David Pye - Practical Nitriding and Ferritic Nitrocarburizing (ASM)
David Pye - Practical Nitriding and Ferritic Nitrocarburizing (ASM)
David Pye - Practical Nitriding and Ferritic Nitrocarburizing (ASM)
and Ferritic Nitrocarburizing
David Pye
ASM International
Materials Park, Ohio 44073-0002
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Preface. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ix
PART 1 Nitriding
An Introduction to Nitriding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Metallurgical Considerations and Process Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . 1
The Pioneering Work of Machlet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Parallel Work in Europe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Developments in the United States . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Other Early Developments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Current Status of Nitriding Technology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Why Nitride? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Key Process Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Concluding Remarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
How Does the Nitriding Process Work? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
The Liberation of Nitrogen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Dissociation of the Gas at the Selected Nitriding Temperature . . . . . 25
Why Ammonia Is Used . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Distortion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Preheat Treatment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Microstructures of Nitrided Iron and Steel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Influence of Carbon on the Compound Zone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Controlling Compound Zone Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
What Happens Below the Compound Zone? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
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Furnace Equipment and Control Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Essential Furnace Design Criteria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Types of Nitriding Furnaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Insulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Determining Appropriate Furnace Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Retort Construction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Retort Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Sealing the Retort to Prevent Ammonia Leaks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Safety Precautions When Using Ammonia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
Furnace Heating . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Process Control and Instrumentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
Salt Bath Nitriding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
Salts Used and Process Advantages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
Types of Salt Bath Nitriding Processes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
Salt Bath Nitriding Equipment and Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
Using a New Salt Bath . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
Bath Replacement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
Bath Testing and Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
Bath Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
Operating the Salt Bath . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
Safety Precautions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
Design Parameters for Furnace Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
Control of the Compound Zone or White Layer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
A Test to Determine the Presence of the White Layer . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
Reduction of the Compound Zone by the Two-Stage Process . . . . . . 66
Other Methods for Controlling Compound Zone Formation . . . . . . . 67
Case Depth of Nitriding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
Ion Nitriding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
History of Ion Nitriding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
How the Ion Nitriding Process Works . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
Glow Discharge Characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
Process Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
Other Uses for Plasma Processing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
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Ion Nitriding Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
Nitriding in Fluidized Beds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
Distortion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119
Steels For Nitriding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
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Control of the Process Gas in Plasma Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . 139
Analysis by Photo Spectrometry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139
Analysis by Mass Spectrometry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140
Difficulties Associated with Gas Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141
Kinetic Studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142
Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142
Appendix: The Role of Sputtering in Plasma Nitriding . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142
Experimental Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145
Results and Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145
Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150
Processing with Nitriding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153
Hot-Work Tool Steels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153
High-Speed Steel Cutters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156
Gears . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158
Pure Irons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159
Low-Alloy Steels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160
Maraging Steels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160
Higher Alloyed Steels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161
Stop-Off Procedures for Selective Nitriding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163
Methods for Selective Gas Nitriding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163
Methods for Selective Salt Bath Nitriding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164
Methods for Selective Ion Nitriding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164
Examination of the Nitrided Case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167
Hardness Testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167
Etching of the Sample . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177
Safety Precautions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179
Optical Light Microscopy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180
Troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185
Gas Nitriding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185
Salt Bath Nitriding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187
Ion Nitriding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188
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What Is Meant by Ferritic Nitrocarburizing? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193
Process Benefits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193
Early History of Ferritic Nitrocarburizing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195
Why Ferritic Nitrocarburize? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198
Training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199
Salt Bath Ferritic Nitrocarburizing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201
Low-Cyanide Salt Bath Ferritic Nitrocarburizing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202
Salt Bath Nitrocarburizing plus Post Treatment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207
Kolene Nu-Tride Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208
Other Methods for Salt Bath Nitrocarburizing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217
Gaseous Ferritic Nitrocarburizing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219
Development of the Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219
Process Principles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220
Gaseous Supply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 221
Properties of Gaseous Ferritic Nitrocarburized Components . . . . . . 221
Industrial Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 222
Safety Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223
Appendix: Gaseous Nitrocarburizing—A Suitable Alternative
for the Heat Treatment of Automotive Crankshafts . . . . . . . . . . . . 223
Process Technique . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 224
Typical Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 227
Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 229
Equipment for Ferritic Nitrocarburizing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 231
Salt Bath Furnace Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 231
Atmosphere Furnace Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 233
Plasma-Assisted Furnace Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 233
Ferritic Oxynitrocarburizing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 238
Preparation for Ferritic Nitrocarburizing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 241
Gas Ferritic Nitrocarburizing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 241
Enhanced Plasma Cleaning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 243
Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 243
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Evaluating the Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 245
Case Depth Evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 245
Case Hardness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 245
What If the Formed Case Has Low Hardness Values? . . . . . . . . . . . 246
Corrosion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 249
Distortion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 249
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 251
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Usually one seeks out a career, and, although I chose my career, I never
realized how that choice was to impact my life. Although I chose heat
treatment as a career, I did not make a conscious choice for nitriding; the
subject of nitriding chose me.
In 1960, I was a final-year apprentice at DeHavilland Propellors,
Lostock, United Kingdom. My project with a colleague was to evaluate
the nitriding process for the DeHavilland Aircraft Group. It was at that
time that the subject of nitriding chose me.
No matter where I have been, in the United Kingdom, South Africa,
and now the United States, the subject of nitriding has followed me. Yet
each time that I have researched the subject, I have found very few
resource materials available. Unlike carburizing, for example, the subject
of nitriding has had very few reference books or “cook books” written on
the subject. A few books include a chapter or two on nitriding, and some
conference papers are available in proceedings volumes. Up to now, how-
ever, there has not been a practical “how to” or “why to” book available
on the subject.
In 1991, Rodney Allwood of the ASM Education Department urged me
to present a one-day class on nitriding and somehow got me to agree.
Despite feeling that I did not know enough to pull it off, to my surprise I
was able to put together the notes for that course. This was the foundation
for a book on nitriding. Mrs. Veronica Flint of the ASM Reference Publi-
cations Department challenged me to write such a book and, with her
tremendous patience and persistence, forced me to find the time to put pen
to paper.
Many books are dedicated to husbands, wives, children, or even dogs
and cats (we have 8!). I can only dedicate this book to the young heat treater
or metallurgist who is coming into the industry and to my colleagues who
have, without exception, given me tremendous encouragement.
I want to remember my colleagues in South Africa, where to a large
extent I learned my trade. Without that 20 years experience in South
Africa, I could not do what I am doing today. I also want to remember my
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Nitriding and ferritic nitrocarburizing in some ways can be seen as
Cinderella processes in comparison to the other surface modification
techniques, as it was around but often ignored. Though the begining of
nitriding can be traced to Adolph Machlet who applied for a patent in
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• Of the many nitriding methods, which one is for you? There are many
different and valid reasons for choosing each relevant nitriding
process technique, be it the reduction in thickness of the compound
zone, the elimination of the compound zone, deep case formation,
shallow case formation, high wear resistance, or corrosion resistance.
• Of the many different nitridable steels that can be chosen to manufac-
ture the component in question, which one should be chosen?
• What hardness should the steel have prior to nitriding?
• How much surface stock should be removed prior to nitriding, and
what problems are caused if the appropriate amount of stock is not
• Which furnace should be used?
• How should the process be controlled?
• How should the steel be prepared?
• How should the steel be handled after nitriding?
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David Pye
Pye Metallurgical Consulting Inc.
Meadville, PA
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An Introduction to
Fig. 1 Iron-nitrogen equilibrium diagram. The δ-phase, not shown on this dia-
gram, exists from 11.0 to 11.35% N at temperatures below approxi-
mately 500 °C (930 °F).
• Furnace temperature
• Process control (see discussion below)
• Time
• Gas flow
• Gas activity control
• Process chamber maintenance
All these factors help to reduce distortion during the process, with the
exception of induced residual stresses. Another benefit of nitriding is that
it acts as a stabilizing process by providing an additional temper to the
processed steel.
01_Nitriding.qxd 9/30/03 9:58 AM Page 3
Compound zone,
dual phase
Core material
and continued to develop both the new process and his understanding of
the resulting process metallurgy. The patent was for “The Nitrogenization
of Iron and Steel in an Ammonia Gas Atmosphere into which an Excess of
Hydrogen Has Been Introduced” (Ref 1).
Although Machlet’s development and patenting of the new nitriding
procedure was technologically important, his work remained largely
unrecognized and faded into obscurity. Even today, very few nitriding
practitioners know who he was and what he accomplished. Most metallur-
gists who are familiar with the nitriding process know the work of the
German researcher Adolph Fry, who is recognized as the “father of nitrid-
ing.” While Fry’s work was more publicized and his methods were taught
at many fine metallurgical academic institutions, it was Machlet who first
pioneered the nitriding process.
vanadium, and tungsten, all of which form what are known as “stable
He also discovered the critical nature of process temperature in terms of
case depth and surface metallurgy. Processing the steel at higher tempera-
tures placed the surface at risk to form what is known today as “nitride
networks” (a saturated solution of nitrogen in the immediate surface of the
formed case).
Because steels with higher alloy contents were not readily available for
nitriding, Fry became responsible for developing a group of steels for
Krupp known as the “Nitralloy” group. These steels, specifically designed
as nitriding steels, soon became internationally recognized. Even today
the Nitralloy steels are specified.
British Standard Nitriding Steels. Shortly thereafter in the late 1920s,
a company in Sheffield, England, also began work on developing a group
of nitriding steels under the licensed guidance of Krupp Steels. These
steels were also marketed under the brand name of Nitralloy. The com-
pany was Thomas Firth and John Brown Steelworks, more commonly
known as Firth Brown Steels. The steels from Firth Brown were known as
the “LK” group, designated by British Standard 970 as En 40 A, En 40 B,
En 40 C, En 41 A, and En 41 B. Developed for nitriding applications,
these were chromium-molybdenum steels (see Table 1 for chemical com-
positions). The En 41 series contained aluminum, which produced a much
higher surface hardness after nitriding. Aluminum has a strong affinity for
nitrogen, forming very hard aluminum nitrides that are quite stable in
amounts up to 1.0% Al. Much above 1.0%, aluminum has no effect on the
resultant nitriding hardness.
Differences Between the U.S. and German Processes. The princi-
pal differences between the process developed in the United States and
that developed in Germany were that:
• The U.S. process used hydrogen as a dilutant gas to control the nitrid-
ing potential of both the gas and steel, which in turn controlled the
final surface metallurgy.
• The Germans manipulated the process through alloying and improved
on such aspects as core hardness and tensile strength.
En 40 A 0.20–0.35 0.10–0.3 0.40–0.55 0.05 max 2.90–4.00 0.60–0.80 0.40 max ... ...
En 40 B 0.20–0.30 0.10–0.35 0.40–0.65 0.05 max 2.90–3.50 0.40–0.70 0.40 max 0.10–0.30 ...
En 40 C 0.30–0.50 0.10–0.35 0.40–0.80 0.05 max 2.90–3.50 0.70–1.20 0.40 max 0.10–0.30 ...
En 41 A 0.25–0.35 0.10–0.35 0.65 max 0.05 max 1.40–1.80 0.10–0.25 0.40 max ... 0.90–1.30
En 41 B 0.25–0.45 0.10–0.35 0.65 max 0.05 max 1.40–1.80 0.10–0.25 0.40 max ... 0.90–1.30
(a) The international designation for En 40 A, B, and C is 31 CrMoV 9. En 41 A and B are designated 34 CrAlMo 5. max, maximum
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They concluded that nitriding was much easier to control than carburizing.
They also found that the corrosion properties of low-alloy and alloy steels
were much improved while undergoing salt spray tests and that practically
any steel can be nitrided, including plain carbon steel and pure iron.
McQuaid and Ketcham were also the first early metallurgists to study
the white layer or compound zone. They concluded that the “white struc-
ture” is composed of a nitride, either iron nitrides or a complex nitride
layer, involving both iron and alloying elements. A further conclusion was
that the white layer or compound zone was extremely hard but very brittle
and that the layer should be avoided if possible (though no specific guide-
lines were offered). They also studied the effect of decarburization on
nitrogen diffusion and the mechanical strength of the nitrided case. Their
results showed that the steel to be nitrided should clearly be free of surface
decarburization; otherwise, the nitrided surface will exfoliate and peel
away from the substrate. They concluded that rough machining or some
other operation to ensure complete removal of any decarburized surface
layer should be performed before carrying out any nitride operation.
Robert Sergeson was associated with the research laboratories of the
Central Alloy Steel Corporation in Canton, Ohio. He presented a paper in
July 1929 that reviewed the work of Dr. Fry on steels containing
chromium, aluminum, molybdenum, vanadium, and tungsten (Ref 4).
In unison with McQuaid and Ketcham, Sergeson concluded that process
chemistry and process control in nitriding were much simpler than in car-
burizing. He also reviewed the effect of reheating on the case after nitriding
and found that, with increasing temperature, case hardness stability was
much better than for carburized and quenched alloy steel. He noted that the
surface hardness value for a chromium-aluminum steel began to decrease
at only 525 °C (1000 °F), and only slightly. He worked with many more
steels and compared the effect of temperature on both nitrided alloy steels
and carburized and quenched alloy steels, yielding similar results. The
process equipment that he used for his nitriding experiments was not
unlike many modern gas nitriding furnaces, despite their improved materi-
als of construction and computerized process control (Fig. 3).
Sergeson examined the effect of both temperature and process gas flow
on alloy steels and found that if the ammonia gas flow rate was increased
at 510 °C (950 °F), little difference resulted in the immediate surface
hardness and case depth. He also found that as process temperature
increased, case depth increased but surface hardness decreased.
His work covered alloy steels with chromium and aluminum and inves-
tigated the effects of varying aluminum and nickel contents. He concluded
that nickel was not a nitride-forming element, but that it tended to retard
01_Nitriding.qxd 9/30/03 9:58 AM Page 8
Furnace door
Exhaust ammonia
gas outlet tube
Nitride process
To atmosphere chamber
Process delivery
gas (ammonia) Process chamber
thermocouple tube
Ammonia gas
inlet tube
Load preparation
Vacuum process
vessel –
Work piece
Process gas
argon) +
Fig. 4 Simple schematic of the layout of an early plasma (ion) nitriding fur-
nace system
01_Nitriding.qxd 9/30/03 9:58 AM Page 11
Neon signs are a plasma glow, and “lumina storms” found in gift shops are
just a few of the many examples of plasma technology at work.
Why Nitride?
• High torque
• High wear resistance
• Abrasive wear resistance
• Corrosion resistance
• High surface compressive strength
Early on, the process did not gain much recognition in the United States
because of its moderate hardness values for plain carbon, cast iron, and
low-alloy steels. The very long nitriding process cycle times required to
reach the same case depths achieved by more conventional methods such
as carburizing were considered a disadvantage. For example, to achieve a
case hardening depth of 1.0 mm (0.040 in.), the nitriding process requires
90 h, compared to 4.5 h for carburizing (Fig. 1, 2).
As described in Chapter 1, the patent for gas nitriding was first applied
for by Adolph Machlet and was for the nitrogenization of iron and steel in
4.5 h
1475 800
90 h
925 495
Free cool
Fig. 2 Example of nitriding at 495 °C (925 °F), followed by free cooling, to pro-
duce a total case depth of 1.0 mm (0.040 in.) on a simple nitriding steel
2.5 h
1475 800
(a) Time
(b) Time
Pack Gas Salt Ion Gas Salt Ion Gas Salt Ion Pack Gas Pack Gas Salt Ion
Diffuses carbon Diffuses carbon Diffuses carbon Diffuses boron into Diffuses nitrogen
into the steel and nitrogen into nitrogen, sulfur, the steel surface into the steel
surface the steel surface oxygen Process surface
Process Process (individually temperatures Process
temperatures temperature or combined) into 1400-2000°F temperatures
1600-1950°F 1550-1650°F the steel surface (760-1095°C) 600-1020°F
(870-1065°C) (845-900°C) Process Case depth: (315-550°C)
Case depth: Case depth: temperatures shallow Case depth:
medium shallow 1050-1300°F shallow
Case depth:
• Temperature selection
• Gas dissociation
• Surface area of treated work
• Steel chemistry
• Quality and type of formed case that is required
1800 3270
1700 3090
1600 2910
1538°C 1495°C Solubility of
1500 Liquid graphite in 2730
(δ-Fe) liquid iron
1400 2550
1300 2370
4.26% 1227°C
1200 (γ-Fe) 2.08% 1154°C 2190
1100 2.11% 1148°C 4.30% 6.69% 2010
1000 Austenite Cementite 1830
0.68% (Fe3C)
912°C +
900 cementite 1650
800 1470
770°C 738°C
700 0.77% 1290
600 1110
500 930
Ferrite 400 Ferrite 750
300 cementite 570
200 390
100 210
0 30
Fe 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0
Carbon, wt%
Face centered
cubic structure
Additional carbon
dissolves into
Heating to high
Iron atoms
Carbon atoms
Room temperature
body centered cubic structure Room temperature
body centered tetragonal structure
Fig. 6 Crystal lattice changes that take place during high-temperature heat
treatment processes such as carburizing. Ferrite is bcc structure;
austenite, fcc; martensite, bct. Source: Ref 2
02_Nitriding.qxd 9/30/03 9:58 AM Page 18
the size of the lattice structure between the two phases of austenite and
martensite. Remember that austenite is an enforced condition in an alloy
carburizing steel, as is martensite. Martensite cannot be created without the
transformation from austenite by rapid cooling. Also, in order to form
martensite it is necessary to have carbon present in sufficient amounts when
the steel is rapidly cooled (Fig. 7). A rapid cooling rate is unnecessary for
nitrided steel after completion of the process cycle. The process chamber
free cools under the ammonia atmosphere down to a suitable temperature of
approximately 200 °C (400 °F) and then is purged with clean, dry nitrogen.
Unlike the ferritic nitrocarburizing, carbonitriding, and carburizing proce-
dures, the nitriding process does not involve a critical cooling rate.
Minimal Distortion. Distortion is one of the most persistent problems
facing heat treaters and engineers. Distortion manifests itself during the
final heat treatment process in the form of either:
14 atoms
(stres up
s reli
He at
(thermal shock)
Distortion can be minimized but not eliminated. Stresses are induced into
the steel through rolling and forging as well as machining procedures. These
induced stresses will be manifested at the final heat treatment (Fig. 8).
As steel is heated, the heat-up cycle becomes a stress relieving process,
and the stresses begin to be relieved from the steel. If distortion is to be
kept to a minimum, then it is necessary to introduce an interim stress-
relieving procedure after the preheat treatment and rough machining and
before the final machining and nitriding process. The stress relief process
will act as a stabilizing process on the final nitriding process. Another
method of stabilizing is to cryogenically treat the steel (particularly an
alloy or tool steel). This will transform any retained austenite into untem-
pered martensite that will be tempered by the nitriding process, ensuring
better dimensional stability during and after nitriding (Fig. 9). If the heat
treater exercises careful control over the heating rate during the heat-up
cycle, stress relieving can be minimized.
The reverse side of the coin becomes apparent after the appropriate
soaking period has been completed and it becomes necessary to cool the
steel rapidly, as during hardening of either a through-hardened steel or a
carburized or carbonitrided steel. Thermal stress patterns are then induced
into the steel due to geometric section changes, differential cooling rates,
and phase changes in the steel.
C oo h a s e
(no ange)
res e a t u
(Additional temper)
(Dimensionally stabilized if
( st
If one considers the cost of scrap due to distortion and time spent
straightening, nitriding is not an expensive process compared to carburiz-
ing. However, in terms of high-volume production requirements (e.g.,
automotive gears), nitriding does not always present a viable option.
The nitrided case usually exhibits greater dimensional stability simply
because there is no opportunity for retained austenite to form, as can occur
in carburizing and quenching. Over time, retained austenite will decom-
pose to untempered martensite. In carburizing, retained austenite will
leave mixed phases in the formed case, which can lead to dimensional
instability. The nitriding process does not promote dimensional instability.
It also acts as a stress relieving procedure.
However, growth most certainly takes place during the nitriding process,
due primarily to the diffusion of nitrogen into the steel surface. The amount
of growth is influenced by:
• Time
• Temperature
• Steel chemistry
• Gas flow
• Gas dissociation
• Steel surface condition prior to the nitriding process
• Surface metallurgy (compound layer thickness)
• Total case depth
ments with an affinity for nitrogen and which form stable nitrides. A
surface-treated steel often is considered inadequate if a high hardness
value has not been achieved.
Pure iron and low-alloy steels will nitride. However, they will exhibit
maximum hardness values of about 35 HRC (by gas nitriding). In the
early days of process development, Fry developed the Nitralloy group of
special alloy steels that produce high hardness values after nitriding. The
Nitralloy steels contain alloying elements such as chromium, molybde-
num, vanadium, tungsten, and aluminum.
Because these steels tended to be more expensive than the more con-
ventional case hardening steels, reluctance toward their use quickly devel-
oped. This attitude began to dissipate once larger lots of these steels were
produced and their benefits (minimal growth and distortion, high hard-
ness) were recognized.
The high hardness values achieved in the Nitralloy steels are due to the
affinity of the alloying elements to form stable nitrides at designated
process temperatures. The resulting hardness value is a function of the
amount of these elements present. Considerably higher hardness values
are exhibited with steels containing up to approximately 1 to 3% Al.
Above 3%, there is no effect on hardness.
Although this discussion has centered on the Nitralloy steels, steels that
contain the same elements either individually or collectively will nitride.
This includes stainless steels, tool steels, and alloy steels.
Resistance to Oxidation. Compared to steels that have undergone tra-
ditional case hardening techniques, nitrided steels offer improved corro-
sion and oxidation resistance. The nitrided surface of an alloy steel or tool
exhibits increased resistance to saltwater corrosion, moisture, and water.
However, this does not apply to stainless steels; in fact, their resistance to
corrosion will be reduced. This is because chromium has an affinity for
oxygen, readily forming chrome oxide on the stainless steel surface. The
chrome oxide acts as a barrier to nitriding. For diffusion to occur, the sur-
face must be passivated, thus reducing corrosion resistance.
Although nitriding improves the corrosion properties of alloy steels, the
improvement is not permanent. Surface degradation or pitting will even-
tually occur, albeit not as rapidly as might occur had the steel not been
The core properties of nitrided alloy steels usually do not change, but
this does not apply to lower-alloy steels. Nitriding normally is performed
at a temperature below that of the final tempering temperature of the steel
after the prehardening sequence.
Care must be taken during the prehardening and tempering procedure to
minimize surface decarburization; any surface decarburization must be
removed prior to nitriding. It is usually good practice to have an adequate
core hardness value in order to support the final nitrided case and a tem-
pered martensite core.
02_Nitriding.qxd 9/30/03 9:58 AM Page 22
Concluding Remarks
The nitriding process was first put to commercial use in the automotive
industry on transmission gears, particularly spiral bevel pinions and spiral
bevel gears because of their natural tendency to try to “straighten” at the
heat treatment process temperature. These types of gears were notorious
for distortion on the gear teeth. Current spiral bevel machining design
practice is to cut distortion into the gear. This technique requires an inti-
mate knowledge of the steel combined with extremely good control of the
heat treatment process.
Nitriding has become more widely accepted because of its ability to
serve many applications that previously were not considered possible or
even worthwhile. Engineers and metallurgists use nitriding creatively,
making it a viable and commercially acceptable process. As our under-
standing of the benefits associated with the process evolves, nitriding will
continue to grow in use and popularity.
1. D. Pye, Diffusion Surface Treatment Techniques: A Review, Ind.
Heat., March 2001, p 39–44
2. K.G. Budinski, Diffusion Processes, Surface Engineering for Wear
Resistance, Prentice Hall, 1988, p 78–119
03_Nitriding.qxd 9/30/03 9:59 AM Page 23
How Does the
Nitriding Process Work?
• Nitrogen source
• Heat
• Time
• Steel composition
In gas nitriding the nitrogen source is almost always derived from the
decomposition (or dissociation) of ammonia gas supplied via an external
bulk storage system or individual bottles connected to a manifold (Fig. 1).
Ammonia gas begins to decompose when heat is applied, usually from
an external source within the furnace. At the usual nitriding temperatures
of 500 to 570 °C (930 to 1060 °F), ammonia is in an unstable thermo-
dynamic state and decomposes in the following manner:
Typically, three reactions take place at the steel surface when the steel is
at the set process temperature:
NH3 → 3H + N (Eq 2)
2N → N2 (Eq 3)
2H → H2 (Eq 4)
Orthorhombic zeta (ζ), Fe2N, forms at temperatures below 500 °C (930 °F)
and nitrogen contents exceeding 11 wt%—conditions that are not used in
nitriding practice.
The process of the smaller nitrogen atoms passing between the iron-
base crystals as heat is applied up to a suitable process temperature is
known as “interstitial diffusion.” This process is shown schematically in
Fig. 2.
03_Nitriding.qxd 9/30/03 9:59 AM Page 25
Fig. 2 Schematic of interstitial diffusion during the nitriding process. The work
is heated to the nitriding temperature with ammonia flowing into the
retort. The ammonia gas dissociates to nitrogen and hydrogen at the part surface.
The nitrogen diffuses into the work in atomic form, and the hydrogen becomes a
part of the furnace atmosphere.
which occurs at the boundary layer. The nitrogen activity, which is the
driving force in the mass transfer, can be calculated according to (Ref 3):
aN = KN (Eq 6)
where KN is the equilibrium constant of nitrogen, and pNH3 and p3/2H are the
partial pressures of ammonia and hydrogen, respectively.
The nitrogen transfer is comparatively low, and the release of hydrogen
from the ammonia molecules determines the process rate. Therefore, as
mentioned earlier, nitriding times are rather long, up to 120 h.
03_Nitriding.qxd 9/30/03 9:59 AM Page 26
Np = (Eq 7)
Do not be misled into thinking that the nitriding process causes abso-
lutely no distortion. It is a question of the definition of distortion. Distor-
tion resulting from the nitriding process takes the form of uniform growth
Fig. 3 Illustration of the growth in volume due to nitriding. The amount of growth
will be determined by the time at the selected process temperature.
03_Nitriding.qxd 9/30/03 9:59 AM Page 28
• Steel chemistry
• Gas dissociation or gas ratios
• Process temperature selection
• Time at process temperature which influences the thickness of the
compound layer
Distortion (twisting and bending that leads to shape change) can result
Preheat Treatment
The steel must be preheated to establish core properties that will sup-
port the nitrided case during its operation. If the core is not preheat treated
and is left in, for example, the annealed condition, nitriding will be very
difficult to accomplish. Even if it were possible to nitride an annealed
steel, the workpiece would not perform well within its operating environ-
ment simply because a load on the case could exceed the core strength of
the steel. This is one of the reasons why it is necessary to preheat treat the
steel (harden and temper to produce tempered martensite).
Annealed steel is in the ferritic condition; that is, the atomic structure of
the ferrite phase is in the bcc lattice structure. On heating the steel for the
hardening operation, the phase will change to austenite, which is a 14-atom
fcc lattice configuration (see Fig. 6 and 7 in Chapter 2). On quenching for
the hardening operation, the lattice structure changes to that of martensite,
which has reverted back to a 9-atom structure, but now in the bct configu-
ration. This now means that the steel is in the phase of fresh martensite,
which is its most unstable condition. The steel now must be tempered to
reduce the core hardness back to the appropriate hardness value that will
best support the nitrided case during operation.
03_Nitriding.qxd 9/30/03 9:59 AM Page 29
Microstructures of
Nitrided Iron and Steel
Compound zone,
dual phase
Core material
Fig. 2 Typical nitrided case structure showing the white layer (top), the diffu-
sion zone, and the core below the diffusion zone. Source: Ref 1
Fig. 5 The metallographic appearance of AISI 1015 (UNS G10150) steel after
a 2 h vacuum nitrocarburizing treatment in an ammonia/methane mix-
ture with 1% oxygen addition
04_Nitriding.qxd 9/30/03 10:03 AM Page 36
Furnace Equipment and
Control Systems
• Overpressure circulation
• Internal fan circulation
(a) (b)
Heating bell
Cooling bell
Heating elements
Work support
Ammonia supply
Circulating fan
Oil seal
Bell-type furnace with heating bell Bell-type furnace with cooling bell
Fig. 3 Schematic of bell-type furnace containing an internal fan for gas circulation
05_Nitriding.qxd 9/30/03 10:04 AM Page 42
The only restriction is that the furnace should have a method of isolat-
ing the process gas from the shop environment. This is accomplished by
processing the work in a sealed (gastight) furnace or in a sealed process
retort or chamber.
A furnace that is repeatedly heated up and down through a temperature
range both uses and loses energy. As much of the energy (heat) as possible
needs to be contained within the process chamber, and external heat losses
need to be kept to a safe working minimum temperature. Therefore, the
furnace must be insulated.
Insulation for the reduction of furnace heat losses can take the form of:
furnace that in 1963 was converted into a nitriding furnace, with new
refractory brick and heating elements added. The furnace is still in opera-
tion 40 years later, with no further element or refractory replacement. If
the refractory lining and heating elements are subjected to mechanical
damage, of course, then their life expectancy will be reduced. However,
unless a nitriding furnace is subjected to poor mechanical handling, it
requires low maintenance.
Energy Costs. The quality and thickness of the insulation will deter-
mine the energy cost of the cycle. The insulation design should take into
account heat losses to the outer furnace casing and the insulation thickness
and quality. Higher quality insulation may have a higher initial cost, but
that cost will be recovered in lower operating costs.
• Part design: Is the part a tooling item, dies for pressure die casting, or
production work?
• Part loading: How large are the parts to be treated, and what is the
maximum load that is to be charged into the process chamber? This is
important, as it will determine the heat/energy requirements for the
furnace, chamber, and load.
• Frequency of operation: Will the furnace be operated on a jobbing basis
or will there be guaranteed loads with regular frequency of loading?
• Furnace availability: Will the furnace be used for other operations
such as tempering, subcritical annealing, or stress relieving?
Retort Construction
Steels. Heat-resistant type 309 or 310 stainless steel is quite suitable as
a retort material. The most satisfactory material is Inconel; however, it is
expensive. The primary requirement is that the material must not catalyze
ammonia dissociation at the internal surfaces of the process chamber.
Materials that fall into this category are mild or plain carbon steel, and
types 302 and 304 stainless steel.
If used for the process chamber, mild steels and plain carbon steels will
draw away the nitriding reaction from the workpiece surface to the point
that minimal nitriding, if any, will take place. They also lack the necessary
mechanical strength at the process operating temperature, quickly distort-
ing and failing prematurely. Types 302 and 304 stainless steel also lack
mechanical strength and will distort, as well as deteriorate rapidly on the
inside due to corrosion resulting from the breakdown of surface chrome
oxide caused by the nitriding reaction.
Temperature-resistant glass, in theory, is probably the best retort con-
struction material because of its nonreactive nature with ammonia gas.
05_Nitriding.qxd 9/30/03 10:04 AM Page 44
Retort Maintenance
Even if stainless steel or Inconel is used, the retort will not be mainte-
nance free. No matter what the material of construction, the internal retort
walls require a periodic program of regeneration.
Regeneration of the retort is necessary when gas dissociation becomes
difficult to control and when workpieces exhibit inconsistent metallurgical
results. This indicates that the free nitrogen is reacting with the internal
walls of the process chamber, due to deterioration of their chrome oxide
surfaces. Regneration is simply accomplished by heating the empty
process chamber to about 900 °C (1650 °F) and holding at that tempera-
ture for a few hours. This procedure will “burn” out the nitrogen and cause
the chrome to oxidize, thus forming chrome oxide. After the process
chamber cools, the surfaces are cleaned by either shot-blasting or sand-
blasting. The frequency of regeneration correlates with retort usage and
will vary from plant to plant. Once every 3 to 5 years is typical.
Trays and fixtures require the same considerations as the process retort
in terms of construction materials and maintenance. Each time the nitride
operation is run, the trays and fixtures are exposed to the atmosphere and
the process temperature. Therefore, a planned maintenance procedure
must be in place in terms of crack repair to support webs on the trays.
Nitriding Retort
Gas Inlet
Gas Outlet
Fan Motor
Nitriding Furnace
Fig. 4 Nitriding process retort with a seal that fits on the retort flange
of dense white ammonium sulfide smoke will appear at any leak source.
Tighten the appropriate studs or ensure that the clamps are secure, and
check the integrity of the seal once again.
Furnace Heating
A furnace can be heated electrically or by natural gas. The choice of
heating medium depends on:
• Workload weight
• Total weight of the process chamber
• Total weight of the fixtures and work support materials
Bear in mind that the calculation is for the energy input only and does
not account in any way for heat losses through the furnace insulation or
through apertures such as seals, thermocouple holes, fan-drive shaft holes,
or any other aperture.
The calculation for gas heating energy requirements for gross
workload is (Ref 4):
Once again, the calculated value refers only to the energy required to heat
the furnace in 1 h. To heat in 1 h may be both costly and impractical, mak-
05_Nitriding.qxd 9/30/03 10:04 AM Page 49
Temperature Control
Temperature control is best achieved with a thermocouple attached to
the workpiece, or placed as close to the workpiece as possible. After deter-
mination of the number of control zones, the furnace will require at least
two thermocouples per zone: a set-point temperature thermocouple and an
over-temperature thermocouple. The over-temperature thermocouple is
necessary to prevent temperature overshoots and furnace temperature
“runaways.” If the over-temperature thermocouple is removable, always
remember to reload it.
Fitting a Load Thermocouple into the Retort. A hole is cut into the
retort and a pipe with a single gastight sealed end is welded into place in
the box. The thermocouple is inserted into the open end of the tube. The
05_Nitriding.qxd 9/30/03 10:04 AM Page 50
tube should extend as far as necessary into the retort to show the best tem-
perature control point during the process cycle. The thermocouple should
be calibrated for the control instrument electromagnetic field (EMF)
(2NH3 + H2 + N2)
Of the above three gases, only ammonia is soluble in water, to the point that
water will absorb as much as 70 times its own volume of ammonia (Ref 6).
The simple method of measuring the dissociation is to use a pipette
(burette) as shown in Fig. 5. To make a measurement, the ammonia gas in
the nitriding box is first admitted into A by opening taps C and D. After the
air has been expelled, taps C and D are closed. During the measurement,
tap E is opened and the water immediately absorbs the undissociated
ammonia. The water takes up precisely the volume previously occupied
by the ammonia, but the remaining N2-H2 gas (dissociated ammonia) does
not dissove in water.
This is a simple and effective method of measuring the gas dissociation.
Other methods include using an oxygen-measuring unit and recalibrating
to feed in percent dissociation of ammonia or hydrogen.
The rate of dissociation at which the process should operate is usually
around 30%. This, of course, will depend on whether a single-stage or
Water B
0 0 0
E N2 + H 2
25 N2 + H 2 25 25
C N2 + H 2
NH3 + N2 + H2
50 50 50
H2 O
75 H2 O 75 75
H 2O
A 100 100 100
25% 50% 75%
Nitriding Sensors
Development of the nitriding sensor has significantly contributed to
nitriding process control (Ref 8, 9). This system has been designed using
the principle of a solid-state electrolyte, measuring variations in the
magnetic and electrical properties of a steel as temperature increases and
surface chemistry changes. The sensor is placed in the furnace process-
ing chamber and then calibrated according to the desired nitriding result,
the parameters of the parts being treated, and the surface area of the
The control system allows the technician to control the thickness of the
compound layer and case depth. If water vapor or oxygen is present within
the nitriding atmosphere, the oxygen partial pressure can be used as an
indirect measure of the nitriding potential of the process atmosphere. The
resulting generated signal from the sensor indicates the partial pressure of
the oxygen and the degree of dissociation occurring. Initial part clean-
liness is essential, because any surface contamination will affect the sen-
sor results.
1. Gas Nitriding, Heat Treating, Cleaning, and Finishing, Vol 2, 8th ed.,
Metals Handbook, American Society for Metals, 1964, p 149–163
2. “Safety Requirements for the Storage and Handling of Anhydrous
Ammonia,” ANSI K61.1, American National Standards Institute
3. G. Totten, G.R. Garsombke, D. Pye, and R.W. Reynoldson, Heat
Treatment Equipment, Steel Heat Treatment Handbook, G.E. Totten
and M.A.H. Howes, Ed., Marcel Dekker, 1997, p 293–482
4. D. Pye, “Understanding Nitriding and Ferritic Nitro Carburizing,”
course notes, Pye Metallurgical Consulting
5. J. Grosch, Heat Treatment with Gaseous Atmospheres, Steel Heat
Treatment Handbook, G.E. Totten and M.A.H. Howes, Ed., Marcel
Dekker, 1997, p 663–720
05_Nitriding.qxd 9/30/03 10:04 AM Page 52
Salt Bath Nitriding
• Preheating
• Immersion into the molten salt bath
• Cooling in still air or a suitable quench medium
• Postwashing
• Optional polishing or oiling
The surface finish produced by the process is usually matte black, which
is corrosion resistant.
Because of emerging environmental concerns, Degussa pioneered the
use of a low-cyanide salt. Kolene Corporation developed a low-cyanide
06_Nitriding.qxd 9/30/03 10:07 AM Page 55
salt process, now known as the Melonite process (Ref 2), which offered an
alternative to the Tufftride process. The process uses a cyanide-free salt,
the composition of which is specified under the SAE designation AMS
2753. Another derivative of the Melonite process by Degussa is known as
the QPQ (“Quench-Polish-Quench”) process (QPQ is a trademark of the
Kolene Corp.).
Both the Melonite process and the QPQ process require the part to be
quenched into a molten oxidizing bath to neutralize any residual cyanide
that might be present. After the quench procedure, the part is mechanically
polished, followed by a further resurface oxidation process.
Fig. 1 Principal furnace types for liquid salt bath nitriding. (a) and (b) Exter-
nally heated. (c) and (d) Internally heated, with immersed alloy elec-
trodes and metal liner or submerged electrodes with ceramic tile lining
Fig. 2 Ferritic nodular iron, salt bath nitrided 90 min at 580 °C (1075 °F), oxi-
dizing molten salt quenched. 500×, nital etch. Courtesy of Kolene Corp.
to 455 °C (825 to 850 °F). This will cause precipitation of the carbonate,
which can then be scooped out as sludge from the bottom of the bath.
The salts do not last indefinitely. If used on a daily basis, the bath
should be discarded once every 3 to 31/2 months and replaced with a new
bath. Again, care must be taken to age the new bath.
Bath Replacement
The bath is ready for replacement if it is becoming difficult to maintain
a cyanate level around 25% or if signs of corrosion are evident on the steel
surface. Be careful not to confuse the corrosion with that caused by post-
washing of the steel.
The cyanide to cyanate control level is not the same for all steels
processed through the nitriding bath and will vary for various steels. Sodium
cyanide (NaCN) levels are normally maintained as follows:
Analysis Procedure
The procedure for performing the analysis consists of eight steps:
1. Sampling the liquid nitriding bath: Plunge a clean, dry steel rod into
the molten operating bath and remove immediately. A film of salt will
freeze and adhere to the rod. Scrape off and collect about 10 g in a
clean mortar. Crush to a fine powder.
2. Measuring sample: Measure out 1 g. Transfer the sample from the
spoon to the 250 mL glass beaker and fill to the halfway mark with
distilled water, preferably warm.
3. Dissolving sample: It is preferable to bring the solution to a gentle
boil; however, it can be dissolved by stirring. Add a small pinch of
lead carbonate (1/4 to 1/2 g). Disregard the small amount of black
residue. Allow the solution to settle or precipitate the lead sulfide
4. Decanting (satisfactory for ordinary shop practice): Permit the solu-
tion to settle for 5 to 10 min until all solids precipitate to the bottom of
the beaker. Decant the clear liquid into the second beaker and proceed
with titration.
5. Filtration (for maximum accuracy): Filter through 11 cm No. 2 What-
man filter paper or the equivalent. To the filtrated solution, add 3 or 4
drops of indicating solution (10% KI).
6. Operation of the burette: By pressing the bulb, you automatically fill
the burette. The burette will always fill to the zero mark and any
excess will return to the bottle. The tube should always be filled before
each test. Pressing the inch clamp will release the chemical reagent
through the glass delivery tip into the beaker.
7. Titration: Titrate by slowly adding the chemical reagent solution from
the burette until the contents of the beaker turn cloudy. At first, a slight
discoloration or cloudiness may form. Ignore this. Continue titrating
until the solution is entirely cloudy and opalescent (resembling the
color of yellow lemonade). This is the “end point.”
8. Determining % NaCN in the bath (1 g sample): The reading on the
graduated burette is the percentage of NaCN in the salt bath tested.
The following formula can then be used to determine the sodium carbon-
ate percentage:
where VHCl and VNaOH are the volumes in mL and sample weight is meas-
ured in grams. The normality of a solution is the number of gram equiva-
lent weights of solute per liter.
Sodium Cyanate. The procedure for determination of sodium cyanate
in the bath consists of the following steps:
• Distill off 150 to 200 mL of liquid, disconnect, and wash down the
condenser with ammonia-free distilled water.
• Titrate the distillate with standard N/10 (0.1 N ) hydrochloric acid.
The following formula can then be used to determine the sodium cyanate
Bath Maintenance
Maintenance of the salt bath and related equipment is critical and quite
simple. The procedures can be broken down into daily, weekly, and monthly
activities (Ref 1):
Daily maintenance consists of:
• Analyzing the bath for cyanide and cyanate content at the start of each
• Checking that the temperature control instrument is in proper working
• Checking the cleanliness of the bath by using a perforated scoop and
desludging the bath before the start of the shift
• Checking the cleanliness of the bath around the top (that is, the part
above salt level)
• Removing the salt pot and checking the integrity of the external sur-
faces, especially if the salt bath is gas fired. Watch for signs of excess
scale and “ballooning” at the bottom of the pot, which means that the
pot wall is thinning and the salt is too heavy for the pot at that wall
• Checking the gas burner train if the nitride bath is gas fired. Make sure
that the burner train linkages are secure and that modulating valves (if
fitted) are operational.
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• Determining that the burner ignition system is operational and that the
flame rod is clean
• Checking that no traces of nitriding salt are present on the cleanout
• Checking that the elements are fully immersed if the furnace is electri-
cally heated using an immersed heating element
• Checking that the elements show no signs of deterioration or indica-
tions of hot spots if using an externally heated salt bath. Deterioration
of the elements is easy to see.
• Checking that the ammeter phases are in balance. If there is an imbal-
ance, the elements should be checked for uniform wear or potential
Safety Precautions
Safety precautions are as important with low-temperature salts as with
high-temperature salts (Ref 3). Some of the more important considera-
tions are:
• Make sure that secure storage is available for the storage of cyanide-
based salts.
• Do not allow unauthorized persons access to cyanide-based salts.
• Keep a logbook of salt usage.
Control of the
Compound Zone or
White Layer
With the exception of plain low-carbon steels, most steels can be satisfac-
torily ion nitrided. The surface metallurgy will be filled with iron nitrides.
The principles of the ion nitriding process are discussed in Chapter 8.
• Time
• Temperature
• Gas composition
• Steel analysis
• Steel surface condition
case depth? In the late 1930s and early 1940s, F.E. Harris determined a
simple formula for the effect of diffusion at temperature (Ref 7). The for-
mula is based on the square root of time at a particular temperature multi-
plied by a factor for that temperature:
where the case depth is in inches, t is in hours, and K is found in the fol-
lowing table:
°C °F Temperature factor (K)
460 865 0.00150
470 875 0.00155
475 885 0.00172
480 900 0.00195
500 930 0.00210
510 950 0.00217
515 960 0.00230
525 975 0.00243
540 1000 0.00262
Ion Nitriding
• Plasma nitriding
• Glow discharge nitriding
• Plasma ion nitriding
The plasma technique arrived in the United States during the 1950s.
One of the first U.S. companies to recognize the usefulness of the process
was General Electric. G.E. engineers Dr. Claude Jones, Derek Sturges,
and Stuart Martin successfully investigated the glow discharge method of
nitriding and were able to use the process on a wide variety of materials
and components (Ref 2).
In Germany, the work of Wehnheldt and Berghaus led to formation of
the company Klockner Ionen, which commercialized the process. The
company designed and built ion nitriding equipment, and licensed other
international companies to build the equipment and develop the process
as well.
During the mid-1970s, scientists at the University of Aachen in Ger-
many worked on better methods of controlling the glow discharge and
other associated phenomena such as arc discharging. The procedure
developed at Aachen was that of pulsed dc current technology, which sim-
ply means interrupted power to the point of power shutdown. This tech-
nique offered many advantages to process engineers in terms of control of
the nitriding procedure.
Fig. 1 Influence of pressure on the glow discharge. (a) A sealed glass tube con-
taining a gas at normal atmospheric temperature and pressure (100 kPa,
or 15 psi) conducts an electrical current. The gas glows brightly but does not
release much usable energy. (b) At low pressure, for example, (0.013 Pa, or 2 ×
10–6 psi), very few gas molecules exist and collide infrequently, releasing low
energy. The glow appears almost like a fog. (c) At higher pressure, say 1.3 to 13 Pa
(2 × 10–4 to 2 × 10–3 psi), the gas molecules move freely and impact frequently,
releasing usable plasma energy that glows brightly and crisply.
Fig. 2 Paschen curve showing the relationship between voltage and current
and the various glow discharge characteristics
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The blind hole depth can equal four diameters. This ratio will follow for
small holes down to a diameter of approximately 4 mm (1/8 in.). However,
the ratio will double if the hole is a straight-through hole to:
A through-hole depth may equal eight diameters. The ratio is valid for
small hole penetrations, but for large holes from 50 mm (2 in.), the rule
will not apply; the glow seam can be “forced” down the hole by the
adjustment of pressure. It is in this region of abnormal glow that plasma
nitriding takes place and where ideal conditions exist.
Arc Discharge Region. As the current density increases, a noticeable
increase in the voltage drop will occur, causing an appreciable increase in
the power density at the work surface. As power density increases, the
temperature of the steel work surface rises to the point of serious over-
heating, resulting in metallurgical problems such as grain growth, local-
ized melting, and pitting. As the power intensity builds, the potential for
an arc will occur. This arc, visible through the process chamber sight
glass, looks like a lightning strike.
Process Control
Process parameters requiring good control are:
• Current density
• Power
• Process chamber pressure
• Gas composition
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• Plasma-assisted nitriding
• Plasma-assisted ferritic nitrocarburizing
• Plasma-assisted carbonitriding
• Plasma-assisted carburizing
2NH3 = N2 + 3H2
N2 + H2
Because the gases are not in a combined form, the metallurgist is able to
vary the nitriding potential by varying the proportions of the individual
gases. By varying the hydrogen-to-nitrogen ratio of the elemental gases, the
compound zone (white layer) formation can be controlled. When the nitro-
gen gas is introduced into the process chamber, the gas will be ionized:
e– → N2 = N– + N
Gas Ratios
When ammonia gas is decomposed under heat, it will decompose into
the following elemental gas ratios (Fig. 3):
1 Nitrogen : 3 Hydrogen
2NH3 ←→ N2 + 3H2
This formula for ammonia shows three hydrogen molecules to one nitrogen
molecule, and the ratio is a fixed ratio. If the ratio of nitrogen gas to hydro-
gen gas is varied, any ratio can be selected to create any particular surface
metallurgy. The ratio can be a low nitrogen to hydrogen ratio, or a high
nitrogen to hydrogen ratio, depending on the surface metallurgy require-
ments. In other words, a fixed gas chemistry produces a fixed surface metal-
lurgy, and a variable gas chemistry allows a variable surface metallurgy.
Variable gas proportions permit creation of the appropriate surface met-
allurgy that will best suit both the application and the steel being processed.
This means that metals such as the following can be treated with ease:
• Low-carbon steels
• Pure iron
• Austenitic stainless steels
• Martensitic stainless steels
• Powder metallurgy ferrous materials
• High-strength low-alloy (HSLA) steels
• Tool steels
• Refractory metals
e– → N2 = N+ + N + 2e–
Reaction 2. Iron and other contaminants are removed from the surface
of the work by an action known as sputtering. The impact of the nitrogen
ions bombarding the work surface dislodges the contaminants, which are
removed by the vacuum pumping system. Contaminant removal can be
loosely described as atomic cleaning and allows nitrogen to diffuse into
the work surface:
Sputtered Fe + N = FeN
blasting where the carrier medium is the air blast and the cleaning medium
is the steel shot. In this instance the gas ion is like the steel shot, and the
electrical imbalance is like the air blast. The surface becomes atomically
Reaction 4. At the work surface the breakdown of FeN begins under
the influence of continual plasma bombardment. The plasma causes insta-
bility of the FeN, which begins to break down into the ε-phase, followed
by the γ′-phase and an iron/nitrogen compound zone (Fig. 4):
FeN → Fe2N + N
Fe2N → Fe3N + N (ε-phase)
Fe3N → Fe4N + N (γ′-phase)
Fe4N → Fe + N (iron/nitrogen compound zone)
Fig. 4 Glow discharge ion nitriding mechanisms (Koelbel’s models). Note the
voltage profile on top. The potential drop is greatest near the workpiece
so this is where the ions have the most kinetic energy and this is where the
plasma will glow brightest.
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Thus, if one can control the reactions at the steel surface, one can con-
trol the surface metallurgy. Hardness profiles show control of the forma-
tion of the compound zone and the diffusion zone.
Surface Stability
Each of the surface layers achieves excellent dimensional stability sim-
ply because the temperature to generate plasma is not dependent upon a
conventional heat source. The plasma energy is the heat source, and the
process temperature can be adjusted to suit the steel by manipulation of
plasma voltage and pressure. However, use of a lower process tempera-
ture will extend the cycle time for diffusion.
Fig. 6 Chipping at the pressure point of a gear tooth. Courtesy of Pye Metal-
lurgical Consulting, Inc.
Fig. 8 Cross section through an extrusion die. (a) Bearing face and relief
clearance area. (b) Aluminum billet for extrusion against the die face,
which is soft in the core. Side A will compress and crack; B will stretch and tear
on the case.
been done. Therefore, the thinner the compound zone (to the point of
elimination), the more ductile the steel and the better its fatigue properties.
Ion nitriding allows control of the thickness of the compound zone.
Process Gases
Metallurgical-grade nitrogen and high-purity hydrogen are the gases
primarily used for ion nitriding. Argon can be used, but only to assist in
component cleaning (known as sputter cleaning) before the nitriding
sequence. Methane can also be used to deliver controlled amounts of car-
bon to influence control of the ε-phase in the compound zone. Once again,
care should be exercised in using methane; too much carbon can actively
promote a dominant ε compound phase.
Accurate control of the gas delivery into the process retort ensures
accurate control of the nitriding metallurgy. Precise metering of each gas
is accomplished by mass flow controllers.
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Process Parameters
In conventional gas nitriding, time, temperature, and dissociation (or
salt analysis for salt bath nitriding) are the key process parameters that
must be controlled. In ion nitriding, the control parameters include:
• Time
• Temperature
• Pressure
• Current density
• Amperage
• Voltage
• Gas flow
• Gas ratio
Fig. 10 Pulsed dc plasma showing Pmax, Pmin, and Ptemp (where P = power) in
relation to power input versus time. Note that the voltage can be
adjusted, as can the duration of the pulse. Courtesy of Plateg USA
Here are a few of the advantages of the plasma generation technique for
• Repeatable metallurgy
• Ability to treat almost any steel
• Ease of selective nitriding
• Low-maintenance equipment
The oxynitriding process has grown in popularity over the past two
decades, especially in pulsed plasma nitride processing. The pulsed
plasma nitride unit offers the capability of a controlled backfill of mois-
ture in the form of either a vapor or oxygen-bearing gas. The purpose of
the oxynitriding process is to form a controlled oxide layer on the surface
of the treated steel. Once the oxide barrier has been formed, there is a
resistance to corrosion. The degree of corrosion resistance will be deter-
mined by the thickness of the oxide layer, which in turn is determined by
both time and temperature. The oxynitriding process can be performed in
gas, salt, or plasma.
The procedure is done on completion of the nitride cycle, when the con-
trol program moves into the cooldown mode. It is during the cooldown pro-
cedure that oxygen is fed into the process chamber (Fig. 11). The net effect
is that the nitrided surface is deliberately oxidized to provide a corrosion-
resistant, oxygen-rich surface layer. Upon completion of the cooldown, the
furnace bell is opened and the oxynitrided work is removed.
Figure 12 shows a plain carbon-manganese steel piston rod that has
been nitrided, followed by the controlled oxynitride procedure. The center
rod shows the rod before the start of treatment. The two rods at the right
have been oxynitrided, and the two rods at the left are untreated; all four
have been subjected to salt spray testing.
The process gases used for the controlled oxynitriding procedure are
environmentally friendly and pose no threat to the ecology or the immedi-
ate environment. The surface finish of the steel after the procedure is dark
blue, almost matte black. The oxidation layer is usually around 1 µm
thick, but can be varied according to the cooldown time and the time held
at an elevated temperature (around 900 °F, or 480 °C). Generally the pro-
cedure is to go into cooldown immediately after nitriding and commence
the controlled oxidation treatment. It is a simple, effective procedure that
adds no significant time to the overall process.
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1. F. Hombeck, Forward View of Ion Nitriding Applications, Ion Nitrid-
ing, T. Spalvins, Ed., ASM International, 1987, p 169–178
2. C.K. Jones, D.J. Sturges, and S.W. Martin, Glow Discharge Nitriding
in Production, Met. Prog., Dec 1973, reprinted in Source Book on
Nitriding, P.M. Unterweiser and A.G. Gray, Ed., American Society for
Metals, 1977, p 186–187
3. Heat Treating, Vol 4, ASM Handbook, ASM International, 1991
09_Nitriding.qxd 9/30/03 10:12 AM Page 89
Ion Nitriding Equipment
Process Parameters
Plasma nitriding involves more process control parameters than gas
nitriding does. Parameters for plasma nitriding include:
• Input voltage
• Amperage
• Chamber pressure
• Workpiece temperature
• Current density
• Nitrogen gas flow
• Hydrogen gas flow
• Methane gas flow
• Oxidizing gas for oxynitriding flow rate
• Process time
• Temperature rise rate
• Temperature cooldown rate
Cold-Wall Furnace
The primary component of the cold-wall furnace is the furnace process
chamber, constructed much the same as a conventional vacuum furnace
and consisting of inner and outer vessels. The inner vessel, or vacuum
vessel, is usually fabricated from stainless steel, and the outer water jacket
is usually manufactured from carbon steel. A water-cooling area between
the two vessels conducts any heat losses from the inner vacuum vessel to
the water and to a heat exchanger. The vessel sidewall usually is fitted
with a sight port for observing the plasma conditions in the work area.
Through the base of the furnace are fitted the power feedthroughs,
which create the cathode potential of the hearth within the furnace, as well
as the thermocouple feedthrough. The power feedthrough is designed to
allow continuous power flow to the cathode feedthrough.
Heating Elements
A cold-wall furnace normally has no heating elements. Heat into the
part is generated by the kinetic energy developed by the ionic bombard-
ment and is controlled simply by voltage and current density regulation.
In some cases the furnace manufacturer will design a furnace with supple-
mentary elements to assist the plasma heating. These elements would
most likely be found within the furnace process chamber and usually are
electrically isolated to prevent them from being nitrided.
Furnace Thermocouples
Perhaps even more important than control of process temperature is
control of part temperature. Unlike more conventional heat treatment
methods, temperature generally is measured at the part rather than the
chamber. In conventional heat treating, the temperature generally is meas-
ured by a thermocouple located within the process chamber. It is often
incorrectly assumed that what the thermocouple is measuring is the cham-
ber temperature. However, the thermocouple measures only the tempera-
ture at the point of the thermocouple. It does not measure temperature at
any other point within the process chamber.
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Gas Flow
Good process gas-flow input control is critical. Some of the earlier sys-
tems used flowmeters. Although this method worked to some extent, it
was not accurate enough. Later methods used micrometer needle valves,
but these too could not offer a high degree of accuracy and repeatability.
A more accurate method of controlling gas delivery is the mass-flow
controller, an electronic device that allows precise flow control. Use of the
mass-flow controller is not limited to plasma nitriding; it can also be used
in gas nitriding, particularly when using the dilution method.
Gas flow can affect nitriding quality. The required gas flow remains
constant only if the work surface area also remains constant. Most heat-
treat shops cannot guarantee constant same-surface area loads; therefore,
the gas flow requirements will vary from load to load, and will vary in
relation to the type of surface metallurgy required.
Depending on the process retort size, the usual gas flow consumption
rate can be up to approximately 100 L/h. A 600 × 900 mm (24 × 36 in.)
furnace would use up to 30 L/h maximum. The reason for low gas con-
sumption is simply because only the gas necessary for the process is used.
There is no “sweep” gas usage, as with conventional methods of nitriding.
Vacuum Pump
Chamber pressure is controlled by a simple mechanical vacuum pump, a
rotary-vane vacuum pump (Fig. 2, 3), or a combination system of a mechan-
ical pump and a roots blower. With an operating pressure of approximately
10 to 500 Pa (1.4 × 10–3 to 7.3 × 10–2 psi or 0.075 to 3.75 torr), the roots
blower improves the system pumping speed and compression. Lower-vac-
uum diffusion pumping systems and cryogenic systems would be used only
09_Nitriding.qxd 9/30/03 10:12 AM Page 93
when a very clean inner chamber is required and low residual gas values are
Pump sizing is an important aspect of furnace design, as this will deter-
mine the pumpdown time of the process chamber. There is no point in
oversizing the vacuum pump to pump down in less than 10 min.
The vacuum pump-out port on the furnace chamber is usually located in
the hearth. The furnace hearth and the vacuum pump are connected by a
flexible stainless steel connector.
Maintenance of the vacuum pump is critical but simple. The vacuum
pump oil must be checked weekly, and changed every 3 to 6 months. The
correct gas ballast setting is mandatory. Remember, one of the process
gases is hydrogen, which is a very soluble gas as well as highly flammable
and explosive if mixed in the correct combination with oxygen. If the gas
ballast setting is done incorrectly, an explosion or fire could result. Note:
Refer to the manufacturer’s operating and maintenance manual for the
correct method of setting the vacuum pump gas ballast. If the vacuum
pump should fail, the unit will not plasma nitride and production will stop.
Fig. 3 Four stages in the cycle of a rotary-vane pump: induction, isolation, compression,
and exhaust. Source: Ref 3
Table 1 Comparison between hot-wall and cold-wall plasma ion nitriding systems
Question Cold wall Hot wall
At what temperature is plasma started? Room temperature At a suitable elevated temperature, usually
around 200 °C (400 °F)
Why is plasma started at those temperatures? The cold-wall furnace uses a constant dc sys- The hot-wall furnace utilizes a partial pressure
tem, which requires plasma voltages around condition using hydrogen or nitrogen as a ther-
600 to 800 V. Mechanical and metallurgical mal conductance gas. The vacuum retort is
damage to the workpiece surface may occur by heated only by external heaters and not by
processing so close to the arc discharge region. plasma voltage. This means that the input volt-
age is not as high (400 to 500 V), and is away
from the arc discharge region.
Why is there a difference in plasma generation To heat and maintain the workpiece tempera- Because the part is preheated the power
voltages? ture, the required power (kW) corresponds to a required to maintain the workpiece tempera-
current density on the workpiece of approxi- ture at this partial pressure corresponds to 1–2
mately 10 A/m2 (1 A/ft2) at this partial pressure A/m2 (0.09–0.2 A/ft2). A lower voltage is
and voltage. enough to produce these currents.
How does the heatup rate compare? The cold wall usually requires more time for The hot-wall heatup of the port is usually about
heatup. 15 times faster.
Why pulse the power input? With a constant voltage input, there is a con- With a pulsed voltage, high voltage can be
stant heat output. Reducing voltages to reduce used without risk of overheating the part, or
temperature changes the current density and taking the part to the point of arc discharge.
the cathode fall voltage distance (glow seam); This means that the other parameters need not
therefore, other parameters also must be be changed.
What happens to the heat? With a cold-wall system the released electron The hot-wall furnace combined with the pulse
is hotter than the ion. This means that the elec- technology uses external blowers to prevent
tron goes back to the furnace wall (anode) and excessive wall heating. The wall temperature
creates heat. Heatup of the wall will continue, can safely rise to around 650 °C (1200 °F)
necessitating water cooling of the wall to dissi- without concern over heat buildup.
pate heat.
What happens if the glow seam must be pushed Increasing the operating pressure causes a cor- Using the hot-wall pulsed power system with
into a deep blind hole? responding increase in current density, followed the same pressure/temperature combination
by an increase in part surface temperature. and the same voltage/current relationship as
the cold wall, the plasma energy can be main-
tained by varying the duty cycle (pulse varia-
tion), even with a changing voltage and current
Source: Ref 4
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• The process chamber is backfilled with hydrogen gas, and the external
heating elements are switched on to heat the gas; the workload is
heated by convection.
• Once the process temperature has reached approximately 230 °C
(450 °F), the sputter cleaning procedure begins. Hydrogen ions atom-
ically blast the workpiece surfaces, a more thorough and effective
method than aqueous cleaning.
• Holding time at the sputter clean temperature is determined by the ini-
tial surface cleanliness but generally is not more than 20 to 30 min. If
the workpiece surfaces are badly contaminated, a gaseous mixture of
up to 10% argon and 90% hydrogen should be used. To avoid surface
etching, do not use more than 10% argon in the mixture. Sputter
cleaning is further discussed later in this chapter.
• Once the sputter cleaning operation is complete, the process chamber
temperature is raised to the appropriate nitriding temperature for the
required holding time and with the appropriate gas flow to achieve
the required surface metallurgy.
the process retort and the water contained in the water jacket if a contin-
uous dc system is used. In the hot-wall pulsed plasma system, the energy
required provides external heating to the process retort and conductive
heat to the workload. This means that only the minimal energy neces-
sary to generate the plasma glow seam is required. The continuous dc
system, however, requires energy from the plasma and supplemental
internal elements.
• Create the physical conditions for the abnormal glow discharge (see
the Paschen curve in Fig. 5)
• Provide good temperature uniformity within the workload area
• Heat the workload
• Prevent arc discharge conditions
Fig. 7 Hot-wall plasma nitriding furnace. Arrows indicate the air blowers that
cool the external process vessel wall. Courtesy of Plateg GmbH
• The power should not be of a sine-wave type. That means the power
will only be reduced and not completely shut off or isolated. It is thus
necessary to have a defined power-on, power-off system—that is, a
defined square form so that the power jumps from zero voltage into
the allowed gap of the abnormal glow discharge region.
• The length of the pulse should be shorter than the development time of
the arc. This means less than 100 µs so that the arc is suppressed.
Interruption of the arc will be possible during each pulse.
• The pause that follows each pulse should be short enough to allow an
easy ignition for the next pulse—for example, less than 1 µs.
• The ratio of pulse to pause should be variable over a wide range to
control the power input by the plasma in the workload so that it will be
possible to use an auxiliary heating system (such as external heating)
for better temperature within the process chamber.
With the pulsed dc system, the point at which Pplas occurs is only during
the pulse within the gap. The sum of the areas under each pulse is equal to
area under the line Ptemp. In the figure the pulse time (the width of the
square wave) is constant. The pause time can vary to balance the energy
losses Ptemp. By this method, the temperature adjustment is separated from
09_Nitriding.qxd 9/30/03 10:12 AM Page 100
Fig. 8 Power characteristics (a) Continuous dc. (b) Pulsed dc. Abnormal glow
discharge (see Fig. 5) occurs between Pmin and Pmax. The power
required for plasma nitriding, Pplas, is in this region. Ptemp is the time average of
power required to maintain the workload at the desired temperature. In (b) the
pulse widths are regulated so the area under the pulses equals the area under
Ptemp. Source: Ref 5
the other process parameter. Typical pulse time values are between 5 and
100 µs, while pause time can vary between 5 to 200 µs (Ref 5).
Pulsed dc power gives the furnace user three additional process control
• Process voltage
• Time of power on
• Time of power off
The sum of the on time and off time of one pulse makes up one cycle, so
the control parameters could be described as voltage, frequency, and ratio
09_Nitriding.qxd 9/30/03 10:12 AM Page 101
• Furnace temperature
• Part temperature
• Part temperature ramp rate to process temperature
• Plasma process voltage
• Partial pressure control
• Current density
• Nitrogen gas flow
• Hydrogen gas flow
• Methane gas flow (if used)
• Argon gas (if used)
• Oxygen gas (if used)
• Process cycle time
• Pulse power time on
• Pulse power time off
• Cooldown rate
process gas within the furnace chamber under vacuum conditions to allow
effective cooling with convection methods of heat transfer.
Cooling under Partial Pressure and Convective Gas Conditions.
This method involves shutting off the plasma power and backfilling the
chamber to a partial pressure with a nonreactive gas—usually clean, dry
nitrogen (not metallurgical grade). The work will cool down somewhat
faster than with the vacuum free-cooling method because there is a con-
vection gas within the process work chamber. However, there is no means
of distributing acquired heat from the workpiece into heated gas and dis-
charging it to the atmosphere.
Cooling under Positive Pressure. This method of cooling relies on
sufficient nitrogen being introduced into the work chamber so that the
chamber pressure exceeds atmospheric pressure. Gas agitation is now by
an internal recirculation fan. This method is also more efficient than the
free-cooling method.
Cooling Using a Combination of Nitrogen Backfilled Gas in Con-
junction with a Water-Cooled Heat Exchanger. This method of cool-
ing is the most efficient method available to the plasma nitride furnace
user. The furnace is fitted with a finned-tube copper heat exchanger with
ambient-temperature water passing through the heat exchange coils as the
backfilled gas passes over the heat exchanger. Movement of the cooling
gas is made possible by the internal recirculation fan.
Postoxidation Treatment. The fifth option is to cool down to a specific
temperature and conduct a postoxidation treatment (oxynitriding) to
enhance the surface corrosion properties of the workpiece.
Postcooling. Once cooling has taken place, the process chamber can then
be opened safely without risk of oxidation or discoloration of the work sur-
face. The workpiece should be a matte gray color. However, if a postoxida-
tion treatment has been carried out, the color of the workpiece surface will be
blue to almost black, depending on the postoxidation treatment temperature.
Hollow Cathode
Hollow cathode is an area of low vacuum pressure where the plasma
glow seam does not follow the precise contour of the part being treated.
For example, if the plasma glow seam dips slightly into a blind hole, free
electrons (energy) are trapped in the area beneath the glow seam. The glow
seam holds the free electrons within the hole. The electrons as energy then
begin to migrate through the wall of the hole. This raises the temperature of
09_Nitriding.qxd 9/30/03 10:12 AM Page 103
the steel, which can lead to overheating and sometimes burning (Fig. 9). If
the parts are placed too close together, a similar effect can take place and
cause localized overheating or sometimes burning (Fig. 10).
Fig. 9 Illustration of trapped free electrons in a blind hole having the potential
to overheat the corners
Fig. 10 Parts too close together cause the “hollow cathode” effect, leading to
possible overheating and burning.
09_Nitriding.qxd 9/30/03 10:12 AM Page 104
Sputter Cleaning
Sputter cleaning can be likened to “atomic shot blasting,” that is, clean-
ing by ionic bombardment. This is the procedure used to preclean the work
surfaces prior to nitriding. The sputter gas typically is hydrogen, the lightest
gas, which cleans as well as acts as a reducing gas. Any surface oxide will
be reduced by the hydrogen to the base metal. If the workpiece surface is
seriously contaminated, the hydrogen can be mixed with argon to increase
the gas density and its cleaning ability. Again, apply caution when using
argon to ensure that the mixture is not so severe as to cause surface etching
of the steel component (maximum ratio 90% hydrogen, 10% argon).
The sputtering time depends on the prior surface condition of the steel
being treated. Generally, one would introduce several temperature steps
above the initial convective heating at 230, 370, and 450 °C (450, 700,
and 850 °F), then up to the final selected nitriding temperature. The hold-
ing time at the selected sputter cleaning stage would be approximately
10 min (depending, of course, on how much cleaning is necessary). Note
that as the temperature increases, the sputter cleaning continues (Fig. 11).
Power Source for Sputter Cleaning. A power unit such as one that
generates a pulsed dc voltage is used. Remember that with pulse process-
ing, two variables are introduced: variable voltage and variable pulse
time. These can be adjusted in relation to the steel part geometry.
A part can be masked quite simply by remembering the following:
What plasma can see, it will nitride. Mechanical masking involves wiring
steel shim stock material to the part. The thickness of the shim stock is
usually about 0.05 to 0.1 mm (0.002 to 0.004 in.).
If the part is placed on the furnace hearth, the side of the part that is in
contact with the hearth will not nitride. If it is necessary to nitride its
underside, then the part can be mounted on steel points (Fig. 13).
If two parts are placed directly on top of each other, the two contacting
faces will not nitride and will remain soft. Holes can be masked by insert-
ing a simple steel plug. For a threaded hole, the first two or three turns of a
stud can be screwed into it. There is no need to coat the stud threads.
Proprietary “paints” are available for masking that will resist the effects
of sputtering (unlike early paints that sputtered off the surface in particles
that made their way to the inner vessel wall, changing the electrical char-
acteristics of the anode over time). Nitriding stop-off paints will resist the
effects of sputtering if the proper application methods are followed. Com-
plete coverage is mandatory, and there should be no brush marks.
Copper plating is commonly used to mask workpieces undergoing tradi-
tional gas nitriding. In plasma nitriding, however, the deposited plate can
09_Nitriding.qxd 9/30/03 10:12 AM Page 106
be sputtered off during the cleaning process and transported to the anode
vessel, where they will coat the inner surface and affect its electrical char-
acteristics. Thus, copper plating is not recommended for plasma nitriding.
Additional information on masking prior to plasma nitriding operations
can be found in Chapter 15, “Stop-Off Procedures for Selective Nitriding.”
Fig. 14 Vertically configured plasma system. This system has two chambers
or bells, so one can operate while the other is being loaded or
unloaded. Courtesy of Plateg GmbH
• No fire risk: Hydrogen, used for sputter cleaning and as a dilution gas,
presents no fire risk whatsoever because of the minuscule amounts of
oxygen remaining within the process chamber under vacuum conditions.
• No obnoxious smells: Neither nitrogen nor hydrogen will produce any
offensive smells, nor any adverse skin reactions.
• Minimal distortion: Because the process can control the type of surface
metallurgy created on the workpiece, compound zone thickness can be
better controlled, leading to lower overall size growth. In addition, better
advantage can be taken of the lower process temperatures. The process
temperature will act as a stabilizer, or an additional tempering proce-
dure. Thus any retained austenite that might be present as a result of the
prehardening and tempering procedure will be decomposed, leading to
better dimensional stability.
• Clean work: The work surface is usually very clean. However, oxygen
from the air can discolor the work surface if the vessel is opened at too
high a temperature. The work surface can also be discolored by an
overly intensive sputter-cleaning program.
• Repeatable results: Consistent and repeatable results can be achieved
that suit the application.
• Elimination of nitride networks: Problems associated with nitride net-
works can be overcome by manipulating the nitriding potential. This
is achieved simply by reducing the amount of required nitrogen for the
• Process management: The system is almost self-managing, taking full
advantage of PC/PLC combinations for better control. Preventive main-
tenance can be better planned, and remote troubleshooting and process
control are possible. If a power failure occurs, the system can be pro-
grammed to restart when power resumes.
• Operating costs: Plasma nitriding process requires minimal operator
supervision (load/unload/program/initiate), provides good utiliza-
tion of floor space, and results in reduced energy costs because of
shorter cycle times compared to traditional nitriding. The capital
cost of the equipment is higher than for gas nitriding but is offset by
better plant utilization due to faster process cycles and more repeat-
able metallurgy.
• Integration into cell manufacture: The pulsed plasma nitride furnace
can be integrated into the manufacturing line. Figure 15 shows a pre-
cision gear manufacturing facility that has successfully integrated
heat-treatment production requirements into the gear cutting line. A
variety of small helical and spiral gear pinions and planetary gears are
nitrided. This system can also be built into a robotic handling system,
completely automating the process line (though only with a single
product line, generally automotive components). Such automated sys-
tems can considerably reduce operating costs.
09_Nitriding.qxd 9/30/03 10:12 AM Page 109
Fig. 15 Single bell unit suitable for integration into a gear manufacturing pro-
duction line. Courtesy of Plateg GmbH
1. D. Pye, Nitriding Techniques and Methods, Steel Heat Treatment Hand-
book, G.E. Totten and M.A.W. Howes, Ed., Marcel Dekker, 1997, p 744
2. N. Harris, Oil Sealed Mechanical Pumps, Modern Vacuum Practice,
McGraw Hill, 1989, p 71
3. N. Harris, Oil Sealed Mechanical Pumps, Modern Vacuum Practice,
McGraw Hill, 1989, p 72
4. D. Pye, “Practical Nitriding” course notes, 1986
5. R. Gruen, Pulse Plasma Treatment: The Innovation for Ion Nitriding,
Ion Nitriding Proceedings, ASM International, 1987, p 143–147
09_Nitriding.qxd 9/30/03 10:12 AM Page 110
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Nitriding in
Fluidized Beds
A FLUIDIZED-BED FURNACE SYSTEM can be used for the gas
nitriding process. The fluidized-bed furnace is a unique metallurgical pro-
cessing tool that enables the user to complete most heat treatment
processes, including surface treatments. The discussion here focuses on
fluidized-bed nitriding.
Previous chapters have discussed gas nitriding, salt bath nitriding, and
plasma ion nitriding. Each of these procedures is conducted at a process
temperature of approximately 500 °C (930 °F). The fluidized-bed furnace
uses ammonia gas for its nitrogen source, whereas the salt bath uses
cyanide. Fluidized-bed nitriding is similar in process technique to gas
nitriding and similar in the method of heat transfer to salt bath nitriding.
The fluidized bed exhibits the same characteristics as a liquid, with one
exception: A fluidized bed is not wet. The technique of fluidization involves
the disturbance of a bed of finely divided particles, which behave as a liquid
would behave. This is accomplished by passing a gas at sufficient volume
and pressure so as to separate microscopically the fine particles. If the vol-
ume and pressure of the gas are too great, then the fine particles will be car-
ried in the gas stream and leave the bed. Thus, gas pressure and volume are
critical. The bed does not require large volumes of gas, only that necessary
to separate the particles (Ref 1) (Fig. 1).
The particles in this instance are aluminum oxide. Good heat transfer
takes place from the heating medium to the aluminum oxide particles,
which in turn transfer the heat to the workpiece. When the bed is in opera-
tion, its surface of finely divided aluminum oxide particles bubbles just
like water bubbles when air passes through it (Fig. 2).
Heating Method
The methods of heating a fluidized bed are very similar to those used to
heat an atmosphere-type furnace or a salt bath. The heating system can be
electrical or gas, and internal or external.
10_Nitriding.qxd 9/30/03 10:13 AM Page 112
• Nitrogen • Ammonia
• Methane • Gas mixtures such as methane and
• Endothermic gas nitrogen or ammonia and methane
Fig. 6 External gas-heated fluidized bed with recuperator. The use of regen-
erative burners where the exhaust gas temperature is only 200 °C (390
°F) achieves efficiencies similar to those of electrically heated furnaces. Source:
Ref 1
it is for ammonia gas nitriding. The floor-to-floor time is quicker for flu-
idized-bed nitriding due to the faster initial recovery time (Fig. 7). Figure 8
shows typical processing times for nitride case depths.
Oxynitriding can be accomplished in the fluidized-bed furnace much
like it is accomplished in gas nitriding. This means that on completion of
the nitriding cycle, controlled amounts of moisture are added to the process
The oxynitriding process forms a very thin surface oxide layer on the
immediate surface of the workpiece. This deliberately oxidized surface
layer is resistant to some aspects of corrosion (though not all). In general,
the process is used for applications where an expensive material such as
stainless steel is being replaced by low-carbon steel with an enhanced sur-
face condition. The oxynitriding process is gaining in popularity, particu-
larly in the automotive industry, in both Europe and the United States.
Fig. 7 Heating rates to 1000 °C (1830 °F) for cylinders of varying diameter in
different types of heat treatment furnaces. Source: Ref 1
10_Nitriding.qxd 9/30/03 10:13 AM Page 117
Fig. 8 Total nitride case depth versus time in a fluidized bed at 525 °C (975 °F).
Source: Ref 1
Source: Ref 1
Source: Ref 1
based on process gas flow in relation to work surface area being treated.
This means that if the work surface area is not constant (as in a typical com-
mercial heat treatment shop), and if the gas flow rate remains constant for
each load of work processed, then the gas dissociation will be different for
each load. Studies on various materials and various load surface areas
must be made to ensure a reasonable chance of consistent and repeatable
Grateful acknowledgment is given to Ray Reynoldson of Quality Heat
Treatment Pty Ltd., Turbo Drive, North Bayswater 3153, Australia, for his
valued assistance with this chapter.
1. R.W. Reynoldson, Theory and Practice, Heat Treatment in Fluidized
Bed Furnaces, ASM International, 1993, p 3–9
2. C. Dawes and D.F. Tranter, Nitrotec Surface Treatment Technology,
Heat Treat. Met., Vol 12 (No. 3), 1985, p 70–76
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Steels For Nitriding
Nitralloy 0.20–0.30 0.10–0.35 0.40–0.65 0.05 max 2.90–3.50 0.40–0.70 0.40 max ... ...
Nitralloy M 0.30–0.50 0.10–0.35 0.40–0.80 0.05 max 2.50–3.50 0.70–1.20 0.40 max 0.10–0.30 ...
Nitralloy 135 0.25–0.35 0.10–0.35 0.65 max 0.05 max 1.40–1.80 0.10–0.25 0.40 max ... 0.90–1.30
Nitralloy 135M 0.35–0.45 0.10–0.35 0.65 max 0.05 max 1.40–1.80 0.10–0.25 0.40 max ... 0.90–1.30
Special-purpose tool steels C Si Mn Cr Mo Ni V W
(a) These are typical alloy steels that will gas or salt bath nitride. (b) The core hardness will diminish in these steels if a low tempering temperature is used during the preharden
and temper operation.
After the engineer has gathered the necessary information, the search
for the appropriate steel can begin. If several steels are suitable for a par-
ticular application, price and availability become additional considera-
tions (Ref 1).
12_Nitriding.qxd 9/30/03 10:16 AM Page 127
steels, will also nitride but will have lower surface hardness because the
case formation is limited to pure iron nitride. However, the corrosion
resistance of low-carbon steels will be greatly enhanced, successfully
withstanding a minimum 100 h salt spray test. Studies have shown that
with a deep case (90 h cycle on gas nitriding), low-carbon steels exhibited
resistance to 20% salt spray solution up to 150 h.
rates. The resulting surface metallurgy will be a very shallow or thin com-
pound layer. The cycle times for stainless steels are usually longer than for
alloy steels or tool steels.
Element Wt%
Carbon 0.25
Manganese 1.00
Phosphorus and sulfur 0.025 max
Silicon 0.7
Chromium 12
Nickel 0.8
Molybdenum 1.10
Vanadium 0.25
Tungsten 1.1
The same elements that are strong carbide formers (tungsten, molybde-
num, and vanadium) are also strong nitride formers. As a result, the mate-
rial was suitable for nitriding.
The preheat treatment condition of the core was tempered martensite
that had been hardened and tempered to 340 to 360 HV (~35 to 37 HRC).
This was accomplished via the following heat treatment procedure:
Process Condition
Preheat 1 425 °C (800 °F)
Preheat 2 760 °C (1400 °F)
Austenitize 1035 °C (1895 °F); 32 mm (1.25 in.) section soaked
for 60 min at the process temperature
Quench Air cooled
Stabilization Cryogenic treatment using liquid N2 (approximately
–70 °C, or –95 °F)
Temper 595 °C (1100 °F) for 2 h at the process temperature
Process Parameter
Sputter clean time 1.5 h
Sputter clean voltage 650 V
Sputter retort pressure 100 Pa (0.015 psi)
Process temperature 525 °C (975 °F)
Cycle time 16 h at process temperature
Operating pressure 300 Pa (0.05 psi)
Operating voltage 500 V
Cooling Partial-pressure N2
Fig. 3 Comparative hardness of plasma nitrided versus gas nitrided type 422
stainless steel. Courtesy of Seco/Warwick Corporation
Element Wt%
Carbon 0.7
Manganese 0.85
Phosphorus 0.040 max
Sulfur 0.030 max
Silicon 0.9
Molybdenum 0.75
Chromium 17
The preheat treatment of the steel to achieve the core properties and
hardness values was:
Process Parameter
Sputter time 1h
Sputter voltage 650 V
Sputter retort pressure 150 Pa (0.025 psi)
Process temperature 190 °C (375 °F)
Cycle time 16 h
Operating pressure 300 Pa (0.05 psi)
Operating voltage 450 V
Cooling Partial pressure with clean, dry N2
Summary Results. The process temperature of 190 °C (375 °F) was too
low for effective nitrogen diffusion. Diffusion did occur, but not suffi-
ciently to form a commercially usable case. The tempering curve was fur-
ther examined for a comparable martensitic grade containing a slightly
higher carbon content (AISI type 440C with 1.10% C) (Fig. 4). Based on
Fig. 4 Tempering curve for type 440C stainless steel. Composition: 1.02 C,
0.48 Mn, 0.017 P, 0.011 S, 0.18 Si, 0.54 Ni, 16.90 Cr, 0.64 Mo. Heat
treated at 1040 °C (1905 °F), 2 h. Oil quenched from 66 to 94 °C (150 to 200 °F).
Double stress relieved at 175 °C (345 °F), 15 min. Water quenched. Tempered 2 h.
Heat treated, 9.78 mm (0.385 in.) round. Tested, 9.53 mm (0.375 in.) round. At
260 to 540 °C (500 to 1000 °F). Also, heat treated, 14 mm (0.550 in.) round.
Tested, 12.8 mm (0.505 in.) round. At 295 to 760 °C (1100 to 1400 °F). Source:
Republic Steel
12_Nitriding.qxd 9/30/03 10:16 AM Page 134
Process Parameter
Sputter time 1h
Sputter voltage 650 V
Sputter retort pressure 150 Pa (0.025 psi)
Process temperature 370 °C (700 °F)
Cycle time 16 h
Operating pressure 300 Pa (0.05 psi)
Operating voltage 450 V
Cooling Partial pressure using clean, dry N2
Final case depth 0.05 mm (0.002 in.)
Final case hardness 896 HV (~67 HRC)
Element Wt%
Carbon 0.07 max
Manganese 0.89
Silicon 1.00
Nickel 3.8
Copper 3.9
Niobium 0.3
Tantalum 0.4
Chromium 16.5
Process Parameter
Sputter time 1h
Sputter voltage 600 V
Sputter retort pressure 150 Pa (0.025 psi)
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Process Parameter
Process temperature 480 °C (900 °F)
Cycle time 4 h (at temperature)
Operating pressure 300 Pa (0.05 psi)
Operating voltage 450 V
Cooling Partial pressure using
clean dry nitrogen gas
Fig. 6 Microhardness of AISI 630 (17-4 PH) stainless steel after pulsed plasma
ion nitriding. Source: Ref 4
12_Nitriding.qxd 9/30/03 10:16 AM Page 137
Suggested temperature factors for the process cycle time in relation to the
required case depth are:
°C °F Temperature Factor
460 865 0.00221
470 875 0.00233
475 885 0.00259
480 900 0.00289
500 930 0.0030
510 950 0.0033
515 960 0.0035
525 975 0.0037
540 1000 0.0038
The factors are based on the steel at the selected process time. They do
not pertain to nitriding of the higher alloyed steels such as stainless
steels. The diffusion rate of nitrogen into the steel surface will reduce
dramatically as the alloy content increases. The factors also do not con-
sider the furnace loading and load density, and positioning in relation to
potential shielding of the work (e.g., hollow cathode in the process cham-
ber). The factors are based on a simple nitriding steel without the addi-
tion of aluminum.
The cycle times will be approximate, and serve only as a guide to the
cycle time for a particular load. The process technician should keep a
record of:
1. D. Pye, Nitriding Techniques and Methods, Steel Heat Treatment
Handbook, G.E. Totten and M.A.H. Howes, Ed., Marcel Dekker, Inc.,
1997, p 721–764
2. A. Fry, The Nitriding Process, ASST Nitriding Symposium, 1929,
reprinted in Source Book on Nitriding, American Society for Metals,
1977, p 99–106
12_Nitriding.qxd 9/30/03 10:16 AM Page 138
3. K.-E.Thelning, Nitriding, Steel and Its Heat Treatment, 2nd ed., But-
terworths, 1984, p 492–544
4. D. Pye, Pulsed Plasma Ion Nitriding and Its Effects on the Surface
Modification of Stainless Steels AISI 422, 440A and 630, Surface
Modification Technologies VI, T.S. Sudarshan and J.F. Braza, Ed.,
Minerals, Metals & Materials Society, 1993, p 195–216
5. F.E. Harris, Case Depth, Metals Progress, Vol 44, Aug 1944, p 265
13_Nitriding.qxd 9/30/03 10:16 AM Page 139
Control of the
Process Gas in
Plasma Conditions
Fig. 1 Ion nitriding furnace incorporating process gas control analysis system.
(a) Furnace layout. (b) Schematic of equipment layout. Source: Ref 1
to the process chamber to manipulate the process gases around the required
gas ratios and required surface metallurgy.
as a reducing gas to reduce (with heat) surface oxides on the steel and,
perhaps more importantly, to influence and regulate the composition of
the compound zone (white layer) as shown in Fig. 2.
They also investigated the ability of alloying elements to form nitrides
in the steel surface, concluding that the following elements will readily
form nitrides (listed in increasing order of ease of nitride formation):
• Iron
• Manganese
• Silicon
• Tungsten
• Molybdenum
• Chromium
• Vanadium
• Titanium
• Aluminum
Kinetic Studies
Kinetic studies of compound zone formation in the plasma nitriding of
chromium-molybdenum-vanadium steels were carried out by Roliński and
Sharp (Ref 4). Their work was performed at 540 °C (1000 °F) in a mixture
of 30% nitrogen and 70% hydrogen. They found that the process could be
described by a half-order polynomial equation and used TableCurve 2D
software (SPSS Science, Inc.) to determine the effect of sputtering rate on
compound layer growth and composition. A complete account of the work
of Roliński and Sharp can be found in the Appendix to this chapter.
At present, control of the quality of the surface metallurgy and the for-
mation of the nitride diffusion zone during plasma nitriding requires care-
ful process monitoring in terms of:
• Gas ratios
• Gas flows
• Process vacuum pressure
• Process time
• Process temperature
• Pulse voltage
• Pulse duration
• Current density
• Surface area
model developed by Sun and Bell (Ref 19) allowed precise calculations of
the compound layer growth for a specific steel, the specific nitriding condi-
tions, and the assumed SR. The assumed values of SR were between 0.1
and 0.5 µm/h (Ref 19).
If the assumptions of Keller (Ref 6) and Marciniak (Ref 14) are correct,
then the kinetic of the compound zone growth y in plasma nitriding can be
described by the half-order polynomial equation:
y = a + bx + c√x (Eq 1)
Fig. 3 Compound zone thickness versus nitriding time for 42Cr Mo4 (AISI
4142 steel) plasma nitrided 3.3 mbar in the atmosphere of 25% nitro-
gen + 75% hydrogen at 570 °C (1060 °F) (upper curve), 530 °C (985 °F) (middle
curve), and 450 °C (840 °F) (bottom curve) based on the experimental data of
Edenhofer (Ref 8, 24). The graph is extrapolated over the original limit of 45 h. The
fit equations are y = 3,8722 – 0.236x + 2.361√x, y = –0.789 – 0.124x + 1.958 √x,
and y = 0.758 – 0.057x + 0.918√x and r 2 = 0.993, 0.995, and 0.962, respectively.
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Fig. 4 Compound zone thickness versus nitriding time for 36H3M 3% Cr-Mo
steel plasma nitrided at 530 °C (985 °F) in the atmosphere of 50%
nitrogen + 50% hydrogen (upper curve) and 15% nitrogen + 85% hydrogen (bot-
tom curve) based on the experimental data of Marciniak (Ref 14). The graph is
extrapolated over original limits of 16 and 36 h, respectively. The fit equations are
y = 1.275 – 0.425x + 3.295√x, y = 0.5 – 0.036x + 0.479√x, and r 2 = 0.994 and
0.986, respectively.
13_Nitriding.qxd 9/30/03 10:16 AM Page 145
Experimental Parameters
Material and Processing. A quenched and tempered 3% Cr-Mo-V
(DIN 39CrMo V13.9) nitriding steel was used for these studies. The
Brinell hardness was 321 to 363. The test samples were 25 × 25 × 150 mm
(1 × 1 × 6 in.) bars with a ground surface finish of Ra 1.6 µm or better. All
samples were blasted with 180 grit aluminum oxide before nitriding. The
equipment and processing details are described elsewhere (Ref 21). The
nitriding was carried out at 540 °C (1000 °F) nominal temperature, and
the nitriding times were from 4 to 400 h. The samples were treated in a
direct current (dc) plasma in the atmosphere of 30% nitrogen and 70%
hydrogen and a pressure of 3.2 mbar. The ramp-up time was 4 h.
Testing Procedure. The samples were cut in half and prepared for met-
allographic studies. The compound zone thickness was measured at 400×
using the digital filar eyepiece of the MICROMET II microhardness tester
(Buehler, Lake Bluff, IL). Each sample was tested in four different areas
(four sides). The compact portion of the compound zone was measured.
The local peaks appearing on the surface were ignored. The accuracy of a
single measurement was ±0.1 µm. There was a minimum of five samples
used in each run. The x-ray diffraction phase analysis was performed
using Cr Kα radiation.
Fig. 5 Compound zone thickness versus nitriding time for 3% Cr-Mo-V steel
plasma nitrided at 540 °C (1000 °F). The fit equation is y = 6.158 –
0.0294x + 0.933√x and r2 = 0.952. Confidence and prediction intervals represent
normal distribution and standard error (small interval) at 95%.
13_Nitriding.qxd 9/30/03 10:17 AM Page 146
achieved after about 250 h of nitriding, and the final value after 400 h is
about 13 µm. Micrographs of the compound zone are presented in Fig. 6.
They do not reveal any significant presence of the vapor-deposited, possi-
ble oxygen-contaminated layer, as was suggested by Wells and Strydom
(Ref 16). The top portion of the compound zone contains some porosity
and probably a layer of the nitrides deposited from plasma; however, its
main fraction stays very compact.
Optical microscopy of the microsections also revealed a presence of fre-
quent conical structures at the surface. Similar features were also observed
by others (Ref 22). The intensity of these peaks was higher on samples
nitrided longer. The x-ray diffraction showed that initially after 4 h of
nitriding two iron nitrides, ε (Fe3N) and γ′ (Fe4N), were formed on the sur-
face (Fig. 7). The intensity of the ε patterns is quickly reduced and, after 25
h of nitriding, only two weak diffraction peaks from the (100) and (101)
planes could be detected. The 400 h nitriding produced a single-phase γ′
compound zone on the steel surface. It is very likely that the ε-nitride for-
mation was promoted by carbon present in the steel. It is known that car-
bon stabilizes the ε-carbonitride and that it can diffuse outward from the
steel during nitriding (Ref 9, 17, 23, 24). In the short nitriding processes,
carbon atoms were diffused toward the surface and, by reacting with iron
and nitrogen, helped in the formation of the ε-phase. During the long expo-
sure to the plasma, the surface was decarburized as carbon was sputtered
away and replaced by nitrogen. With a lack of carbon atoms, the nitriding
potential of the plasma was shifted toward γ′; the lower nitrogen phase and
the ε-phase disappeared completely.
The results of the compound zone thickness versus nitriding time stud-
ies clearly demonstrate the effect of sputtering: a possible maximum value
at about 250 h and the diminishing values of the compound zone there-
after. The calculated SR is 0.0295 µm/h, and the coefficient c of com-
pound zone growth due to diffusion of nitrogen is 0.933. The total
compound zone thickness a, formed during ramp-up to the final tempera-
ture, is about 6 µm. The a value depends on growth due to diffusion of
nitrogen and sputtering. Since sputtering was taken into account only
from a time when the final temperature was reached, the a value was
affected by an error of not counting the material removed. In fact, this
value is only about 0.06 µm if we assume that SR was the same during
ramping and the final soaking.
The SR of 0.0295 µm/h from this experiment agrees very well with the
value of 0.036 µm/h calculated by us for the literature data of nitriding
performed in the atmosphere of 15% nitrogen and 85% hydrogen on simi-
lar steel (Ref 14). However, our kinetic studies as well as the studies based
on the results of others (Ref 8, 9, 14, 15) could be affected by not taking
into account the fact that a phase composition of the steel surface may
change during a long nitriding process. In the plasma nitriding of the 3%
Cr-Mo-V steel, the equilibrium at the surface was not achieved very rap-
idly; in fact, it took many hours to produce a “pure” γ′-nitride.
It can then be concluded that the sputtering yield depends not only on
pressure, temperature, gas composition, and the plasma power density, but
mainly on the phase composition of the compound zone that formed on
the surface. Some of these parameters were probably different in our
experiment than in the experiments carried out by the other researchers
(Ref 8, 14, 19, 24, 25); however, as long as we consider γ′ compound zone
formation, its SR stayed low.
In comparatively short nitriding cycles with a sufficiently high nitro-
gen content carried out by others (Ref 8, 14), a mixture of the γ ′ and ε
was produced and, consequently, the SR was much higher than when the
“pure” γ ′-phase was produced. This can be seen in Fig. 8, which repre-
sents the nitriding kinetics for shorter (up to 25 h) cycles. The graph is
not biased by the phase composition change toward a pure γ ′; the SR is
about 0.049 µm/h and the coefficient c about 1.221. If “sputtering-free”
plasma nitriding is hypothetically assumed, Eq 1 can be used with the
coefficient b equal to zero to see the effect of the remaining (diffusion)
fraction of the equation on the kinetic.
Fig. 8 Compound zone thickness vs. nitriding time for 3% Cr-Mo-V steel
plasma nitrided at 540 °C (1000 °F). This is a modified form of Fig. 5
from which the data for a “pure” γ′ compound zone were removed (144, 289,
and 400 h). The fit equation is y = 5.438 – 0.049x + 1.221 √x and r 2 = 0.958.
Confidence and prediction intervals represent normal distribution and standard
error (small interval) at 95%.
13_Nitriding.qxd 9/30/03 10:17 AM Page 149
Figure 9 presents two curves drawn for the plasma nitriding processes:
one from our studies and the second one based on the work of Marciniak
(Ref 14), compared with the curve for gas nitriding with a very low nitrid-
ing potential of KN = 0.58 atm–1/2 (Ref 26). The curves for plasma nitriding
of 3% Cr-Mo-V steel and the gas nitriding of Armco iron are very similar;
they achieve a final value of 25 to 30 µm after 400 h of nitriding. The final
value for the plasma nitriding curve of 36H3M steel is about 10 µm.
Regardless of the sputtering effect, the plasma nitriding process in the
atmosphere of 30% nitrogen and 70% hydrogen can be considered a low
nitriding potential process.
In a plasma process, activation of the cathode due to ion bombardment
from the atmosphere containing sufficiently high nitrogen is very effec-
tive, and, therefore, a full coverage of the surface with the compound
zone after only a few minutes of nitriding is achieved (Ref 19). This was
also evidenced in our experiments by the fact that the curve did not start
at the beginning of the coordinate, but earlier (Fig. 5). In a low-potential
gas nitriding process, the γ ′-phase nucleates on ferrite extremely slowly
and only after substantial time becomes a continuous, compact layer
(Ref 26).
The experiments showed also that the equilibrium between plasma and
the steel surface was not achieved quickly when the atmosphere of 30%
nitrogen and 70% hydrogen was used. Instead, an initially formed mix-
ture of γ ′- and ε-phases was slowly converted into a single γ ′-phase
structure. The phase composition changes resulted in a reduction of the
SR, as well as a reduction in the diffusional growth of the compound
zone. Sputtering of the surface in plasma nitriding has then an additional
The experimental data of the compound zone formation taken from the
literature were analyzed and presented in graphic forms. It was found by
using the TableCurve 2D software that the SR for the γ′ (0.036 µm/h) was
smaller than for the ε-type compound zone (up to 0.425 µm/h). At the
same time, it was confirmed that the growth of the compound zone due to
the diffusion of nitrogen was also slower for the γ′-type, which could be
expected (Ref 26).
The graphs extrapolated over the experimental data range showed that
the kinetic curves may achieve a maximum value and that the sputtering
may cause a complete disappearance of the compound zone after long
nitriding. These types of kinetic characteristics were more likely for the
ε-type compound zone than for γ′.
The experiments carried out on 3% Cr-Mo-V steel did not show any
disappearance of the compound zone, and its final value after 400 h of
nitriding was still about 13 µm. The SR calculated from our experiment
was about 0.03 µm/h. This agrees well with the value calculated for
kinetic data taken from the literature for a similar steel for presumably the
γ′-type nitride (Ref 14). The analysis limited to cycles not exceeding 25 h
resulted in a higher rate of sputtering as well as a faster diffusional
growth. This fact can be attributed to the presence of the ε-phase in the
compound zone.
Based on our research, it seems to be likely that the γ′ compound zone
can disappear completely because of sputtering after an extremely long
nitriding time. Instead, it is more likely that it will become more porous
and the specific surface area will be greater. However, this will still need
to be proved by additional experimental work.
The Appendix is reprinted (with minor changes) from E. Roliński and
G. Sharp, The Effect of Sputtering on Kinetics of Compound Zone For-
mation in the Plasma Nitriding of 3% Cr-Mo-V Steel, Journal of Materi-
als Engineering and Performance, Vol 10 (No. 4), Aug 2001, pages 444 to
448 (reproduced by permission of ASM International).
1. D. Pye, A Review of the Gas Species Activity and Control of Pulsed
Plasma Technology during the Nitriding, Carburizing, and Carboni-
triding Processes, 1995 Carburizing and Nitriding with Atmos-
pheres, ASM International, 1995, p 347–351
2. A. Szabo, Best Surface GmbH, personal communication, June 2001
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Processing with Nitriding
Forging Dies
Selection of a hot-work steel grade depends on the forge die applica-
tion. For many forging steel applications, the steel of choice is H13, which
is classified as a deep-hardening chromium hot-work steel containing 5%
Cr and 0.40% C. This steel can be readily water cooled while in service
and has a good toughness factor after nitriding—provided that the preheat
treatment has been done correctly in terms of core hardness for case sup-
port. For the diffused case to perform within its operating environment,
the core must be able to support the case when a compressive load is
placed on the steel component (Fig. 1).
Core hardness generally is determined by the hardness at which the
steel can be cut, rather than the best hardness for supporting the case. The
appropriate hardness for case support is around 44 to 47 HRC, which pro-
duces a tough, springlike condition. This core hardness will allow some
flexibility in the die without taking a permanent set for deformation.
Another advantage of the nitrided case is that it will withstand high-
temperature operating conditions with no significant loss of surface hard-
ness. Nitrided hot-work tool steels are unlike carburized steels that rely on
the diffusion of carbon and then a phase transformation to martensite,
14_Nitriding.qxd 9/30/03 10:18 AM Page 154
Fig. 1 Core support of the nitrided case on a forging die. Source: Ref 1
ing temperature of the steel, without considering the potential for nitride
networking at higher temperatures. If the surface metallurgy and the
nitride potential can be controlled, the possibility of nitride networking
can be greatly reduced.
Fig. 2 Schematic cross section of an aluminum extrusion die made from H13
steel showing the bearing (wear) surface and a core with hardness of
38 to 44 HRC. Source: Ref 1
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aluminum is pushed through the die (Fig. 4). Thus, the wear factor becomes
even greater.
Ideal die surface metallurgy will reduce formation of the compound
layer on the surface. This can be accomplished by controlling the process
gas using the controlled nitride method (dilution) or ion (plasma) nitrid-
ing. The two-stage process, which uses a higher process temperature of
565 °C (1050 °F), is not recommended because of the possible risk of
nitride networking.
Nitriding is finding greater acceptance as a surface hardening method
for precision manufactured gears, although it requires careful steel selec-
tion. The steel selected must not be a high-carbon grade; otherwise, there
is a risk of forming ε as the dominant phase in a dual-phase compound
zone. This could lead to brittle fracture of the compound layer, depositing
fine pieces of fractured steel from the gear surface that will usually lodge
between the meshing teeth, thus causing further deterioration of the gear
pressure face.
Furthermore, the steel must not have a high aluminum content. Other-
wise, high hardness will result, leading to premature chipping on tooth cor-
ners and possibly on the gear pressure face. The aluminum-bearing steels
(Nitralloy steels) are not suitable for gears that require nitriding treatment.
Therefore, use a steel with a low carbon content and no aluminum,
which will still give the appropriate core hardness value. Control forma-
tion of the compound zone on the immediate steel surface by using:
When using the ion nitriding process for gear heat treatment, pressure
must be controlled to ensure that the plasma glow seam is uniformly posi-
tioned over the entire gear tooth surface. This is necessary for uniform
case depth on the pressure face and tooth root (Fig. 5).
As described below, surface metallurgy—in terms of growth, compound
layer formation, and case uniformity—is critical to gear performance.
Growth. By selecting a process temperature around 485 to 500 °C (900
to 925 °F) and then controlling it, the compound zone will not form as thickly
Fig. 5 Illustration of ion nitriding pressure that is too low (toward high
vacuum), resulting in no nitriding at the tooth root. Source: Ref 1
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Pure Irons
Pure iron can be successfully nitrided, even with gas and salt bath
methods. (Please note that this discussion is restricted to nitriding and not
ferritic nitrocarburizing, which will be discussed in Chapters 18 to 23.)
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The case that forms is strictly of iron nitride. However, the resulting hard-
ness value is low—in the region of 35 HRC (345 HV). Resistance to sur-
face corrosion and torque improves significantly.
Ion nitriding of pure iron produces higher hardness values in the region
of 60 HRC (700 HV). This is accomplished by manipulating the process
gas ratios so that the ratio of nitrogen to hydrogen is approximately 5:1,
higher than would be expected from the decomposition of ammonia gas,
which encourages iron nitride formation at the surface. The hardness
value will be no greater than 700 HV, but corrosion resistance will signifi-
cantly improve. This technique often is used when corrosion resistance is
more important than wear resistance.
Low-Alloy Steels
Low-alloy steels that are nitrided using the gas or salt techniques have
low surface hardness values but improved torque and corrosion resistance.
The same applies to the ion nitriding technique. Increasing the nitrogen-
to-hydrogen ratio significantly raises surface hardness values (though they
will not be high) and further improves corrosion and torque resistance.
Remember, low-alloy steels (and even the cast irons) contain no alloying
elements to form significant stable nitrides in the steel surface. Therefore,
the nitriding potential of the process gas must be raised (via increased
nitrogen content) to encourage the formation of iron nitrides. This means
high nitrogen flows in relation to hydrogen during ion nitriding. Once
again, it is important to consider the solubility of nitrogen in the Fe-N
phase diagram (Ref 2) (see Chapters 1 and 3 for examples of the Fe-N
binary phase diagram).
Maraging Steels
Maraging steels can be nitrided, but the surface hardening mechanism
is very different from that of conventional nitriding. As the process tem-
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perature passes through 450 °C (850 °F) on heat up, a phase change from
ferrite to austenite occurs—along with a subsequent size change. The
nitrogen diffuses into the maraging steel at that point, and the solubility
limit of nitrogen in iron is exceeded. After the cycle time is completed, the
maraging steel must be cooled quickly in the process chamber under nitro-
gen. This will produce a shallow layer on the steel surface due to the rapid
cooling of fine nitrogen-austenite products. This product is detrimental in
terms of surface mechanical properties.
Therefore, the nitriding process temperature for maraging steels should
be lower than for conventional steels. The process temperature must be
lower than the ferrite-to-austenite phase transformation temperature of
approximately 450 °C (850 °F). A process temperature of between 425
and 450 °C (800 and 850 °F) will produce a surface hardness of approxi-
mately 67 HRC (900 HV). This lower-than-normal process temperature
results in an extended case formation time (Ref 3).
The maraging steels can be successfully ion nitrided at lower tempera-
tures to avoid the phase change and subsequent growth, with better con-
trol of the hydrogen-to-nitrogen process gas ratios. The ratio generally
would be approximately 5 parts hydrogen to 1 part nitrogen or even 6
parts hydrogen to 1 part nitrogen. This means that the solubility limit of
nitrogen in iron is not reached, and thus there can be no risk of possible
corner networking.
Stop-Off Procedures for
Selective Nitriding
Copper and silver are relatively easy to strip after completion of nitriding.
However, copper stripping can be expensive due to effluent problems caused
by the cyanide-base plating solution, which must be neutralized. Nickel is
difficult to strip, and the stripping process could affect part surface quality.
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sputtered paint will migrate and adhere to the process wall, leading to a
change in the electrical response characteristics of the wall. Once a cycle
has been completed, the inner wall should be cleaned of deposits.
Another stop-off consideration is that when a component is in contact
with the cathodic hearth, it will not nitride. Therefore, a support system is
needed. As shown in Fig. 1, the part can be mounted onto steel points. The
points will maintain the cathodic contact with the furnace hearth and
nitriding can take place. The case depth will be slightly more shallow at
the point of contact but not to a significant degree.
Threaded holes must be protected from nitriding. This is accomplished
simply by partially inserting a threaded stud into the hole. Screwing three
or four threads deep is sufficient (Fig. 2).
Fig. 1 Extrusion dies lifted from the furnace hearth to allow the plasma glow
seam to cover the die completely. Note the die supports (steel tubes)
used to maintain cathode potentials.
Examination of the
Nitrided Case
Hardness Testing
Hardness testing is perhaps the most widely used method for evaluating
a nitrided case. Hardness of a steel is used as a cross-reference to many
other properties, such as tensile strength and impact strength. Generally,
hardness testing of a nitrided case is accomplished with a low load or
microhardness load below 1 kg. Do not use the Rockwell machine with a
150 kg load, which will punch through the nitrided case and provide an
incorrect reading.
Hardness testing can be categorized as either macrohardness or micro-
hardness. Macrohardness testing includes:
Sample Preparation
The methods discussed in this section apply to preparation of samples
for both microhardness testing and microscopic examination.
Cutting, or sectioning, of a sample must be carried out under the coolest
conditions possible. This is accomplished by “flood cutting,” where the
Fig. 2 Cross section of a round test coupon cut through to expose the nitrided
case in preparation for a microhardness traverse test. The exposed sur-
face must be polished before testing.
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Fig. 5 Diamond saw used for sectioning of very hard specimens. Very thin
cuts can be made with this tool.
the coolant drainage and delivery system. This applies to the machine
sump and the recirculating reservoir, both of which must be cleaned fre-
quently. In addition, the bearings on which the drive motor is connected to
the wheel load handle must remain well lubricated. If the bearings become
tight, then the force required to depress the abrasive wheel could lead to an
excessive load being placed on the sample being sectioned, creating the
potential for localized overheating of the sample surface.
Vapor degreasing is often used to clean the specimen after it has been
machined prior to mounting. Hot vapors of a chlorinated or fluorinated
solvent remove oils, greases, and waxes that may be on the specimen.
16_Nitriding.qxd 9/30/03 10:19 AM Page 171
(a) Determined by method ASTM D 648. (b) Specimen 100 mm2 (0.15 in.2) in area abraded on slightly worn 600-grit silicon carbide under load of 100 g at rubbing speed of
105 mm/min (4 × 103 in./min). (c) 25 mm (1 in.) diam mount on a wheel rotating at 250 rpm covered with synthetic suede cloth and charged with 4 to 8 µm diamond paste
(a) Determined by method ASTM D 648. (b) Specimen 100 mm2 (0.15 in.) in area abraded on a slightly worn 600-grit silicon carbide paper under load of 100 g at rubbing speed of
105 mm/min. (c) 25 mm (1 in.) diam mount on a wheel rotating at 250 rpm covered with a synthetic suede cloth and charged with 4–8 µm diamond paste
16_Nitriding.qxd 9/30/03 10:19 AM Page 172
Too large a section in the given mold Increase mold size; reduce specimen
area; sharp cornered specimens size.
Radial split
Too short a cure period; insufficient Lengthen cure period; apply sufficient
pressure pressure during transition from fluid
state to solid state.
Thermoplastic resins
Fig. 6 Epoxy mounts with binder clips to hold the specimen perpendicular to
the polished surface
16_Nitriding.qxd 9/30/03 10:19 AM Page 173
Too violent agitation while blending Blend mixture gently to avoid air
resin and hardener entrapment.
Insufficient air cure prior to oven cure; Increase air cure time; decrease
oven cure temperature too high; oven cure temperature; correct
resin-to-hardener ratio incorrect resin-to-hardener ratio.
Insufficient air cure prior to oven cure; Increase air cure time; decrease
oven cure temperature too high; oven cure temperature; correct
resin-to-hardener ratio incorrect resin-to-hardener ratio.
Too violent agitation while blending Blend mixture gently to avoid air
resin and hardener mixture entrapment.
• Bakelite (phenolics)
• Epoxy
• Diallyl phthalate
16_Nitriding.qxd 9/30/03 10:19 AM Page 174
Some silicon carbide papers and polishing cloths are self-adhesive. The
platen wheel must be thoroughly clean and free of adhesive before placing
a new paper or cloth onto the platen. If any adhesive contaminant remains,
the platen will not present a completely flat surface for the pregrind/rough
polish step.
The sample can be rough ground—wet or dry—using a rugged belt
sander with an initial silicon carbide paper of 180 grit (Fig. 8, 9). If dry
grinding is performed, be extremely careful not to cause localized over-
heating of the sample surface.
• Diamond paste. While diamond paste (Fig. 10) is perhaps the hardest
material and will produce very highly polished surfaces, additional
lubrication is necessary to ensure good distribution of the paste over
the polishing cloth to improve polishing efficiency. Recommended
particle sizes for the final polish are 1 µm or 0.3 µm. Diamond pastes
are very expensive.
• Aluminum oxide slurry in suspension. Aluminum oxide slurries for
final polishing can have particle sizes of 1 µm down to 0.5 µm. The
particles are suspended in water or in paste or powder form. Selection
depends on personnel and availability. Such slurries are self-lubricating
and economical.
The flat wheel of the polishing machine should be tightly fitted with a
well-lubricated soft-nap polishing cloth. The rotational speed of the
wheel should be approximately 400 to 450 rpm. Once the polishing is
complete, rinse the polished sample under lukewarm running water, then
rinse with alcohol. Examine the sample for possible surface staining
and/or residual surface grease. Do not touch the surface with your fin-
gers; any body oil present will inhibit etching. Great care must be taken
during the entire pregrind and polish procedure to prevent edge rounding,
a condition that causes difficulties when trying to align the diamond
indentor at the sample edge and when trying to focus on the edge during
microscopic examination.
Microhardness Testing
Case Depth. After polishing, hardness testing must be performed before
microscopic examination of the surface. To establish the effective case
depth accomplished by nitriding, the transition hardness between case and
core as accepted by the International Organization for Standardization
(ISO) is 532 DPN (diamond pyramid numeral) (approximately 53 HRC).
There is still much discussion regarding case depth measurement.
Many claims are made regarding the achievable case depth of some deriv-
ative nitriding processes. Be cautious when being told of deep case
depths. The ISO and the European DIN specification writers have
invested a great deal of time in defining and understanding case depth.
However, many processes do not define the case depth measurement, and
others state that “the case depth achieved is x.” The conclusion drawn by
the uninitiated is that the total case depth is hard, but this is not true. In this
writer’s opinion, the real case depth is the effective case depth and not the
total case depth. Quoting the total case depth (which while relevant, is not
always well defined) is misleading.
The microhardness test is based on the resistance to indentation prin-
ciple. As with any hardness testing procedure, the unit must be tested with
the standard test block and calibrated monthly.
The test can be carried out using a load of 10 g minimum up to 1000 g.
The indentor must be positioned at precisely 90° to the sample being
tested. If the immediate sample face is not at an exact right angle to the
indentor, a uniform indentation will not be obtained and accurate readings
cannot be made in the diffused case.
When setting the x-y traverse, carefully note the starting point from the
surface transversely across the nitrided case. When starting the traverse
through the diffused case, it is important to start as close to the edge (sur-
face) as possible to accomplish an almost true surface reading. If the
indentation is made too close to the edge, the diamond indentor can
“jump” off the edge and may likely be damaged.
Nital is perhaps the most commonly used etchant for a visual case met-
allurgical examination. Simple-to-prepare, nital consists of 4 to 6 mL
HNO3 (nitric acid) and 94 to 96 mL ethyl alcohol (or denatured alcohol).
The common error when using nital involves etching time. The sample
is usually oversoaked in the etchant, resulting in a surface that is too dark
for accurate examination. The specimen should be etched for approxi-
mately 3 to 8 s, taking care not to overetch. The exact etching time, of
course, depends on the type of steel being examined.
Nital will reveal the compound zone on the immediate surface and sta-
ble nitrides in the case directly below. It will not, however, show the two
phases of the compound zone. The compound zone will show as the sur-
face white layer. In the case of a low-alloy steel or a plain carbon steel, the
iron nitride precipitates will be seen as well-defined straight lines, below
which the steel core will exhibit iron nitride precipitates.
Picral is another common etching medium used to examine a nitrided
surface. It is not complex, consisting of 4 g picric acid and 100 mL
ethanol. The addition of 0.5 to 1% zephiran chloride improves etch rate
and uniformity. Specimens should be immersed for 3 to 15 s, taking care
not to overetch.
Care should be exercised when using picric acid (refer to the Material
Safety Data Sheet, MSDS). Proper storage of picric acid powder is critical
to operator and technician safety, and the powder should be kept very
moist or even under water.
Tips for Using Etchants. Here are a few helpful guidelines:
• When mixing etchants, always add reagents to the solvent unless spe-
cific instructions indicate otherwise.
• Where water is given as the solvent, distilled water is preferred
because the purity of tap water varies.
• Methanol is usually available only as absolute methanol. When using
this alcohol, it is imperative that approximately 5 vol% of water be
added whenever an etchant composition calls for 95% methanol. Gen-
erally the alcohol used is denatured alcohol.
• For conversion of small liquid measurements, there are approximately
20 drops per 1 mL.
• Etching should be carried out on a freshly polished specimen.
• Gentle agitation of the specimen or solution during etching will result
in a more uniform etch.
• The etching times given are only suggested starting ranges and not
absolute limits.
• In electrolytic etching, a direct current (dc) is implied unless other-
wise indicated. An economical source of dc current for small-scale
electrolytic etching is a standard 6 V lantern battery.
• Microscope objectives can be ruined by exposure to hydrofluoric acid
fumes from etchant residue inadvertently left on the specimen. This
16_Nitriding.qxd 9/30/03 10:19 AM Page 179
Etchant Removal. Once etching has been completed, quickly wash the
sample under clean, cold running water. Otherwise, the etchant will con-
tinue to etch the specimen surface. After thorough water rinsing, rinse the
surface with clean denatured alcohol. Then take a household hair dryer set
on very low heat and blow-dry the alcohol across the face of the specimen
in one direction. Ensure that the sample is dry on all sides of the mount
and then examine. If surface stains have occurred, lightly repolish the
specimen on the rotating polishing cloth wheel and re-etch, completing
the procedure once again.
Safety Precautions
Here are some practices that will contribute to the safe preparation of
specimens. The list is not exhaustive. Obviously, care must be taken when
machining samples.
Preparing Etchant. When preparing an etchant, the operator or techni-
cian is using corrosive and violently reactive acids. It is of utmost impor-
tance to follow these safety precautions (Ref 1):
• Wear the proper safety clothing, including goggles, face mask, rubber
gloves, rubber apron, long sleeves, and shoe protection.
• Mix acid to water, not water to acid (Fig. 11).
• Use proper solution mixing, storage, and handling equipment and
facilities (e.g., acid-resistant glass).
• Wipe up all spills and leaks, no matter how small, using the “spill kit”
and “spill treated wipers.”
• Dispose of all solution not correctly identified by composition and
concentration. When in doubt, throw it out—but do so in a responsi-
ble, approved manner (not down the drain).
• Read and follow the MSDS for storage and handling of all chemicals.
Observe all printed cautions issued by the reagent, acid, or chemical
Fig. 11 Add acid to water, not vice versa. Wear a full apron, a full face mask,
rubber gloves, long sleeves, and shoe protection.
Once the surface of the component has been degreased, care must be
taken in its handling. Use cotton gloves or rags when moving the compo-
nent into the nitriding retort. Otherwise, contamination from fingerprints
will cause resistance to nitrogen penetration, leading to soft spots.
Fig. 12 AMS 6470 steel with 0.15 to 0.35% Pb added, oil quenched from
900 °C (1650 °F), tempered 2 h at 605 °C (1125 °F), surface activated
in manganese phosphate, and gas nitrided 30 h at 525 °C (975 °F). Structure is a
white layer of Fe2N and a matrix of tempered martensite. 2% nital. 400×
Fig. 13 Same material and heat treating conditions as described in Fig. 12,
except nitrided 36 h. The depth of the nitride layer has increased, and
platelets of iron nitride can be seen in the case. 2% nital. 400×
16_Nitriding.qxd 9/30/03 10:19 AM Page 182
Fig. 14 Same steel and processing as Fig. 12, except slack quenched and
ground heavily before nitriding. Because the surface was not chemi-
cally activated before nitriding, nitrogen diffusion was retarded. 2% nital. 400×
Fig. 15 4140 steel, oil quenched from 845 °C (1550 °F), tempered 2 h at 620
°C (1150 °F), surface activated in manganese phosphate, and gas
nitrided 24 h at 525 °C (975 °F). Structure is white layer of Fe2N, Fe3N, and
Fe4N, and tempered martensite. 2% nital. 400×
Fig. 18 4140 steel, quenched and tempered to 30 HRC, then ion nitrided
24 h at 510 °C (950 °F). Monophase surface layer of Fe4N, plus a dif-
fusion zone of nitride containing tempered martensite. Nital. 750×
1. N.I. Sax, Handbook of Dangerous Materials, Reinhold Publishing, 1951
2. H.B. Elkins, Chemistry of Industrial Toxicology, John Wiley & Sons,
• B.L. Bramfitt and A.O. Benscoter, Metallographer’s Guide: Practices
and Procedures for Irons and Steels, ASM International, 2002
• C. Johnson, “Metallography, Principles & Procedures,” Leco Corpo-
ration, St. Joseph, MI
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PROBLEMS often occur during nitriding, just as with any other heat
treatment process. They can take the form of:
• Process problems
• Steel problems
• Machining problems
Gas Nitriding
Surface Cleanliness. A typical problem with gas nitriding originates
from part surface cleanliness. If the work surface is contaminated with a
hydrocarbon-based substance such as cutting oils, machining oils, lapping
compounds, or fingerprints, the affected area will not successfully nitride,
and the area below it will be soft. The remedy is to ensure absolute surface
cleanliness prior to gas nitriding. This can be accomplished by degreasing
using either chemical or ultrasonic methods.
If the part surface is contaminated with a cutting fluid that is chloride-
or sulfide-based, then serious surface pitting and loss of hardness may
result. It can be safely said that any grease or acidic compound on the sur-
face of a steel is very likely to cause nitriding problems.
Loss of Gas Dissociation. When gas dissociation cannot be achieved
during the nitriding process, something within the process hardware is
taking the gas flow away from the components being nitrided. Check that
there is no restriction in the feedline from the ammonia gas source to the
process chamber. If the line is internally oxidized, it will restrict the
ammonia flow. Internal oxidation of the process gas-delivery system
17_Nitriding.qxd 9/30/03 10:20 AM Page 186
results from the incorrect pipe material selection. Check also that the inlet
pipe to the process chamber is clean and clear.
If the support fixture for the work is made from a low-alloy material
such as mild steel, then it will pull the dissociated gas away from the
workpiece. This also applies to the process chamber fabrication material.
Even if the process chamber is made from the correct material, it can
begin to pull the ammonia necessary for the nitriding process away from
the workpiece if it is reaching the end of its useful life, or if it has become
saturated with nitrogen. This can be remedied by shot blasting the inside
surface of the process chamber or by regenerating the chamber by heating
up to a temperature of 785 °C (1450 °F), followed by light shot glass bead
blasting or sandblasting.
Surface Discoloration. When the process chamber is opened after
nitriding, the parts occasionally may be discolored with an almost rain-
bow effect. The discoloration is an oxide formation on the steel surface
and is in no way detrimental to the part. In fact, it will enhance the surface
corrosion resistance. This is the principle behind the oxynitride proce-
dure, where the steel surface is deliberately oxidized in a controlled man-
ner to improve its corrosion resistance. Many engineers have been unnec-
essarily concerned regarding surface discoloration after the gas nitriding
Case Exfoliation. When the case exfoliates, or peels off, this is usually
indicative of surface decarburization present on the immediate surface of
the steel. Surface decarburization can occur as a result of:
• Grease
• Oil
• Residual cutting fluids
• Residual heat treatment salts (see discussion below on salt bath nitriding)
• Insufficient precleaning
If the flaking is persistently seen on most loads processed through the fur-
nace, the source of contamination may likely be within the furnace process
retort. Examine the internal faces of the retort for signs of contamination.
The interior walls may simply require a cleaning operation or wipe down. If
necessary, the wipe down can be accomplished by using an alcohol-based
solution and hand wipes. (Appropriate ventilation should be used to ensure
that the alcohol fumes do not overcome the operator.) It may be advisable to
consider either a burnout of the process retort or complete replacement.
Orange Peel Effect. If the workpiece surface shows what can only be
described as an orange peel effect, with the appearance of dimples, then
once again it can be traced back to surface decarburization. The remedy is
to investigate the surface machining and the preheat treatment conditions.
The part is not salvageable unless there is a deep case and the surface dim-
pling can be ground off. This, however, is not a practical solution.
Case crushing will occur when the case is too thin and the core hard-
ness too low in relation to the designed surface load conditions. This can
be seen on the surface of nitrided gears. It can be avoided by:
Ion Nitriding
With the ion nitriding process, process problems as well as metallurgical
problems can occur. Process problems generally will affect the process
metallurgy. Care of the furnace is mandatory, even in terms of initial instal-
lation of the equipment. Considering the cost of water, the water-cooling
system usually is a closed-loop system that goes through a water chiller or
cooler. The system must be piped from the inlet of the cooler/chiller to the
return of the chiller/cooler. If the pipework is made from galvanized steel
tube, then very aggressive corrosion will begin to occur that over time will
restrict water flow. Use either copper or stainless steel tubing.
O-Ring Seal. Another common problem involves the overuse of vac-
uum grease on the O-ring seals before commencing the process cycle. The
grease can be your friend, but it can also be your enemy in terms of vac-
uum accomplishment. Like sticky flypaper, too much grease on the seal
will attract dust. The amount of vacuum grease required is as much as it
takes to make the tip of your finger look wet. It is not necessary to squeeze
the grease from the tube into the palm of your hand. Wipe the seal clean
before closing the process chamber and then apply the vacuum grease
sparingly. Do not use any other type of grease.
Process Vessel Cleanliness. Bell-type plasma nitriding furnaces
require regular cleaning. Each week, wipe the inside of the process cham-
ber walls to remove any carbon particles and sputtered particles, taking
care to keep particle matter from falling onto the O-ring seal. It is impor-
tant that the vacuum sealing arrangement be protected.
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Fig. 1 Complete glow seam coverage, ensuring complete nitriding of all sur-
faces. Courtesy of Plateg GmbH
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Another condition that can cause the loss of glow seam coverage is
when the surface area available for nitriding exceeds the original design
characteristics of the furnace. This is particularly true for continuous
direct current (dc) systems. The design basis of the continuous dc unit is
the power ratio of current density in relation to surface area to be treated.
Therefore, if the surface area exceeds the original design capabilities of
the system, then there will be a loss of plasma coverage and subsequent
partial nitriding of the component.
Arc discharge is likely to occur if the plasma pulse duration is too
long. The solution is to shorten the pulse duration time to the point where
no discharge occurs. Too high a pulse voltage can cause the discharge,
especially if the pulse duration time is long. All of this is based on the
assumption that the operator can see the arc discharge through the furnace
viewing port. If the operator is not in attendance, the arc discharge will not
be seen. It will, however, be evidenced by the appearance of the work-
piece after the cycle is complete. The furnace technician must understand
the possible causes of the arc discharge phenomenon and be able to pro-
gram the unit so that arc discharging will not occur. For continuous dc
plasma furnaces, the technician can only adjust the process voltage and/or
the process pressure (Fig. 2, 3).
Chipping on corners and edges is usually caused by the oversaturation
of nitrogen in iron. Remember, the solubility of nitrogen in iron at tradi-
tional nitriding temperatures is between 5 and 7 wt% (changing, of course,
with changes in alloying elements in the steel). Oversaturation means that
excess nitrogen is not in solution, but has migrated to grain boundaries at
corners and edges, forming nitrides and thus weakening the area.
It is only possible to observe this phenomenon by light microscopy. The
excessive nitrides at the grain-boundary areas will be seen as excessive
Fig. 3 The same workpiece as in Fig. 2, but during plasma nitriding with
pulsed dc glow discharge. Conditions such as vacuum pressure, gas
mix, and power input remain the same. By using pulsed dc with a repetition fre-
quency of about 10 kHz, the formation of micro-arcs is suppressed. Courtesy of
Plateg GmbH
white lines in the corner or edge area. The corrective action is to reduce
the nitrogen-to-hydrogen ratio or reduce the process temperature. How-
ever, once the nitride networking has occurred, it cannot be removed, but
only adjusted for on the next process cycle. It is thus important to place a
test coupon in the load (preferably of the same material and condition as
the parts being processed) for metallurgical examination after processing.
Low surface hardness after ion nitriding can be attributable to a num-
ber of possible occurrences, even if the case has formed. It usually indi-
cates a low nitriding potential, or low nitrogen-to-hydrogen ratio. This can
be determined either optically or by microhardness testing.
If the unit uses pulsed dc, low surface hardness could indicate a prob-
lem with pulse duration and repetition. Power that is on for too short a
time period and then off too long means a loss of nitriding effect on both
the surface and the case depth.
Surface contamination is another possible cause of low surface hard-
ness. Some cutting fluids are silicone based; any residual deposits will act
as a barrier to nitrogen diffusion.
Surface flaking is usually caused by some form of surface contamina-
tion. The contamination can be due to decarburization from previous heat
treatment operations, machining operations using coolants that contain
silicones, or inadequate cleaning after salt bath treatment. Another prob-
lem source is contaminated grit on glass bead blast or shot blast. Preclean-
ing is mandatory for both gas nitriding and plasma nitriding, regardless of
what system is used.
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What Is Meant by
Ferritic Nitrocarburizing?
Process Benefits
Ferritic nitrocarburizing improves the surface characteristics of plain
carbon steels, low-alloy steels, cast irons, and sintered ferrous alloys. As
described in later sections of this chapter, resistance to wear, fatigue, and
corrosion are improved with the introduction of nitrogen and carbon.
Scuffing resistance means the resistance to wear on the metal sur-
face. This is accomplished by changing the nature of the surface com-
pound layer, which is also known as the white layer. The completed
compound layer will form with both epsilon (ε) and gamma prime (γ ′)
phases. The dominant ε-phase resists abrasive wear.
Fatigue properties of steel are greatly improved by altering the com-
position of the compound layer. This means that treated steel has greater
resistance to fatigue failure than an untreated steel (Ref 1).
Corrosion Resistance. After ferritic nitrocarburizing, steel parts can
withstand many hours in a salt spray environment, whereas an untreated
plain carbon steel will fail the corrosion test very rapidly.
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Fig. 1 The iron-carbon equilibrium diagram. The nitrocarburizing process is carried out in the ferrite region
(alpha iron) of the diagram.
The action of the molten salt at the process temperature also caused
slight surface porosity on the treated steel. This allowed the surface pores
to become minute reservoirs, retaining lubricant on the immediate surface.
The net result was that the treated component resisted scuffing and
exhibited excellent resistance to frictional wear problems. The process
was a great success with high-speed spindles and high-speed cutting tools.
It did, however, require careful salt bath analysis on a daily basis (Ref 1).
Another challenge of the process was that the salt was not very water solu-
ble. The treated component required extensive hot water cleaning after
treatment. Cleaning became a major issue.
Problems associated with salt bath processing led to experimentation
with gaseous methods of ferritic nitrocarburizing. Experiments were con-
ducted in the late 1950s with gaseous methods by Cyril Dawes of Joseph
Lucas Ltd. in England. The company successfully applied for a patent on
the process in 1961 (Ref 3).
The gaseous procedure produced a porous layer very similar to the layer
produced with the Sulfinuz process (with the exception of forming surface
sulfides), which claimed to provide good antifrictional properties. The
process patent stated that the gaseous atmosphere consisted of ammonia,
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With the advent of pulsed plasma technology in the early 1980s for ion
nitriding, it did not take long to realize that another method of ferritic nitro-
carburizing had been discovered. This procedure was soon commercial-
ized. Advantages include faster process cycle times, less surface cleaning
and preparation, deeper case formation, and better control of surface metal-
lurgy formation. Equipment is now being built that is capable of performing
18_Nitriding.qxd 9/30/03 10:21 AM Page 198
both pulsed plasma ion nitriding and ferritic nitrocarburizing in the same
process chamber and with the same pulsed power pack. The procedure
offers a more controllable, repeatable surface metallurgy.
Cobalt + Cr3C2
Plasma sprayed:
Combustion gun sprayed:
13% Cr wire
Ni-Cr-B and fuse
Ni-Cr-B + WC and fuse
Surface weld:
Vapor deposited:
• Loading and delivery from the manufacture site to the point of departure
• Type of shipping line (conference or nonconference)
• Paperwork delays. If the equipment is shipped internationally, incom-
plete or improper paperwork can cause serious delays at either the port
of departure or the port of arrival. Such delays can be very costly.
Check on daily demurrage rates and duties payable.
• Insurance. The equipment must leave the manufacturing facility fully
insured. Before installation, check the suitability of the intended site
with the insurance carrier. Does the room or building have the neces-
sary fire protection? Would the existing fire protection system damage
the new equipment?
• Road transport from the port of arrival. Road transportation permits
may be necessary if the vehicle load is considered a wide load.
• Access. Be sure that before the equipment arrives, doors and wall
apertures are large enough to allow easy access of the equipment into
the facility. It can be embarrassing if the furnace will not fit through
the door. Preplanning models can sometimes be used to navigate large
equipment through plants.
To ensure that the furnace goes together the first time (and hopefully
starts the first time), at least two primary discipline people—the operating
person and the maintenance person—should visit the manufacturing site
when the furnace is being assembled. They also should be present after the
hot trials to see how the furnace is dismantled. Photographically docu-
ment the critical assembly areas using a camera or video recorder.
Project training can then be broken down into:
• An understanding of both the process and its results: This means under-
standing the process principles, the method of nitrogen diffusion, and
the expected results in relation to the steel being treated.
• An understanding of the equipment performance: This means under-
standing the operation, functions, and capabilities of the equipment, as
well as reactions of the process in relation to part geometry.
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Salt Bath Ferritic
Fig. 1 Various trade names for gaseous, salt bath, and ion (plasma) ferritic
nitrocarburizing processes. Fluidized-bed procedures also are available.
Melonite Process
The Melonite process, also known as Meli 1, uses a molten salt bath of a
special composition. It provides a wear- and scuff-resistant surface on
steels, sintered irons, cast irons, and similar materials. Treated parts exhibit
excellent wear and corrosion resistance and good sliding characteristics.
The process salt bath is mainly an alkali cyanate plus an alkali carbon-
ate melted in a steel pot and fitted with an aeration system (as in the origi-
nal Tufftride process). The cyanate component thermally reacts with the
component surface to form alkali carbonate. Either continuously or inter-
mittently, the bath is treated to regenerate the carbonate product back to a
The process forms a complete multilayer surface case that comprises a
compound layer and a diffusion layer. The surface compound layer, consist-
ing of different compounds of iron, nitrogen, and oxygen, resists abrasion
corrosion and scuffing and is fairly stable at elevated operating tempera-
tures. Surface hardness depends on the steel that is being treated, and
researchers at Durferrit claim surface hardness values ranging from 800 to
1500 HV. The diffusion layer consists of nitrides of the appropriate alloying
elements and formed carbides.
Like the surface hardness, the case depth will vary according to the type
of steel being treated. Simply stated: The lower the alloy content of the
steel, the lower is the resulting hardness value. The case depth, however,
is deeper. The higher the alloy content of the steel, the higher is the result-
ing hardness value. The case depth, however, is shallower (Fig. 2).
Compound Layer. During salt bath nitrocarburizing by the Melonite
process, a nitrocarburized layer is formed consisting of the outer com-
pound layer (ε-iron nitride) and the underlying diffusion layer. The base
material determines the formation, microstructure, and properties of the
compound layer.
The compound layer consists of compounds of iron, nitrogen, carbon,
and oxygen. Due to its microstructure, the compound layer does not possess
Fig. 2 Influence of chromium on diffusion layer hardness and total case depth
in various 0.40 to 0.45% C steels. Source: Ref 5
19_Nitriding.qxd 9/30/03 10:21 AM Page 204
480°C(895°F) 1.5 h
1200 480°C(895°F) 3.0 h
Vickers hardess HV 0.1
480°C(895°F) 6.0 h
580°C(1075°F) 6.0 h
4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40
Distance from surface, in. × 10–4
Fig. 3 Variation in hardness with distance from the surface of AISI HNV 3
(X45CrSi9.3) steel treated by Melonite process with varying conditions.
Source: Ref 4
19_Nitriding.qxd 9/30/03 10:21 AM Page 205
350–400 °C 350–400 °C 350–400 °C
Fig. 4 Time versus temperature profile for the QPQ nitrocarburizing treat-
ment cycle. Source: Ref. 6
10 Carbon steels
Compound layer thickness
Melonite MELI 1 at e.g., 1015, 1045
580°C (1075°F) Low-alloy steels
18 e.g., 4140
Compound layer in ten thousands
High-alloy steels
6 e.g., D3, H11, 304
Cast iron
0.5 1 2 3 4
Treating time in the MELI 1 bath, h
Fig. 5 Compound layer thickness in relation to treating time for various mate-
rials. Note that the time scale is logrithmic. Source: Ref 4
19_Nitriding.qxd 9/30/03 10:21 AM Page 206
Table 1 Tensile strength and surface hardness for various nitrocarburized steels
Tensile strength after Approximate surface hardness after
hardening and tempering at 90 min at 580 °C (1075 °F)
Steel designation 600 °C (1110 °F), MPa using the Melonite process
Germany U.S. 2h 6h HV 1 HV 10 HV 30
Ck15 1015 600 550 350 300 200
C45W3 1045 750–850 700–800 450 350 250
Ck60 1060 750–900 700–800 450 350 250
20MnCr5 5120 800–950 800–900 600 450 400
53MnSi4 ... 850–950 800–900 450 400 350
90MnV8 O2 1000–1200 900–1100 550 450 400
42CrMo4 4140 900–1200 900–1100 650 500 450
X19NiCrMo4 ... 900–1100 900–1000 600 500 450
55NiCrMoV6 L6 1200–1400 1150–1300 650 550 500
50NiCr13 ... 1200–1350 1100–1200 600 500 450
X20Cr13 420 1000–1200 1000–1200 >900 600 450
X35CrMo17 ... 1000–1200 1000–1200 >900 700 550
X210Cr12 D3 1500–1700 1400–1600 >800 600 450
X210CrW12 ... 1500–1800 1400–1650 >800 600 500
X165CrMoV12 ... 1400–1900 1400–1700 >800 650 500
45CrMoW58 ... 1500–1800 1400–1700 800 700 600
X32CrMoV33 H10 1700–1800 1600–1750 >900 850 700
X38CrMoV51 H11 1700–1900 1500–1700 >900 850 700
X37CrMoW51 H12 1700–1900 1600–1800 >900 800 700
X30WCrV93 H21 1500–1800 1500–1700 >900 850 800
Source: Ref 7
19_Nitriding.qxd 9/30/03 10:21 AM Page 207
Fig. 6 Influence of surface treatments on rocker arm wear. Curves on left are
for case-hardened components. Curves at right are for case-hardened
and Melonite-treated components. Source: Ref 4
Fig. 7 Wear behavior of drawing dies after different surface treatments. SNC,
salt bath nitrocarburizing. Source: Ref 5
19_Nitriding.qxd 9/30/03 10:21 AM Page 208
10 0.016
0.0112 0.011
(7.2) (7.1)
0 0
Chromium Nickel SBN QPQ
20 µm 20 µm
88 h
72 h
72 h
336 h
88 h
Hard Electroless QPQ
chrome nickel
As the ferrous component is immersed into the molten salt, a catalytic sur-
face reaction takes place, causing the cyanate to decompose and release
the nitrogen and carbon for the process.
The decomposition of the salt to supply the nitrogen component of the
surface metallurgy satisfies the solubility limit of nitrogen in iron of 6 to
9%. The surface carbon content will be in the region of 1% in a solid solu-
tion in the ferrous component surface. In addition (as seen in the traditional
nitriding process), a surface compound zone begins to nucleate in which
the ε-nitride is the dominant phase in partnership with the γ′-phase.
Dimensional Stability
The SBN process is conducted at subcritical temperatures of 580 °C
(1075 °F); therefore, thermally induced microstructural phase changes
and accompanying volume changes do not occur. This permits the treated
component to be cooled from the SBN bath without drastic quenching,
thus minimizing dimensional changes and distortion. Accordingly, com-
ponents may be finish machined and/or ground prior to SBN. Any dimen-
sional growth resulting from the treatment is predictable and reproducible,
given that the part has been thermally stabilized prior to final machining
(i.e., sufficiently tempered or stress relieved), typically at a minimum of
595 °C (1100 °F). Stampings and other parts with thin cross sections are
well suited for SBN because of the capability for dimensional stability and
no distortion.
Process Control
An important factor in producing the desired monophase ε iron nitride
when nitrocarburizing is control of the nitrogen and carbon activities of
the processing environment. For SBN, this is accomplished by monitoring
and regulating the cyanate (CNO–) concentration within the operating salt
bath to 34 to 38%. As more parts, and thus more iron, are put through the
bath, cyanate content decreases until regeneration becomes necessary.
Based on results of standard titration analyses, an appropriate amount of
an organic polymer regenerant is added. This reacts with the carbonate in
the bath and converts it to cyanate.
19_Nitriding.qxd 9/30/03 10:21 AM Page 211
Metallurgical Results
The SBN process can be performed on a number of ferrous-based materi-
als, including carbon steels, low-alloy steels, tool steels, and stainless steels.
Special nitriding grades respond to SBN, but the presence of nitride-forming
alloying elements is not required to produce a compound zone. Formation of
nitride in low-carbon steel is seen in Fig. 11. Cast gray iron and ductile
(nodular) iron are also treatable by this diffusion process. The response to
SBN as measured by depths of compound zones and diffusion zones formed
and by the associated hardnesses of both zones is directly related to the mate-
rial composition. In general, with an increase in carbon content and/or in the
amount of alloying elements, the rate of diffusion decreases, thus resulting in
shallower depths of nitrogen penetration (Fig. 12a and b). Diffusion rates are
particularly sensitive to materials containing nitride-forming elements such
as chromium and molybdenum.
Carbon and Low-Alloy Steels. The SBN process time cycles are most
often limited to 2 h since diffusion rates decrease with time and long cycles
become increasingly nonproductive. Typically, a compound zone depth of
7.5 to 20 µm (0.0003 in. to 0.0008 in.) would be produced in 90 min for
carbon or low-alloy steels with diffusion zone depths ranging from 0.4 to
0.75 mm (0.015 to 0.030 in.), depending on the material (Fig. 13a and b).
Tool Steels. Compound zone depth requirements and associated time
cycles for tool steels depend on the application. High-speed cutting tools
require a very thin compound layer and thus are treated for only 10 to 20 min
at a reduced temperature (540 °C, or 1000 °F) to maintain base-material
hardness. This provides resistance to chip welding at the cutting edge.
The SBN treatment also benefits die casting and forging dies by reducing
heat checking, soldering, diffusion, and wear from molten metals (Fig. 14).
Cycle times for hot-work die steels may require 2 h to achieve the desired
properties. The performance of stamping dies is also increased by reducing
galling and seizing (Fig. 15).
Fig. 13 Low-carbon steel SBN treated and then aged to precipitate nitride
needles. Source: Ref 10
19_Nitriding.qxd 9/30/03 10:22 AM Page 213
Fig. 14 Gross heat checking in a low-alloy tool steel forging die due to
excessive temperature. Heat checking occurred after an undeter-
mined number of 225 kg (500 lb) nickel-base alloy preforms had been forged
from an average temperature of 1095 °C (2000 °F). Source: Ref 11
Taber abraser test Untreated
7 AISI 1117 Steel
Wear, in. × 10–4
Case hardened
4 to HRC 54
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Cycles × 103
Taber abraser test
7 AISI 1045 Steel
Hardened and
6 tempered to
Wear, in. × 10–4
HRC 28
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Cycles × 103
Diffusion Curves
304 & 316 SS, Annealed
35 SBN in Nu-Tride
Compound layer depth, in. × 10–4
*Modified Nu-Tride
30 630°C
(1165°F) 580°C (1075°F)
510°C (950°F)*
5 455°C (850°F)*
400°C (750°F)*
0 2 4 6 8 10
SBN time, h
Fig. 17 Diffusion response of annealed types 304 and 316 austenitic stain-
less steel to SBN in Nu-Tride at 400 to 625 °C (750 to 1160 °F).
Source: Ref 13
19_Nitriding.qxd 9/30/03 10:22 AM Page 215
Fig. 18 Cast irons treated in SBN. (a) Gray iron. SBN, 580 °C (1075 °F) for 2 h, followed by salt bath
quenching. Nital. Original magnification 500×. (b) Ferritic nodular iron. SBN, 580 °C (1075 °F) for
90 min, followed by salt bath quenching. Nital. Original magnification 500×. Source: Ref 10
Engineering Properties
The end result of SBN is the presence of two distinct layers of a nitrogen-
bearing microstructure, the outermost identified as the compound zone
and the subjacent layer called the diffusion zone. Each of the zones con-
tributes to improving performance by enhancing specific engineering
properties such as wear resistance, lubricity, corrosion resistance, and
fatigue strength. From these, other benefits in performance are realized,
including excellent running-in properties, antigalling, and antiseizing
characteristics, and reduced tendency for fretting corrosion.
Wear resistance is perhaps the most significant property resulting
from SBN. The ability of the compound zone to resist wear depends on
whether the wear is adhesive or abrasive. Adhesive wear occurs when two
components are in relative motion in an essentially abrasive-free environ-
ment. Under these conditions, the intrinsic physical characteristics of the
compound zone (i.e., hardness and lubricity) notably improve the sliding
and running-in behavior, and consequently increase the resistance to adhe-
sive wear (Fig. 20). The phase composition of the compound zone that
demonstrates the best wear resistance consists predominantly of ε-nitride
phase (monophase preferred) with a very small amount of γ′-phase.
Resistance to abrasive wear depends on the relative hardnesses of the
abrading substance and of the compound zone. For unalloyed carbon steels,
the compound zone hardness is equivalent to approximately HRC 55,
thus providing only short-time resistance to abradants of higher hardness.
One method of increasing hardness, and thus abrasive wear resistance, is
to increase the content of nitride-forming elements of the base material.
19_Nitriding.qxd 9/30/03 10:22 AM Page 216
Coefficient of friction, µ
Lubricated with
0.3 SAE 30 oil
Chrome plated, Case SBN 90 min
30 µm hardened 580°C
(0.0012 in.) (1075°F)
plus SBQ
Fig. 20 Frictional properties for various surface treatments. SBQ, salt bath
quenching. Source: Ref 10
Corrosion resistance increases via SBN, most notably with the Kol-
ene QPQ process. Figures 8 and 9 show how QPQ treatments improve
corrosion properties.
Fatigue strength under bending and torsional loading develops as a
result of nitrogen present in the diffusion zone and particularly the amount
in solid solution. Improvement in fatigue strength produced through SBN
occurs in a range of materials and in varying degrees (Table 2). Low-
carbon steels with relatively low strength display the greatest increase in
fatigue strength (from 80 to 100%), whereas the higher alloy steels and
cast irons exhibit from 20 to 80% improvement in strength.
Source: Ref 10
1. T. Bell, Ferritic Nitrocarburizing, Met. Eng. Q., May 1976, reprinted
in Source Book on Nitriding, P.M. Unterweiser and A.G. Gray, Ed.,
American Society for Metals, 1977, p 266–278
2. Cassel Manual of Heat Treatment and Case Hardening, 7th ed.,
Imperial Industries Ltd., United Kingdom, 1964
3. B. Prenosil, Hutn. Listy, 1962, Vol 17 (No. 6), p 414–424 (available
as translation BLL RTS 9520)
4. R. Willing-Lepenies and C. Faulkner, “New Developments in Salt
Bath Nitrocarburizing,” product literature, Houghton Durferrit, Val-
ley Forge, PA
5. G. Wahl and S. Alwart, Improvement of Tribological Properties
through Nitrocarburizing
6. Nitrocarburizing, Surface Hardening of Steels: Understanding the
Basics, J.R. Davis, Ed., ASM International, 2002, p 195–212
7. R. Willing-Lepenies and C. Faulkner, “Melonite-QPQ-Process,”
product literature, Houghton-Durferrit, Valley Forge, PA, p 9
8. “The Theory and Practice of Molten Salt Bath Nitriding,” product
literature, Kolene Corporation, Detroit
9. J.R. Easterday, “The Kolene QPQ Process,” product literature,
Kolene Corporation, Detroit
10. J.R. Easterday, “Salt Bath Ferritic Nitrocarburizing,” product litera-
ture, Kolene Corporation, Detroit
11. Tool Materials, ASM Specialty Handbook, ASM International, 1995,
p 228
12. J.R. Easterday, Expanding the Temperature Range for Salt Bath
Nitrocarburizing, Ind. Heat., Vol 70 (No. 1), Jan 2003, p 34–38
13. J.R. Easterday, “Influence of SBN on Corrosion Resistance of Stain-
less Steels,” product literature, Kolene Corporation, Detroit
20_Nitriding.qxd 9/30/03 10:22 AM Page 219
Gaseous Ferritic
throughout the world. Some of these processes, most of which are propri-
etary, go by the names of:
• Nitemper
• NitroTec
• Deganit
• Nitroc
• Lindure
• Controlled nitrocarburizing
• Soft nitriding
• Vacuum nitrocarburizing (using a conventional cold-wall furnace)
Process Principles
The atmosphere method relies (as does the salt bath procedure) on a con-
stant supply of nitrogen (from ammonia), carbon from a suitable gaseous
source, and oxygen. Ammonia is considered to be the most readily and
actively available source of nitrogen for the process and is blended with the
other process gas supplies of carbon (from a hydrocarbon gas) and oxygen
from other sources. As in gas nitriding, the cracked nascent ammonia gas
will dissociate at the steel surface and react with the hydrocarbon gas to
form both nascent nitrogen and free carbon. The gases will allow carbon
dioxide to be generated in relation to the classical water gas reaction:
CO2 + H2 ↔ H2O + CO
This means that some hydrogen cyanide (HCN) gas will form as a by-
product of the process. The hydrogen cyanide will contribute both nitro-
gen and carbon to the process reaction, thus improving the nitriding
potential of the total process gas.
The metallurgical results of the process are very similar to the classical
nitriding process, with the exception that now there is carbon in the layer.
The thickness of the compound layer is determined by:
• Time
• Temperature
• Process gases
• Pretreatment of the steel
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The rate of growth of the compound layer is approximately the square root
of the process time at the chosen process temperature.
The primary objective of the ferritic nitrocarburizing process is to form
nitrides and, most importantly, surface carbon, which will encourage the
ε-nitride phase in the surface of the steel. The surface carbon comes from
three sources:
Gaseous Supply
As stated earlier, gas generally is supplied by using an endothermically
generated gas with an addition of ammonia. The percentages are approxi-
mately 50% for each gas, depending, of course, on the surface metallurgy
Some proprietary procedures use an exothermically generated gas as
the primary process gas, followed by the addition of ammonia. The
exothermic gas decomposes to provide a small percentage of carbon
monoxide, along with hydrogen and nitrogen from the ammonia, which
will decompose in a catalytic reaction at the steel surface.
In some proprietary procedures, methane is added to promote ε-nitride
formation in the steel surface. The procedure can then be followed with a
deliberate and controlled surface oxidation by adding a source of oxygen
to the process. The oxygen level must be kept to below combustible levels
(less than 2% oxygen). The result will be a surface layer of free oxides
with a low degree of surface porosity.
• Wear resistance
• Torsional strength
• Corrosion resistance (except on stainless steels)
• Surface hardness
• Fatigue strength
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Industrial Applications
Applications for the ferritic nitrocarburizing process are widely varied.
The typical type of steel used for the process is a low-carbon, low-alloy
steel. However, the process can also be applied to medium- and high-carbon
steels with various metallurgical results. Typical components that undergo
gaseous nitrocarburizing include:
• Machine spindles
• Cams
• Timing gears
• Powder metal components (see discussion below)
• Die casting dies (see discussion below)
• Shot sleeves
• Exhaust valves
• Cylinder liners
• Camshafts
• Crankshafts
• Steel water valves
• Ductile iron pump housings
• Automotive components, including suspension struts, stickshift levers,
and window winding mechanisms
• Gas spring pistons
• Door lock mechanisms
• Gears (see discussion below)
• Machine slides
• Cylinder liners
• Water pump components
Safety Considerations
Because the gaseous ferritic nitrocarburizing process involves a com-
bustible atmosphere that is explosive when operated below the self-ignition
temperature, safety precautions must be rigorously enforced. It is mandatory
that all safety purge systems are in place and fully operable and that the cor-
rect purge sequencing has occurred before combustible gases are admitted to
the furnace. The process operating temperature is in the region of 570 °C
(1060 °F). The normal combustion gas ignition temperature is 750 °C (1350
°F), so any temperature below this will cause an explosion if the process gas
is not admitted according to the furnace manufacturer’s written procedures.
Process Technique
The geometry of the components is such that it was considered essential
to treat vertically in order to control distortion (Fig. 3). The only suitable
equipment available at Leyland for this purpose was a Wild Barfield pit fur-
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nace which was normally used for gas carburizing. This is shown schemati-
cally in Fig. 4. Some reservations were expressed as the normal technique
of venting ammonia-bearing exhaust gases to atmosphere could not be
accommodated. The location of the furnace and the height of the heat treat-
ment shop presented additional problems in this respect. However, it was
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Fig. 4 Schematic diagram of the Wild Barfield pit carburizing furnace used in
the nitrocarburizing trials
found in practice that the exhaust burnt quite readily during processing at
the nitrocarburizing temperature. The furnace was modified by the inclusion
of a pilot flame at the exhaust pipe. It was decided that the furnace atmos-
phere would be the standard nitrogen/ammonia/carbon dioxide nitrocarbur-
izing system (Ref 5–7). A further furnace modification was carried out to
facilitate the separate delivery of carbon dioxide to the furnace chamber. (It
is an accepted fact that, should ammonia and carbon dioxide be delivered
through the same manifold, then a reaction will occur between the two
gases. The manifold will quickly become blocked with heavy deposits of
ammonium carbamate.)
With a furnace volume of 2 m3 (70 ft3), the standard purge atmosphere
flow employed equated to six volume changes per hour. During process-
ing, the standard atmosphere flow was four volume changes per hour. The
full treatment details were as follows:
Typical Results
On hardened and tempered steel containing 0.40% C, 0.83% Mn,
0.24% Si, 0.17% Ni, 1.06% Cr, and 0.17% Mo, typical results after 3 h
nitrocarburizing were as discussed below.
Hardness. Surface hardness of the order of 580 to 650 HV5 were
achieved. Hardness traverses on sectioned samples indicated microhard-
nesses in the compound layer in excess of 700 HV0.01, with the highest
values being recorded close to the interface of the compound layer and the
substrate. Core hardness was 320 to 330 HV5.
Case Depth. Hardness profiles (Fig. 5) showed effective case depths
(to 500 HV) of 0.125 to 0.15 mm (0.005 to 0.006 in.).
Metallographic examination revealed a typical continuous unbroken
compound layer (Fig. 6). The depth of the compound layer was of the
order of 25 to 37.5 µm, which is considerably deeper than that expected of
a conventional nitrocarburizing treatment of the same duration on the
same material.
Fatigue Resistance. Fatigue testing of treated crankshafts was carried out
at the Motor Industry Research Association (MIRA). The results obtained
(Fig. 7) point to a fatigue resistance twice that of untreated components.
Wear Resistance. Crankshafts nitrocarburized in the 3 h treatment
were run in a six-cylinder turbocharged engine on an experimental test
bed in a 1884 h endurance trial. No wear was observed on the crank pins;
a maximum of 6 µm (0.00025 in.) wear occurred on the main journals.
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The results of the trials demonstrated that:
This appendix was reprinted with minor changes from K. Bennett,
Q. Weir, and J. Williamson, Gaseous Nitrocarburising—A Suitable Alter-
native for the Heat Treatment of Automotive Crankshafts, Heat Treatment
of Metals, Vol 8 (No. 4), 1981, p 79–81. Reproduced by permission of
Wolfson Heat Treatment Centre.
1. T. Bell, Gaseous and Plasma Nitrocarburizing, Heat Treating, Vol 4,
ASM Handbook, ASM International, 1991, p 425–436
2. T. Bell, Ferritic Nitrocarburizing, Met. Eng. Q., May 1976, reprinted
in Source Book on Nitriding, P.M. Unterweiser and A.G. Gray, Ed.,
American Society for Metals, 1977, p 266–278
3. J. Grosch, Heat Treatment with Gaseous Atmospheres, Steel Heat
Treatment Handbook, G.E. Totten and M.A.H. Howes, Ed., Marcel
Dekker, 1997, p 663–719
4. T. Bell, Ferritic Nitrocarburising, Heat Treatment of Metals, Vol 2,
1975, p 39–49
5. C. Dawes, D.F. Tranter, and C.G. Smith, Reappraisal of Nitrocarburis-
ing and Nitriding When Applied to Design and Manufacture of Non-
Alloy Steel Automobile Components, Heat Treatment ’79, Book No.
261, The Metals Society, 1980, p 60–68; also in Metals Technology,
Vol 6 (Part 9), Sept. 1979, p 345–353 and Journal of Heat Treating,
Vol 1 (No. 2), Dec. 1979, p 30–42
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Equipment for
Ferritic Nitrocarburizing
• Simple design
• Fueled by either natural gas or electricity
• Easy to operate
• Excellent heat transfer and temperature uniformity
• Not capital intensive
Fig. 1 Internally heated salt bath furnace with immersed alloy electrodes and
ceramic tile lining
Fig. 2 Internally heated salt bath furnace with submerged graphite electrodes
and a modified brick lining for use with carburizing salts
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Fig. 4 Electric fan motor treated by the Nitrotec process (right) and zinc-
plated (left). Both were subjected to a 250 h neutral salt spray test.
Fig. 5 Towing ball hitch treated by the oxynitride process (right) and
untreated (left). Both subjected to salt spray test. Courtesy of Plateg
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2NH3 ↔ 2N + 3H2
Fig. 6 Typical plasma nitriding PLC screen display. Courtesy of Plateg GmbH
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• Temperature
• Time at temperature
• Surface metallurgy required
• Volume of the process vessel
• Surface area to be treated
All of these factors influence the volume of process gas required during
the process time. A general estimate is approximately 1.5 L/min/m3 of the
volume of the process vessel with a total work surface area of 22 ft2
(2 m2). Based on 1.5 L/min and given that there are approximately 4 L per
U.S. gallon:
90 L/h
1.5 × 60 min = = 22.5 gal by volume of process gas
The rate of solid-state diffusion of any element into the surface of any
steel is governed by the laws of the physics of diffusion. In other words,
the diffused element cannot go into the steel any faster than the laws of
physics will allow it to go. Many claims are made of very deep case
depths being accomplished with very short cycle times at process temper-
atures in the region of 580 °C (1075 °F). The problem here is that “case
depth” usually is not defined. Is the claim being made for total case depth
or effective case depth? What is meant by core hardness? Is it the core
plus 5 HRC points, or is it the actual core hardness itself? This is signifi-
cant in terms of actual case depth.
If the reported case depths are truly achievable in the times specified,
then the process has a great deal more to offer both the engineer and the
metallurgist than has been previously thought. It would make great sense
to dispense with the carburize process and go with the ferritic nitrocarbur-
ize process in terms of:
• Reduction of distortion
• Improved part cleanliness
• Improved productivity and efficiency
• Elimination of post-operation cleaning
Case depth = K √t
where the case depth is in inches (for case depth in millimeters divide by
25.4), t is the time in hours, and K is the temperature factor given in Table 1.
The rate of nitrogen and carbon diffusion will begin to slow as the
alloying content of a steel is increased by the addition of chromium,
Ferritic Oxynitrocarburizing
This process is simply an addendum at the end of the ferritic nitrocar-
burizing procedure. Oxynitrocarburizing involves introducing oxygen—
in the form of steam, oxygen, or nitrous oxide—in a controlled manner
into the process chamber.
The process gas must be carefully selected. Steam may cause problems
with electrical equipment such as power feedthroughs and control sys-
tems. Nitrous oxide or oxygen is preferred; nitrous oxide tends to be more
user friendly to valves and control systems than oxygen. The thickness of
the oxygen-bearing compound zone after treatment will be determined by
the time at temperature and the cooldown time. A typical part that has
been ferritic oxynitrocarburized is shown in Fig. 7.
The primary reason for oxygen treatment after ferritic nitrocarburizing is
to enhance surface corrosion resistance. The procedure is comparable to
Fig. 8 Shafts treated by the oxynitride process (right) and untreated (left). Both
subjected to salt spray test. Courtesy of Plateg GmbH
the black oxide type of treatment and will enhance the cosmetic surface
appearance of the steel component (Fig. 8). Just as with salt bath treat-
ments, the surface finish of the component will depend on the surface finish
of the component prior to treatment. The higher the polish of the compo-
nent prior to ferritic nitrocarburizing, the better the finish after the oxidiz-
ing procedure.
The surfaces of oxynitrocarburized parts have been subjected to salt
spray corrosion tests, exceeding 200 h by a considerable margin. Resis-
tance to the salt spray test will be determined by the resulting oxide layer
The oxidization treatment following ferritic nitrocarburizing has almost
no cost attached to it, other than a portion of the amortization of the equip-
ment. Generally, there is little or no power consumption. The only other
associated expenses would be the cost of the oxidation process gas, fol-
lowed by furnace occupancy.
1. Heat-Treating, Cleaning, and Finishing, Vol 2, Metals Handbook, 8th
ed., p 98
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Evaluating the Process
Case Hardness
It is strongly recommended that the case hardness not be measured
directly on the steel surface with a heavy load (for example, at 150 kg as
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Fig. 5 Typical fixtures used for holding and clamping workpieces for micro-
hardness testing
The low hardness generally indicates that the case has not been
processed to the correct depth specification. In other words, the case depth
is too shallow and the indenter punches through it. The remedy is to either
increase the case depth requirement or, if the case depth is correct, select a
lighter load for the hardness test.
The second reason is an imbalance of the furnace atmosphere. If the
gaseous method of ferritic nitrocarburizing is being used, check the gas
flow rates and relative volumes. Next, check the gas decomposition within
the furnace. This can be accomplished by a gas analyzer that measures the
carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, and hydrogen contents and adjusts the
gas composition and flow rates accordingly.
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If using the salt bath method of ferritic nitrocarburizing, analyze the salt
composition for cyanide and cyanate composition. If the resulting analysis
shows an excess of carbonate or cyanate, regenerate the bath. This is accom-
plished simply by raising the bath temperature to 595 °C (1100 °F) and vig-
orously aerating the bath for approximately 90 min, followed by desledging.
If the plasma-assisted technique of ferritic nitrocarburizing produces a
shallow case, then:
• The process cycle time is too short to accomplish the required case
depth (assuming that the gas flow rates are correct).
• The gas flow rates could be incorrect. Increase the nitrogen flow rate
to increase the nitriding potential of the process.
If surface corrosion develops after ferritic nitrocarburizing, the initiat-
ing source must be established. For example, is the corrosion originating
from an external environmental source? If so, check the operating atmos-
phere or liquid for acidic content and adjust the process parameters
accordingly. The corrosion may also be generated by an uncontrolled salt
bath, gas mixture, or plasma condition. If this is the case, check that the
salt bath composition is within specified operating limits and adjust
accordingly. Check also that the gas dissociation and gas ratios are
within the required operating limits and that the process temperature is
correct. Lastly, check that the plasma conditions are correctly set in terms
of power density, voltage, amperage, pressure, gas ratios, and process
Material selection may also play a role in initiating corrosion. Does the
selected material have the necessary corrosion resistance for the given
environment? Even with improved corrosion resistance imparted by the
nitrocarburizing treatment, a more corrosion-resistant base material may
have to be selected.
Distortion is always a contentious subject. Despite the low nitrocarbur-
izing process temperature, there is no absolute guarantee that distortion
will not occur. Distortion can be classified as either shape distortion
(warpage) or size distortion (Ref 1).
Shape distortion originates from induced residual stresses from such
operations as forging, rolling, and machining and will result in twisting,
23_Nitriding.qxd 9/30/03 10:25 AM Page 250
chemistry Annealing
variations temperature Rough machine Stress relieve
bending, and ovality. The degree of distortion that occurs will be deter-
mined by the amount of residual stress present in the steel. The residual
stress can be in the steel as a result of mixed phases due to incomplete
transformation at the preharden and temper operation. The only way to
reduce the induced mechanical stress is to stress relieve prior to final
machining and prior to nitriding. To deal with the possible mixed phase
problem, resulting from pre-heat-treatment, it may be necessary to cryo-
genically treat the steel, followed by tempering to deal with any trans-
formed retained austenite to martensite. This will stabilize the steel prior
to the ferritic nitrocarburizing procedure if retained austenite was present.
Size distortion results from thermochemical treatments such as ferritic
nitrocarburizing, and from variations in the steel chemistry from heat to
heat. If the steel has been prehardened and tempered, the prior austenitiz-
ing temperature, as well as time at the austenitizing temperature, will
influence grain size (Ref 2).
The flow diagram in Fig. 6 presents factors that influence distortion
during final heat treatment. Remember, both ferritic nitrocarburizing and
nitriding will act as a stress-relieving process. If residual induced stress
has not been dealt with beforehand, then the procedure will act as a stress
relieve operation and distortion will occur. Steel will respond to heat from
any source.
1. G.E. Totten, C.E. Bates, and N.A. Clinton, Handbook of Quenchants
and Quenching Technology, ASM International, 1993, p 443
2. G.E. Totten and M.A.H. Howes, Chapter 5, in Steel Heat Treatment
Handbook, Marcel Dekker, 1997, p 251–292
Index_Nitriding.qxd 10/1/03 3:37 PM Page 251
A nitriding 35–36
for retorts 43
SAE 5115, salt bath nitrided 57(F)
Alloy steels salt bath ferritic nitrocarburizing 211, 211(F),
AISI 4140, microstructure 182(F), 183(F) 212(F), 216(F)
compositions 126(T) Case depth. See also Nitrided case; Surface
compound zone thickness 143(F), 144(F), hardness
145(F), 146(F), 148(F), 149(F), 182(F), automotive crankshafts 227
183(F) carburizing vs. nitriding 13(F), 14(F), 15–16,
hardness 35, 160, 161 15(F), 16(F)
salt bath ferritic nitrocarburizing 211, 212(F) determination of 68–69, 69(T), 136–137
salt bath nitriding 188 extrusion dies 155
Alloying elements, effect of 4–5, 7–8, 20–21, ferritic nitrocarburizing 245
35, 127–129, 127(F), 128(F), 161, 203(F), fluidized–bed nitriding 117(F), 118(T)
206 forging dies 154
American Gas Co. 3 gears 159, 160(F)
Ammonia. See also Gas nitriding ion ferritic nitrocarburizing 236–237, 237(T)
decomposition of 3, 23–27, 50–51, 77–78, ion nitriding 136–137
77(F), 117–118, 185–186, 220 microhardness testing 177, 245–248, 246(F),
leaks in retorts 44–46 247(F), 248(F)
safety precautions 46–47 temperature factor 69(T), 137(T), 237(T)
Applications 153–161 Case formation 31–37. See also Compound
Aubert, Pierre 6 zone (layer)
Automotive crankshafts, gaseous ferritic Central Alloy Steel Corp. 7
nitrocarburizing of 223–229 Compound zone (layer)
in automotive crankshafts 223, 224(F)
carbon, influence of 32
B control of 65–69, 82–83
dual phase formation 4(F), 31(F), 32(F),
Bell, Thomas 67, 201 33(F), 65(F), 66(F), 141(F)
Berghaus, Bernhard 9, 72 early studies 7
British standard nitriding steels 5, 5(T) in extrusion dies 83(F), 155–156
and Floe process 8–9, 34, 66, 67(F)
in forging dies 154
C in gears 159
kinetic studies 142–150
Carbon, and compound zone 32 and Melonite process 203–204, 204(F)
Carbon steels and sputtering 142–150
AISI 1015, nitrocarburized microstructure tests 66
35(F) thickness 32–34, 35, 36, 118(T), 142–150,
AMS 6470, nitride networking 40(F) 143(F), 144(F), 145(F), 146(F), 147(F),
AMS 6470, nitrided case 181(F), 182(F) 148(F), 149(F), 205(F), 220–221
hardness 35, 203(F) and two stage process 66, 67(F)
Index_Nitriding.qxd 10/1/03 3:37 PM Page 252
Electroplating 163, 164
Enameling, for retorts 44 Gas ionization. See Ion nitriding
Equilibrium diagrams Gas nitriding. See also Nitriding
iron-carbon 17(F), 194(F) case crushing 187
iron-nitrogen 2(F) discoloration 186
Equipment. See Furnaces; Oxygen probes; exfoliation 186–187
Programmable logic controllers; furnace design 8(F), 23(F), 39–51, 39(F),
Sensors; Thermocouples; Trays and 41(F), 45(F)
fixtures furnace heating 47–49
Index_Nitriding.qxd 10/1/03 3:37 PM Page 253
Irons N
cast, salt bath ferritic nitrocarburized 214,
215(F), 216(F)
ferritic nodular, salt bath nitrided 57(F) Nitralloy steels 5, 14, 20–21, 125, 126(T)
nitrided case formation 31–37, 33(F) Nitrex Metal, Inc. 68
pure 159–160 Nitride networking 5, 16, 34, 34(F), 40(F),
80–81, 80(F), 81(F), 154–155
Nitrided case. See also Case depth; Surface
J alloying elements, effect of 128(F)
examination methods 167–183
Jack, D.H. 67 on forging die 154(F)
Jeffries, Zay 6 structure of 4(F), 32(F), 35(F), 65(F), 181(F),
Jones, Claude 10, 72 182(F), 183(F)
Joseph Lucas Ltd. 195, 219 Nitriding. See also Floe process; Fluidized-bed
nitriding; Gas nitriding; Ion nitriding;
Salt bath nitriding; Selective nitriding
K advantages 13–22, 19(F)
applications 153–161
Ketcham, W.J. 6–7 current status of technology 11
Kinetic studies, of compound zone formation examination methods 167–183
142–150 furnace equipment and control systems
Klockner Ionen GmbH 9, 72 39–51
Kolene Corp. 55, 207, 208 historical background 3–11, 13–14
Krupp Steel Works 4, 5, 6, 14, 127 metallurgical considerations 1–2
microstructures 31–37, 32(F), 35(F), 181(F),
182(F), 183(F)
L process principles 23–29
process requirements 2–3, 14–21
Leyland Vehicles Ltd. 224 steels for 125–137, 153–161
Light microscopy. See Microscopic troubleshooting 185–191
examination U.S. vs. German processes 5–6
Lightfoot, B.J. 67 Nitriding potential 26, 67
Ludlum Steel Co. 8 Nitrocarburizing. See Ferritic
Nitrogen diffusion 24–27, 33–34, 139–142
M See also Solubility limit
Nu-Tride process 207, 208–217
Machlet, Adolph 3–4, 6, 13, 14, 67
Maraging steels 160–161, 183(F)
Martin, Stuart 10, 72 O
Masking. See Selective nitriding
Mass spectrometry, for process gas control Oils. See Surface contaminants
analysis 140–141 Optical light microscopy. See Microscopic
Massachusetts Institute of Technology 8, 9, 66 examination
McQuaid, H.W. 6–7 Oxidation, resistance to 21
Melonite process 55, 202, 203–207 Oxygen probes 51
Metallographic examination. See Oxynitriding 86–87, 87(F), 116. See also
Microscopic examination Ferritic oxynitrocarburizing
Microhardness. See Hardness testing
Microscopic examination
of automotive crankshafts 227, 228(F) P
etching 177–180
microscope selection 180–181 Paint residue. See Surface contaminants
nitrided case microstructures 181(F), 182(F), Paints, stop-off 164–165
183(F) Paschen curves 74, 74(F), 96, 96(F)
sample preparation 168–177 Phase transformations 17(F), 18, 18(F), 24,
Microstructures, nitrided iron and steel 31–37, 26–27, 28–29
32(F), 35(F), 181(F), 182(F), 183(F) Photo spectrometry, for process gas control
Molding resins 171(T), 172(T) analysis 139–140, 140(F)
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