Strength Class work to be carried out with regard to equipment is in good condition.
C24 for Solid Wood according to specific risks and dangers.
EN 338. If the scaffolding system is used
ƒƒ scaffold tubes: galvanised steel On the basis of the risk assessment successively or at the same time by
tubes with minimum dimensions and Instructions for Assembly and Use, several contractors, the health and
of Ø 48.3 x 3.2 mm according to the contractor must create installation safety coordinator must point out any
EN 12811-1:2003 instructions in order to ensure safe possible mutual hazards, and all work
ƒƒ scaffold tube couplings according assembly, modification and dismantling must be then coordinated.
to EN 74. of the scaffolding system.

PERI UP Flex Heavy-Duty Prop HD

6 Instructions for Assembly and Use – Standard Configuration
Safety instructions

System-specific Storage and transportation

Retract components only when the Store and transport components
concrete has sufficiently hardened and ensuring that no unintentional change
the person in charge has given the in their position is possible. Detach
go-ahead for striking to take place. load-bearing devices and lifting gear
from the lowered components only
Anchoring is to take place only if the if they are in a stable position and no
anchorage has sufficient concrete unintentional change is possible.
Do not drop the components.
The load-distributing support used, such
as planking, must match the respective Use PERI load-bearing devices and
base. If several layers are required, lifting gear as well as only those lifting
planks are to be arranged crosswise. points provided on the component.

Tighten couplings with screw closures During the moving procedure,

with 50 Nm. This corresponds to a force ƒƒ ensure that components are picked
of 20 kg using a lever arm length of up and set down so that unintentional
25 cm. falling over, falling apart, sliding,
falling down or rolling is avoided.
Wedge connections are to be securely ƒƒ no persons are allowed to remain
fixed using a 500 g hammer. under the suspended load.

Always guide pre-assembled scaffolding

bays, scaffolding units or scaffolding
sections with ropes when moving with
a crane.

The access areas on the jobsite must be

free of obstacles and tripping hazards as
well as being slip-resistant.

For transportation, the surface must

have sufficient load-bearing capacity.

Use original PERI storage and transport

systems, e.g. crate pallets, pallets or
stacking devices.

PERI UP Flex Heavy-Duty Prop HD

Instructions for Assembly and Use – Standard Configuration 7
A1 Vertical assembly of individual props

Lowering Jack HD

Risk of crushing!
During operations, keep hands and 1.1
feet away from the cylinder and Low-
ering Jack. 9

Permissible load-bearing capacity of up

to 200 kN.

– The height of the prop is adjusted

only by means of the adjusting nut on
the Head Spindle. Fig. A1.01 Fig. A1.01a
– “Slot hole 9” is recommended as the
universally suitable basic setting, re-
gardless of the intended use.
– Set up Lowering Jack on an even and
sufficiently load-bearing surface, e.g.
for load distribution: steel plate 350 x
350 x 15 mm on Class C 12/15 con-
Screw out Spindle Tube (1.1) until the red
pressure ring is visible in “slot hole 9”.
(Fig. A1.01 + A1.01a)
2.2 2.2

Connector UJC

The connecting bolt secures the inner 2.1 2.2

spherical piece.

Assembly Fig. A1.02a Fig. A1.02b Fig. A1.02c

1. Place Connecting Plate (2) with Con-
necting Bolts (2.2) on the Spindle
(Fig. A1.02a)
2. Loosen cotter pin and remove Plate.
3. Remove Connecting Bolts (2.2). Con-
necting Plate slides downwards and
the spherical piece (2.1) is positioned
on the Spindle Tube.
(Fig. A1.02b)
4. Insert Connecting Bolts into the Con-
necting Plate.
5. Attach Plate and secure by means of
cotter pins.
(Fig. A1.02c)

PERI UP Flex Heavy-Duty Prop HD

8 Instructions for Assembly and Use – Standard Configuration
A1 Vertical assembly of individual props

Pre-assembly of props

3 Ledger UH 25 Plus

50 0
4 Standard UVR
5 Locking Pin Ø 48/57 /
Bolt M10 x 70, Mu

– The props can be pre-assembled in

units or the complete length, e.g.
from a working scaffold.
– The prop can be inclined up to an an-
gle of 2° by means of the Connecting
– Align all drilled holes in the standards
in one direction.
– Ledger spacing: 50 cm.

1. Assemble Standards UVR (4) and
Ledgers (3) up to the required height
in forming a prop or unit.
(Fig. A1.03)
2. Use a 500 g hammer to firmly secure
all wedges.
3. Position the unit on the Spigots of the
Connecting Plate (2).
(Fig. A1.04)
4. Place the pre-assembled units on the
Spigots of the bottom Standards.
5. Tightly connect Standards UVR with
Locking Pins (5).
6. Secure prop against tipping, see A3.

25 cm

25 cm

Fig. A1.03 Fig. A1.04

PERI UP Flex Heavy-Duty Prop HD

Instructions for Assembly and Use – Standard Configuration 9
A1 Vertical assembly of individual props

Head Spindle TR 110-80/55

6 Head Spindle TR 110-80/55 1x
5 Locking Pin Ø 48/57 / 6
Bolt M10 x 70, Mu

Usable spindle length 55 cm.

–– The height of the prop is adjusted only
by means of the adjusting nut on the 3
Head Spindle.
–– The Head Spindle can be uniaxially
tilted up to 3°.
–– Assembly takes place with personnel
positioned in a safe working area, e.g.
working scaffold.

1. Position Head Spindle (6) on the Spig-
ots of the Standards UVR.
2. Tightly connect Standards UVR and
Head Spindle with Locking Pins
Ø 48/57 (5). (Fig. A1.05)
3. Secure prop against tipping, see A3.

Fig. A1.05

Building redevelopment
If there is not enough clearance for the
installation of the Head Spindle from
above during vertical assembly, then the
Head Spindle can be mounted from the

1. Remove Ledgers (3) up to the leg
joint on three sides of the prop.
2. Remove Locking Pins Ø 48/57 (5)
from two opposite-positioned Stand-
3. Turn the two free Standards UVR by
45°. (Fig. A1.06a) 45°
JJ Head Spindle (not spindled out)
cam be mounted from the side.
4. Push the Spindle Tube (6.1) through
between the rosettes of turned
Standards and attach Head Spindle
on the Standards. (Fig. A1.06)
5. Turn back Standards.
6. Tightly connect leg joints and Head Fig. A1.06a
Spindle with Locking Pins.
7. Install remaining Ledgers.

Fig. A1.06

PERI UP Flex Heavy-Duty Prop HD

10 Instructions for Assembly and Use – Standard Configuration
A2 Horizontal assembly of individual props

Pre-assembly of props

2 Connector HD 1x

50 0
3 Ledger UH 25 Plus
4 Standard UVR
5 Locking Pin Ø 48/57 /
Bolt M10 x 70, Mu
6 Head Spindle TR 110-80/55 1x

– The prop can be pre-assembled in

units or the complete length.
– Align all holes in the Standards in one
– Ledger spacing: 50 cm.

Assembly 5
1. Assemble Standards UVR (4) and 4
Ledgers (3) to form prop according to
the required height. (Fig. A2.01)
2. Use a 500 g hammer to firmly secure
all wedges.
3. Position Connector (2) on the Spigots Fig. A2.01
of the Standards and tightly connect
by means of Locking Pins (5).
(Fig. A2.02)
4. Attach Head Spindle TR 110-80/55 (6)
to the Spigots of the Standards and
tightly connect with Locking Pins (5).
(Fig. A2.03)

Fig. A2.02


Fig. A2.03

PERI UP Flex Heavy-Duty Prop HD

Instructions for Assembly and Use – Standard Configuration 11
A2 Horizontal assembly of individual props

Prop erection
1 Lowering Jack HD 1x

–– The height of the prop is adjusted only

by means of the Adjusting Nut on the
Head Spindle.
–– Set up Lowering Jack on an even
and sufficiently load-bearing surface,
e.g. for load distribution: steel plate
350 x 350 x 15 mm on Class C 12/15

Fig. A2.05

–– Are all connections tight?

–– Are all ledgers securely in place?

Screw out Spindle Tube (1.1) until
the red pressure ring is visible in
“slot hole 9”.
(Fig. A2.04)

Erection 9
1. Surround prop below the Head Spin-
dle, e.g. with textile tape. (Fig. A2.05)
2. Attach prop to crane and raise to a
vertical position. (Fig. A2.06)
3. Position prop with Connecting Plate
(2) on the Spindle Tube (1.3) of the Fig. A2.04
Lowering Jack.
4. Release cotter pins and remove plate.
5. Remove Connecting Bolts (2.2).
Connecting Plate slides downwards
and spherical piece is positioned on
the Spindle Tube.
6. Insert Connecting Bolts into the
Connecting Plate.
7. Attach plate and secure with cotter
pins. (Fig. A2.06a)
8. Secure prop against tipping, see A3.
9. Release prop from crane.



Fig. A2.06 Fig. A2.06a

PERI UP Flex Heavy-Duty Prop HD

12 Instructions for Assembly and Use – Standard Configuration
A3 Bracing of individual props

–– During assembly and dismantling, the Alternatively, the props can also be
heavy-duty props are to be secured secured against falling or horizontal
against tipping by means of tempo- movement during assembly operations
rary assembly aids. using existing structural parts, e.g. walls.
–– With longer heavy-duty props, addi-
tional support holders are required at
higher positions.

Support with Push-Pull Props

8 Push-Pull Prop 3x
9 Brace Connector HDR 3x
10 Base Plate RSS 3x
11 Anchor Bolt 14/20 x 130 3x

For providing stability, mount 3 Fig. A3.01a

Push-Pull Props as assembly aids!

Assembly 11
1. Connect the tube coupler of the
Brace Connector HDR (9) to the
Standard UVR. °
(Fig. A3.01)
~ 10
2. Fix Push-Pull Prop (8) with bolts and
cotter pins.
(Fig. A3.01a)
3. Fix Base Plate RSS (10) to the founda- Fig. A3.01 Fig. A3.01b
tions by means of Anchor Bolts (11).
4. Fix Push-Pull Prop to the Base Plate
with bolts and cotter pins.
(Fig. A3.01b)
5. Release prop from crane.
(Fig. A3.01)

Brace props with Ledgers

12 Ledgers UH Plus 2x

For providing stability, mount

Push-Pull Props and Ledgers! 12

1. Mount Push-Pull Props, see above.
2. Attach Ledgers (12) to rosetts and
secure with hammer. (Fig. A3.02)

Fig. A3.02

PERI UP Flex Heavy-Duty Prop HD

Instructions for Assembly and Use – Standard Configuration 13
A4 Dismantling of individual props

Rosett Heavy-Duty Prop Connector HD

1. Remove Connector (2) from the
Spindle Tube. (Fig. A4.01a)
2. Remove spherical piece (2.1). 2
Risk of tipping! 3. Turn over Connector and insert
No horizontal movement of individu- spherical piece. 2.1
al props! 4. Secure Connecting Bolts (2.2) with
plate and cotter pins. (Fig. A4.01b) 2.2
The prop can be dismantled when in a
vertical or horizontal position.

Dismantling horizontally:
1. Attach prop to crane.
2. Remove Lowering Jack HD.
3. Lift prop with the crane and lay on
4. Release Locking Pins.
Fig. A4.01a
5. Remove Head Spindle TR and Lower-
ing Jack HD.
6. Release Ledgers by means of a ham-
mer and remove.
7. Place components in designated
transport container.

Dismantling vertically:
Dismantling vertically is carried out from
top to bottom with personnel positioned
in a secure working area, e.g. on a work-
ing scaffold.
Fig. A4.01b
5 6

If there is not enough clearance for the

installation of the Head Spindle from
above during vertical assembly, then the
Head Spindle can be mounted from the
6.1 3
Removing the Head Spindle 45°
1. Lower Head Spindle (6).
2. Remove Ledgers (3) up to the leg
joint on three sides of the prop.
3. Remove Locking Pins Ø 48/57 (5)
from two opposite-positioned Stand-
4. Turn the two free Standards UVR by
45°. Fig. A4.02b
JJ Head Spindle can be removed from
the side.
5. Lift Head Spindle and remove Spindle
Tube (6.1) from the side between the
rosettes of the turned Standards.
(Fig. A4.02a + A4.02b)

Fig. A4.02a

PERI UP Flex Heavy-Duty Prop HD

14 Instructions for Assembly and Use – Standard Configuration
A5 Hydraulic Unit HD

Load-controlled preloading

–– Always follow the Instructions for

Use for the Hydraulic Unit HD!
–– Permissible load-bearing capacity
of up to 200 kN!
–– Take pre-stressing plan into con-
–– Remove assembly aids!
Fig. A5.01

–– Illustrations are without Connector

and Heavy-Duty Prop.
–– Cylinder stroke is limited to max.
10 mm through the adjusting nut and
hold-down device.
9 1
–– Monitor load distribution on the pres-
sure gauge.
–– Prop or Main Beam Area with Lower-
ing Jack is perpendicular under the Fig. A5.02 Fig. A5.02a
component to be supported, and the
red pressure ring is visible in “slotted
hole 9”.
–– The pump is connected with the hy-
draulic cylinder. The cylinder is retract-
–– The pump valve is closed.
(Fig. A5.01 + A5.02)

Pre-stressing the prop

1. Insert hydraulic cylinder into the Low-
ering Jack (1).
2. Operate pump lever until the cylinder
rests on the red pressure ring (1.1) of
the Spindle Tube. (Fig. A5.02a)
3. Build up pressure with the pump lever
until the predetermined force is
shown on the pressure gauge; see
static and prestressing plan. Monitor Fig. A5.03
free path on the hold-down device
and pressure gauge. (Fig. A5.03)
4. Rotate adjusting nut downwards in a
clockwise direction by hand until the 1.2
max. 10 mm

adjusting nut rests on the plate. 1.3

(Fig. A5.04)
5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 until the re-
quired force has been reached.
6. Rotate adjusting nut downwards in a
clockwise direction by hand until the
adjusting nut rests on the plate.
7. Open pump valve. Hydraulic cylinder
retracts and the load transfer takes Fig. A5.04
place via the adjusting nut.

PERI UP Flex Heavy-Duty Prop HD

Instructions for Assembly and Use – Standard Configuration 15
A5 Hydraulic Unit HD

Load-controlled lowering

–– Always follow the Instructions for

Use for the Hydraulic Unit HD!
–– Permissible load-bearing capacity
of up to 200 kN!
–– With multi-part supports, ensure
that all props are lowered uniform-
–– Take into consideration the lower-
ing plan!
–– Remove assembly aids!

–– Illustrations are without Connector

and Heavy-Duty Prop.
–– Cylinder stroke is limited to max.
10 mm through the adjusting nut and Fig. A5.05
hold-down device.
–– Monitor load distribution on the pres-
sure gauge.

–– The pump is connected with the 1
hydraulic cylinder.
–– The pump valve is closed.
(Fig. A5.05) 1.1

1. Insert hydraulic cylinder into the Low- Fig. A5.06
ering Jack (1).
2. Operate pump lever until the cylinder
rests on the red pressure ring (1.1) of
the Spindle Tube.
max. 10 mm

(Fig. A5.06)

Release the adjusting nut and lower

1. Operate the pump lever until the ad-
justing nut (1.2) is free (1 – 2 pump
2. Monitor pressure gauge: max.
200 kN. Fig. A5.07 7.1
3. Turn the adjusting nut upwards by
hand in a counter-clockwise direction
until the locking nut rests against the
hold-down device. (Fig. A5.07)
4. Carefully open the pump valve (7.1) on
the pump and monitor the pressure
gauge indicator. The cylinder retracts
and is lowered by max. 10 mm to-
gether with the adjusting nut and
5. Close pump valve.
6. Repeat procedure until the predeter- Fig. A5.08
mined force is shown on the pressure
gauge; see static and pre-tensioning
plan. (Fig. A5.08)

PERI UP Flex Heavy-Duty Prop HD

16 Instructions for Assembly and Use – Standard Configuration
A5 Hydraulic Unit HD

Hydraulic lowering

–– Always follow the Instructions for

Use for the Hydraulic Unit HD!
–– With multi-part supports, ensure
that all props are lowered uniform-
–– Take into consideration the lower-
ing plan!
–– Remove assembly aids!
max. 10 mm

–– The lowering range of the hydraulics

is max. 62 mm.
Fig. A5.09
–– Cylinder stroke is limited to 10 mm.
This corresponds to the spacing of
the slotted holes in the Lowering
Spindle. (Fig. A5.09)

Load-controlled as in the lowering
procedure. 1.2

Hydraulic lowering 1.1

1. Operate pump lever until the cylinder
rests on the red pressure ring (1.1) of
the Spindle Tube.
2. Operate the pump lever until the ad-
justing nut (1.2) is free (1 – 2 pump
Fig. A5.10
3. Turn the adjusting nut upwards by 7.1
hand in a counter-clockwise direction
until the locking nut rests against the
hold-down device.
4. Carefully open the pump valve (7.1) on
the pump and monitor the slotted
holes on the Lowering Jack.
5. Close the pump valve when the red
pressure ring (1.1) of the Spindle Tube
appears in the next slotted hole.
(Fig. A5.10)
6. Repeat procedures 3 and 4 until the
Prop or Main Beam Area has been
lowered by the predetermined dimen-

PERI UP Flex Heavy-Duty Prop HD

Instructions for Assembly and Use – Standard Configuration 17
A5 Hydraulic Unit HD

Lowering with the Wing Nut Spanner


– The lowering range via the Lowering

Jack is 100 mm (starting position
“slotted hole 11”).
– With a load ≤ 60 kN, lowering can
take place by means of the Wing Nut
Spanner HD without the use of hy-
– The lowering range for extending the
formwork superstructure is carried
out via the adjusting nut of the spin-
dle head.

1. Remove cylinder from the Lowering
Jack and place lowering unit in its
2. Turn adjusting nut (1.2) downwards
using the Wing Nut Spanner HD (13).
(Fig. A5.11a)
3. Spindle in the Head Spindle.
Fig. A5.11a Fig. A5.11b
(Fig. A5.11b)

PERI UP Flex Heavy-Duty Prop HD

18 Instructions for Assembly and Use – Standard Configuration
PERI UP Flex Heavy-Duty Prop HD
Instructions for Assembly and Use – Standard Configuration 19
B1 Load-bearing capacity

Permissible load-bearing
capacity per prop
Restrained at the top; without intermedi-
ate support.

Wind load with dynamic pressure q

without wind
q = 0.2 kN/m2 Wind
q = 0.5 kN/m2 Wind
q = 0.9 kN/m2 Wind
q = 1.3 kN/m2 Wind


Prop normal force perm. N [kN]


Prop height h ≤ 8.00 m

170 171 kN
167 kN

160 161 kN

154 kN
146 kN


4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0

Prop height h [m]

Intermediate values as a result of other

wind loads may be determined by linear
interpolation between the carrying
capacity curves.

All tables in the PERI Design Tables
or in the PERI brochures which are not
separately marked feature permissible
load-bearing capacities.
After multiplication using γF = 1.5, the
permissible load-bearing capacity can
also be converted into a design value of
the resistance Rd for the method with
partial safety factors.

PERI UP Flex Heavy-Duty Prop HD

20 Instructions for Assembly and Use – Standard Configuration
B2 Prop heights with material list

Lowering Head Ledger Locking

Prop height [cm] Connector Weight
Jack Spindle Standard UVR UH 25 Pin
min. max. UJC [kg]
HD TR Plus Ø 48/57

50 100 150 200 300

128 183 1 1 1 4 4 8 78.6

178 233 1 1 1 4 8 8 93.5

228 283 1 1 1 4 12 8 108.5

278 333 1 1 1 4 16 8 123.4

328 383 1 1 1 4 4 20 12 141.7

378 433 1 1 1 4 4 24 12 156.6

428 483 1 1 1 4 4 28 12 171.6

478 533 1 1 1 8 32 12 186.5

528 583 1 1 1 4 4 36 12 201.9

578 633 1 1 1 8 4 40 16 220.0

628 683 1 1 1 4 4 4 44 16 235.0

678 733 1 1 1 8 4 48 16 250.0

728 783 1 1 1 4 4 4 52 16 264.9

778 833 1 1 1 8 4 56 16 279.8

– When assembling, attention is to be
paid to the symmetrical arrangement
of the leg joints.
– When supporting with assembly
heights h > 6 m, the Standard
UVR 300 must be installed in the

PERI UP Flex Heavy-Duty Prop HD

Instructions for Assembly and Use – Standard Configuration 21
C1 Storage and transportation

– Follow Instructions for Use for PERI

pallet and stacking devices!
– Transportation units must be cor-
rectly stacked and secured!

PERI pallets and stacking devices are
suitable for lifting by crane or forklift.
When using a crane, 4-sling lifting gear
is used to move the pallets.

During fork-lift operations, the pallets

can be moved either by a fork-lift truck
or by using the lifting trolley.
All pallets can be lifted using the longitu-
dinal as well as front sides.


– Ensure loads are correctly secured

during transport!
– Use tension belts or steel bands.

The number of pallets that can be trans-

ported depends on the respective na-
tional transport regulations.

Hydraulic Unit HD
When transporting or placing in storage,
the hydraulic components – hose, cylin-
der and hand pump – must be separate-
ly stored and transported in the desig-
nated aluminum case.

PERI UP Flex Heavy-Duty Prop HD

22 Instructions for Assembly and Use – Standard Configuration
PERI UP Flex Heavy-Duty Prop HD
Instructions for Assembly and Use – Standard Configuration 23
PERI UP Flex Heavy Duty Prop HD
Item no. Weight kg
Standards UVR L
102859   3.080 Standard UVR 50 500
101306   5.380 Standard UVR 100
102860   7.690 Standard UVR 150
100009   9.990 Standard UVR 200
100012  14.700 Standard UVR 300
100013  19.200 Standard UVR 400


N x 500
Ø 48,3



114613   1.420 Ledger UH 25 Plus


111053   0.059 Locking Pin Ø 48/57

As tension-proof connection of standards with a
diameter of 48 up to 57 mm.


49 25

PERI UP Flex Heavy Duty Prop HD
Item no. Weight kg
100719   0.060 Bolt ISO 4014 M10 x 70-8.8 MU
As tension-proof connection of standards for sus-
pended scaffolds or lattice girders.


SW 16


126435  25.800 Head Spindle TR 110-80/55 Note

Head Spindle for Heavy Duty Prop PERI UP. Loads > 50 kN to be released with the Hydraulic
With integrated chord couplings. Can be tilted up Unit HD.
to 3° along one axis.

max 836
min 286



50 120 50 55

022027   3.600 Wing Nut Spanner HD

022027   3.600 Wing Nut Spanner HD

For easy release of the Head Spindle HDK 45, the
Head Spindle TR 110-80/55 and the MULTIPROP
slab prop.



PERI UP Flex Heavy Duty Prop HD
Item no. Weight kg
126436  21.400 Lowering Jack HD Note
For the release of high loads up to 200 kN. Loads > 50 kN to be released with the Hydraulic
Displacement- and load-controlled lowering as well Unit HD.
as prestressing of the support.

max 161

126438  18.000 Hydraulic-Unit HD
126437  12.800 Connector UJC

126437  12.800 Connector UJC

For connecting the standards UVR in increments
of 25 x 25 cm. Can be pivoted up to 2° on all




126438  18.000 Hydraulic-Unit HD

Bearing capacity up to 200 kN (to be read directly
on the manometer). Cylinder stroke up to 62 mm.

PERI UP Flex Heavy Duty Prop HD
Item no. Weight kg
022013   0.137 Centring Bolt HD M12, galv. Complete with
For the HD 200 system. 1 pc. 710330 Nut ISO 4032 M12-8, galv.

SW 19

M 12

022008 1130.000 Main Beam HDT 880 Complete with

System steel girder for use with HD 200 main 1 pc. 105435 Bolt Ø 50 x 330
beam areas and special constructions. 1 pc. 722457 Dowel Pin Ø 10 x 70, galv.
Profile HEB 300. 1 pc. 710618 Cotter Pin 8, galv.

250 950 3200 3200 1095 100

100 8800

200 21 x 400 = 8400 195


022009 582.000 Main Beam HDT 440 Complete with
System steel girder for use with HD 200 main 1 pc. 105435 Bolt Ø 50 x 330
beam areas and special constructions. 1 pc. 722457 Dowel Pin Ø 10 x 70, galv.
Profile HEB 300. 1 pc. 710618 Cotter Pin 8, galv.

250 950 2000 1095 100

100 4400

200 10 x 400 = 4000 195


022010 379.000 Main Beam HDT 280 Complete with

System steel girder for use with HD 200 main 1 pc. 105435 Bolt Ø 50 x 330
beam areas and special constructions. 1 pc. 722457 Dowel Pin Ø 10 x 70, galv.
Profile HEB 300. 1 pc. 710618 Cotter Pin 8, galv.

250 1150 1295 100 200 6 x 400 = 2400 195


100 2800

PERI UP Flex Heavy Duty Prop HD
Item no. Weight kg
022016   1.300 Brace Connector HDR Complete with
For connecting push-pull props and kicker braces 1 pc. 027170 Pin Ø 16 x 42, galv.
to components Ø 48 mm. 1 pc. 018060 Cotter Pin 4/1, galv.

14 60

028080   2.970 Connector Kicker/Push-Pull Prop, galv. Complete with

For connecting push-pull props and kicker braces 1 pc. 018060 Cotter Pin 4/1, galv.
to Main Beam HDT. 1 pc. 027170 Pin Ø 16 x 42, galv.


200 100

Scaffold Tube Steel Ø 48.3 x 3.2 L

026415   3.550 Scaff. Tube Steel Ø 48.3 x 3.2, special length
026417   0.000 Cutting Cost Scaffold Tube
026411   3.550 Scaff. Tube Steel Ø 48.3 x 3.2, L = 1.0 m
026412   7.100 Scaff. Tube Steel Ø 48.3 x 3.2, L = 2.0 m
026413  10.650 Scaff. Tube Steel Ø 48.3 x 3.2, L = 3.0 m
026414  14.200 Scaff. Tube Steel Ø 48.3 x 3.2, L = 4.0 m
026419  17.750 Scaff. Tube Steel Ø 48.3 x 3.2, L = 5.0 m
026418  21.600 Scaff. Tube Steel Ø 48.3 x 3.2, L = 6.0 m


022025   1.970 Centering Bar 40 x 20 x 400

For centering crossbeams on the Main Beam HDT.

400 40

PERI UP Flex Heavy Duty Prop HD
Item no. Weight kg
022011  13.200 Double Anchor Tie Yoke HDD
For anchoring with Tie Rod DW 15 and DW 20.


Ø 60
022021  31.900 Trolley HD Technical Data
For moving longitudinal girders on the Main Beam Permissible load-bearing capacity 2.5 t.

80 157
800 320
1042 410

106183   2.200 Main Beam Clamp HD 70 mm, galv. Note

For connecting crossed girders. Take official approval into consideration!



022026   1.780 Steel Beam Clamp IPB 300 - 1000

For providing protection against tipping.



150 88

PERI UP Flex Heavy Duty Prop HD
Item no. Weight kg
017020   1.120 Standard Coupler NK 48/48, galv.
For Scaffold Tubes Ø 48 mm.

SW 19

017010   1.400 Swivel Coupling DK 48/48, galv.

For Scaffold Tubes Ø 48 mm.

SW 19

117466  10.600 Push-Pull Prop RS 210, galv. Note

Extension length L = 1.30 – 2.10 m. Permissible load see PERI Design Tables.
For aligning PERI formwork systems and precast
concrete elements.

min 1300 max 2100


Ø21 Ø17

Ø 60,6

118238  12.200 Push-Pull Prop RS 260, galv. Note 9

Extension length L = 2.30 – 2.60 m. Permissible load see PERI Design Tables.
For aligning PERI formwork systems and precast
concrete elements.

min 2300 max 2600


Ø 60,6


PERI UP Flex Heavy Duty Prop HD
Item no. Weight kg
117467  15.500 Push-Pull Prop RS 300, galv. Note
Extension length L = 1.90 – 3.00 m. Permissible load see PERI Design Tables.
For aligning PERI formwork systems and precast
concrete elements.

min 1900 max 3000


Ø21 Ø17


117468  23.000 Push-Pull Prop RS 450, galv. Note
Extension length L = 2.80 – 4.50 m. Permissible load see PERI Design Tables.
For aligning PERI formwork systems and precast
concrete elements.

min 2800 max 4500



Ø 73

117469  40.000 Push-Pull Prop RS 650, galv. Note
Extension length L = 4.30 – 6.50 m. Permissible load see PERI Design Tables.
For aligning PERI formwork systems and precast
concrete elements.

min 4300 max 6500


Ø 88,9


028990 115.000 Push-Pull Prop RS 1000, galv. Note

Extension length L = 6.40 – 10.00 m. Permissible load see PERI Design Tables.
For aligning PERI formwork systems.

min 6325 max 10000

Ø48,3 Ø17

Ø21 Ø21
Ø 102


PERI UP Flex Heavy Duty Prop HD
Item no. Weight kg
103800 271.000 Push-Pull Prop RS 1400, galv. Note
Extension length L = 6.40 – 14.00 m. Permissible load see PERI Design Tables.
For aligning PERI formwork systems. Chain can be operated from bottom.

min 6400 max 14000


20 x 200 = 4000 20 x 200 = 4000

Ø48,3 Ø48,3
Ø21 Ø21

117343   3.250 Base Plate-2 for RS 210 – 1400, galv. Complete with
For assembly of Push-Pull Props RS 210, 260, 2 pc. 105400 Pin Ø 20 x 140, galv.
300, 450, 650, 1000 and 1400. 2 pc. 018060 Cotter Pin 4/1, galv.

261 64

124777   0.210 Anchor Bolt PERI 14/20 x 130

126666   3.070 Base Plate-3 for RS 210 - 1400 Complete with

For assembly of Push-Pull Props RS 210, 260, 2 pc. 105400 Pin Ø 20 x 140, galv.
300, 450, 650, 1000 and 1400. 2 pc. 018060 Cotter Pin 4/1, galv.
1 pc. 113063 Bolt ISO 4014 M12 x 80-8.8, galv.


264 52

PERI UP Flex Heavy Duty Prop HD
Item no. Weight kg
028010  17.900 Push-Pull Prop RSS I Note
Extension length L = 2.05 – 2.94 m. Permissible load see PERI Design Tables.
For aligning PERI formwork systems.

min 2050 max 2940



113397   1.600 Spindle Handle RSS / AV
Spindle Handle for screwing on Push-Pull Props
RSS I, RSS II, RSS III and Kickers AV 210 and AV
190 complete with 2 bolts and nuts M8.

196 130

028020  22.000 Push-Pull Prop RSS II Note

Extension length L = 2.91 – 3.80 m. Permissible load see PERI Design Tables.
For aligning PERI formwork systems.

min 2910 max 3800

Ø 70

Ø16,5 Ø16,5


028030  38.400 Push-Pull Prop RSS III Note

Extension length L = 4.60 – 6.00 m. Permissible load see PERI Design Tables.
For aligning PERI formwork systems.

min 4600 max 6000


Ø16,5 Ø16,5

PERI UP Flex Heavy Duty Prop HD
Item no. Weight kg
106000   1.820 Base Plate-2 for RSS, galv. Complete with
For assembly of RSS Push-Pull Props. 1 pc. 027170 Pin Ø 16 x 42, galv.
1 pc. 018060 Cotter Pin 4/1, galv.



150 100

124777   0.210 Anchor Bolt PERI 14/20 x 130

Kickers AV min. L max. L

057087   3.720 Kicker AV 82 500 820
057088   4.410 Kicker AV 111 790 1110
For aligning PERI formwork systems. Complete with
1 pc. 027170 Pin Ø 16 x 42, galv.
1 pc. 018060 Cotter Pin 4/1, galv.
Permissible load see PERI Design Tables.

min 500 max 820

min 790 max 1110

Ø16,5 Ø16x42



028110   5.180 Kicker AV 140 Complete with

Extension length L = 1.08 – 1.40 m. 1 pc. 027170 Pin Ø 16 x 42, galv.
For aligning PERI formwork systems. 1 pc. 018060 Cotter Pin 4/1, galv.
Permissible load see PERI Design Tables.

min 1080 max 1400

Ø 38

Ø16,5 Ø16x42



PERI UP Flex Heavy Duty Prop HD
Item no. Weight kg
108135  12.900 Kicker AV 210 Complete with
Extension length L = 1.28 – 2.10 m. 1 pc. 027170 Pin Ø 16 x 42, galv.
For aligning PERI formwork systems. 1 pc. 018060 Cotter Pin 4/1, galv.
Permissible load see PERI Design Tables.

min 1280 max 2100


Ø 70
Ø16x42 Ø16,5

028120  17.000 Kicker AV RSS III Complete with
Extension length L = 2.03 – 2.92 m. 1 pc. 027170 Pin Ø 16 x 42, galv.
For aligning PERI formwork systems. 1 pc. 018060 Cotter Pin 4/1, galv.
Permissible load see PERI Design Tables.

min 2030 max 2920


Ø16x42 Ø16,5

124777   0.210 Anchor Bolt PERI 14/20 x 130 Note
For temporary fixation to reinforced concrete See PERI data sheet!
structures. Drilling Ø 14 mm.

SW 24

The optimal System
for every Project and
every Requirement

Wall Formwork Column Formwork Slab Formwork

Climbing Systems Bridge Formwork Tunnel Formwork Shoring Systems

Construction Scaffold Facade Scaffold Industrial Scaffold Access

DE en 02 | 2016 3sm 793930 © PERI GmbH

Protection Scaffold Safety Systems System-Independent Accessories Services

Formwork Scaffolding Engineering
Rudolf-Diesel-Strasse 19
89264 Weissenhorn
Tel. +49 (0)7309.950 - 0
Fax +49 (0)7309.951- 0
[email protected]

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