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" Business Plan " Melbe Skin Care and Cosmetic: Compiled As A Business English Course Assignment

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" Melbe Skin Care and Cosmetic "

Compiled as a Business English Course Assignment

Lecturer : Gesty Ernestivita, MM







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1.1 Background

Basically all women want to look beautiful and charming. Not just for

to please others but also to please himself. Beauty can shine

from within and from outside. Beauty from within a woman radiates from her behavior

and also broad insight. Meanwhile, beauty from the outside radiates when women want to

take care of herself so she can look beautiful. If a woman thinks she is beautiful then naturally

automatically self-confidence will also increase. Beauty from within if not supported

with external beauty will not be optimal. And vice versa.

In order to look beautiful, women need various types of equipment.

Whether it's clothes, accessories, shoes/sandals, make-up, to various types of treatments.

Some women choose to go to the salon to look beautiful. Some are enough

perform various kinds of treatment at home. Apart from maintenance,

Dressing up is an obligation for them when they want to leave the house. If they

don't do it, they feel insecure. Look beautiful apart from being interpreted as "delicious"

to the eye" also means "scented". Women love fragrances. some even

collection of various types of perfumes. The demand for cosmetics and perfumes is also very good

because cosmetics and perfumes are consumables.

By looking at this trend, we as entrepreneurs see a

good business opportunity in this business. We also intend to open a counter

modern cosmetics in which various kinds of cosmetic and skin equipment are available

care for women. The products we offer are quality products

the best in its class with a name that is well known in various parts of the world as well as products
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which is already known in Indonesia, the products we offer are 100 percent authentic, right?

imitation or concoction of unknown origin. And the most important thing is the product that

we offer have been registered with BPOM (Food and Drug Supervisory Agency) and have a permit

official from the Ministry of Commerce.

We named our shop "Mellbee Skin Care and Cosmetic". The meaning of the word

"Mellbee" which is taken from the word "Bee" which means bee, because I see the bee is funny and

Beautiful to look at, although sometimes it stings because it protects itself. We name

so that consumers who buy our products can look more beautiful after

use the products we sell. The segment we are pursuing is the upper middle class, because

the prices of our products are indeed more expensive than the prices of local products. However,

when compared to similar shops, our shop prices are very competitive. We

provide two beauty consultants for consumers who have problems in

choose the right type of cosmetic/care.

We also have interesting programs such as skin consultation and

free beauty, giving a member card that will be given to customers who have

make purchases at least three times at our store, provide online shopping facilities,

sending online catalogs for consumers via email at least once a month, facilities

discounts at the end of the month and other interesting facilities. Exclusively for shoppers

online, we provide free delivery specifically for the Jombang, Mojoagung,

Kediri, Mojoagung with a minimum purchase of Rp. 200,000. With so many

innovative programs that we offer, we are optimistic that we can achieve high sales

and gain a large enough market share.

1.2 Goal

This study is intended to analyze clearly and in detail all aspects of all aspects

field to find out the feasibility and benefits for the community in the business of establishing a shop

cosmetics, and find out if this business is a profitable investment or not

no. The purpose of this feasibility study is to avoid the risk of failure or

reduce the possibility of continuing adverse investments. And other goals made
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This boutique's business is to tell women how important awareness is

to take care of yourself to look beautiful.

1.3 Vision and Mission

Vision :

“Creating quality products at affordable prices for all

circles and become beauty products that always keep up with the times.”


1. Always innovate on an ongoing basis.

2. Always provide customer satisfaction with product and service quality


3. Make attractive offers.



2.1 Trend Analysis

In market conditions, there are changing factors in the surrounding environment. Factor

Factors that change in this environment can be seen as below:

a. Technology

Technological developments greatly affect the interest of buyers or potential customers

buyers to come to our shop. Because lately many similar industries have

sell their products online. Therefore, we also provide a website

especially for consumers and potential customers who don't have time to come to our store
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to buy our products by ordering online, providing services

an online catalog that will be sent regularly every month, and a payment system that

already automated.

b. Economy

Changes in the country's economy will affect the prices that will be set for

buyers and will also affect the number of buyers who will come to buy

buy our products. If the economic turmoil directly affects the

people's income, then customers who will come to buy will also

changed. The economic impact is directly proportional to Mellbee loyal consumers

Skin Care and Cosmetics, if the country's economy is sluggish, the purchasing power will also

decreased and vice versa.

In response, Mellbee Skin Care and Cosmetic will adjust

situation with the conditions that occurred at that time. When economic changes are

decreases and people's incomes also fall, then we will hold a program

a bazaar that provides discounts of up to 50 percent to increase purchasing power


c. Politics/legality and law

Business legality does not really affect the course of business activities. In

legality, Mellbee Skin Care and Cosmetic will comply with the policies made by

political ruler. For example, if there is an increase in taxes and so on

comply with the elements of eligibility that have been set by the local government.

2.2 Analysis of market needs

In the analysis of market needs, the data taken is based on the location available

same business. The data taken is in the city of Jombang, namely Panda Lovely.

From the data on business places in Jombang, there is an increase in the number of buyers

from month to month. This increase shows a very attractive prospect

in the cosmetic business.

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• Demand and supply

Demand data on the cosmetic business.

No. Moon (2009) Request / item

1. August 2. 157
September 3. 168
October 4. 192
November 213
5. December 238
Source: Lovely Panda

Data deals on the cosmetic business.

No. Moon (2009) Offers / items

1. August 2. 93
September 3. 109
October 121
4. November 147
5. December 164
Source: Lovely Panda

From the data above, it can be seen that the market niche of this business is high. Can be seen from

lack of supply to the very large market demand. So this business will

can last for years to come.

2.3 Competitor Analysis

In making the business of establishing a cosmetic shop business in the city of Jombang, now only

there are three competitors in the market, namely Panda Lovely, Jean Beauty and Care, Lotus Skin Care

Company name Superiority Weakness


Lovely Panda • Already have a market •Price offered

alone very expensive

• Location far from center

city/hard to reach
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Jean Beauty and Care • Location in the city center • The product is not


• Don't have Beauty


Lotus Skin Care • Price offered • Location far from center

inexpensive city

• Limited to

local brand

2.4 SWOT Analysis

Factors that affect the business if there are competitors:

• Strength

In achieving the goal of maximum profit, Mellbee Skin Care and Cosmetic has :

advantages that other existing competitors do not have, such as:

a. The location is right in the famous shopping center in the city of Jombang, namely

at Bravo Supermarket.

b. The prices offered are very competitive.

c. The products we sell are internationally recognized.

d. The products we sell have received permission from BPOM

e. Provide satisfactory service to customers.

f. Member card facility that makes our store have regular customers.
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g. Provide an online shopping system via the internet. This case do for

add product marketing network to cover areas outside

Tangerang. In addition, to make it easier for consumers to buy

products without having to come directly to the store.

h. A large enough capital makes this shop able to support everyone

operational activities

i. The area of delivery of goods via online ordering is able to reach

almost all parts of Indonesia.

j. Have a reliable beauty consultant in their field.

• Weaknesses

a. The many competitors in the same industry make this shop a must always

create innovative marketing programs.

b. Large operating costs must be balanced with large sales


c. Procurement of trade goods is directly imported from abroad so that

incur huge costs.

• Opportunities

a. The beauty business will continue to grow along with developments


b. As long as women want to always look beautiful, this effort will never die.

c. With the increasing number of internet functions, it can be used to do

marketing activities through online shopping features

• Threats

a. Competitors with similar concepts who are able to offer lower prices

can be a threat

b. Thugs and social conditions of the business will affect business income.
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2.5 Analysis of Competitive Advantage

• Potential competitive advantage

Mellbee Skin Care and Cosmetic has a competitive advantage in terms of products

which is offered. Because the product is a product that is known all over the world

with guaranteed best-in-class quality. Also with a beauty consultant

which can help customers choose products that suit their needs.

So is the price. We offer competitive prices with businesses

kind. In addition, Mellbee Skin Care and Cosmetic provides a member card with

special offers to attract and retain customers.

• Position of competitive advantage

In a position of competitive advantage, Mellbee Skin Care and Cosmetic is one of the

a shop that offers beauty products with brands that have been


GLOW, AVOSKIN, WHITELAB, TRUEVE and more, and the only store that

provide member cards for loyal customers. In addition, the location of the business

being inside Bravo Self-service is a plus for this shop.

• The resulting performance

In the performance generated by this business, satisfaction and loyalty are expected

high customers so that they will continue to buy our products, market share and

The advantages are also great. In addition, the prospect of this business in the future is very good

good because basically every woman always wants to look beautiful every time

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1.1 Tools Used

The tools used in the establishment of Mellbee Skin Care and Cosmetic consist of:

from a set of store decorations and storage sheds. The decoration consists of:

1. Computer : 1 piece

2. Display table : 2 pieces

3. Cashier desk : 1 piece

4. Clarisonic mia sonic skin cleansing system : 1 piece

5. Signs of Regenerate Anti-Aging Light Therapy Treatment : 1 piece

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6. Zeno HOT SPOT Blue : 1 piece

7. Generous : 1 piece

8. Personal Microderm Tool Kit : 1 piece

9. ANSR BEAM red and blue light therapy : 1 piece

With a store area of 3 X 5 m2 including a showroom and storage warehouse.

1.2 Business Location

The location we chose to open this Mellbee Skin Care and Cosmetic is in Bravo

Jombang City Supermarket The reasons why we chose a location in the area include


• The location is located in downtown Jombang, making it easier for customers to

achieve it.

• Easy access to transportation to the location, where the location is quite easy to access

marked by quite a lot of alternative transportation that can be used

to go to the location.

• The location is close to office areas, universities, high schools, and

community settlements to make it easier for office employees and

students as well as the general public so that they can become potential buyers.

3.3 Store Design

The room design concept planned from Mellbee Skin Care and Cosmetic is

indoor with an interior dominated by white to make it look clean and comfortable.

3.4 Business Process

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There are a number of business processes carried out by Mellbee Skin Care and Cosmetic. Party

External parties involved in the business processes at Mellbee Skin Care and Cosmetic are:

1. Customers/Customers. Mellbee Skin Care and Cosmetic customers who come for

shop at our boutique.

2. Suppliers (materials, equipment and equipment). Companies or individuals who

provide materials, equipment, and goods for business processes.



Given the increasing public awareness to look beautiful and healthy,

while places to meet their needs are still rare, especially in

Tangerang, then the business we are aiming for is a shop that provides skin care products

and cosmetics. The following is a description of the business that will be made.

o Company profile

Business name : Mellbee Skin Care and Cosmetic

Name of owner/leader of business : Reni and Rendy

Office address/place of business : Bravo Supermarket, Jombang City

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phone : (021) 5500 8833

Number of employees/labor : 6 people

o Type of commodity being sold

In offering services provided to customers, the entrepreneur

offers various types of quality skin care and cosmetic products

which has been tested in various countries.

o Business development prospects and business development plans

In business development, we will make cosmetic shops and

skin care with comfortable facilities, the latest beauty tools, products

best-in-class products and competitive prices.

The entrepreneur will also carry out business promotions. In business promotion

carried out the distribution of brochures which were distributed directly to consumers,

online advertising through various sites (eg facebook, kaskus, blogs, etc.), and through e-mail

personal website.

o Needs and sources of funds

Funds needed to build this business amounted to Rp 939,000,000. In

the creation of this boutique, the source of funds expected by entrepreneurs is from personal funds

investors and from loans from other parties.

o Fund use plan

In its realization, the funds obtained will be used to purchase stock of goods

trade, rental of premises for the first year as well as the purchase of working capital and

fixed assets used in business activities.

o Payback period.

If the business prospect develops rapidly, in accordance with the predictions of the capital will

return within 7 years. After the capital returns, the results of operations are
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profit. Only operational costs and employee salaries are excluded from profits


a. Company data

Business Name : Mellbee Skin Care and Cosmetic

Business fields : Trade

Types of products : Skin care and cosmetic products

Company's address : Bravo Supermarket, Jombang City

Phone number : (021) 5500 8833

Website : www.mellbeskincare.com

Email address : [email protected]

blog address : mellbeeskincare.blogspot.com

Facebook Address : www.facebook.com/mellbeeskincare

Business Form : CV

4.1 Organizational structure

In running its business, Mellbee Skin Care and Cosmetic needs several things

workforce to operate. Therefore the management or owner of Mellbee Skin Care

and Cosmetics has developed an organizational structure that is expected to support the business

which is being run.

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Beauty Staff
Consultant Logistics

4.2. Management and Employees

To explain each position in Mellbee Skin Care's organizational structure

and Cosmetics, it is necessary to have a job description as follows:

Position Name : Business Owner

Organizational Relations: With Employees

Job Summary : Business owner is the ultimate controller and decision maker

concerning the survival of the company

Duties and responsibilities :

a. Making plans, strategies, and policies regarding operations


b. Prepare company budget and work program

c. Legally guarantee Mellbee Skin Care and Cosmetic operations

d. Carry out overall control over Mellbee Skin Care and . operations


e. Have control over important decisions of a general or related nature

with regulatory and financial problems

f. Responsible for advancing the business

g. Responsible for purchasing goods and ensuring goods are

received in good condition.

Position Name : Supervisor

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Organizational Relations: Responsible to business owners

Job Summary : In charge of leading and handling matters related to

company operations both internal and external

Duties and responsibilities :

1. Responsible for matters relating to good company finances

daily operations or unscheduled needs.

2. Contribute to Mellbee Skin Care and Cosmetic profitability, manage

daily, weekly and per accounting period financial reports.

3. Train and develop employees to meet the standards

company in operating and serving customers.

4. Ensure that all procedures and standards and company policies have been

effectively communicated to all employees and maintained and followed


Position Name : Beauty Consultant

Organizational Relations: Responsible to manager

Job Summary : Serve customers who come and provide solutions for

their problems

Duties and responsibilities :

1. Serving customers who come to the store

2. Provide information and use of products sold

3. Responsible for handling consumer complaints and reporting complaints

to the manager who will then report it to the owner


4. Provide consultation and skin solutions for customers

Position Name : Logistics Staff

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Organizational Relations: Responsible to manager

Job Summary: Carry out purchasing activities and check the condition of goods

which has been accepted

Duties and responsibilities :

1. Buying items for sale.

2. Maintain relationships with suppliers.

3. Make a return if there is a defective item.

4. Check the condition of the goods.

5. Matching the number of items recorded on the computer with those on the computer


Position Name : Cashier

Organizational Relations: Responsible to manager

Job Summary : Receive payment from buyer

Duties and responsibilities :

1. Record purchases

2. Receive purchase payment

3. Create a sales budget.

4. make financial reports daily, weekly and per accounting period

5. Report all sales results to the manager.

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6.1 Initial Expenditure

For Fixed Assets

No Asset Type Amount

1 Shop equipment Rp. 20,000,000

2 Other Fixed Assets Rp. 5,000,000
TOTAL Rp. 25,000,000
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For Working Capital

No Type of Working Capital Amount

1 shop rental Rp. 100,000,000

2 Merchandise Purchase Rp. 650,000,000
3 Employee salary Rp. 141,000,000
4. Operating costs Rp. 23,000,000
TOTAL Rp. 914,000,000

Operational Costs consist of:

1. Insurance fee per year Rp. 12,000,000

2. Annual cost of electricity, water and internet Rp. 6,000,000

3. Marketing costs per year Rp. 5,000,000

Employee Salary Details:

- Supervisor's Salary (12 @ IDR 3,000,000) Rp. 36,000,000

- Beauty Consultant Salary (2 X 12 @ Rp. 1.750.000) Rp. 42,000,000

- Logistics Staff Salary (12 @ Rp. 1,750,000) Rp. 21,000,000

- Cashier's salary (2 X 12 @ Rp. 1.750.000) Rp. 42,000,000

The total amount of funds for fixed assets and working capital is Rp. 939,000,000

6.2 Source of Funds

The sources of funds needed to meet their funding needs are divided into two

part, namely to finance fixed assets and finance working capital.

For Fixed Assets

All funds for fixed assets are borne by the owner. Depreciation of fixed assets every

year is assumed to be Rp. 5,000,000

For Working Capital

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To finance the working capital of Rp. 933,000,000 used own capital of

Rp. 414,000,000 and long-term debt of Rp. 500,000,000

The interest rate charged is 12%. The loan will be repaid in 2019.

Loan Amount, Principal and Interest Installments

PVIFA12% effective interest ,10 = 5,650

= Rp .88,500,000

Year Instalment Flower Loan loan balance
0 Rp. 500,000,000
1 Rp. 88,500,000 Rp. 60,000,000 Rp. 28,500,000 Rp. 471,500,000
2 Rp. 88,500,000 Rp. 56,580,000 Rp. 31,920,000 Rp. 439,580,000
3 Rp. 88,500,000 Rp. 52,749,600 Rp. 35,750,400 Rp. 403,829,600
4 Rp. 88,500,000 Rp. 48,459,552 Rp. 40,040,448 Rp. 363,789,152
5 Rp. 88,500,000 Rp. 43,654,698 Rp. 44,845,302 Rp. 318,943,850
6 Rp. 88,500,000 Rp. 38,273,262 Rp. 50,226,738 Rp. 268,717,112
7 Rp. 88,500,000 Rp. 32,246,053 Rp. 56,253,947 Rp. 212,463,166
8 Rp. 88,500,000 Rp. 25,495,580 Rp. 63,004,420 Rp. 149,458,746
9 Rp. 88,500,000 Rp. 17,935,049 Rp. 70,564,951 Rp. 78,893,795
10 Rp. 88,500,000 Rp. 94,672.55 Rp. 79,032,745 Rp. -138,949

6.3 Revenue and Expenses

a. Income

Assuming one year is considered 360 days. Annual sales fluctuate


Year Sales Volume

2010 Rp. 1,129,095,000
2011 Rp. 1,242,004,500
2012 Rp. 1,167,484,230
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2013 Rp. 1,307,582,338

2014 Rp. 1,438,340,571
2015 Rp. 1,654,091,657
2016 Rp. 1,687,173,490
2017 Rp. 1,602,814,816
2018 Rp. 1,570,758,519
2019 Rp. 1,853,495,053

2nd year revenue increased by 10% from the previous year

3rd year revenue decreased by 6% from the previous year

4th year revenue increased by 12% from the previous year

5th year revenue increased by 10% from the previous year

6th year revenue increased by 15% from the previous year

7th year revenue increased by 20% from the previous year

8th year revenue decreased by 5% from the previous year

9th year revenue decreased by 2% from the previous year

10th year revenue increased by 18% from the previous year

b. Cost

Purchases of merchandise are assumed to increase in price every year by 2%.

To meet their needs paid in cash

Projected Purchase Price of Merchandise

Year Purchase
2010 Rp. 650,000,000
2011 Rp. 682,500,000
2012 Rp. 716,625,000
2013 Rp. 752,456,250
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2014 Rp. 790,079,063

2015 Rp. 829,583,016
2016 Rp. 871,062,166
2017 Rp. 914,615,275
2018 Rp. 960,346,038
2019 Rp. 1,008,363,340

Labor Cost Projection

It is assumed that every five years there is an increase of 10%

Year Cost/year
2010 Rp. 141,000,000
2011 Rp. 141,000,000
2012 Rp. 141,000,000
2013 Rp. 141,000,000
2014 Rp. 141,000,000
2015 Rp. 155,100,000
2016 Rp. 155,100,000
2017 Rp. 155,100,000
2018 Rp. 155,100,000
2019 Rp. 155,100,000

Projected Operating Costs

Operating costs are assumed to increase by 2% from the previous year

Year Operational/year
2010 Rp. 23,000,000
2011 Rp. 23,460,000
2012 Rp. 23,929,200
2013 Rp. 24,407,784
2014 Rp. 24,895,940
2015 Rp. 25,393,858
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2016 Rp. 25,901,736

2017 Rp. 26,419,770
2018 Rp. 26,948,166
2019 Rp. 27,487,129
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Annual Cash Flow

Cost Cash In
Year Income Total cost NRE 30% tax EAT Shrinkage
Purchase Debt Installment Operational Workforce

2010 1,129,095,000 650,000,000 141,000,000 23,000,000 88,500,000 902,500,000 226,595,000 67,978,500 158,616,500 5,000,000 153616500

2011 1,242,004,500 682,500,000 141,000,000 23,460,000 88,500,000 935,460,000 306,544,500 91,963,350 214,581,150 5,000,000 209581150

2012 1,167,484,230 716,625,000 141,000,000 23,929,200 88,500,000 970,054,200 197,430,030 59,229,009 138,201,021 5,000,000 133201021

2013 1,307,582,338 752,456,250 141,000,000 24,407,784 88,500,000 1,006,364,034 301,218,304 90,365,491.08 210,852,813 5,000,000 205852813

2014 1,438,340,571 790,079,063 141,000,000 24,895,940 88,500,000 1,044,475,002 393,865,569 118,159,670.8 275,705,898 5,000,000 270705898

2015 1,654,091,657 829,583,016 155,100,000 25,393,858 88,500,000 1,098,576,874 555,514,783 166,654,434.9 388,860,348 5,000,000 383860348

2016 1,687,173,490 871,062,166 155,100,000 25,901,736 88,500,000 1,140,563,902 546,609.588 163.982,876.4 382,626,712 5,000,000 377626712

2017 1,602,814,816 914,615,275 155,100,000 26,419,770 88,500,000 1,184,635,045 418,179,771 125,453.931.2 292,725,839 5,000,000 287725839

2018 1,570,758,519 960,346,038 155,100,000 26,948,166 88,500,000 1,230,894,204 339,864,315 101,959,294.5 237,905,021 5,000,000 232905021

2019 1,853,495,053 1,008,363,340 155,100,000 27,487,129 88,500,000 1,279,450,469 574,044,583 172,213,375 401,831,208 5,000,000 396831208
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Looking for Discount Factor

Long-Term Cost of Capital

= bank interest x (1 – estimated tax)

= 12% x (1 – 30%)

= 8.4%

Cost of Own Capital Without Debt (assumed to be known) = 18%

= 18% + (18% 12%)

= 25.25%

Capital component Proportion Capital Cost Results

Owner's equity 45.30% 25.25% 11.44%

Long-term debt 54.70% 8.40% 4.59%
Weighted average cost of capital usage 16.03%

NPV (Net Present Value)

Cash In
Year Flow PVIF16.03% PVCIF

2010 153616500 0.862 132417423

2011 209581150 0.743 155718794

2012 133201021 0.64 85248653

2013 205852813 0.552 113630753

2014 270705898 0.475 128585302

2015 383860348 0.41 157382743

2016 377626712 0.353 133302229

2017 287725839 0.304 87468655

2018 232905021 0.262 61021115

2019 396831208 0.226 89683853

TOTAL 1144459521

TOTAL PVCIF16.03% 1144459521

PVCOF 939000000
NPV 205459521
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IRR (Internal Rate of Return)

Year Cash In Flow PVIFA20% PVCIF

2010 153616500 0.833 127962545

2011 209581150 0.694 145449318

2012 133201021 0.579 77123391

2013 205852812.5 0.482 99221056

2014 270705898.4 0.402 108823771

2015 383860348.1 0.335 128593217

2016 377626711.7 0.279 105357853

2017 287725839.4 0.233 67040121

2018 232905020.6 0.194 45183574

2019 396831208.4 0.162 64286656

TOTAL 969041500

TOTAL PVCIF16.03% 969041500

PVCOF 939000000
NPV 30041500


Interest Rate 16.03% 20% -3.97%

NPV 205459521 30041500 175418021

ÿ 205459521 ÿ
IRR = 16.03% + ÿ
3.97% ÿ

ÿ 175418021 ÿ
= 16.03% + 4.65%

= 20.68%

PI (Profitable Index)

PI = 969041500
= 1,032 (Meaning this project is said to be feasible)

Investment 939000000
PVIF Year 1 132417423
Remainder 806582577
PVIF Year 2 155718794
Remainder 650863783
PVIF Year 3 85248653
Remainder 565615129
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PVIF Year 4 113630753

Remainder 451984377
PVIF Year 5 128585302
Remainder 323399075
PVIF Year 6 157382743
Remainder 166016332
PVIF Year 7 133302229
Remainder 32714103

PBP = 7 Years + ÿ 32714103 ÿ

12 ÿ

ÿ 238173624 ÿ

= 7 years + 1.65 months


From this business plan, it can be concluded that opening a shop or cosmetic counter in which
there is a lot of make-up, skincare, make-up tools, etc. Moreover, being in a well-known
supermarket in this city, of course there are many visitors, which will definitely benefit us even
though there are many businesses. and already have their own market, of course it will be a difficult
challenge, even if we generate a lot of profit later or a lot of capital for the purpose of beautifying
so that the attraction of someone can buy our product, strategic management will continue to be
played so that everything can be balanced, whatever the obstacles in each Effort requires high
spirits and not giving up under any circumstances the obstacles that exist, because there must be
a process that will continue to run by itself.

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