MBBS Prospectus
MBBS Prospectus
MBBS Prospectus
The location of SNIMS is 14 kms away from Nedumabassary Cochin International Airport in between national
highways NH 47 and NH 17 at Chalakka spread over 46 acres, away from the noisy congested city.
The Academic Block accommodates the pre-clinical and para- clinical departments, students labs, museums,
lecture halls with audio visual amenities, examination halls, central library, digital library, 24 hours internet
connection, large conference hall, auditorium etc. The 500 bed hospital offers a range of clinical specialties,
super specialties and emergency services.
SNIMS campus provides separate bath attached hostel facilities for boys and girls in addition to in- house
accommodation for faculty members. It also has well-toned playground and well equipped GYMs to keep
students physically fit.
The information on infrastructure, residential facilities, faculty details, etc. are provided in the official
website of the college www.snims.org ( copies attached as Appendix-1 & 2 for ready reference)
To promote ideals of Sree Narayana Guru by providing and promoting education and to devise ways to
minimize human sufferings by way of offering good medical services.
To create a culture among medical students to become forward looking and dedicated doctors,
imbibed with compassion towards all, especially the poor and the marginalized.
To provide quality medical care at affordable cost.
Improve the health care infrastructure.
The Vision
Our vision is to become one among the top Institutions imparting Medical Education in the country by 2020
with state of the art infrastructure and excellent faculty. The aim of SNIMS is to become a world class
centre for learning and healing.
The overall administration, management and control of the affairs of the Trust and its properties are
Vested in Board of Trustees of 428 . The Board of Trustees have a Board of Directors to manage
administer and control the Trust and the Board of Directors have an Executive Committee of Eleven
Members to manage the Educational Institution with a team of distinguished personnel, who have
extensive experience in their Profession.
Administration :-
Executive Director : Col. Rajeev Mannali Mobile No:8289896960 [email protected]
1.1 This Prospectus relates to admission to MBBS Course for the Academic Year 2017 - 18 in Sree Narayana Institute
of Medical Sciences, Chalakka.
1.2 The Prospectus contains rules and regulations for admission for selection and admission to all seats of MBBS
course for the academic year 2017 -18.
1.3 The conditions in this prospectus are subject to modification / addition / deletion, as may be deemed necessary
by the management and will be subject to further orders, if any, passed by appropriate authorities / courts of law.
1.4 Applicants are required to go through the prospectus carefully and familiarize themselves with all relevant
information. They are also encouraged to visit the official website of the college i.e. www.snims.org for more
a. Candidates who have passed Higher Secondary Examination of the Board of Higher Secondary Education,
Kerala or examinations recognised equivalent thereto, with 50% marks in Biology/Biotechnology
separately, and 50% marks in Physics, Chemistry and Biology/Biotechnology put together, are eligible. In
the absence of Biology, Biotechnology will be considered as a subject for academic eligibility. SC/ST/OBC
candidates shall be eligible for relaxation in minimum marks as per the norms prescribed by the Medical
Council of India (MCI).
b. Rounding off of the percentage of marks to the nearest whole number is not permitted.
c. Candidates who have not passed their qualifying exam from the Board of Higher Secondary Education,
Kerala, CBSE or ICSE shall provide an equivalency certificate obtained from the concerned university.
d. Only those candidates who qualified NEET UG-2017 as per the qualifying criteria prescribed in the
information bulletin of NEET UG-2017 shall be eligible to apply for admission and candidates must
be eligible as per the norms prescribed by MCI.
e. Applicants should possess certificate of good conduct and character issued from the institution last
2.3 Age:-
Applicants should have completed 17 years of age on 31st December, 2017. No relaxation in age will be
(i) Since the Hon’ble Supreme Court in order dtd. 09.05.2017 in Dar-Us-Slam Educational Trust
& Others vs. MCI & Others, W.P.(c) No. 267/2017 has held that for the academic year 2017-
2018, Common Counselling shall be held for Seats in Private Medical Colleges, by the State
Government for the eligible students; the mode of making of application shall be published
by the State Government or the authority designated by the State Government in detail.
(ii) The State Government or the authority designated by it shall also publish the details of the
documents required to be submitted along with the application.
(iii) Apart from the details which may be prescribed by the State Government or its designated
authority all the candidates shall produce along with application the following documents:
a. Copy of relevant page of School records namely SSLC / ISC / CBSE or equivalent certificate
showing the date of birth as proof of age.
b. Copy of Mark list and Pass Certificate of the qualifying examination (Plus Two / 12th Standard).
c. Nativity Certificate, if applicable
d. Self-addressed stamped envelope (12 x 25 cms size) with Indian Postal stamps worth Rs.10/-
affixed thereon.
a) Copy of the employment certificate from the employer or if self-employed, a statement duly attested
by the Indian embassy.
b) Copy of the relevant pages of the passport containing visa details.
c) Certificate issued by a scheduled bank stating that he/she is a Non-Resident Indian holding an NRI
account other than a zero balance account.
d) An affidavit/declaration (Annexure II) by the NRI relative/Sponsor
e) Certificate from the Village officer / revenue authorities to prove the relationship between the
applicant & NRI. The format can be downloaded from
(As the number of seats in the NRI category is limited, the applications are carefully scrutinized to assess
eligibility and the relative merit of the applicants before being selected for admission.
Once accepted, the applicant will be notified regarding their status. All the selected applicants will
have to pay the tuition fees and other annual fees on or before the date specified.)
Note: All certificates/documents submitted by the applicants shall be attested by a Gazetted officer.
Application not accompanied by documents in proof of claims made therein will be summarily
rejected without further intimation. Documents / Certificates furnished after submission of the
application will not be entertained under any circumstances. Incorporating any details or documents
after the submission of application will not be entertained. Late and incomplete applications will be
rejected. Applicants are instructed NOT TO ENCLOSE ANY ORIGINAL CERTIFICATES along with the
The management shall not be responsible for any postal / courier correspondence.
1. Management 85 (85%)
2. NRI 15 (15%)
3. Total 100
10% of the seats (10 seats out of 100) will be allotted to the dependents of Trustees & Management and the
Dependents of Staff/Employees of the sponsored Trust /Societies etc. of the Educational Agency and the Educational
Agency shall be entitled to fill up these seats from among the NEET qualified applications received by the Agency
irrespective of their rank.
b. ) The Educational Agency shall be entitled to fill up those seats still remaining unfilled after
the closure of allotment by the Commissioner for Entrance Examinations. Those seats still
remaining vacant after the stipulated date are reverted back to the Education agency as
lapsed seats and Education agency can fill up those seats as management seats .
c. ) To be eligible to apply for admission to MBBS courses in the Management and NRI quota seats,
the candidates should have secured a minimum of marks at 50th Percentile in National Eligibility
Cum Entrance test to MBBS courses held for this academic year (NEET 2017)
Since the Hon’ble Supreme Court in judgment dtd. 09.05.2017 in Dar-Us-Slam Educational
Trust & Others vs. MCI & Others, W.P.(c) No. 267/2017 has held that for the academic year
2017-2018, Common Counselling shall be held for Seats in Private Medical Colleges, by the
State Government for the eligible students; the allotment and admission to the seats shall be
made by the State Government and its allotment agency .
They shall also produce the following documents in original at the time of admission before
the Principal/Dean of the College:
a. SSLC/10th Standard Certificate
b. Admit card of the NEET-2017.
c. Result/Score Card of the NEET-2017.
d. Mark list at the qualifying examination (Plus Two / 12th Standard).
e. Pass Certificate of the applicant at 10th & 12th.
f. Document (School Record viz: SSLC or equivalent) of the applicant to prove his/ her date of birth.
g. Eligibility/equivalency certificate obtained from the Kerala University of Health Sciences by
applicants who have passed the qualifying examination from boards other than the State of Kerala
h. A Physical Fitness Certificate (format given) obtained from a Medical Officer in Government
Service not below the rank of Assistant Medical Officer.
i. Course and conduct certificate from the institution last attended.
j. Transfer certificate (TC) from the institution last attended.
k. Originals of other certificates, the copies of which are enclosed with the application form.
6 FEES: -
a) Annual Tuition Fees
(Details of cost- income and expenditure is already submitted to ASC , Commission of Adv.
Jaladharan Committee as directed by KUHS and verbally presented before Justice
Denesan Commission)
2. NRI 15 (15%) 25
Though, Pursuant to the judgment of the Hon’ble Supreme Court dtd. 09.05.2017 in Dar-Us-Slam Educational Trust
& Others vs. MCI & Others, W.P.(c) No. 267/201 that the notification issued by the State Government notifying the
Common Counselling shall also provide the fee structure and the Government have issued G.O.(Rt) No.
2004/2017/H&FWD dtd. 17.07.2017 on the basis of the order of the Fee Regulatory Committee dtd. 13.07.2017
provisionally fixing Uniform fee of Rs. 5 Lakhs for 85% Management quota seats and Rs. 20 Lakhs for 15% NRI Quota
seats; the Fee so fixed was challenged before the Hon’ble High Court of Kerala and therefore will be subject to the
result of the final decision to be taken by the Hon’ble High Court of Kerala in W.P.(c) No. 22416 of 2017.
b) In addition to this applicant need to pay an amount not exceeding one years Tuition fees as
Interest free deposit at the time of admission. It shall be refunded at the end of the course
without interest.
c) Each student selected for admission as mentioned shall remit the said amount
as mentioned for the first year of the course and produce a bank guarantee from
nationalized bank / scheduled bank for an amount covering the fee for the remaining four
d.) Apart from the Tuition fee, applicants will have to pay caution deposit, fees payable to the Universities,
Government, Medical Council of India, examination conducting charges, transportation charges,
establishment charges, extracurricular, other statutory charges, etc.
e.) Annual tuition fees and other fees should be paid on or before 1st August of every year for 5 years.
Late payments will attract penalty.
g.) The allotted candidates at the time of admission shall remit the fees for the first year of the course fixed
by the College. No concession or exemption from payment of fee will be granted to the applicants.
h.) Fees may be payable at the time of admission by way of DD favouring Sree Narayana Institute of
Medical Sciences , payable at North Paravoor
i) All students including the SC/ST/OBC candidates will have to pay the same fee as shown in this
i) No request for refund of fees received within a period of fifteen days prior to the date of closure of admission
to the MBBS course fixed by the Medical Council of India will be entertained. Refund of fees will be
applicable only to students who leave the College on or before fifteen days prior to the last date for closing of
admission for MBBS fixed by the Medical Council of India. In such cases, their fund will be made within
thirty days of the receipt of request thereof.
ii) If any applicant discontinues the course or leaves the Institution within a period of Fifteen days before the
closing of admission in the 1st year or discontinues the course/leaves the institution in the subsequent years,
he/she is liable to pay liquidated damages to the tune of the fees assessed for the remaining years i.e. fees for
the whole course. In such cases, Transfer Certificate and other certificates will be issued only after payment of
all dues including the fees for the remaining years.
iii) In addition to the above, such students will have to pay tuition, hostel, mess and other fees proportionately for
the period they remained on the rolls of the college. For the purpose of calculations of proportionate recovery,
part of a month will be considered as a full month.
Hostel Fees
3 HOSTEL RENT (Triple Sharing) ANNUAL 30,000.00
4 MESS FEE ANNUAL 60,000.00
SUB TOTAL 1,18,000.00
SUB TOTAL 30,000.00
GRAND TOTAL 2,38,500.00
(* subject to change as per subsequent University notification)
(** subject to change as per subsequent Government of Kerala notification)
8.1 Duration of the Course is 4½ years with a compulsory rotating internship of 12 months.
8.2 According to the Kerala Prohibition of Ragging Act, 1998, ‘ragging’ means doing of any act by disorderly
conduct to a student of an educational institution, which causes or is likely to cause physical or
psychological harm or raising apprehension or shame or embarrassment to that student and includes
teasing or abusing or playing practical jokes or causing hurt to such students or asking a student to do
any act or to perform something which such student will not in the ordinary course be willing to do.
In case, the applicant for admission is found to have indulged in ragging in the past or if it is noticed later
that he/ she indulged in ragging, admission may be refused or he/ she shall be expelled from the
educational institution.
Each of the student of the institution and his/ her parents, or guardian are required to submit a
combined undertaking at the time of registration/ admission in a prescribed format which is mandatory
for registration/ admission. Such an undertaking shall be submitted before the commencement of every
academic year. An undertaking similar to the above shall be submitted every year by the student who is
admitted to the hostel.
8.3 All applicants who are selected for admission should get themselves vaccinated against Hepatitis (A+B),
Chicken pox, MMR before admission. A certificate to this effect will have to be produced at the time of
admission/before commencement of the course.
8.4 All the selected students are expected to abide by the rules & regulations of the Institution without
fail. Students are expected to observe absolute discipline in their conduct during the entire period
they spend in the institution. Failure to observe absolute discipline will invite appropriate action.
8.5 Students should wear Aprons / prescribed uniform with name plate appropriately displayed during
working hours. Casual wears are not permitted to be worn inside the hospital / college.
8.6 Mobile Phones are not permitted in the academic areas and hospital.
8.7 Minimum 80% attendance in each academic year is compulsory (Separate for Theory and Practical).
8.8 Smoking, illicit drugs and alcoholic drinks are totally prohibited and failure to observe the rules will
invite severe disciplinary action including suspension/termination.
8.9 Rules and regulations as prescribed should be strictly followed in the entire campus.
Any grievances regarding discrepancies in the process of selection and admission can be brought within
24 hours to the notice of the Admission Officer, Sree Narayana Institute of Medical Sciences (Email ID
[email protected])
Date: 31/07/2017 Secretary
Place : Chalakka Sree Narayana Institute of Medical Sciences
Email : [email protected]
The first among us is the parent of the second among us. We are submitting an application for
admission to MBBS course 2017-2018, at SNIMS Medical College, for the second among us. We are
aware of the amount of annual tuition fee for MBBS at SNIMS Medical College and we do hereby
undertake to remit at the time of admission, the said annual tuition fee and other fees and also
interest free refundable deposit, as may be prescribed by the college and we seek admission only on
the basis of this undertaking.
Also we undertake to obtain and submit irrevocable bank guarantee at the time of admission from a
nationalized / scheduled bank only for payment of the amount of tuition fee for the 2nd, 3rd, 4th and
5th year of MBBS course as per terms of the fee structure prescribed in the Prospectus.
We further agree that, if selected for admission and in case we do not abide by the above
undertaking, the College authorities have the right to deny admission to the second among us and
remove from the rolls of the College and that we will not be entitled for refund of any fees paid by us
or for any other kind of compensation.
1) Parent
Signature Name
and Address
2) Student
Signature Name
and Address
I am aware that on all matters concerning admission, the decision taken by the authorities of the
Medical College, Kerala University of Health Sciences and Medical Council of India is final and I shall
abide by such decision.
Place: Signature
(To Prove NRI status of the
Sponsor) 1.