IPCRF Attached
IPCRF Attached
IPCRF Attached
2. Used research-
1. Lesson plans with
The MOV presented was a Here are the lesson plans in which I used
based knowledge annotations lesson plan that showed the research-based knowledge and/or teaching and
and principles of highlighting the used of research-based learning principles to enhance professional practice
teaching and research based knowledge and principles of
knowledge and or as components of my lesson. I was able to engage
learning to enhance teaching and learning in Science
principles of teaching my learners to use their prior knowledge in
professional practice and learning used as and EPP/TLE
basis for planning/ analyzing the lesson through the review and
designing the lesson motivational part. Furthermore, the activities I've
2. Instructional materials
provided for them used an inquiry-based approach,
highlighting mastery allowing them to explore more ideas about the
of content and its
integration in other
most important learning competency (MELC) by
subject areas reading the content standards, performance
standards and the objectives. In the analysis, I
3. Performance
tasks/test material(s) asked them to explain and elaborate on the
highlighting concepts using the art of questioning, and I asked
integration of content
knowledge within them questions of both lower-order thinking skills
and across subject (LOTs) and higher-order thinking skills (HOTs). The
lesson progressed during the abstraction or
5. Others (Please specify development phase. While research-based
and provide) knowledge was used in the application or
assimilation which develops component skills,
practice integrating them, and knowing when to
apply what they have learned.
Appendix L
Objective Means of Verification Description of MOV Annotations
4.used effective The MOV presented was COT For objective 4, I've attached my Classroom
verbal and non- 1. Classroom rating sheet and observation Observation Tool (COT) rating sheet from my
verbal classroom observation tool notes
(COT) rating synchronous teaching Classroom Observation 1
communication sheet and/or and 2 observations (Progressive face-to-face). I
strategies to support inter-observer received a _______, and it is clear that I give
learner agreement form
importance to indicator 3, which is effective verbal
participation, 2. Lesson and nonverbal classroom communication strategies
engagement and plans/modified to support learning understanding, participation,
DLLs engagement, and achievement. Here are some
3. Others (Please
photos from my classroom observation. Strong
specify and communication skills are essential for me to
provide manage my classroom. I need to improve my
verbal and nonverbal communication skills to
effectively demonstrate to my learners what
appropriate classroom behavior entails. Nonverbal
communication accounts for most of my
interactions with my learners. Strong verbal
communication is also essential, and you should
demonstrate to your learners the rules and
classroom lessons they need to know.
Appendix L
Annotation Template
Objective Means of Verification Description of MOV Annotations
5. Established safe The MOV presented was COT I've attached my Classroom Observation Tool
and secure learning 1. (COT) rating rating sheet and observation (COT) rating sheet from my synchronous teaching
environments to sheet and/or notes
inter-observer observations of Classroom Observation 1 and 2
enhance learning agreement form (limited face-to-face), highlighted objective 5. My
through the ratings are ________, as I have established safe
consistent 2. Lesson
and secure learning environments to enhance
implementation of plans/modified
policies, guidelines, DLLs learning by consistently implementing policies,
and procedure. guidelines, and procedures. I also attached here
3. Others (Please screenshots of my post and announcement to my
specify and
provide advisees via Facebook group chat or group texts
annotations) about important reminders. To receive a good
grade, I encourage them to do their performance
tasks well in all subjects, such as video recording,
vlogging, drawing, and others. Every retrieval and
distribution of modules and outputs and activities, I
remind them to strictly adhere to health and safety
protocols and arrive on time to school.
Appendix L
Annotation Template
Objective Means of Verification Description of MOV Annotations
3. Displayed The MOV presented was COT Attached is my COT rating sheet and observation
Proficient use of 1. Classroom rating sheet and Observation notes for objective 3: proficient use of mother
observation tool
Mother Tongue, (COT) rating notes that showed the proficient tongue, Filipino, and English to facilitate teaching
Filipino, English to sheet and/or inter- use of Mother Tongue, Filipino and learning. Language is central to your learning:
observer agreement
facilitate teaching and English to facilitate teaching
form about without it, you will be unable to make sense of a
and learning knowledge of content and learning.
within and across
subject or communicate your understanding of it.
curriculum teaching Being fluent in a second language helped me adapt
to a different culture more easily. Communication
2. Lesson with my parents or guardians and learners is
plans/modified DLLs essential for the teaching and learning process. In
highlighting addition, here are some of the annotated
integration of content documents that will support my rating as evidence
knowledge within
and across subject of language proficiency as I gave instructions to my
areas learners thru Facebook messenger and text
3. Instructional materials
highlighting mastery
of content and its
integration in other
subject areas
4. Performance
tasks/test material(s)
integration of content
knowledge within
and across subject
Appendix L
and provide)
5. Others (Please specify Annotation Template
Objective Means of Verification Description of MOV Annotations
6. Maintained The MOV presented was COT I've attached my Classroom Observation Tool
learning 1. Classroom rating sheet and Observation (COT) rating sheet from my synchronous teaching
environments that observation tool notes and home visitation form
observations of Classroom Observations 1 and 2
promotes fairness, (COT) rating sheet
and/or inter-observer (limited face-to-face), with objective 6 highlighted.
respect, and care to
agreement form My ratings are _________, owing to the fact that I
encourage learning
have maintained learning environments that
promote fairness, respect, and care to encourage
2.Lesson plans/modified learning. I've also attached screenshots of my
DLLs developed
conversations with parents or guardians and
learners who aren't consistently submitting outputs
3. Others (Please on the given deadline. If you cannot contact the
specify and provide learners, home visits are the best option. All of
annotations) them should be given the opportunity to discuss
things or communicate in any way available to
them. The home visitation form or logbook is also
attached as I address learners' problems and
challenges at school.
Appendix L
Annotation Template
Objective Means of Verification Description of MOV Annotations
7. Maintained The MOV presented was COT For this objective, I chose Set B as my MOVs. My
learning 2. Classroom rating sheet and Observation Classroom Observation Tool (COT) rating sheet
environments that observation tool notes and home visitation form
from my synchronous teaching observations of
nurture and inspire (COT) rating sheet
and/or inter-observer Classroom Observations 1 and 2 (limited face-to-
learners to
agreement form face) is attached, with indicator 7 highlighted. My
cooperate and
ratings are __________ because I have created
collaborate in learning environments that encourage and inspire
2.Lesson plans/modified learners to participate, cooperate, and collaborate
continued learning DLLs developed
in lifelong learning. Here are some photos from my
observation that show the learners' active
3. Others (Please participation. My MELC-based lesson plan
specify and provide employed the collaborative approach, which entails
annotations) learners working together on small activities or
learning tasks in small groups to ensure that
everyone participates. The activity use think-pair-
share methods, as demonstrated by my MOVs.
Learners in the group may work on separate tasks
that contribute to a common overall outcome, or
they may collaborate on a shared task.
Appendix L
Annotation Template
Objective Means of Verification Description of MOV Annotations
8. Applied range of The MOV presented was COT For this objective, I chose Set B as my MOVs. My
successful strategies 3. Classroom rating sheet and Observation Classroom Observation Tool (COT) rating sheet
that maintain observation tool notes
from my synchronous teaching observations of
learning (COT) rating sheet
and/or inter-observer Classroom Observations 1 and 2 (limited face-to-
environments that
agreement form face) is attached, with objective 8 highlighted. My
motivate learners to
work productively by
ratings are ______________because I applied a
assuming range of successful strategies that maintain
2.Lesson plans/modified learning environment that motivate learners to work
responsibility for DLLs developed
their own learning productively by assuming responsibility for their
own learning, Cooperative learning promotes small
3. Others (Please group or whole-class activities that encourage
specify and provide learners of varying abilities to collaborate.
annotations) Furthermore, inquiry-based instruction is one of the
approaches that poses thought-provoking
questions, inspiring your learners to think for
themselves and become more independent
learners. To ensure that no one falls behind,
learners are differentiated based on their abilities.
Incorporating technology into teaching effectively
engages learners, particularly 21st-century
learners. Combining these teaching strategies
would help me motivate learners to work
productively by taking responsibility for their own
learning. My MELC-based lesson plan employed
the various teaching strategies, which motivate the
learners to strive more and reach their full potential.
Highlighted are the activities which I employ the
strategies in teaching that I find compelling and
effective based on the MELC.
Appendix L
Annotation Template
Appendix L
Annotation Template
Appendix L
Annotation Template