Engg Chemistry Important Questions For Semester

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CODE: 80B03 MR18


I B.Tech I-Sem (MR 18 Regulations)


1. Describe the various boiler troubles, their causes and prevention.
2. Explain the softening of water by Ion-exchange method and give its advantages and disadvantages?
3. Explain the process of Cold & hot lime-soda method for softening of water with neat diagram.
4. Explain the reverse osmosis method for desalination of brackish water with the help of neat diagram.
5. Discuss how natural water is sterilized by chlorination & ozonization.

1. Draw a neat labeled molecular orbital energy level diagram of N 2, O2& F2 Find out bond order and bond
nature & magnetic properties.
2. Explain crystal field splitting of [Co (CN)6]3-and [Co F6]3-complex.
3. a) Explain the band structure of solids with suitable examples.
b) Explain the effect doping on conductance with suitable examples.
4. Explain crystal field splitting of [Ni (Cl) 4]2- and [Ni (CO)4]complex.
5. Write salient features of crystal field theory.

1. What are fuel cells? Explain the construction and working of H 2 – O2 fuel cell and give its applications.
2. a) Write about the construction and working of Glass electrode electrode &how the pH is determined by
using glass electrode?
3. Write a short note on sacrificial anodic protection, Galvanization & Electroplating.
4. Explain the rusting of iron on the basis of electrochemical theory (wet) of corrosion.
5. Describe the various factors influencing the rate of corrosion.

1. Explain structural isomerism (chain, position and functional) with suitable examples.
2. Explain Cis-trans & E-Z Nomenclature of geometrical isomerism with examples.
3. Write a brief note on conformational isomerism of n-Butane with potential energy diagram.
4. Write a note on i) optical isomerism of Lactic acid & Tartaric acid ii) Enantiomers & diastereaomers.
5. Explain chemical shift, spin –spin splitting & coupling constant with examples.

1. What are reaction intermediates? Explain their formation and stability (free radical, carbocation &
carbanion) with examples.
2. Expailn mechanism of SN1 and SN2reactions with suitable example.
3. Write the synthesis of paracetamol and ibuprofen & their pharmaceutical applications.
4. Explain Diels alder (cyclisation) reaction with suitable example.
5. Explain oxidation-reduction (Cannizzaro) reaction with suitable example.

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