A List of Abbreviations: Abbreviation Meaning
A List of Abbreviations: Abbreviation Meaning
A List of Abbreviations: Abbreviation Meaning
List of abbreviations
The following table describes the significance of various abbreviations and acronyms used
throughout the thesis. The page on which each one is defined or first used is also given.
Nonstandard acronyms that are used in some places to abbreviate the names of certain white
matter structures are not in this list.
The following is a list of works published by the author during the course of the doctorate.
Many of these works are cited in the text and therefore also appear in the full bibliography
which follows.
Journal papers
• M.E. Bastin, J.D. Clayden, A. Pattie, I.F. Gerrish, J.M. Wardlaw & I.J. Deary (in press).
Diffusion tensor and magnetization transfer MRI measurements of periventricular white
matter hyperintensities in old age. To appear in Neurobiology of Aging.
• J.D. Clayden, A.J. Storkey & M.E. Bastin (2007). A probabilistic model-based approach
to consistent white matter tract segmentation. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging
• J.D. Clayden, M.E. Bastin & A.J. Storkey (2006). Improved segmentation reproducibil-
ity in group tractography using a quantitative tract similarity measure. NeuroImage
• I.J. Deary, M.E. Bastin, A. Pattie, J.D. Clayden, L.J. Whalley, J.M. Starr & J.M. Ward-
law (2006). White matter integrity and cognition in childhood and old age. Neurology
• J.D. Clayden, S. Zhang, S. Correia & D.H. Laidlaw (2007). Fine-grained comparison
of anisotropy differences between groups of white matter tracts. In Proceedings of the
ISMRM-ESMRMB Joint Annual Meeting, p. 82.
• M.E. Bastin, J.D. Clayden, A. Pattie, I.F. Gerrish, J.M. Wardlaw & I.J. Deary (2007). DTI
and MTI parameters correlate in periventricular white matter hyperintensities in old age.
In Proceedings of the ISMRM-ESMRMB Joint Annual Meeting, p. 2160.
• J.D. Clayden, M.E. Bastin & A.J. Storkey (2006). Neighbourhood tractography: a new
approach to seed point placement for group fibre tracking. In Proceedings of the British
Chapter of the ISMRM, p. P34.
• J.D. Clayden, M.E. Bastin & A.J. Storkey (2006). Automated assessment of tract similarity
in group diffusion MRI data. In Proceedings of the ISMRM 14th Scientific Meeting &
Exhibition, p. 2742.
118 Appendix B. Summary of publications
• J.D. Clayden, D.K.S. Marjoram, M.E. Bastin, E.C. Johnstone & S.M. Lawrie (2005). To-
wards an automated method for white matter integrity comparison between populations.
In Proceedings of the ESMRMB 22nd Annual Meeting, p. 508.
• I.J. Deary, M.E. Bastin, A. Pattie, J.D. Clayden & J.M. Wardlaw (2005). Cognitive ageing
and white matter integrity: a diffusion tensor and magnetisation transfer MRI study. In
Proceedings of the ISMRM 13th Scientific Meeting & Exhibition.
• I.J. Deary, M.E. Bastin, A. Pattie, J.D. Clayden, J.M. Starr & J.M. Wardlaw (2005). White
matter integrity and cognition in childhood and old age: a diffusion tensor MRI study.
Methods for Quantitative MRI of Human Brain. ISMRM Workshop, Lake Louise, Canada.
Abe O., Aoki S., Hayashi N., Yamada H., Kunimatsu A., Mori H., Yoshikawa T., Okubo T. &
Ohtomo K. (2002). Normal aging in the central nervous system: quantitative MR diffusion-
tensor analysis. Neurobiology of Aging 23:433–441.
Abe O., Yamada H., Masutani Y., Aoki S., Kunimatsu A., Yamasue H., Fukuda R., Kasai
K., Hayashi N., Masumoto T., Mori H., Soma T. & Ohtomo K. (2004). Amyotrophic lat-
eral sclerosis: diffusion tensor tractography and voxel-based analysis. NMR in Biomedicine
Alexander A., Hasan K., Lazar M., Tsuruda J. & Parker D. (2001). Analysis of partial volume
effects in diffusion-tensor MRI. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 45(5):770–780.
Alexander D. (2005). Maximum entropy spherical deconvolution for diffusion MRI. In Infor-
mation Processing in Medical Imaging, vol. 3565 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp. 76–87.
Alexander D., Barker G. & Arridge S. (2002). Detection and modeling of non-Gaussian apparent
diffusion coefficient profiles in human brain data. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 48(2):331–
Andrieu C., Freitas N., Doucet A. & Jordan M. (2003). An introduction to MCMC for machine
learning. Machine Learning 50:5–43.
Anjari M., Srinivasan L., Allsop J., Hajnal J., Rutherford M., Edwards A. & Counsell S. (2007).
Diffusion tensor imaging with tract-based spatial statistics reveals local white matter abnor-
malities in preterm infants. NeuroImage 35:1021–1027.
Ardekani B., Nierenberg J., Hoptman M., Javitt D. & Lim K. (2003). MRI study of white matter
diffusion anisotropy in schizophrenia. Neuroreport 14:2025–2029.
Ashburner J. & Friston K. (2001). Why voxel-based morphometry should be used. NeuroImage
Assaf Y., Ben-Bashat D., Chapman J., Peled S., Biton I., Kafri M., Segev Y., Hendler T., Korczyn
A., Graif M. & Cohen Y. (2002). High b-value q-space analyzed diffusion-weighted MRI:
application to multiple sclerosis. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 47(1):115–126.
Assaf Y., Chapman J., Ben-Bashat D., Hendler T., Segev Y., Korczyn A., Graif M. & Cohen Y.
(2005). White matter changes in multiple sclerosis: correlation of q-space diffusion MRI and
1H MRS. Magnetic Resonance Imaging 23(6):703–710.
120 Bibliography
Baird A. & Warach S. (1998). Magnetic resonance imaging of acute stroke. Journal of Cerebral
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Basser P. & Pierpaoli C. (1996). Microstructural and physiological features of tissues elucidated
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Bastin M., Clayden J., Pattie A., Gerrish I., Wardlaw J. & Deary I. (2007). Diffusion tensor and
magnetization transfer MRI measurements of periventricular white matter hyperintensities
in old age. Neurobiology of Aging in press.
Batchelor P., Atkinson D., Hill D., Calamante F. & Connelly A. (2003). Anisotropic noise
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Batchelor P., Calamante F., Tournier J.D., Atkinson D., Hill D. & Connelly A. (2006). Quantifi-
cation of the shape of fiber tracts. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 55:894–903.
Behrens T., Johansen-Berg H., Jbabdi S., Rushworth M. & Woolrich M. (2007). Probabilistic
diffusion tractography with multiple fibre orientations: What can we gain? NeuroImage
Behrens T., Johansen-Berg H., Woolrich M., Smith S., Wheeler-Kingshott C., Boulby P., Barker
G., Sillery E., Sheehan K., Ciccarelli O., Thompson A., Brady J. & Matthews P. (2003a).
Non-invasive mapping of connections between human thalamus and cortex using diffusion
imaging. Nature Neuroscience 6(7):750–757.
Behrens T., Woolrich M., Jenkinson M., Johansen-Berg H., Nunes R., Clare S., Matthews P.,
Brady J. & Smith S. (2003b). Characterization and propagation of uncertainty in diffusion-
weighted MR imaging. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 50(5):1077–1088.
Bishop C. (2006). Pattern recognition and machine learning. Springer, New York.
Biton I., Duncan I. & Cohen Y. (2006). High b-value q-space diffusion MRI in myelin-deficient
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Böhm W., Farin G. & Kahmann J. (1984). A survey of curve and surface methods in CAGD.
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Brun A., Knutsson H., Park H.J., Shenton M. & Westin C.F. (2004). Clustering fiber traces using
normalized cuts. In Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention, vol. 3216 of
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp. 368–375. Springer-Verlag.
Bürgel U., Amunts K., Hoemke L., Mohlberg H., Gilsbach J. & Zilles K. (2006). White matter
fiber tracts of the human brain: Three-dimensional mapping at microscopic resolution,
topography and intersubject variability. NeuroImage 29(4):1092–1105.
Burns J., Job D., Bastin M., Whalley H., Macgillivray T., Johnstone E. & Lawrie S. (2003).
Structural disconnectivity in schizophrenia: a diffusion tensor magnetic resonance imaging
study. British Journal of Psychiatry 182:439–443.
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