D&D 5e The Rising Tempest

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The Rising Tempest

he Rising Tempest is a Fifth Edition adventure instinctively recognize the signs that an eruption is brewing.
intended for three to six adventurers of 7th to Confrontations with the other jungle tribes and creatures are
9th level and is optimized for a party of four becoming more frequent and violent as well.
adventurers with an average party level (APL) of
8. Characters who complete this adventure will About Mahatol Island
earn enough experience to reach 9th level. A lava
dragon and her brood have made a volcano on a jungle island Over a thousand years have passed, and no one remembers the
their new home. The volcano is about to erupt and it threatens ancient halfling civilization of the Abedolar. What they lacked in
the island inhabitants with extinction. This adventure is set in the stature, they more than made up for in their breadth of
Freelands campaign setting but can be adapted to fit any knowledge and power. They combined magic and technology to
campaign that has a jungle island with an active volcano. produce an advanced way of life for all. No one truly knows what
happened to them but something terrible happened; their cities

Background sunk into the oceans or were buried under rubble. The few
buildings that survived are being reclaimed by the jungle.
Built atop one of those ruins is the Ashinka tribal village. The
The lava dragon Sogot, Lady of Fire, has brought her wyrmlings lizardfolk tribe knows very little about the Abedolar outside of
to the volcano on the island of Mahatol. She was driven from her carvings and some relics that they have found over the years.
home by a band of adventurers and sought a new refuge for her They have little knowledge of the world outside of their island
children to grow. Finding the volcano on Mahatol was mostly an home beyond the occasional shipwreck that washes ashore.
accident; she was not expecting to find anything so far out into The descendants of the Abedolar do not resemble their
the ocean. She is now licking her wounds and recovering while ancestors in any way. Vicious and constantly warring among
her wyrmlings timidly explore the area. themselves, the A’Bola halflings have turned to barbaric
Mahatol lies far beyond the shores of civilization, covered in cannibalism. The La’Tor are a tribe of halfling weretigers that hunt
a lush jungle teeming with life and untouched by the modern other humanoids for sport. The three tribes have been warring on
world. The volcano has become more active with each passing the island for generations.
day since the arrival of Sogot and her children. The island’s tribal
inhabitants are unaware of the lava dragon’s influence, but they

Adventure Hooks
Here are a few ways to get the adventurers hooked into this sky finally clears, they find themselves just off the shore of a small
story: island covered in thick jungle and a smoking volcano. The captain
The History Book. A shadowy halfling thief has sold the of the ship explains they must find an anchorage to make repairs
adventurers a book containing what he calls “the biggest secret and find fresh water and supplies.
of the Faceless Syndicate”, a well-known crime family. He Beat the Competition. Lilian Hargrove, a wealthy human
snatched the book with some other baubles as he fled with the merchant of the White Lotus Trading Company, was given a tip
syndicate on his heels. It tells of an island, hidden from the world, about a mysterious island filled with ancient ruins and untouched
filled with ancient secrets of a long-lost civilization. treasure. She has a ship and crew willing to take the adventurers
Save the Crew. While traveling across the ocean, the to search for artifacts and promises they will be well
adventurers’ ship is blown off course by a raging storm. When the compensated for anything they bring back.

Mahatol Island

haped roughly like a teardrop, Mahatol island is inhabitants, and the lost civilization that was once here.
almost sixty miles long and forty miles across at The League team is focusing their efforts on learning what
the widest point. The volcanic mountain, named they can about the Ashinka tribe, as well as the immediate flora
Kominiko by the locals, thrusts through the center and fauna near the village. They have worked their way into a
of the dense jungle that covers the island. With place of confidence with the tribe and are documenting their
white sandy beaches and palm trees swaying in the experiences with them. Any show of hostility, including the use of
wind, Mahatol Island would appear to be a tropical paradise at magical influence such as charm spells, towards the tribe will
first glance. The roar of a giant predator and the crackle of break any goodwill the League has with the adventurers.
crashing trees as it chases its prey in the distance will quickly dash The team consists of Thistle Fizzbracket (CG gnome druid),
those thoughts away. The jungle is a place where every inhabitant Wenrin Riversong (CN human veteran), and Sun Chao (LN elf
fights for their lives on a regular basis; it is a world in which the mage). See the Appendix: Important NPCs for more information.
strongest and fastest survive and in which the loser often
becomes the winner’s dinner.

Traveling & Foraging

There are no roads and very few trails to speak of on the island.
Overland travel can only be accomplished by bushwhacking
through the jungle at no faster than a slow pace. This means that
a typical party can only travel 18 miles per day and 2 miles per
hour. They do not gain the ability to use Stealth due to the forced
nature of the slow pace. The twisting waterways that weave
throughout the island’s interior are dangerous and impossible to
navigate without a guide.
A foraging adventurer will need to make a successful DC 15
Wisdom (Survival) check and 1 hour to forage enough to provide
sustenance for one day for 1d4 people. The heat and humidity of
the jungle result in an adventurer needing twice the required
water for a single day (see Food and Water rules in the core rule The Ashinka
book) or risk suffering exhaustion.
The island is full of dangerous predators, dinosaurs, and even One of a handful of lizardfolk tribes on the island, the Ashinka
tribes of cannibals. For every 4 hours of travel through the jungle, have lived on this island for generations, never knowing there
there is a 25% chance for a random encounter. To determine a was a greater world outside of the island. They are mostly
random encounter, roll 1d6 and consult the Appendix: Jungle hunters and gatherers who have a shared belief that they are all
Encounters table. part of a living island. While they do not worship gods, their
shamans are respected spiritual leaders that work hand in hand
with their chief. They are more emotionally advanced than their
League of Explorers modern counterparts on the mainland and are able to express a
wider range of emotions than typically seen in lizardfolk.
The League of Explorers is a wealthy adventuring guild that is Ranging in coloration from dark green to a mottled black and
widely respected throughout the world. They left a team of yellow, some with with red or black fins adorning their heads, the
explorers to research Mahatol Island who have been embedded lizardfolk dress in rough leather and hide tunics and loincloths.
with the Ashinka tribe for the past six months with another six They have a penchant for wearing bright feathers and bone
more months left before they will be picked up. The exploration beads attached to leather armbands and headbands. It is
party consists of a team of three experts in their respective common to see streaks of black and white paint on the hunters to
fields. Each was chosen specifically to assist with gathering as distinguish themselves from the other tribe members.
much relevant information as possible about the island, its

The Rising Tempest
When the adventurers reach Mahatol, read aloud the following: The League of Explorers team comes to greet the characters as
they disembark onto the island. The trio is friendly and will offer
to introduce and facilitate any interactions with the Ashinka
The sun sits high over a lush emerald jungle while cresting Chief, including getting them hooked into the available quests.
waves crash against the sandy shore. A few ribbons of smoke The Ashinka tribe folk will not be as welcoming without the
snake lazily from the top of the single mountain in the center characters gaining the trust and assistance of the League team.
of the island, hinting at the lava it must be sheltering inside.
Abnormally large birds of prey circle in the distance.

A small village of stone huts sitting on a jutting cliff-face

Ashinka Village
surrounded by a wooden palisade can be seen further down Survival - Strength - Honor
the shoreline. The heads of curious lizardfolk villagers peek
out over the walls while flashes of sunlight glint off their spear The lizardfolk tribe controls the southeastern tip of the island and
tips. built their village on an easily defensible cliff face overlooking the
ocean. A short path leads from the beaches, where they keep
The ship is anchored off the coast and the crew has finished woven reed boats for fishing, and up to the 20 foot high wooden
loading the rowboat with the necessary supplies to set up a palisade that surrounds the village completely. A 50 foot wide
base camp on the island. It’s time to see what awaits in the space has been cleared from the gates to the jungle to keep
dark heart of the jungle. enemies from sneaking up on the villagers.
The village itself consists of stone huts topped with wood
and fronds. With a successful DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) check,
an adventurer can determine that the foundation stones the huts
are built on are much older than the rest and that the village is
built on ancient ruins.

Population: 60.
Leader: Chief Och-Kan (LN lizardfolk gladiator with Intelligence of
11 and Charisma of 10) is the largest and strongest of the
Ashinka. With mottled dark green and black scales, he stands
a head above the rest. A calm and stoic leader, he has led his
tribe in prosperity for the past twenty years. His curiosity and
intelligence are atypical for lizardfolk and he has learned to
speak broken Common with help from Sun Chao.
Defenses: There are 20 lizardfolk hunters (tribal warriors) and
eight lizardfolk warriors (veterans).

Trade & Commerce

The Ashinka have no use for coins and will only trade available
services for appropriate goods and occasionally gemstones; they
have a particular fondness for pearls and emeralds. They may also
assign tasks for the adventurers to complete as an appropriate
exchange. This could include participating in hunts in the jungle
(see “Appendix: Jungle Encounters”), recovering pearls from the
ocean floor, or similar activities. The skins, scales, and bones of
jungle creatures are the most common commodities for the tribe.

Exploring the Village Island information table, or choose one that the adventurers have
not heard yet.
If the party has completed the Abedolar Earth Ruins, Thistle
The following prominent locations can be visited by the will ask if they’re willing to assist him with a mission of his own (see
adventurers as long as they keep at least a neutral status with the “Ashinka Quests - Natural Habitat”).
villagers: If the party visits the team after a bad first impression, Thistle
will glare angrily while berating them for their brash behavior that
Chief’s Hut may have ruined all their hard work. Wenrin will say nothing but
Chief Och-Kan lives in a simple large hut that is exceptionally will squint coldly and grip the haft of his warhammer, looking
spartan. Other than the skulls of past defeated enemies adorning eager to make use of it. Sun Chao will take pity on them and tell
his walls, there are few creature comforts to be seen in his hut. The them the best way to make amends (see “Ashinka Quests:
Chief is eager to enlist the adventurers’ help in a number of tasks Regicide”).
that will help his village. He will offer to tell the adventurers where
ruins filled with secrets are on the island in exchange for some help Mahatol Island Information
(see “Ashinka Quests”).
He has been studying with Sun Chao and learning Common in
exchange for telling the stories of his people and the island. She “The Ashinka hunters have been afraid to go into
can be found at his side often, listening to one of his tales, and can 1 the jungle lately. Apparently a beast they call Hoy
Kanig is hunting THEM!.” (see Quest: Regicide)
translate for the adventurers if no one in the party speaks
Draconic. The Chief does speak limited and broken Common if Sun
is not available. “It’s been a few days since the latest supply run
was due. Shaman Xoco is very upset with the
chief. You should see how he grimaces when she
Shaman’s Hut finds him!” (see Quest: River Safety)

Xoco (NG lizardfolk priest) is the elderly village shaman who lives
in a stone hut decorated with strings of bones and bundles of “There are many ancient ruins in the jungle, but
3 they are also home to powerful beasts. I wonder
drying herbs. She wears a cap made from the skull of a large how much treasure could be found in there!”
panther and carries an engraved staff adorned with abnormally
large feathers. Constantly chewing a jungle root that blackens her
teeth and gives her visions, her knowledge of the jungle’s plants 4
“Be careful of the A’Bola, the ‘little killers’. They
won’t just kill you, they’ll eat you.”
gives her the ability to craft potions more powerful than her own
magical abilities. Xoco will cast her known spells, brew potions of
greater healing, and can create poultices that mimic the raise dead
spell for compensation worth the cost of components. “Beware the tigers of Mahatol... they are not
always what they seem to be.”
If the adventurers have not yet completed Ashinka Quest:
River Safety, Xoco will seek them out and pester them into going
to the Chief and finding out what is taking so long. She will not be “Strange beasts have been seen flying around
able to produce the poultice needed for the reincarnate spell 6 Kominiko, the volcano in the center of the island.
unless the supplies are recovered. I wonder what they could be?”

The League of Explorers Camp

Hunter’s Lodge
The League has made their camp just outside of the Ashinka
village; the tribe trusting them to remain in the shadow of their The lodge is a long stone barracks-like building in which the tribal
protection but not within the walls themselves. It consists of hunters both live and train. Those who are not already out in
heavy canvas sleeping tents and a large canopy over a carpeted hunting parties will be found here practicing their archery and
area holding tables and chairs piled high with books, scrolls, and other combat skills. They have simple melee and ranged weapons
maps. The three explorers can typically be found here pouring (except crossbows and including blowguns), adventuring gear
over notes, recording information into their logbooks, or debating worth 25gp or less, as well as daily rations of food and water they
finer points of anthropology. are willing to trade for. All the weapons and gear are constructed
Adventurers who attempt to ask Sun or Thistle anything from materials found in the jungle and decorated in the Ashinka
about the jungle or ruins are told a piece of information the manner. If none of the adventurers speak Draconic, the trades will
explorers have learned about. Roll 1d6 and consult the Mahatol occur with enthusiastic pantomiming on the part of the lizardfolk

who will try to get twice the value of the items out of the
adventurers, haggling with the heart of true merchants. Quest: River Safety
If any of the adventurers speak Draconic and ask the hunters
anything about the island, roll 1d6, and consult the Mahatol Island The Ashinka regularly trade with another tribe that lives further
Information table or pick one that the adventurers have not heard inland. The goods are transported down the Watibushu River, the
yet. main waterway that runs through the heart of the island. The tribe
was expecting two shipments of goods to arrive a few days ago,
including some medicinal supplies that Xoco the shaman was
Ashinka Quests expecting. Chief Och-Kan will ask the adventurers to accompany
his best hunter to travel the river to and find the missing shipment
The following quests will be available through Chief Och-Kan and and his tribe folk.
Thistle once certain requirements are met as described below: The Watibushu River is a half hour hike through the Jungle
from Ashinka village and the party will need to carry carved boats
with them. The boats carry up to three passengers each. The
Quest: Regicide Ashinka hunter Kichwasamin (NG lizardfolk veteran) will be their
The Ashinka hunters have been reluctant to go into the jungle guide. She proudly shows off her many scars across her dark
recently. Normally fearless in the face of danger, they say that the mustard yellow scales but she is not overly impressed with the
Hoy Kanig or “High King” is on the hunt. adventurers and her attitude will reflect this when she mockingly
Adventurers who wish to track down the High King must calling them “soft skins”. If no one in the party speaks Draconic,
make two successful DC 15 Wisdom (Survival) checks. Each failed she will pantomime to get her points across.
check will result in a 50% chance of a random encounter as per the
Jungle Encounters table and adds 2 hours of travel time (see White Water Rafting
“Appendix: Jungle Encounters”) into the jungle. There is the usual Traveling the Watibusu River is a dangerous venture and it will test
chance of random encounters on the journey back to the Ashinka the adventurers’ capabilities. Based on the amount of recent rain,
village (see “Mahatol Island - Traveling & Foraging”). the river’s rapids change daily. There are four specific sections
Encounter: All Hail the King. The High King is a tyrannosaurus along the 10-mile course that need to be watched out for. For each
rex that has been displaced from its home near the volcano base section, roll 1d4 and consult the Watibusu River table. Adventurers
once Sogot and her brood took up residence. It caught the scent with proficiency in water vehicles gain advantage on all saving
of the adventurers tracking it and will attempt to ambush them. throws. Adventurers who fall overboard will take 7 (2d6)
Treasure: A King’s Ransom. The High King can be harvested bludgeoning damage from the river rocks and must make a DC 12
and traded to the Ashinka tribe for a total value of 500 gp worth of Strength check to get back into their boat. Those who succeeded
goods and services. If traded to the tribe, they will commemorate their saving throws can assist those who failed, giving them
the occasion by creating leather wrapped daggers out of the advantage on their check to get back into the boat.
serrated teeth and present one to each adventurer as a gift.
Once Chief Och-Kan is told of the death of the High King, he Watibusu River
will be ecstatic. As a reward for assisting the village, he will forgive Sticks & Stones. A war party of eight Halfling
any past transgressions made, if applicable, and will give directions cannibals (tribal warriors), naked and painted in
that will lead to the Earth Ruins (see “Mahatol Locations: Earth white, scream and howl from the river banks and
attack at range. There is time for two rounds of
Ruins.”) ranged combat before the river carries the party
past the section.

Heavy Rapids. The adventurers must succeed a

DC 18 Dexterity saving throw or fall overboard

Light Rapids. The adventurers must succeed a

DC 12 Dexterity saving throw or fall overboard

Smooth Sailing. This section of the river is clear

and safe.

At some point, Kichwasamin will shout and point to the riverbank the comings and goings at the watering hole in safety. He will tell
where a pile of woven baskets sits with some tipped over and the adventurers to make themselves scarce and he suggests they
spilling their contents. There is no sign of the Ashinka who were check out a small ruined tower that he can see from his perch that
carrying the goods except for splashes of blood on the baskets. lies about 150 feet away.
Encounter: Cry Me a River. There are two giant crocodiles
hiding in the nearby reeds that will attempt to ambush the Abedolar Tower
adventurers while they inspect the baskets. The ruins consist of a square tower of stones that is mostly held
Treasure: Crocodile Skins. The crocodiles can be harvested up by the creeping vines and trees that have grown through
and traded to the Ashinka tribe for a total value of 100 gp worth them. With a successful DC 12 Wisdom (Perception) check the
of goods and services. If traded to the tribe, they will adventurers will notice that the stones of the tower are cut in
commemorate the occasion by creating leather wrapped exactly the same manner as the foundation stones in the Ashinka
necklaces out of the crocodile teeth and present one to each village.
adventurer as a gift. There is nothing else of interest or of value in this ruin. While
the adventurers are looking around the area, they will hear
Thistle’s scream of fear pierce the air which is quickly followed by
Return to Ashinka Village a croaking roar. Rushing back to the watering hole, they will find
The 10-mile trip back to the Ashinka village will be subject to Thistle clinging to the trunk of the tree he was perched in for dear
random encounters (see “Mahatol Island - Traveling & life while a pair of massive beasts are ramming it to knock him
Foraging”). The adventurers will earn Kichwasamin’s respect for down. Long red gashes are raked across their flanks and their
defeating the crocodiles, Chief Och-Kan will gift the adventurers eyes are wide with madness.
with a stone of good luck (luckstone), and Xoco will gift them with Encounter: A Pair of Tri-horns. There are two triceratops that
a potion of fire giant strength for getting the medicinal supplies to have been driven mad with grief due to the death of their
her. youngling who was killed by predators nearby. They can be
calmed with a successful DC 18 Wisdom (Animal Handling), and
will collapse to their knees in mournful braying, no longer a
Quest: Natural Habitat danger to the party.
This Quest will become available after the adventurers complete the Treasure: Herbivore Meat. The triceratops can be harvested
Abedolar Earth Ruins. and traded to the Ashinka tribe for a total value of 200 gp worth
of goods and services. If traded to the tribe, they will
Thistle has been talking to the local hunters and is astounded at commemorate the occasion by creating leather weapons belts,
the stories of the prehistoric creatures that are roaming in the holsters, and scabbards and present one to each adventurer as a
jungle. In particular, he is excited to hear that a herd of Ceratops gift.
Horridus regularly visits a water hole near the Ashinka village. He
wants to hire the adventurers to escort him to the watering hole
Return to Ashinka Village
so he can observe the creatures in their natural habitat. In The four-hour trip back to the Ashinka village will be subject to
exchange, he will offer up some information that he’s discovered random encounters (see “Mahatol Island - Traveling & Foraging'').
regarding some ruins the Ashinka says are haunted. The entire trip home, Thistle will be a bit shell-shocked by the
encounter but once back at the camp, he will suddenly burst with
Traveling to the Water Hole excitement about being so close to them that he could almost
The bushwhack through the jungle will take 4 hours of travel time touch them. He will bustle about and try to get everything written
and is subject to random encounters (see “Mahatol Island - Travel in his logbook. He will absentmindedly keep his end of the bargain
& Foraging''). The water hole itself is a lush clearing in the and tell the adventurers where they can find the Mahatol
otherwise dense jungle. A freshwater stream cascades down a Location: Water Ruins.
large rock outcropping into a crystal clear pool with a rocky
bottom. An adventurer who searches the bottom of the pool with
a successful DC 12 Intelligence (Investigation) check will find 20
ancient gold coins scattered among the rocks. Each coin is worth
10 gp to a collector.
Once the party arrives, Thistle will busy himself with setting
up a vantage point in the trees where he can comfortably observe

Location: Earth Ruins

nce an Abedolar research facility, these ruins lie
in the western shadow of the volcano, General Features
Kominiko. Once a sprawling complex, the
majority of the facility has collapsed under the The following general features are prominent in the earth ruins
weight of the jungle with only a few large unless otherwise noted:
chambers and halls still intact. It is an eight-hour
Ceilings. The ceilings are 10 feet throughout and are stone with
bushwhack through the jungle from the Ashinka village that is
roots bursting through.
subject to random encounters (see "Mahatol Island - Travel &
Floors and Walls. Moss and fungi carpet the stone floors and
walls. The walls were once smooth plaster and are now cracked
The entrance to the ruins is a cluster of stones hidden by
and bursting with jungle growth.
a large mound of earth covered in tangles of vines and moss
Doors. The remaining doors in the facility are made of six inches of
covered tree roots. With a successful DC 12 Wisdom
solid steel and can only be opened through the use of the
(Perception) check, the adventurers will notice that the
Abedolar Security Gems. They each have six cylinder bolt locks
stones of the entrance are cut in exactly the same manner as
that cannot be picked, an AC of 25, 50 hit points, and are immune
the foundational stones in the Ashinka village. A set of broken
to poison and psychic damage.
steps lead down into the ruins.
Lights. There are no natural sources of light in the complex except
where noted.
Pungent Aroma. The ruins are filled with an earthy smell and
mildly of rot from the swampy water that has pooled in several
Keyed Locations bolts holding it shut and deactivating the glyph of warding trap.
Trap: Security Door. The door is trapped with a glyph of
warding (save DC 18) set with to Spell Glyph with a lightning bolt
The following locations are keyed to the map of the Earth Ruins:
spell cast at 3rd level. Touching the door will activate it.
1 - Entrance Hall Treasure: Ancient Armor. The twenty ancient Abedolar
breastplates weigh 200 pounds and are worth a total of 500 gp to
a collector.
The ruined steps of the entrance lead to a crumbling corridor
held together more by the roots of the trees above than by the
stone walls. The stench of fetid water from the flooded room to 5 - Presentation Hall
the east fills the air.
Trap. A leftover remnant of the ancient occupant’s security A large stone balcony overlooks this massive hall. The roof has
system, there is a glyph of warding (save DC 18) set to Spell Glyph been burst into by the trees above long ago, collapsing it
with a color spray spell cast at 3rd level at the bottom of the steps. completely and filling the empty space with thick vines dangling
It triggers when a creature steps on the glyph. from the trees above.
Encounter: Monkey Business. A giant ape and five apes live in
2 - Crumbling Office this hall. The giant ape will roar his challenge from the balcony
and all the apes will use the vines to swing into combat. If the
Empty and broken shelves line the walls of a small partially giant ape is killed, any remaining apes will run away in fear.
flooded room. A carved slab of stone sits crookedly on the floor, Treasure: Ancient Coins. A small iron chest can be found
propped up by another smaller stone. A successful DC 15 buried in the junk on top of the balcony with a successful DC 12
Intelligence (Arcana) check will determine the runes on the stone Intelligence (Investigation) check. Inside are 100 loose square
to be part of a locking spell and there is an indentation for a key shaped gold coins. These coins are worth 10 gp each to a
to be inserted. This key is the security gem found in the gullet of collector.
the roper in Area 3. Once inserted into the slot, the runes on the
table spark to life with a bright orange glow that traces outward
from the gem, down the slab of stone and along the walls to area 6 - Crystal Growth Hall
4. Ten pedestals holding large shards of blue crystal flank the sides
Secret Door. The door to area 3 is so overgrown with roots of the room, covered in vines and jungle growth. A rune carved
and moss that it is well hidden from view. It can be discovered stone panel in the shape of a book sits on a podium at the far end
with a successful DC 15 Intelligence (Investigation) check or a DC of the room. Behind the podium is a large statue of a halfling in
18 Wisdom (Perception) check. ancient armor, face hidden by a helmet, and standing with arms
3 - Flooded Room Stone Books. The stone books are covered in runes and
placing the Security Gem found in area 9 in a slot will open the
This room is completely flooded with a foot of swampy water door to area 7.
and the hidden roots and broken stone cause the entire area to Encounter: Guardian. If anyone touches either a crystal shard
be difficult terrain. Thick tendrils of earthy roots hang from the or the stone book, the guardian stone golem will spark to life with
ceiling, dipping into the water below. a flash of orange light in its eyes and attack the party.
Encounter: Rope’a’dope. There are two ropers mingling with Treasure: Mind Minerals. Each large shard of mineral is worth
the ceiling tendrils that will attempt an ambush. 200 gp to an alchemist who can use its powder to enhance a
Treasure: Abedolar Gems. In the gullet of a roper is an orange potion of clairvoyance to include both sight and hearing at the
crystal gem with runes etched onto it that will activate the same time.
security desk in area 2.
7 - Stasis Room
4 - Security Checkpoint The door to this room is a locked steel door (see “Earth Ruins -
This small room is dominated by a pair of large, locked steel General Features”) that can only be opened by using a security
doors (see “Earth Ruins - General Features”) and a pile of dingy gem from area 9. This room is completely empty except for three
metal breastplates in one corner. Once the security desk in area coffin shaped receptacles made out of a dull metal that line one
2 is activated, lines of glowing orange energy spark along the wall. Engravings similar to the ones etched onto the stone books
walls and into the door, activating runes that will unlock the and security tables cover each of the receptacles. Two of them

have been cracked open and are empty. The third is cracked and
requires a DC 20 Strength check to open.
Treasure: Ancient Armor. Inside the cracked receptacle are
the mummified remains of an Abedolar halfling. It is wearing an
engraved golden plate armor that is a set of armor of fire
resistance. The mummified remains are worth 1,000 gp to a

8 - Crystal Research Hall

This chamber is partially flooded with fetid swamp water. Rows
of pedestals flank either side of the room, holding large shards
of crystals of various colors. Vines dangle from the broken ceiling
and wrap around the columns, with some collapsed on the floor,
spilling their crystals. A rune carved stone panel in the shape of a
book sits on a podium at the far end of the room protected by a
cubed wall of force. There is a bright red crystal visible on the
podium beneath a row of stones colored orange, blue, green,
purple, and yellow.
Puzzle: Pedestal Power. The pedestals must be lifted into
their original positions with the crystals forming the same pattern
as the row of colored stones on the podium. Once this happens,
the crystals pulse with the glow of magic and the wall of force
disappears. Pressing the red crystal on the podium will open the
door to area 9.
Treasure: Security Gem. There is an orange engraved Security
Gem in the water that can be found with a DC 12 Intelligence
(Investigation) check that can be used in the podium in area 6 to
open the door to area 7.

9 - Containment Room
Four pillars holding shards of red mineral stand in the center of
the room. A line of power extends from each crystal, powering a
temporal stasis field that encapsulates the area between them. In
the center of the room is a bulette frozen in mid snarl, leaping at
an earth elemental, both frozen in time.
Encounter: Rock & Roll. Once an adventurer enters the room,
a beam of green light will shoot from an aperture from the
opposite wall. The beam scans the character for a split second
Leaving the Earth Ruins
before a loud popping and fizzing noise starts to come from the Soon after leaving the ruins, Mahatol island will suffer a
crystal pillars, which power down and shatter one by one. This minor earthquake. This is a result of the lava dragons digging
ends the temporal stasis and frees the trapped creatures who around in Kominiko. Chief Och-Kan and League explorers will
continue to fight, breaking off from fighting each other and express some concern for the state of the volcano and that
making the adventurers their new targets. they must wait and see what happens.
Treasure: Time Minerals. The four shards of red crystal are
worth 200 gp each to an alchemist who can use all four to create
a potion that will give the imbiber the effects of a time stop spell.

Location: Water Ruins

nce a plant nursery and growth facility, these
Abedolar ruins sunk into the island and General Features
eventually gave birth to the jungle that now
covers the island. It is an eight-hour bushwhack The following general features are prominent in the water ruins
through the jungle from the Ashinka village that unless otherwise noted:
is subject to random encounters (see "Mahatol
Ceilings. The ceilings are 10 feet throughout and are stone with
Island - Travel & Foraging'').
roots bursting through.
The entrance is at the bottom of a 60-feet-deep sinkhole
Floors and Walls. A thick layer of soft moss and growth cover the
that sits in the jungle to the northeast of Kominiko. Water
floor, giving advantage to any stealth checks made while walking
from the nearby river steams down into a circular waterfall,
on it.
feeding the ruins below with fresh water. The adventurers will
Doors. The doors in the facility are made of stone inset on steel
need to climb down to reach the stairwell leading down into
hinges in the stone door frames. They each have an AC of 20, 20
the complex.
hit points, and are immune to psychic and poison damage. Stuck
doors can be opened with a successful DC 20 Strength check.
Lights. There are no natural sources of light in the complex. The
descriptions provided assume the characters are producing their
own light.

Keyed Locations 2a - Watering Hole
The door to area 1 is blocked by fallen stones covered in roots,
The following locations are keyed to the map of the Water Ruins: blocking the doorway completely and the door to area 2 is stuck.
1 - Entrance Hall A water elemental that was once tasked with watering the
ancient nursery is here still, tending to the plants as ordered. It
A large balcony overlooks the entry room to the complex, will be hostile to the party and will slip through the door into area
1 - Entrance Hall
creating a waterfall to the room below. The entire room is 1 if the party is not being stealthy.
flooded with a foot of river water that hides a floor covered in
A large balcony overlooks the entry room to the complex, 2b - Storage Rooms
roots and broken stone, creating difficult terrain.
creating a waterfall to the room below. The entire room is There is nothing of value in the northern storage room. The
Encounter: Tiger Tribe. There are two La’tor tribal warriors
flooded with a foot of river water that hides a floor covered in doorway to the southern storage room is collapsed and hidden.
(weretigers) that are attempting to open the door to area 1b
roots and broken stone, creating difficult terrain. An adventurer who is actively searching who succeeds a DC 12
with an iron bar. They do not respond to attempts to parley and
Encounter: Tiger Tribe. There are two La’tor tribal warriors Intelligence (Investigation) check will discover the doorway and it
will show only hostility. If one is killed, the other will attempt to
(weretigers) that are attempting to open the door to area 1b with can be dug out with a successful DC 15 Strength check. An
an iron bar. They do not respond to attempts to parley and will adventurer searching this room with a successful DC 12
show only hostility. If one is killed, the other will attempt to Intelligence (Investigation) check will find a pair of carved statues
escape. buried under rubble that are worth 100 gp each to a collector.

1a - Well Room 3 - Laboratory

The water from the river is flowing down into a well, which leads
This chamber’s thirty foot tall ceiling has collapsed in many
to an underground stream and eventually into the ocean.
places, pushed aside by growing tree trunks. The space is filled
Opening the door to this room causes a rush of water to be
with colorful plant life that is giving off an intoxicating scent. A
sucked in from area 1 and the adventurer who opened the door
stairwell leading upward in the western wall is blocked with thick
must make a DC 15 Dexterity (Athletics) or be knocked prone and
roots leading to the trees above.
be pushed into the 20 foot deep open well.
Hazard: Sleeping Spores. Any creature who spends more than
1b - Security Room one round in this room must make a successful DC 15 Constitution
saving throw or fall asleep due to the spores that fill the room.
The door to this room is stuck and using the iron bar the La’tor Each creature affected by this will fall asleep for one hour, until
warriors in area 1 were using will give advantage to opening it (see the sleeper takes damage, or someone uses an action to shake or
“Water Ruins - General Features”). The entire room is flooded and slap the sleeper awake. Once awake, a creature cannot be
filled with plant life along the walls. affected by the spores for another 24 hours.

2 - Nursery 4 - Greenhouse
The entirety of this room more resembles the jungle above than A massive metal gridded dome soars 50 feet above this room.
a complex. Plants of all colors and sizes grow from a thick carpet Once holding large panes of glass for the greenhouse, the spaces
of undergrowth, and the stone walls have disappeared behind are now full of the branches of the huge trees dominating the
thick roots of massive trees that must tower above. room. An orange glowing opaque wall of force is blocking the
Encounter: Gardeners. A shambling mound lurks in the entrance to area 5.
central room of this area and a water elemental is in area 2a, an Encounter: Jungle Guardian. The ancient protector of the
original protector from the ancient Abedolar. If the door to 2a is Abedolar garden is a treant (it speaks the ancient Abedalorian
opened or the adventurers are not being stealthy, the shambling language) who sees all humanoids as hostile and will attack on
mound will attack while the water elemental will slip beneath the sight, using its ability to turn one other tree into an awakened
door and protect the plants. tree to aid him. A successful DC 25 Charisma check will pierce
Treasure: Healing Plants. A successful DC 15 Intelligence through the treant’s hate and rage, wherein it will calm down,
(Nature) check will reveal three brightly colored plants that will speaking to the adventurer before going back to rest. It will tell a
restore 14 (4d4 + 4) hit points to whoever eats one. A character brief story of the Abedolar who worked in giving life to him and
can only eat one plant within a 24 hour period of time; eating one others so long ago, working to turn a desert into a lush forest. He
beforehand will waste the plant and produce no effects. watches over their work still for as long as he can.

4a - Office
The doorway to this room is hidden behind thick vines and roots
and can be discovered with a DC 15 Intelligence (Investigation) or
Wisdom (Perception) check. The room itself is overgrown and
contains a single podium with a stone book holding a security
gem held in a slot. Once touched, it will glow with an orange light
that flashes along the walls until it reaches the wall of force
blocking the way to area 5, turning it off.

5 - Stasis Chamber
An orange glowing opaque wall of force blocks the doorway
between area 4 and 5. Once deactivated, the same security magic
activates the guardian of this room. The chamber is empty except
for a capsule marked with glowing runes and a large clay statue.
Encounter: The Last Guardian. A clay golem built to resemble
an Abedolar warrior stands in the center of this room until
activated. It will hunt and seek out any life form in the nearby
The Last Abedolar. There is a coffin shaped receptacle made
out of a dull metal sitting against one wall. Engravings similar to
the ones etched onto the stone books and security tables cover
the surface. The engravings burst with light once touched and the
receptacle lid will slide open to reveal Pacha Canchasto (see
Appendix: Pacha Canchasto), an Abedolar halfling laying in a
stasis field.
Pacha is not afraid of the adventurers and begins to demand
to know who they are and where is the guardian in the
Abedolarian tongue. He’ll irritably cast a tongues spell when they
do not respond instantly. Pacha’s haughty demeanor will crumble
when he learns of how much time has passed and that his
civilization has fallen. He will ask to accompany the adventurers to
their camp and to learn more about what has become of the

Leaving the Water Ruins

Another earthquake will rock the island and the volcano
bursts with black ash and smoke. The jungle comes alive with
creatures fearful for their lives. Back at the Ashinka village,
the League is frantically packing up their gear and Chief Och-
Kan is attempting to calm his villagers down. Even the sight
of a living Abedolar only causes some minor excitement, and
then only because the only halflings the villagers know of are
the A’Bola cannibals.
After much debate, Pacha will eventually suggest they
see if the facility his people built into the volcano is still
intact. The Abedolar used magic in the past to temper and
control the heart of the volcano, and they may be able to use
them again to stop Kominiko from erupting.

Location: Volcano Ruins

he Abedolar once used this facility to control not a fighter and will be holding back from any combat.
and manipulate the pressure and heat of the
volcano. They once used it to heat and power
their homes. The facility is now heavily General Features
damaged and the recent earthquakes
The following general features are prominent in the volcano
threaten to bury it completely. It is a 6 hour
ruins unless otherwise noted:
bushwhack from the village to the entrance, but the creatures
of the jungle are too preoccupied with their own safety to
Ceilings. The ceilings are 10 feet throughout.
bother the adventurers on their trek. The adventurers should
Floors and Walls. The floors and walls of the complex are smooth
be level 9 by this point.
and carved directly into the volcano itself. Lines of lava are guided
The entrance to the ruins lie in a cave at the foot of the
through the walls by tubes built from walls of force embedded
mountains leading up to Kominiko. Pacha will lead the party
into them. A creature touching a wall will take 7 (2d6) fire
through the caves and up a winding tunnel leading to the
complex control wing. Waves of heat from the rising
Doors. The remaining doors in the facility are made of six inches of
temperatures of the volcano will buffet the party as they
solid steel and can only be opened through the use of the
make their way to the entrance. Once there, Pacha will tell the
Abedolar Security Gems. They each have 6 cylinder bolt locks that
adventurers that they need to make it to the pressure control
cannot be picked, an AC of 25, 50 hit points, and are immune to
system and he will get it working. He will warn them that he is
psychic and poison damage.

Lights.The complex is brightly lit by the lines of lava flowing
through the walls. 2b - Security Room
Extreme Heat. The complex is under the effects of extreme heat The door to this room can be discovered with a DC 20
(see the core rule book for game masters). Intelligence (Investigation) but can only be opened via the
Alarm. The ancient alarm systems have been tripped by the lava control panel in area 2a. The room is sweltering hot and the lava
dragon wyrmlings and a faint klaxon can be heard throughout the lines in the walls appear close to bursting. A single stone control
complex. panel sits on the far wall with a security gem that once pressed
will turn off the wall of force and unlock the door in area 1.

Keyed Locations 3 - Compression Chamber

Steaming lava is dripping down the walls of this room from holes
The following locations are keyed to the map of the Water Ruins:
blown into the walls by the wyrmlings trapped here. The klaxon
is loudest in this room, mingling with the cries of the wyrmlings.
1 - Entrance Encounter: Sogot’s Brood. Lady Sogot’s two lava dragon
wyrmlings (see Appendix: New Monsters) got trapped here while
The entrance to the complex is a bare room with Abedolar exploring the volcano. Their actions initiated the complex’s
Security Doors (see “Volcano Ruins - General Features'') on security and locked them in this room. They gleefully attack the
opposing sides. The doors to the west are covered by a wall of adventurers in their desire to escape the room.
force. Pacha will be able to use his personal security gem to open
the door to the east but will warn the adventurers that the
facility's security system is active and to expect resistance.

2 - Lava Control Room

The walls of this room are a mesh of criss-crossing lava lines.
Stone control panels line the walls with flashing gemstones.
Some lava lines in the walls are hissing and appear ready to burst.
Encounter: Pressure Point. A fire elemental has been working
to control the lava in the lines and ease the pressure on them. It
will switch into attack mode at the intruders. A shield guardian is
here as well, with a banishment spell stored.
Once the guardians are defeated the pressure something in
the walls breaks and the walls will show signs of starting to melt.
Pacha will frantically work the control panels, swearing in
Abedolarian all the while, and manages to get the security door to
area 2a open.

2a - Melting Room
Lava is leaking from one of the lines in the center of one wall of
this room. It's starting to fill up the room and there is already a
20 foot wide puddle between the door and the space in front of a
stone control panel on the far wall. The lava can be jumped with a
successful DC 15 Dexterity (Acrobatics) check with a failure 3a - Security Control Room
resulting in taking 11 (2d10) fire damage. A running start will The door to this room collapsed from the damage done by the
reduce the DC to 12. A second jump will need to be made to get wyrmlings in area 3. The collapsed blocks can be moved aside
back across without room to run. The security gem on the control with a successful DC 15 Strength check. The control panel on the
panel will open the secret door to area 2b when pressed. far side of the wall will open the security door to area 4.

4 - Pressure Control Room future endeavors. Pacha, the last Abedalor, will decide that he
wishes to stay with the League and explore the rest of the world
Stone panels filled with glowing gems line the walls of this room with them, learning what he can of this new era.
with a set of stone steps leading down into a tunnel at the far Lady Sogot might be defeated, but Mahatol Island still holds
end. A ring of multi colored gems is embedded in the floor in a many mysteries and opportunities for future adventures. Ω
circle in the center of the room.
Pacha will step into this ring, igniting a colored beam of light
from each gem, encircling him in a rainbow of magical energy.
With eyes closed, he will tell the party that there’s something Credits
moving in the heart of the volcano, something big. He will
continue to work the controls of the system here but they must
Production & Design: The DM Tool Chest
head towards the platform in the volcano’s crater to see if they Cover Illustration: Dreamstime
can stop whatever is in there. Cartography: TJ Phoenix, Forgotten Adventures
Interior Illustrations: Dreamstime, Forrest Imel, Toby Blanchard
Heart of the Volcano
The stairs lead down into a tunnel that winds its way up through
the rest of the volcano. The volcano will rumble and the sounds A Special Thank You to my
of roaring can be heard at the end. It eventually opens up onto a
60 foot wide half circle cliff overlooking the mouth of the patrons, you all rock!
volcano. The heat from the lava below makes the air shimmer
and cloying black smoke bellows upwards from the molten rock
Encounter: Lady of Fire. Lady Sogot, an adult lava dragon
(see “Appendix: New Monsters”) is angrily looking for her
children. Her frustrations have caused the earthquakes and the Appendix: Jungle Encounters
buildup of the pressure in Kominiko. Rising from below, lava
dripping from her molten scales, she will confront the party and
demand to know where her children are. She will engage in back The party is ambushed by a group of A’Bola
and forth only so long before getting impatient and attacking. 1 cannibal tribesmen consisting of two scouts and
She will fight to the death, not willing to leave her children four spies

Aftermath & Conclusion 2

The party runs into a pair of La’Tor hunters

Kominiko will begin to settle down with the death of Lady Sogot.
Pacha will use the remaining magic left in the control facility to The party stumbles into a nest of five giant
ease the pressure and get the volcano to settle back down. The spiders
system was also able to determine a cave that the adventurers
can explore where they will discover Lady Sogot’s hoard
(Treasure Hoard: Challenge 11-16 in the core rulebook) stashed A ravine is home to two giant constrictor snakes
away. and a giant poisonous snake
Once the threat of Lady Sogot and her brood has been
eliminated, Mahatol Island settles back down to its more typical
routines. The dangers of the jungle are still there, however, and Two elephants stampede through the jungle right
the secrets of the Abedolar ruins wait to be uncovered. The into the party
La’Tor weretiger tribe still stalk the jungle while the A’Bola
cannibals attack the Ashinka lizardfolk.
Chief Och-Kan welcomes the adventurers to stay longer and 6 Four saber-toothed tigers ambush the party
explore the island further in exchange for helping his tribe. The
League of Explorers will also express interest in hiring them for

Appendix:New Monsters
Adult Lava Dragon & Wyrmling
A rare subspecies, lava dragons are lazy and reclusive creatures
that seldom leave their volcanic homes. Unlike their red-scaled
kin with whom they compete for living space, they have little
desire for amassing wealth. Like all dragons, they crave power,
often using lesser creatures to do their bidding.
A Heart of Magma. The body of a lava dragon burns with
heat so hot that it can ignite anything that gets too close. The
trail of a lava dragon is quite distinct; just follow the molten slag
it leaves behind.
Child of Fire. Lava Dragon Wyrmlings are never seen outside
their homes and are fiercely protected by their parents. Quite
often the loss of a child will send the parents into a rage,
erupting their homes in their fury.

Lava Dragon Wyrmling

Medium dragon, chaotic evil

Armor Class 14 (natural armor)

Hit Points 75 (10d8 + 30)
Speed 30 ft., climb 30 ft., fly 60 ft.


18 (+4) 13 (+1) 17 (+3) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 14 (+2)

Saving Throws Dex +4, Con +6, Wis +3, Cha +5

Skills Intimidation +5, Perception +6
Damage Immunities fire
Senses blindsight 10 ft., darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 16
Languages Draconic
Challenge 6 (2,300 XP)

Heated Body. A creature that touches the wyrmling or hits it with a melee
attack while within 5 feet of it takes 7 (2d6) fire damage.

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 15 (2d10 +
4) piercing damage plus 7 (2d6) fire damage.

Fire Breath (Recharge 5-6). The wyrmling exhales fire in a 15 -foot cone.
Each creature in that area must make a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw,
taking 24 (7d6) fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a
successful one.

Adult Lava Dragon Legendary Actions
Huge dragon, chaotic evil
The dragon can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the options
Armor Class 18 (natural armor) below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time and only at
Hit Points 172 (15d12 + 75) the end of another creature's turn. The dragon regains spent legendary
actions at the start of its turn.
Speed 40 ft., burrow 40 ft., fly 80 ft.
•Detect. The dragon makes a Wisdom (Perception) check.
•Tail Attack. The dragon makes a tail attack.
23 (+6) 10 (+0) 21 (+5) 14 (+2) 13 (+1) 17 (+3) •Wing Attack (Costs 2 Actions). The dragon beats its wings. Each
creature within 10 ft. of the dragon must succeed on a DC 19
Saving Throws Dex +5, Con +10, Wis +6, Cha +8 Dexterity saving throw or take 13 (2d6 + 6) bludgeoning damage and
Skills History +7, Perception +11, Persuasion +8, Stealth +5 be knocked prone. The dragon can then fly up to half its flying
Damage Immunities fire speed.
Senses blindsight 60 ft., darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 21
Languages Common, Draconic
Challenge 13 (10,000 XP) Lair Actions
Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If the dragon fails a saving throw, it can When fighting inside its lair, the Adult Lava Dragon can invoke
choose to succeed instead. the ambient magic to take lair actions. On initiative count 20
(losing initiative ties), the Adult Lava Dragon can take one lair
Heated Body. A creature that touches the dragon or hits it with a melee
attack while within 5 feet of it takes 10 (3d6) fire damage.
action to cause one of the following effects

Actions • The Adult Lava Dragon dips into the pool of lava and
splashes a stream of it at a 10 square foot area that
Multiattack. The dragon can use its Frightful Presence. It then makes reaches 10 feet high. Each creature in the splash
three attacks: one with its bite and two with its claws. zone must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw,
taking 21 (6d6) fire damage on a failed save, or half
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach, 10 ft., one target. Hit: 17 (2d10
+ 6) piercing damage plus 14 (4d6) fire damage.
as much damage on a successful one.
• A tremor shakes the lair in a 60-foot radius around
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 13 (2d6 + the Adult Lava Dragon. Each creature other than the
6) slashing damage. dragon on the ground in that area must succeed on
a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw or be knocked prone.
Tail. Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach 15 ft., one target. Hit: 15 (2d8 +
6) bludgeoning damage. • Volcanic gases form a cloud in a 20-foot-radius
sphere centered on a point the Adult Lava Dragon
Frightful Presence. Each creature of the dragon's choice that is within 120 can see within 120 feet of it. The sphere spreads
feet of the dragon and aware of it must succeed on a DC 16 Wisdom saving
throw or become frightened for 1 minute. A creature can repeat the saving
around corners, and its area is lightly obscured. It
throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a lasts until initiative count 20 on the next round. Each
success. If a creature's saving throw is successful or the effect ends for it, creature that starts its turn in the cloud must
the creature is immune to the dragon's Frightful Presence for the next 24 succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or be
poisoned until the end of its turn. While poisoned in
Lava Breath (Recharge 5-6). The dragon exhales lava in a 60-foot line
this way, a creature is incapacitated.
that is 5 feet wide. Each creature in that line must make a DC 18 Dexterity
saving throw, taking 45 (13d6) fire damage on a failed save, or half as much The Adult Lava Dragon can't repeat an effect until they have all
damage on a successful one. The lava sticks to the ground it hits, causing been used, and it can't use the same effect two rounds in a row.
10 (3d6) fire damage to any creature moving through it, before cooling and
hardening at the start of the dragon's next turn. If the lava hits water, it
instantly cools and hardens, creating hardened rock.

Appendix:Important NPCs
The League of Explorers The Last Abedolar
Thistle Fizzbracket (CG gnome druid) is gruff but kind-hearted, Pacha Canchasto (CN halfling mage) was the head gardener in
his sun-touched ruddy complexion reaching to the balding pate the Gardens of Mercy, an Abedolar nursery that was in charge of
that he desperately attempts to hide beneath a battered pith researching new strains of plant life. Highly intelligent and
helmet. A renowned botanist and zoologist, he is eager to sketch adaptable, he is still shaken to his core to learn much time has
the plant and animal life of the island. He tries to be helpful but is passed when he is released from his stasis cocoon. He is eager to
often distracted by his own work. If given a sample of flora, learn more about the new world and amazed at every revelation
Thistle will be able to identify it and its potential properties shown to him. He is a wealth of knowledge about the Abedolar
quickly and efficiently. people and knows the following facts he can share:

Ideal. “I am one with nature.” • He does not know what caused the cataclysm; he
Bond. “The more we know about the plants and animals, was working and the disaster alarms in the city went
the better we can live in harmony.” off and he entered his stasis chamber.
Flaw. “While I love all of Amber’s creatures on earth, spiders • They lived in peace with their lizardfolk neighbors,
I will love from afar.” the Ashaninka, spiritual people who were the
ancestors of the Ashinka of today.
Wenrin Riversong (CN human veteran) is usually the muscle for • His people valued technology and magic and were
the team. A hardened veteran of the Great War, the jagged scar constantly pushing the boundaries; he believes that
that lines his face from jaw to brow stands testament to his time may have caused the downfall of his race.
in service. With close-cropped dark hair and stern blue eyes, the • What is now Mahatol island was once the heart of a
warrior’s calloused hands tend to stray towards his warhammer nation that spread for leagues before ever seeing
quicker than his companions sometimes like. His conversations the shoreline
tend to be monosyllabic if he responds with more than a tight- •
lipped glare at all. Wenrin warms up only when alone with Thistle Ideal. “I am the last of my kind, I must preserve the
and Sun, who know him well enough to look past the cold knowledge of my people.”
shoulder he presents to others. Bond. “Everyone I have ever known and loved is gone
Ideal. “I will protect only those close to me, even if it means Flaw. “These pitiful cannibal wretches disgust me! They do
burning everything to the ground.” not share my blood!"
Bond. “My family was killed by soldiers during the war and I
will have my vengeance.”
Flaw. “Angry? You haven’t seen me angry!”

Sun Chao (LN elf mage) is the leader of the trio, a bright and
bubbly anthropologist from the elven Z’hing Tao kingdom. While
her stylish robes and accouterment seem out of place for a
member of an exploration team, she is fascinated with primitive
and ancient cultures and eager to learn their secrets. Sun’s
mastery of languages and symbols has helped the team get out
of many sticky situations. Her demeanor is as cheerful as
Wenrin’s is dour, and she enjoys poking fun at his gruff exterior.

Ideal. “We’ve lost more knowledge than we gain, it must be

Bond. “I must find a way to protect my people from the
Empire that seeks to destroy us.”
Flaw. “I’ll be there soon, I just need to find the right shade of
blue to go with this robe!"
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2. The License: This License applies to any Open Game Content that contains
a notice indicating that the Open Game Content may only be Used under and 13. Termination: This License will terminate automatically if You fail to comply
in terms of this License. You must affix such a notice to any Open Game with all terms herein and fail to cure such breach within 30 days of becoming
Content that you Use. No terms may be added to or subtracted from this aware of the breach. All sublicenses shall survive the termination of this
License except as described by the License itself. No other terms or License.
conditions may be applied to any Open Game Content distributed using this
License. 14. Reformation: If any provision of this License is held to be unenforceable,
3. Offer and Acceptance: By Using the Open Game Content You indicate Your such provision shall be reformed only to the extent necessary to make it
acceptance of the terms of this License. enforceable.

4. Grant and Consideration: In consideration for agreeing to use this License, 15. COPYRIGHT NOTICE Open Game License v 1.0a Copyright 2000, Wizards of
the Contributors grant You a perpetual, worldwide, royalty-free, non- the Coast, Inc. System Reference Document 5.0 Copyright 2016, Wizards of
exclusive license with the exact terms of this License to Use, the Open Game the Coast, Inc.; Authors Mike Mearls, Jeremy Crawford, Chris Perkins, Rodney
Content. Thompson,
Peter Lee, James Wyatt, Robert J. Schwalb, Bruce R. Cordell, Chris Sims, and
5. Representation of Authority to Contribute: If You are contributing original Steve Townshend, based on original material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave
material as Open Game Content, You represent that Your Contributions are Arneson.
Your original creation and/or You have sufficient rights to grant the rights END OF LICENSE
conveyed by this License


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