Please Read This Page Before Looking at Anything Else in This Box!
Please Read This Page Before Looking at Anything Else in This Box!
Please Read This Page Before Looking at Anything Else in This Box!
CLANK! Legacy: Acquisitions Incorporated is a legacy game. (It’s right there in the name.) Choices you make while playing can affect the next time
you play. You will make permanent changes to the components: adding stickers to them, writing on them with a marker (provided by you), or even
destroying them (seriously, ”destroy” means to permanently remove something from this copy of the board game, never to be used again).
A campaign of at least 10 games tells the continuing story of you and your friends building your own Acquisitions Incorporated franchise.
Your decisions will result in a unique copy of this board game—a personal setting for further play.
For the best experience, and to preserve the surprises of the campaign, take special care with the following:
We strongly suggest that more than one player read this Rulebook, to help
ensure all rules are followed correctly.
You should also check for any rules updates and answers to Frequently
Asked Questions in the FAQ document at:
If you have played the original CLANK! A Deck-Building Adventure,
look for this symbol on the bottom of some pages. It highlights key
rules differences from that game.
The Book of Secrets contains the campaign The Sticker Sheets (hidden inside the Sticker
story. During play, you’ll be asked to read Sheets envelope) are used to modify game
numbered Passages from the book (aloud, components during the campaign.
to all players). You can designate one reader
Some stickers get applied to this Rulebook.
or take turns, though each Passage (and any
The Cardporium contains cards you’ll add Some rules here are contained in boxes you
decisions it presents) is directed at the player
during the campaign. Before your first game, will cover later with revised rules. Other boxes
who caused it to be read.
open the box, remove the shrink wrap from are empty now, to be filled in with brand new
When you read a Passage, read it completely. each group of cards, then put them back rules. Whenever you add a rules sticker, read
If you stop in the middle to do something it without shuffling or looking at them. it aloud to all players.
tells you, make sure you go back and finish.
Each card has a unique number along the
right edge. (They should be in numerical
This Rulebook will tell you when to order.) Use the numbers to find specific The Book of Secrets will tell you
cards without looking at any others.
use the Book of Secrets. when to use the Cardporium
Whenever you fetch a new card, read it
Read the Book of Secrets only when aloud (or show it to all players) before placing
and Sticker Sheets.
directed to. Avoid reading anything it where the Book of Secrets instructs. Avoid looking at anything but the specific
but the specified entry. cards and stickers identified by the Book.
Ready to play?
Follow the Setup instructions on the next two pages.
6) Stock the Reserve and Adventure Row 8) Take Your Deck Box
Add the Cultist monster card to the Reserve row next to the board, along Each player takes a deck box. If this is the first game of the campaign,
with the piles of Mercenary, Explore, and Mysterious Tome cards. they should write their character’s name on the box. During the
campaign, players should use the same box for each game.
The remaining cards are the Adventure Deck. Shuffle them and deal six
cards to form the Adventure Row, face up on the table. From their deck box, each player takes 30 Clank! cubes of their player
color, forming a personal supply in front of them. They also take the disc
Certain cards cannot be part of the Adventure Row at the
of their color from their deck box, select a player figure, attach the disc
start of the game. If you reveal any Event cards or any cards
to its base, then place the figure on the HQ space along the top edge of
that have the Dragon Attack symbol along the right edge, set
the game board. Lastly, they take a 10-card starting deck, shuffle it, and
them aside and replace them with another card. Once you
place it face down in front of them.
have six legal cards, shuffle any cards you set aside back into
the Adventure Deck.
Leave room next to the Adventure Deck to form an Adventure discard
pile during the game.
Place the market items in the Market Area of the Franchise Board.
(The different market items are listed on the back cover of this
The Goal of the Game
Put simply, you have two goals in each game (whether you’re playing the campaign or not):
• Retrieve an Artifact token and escape death (by returning your franchise headquarters).
• Beat your opponents’ scores to be declared Most Valuable Employee.
But it’s actually not quite as simple as that.
For one thing, CLANK! Legacy: Acquisitions Incorporated is a deck-building game. Each player starts with their own small deck containing the
same cards, but they’ll acquire different cards during their turns. Because cards can do many different things, each player’s deck (and strategy)
will become more and more different as the game unfolds. Developing your deck (and strategy) is a key to success.
Also, CLANK! Legacy: Acquisitions Incorporated is a legacy game. (Again, it’s right there in the name.) You’ll play several games in an ongoing
campaign. During this campaign, you’ll accept a variety of contracts to promote your franchise and the greater reputation of Acquisitions
Incorporated. Players can cooperate in this to some extent, making decisions as a group, dividing up exploration, and foregoing actions that
might make things harder for each other. Or you can be as cutthroat as you like, looking out for yourself first and foremost. (The health of the
franchise will surely follow. It employs someone as wonderful as you, after all.)
• You cannot use a path across open water (marked with the
Canoe icon) unless you possess a Canoe token (purchased
from the Market).
• A one-way path is shaped like an arrow, and can only be used in the
direction of that arrow. You can’t move through it in the opposite Three Footprint and Canoe icons described under Movement
direction. are new, as is the Hire a Coach action. Also note that Taking
• Some paths on the board lead nowhere—there are no spaces on the an Artifact is an action you can take at any point in your
other side of the path. You can’t move along these paths. During the turn—you can do it as long as you remain in a space with an
campaign, you’ll be able to use them once you add destinations to artifact, and don’t have take it when you first enter.
the ends (as directed by the Book of Secrets).
Board Features
Coaches Magic Circles
A Magic Circle is not a space itself, but a feature marked on the
While you’re on a Coach space, you may take the corner of some spaces on the board. Some cards have text
Hire a Coach action described in the Actions section. allowing you to interact with a Magic Circle; otherwise, they
have no effect.
Some spaces on the board give you something when you enter them.
You don’t have to end your turn there, but you only get these things once
each turn; you must re-enter the space on a later turn to receive the
thing again. (You may enter more than one space of the same type during
a single turn, receiving something from each one.)
The things you can receive from a space include:
The space you start from each game is your HQ.
Returning there with an Artifact is the goal of the
game. (See the Game End and Scoring section.)
Once you leave HQ, you cannot return empty
handed; you must take an Artifact from somewhere
on the board before you return.
A Waypoint is any space on the board marked with a number.
20 The number refers to a Passage in the Book of Secrets. When a
player enters such a space, pause their turn and read the
corresponding Passage in the Book. (They resume their turn afterward.)
Some secret tokens (major and minor) may present additional Waypoints.
These work the same way; pause your turn when you find one, and read
the corresponding Passage in the Book of Secrets.
Card Effects
A card’s Acquire text is carried out
one time, the moment you acquire it
from the Adventure Row (not when
you play it later from your hand).
A card’s Arrive text is carried out
immediately when the card is
revealed in the Adventure Row R19
(before any Dragon Attack that may
also have been triggered by refilling
the Row). If any cards with Arrive text are in the Adventure Row at the
start of a game, carry out that text before the first player takes their
turn. Plus
Some cards have a plus sign attached to the Skill, Swords, or Boots they
Danger provide. This is meant to point you to the card’s text, which may provide
For each Danger card in the more of the same resource that the card has already given.
Adventure Row, you pull an Example: Freelance Cleric always provides you at least 2 Skill.
additional cube from the Dragon Bag Its text says: “If you have another companion in your play
during each Dragon Attack. area, + .” This makes for a total of 4 Skill when you have
another companion in your play area.
Some cards allow you to discard a card. You can only discard cards in
your hand that you haven’t played yet. The card does not have its normal
effect, which means discarding can be a useful way to get around cards
that generate Clank!
If you’re asked to discard a card to get something, you must actually
discard a card to get it. R20
Example: Consultant says “You may discard a card to draw two cards.” If
you don’t have a card in your hand to discard, you don’t get to draw two
Each Player
Most of the time, when “each player” is required to do a thing, the order
will not matter. In the rare case that it does (for example: when taking a Teleport
limited resource), begin with the player taking (or ending) their turn and
proceed clockwise. (Ignore players who have escaped or who have been Teleportation is a special form of movement that takes you directly from
knocked out; see the Game End and Scoring section for more details.) one space to another. No Boots are required for this move (though you
remain exhausted if you entered a Forest space this turn).
Often, teleporting takes you to an “adjacent space”: one connected by a
path to your current space. You ignore any icons along that path, and can
even teleport against the arrow of a one-way path.
R17 Trash
Some cards and tokens can cause you to trash a card. This removes the
chosen card from your deck entirely, which is a great thing to do to the
relatively weak cards that make up your starting deck. When you trash a
card, place it in the game box.
Note that trashing a card is not the same as destroying it! Trashing is not
permanent; at the end of the game, return a trashed card to the place it
originally came from (a player’s starting deck, the Adventure Deck, etc.),
to be used again in your next game.
Ending Your Turn and Dragon Attacks
Once you’ve played all of your cards and taken all the actions you wish for your turn, you simply declare the end of your turn. You then do the
following, in order:
Example Turn
The green player takes her turn by playing the following cards:
She carries out the text on her cards as she plays them, adding 1 Clank!
to the Clank! Area for her Stumble, then removing it when she plays
Fancy Disguise. (She has another -1 Clank! left over from Fancy Disguise,
which she could use later in the turn if she were to make more Clank!)
She has a total of three Boots. She uses two of them to move along two
separate paths, but then enters a Forest space. She can’t spend any more
Boots to move this turn, so she ignores her third Boot.
Because she is now on a Forest space, she can defeat a Dryad in the
Adventure Row. She uses her two Swords to do so, gaining 2 Skill
( from the Dryad’s DEFEAT text). She then places the monster in the
Adventure discard pile.
She now has a total of 5 skill (3 from the cards she played, and 2 more
from the Dryad she defeated). She uses her 5 Skill to acquire a Sales Call
from the Adventure Row, placing the card in her own discard pile.
(She has just acquired the card; she won’t get gold or Boots from it until
she reshuffles her discard pile, draws the card, and plays it.)
Having played all cards in her hand and used all the resources she
can, the green player announces the end of her turn. She has fulfilled
no Contracts this turn, so she just puts all the cards she played in her
discard pile, then draws five new cards for her next turn.
Next, it’s time to refill the Adventure Row. There are only four cards there after the green player’s turn, so two cards are now revealed
from the top of the Adventure Deck to fill the empty spaces. One has a Dragon Attack symbol, triggering an attack this turn.
All the cubes in the Clank! One cube is black; it is set aside,
Area are placed in the Dragon affecting no one. The second is green,
Bag. The Dragon Marker is so the green player takes 1 damage.
currently on the fifth space of The last two cubes are both yellow, so
the Rage Track, so four cubes the yellow player takes 2 damage.
are drawn from the bag.
During the campaign, the Book of Secrets will instruct you to take Contract cards from the Cardporium and place them in a Contracts row
(above the Reserve). Contract cards are used during the campaign to represent your work for Acquisitions Incorporated. They are never
shuffled into the Adventure Deck or into any player’s deck.
Some Contracts show a number at the top, matching the number of the Waypoint that brought
the Contract out of the Cardporium. This serves as a reminder that the story surrounding this
Contract is already in progress; you do not repeatedly read the Book of Secrets every time a
player enters the space with that number.
To complete a Contract, you are usually required to meet certain conditions and/or pay certain costs described in its text. Any player may do
this as specified, often at the end of their turn.
• Completing a Contract usually directs you to read a Passage from the Book of Secrets, and may give you some reward. Remember to
always read each Passage completely. If you stop in the middle to do something it tells you, make sure you go back and finish.
• Some Contracts present more than one way to complete them. You must choose just one of the options.
• Some Contracts can be completed only during a game on one particular side of the board: Overworld or Underworld. During setup, you
may put aside any Contracts that can’t be completed on the current side of the board, bringing them back in an appropriate future game.
• Some Contracts require you to travel to a particular space on the board. You may use the Waypoint destination tokens
to mark these spaces.
When a Contract card is complete, you may destroy it. You will never need it again.
Game End and Scoring
A game ends when all players have gone “off the clock.” There are two ways a player can do this:
You voluntarily go off the clock when you You’re involuntarily taken off the clock
escape. This happens when you arrive at the when you’re knocked out. This happens
HQ space with an artifact. when your Health Meter is full (as detailed
Finish taking the rest of your turn, then before in the Health and Damage section).
refilling the Adventure Row, remove your Lay your figure on its side.
figure from the board and all your Clank! cubes If you didn’t pick up an Artifact yet, or if
from the Clank! Area. Also take one of the your figure is in the Danger Zone of the
Mug tokens near the HQ space; it is worth an board, well… that’s bad for you. Instead
additional 20 points! of counting your score
as described below, you Danger
score 0 points. (There are
additional effects if you’re
playing the campaign; see the
End of a Campaign Game
Once a player is off the clock (by either means), they stop taking regular game turns. From then on, they add no more Clank! to the Clank! area.
Cards that affect all players don’t affect them. They take no damage from cubes drawn from the Dragon Bag. They neither draw nor play cards,
and they take no regular game actions.
Instead, whenever a turn comes for a player who is off the clock, they take all the cubes in the Clank! area and put them in the Dragon Bag.
They shake the bag up and, ignoring the Dragon Marker’s current space on the Rage Track and any additional Danger in the Adventure Row,
draw exactly four cubes (or, in a 2-player game, six cubes). Damage is taken just like in a Dragon Attack.
Once all players have gone off the clock, each player (who wasn’t knocked out in the Danger Zone) counts their score as follows:
R22 • R23
The player with the most points is the winner of this game and is declared your franchise’s Most Valuable Employee! (Until the start of your
next game, at least.) In the case of a tie, the tied player with the most valuable Artifact is the winner.
If you’re playing the campaign, continue to the End of a Campaign Game section on the next page.
End of a Campaign Game
When you finish playing most board games, you simply return all the components to the box and start over again next time you want to play. Because
CLANK! Legacy: Acquisitions Incorporated is a legacy game, there’s more to ending the game than just totaling scores and determining the winner.
During the campaign, complete the following steps at the end of each game.
Players keep no tokens of any kind from one game to the next. Return
2) Read Contracts and the Epilogue Passage any Gold, secrets, and other tokens to the general supply, including any
Check for any Contracts that have instructions for the end of the game, you set aside or put in the box during the game.
and do as they say.
Next, read aloud from the Book of Secrets the Epilogue Passage for
the game you just completed (as specified on the Mission Reports
document). Carry out any instructions the Passage gives you.
When you check off the first space of a new section of the track, you’ve
earned a promotion to a new Associate Status: Copper, Silver, or Gold!
Read the entry from the Book of Secrets indicated by the number you
checked off.
Note that if your promotion happens during a game, you have to wait for 6) Continue?
the paperwork to be processed. (You read from the Book of Secrets at You may choose to continue directly into the next game of the campaign.
the end of the game, during employee reviews.) If not, each player stores their starting deck in their deck box (along with
their Clank! cubes).
Any Contract cards still in the Contracts row are carried over into the
next game. You’ll place them on the board during the first step of Setup.
(If you’re storing the game for now, keep these Contracts with your
Reserve cards; you’ll find them when you’re setting up the game.)
This page details the steps you take at the end of a campaign
game. You should read it in full.
Taking Your Franchise on the Road
When Franchises Collide A Classic Adventure
In the course of the campaign, each copy of CLANK! Legacy: Acquisitions Once you have completed the campaign, it is possible to mix parts
Incorporated becomes as unique as the people playing it. Your choices of CLANK! Legacy: Acquisitions Incorporated with the original CLANK!
will result in a different board, a different mix of cards in the adventure A Deck-Building Adventure.
deck, and more. You can take your franchise on the road to a different You may use your completed Legacy game board and Franchise Board as
copy of the game, mixing your game board with a different Adventure an expansion for CLANK! Set up the components normally, but use the
Deck, your Franchise Board with a different Vault—whatever you can original CLANK! Dungeon Deck.
You may also choose to shuffle cards from the CLANK! Legacy:
Mixing copies of CLANK! Legacy: Acquisitions Incorporated is not Acquisitions Incorporated Adventure Deck into the original CLANK!
recommended until the campaign in both copies of the game is Dungeon Deck. Note that some elements of the Legacy game are not
completed, to preserve surprises in the story. But if you simply cannot present in the original, such as mystic fruit, wights, and Dran Agents.
wait, do not use the Book of Secrets! Ignore Waypoints, Contracts, If you play on an original CLANK! board, you may wish to exclude cards
and any other reference to ongoing story elements. Also, because referencing these elements.
you’re outside your assigned territory, you do not earn Checkmarks of
Grudging Approval. You can resume your campaign progress later, with Building Character
your copy of the game intact.
You can also add to the mix with CLANK! Character Packs: bite-sized
expansions that you can play with both CLANK! A Deck-Building
Adventure and CLANK! Legacy: Acquisitions Incorporated!
Break out the big wands with the Upper Management Pack! Play as
legendary adventurers Omin Dran, Jim Darkmagic, Viari, and Môrgæn —
with unique starting character decks and gorgeous collectible
miniatures. (Use during the campaign may result in mild narrative
inconsistency. Consult your alchemist.)
If you’d rather work your way up the corporate ladder, The “C” Team
Pack (coming Winter 2019) brings Walnut Dankgrass, Rosie Beestinger,
K’thriss Drow’b, and Donaar Blit’zen to the table — with more great
miniatures and character decks. They may not be Upper Management
material, but they’ll totally (probably) survive and, if not… hey, we’re
always hiring.
Game Design
Andy Clautice
Design Direction
Paul Dennen
Executive Producer
Scott Martins
Art and Graphic Design
Clay Brooks, Anika Burrell, Derek Herring,
Raul Ramos, Nate Storm, Alain Viesca
Card Illustration
Harvey Heinrich, Derek Herring, Kenan Jackson,
Eun Kyung, Samson Ledesma, Han Pyo Lee, Paul Medalla,
Melvin Quito, Raul Ramos, Hyung Sun, Man Suk, Alben Tan
Andy Clautice
Evan Lorentz, Tim McKnight
Additional Game Design and Game Development
Paul Dennen, Evan Lorentz, Tim McKnight, Kevin Spak
Field Reference Guide
Minor Secrets
Gold Dragon Egg Potion of Swiftness
Keep this token—it is worth 3 points at the end of the game. Use during your turn to gain 1 Boot.
Advance the rage level by one. (Keep until you use it, then return it to the box.)
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