Ewald - The Logic of Legal Trasplants
Ewald - The Logic of Legal Trasplants
Ewald - The Logic of Legal Trasplants
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The American Journal of Comparative Law.
In a flood of books and articles examining the history of Western
law, Alan Watson has proposed a theory of legal change: the theory,
roughly stated, that the growth of law is principally to be explained
by the transplantation of legal rules.1
WILLIAM EWALD is Assistant Professor of Law and Philosophy, University of Penn-
sylvania. This is the second of a series of articles attempting to re-examine the foun-
dations of comparative law. The first in the series is, "Comparative Jurisprudence (I):
What was it Like to Try a Rat?," 143 Penn. L. Rev. 1189 (1995). I should like to thank
Stephen Burbank for his comments on an earlier version of this article, and for first
having pointed out to me the importance of Watson's work for legal theory.
1. Watson's writings to date fill some twenty books and one hundred articles.
They touch on much of Western legal history, but are centered on Roman Law and its
subsequent influence in continental Europe. His chief works include: Contract of
Mandate in Roman Law (1961); The Law of Obligations in the Later Roman Republic
(1965); The Law of Persons in the Later Roman Republic (1967); The Law of Property
in the Later Roman Republic (1968); The Law of the Ancient Romans (1970); The Law
of Succession I The Later Roman Republic (1971); Roman Private Law Around 200
B.C. (1971); Law Making in the Later Roman Republic (1974); Legal Transplants: An
Approach to Comparative Law (1974; 2d ed. 1993) [hereinafter Transplants]; Rome of
the XII Tables; Persons and Property (1975); The Nature of Law (1977); Society and
Legal Change (1977) [hereinafter Society]; The Making of the Civil Law (1981) [here-
inafter Making]; The Sources of Law, Legal Change, and Ambiguity (1984); The
Evolution of Law (1985) [hereinafter Evolution]; Roman Slave Law (1987); Failures of
the Legal Imagination (1988); Slave Law in the Americas (1989); Studies in Roman
Private Law (1991); Legal Origins and Legal Change (1991); Roman Law and Com-
parative Law (1991) [hereinafter Roman and Comparative]; The State, Law, and Reli-
gion: Pagan Rome (1992); Joseph Story and the Comity of Errors (1992); International
Law in Archaic Rome: War and Religion (1993).
Watson's articles that are most relevant to the present topic are: "The Definition
of Furtum and the Trichotomy," 28 Revue d'Histoire de droit 197 (1960); "The Devel-
opment of Marital Justifications for Malitiosa Desertio in Roman-Dutch Law," 79 Law
Q. Rev. 87 (1963); "Some Cases of Distortion by the Past in Classical Roman Law," 31
Revue d'Histoire de droit 69 (1963); "Roman Private Law and the Leges Regiae," 82
Journal of Roman Studies 100 (1972); "Personal injuries in the XII Tables," 43 Tijd-
schrift voor rechtsgeschiednis 213 (1975); "Legal Transplants and Law Reform," 92
L.Q. Rev. 79 (1976); "Comparative Law and Legal Change," 37 Cambridge L.J. (1978);
"Two-Tier Law - A New Approach to Law Making," 27 Intl. & Comp. L.Q. 552
(1978); "Society's Choice and Legal Change," 9 Hofstra L. Rev. 1473 (1981); "The No-
tion of Equivalence of Contractual Obligation and Classical Roman Partnership," 97
Law Q. Rev. 275 (1981); "Legal Change: Sources of Law And Legal Culture," 131 U.
Pa. L. Rev. 1121 (1983); "An Approach to Customary Law," 1984 U. Ill. L. Rev. 561
(1984); "The Evolution of Law: The Roman System of Contracts," 2 Law & Hist. Rev. 1
(1984); "The Future of the Common Law Tradition," 9 Dalhousie L.J. 67 (1984); "Law
It will be helpful if we begin by considering the group of theories
Watson is arguing against. I propose to call those theories "mirror
theories of law," and wish to make three points about them.
The basic flavor of a mirror theory is given by the following quo-
tation from a distinguished American legal historian, who says that
he conceives of law:
not as a kingdom unto itself, not as a set of rules and con-
cepts, not as the province of lawyers alone, but as a mirror of
society. It takes nothing as historical accident, nothing as
autonomous, everything as relative and molded by economy
and society. This is the theme of every chapter and verse.2
The essence of the view seems to be this:
Nothing in the law is autonomous; rather, law is a mirror of
society, and every aspect of the law is molded by economy
and society.
The first point to notice about mirror theories is that they do not
constitute a single theory, but rather a class of theories. This fact is
crucial for determining the logical structure of the arguments that
can be deployed against them, and, in particular, for determining the
logical structure of Watson's argument. So, for example, the view I
have just quoted is but one representative of a familiar class of theo-
ries that take the form:
A knowledge of X is useful (but perhaps not sufficient) for
understanding the rules of law that hold in a given society.
Plainly there is a continuum here, and a mirror theory can be more or
less strong depending on how close it asserts the relationship be-
tween X and a society's laws to be.
There are some interesting parallels and dissimilarities between
the two dimensions I have identified. The dimension of strength is a
continuum, depending on how close one takes the relationship be-
tween law and X to be; whereas the choice of X is the choice of a more-
or-less discrete subject-matter: economics, or geography, or whatever.
But it should be noticed that, as in the quotation from Montesquieu
above, X need not be a single subject: thus, a mirror-theory might
hold that law is a mirror, not just of economics, but of economics and
politics and climate. This fact complicates the analysis, and gives us
a second, derivative sense in which a mirror theory can be strong or
weak; to distinguish this sense from the first sense, I shall speak of
the theory as being (relatively) tight or loose. A tight mirror-theory
takes X to be a single, narrowly-defined non-legal subject, whereas a
loose theory takes X to be a broader range of non-legal subjects. So a
strongly-phrased, tight theory might hold:
Law is nothing but economics;
whereas a strongly-phrased, but looser theory, might hold:
Law is nothing but economics, politics, power relations, and
the ideological consciousness of the age.
It should be clear that, as a mirror-theory becomes either weaker or
looser, it becomes easier to defend and less likely to arouse contro-
versy. But so long as the subjects encompassed by X are external to
the law (as they are, say, in the quotation above from Montesquieu)
the dimension of looseness is of less theoretical importance than the
dimension of strength. For the central question Watson is concerned
to answer is:
To what extent can law be explained in terms of non-legal
and this is primarily a question about the strength of any given mir-
ror-theory. For this reason in the discussion that follows I shall ig-
nore the dimension of looseness.
It is important to observe that many of the thinkers mentioned
above have advocated a mirror-theory in a strong form, and that the
strong form of the theory has had considerable practical influence.
Perhaps the most conspicuous example is Savigny's Volksgeist the-
ory, i.e., the theory that law must reflect the spirit of the nation.6 But
6. Friedrich Carl von Savigny, Vom beruf unserer zeit fur gesetzgebung und
rechtswissenschaft (1814). I raise some doubts about the correctness of this strong
cations. If the theory maintains, not that all rules are molded by eco-
nomics, but only that most are, then a single counterexample will not
suffice. One needs several counterexamples, and counterexamples of
a centrality and power sufficient to call the plausibility of the particu-
lar mirror-theory into question. But there is no need to produce as
well an affirmative theory of the relationship between law and
Mirror theories are thus logically quite complex, and vary along
several dimensions: they both constitute a class of theories (depend-
ing on which variables X the theory treats as the determining factors
of law), and they can vary in terms of their logical strength.
Let us now consider how, as a logical matter, one is to argue
against such a complex and slippery class of theories. If Watson is to
show that the most influential of these theories are untenable, he
must show, for each of the familiar choices of X, that the (relatively
strong) mirror-theories associated with X are inadequate to explain
the nature of the legal system, i.e., that law is not, in fact, in any
interesting sense a reflection of X. Perhaps the most direct way to do
this (and the way he in fact adopts) is to consider the evolution of a
single legal system over time. That is, if a particular mirror theory
asserts that
Legal rules (or at any rate a weighted majority of legal rules)
are a reflection of X
he will attempt to show, for important clusters of legal rules, that
those rules have remained constant over long stretches of time, while
the underlying facts X have undergone significant variation. (The
more important the rules, the longer the stretch of time, and the
more significant the underlying variation, the stronger is his counter-
example to the proffered mirror theory.) At any rate, this is the gen-
eral strategy; though the details, as we shall now see, are more
As I mentioned at the outset, Watson's writings are voluminous
and their principal concern is to delve into the history of the civil law
systems; his central theoretical claims must therefore be extracted
from the various historical discussions in which they are embedded.
Although Watson's remarks on legal theory are widely scattered and
at times loosely stated, it seems to me that the principal aspects of
his theory can be summed up in five theses. (I offer these theses as
what philosophers call a "rational reconstruction" of his theory; they
are not thus stated in his writings.)
(1) The Comparative Law Thesis. Comparative law should
be concerned, not simply to study foreign law, but to
8. Thus in the Afterword to the second edition of Legal Transplants, Watson ob-
serves: "My notion was that the study of legal developments in a number of states
would, by uncovering patterns and divergences, best reveal societal concerns, and
how law responds." Watson, Transplants, supra n. 1, at 107. See also id. at 1-21, and
Watson, Roman and Comparative, supra n. 1, at 97.
9. Thus he says:
Comparative Law as an academic discipline in its own right is the other side
of the coin, an investigation into the legal transplants that have occurred:
how, when, why and from which systems have they been made; the circum-
stances in which they have succeeded and failed; and the impact on them of
their new environment.
The quotation occurs in Schlesinger, et al., supra n. 1, at 309.
10. Comparative Law, then, if it is to be an intellectual discipline in its own
right, is something other than the study of one foreign system (with glances
at one's own), and overall look at the world's systems or comparison of indi-
vidual rules or of branches of law as between two or more systems, and I
would suggest that it is the study of the relationship of one legal system and
its rules with another. The nature of any such relationship, the reasons for
the similarities and the differences, is discoverable only by a study of the
history of the systems or of the rules; hence in the first place, Comparative
Law is Legal History concerned with the relationship between systems.
Watson, Transplants, supra n. 1, at 6.
The crucial point to notice is that, if this argument about the nature
of the legal elite is correct, then legal transplants will constitute the
chief mechanism of legal change for law in general, and not just for
the history of Roman law.
The second point to notice is that this same argument about the
legal elite is crucial to Watson's argument against the mirror theo-
ries. Recall the logical structure of those theories: they form a class
varying according to the choice of X, and they vary in strength. Were
Watson to show, for various choices of X, that the resulting strong
mirror theory fails to account for the historical facts, he would have
provided only a superficial and (as it were) negative account of the
failure of various mirror theories. That is, he would have told us that
certain theories fail to work; but he would not have explained, at a
deep level, why they fail, and he would have given us no affirmative
reason for believing that, in principle, no mirror theory is likely to
succeed where the existing theories have failed.
But his discussions of the culture of the legal elite fill this gap.
For if lawyers are as bound by the legal tradition, by the need for
authority, by the need to appear to be moving in accordance with pre-
cedent as his account suggests; if, for their legal justifications, they
look principally to the legal tradition itself, and not, as a rule to any-
thing outside of that tradition, then strong mirror theories as a class
are unlikely to provide an accurate account of the evolution of law.
(It is important here to bear in mind the logical structure of the
argument Watson needs to make. He does not need to show, in order
to refute a strong mirror-theory, that lawyers never look outside the
legal tradition; he need only show that often they do not. The power
of the facts he adduces about the legal elite is that, if true, they sug-
gest a conclusion even stronger than the one he needs: that, not only
often, but usually, lawyers look to the legal tradition rather than to
economics or sociology or politics.)
These theses and their supporting arguments have an important
(4) The Insulation Thesis. The development of the civil law
is the result of "purely legal history," and can be ex-
plained "without reference to" social, political, or eco-
nomic factors.17
Once again, Watson's insulation thesis comes in two versions. In
some moods he is uncompromising, and states his thesis as what
might be called the strong insulation thesis; informing us, for exam-
ple, in a striking passage, that
The lesson of history, in fact, is that over most of the field of
law, and especially of private law, in most political and eco-
nomic circumstances, political rulers need have no interest
in determining what the rules of law are or should be (pro-
vided always, of course, that revenues roll in and that the
public peace is kept). Rulers and their immediate under-
lings can be, and often have been and are, indifferent to the
nature of the legal rules in operation. This simple fact is
often overlooked; indeed, it is habitually denied. But failure
to accept it is the greatest cause of misunderstanding the na-
ture of law, the relationship of law and society, and the
course of legal development.18
(Notice here that the claim is not about Roman law or Western law,
but about law in general.)
In other moods he is more guarded, and adopts what might be
called the weak insulation thesis:
No reasonable person would wish to deny that to some ex-
tent a people's law is peculiar to it, that the law does reflect
that people's desires and needs.... It is easy to agree that a
legal rule is often the result of social engineering especially if
we consider only case law, or a statute when it is passed.
And who would deny that much of law reflects the interests
of the ruling elite?19
Watson's actual position is, I think, the more nuanced weaker posi-
tion; but at times he slides to the stronger position. (This is an impor-
tant fact, and I believe the slide affects his practice of historiography.
But I shall not discuss this matter here, since my concern is solely to
understand the fundamentals of his argument against the mirror
theories of law.)
It should also be observed that Watson deploys two sorts of argu-
ment against the mirror theories. First is the general argument I
have already noted; that is, the argument that, because of the cul-
tural attributes of the legal elite, law will tend to develop by trans-
plantation rather than by creation ex nihilo, and will tend to reflect
the legal tradition rather than anything extrinsic to the law. Second,
It should be evident from the foregoing discussion that Watson's
argument and the mirror theories he contests both have a complex
and intricate structure, and that his arguments have far-reaching
implications for legal scholarship.
As a result of this logical complexity Watson's argument is easy
to misunderstand, and in particular it is important to observe the
way in which he relates historical facts to his theoretical conclusions.
It is especially important to observe that the Insulation Thesis is a
consequence of the earlier theses, and not their foundation. In other
words, the argument is not:
Law is insulated from social change; therefore legal evolu-
tion must take place by the transplantation of legal rules
20. The examples include: the English system of land tenure, Roman contract
law, the Roman paterfamilias, the medieval doctrine of "benefit of clergy." See, Wat-
son, Society, supra n. 1, at 12-22, 47-59, 23-30, and 92-96.
21. Id. at 8.
but rather:
History shows that, because of the nature of the legal profes-
sion, legal change in European private law has taken place
largely by transplantation of legal rules; therefore, law is, at
least sometimes, insulated from social and economic change.
This is an important point, because the historical argument presents
specific and testable empirical evidence for the more general insula-
tion thesis; if (as some critics have done) one gets the argument back-
wards and starts with the more general thesis, Watson will appear to
be first stating an implausible and unsupported doctrine about the
nature of law in general, with the result that the entire argument is
left hanging in the air.
Watson himself often tends to slide towards the strong versions
of his theses, and we must therefore try to understand both why he
does so, and the limits of what his argument is capable of
First, it should be noticed that, strictly speaking, his conclusions
about the method of comparative law do not follow from the premise
about the "fertility" of legal transplants. For even if most existing
legal rules in most Western legal systems arose through borrowing
and transplantation, it might still be the case that comparative law
should study the exceptional moments of transition, when a legal sys-
tem has created something entirely novel - just as, in the study of
domestic American law, one concentrates, not on the routine cases
that, in terms of sheer quantity, make up the overwhelming bulk of
cases that enter the legal system, but rather on the exceptional cases
that re-define the law. (This observation, although it is important for
the methodology of comparative law, is not central to the discussion
of the mirror theories, so I shall not argue the point further.)
Second, as a logical matter Watson's Insulation Thesis is bound
by the limits of his data. His theories are based principally on his
investigations of Roman law, and specifically of Roman private law.
He is therefore not entitled to claim that law in other, non-Western
cultures obeys the Insulation Thesis: this may well be true, but it is a
conclusion that requires further argument. Nor, indeed, by the same
token, can he claim that European public law is insulated from polit-
ical, economic, and social forces. That conclusion is most likely
false,22 and when Watson is being precise he is careful to state his
conclusions as conclusions about private law only.23
There are, I believe, three reasons for Watson's tendency to slide
to an unacceptably strong statement of his position. First, as we have
22. I have made this argument in Ewald, "The American Revolution and the
Evolution of Law," 42 Am. J. Comp. L. 1 (supplement volume 1994).
23. Watson, Roman and Comparative, supra n. 1, at 271-72; Watson, Society,
supra n. 1, preface.
Let us briefly take stock of where we are. Watson's criticism of
the mirror theories is, as we have seen, far more complicated than it
appears on the surface. It offers numerous subtle enticements to-
wards oversimplification, and in particular towards a confusion of
two quite different claims, one negative, and the other positive: on
the one hand, the denial that law is a mirror of society; and, on the
other, the claim that law is entirely insulated from society.
There is reason to fear that the complexities of Watson's argu-
ment have led to widespread misunderstanding of his theory. The
point can be illustrated by considering the criticisms of Watson that
have been made by the legal sociologist Richard Abel. Abel is one of
the few scholars to have attempted to grapple with Watson's argu-
ment in detail and to evaluate its importance for the social theory of
law. But it seems to me that he falls victim to precisely the logical
24. Thus one book begins by announcing: "In this book I seek to present a general
and coherent view of the nature of legal change which is independent of a particular
time and place." Watson, Evolution, supra n. 1, at ix.
25. Watson has himself replied to Abel's famous or notorious attack; see Watson,
"Legal Change: Sources of Law and Legal Culture," 131 U. Pa. L. Rev. 1121 (1983).
My criticisms of Abel take a different tack, and focus on the logical aspects; but, as
Watson shows with gusto and glee, there are things to be said about Abel's knowledge
of history as well.
26. Abel, "Law as Lag: Inertia as a Social Theory of Law," 80 Mich. L. R. 785
27. Id.
28. Id. at 785.
29. Id. at 786.
30. Id. at 788 and 794.
31. Id. at 787.
32. Id. at 791, 792, 793.
33. Id. at 792.
34. Id. at 793.
(4) The uselessness of law. Watson believes that "most laws are
useless," "serve no purpose," "have no meaning," and are "both point-
less and socially harmful."35
(5) Political conservativism. Watson has "a basically conserva-
tive world-view"; he is "not really an admirer of liberal democracy";36
he attempts to "trivialize the political";37like Karl Popper and Robert
Nisbet, his apolitical scholarship seeks "to confute radicals, notably
Marx and later Marxists, who maintain that historical trends do exist
and should be used to further progressive causes."38
(6) Not a theory. Finally, Abel asserts that, "[p]erhaps the most
serious problem with Watson's theory is that it is not a theory at
Abel's accusations, it seems to me, all rest on a misunderstand-
ing of the logical structure of Watson's argument. Abel takes Watson
to be asserting the Insulation Thesis in its strongest form:
In fact, in reacting against the prevailing theoretical frame-
work, Watson has not escaped it but merely turned it upside
down. He appears to be asserting that law has never been
congruent with society, is not presently used for social engi-
neering, and does not express class domination.40
But Abel has here fallen into precisely the logical trap I identified
earlier, namely, a confusion of "sometimes not" with "never." And
from this error, I believe, all his other misunderstandings of Watson's
argument flow.
Take, first, "the most serious" problem with Watson's theory,
namely that it "is not a theory at all." If by theory is meant a positive
theory of the relationship between law and society, this observation is
correct, but harmless. For Watson's purpose is to argue that the mir-
ror theories fail to fit the historical facts. And, as we saw, to accom-
41. That the choice of these examples was deliberately motivated by the logical
points I have been discussing is clear from the following quotation:
In other words, I will look for examples where the law actively benefits no
recognizable group or class within the society (except possibly lawyers who
benefit from confusion) and is generally inconvenient or positively harmful
either to society as a whole or to large and powerful groups within the soci-
ety .... [O]ne advantage of this way of proceeding is that we need not
concern ourselves with the definition of such sociological concepts as stratifi-
cation, class, power.
Watson, Society, supra n. 1, at 9.
If the foregoing argument has been correct, then, if we are to in-
terpret Watson's theory correctly, it is important to bear in mind the
logical distinction between, on the one hand, negating the mirror the-
ories, and, on the other, offering an affirmative theory of the relation-
ship between law and society. With this distinction in hand, we are
now in a position to evaluate Watson's accomplishment, which is an
accomplishment both destructive and constructive.
On the destructive side, it seems to me that even the weak ver-
sions of Watson's theses are adequate to scupper the traditional mir-
ror theories that have so dominated modern legal thought. Legal
theorists are no longer entitled to make glib assertions about the pre-
established harmony between law and society: that law "mirrors"so-
ciety or that it "fits society like a glove." For Watson has shown that
those a priori assumptions are open to too many exceptions to be ten-
able as a general theory of law.
the foregoing discussion that a theory of law must grow out of a care-
ful study of the data, rather than being imposed upon them a priori.
And Watson's investigations make clear what kind of a study is re-
quired. The study can not confine itself to an investigation of a sin-
gle, present-day legal system, but must also contain a substantial
historical and comparative component. For in attempting to limit the
link between law and society, one must consider how laws originate,
how they evolve, and how they differ from society to society; and this
can only be done by detailed comparative studies. Moreover, such
studies must take into account the reciprocal influences of different
legal systems, one upon the other, and the spread of legal ideas from
culture to culture. As a practical matter, this means that speculative
legal sociologists will either have to chase the comparative and his-
torical quarry themselves - with all that entails in the mastery of
languages, of archival sources, of the history of ideas - or depend
upon others to do the job for them. But somebody must do it, or the
ensuing speculations will be (as so often in the past) little more than
a fable.